The picture of goalkeeper Grigoriev was written in the year. Essay based on a painting by S.A. Grigoriev Goalkeeper. The main character of the picture

One of the most popular works of the artist Sergei Grigoriev - picture "Goalkeeper", which is now located in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was written in 1949, only four years have passed since the Great Patriotic War.

By this time, the country had not yet recovered from devastation, the standard of living of most people was low, but peaceful life was filled with hope and optimism. The painting “Goalkeeper” tells us about this. It is dedicated to children's passion for football, but at the same time conveys the atmosphere of that time, difficult and at the same time happy.

Football was the main love of the boys of those years, their greatest hobby. Football was played in courtyards, in parks, and simply in vacant lots, as depicted in the painting “Goalkeeper.” The main character of the picture is the boy standing at the gate. Although the artist did not place it in the center, all the emotional load of the picture goes to him. The goalkeeper stands in a tense position, it seems that the outcome of the match will depend on his quickness and dexterity. It is clear from the boy that the role of a goalkeeper is familiar to him, he is a good and reliable goalkeeper.

There are no gates, they are “represented” by two briefcases located where the barbells should be. This suggests that the children did not go home after school, but moved to the wasteland. The uncomfortable surface of the field, which occupies the foreground of the picture, does not confuse the players. In those years, few people were lucky enough to play on good green fields. We don’t see how the events unfold on the playing field; the artist deliberately took this action beyond the scope of the picture. Only by the goalkeeper's pose and the expression on the spectators' faces can we guess that the players of both teams have to fight for victory; it will not be given just like that.

But look at how many spectators the match attracted - the game is enthusiastically followed by those who, due to their age, were not included in the team. They settled down either on a fallen tree or on a stack of boards. An adult spectator, perhaps a random passer-by, also joined the children. A guy in a red suit stands behind the goalkeeper, he is not yet accepted into the team, but he would really like to play, his whole appearance speaks of it. And only the dog, curled up in a white ball at the feet of one of the spectators, is indifferent to the game.

The events depicted in the picture take place on a bright, fine day in early autumn, the distance is clearly visible. In the background we see construction sites: high-rise buildings are being erected, which will soon become symbols of Moscow. This construction landscape adds optimism to the overall mood of the picture.

Essay on the painting “Goalkeeper”

The painting “Goalkeeper” was painted by a Soviet Ukrainian artist Grigoriev S.A. in 1949, for which he received the Stalin Prize in 1950, along with his other painting “Admission to the Komsomol.

The characters in many of the artist’s paintings are children, and “Goalkeeper” is considered one of his best paintings about children. In the picture we see guys playing football on school yard. The duration of action is likely early autumn, end of September, beginning of October. This can be judged by the dark sky and yellow leaves on the trees, but it is still quite warm, judging by the guys’ clothes, the beginning academic year. The football field, of course, is the simplest, as usual, the boundaries of the field are the bags of the guys.

The main character of the picture is a goalkeeper, a lanky and fair boy, he is about 12 years old. All his clothes are like a real goalkeeper. He is wearing a sports shirt, old worn shorts, sneakers on his feet, and on his hands leather gloves. Like a real goalkeeper, his knee is bandaged to prevent injuries when falling after the ball. The boy stands in a tense position, his legs are apart, his hands are resting on his knee, he is ready at any moment to either parry a blow or jump and catch the ball flying into the goal.

Behind the goalkeeper there is a boy in a red uniform, this is probably a reserve goalkeeper, he dreams of replacing the main player and standing on goal, but he is not accepted into the game yet, he is still small, he is probably 10 years old.

In addition to the players, the picture also shows spectators who are cheering for their team. They sat on an improvised platform - these were folded boards. Spectators different ages, there is a middle-aged man in a suit and hat, apparently he was walking by, got carried away by the game and is now rooting for one of the teams. He has medal bars on his chest; he is a former front-line soldier. But the sickest ones are a boy in a dark suit and a girl in a red hood. The rest of the children are calmer. There are also girls in school uniforms getting sick there, apparently they haven’t had time to go home to change yet. All the spectators are looking in the same direction, they will probably take a penalty kick now, and that is why the goalkeeper is so tense.

Here we see white dog, curled up in a ball, and, as it were, also watching the match.

In the background of the picture we see an old industrial city, this is most likely the outskirts of Moscow, government institutions with a red bluish flag, old residential areas and new buildings are visible. The heads of the church are barely visible in the distance.

Times are changing, children of that time played football, ran fresh air, but today’s people can’t be taken away from their computer or laptop. They, too, would like to look at this painting by Grigoriev S., and then they will be drawn to the street, into the fresh air.

The painting “Goalkeeper” by Sergei Aleksandrovich Grigoriev was painted back in 1949. But even now she attracts the eye and fascinates with her ease; it is very interesting to look at her. In addition, this picture is dedicated to the most popular game in our time - football.

In the picture we see a match arranged by local boys, and spectators watching with interest. It can be seen that the children just recently ran from school to a vacant lot and built goals from their briefcases to feel like real football players. The picture is also interesting because of its uncertainty, because in it we do not see field players. The artist showed us only one of them, the goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper is a boy, he looks about twelve or thirteen years old. He watches the ball closely so as not to miss a goal. The boy's face is serious, he is very passionate about the game. It is clear that this is not the boy’s first time standing at the goal; he has already become an experienced goalkeeper. This is evidenced by his confident posture and strong, sinewy legs. Even with his clothes he resembles a real football player. Despite the cool weather, he is wearing shorts and gloves on his hands.

The boy has a bandage on his leg; most likely, one of the previous matches was not very successful. We only have to guess about what is happening on the field, but this makes the picture seem more interesting - each viewer can imagine everything for himself. If you pay attention to the faces of those watching the match, it becomes clear that the game is in full swing.

The artist depicted quite a lot of spectators in the picture and they are all completely different. But still, mostly these are schoolchildren. But in the upper right corner of the picture we see the figure of an adult, respectably dressed man, wearing a suit, a hat, and a folder on his knees. Most likely, the man was going somewhere about his business, but saw the match and stopped to watch the battle a little. The man's posture and facial expression indicate that he is truly interested in the game and if he could, he would join the game himself.

No less interested in the game little boy in a red tracksuit. I think that he was not taken into the game for the reason that he is still small, but his desperate desire to be among the players will definitely be appreciated. The boy froze behind the goalkeeper, leaning back slightly, it is clear that his posture expresses protest. He is clearly offended by the schoolchildren, but does not leave, because everything that is happening seems very interesting to him.

There are also girls among the spectators. One of them is quite mature, she has a bright red bow on her head, and she is carefully watching the game. The second, still a very young spectator, sits on her older brother’s lap.

Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper” causes a lot of positive emotions. It gives us the right to think; everyone can figure out for themselves what is happening on the field. She is interesting in her own way and attracts the attention of even those people who are completely uninterested in football.

Along with the article “Essay on Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”, 7th grade” read:

The painting “Goalkeeper” by Grigoriev was painted back in 1949. But it’s still interesting to look at it now, because it’s dedicated to a game that never goes out of date—football.

The painting depicts a match and spectators watching it. The picture attracts attention with its ease. It seems like the kids just ran from school to a vacant lot, made a goal out of their briefcases and started the game. A curious feature of the picture is that there are no field players depicted in it. We only see one of them, the goalkeeper. It is with his description, as I think, that one should begin the description of the painting “Goalkeeper” by Grigoriev.

This is a boy of twelve or thirteen years old. He stands half-bent, waiting for the ball. His face expresses seriousness, he is very passionate about the game. It is clear that the boy is an experienced goalkeeper. He has a confident posture and strong, sinewy legs. Even with his clothes he wants to look like real football players. He is wearing shorts (and judging by the clothes of the spectators, it is already cool autumn outside), and he has gloves on his hands. They help the goalkeeper in the game. He has a bandage on his leg - he was probably unlucky in one of the previous matches.

What is happening on the field is not visible to the viewer, and because of this, I personally find the picture even more interesting. One can only guess where the ball is now, when it will fly into the goal and whether the goalkeeper will be lucky. But judging by the faces of those watching the match, the game is in full swing. And if you look closely at the goalkeeper’s concentrated face, you can confidently say that he won’t miss the ball!

The painted spectators in the film play no less a role than the figure of the main character. There are quite a lot of them. Basically, these are the same as the boy-goalkeeper, schoolchildren. But in the very corner of the picture one can see the figure of an adult man in a suit, wearing a hat and with a folder on his lap. It looks like he was going somewhere on business, but stopped, carried away by the battle. I really like his pose and face, because it is clear that he is truly interested in the game and does not consider it childish nonsense. If he could, he would have run to the field himself.

The little boy in the red tracksuit is no less captivated by the events. He was obviously not taken into the game because he is still small, but he desperately wants to be among the players. So he froze behind the goalkeeper, leaning back slightly, so that his whole figure was expressing protest. I think he is offended by the schoolchildren, but he cannot leave - everything that is happening is too interesting.

There are also girls among the spectators. One of them, with a bright red bow, is carefully watching the game. It is clear that she has a fighting character and that she could also act. The second, a very small spectator, sits on her brother’s lap. It is not known whether she understands anything, but she looks very carefully.


Preparation for an essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. (Materials for students. 7th grade)

1. Story about the artist.

Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev – folk artist Ukraine, born in Lugansk (Donbass) in large family railway worker.
Gained wide popularity asauthorworks ontopicfamilies and schools. The artist's best paintings are dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “ Sea wolf”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought the artist well-deserved fame. The author was awarded the State Prize.

2. Vocabulary work

1. Select the appropriate adverbial phrases.
1) The boy was walking towards the gate….
2) No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and... brake just as unexpectedly.
3) He accelerated powerfully and... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:
Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the strike; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, without mincing.

3. Description plan (option 1)
1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Description plan (option 2)
1) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”:
a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.
2) Features of the composition of the picture.
3) The role of details in the picture.
4) Color of the picture.

5) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.

6) My attitude in the picture.


Task: Correct speech errors.

Essay options

Option 1.

war, everyone was addicted to the game.

Option 2

In S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper” we see football match, players and spectators located in a vacant lot. Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted; the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves on his hands, his face expressing seriousness, and his sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood in goal more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve or thirteen years old - stood, waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase lying instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on a football field, but on a vacant lot not intended for football.

In the background is a boy behind the gate and spectators. Probably the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not taken because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine or ten years old. But by the look on his face, he really wants to play.

Spectators are of all ages: children, uncles, and small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably one of the spectators, is not watching the game.
The location of the film is Moscow. Stalin's buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn outside. Late September – early October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts. I liked this picture because it is “alive”. I feel the emotions that the guys are filled with: both the players and the spectators.


In front of me is a painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. In this picture main character- goalkeeper.
In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he takes his responsibilities professionally. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. He has a bandage on his right leg, probably injured in previous games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed in because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and that’s why they have briefcases instead of weights.
The audience is shown in the background. They all watch the game with passion. Each of them is especially interesting, but I like the dog the most because she is the only one not watching the game.

The man sitting on the side watches what is happening with great enthusiasm. It's as if he's remembering the years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. In his handbook. This means that he is accidentally watching the game, because... he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children are sitting next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me because she has something incomprehensible in her hands: either a fish, or a doll, or a baby.

S. Grigoriev depicted the moment of playing football. The artist’s painting shows autumn, a cloudy day. The bushes and grass have already turned yellow. The guys gathered after school to play football. The observers were dressed lightly. The background of the painting depicts an ancient industrial city. In the distance one could see a bluish government office with a red flag, damp residential areas, and new buildings. The domes of churches are visible in the ancient city. Ancient buildings are shrouded in fog. In an industrial city, the sky is yellow-gray. And in the old one - gray-blue. The guys are playing football in a vacant lot. The makeshift football ground has been trampled down.

Spectators carefully watch the game. They are passionate about her. To the right of the goalkeeper are the ruins of a building. Two briefcases represented a gate. Pioneer ties and corners of books were visible from them. Lying next to the goalkeeper white dog with a black ear. The goalkeeper was wearing blue football shorts and a black jacket. His knee was bandaged and he had gloves on his hands. The boy looked twelve years old (there were wrinkles on his forehead). The “referee” stood next to the goalkeeper. The artist wanted to show the excitement of the game. The picture was painted in dim, muted colors in nineteen forty-nine. Despite the fact that four years ago it endedwar, everyone was addicted to the game.

Another girl in a red hat crouched down to better observe what was happening. Apparently, she’s not doing this very well, because the man is blocking the guys’ entire view.
A boy peeks out from behind the girl. He watches the game so closely that he's even freaking out. Next to him stands a girl with a large bow, and below is a boy with his younger brother sitting on his lap, wrapped in whatever he wants - he’s probably hot.
Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. It's autumn in the picture.
The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to turn red on the left side. It's time for the children to go home.

I didn't really like the picture because it's boring. And it's time for the children to go home and do their homework.

As a child, I was fond of football. I failed to become a real football player. But the hobby remains. But it’s not always possible to get to a football match. And sometimes you just want to cheer for your favorite team. And not so long ago I learned that guys from neighboring houses were gathering in a vacant lot nearby and staging real football battles on an improvised field.

So one day I decided to go watch home-grown football players play. It’s all some kind of entertainment, and it’s still a favorite game. The wasteland was quite big. True, it didn’t look much like a football field either. But it was good for playing. The kids played right after school. The border of the gate was marked with their own backpacks. Me and a few other fans sat on the wooden boards. Girls, classmates of one of the players, came to cheer for their friends. There were also younger guys. We all sat next to each other. Some of the guys came from home: they were so interested in football.

The game started off rather sluggishly. But gradually the players got the hang of it. And soon the match captivated me so much that I forgot that ordinary boys were playing. I stood up and then sat down again on the makeshift podium. He shouted something and gave advice. The game was coming to an end. Our team won. But the opponents did not give up. They tried their best to even the score. But our team's goalkeeper was always on the alert.

My neighbor Petya was standing at the gate. I didn’t even recognize him right away. When I met Petya on the stairs or in the courtyard of the house, I thought about how unkempt he was. Always disheveled with a tattered briefcase, he gave the impression of an absent-minded, uncollected person. But now he has changed beyond recognition. Where did his absent-mindedness and carelessness go? Petya was dressed simply: a black T-shirt and shorts. On his feet are ordinary shoes. He was completely focused on the game, closely watched what was happening on the field, and caught the ball flying into the goal in time.

The decisive moment of the game has arrived. All our attention was directed to the middle of the field, where a serious fight for the ball unfolded. The opponents tried their best to take it away from our defenders. They couldn't do it. But they did not give up and went on the attack again and again. Petya, bending his knees and resting his gloved hands on them, waited, ready to parry the blow at any moment. But he didn't have to do this. The high school student who was the referee at the match announced that time was up. The game was over. The upset rivals reluctantly wandered home. And we rejoiced at our victory. I congratulated Petya on his excellent game, and we headed towards the house together, discussing the best moments. Since then, I often visit the vacant lot, cheering for the team in our yard.