Stages of solving a Rubik's cube. Simple rules for solving a Rubik's cube

Rubik's Cube

You probably won’t meet a person who doesn’t know about the Rubik’s cube (popularly known as the Rubik’s cube). Perhaps this is one of the most famous puzzles in the world, which makes you really use your brain.

The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik, a Hungarian architecture professor and sculptor. The original purpose of this invention was not at all a fun game for smart people. The Rubik's Cube was created solely for educational purposes and was training manual for students. Ernault thus wanted to explain to his students the basics of mathematical group theory as simply as possible.

Currently, the Rubik's cube is a set of 26 cubes (3x3) that rotates around the three internal axes of the cube. Each side of the cube, consisting of nine squares, is painted a certain color. When you rotate the sides of the cube, the colored squares mix with each other. And here the player is already racking his brains over how to return the cube to its original position, that is, so that each side consists of cubes of the same color.

How to solve a 3 by 3 Rubik's cube

Let's look at one of the most common methods for quickly solving a Rubik's cube using the Jessica Friedrich method or the CFOP method. This is the so-called layer-by-layer assembly method, that is, the method of assembling a cube in layers.

The name of the method is an abbreviation made up of the first letters of the four assembly stages used in the method: Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL.

The first stage – Cross (English: “cross”)

It consists of assembling a kind of cross of four edged cubes on one of the faces of the Rubik's cube. The stage is not difficult for those who have at least some practice in assembling the cube, but still, it takes some time, especially for the unprepared.

Professionals often use the main assembly trick - relativity. In other words, if you collect a cross on the edge white, the white-blue cube is already on it in white towards the center of the white edge, this means that its connection with the blue edge is not so important, you just need to place a white-green cube on the opposite side of the cube, and a white-orange one to the left and right and white-red. Then you can rotate the white edge in any way, and at the end, in one movement, connect the side centers with the “cross” cubes. To successfully carry out this inherently simple operation, you need to remember the order of the colors on the cube clockwise - blue, red, green, orange.

Second stage – F2L (first two layers)

This is the longest stage. The main thing here is to completely assemble the layer with the cross and the intermediate layer. This is done like this: we put eight cubes - four corner cubes for the bottom layer, and four side rib cubes for the middle one - in place. A column consisting of corner and edge cubes, unlike methods for beginners, here should be assembled immediately. There are about 40 ready-made algorithms for this; you can use any of them, or trust your own intuition.

A pair can also be collected in just three movements:

The stage is complicated, first of all, by the need to be able to find paired cubes. There are a total of 16 positions in which these cubes can be found - 8 positions per last layer, 8 positions in columns. Without some training and an idea of ​​how to properly find the cubes, the stage can take quite a while. long time, however, pros can handle it in a matter of seconds thanks to a trained eye and basic finger memory developed through long practice.

Third stage – OLL (orientation of the last layer)

The point of this step is to orient the cubes of the last layer so as to assemble the last (yellow) face. This is done in a minimum of 6, maximum of 14 moves, using any of the 56 known algorithms, each of which is applied according to a specific current situation. Of course, learning 56 algorithms is a real torture, especially for those who do not claim the laurels of a champion, but are simply passionate about the process of solving the cube. For this case, a simpler and more convenient, but not so fast, version of 2-look OLL was invented. It consists of two stages: assembling the cross, then assembling the corners. For this option, there are only 10 possible algorithms.

Fourth stage – PLL (permutation of the last layer)

This stage is the final one, in which you need to place the cubes of the last layer in their proper places. The principle is not much different from the OLL principle; the main difference is the number of algorithms - there are 21 of them.

Schemes of algorithms for solving a Rubik's cube:

Video on how to solve a Rubik's cube:

Video in English:

Well, at the end of the article there is a magical video to motivate your efforts:

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How to forget about incomprehensible patterns and solve a Rubik's cube according to a pattern for beginners - read our article if you still cannot solve the puzzle without getting upset. Now we will try to tell and explain in detail how to do this in order to surprise yourself, friends and family.

What is a Rubik's Cube?

  • The original idea for the magic cube was to teach students mathematical group theory. So in the 1970s, Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik created a mechanical tool that was a learning cube for understanding three-dimensional models and moving independent parts.
  • Later short time Great fame came to the magical patented cube. People became interested in him different professions and from different countries. So, in the 1980s the whole world knew about him, he won many competitions and was awarded all kinds of awards.
  • The mechanism includes an internal and external part. The internal one is a figure consisting of three connected cylinders. External – edges attached to the internal mechanism, which in turn consist of squares.
  • By rotating the edges of the faces in different directions, you can solve a Rubik's cube. Over the years, many people worked on the magic cube, as a result of which many techniques were created. Now there are even some algorithms, using which you can quickly solve a cube.
  • The cube consists of three elements: centers – 4 , angles – 8 and ribs - 12 .

Solve the puzzle

If you have set yourself the task of solving a puzzle, then after reading the article it will become easy. But if you don’t know how this most mysterious cube works, what it consists of and how it functions, the task becomes much more complicated.

You will learn below how to solve a Rubik's cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian, but remember that you should not underestimate the complexity of the puzzle presented.

A regular 3x3 Rubik is a small mechanical 3D cube, the edges of which are painted in different colors (blue, green, white, yellow, red, orange).

Let's look at the components of the cube, piece by piece. Let's start with the central element, there is one on each side. It can be rotated around its axis, but each of them always remains in place in the “correct” position. There are slightly more corner elements - 8, and they have three different colors. We must not forget about the 12 ribs with several different colors located between the corners.

This results in only 20 particles that can be moved, and the solution to the problem depends entirely on knowing the correct change in their position.

If you start rotating one side, you can see the central elements, or more precisely, how they do not move, but the edge becomes where it should be, and the corner - in its place.

So, here are the basic elements of a Rubik's cube:

  • Cube centers– 6 pcs. This item has only one sticker of one color. The centers of the cube do not move relative to each other.
  • Cube edges– 12 pcs. The edge elements of the cube have two colors.
  • Corners of the cube– 8 pcs. The corner elements have stickers in three colors.
  • Rubik's Cube Faces– these are nine of its elements that can be rotated simultaneously.
  • Cube frame, on which the central elements of the faces are fixed. If you disassemble the cube mechanically, the crosspiece and central elements will remain intact, and you can assemble the rest of the elements on them.

There are a total of 20 moving elements in the Rubik's cube (12 edges and 8 corners), since the central elements do not move relative to each other, we did not count them. Although, of course, they can move on the frame around an axis.

Assembly sequence

  1. Cross of the top edge.
  2. The top edge is completely.
  3. Middle layer.
  4. Arrangement of the edge cubes of the last face in their places.
  5. Orientation of the side cubes - assembling the cross of the last face.
  6. Arranging the corner cubes of the last face in their places.
  7. Orienting the corner cubes of the last face and, as a result, assembling the last face and the entire cube.

Spin language

In order to understand the formulas used for assembly, you need to become familiar with the language of rotations.

The language of rotations is a special designation for the movements of the faces of the cube, with the help of which you can write down any algorithm, solution or scramble (a sequence of moves with which you confuse the cube).

  • F – front – front side
  • B – back – back side
  • L – left – left side
  • R – right – right side
  • U – up – top side
  • D – down – bottom side
  • Fw (f) – front side together with the middle layer
  • Bw (b) – back side with middle layer
  • Lw (l) – left side together with the middle layer
  • Rw (r) – right side including middle layer
  • Uw (u) – top side together with the middle layer
  • Dw (d) – bottom side together with the middle layer

There are also rarer movements that are almost never used in builds:

  • M – middle – middle layer located between the right (R) and left (L) sides
  • S – standing – middle layer located between the front (F) and back (B) sides
  • E – equatorial – middle layer located between the upper (U) and lower (D) sides

In addition to rotations of the faces of the cube, there are notations indicating changes in the position of the cube in space.

These movements are called interceptions:

  • x – the entire cube rotates away from itself along a plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (F turns into U)
  • x’ – the entire cube rotates towards itself along a plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (F turns into D)
  • y – the entire cube rotates clockwise in the horizontal plane (F turns into L)
  • y’ – the entire cube rotates counterclockwise in the horizontal plane (F turns into R)
  • z – the entire cube rotates clockwise in the frontal plane (U turns into R)
  • z’ – the entire cube rotates counterclockwise in the frontal plane (U turns into L)

Cube movements and interceptions are recorded in accordance with the following rules:

  • If only a letter is written, turn the side clockwise, as if we were looking at the face in the face
  • If there is a “’” stroke after the letter, we turn the side counterclockwise, as if we were looking at the edge in the face
  • If there is a “2” after the letter, rotate this side 180 degrees. If there is still a prime, for example U2′, then this means that in this algorithm it is more convenient to rotate U2 counterclockwise.

Formulas in Russian

Recording assembly algorithms (processes), as we have already said, is done using formulas. The faces of a cube in formulas are designated by letters according to the initial Russian letters of the names of the faces. Naturally, Latin notations are also used, but now we will focus on Russian.

  • F - facade
  • T – rear
  • R – right side
  • L – left side
  • B – top
  • N – bottom

You yourself determine which face of the cube at any given moment is considered to be the front face, that is, facing you. It depends on the current situation. You need to understand that the central cubes determine the color of the edge, which means that 6 cubes, even in a disassembled (confused) Rubik's cube, are already in their places. A 90° clockwise rotation is indicated as follows: F, T, P, L, V, N. To indicate a 90° counterclockwise rotation, use a stroke: F', T', P', L', V', N'.

C – this letter indicates a rotation of the middle layer 90° clockwise. C’ – respectively, turn counterclockwise. A typical process entry might look like this: NPF'P'.

This formula is performed as follows:

  1. Rotate the bottom edge 90° clockwise.
  2. Rotate the right side 90° clockwise, that is, away from you.
  3. Rotate the front edge 90° counterclockwise.
  4. Rotate the right side 90° counterclockwise, that is, towards yourself.

We will talk in more detail about recording processes at the assembly stages. In addition, you will need formulas if you are interested in other ways to assemble the cube.

How to quickly and easily solve a Rubik's cube: main rules

  • It is necessary to rotate not only the color sectors, but also the cube itself.
  • You need to focus on the central figures.
  • In the original version, yellow is always opposite white, orange is opposite red, and green is opposite blue.
  • It is necessary to move the middle and corner sectors, in accordance with the colors of the central figures.
  • Each new movement creates a new angle and center segment.
  • The centers do not change, no matter what confusing position you bring the cube into, there will always be white at the top, yellow at the bottom, green in front, blue in the back, red on the right, and orange on the left.
  • The rib elements have two stickers, and the corner elements have three.
  • Since the color fragments do not change their position, the cube will always be assembled in the same way.
  • There are ribs comfortable- looking left and right, and uncomfortable- located below or above. There are also ribs that stand still or under the cross.

Let's train! The first formula called "four"

  1. Find the Corner with the colors red-blue-yellow. Take the cube so that this corner is at the top right. Pay attention to the center of the cube, which is facing you (ours is yellow).
  2. R’ D’ R D – do this combination and look at the result. Our corner has gone down. The yellow (in our case) center is still looking at us - keep it that way.
  3. R’ D’ R D – do this combination again and look at the result again. Our corner jumped up, but now it's twisted with other colors.
  4. Conclusion: the corner jumps up and down and turns in different colors. If we do the combination 4 more times we will come to the original situation. Try it!

Putting the puzzle together

Stage 1: You need to collect a yellow cross on the top edge

  1. Attention! Not just a yellow cross at the top, but the correct placement of the edges, taking into account the other centers of the cube.
  2. Let's start with the Yellow-Blue rib. First, let's find him. We hold the cube with the blue towards us and the yellow towards the top.
  3. The first step is to lower the edge down so that it is on the bottom edge. In our case, make R.
  4. The second step is to align the edge that is now at the bottom with the blue center of the cube. Make D'.
  5. The third step is to lift the rib into place. To do this you need to do F2. Now our edge is in its place, but..
  6. A situation could arise where the edge is “opposite”; to turn it around, you need to do F U’ R U.
  7. Turn the cube with the next (red) center towards you and collect the Yellow-Red edge. Everything is the same. Then Yellow-Green and Yellow-Orange.
  8. You have collected several ribs, and the next one is positioned in such a way that if we lower it, we will break the top. Combination: R’ D’ R – this is the same, just with the right side returning to its place.

Stage 2: Place the corners on the top layer in their places

  1. The result to be achieved at this stage. All corners and edges of the top face are in place.
  2. Let's start with the Yellow-Red-Blue corner. Keep the yellow center at the top and look for it. The first option is that our corner is at the bottom.
  3. The second option is that our corner is at the top. Let's take the cube so that the corner faces us and is to the right. We lower the corner down using the already known combination R’ D’ R D.
  4. Let's twist the bottom so that the desired angle is under its place, as in Fig. Then do R' D' R D 1 to 5 times until the corner is in place correctly. Next is the next corner.

So, the strategy for the second stage: lower the desired element down, twist the bottom so that the element fits in its place, lift the element up into its place using one of the formulas.

Stage 3: Assembling the middle layer of the Rubik's cube. We put 4 ribs in their places in the middle layer.

  1. Result of stage 3. We need to place only 4 edges in their places.
  2. Let's turn the cube over. Now the assembled yellow edge is at the bottom, and the white center is at the top. We will keep it this way until the end of the assembly.
  3. Let's find an edge at the top that does NOT have a white sticker on it, for example, Green-Orange. Let's twist the center so that the Green sticker of our edge coincides with the green center.
  4. It is possible that the green sticker cannot match, then match the orange sticker with the orange center. Those. we have 2 options.
  5. U’ L’ U L, U F U’ F’ - the edge jumps down and to the left - into its place.
  6. U R U’ R’, U’ F’ U F – the edge jumps down and to the right – into its place.
  7. A typical situation is that the required edge is already in place, but is rotated incorrectly. Then we do the formula from step 5, 6 - and “knock out” the edge from its place.
  8. Our edge will pop up and you can now do everything to put it in its place correctly.

The strategy for this stage: we look for the desired edge, turn the top to position it correctly, and use one of the formulas to put the edge in its place. We do this algorithm for all 4 edges. Attention! When assembling the second layer, the first layer (bottom) remains assembled!

Stage 4: Assemble the “wrong” white cross on the last layer.

  1. F R U R’ U’ F’ – 1, 2 or 3 times.
  2. Our goal is to collect " white cross"(a cross is 5 stickers, except for the corner ones).
  3. The transition from the previous situation to the next is done using the SAME formula. F R U R' U' F'.

What to do!? I assembled 2 layers, but on the third layer I can’t achieve either situation. This shouldn't happen on a normal cube. This means that your cube was taken apart mechanically and put back together incorrectly. Disassemble the cube into parts, assemble it correctly and start again.

Stage 5. Making the “correct” white cross.

  1. The result to be achieved at this step. The upper ribs match the colors of the centers.
  2. Rotate the top layer so that any TWO edges match the colors of the centers from the middle layer. One of two situations can happen.
  3. Two opposite ribs fall into place (we have white-blue and white-green), the other two need to be swapped. R U R’ U R U2 R’
  4. Two collected edges stand at an angle, the other two need to be swapped in a combination, while holding the cube so that the corner* looks away from you and to the right R U R’ U R U2 R’ U.

Stage 6. Place the corners of the top layer in their places.

We have only 4 unassembled corner elements on the top face. Examine the cube; perhaps one of the centers is already in place. It doesn't matter how the corners are turned, only their location matters.

  1. U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L – make this combination, and one of the cubes will definitely fall into place.
  2. One corner is in its place. The rest need to be swapped by moving each of them counterclockwise or clockwise
  3. Option 1. The three unassembled ribs are moved counterclockwise and fall into place. Hold the corner towards you and to the right U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L
  4. Option 2. The three unassembled ribs are moved clockwise and fall into place. We hold the assembled angle towards us and to the left U’ L’ U R U’ L U R’.

A common question at this stage: THE FORMULA IS WRONG! This scheme has been around for many years, everything has been tested a thousand times, all schemes and formulas are working, we guarantee! Be careful before completing the formula; read under the formula what color you should hold the cube towards you. Please pay close attention to the previous tips.

Stage 7. Final! We turn the corners with the correct colors.

All the corners are in place, we just need to turn them around. It's very simple - one short formula will help us. Yes, the same “four” R’ D’ R D. At this step, only attentiveness is important, and you also need to hold the cube correctly.

  1. R’ D’ R D – hold the cube so that the corner faces you and is to the right. We do the “four” 2 or 4 times until the corner turns around.
  2. The corner turned. But the cube “collapsed” - don’t panic, that’s how it should be. Turn the top - now the next corner is in front of you. Attention!!! We always hold the cube itself with the red center towards us and the white center up.
  3. R’ D’ R D – the next corner is in front of you. We turn it around again in a “four”. If it happens that the next corner is already correctly assembled, then simply turn the top AGAIN and assemble the next corner.
  4. When you turn all 4 corners with the correct colors, a small miracle will happen - the rest of the elements of the cube will fall into place! Take your time, hold the cube correctly, and complete the formula until the end.

For children and adults sometimes the task may seem overwhelming how to solve a 3x3 rubik's cube. A diagram with pictures for beginners in this matter is one of the main assistants.

Also, to make everything clear and transparent, you can use video instructions. We will actively use both of these aids in practice so that you finally learned how to solve the eternal problem with a Rubik's cube.

You can solve a Rubik's cube in different ways and methods. You can do this in 15 moves, 7 moves, or even as many as 20. For many years, all sorts of smart people have been struggling to find the optimal solution to this problem. After all, the Rubik's cube is a mechanical puzzle that can be completely logical solution. All you need is step by step instructions, as well as a small supply of logic and patience.

Before starting the assembly algorithm itself, you should learn key concepts.

The name of the toy speaks for itself - the cube consists of 6 sides (faces), 12 edges, 8 corners. The faces of the cube consist of 9 small colored elements that can rotate simultaneously, but only clockwise and counterclockwise. Letters Russian alphabet the names of the faces will be indicated as follows:

F – facade;

T – rear;

P – right;

L – left;

B – top;

N – bottom.

Many descriptions and diagrams contain designations for the faces of the cube in English.

The next secret of the Rubik's cube
lies in the arrangement of small colored elements.

  1. Central cubes Determine the color of the entire side of a Rubik's cube. We will call these cubes by analogy with the name of the faces (F, T, P), etc.
  2. Edge cubes are adjacent to two faces at once, therefore the name will be double (for example, FP, PV) - depending on the faces with which they interact.
  3. Corner cubes contain 3 letters in the name at once, since they refer to three faces simultaneously (FPV).

And one more mini-secret - when you study the face rotation patterns, letters without any additions will mean rotate 90 degrees clockwise, and letters with an additional sign ' - counterclockwise.

Having understood all these symbols, it will be much easier for you to solve the Rubik's cube and you will do it correctly and quickly.

How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the easiest way, assembly diagram

The simplest and reliable way Assembling our Rubik's cube begins with the lower cross. Make a cross on the bottom edge of the cube and proceed to a step-by-step solution to the problem of how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the most easy way, the diagram of which is right in front of you.

And, of course, the most understandable guide for assembling a cube is a video lesson with detailed description an experienced virtuoso.

Scheme for assembling a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners in pictures

In the first stages of practicing solving a Rubik's cube, we will use the same cross method, but this time we will have a cross made of colored cubes on the top edge. As you understand, high-speed solving of the Rubik's cube awaits you ahead, at this stage you should learn to correctly determine the location of the edges and moving them in the plane of the cube.

There are different methods for solving a cube, and Now you have to learn how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube: the scheme for beginners consists of 7 stages. Pictures describing the assembly process are available for each of the steps. You may spend more time on this puzzle than expected, but you will solve a problem that not everyone on our planet can achieve! It's worth the sweat.

By the way, the last one world record for solving a rubik's cube was set to speed in 4.73 seconds. And it belonged to Australian student Felix Zemdegs, who defeated the previous record holder by just 0.01 seconds. We are in no hurry in this matter, so we carefully study the instructions and begin to assemble the first layer.

The principle of assembling a Rubik's cube from the starting cross not that complicated. Here it is necessary to correctly study the location of the edges. And then it’s a matter of technique, as they say. We have already gone through the basic concepts and rules for assembling a Rubik's cube for dummies.

We are sure that the diagram for assembling a 3x3 Rubik's cube for beginners in pictures helped you set your own record and in further attempts you will reduce the time to a minimum.

If all these steps and formulas seemed complicated and confusing to you, we suggest you watch the video in which the entire process is shown in detail using the example of a virtual Rubik's cube.

3x3 Rubik's cube formulas: calculating moves

If you think that previous methods of solving the notorious cube were intended exclusively for stupid people, catch a few formulas.

First stage we will start by creating the cross we already know. Where would we be without him?

Do you know which toy deserves the title of the most sold in the world? No, not the beautiful Barbie or even the Lego constructor. The absolute leader in sales is considered to be a much more intellectual thing - a Rubik's cube. This year the colorful puzzler of Hungarian origin celebrates its forty-first birthday. Over four decades, millions tried to conquer it. And today we will tell you a way to solve a Rubik's cube using only two movements and one little secret.

In 1980, a mailing list for Rubik's Cube enthusiasts was opened. Since then, thousands of puzzle enthusiasts, including a staggering number of mathematicians, engineers and programmers, have joined forces to find "God's algorithm": a way to solve a cube in minimum quantity moves. In July 2010, Palo Alto programmer Thomas Rokicki, Darmstadt math teacher Herbert Kozemba, Kent University mathematician Morley Davidson and Google Inc. engineer. John Detridge proved that each Rubik's Cube configuration can be solved in no more than 20 moves. A current record – 4.94 seconds. Well, the method described below does not guarantee a speedy solution. But why not test the theory in practice?

Just rotate the left side.

Now rotate the top edge.

Repeat these two combinations one after another. How many times? Until you collect it!

Video demonstration This method has already collected more than 14 million views. Of course, there were many dissatisfied people in the comments who were unable to solve the puzzle. Maybe they just didn't repeat the combination long enough?

Have you noticed how quickly the faces of the cube “fly” in the hands of professionals? It turns out there is a little trick here too. To speed up the process, you need to use...lubricant! Liquid silicone will do.

Rotate the faces of the cube to the position as in the photo.

How wonderful is this moment when you manage to do something that sometimes most people cannot do, and in this case we are talking about the fact that not everyone can quickly solve a Rubik’s cube. Although anyone can do this. To do this, the main thing is to know a few secrets and have patience.

How to learn to solve a Rubik's cube - secrets of success

5.66 seconds. This is exactly how much time Felix Zemdegs needs, the first person in the world who can quickly assemble this creation of the 1980s. After weeks of training, a beginner will be able to create a personal assembly record for himself within 2-3 minutes.

When considering the question of how to solve a Rubik's cube, it should be noted that before starting the lesson it is necessary to “strip” the cube into parts. After all, it is possible that the manufacturer made an erroneous assembly, and this could result in a waste of time assembling the toy.

Then comes the process of carefully memorizing the colors (which is located next to which).

How to completely solve a Rubik's cube - detailed instructions

Well, now let's move on to the main stages of putting together all the colors of the Rubik's cube.

We divide the cube into separate components:

  • there are 8 corners, 12 ribs, and 6 centers;
  • each face includes 9 subfaces: a – lower, b – upper, c – left, d – front, e – right.

It should be remembered that in further turns counterclockwise will be indicated by an asterisk (*). If you come across a designation like a3, b3, it means that so many times (in in this case three times) the edge should be rotated 180 degrees.

The main goal for stage No. 1: collect the red color in one line. Next, we install 4 elements, thereby forming a cross.

So, the first layer is put together.

Next, it is recommended to find a rib that can be easily deployed by turning the top. So, when collecting a new layer, the red one should not be touched. It should be kept face down. It is necessary to scroll the top layer (the one that is collected in at the moment) until the central sections of the cube coincide.

In order to put the white and blue part in place, as indicated in the photo, we use the following: b e b* e* b* d* b d.

To fill in the left side: b* c b c* b d b* d*.

A cross is formed from a certain color.

Now let's work on the edges of the remaining layer. If it turns out that those cubes that coincide in , are on different faces, you need to scroll the cube according to the formula: e b e* b e a2 e*.

If the matching elements are on adjacent faces, then: the unassembled part is in front, and the second one is on the left. e b e* b e b2 e*.

Now we will talk about arranging the corners of the remaining layer. If desired color on the right (blue-white-orange in the photo), then: a e a* e* a e a* e*. The corner that needs to be assembled should be brought to the bottom.