Where does the expression come from because gladiolus. What does the expression because gladiolus mean?

Resident of the Bogdanovichi village of Gryaznovskoye Lyubov Kiseleva On his plot he cultivates a whole plantation of gladioli - 4 acres. He grows it not for flowers, but to obtain planting material - bulbs, which he sells to one of retail chains. He has been working with gladioli for 24 years and knows almost everything about them.

13 flowers per spike

In the villages around Bogdanovich, vegetable gardens feed many; there is simply no other work. At the Kiselyovs’ site, the main breadwinner is potatoes; the head of the family mainly deals with it Anatoly Alexandrovich . But the hostess’s “business” is gladioli.

— I had to quit my job due to illness in 1993, I needed to do something, I started with my daughter Svetlana grow flowers. At first we dealt with everyone. Then I suggested to her: let’s take only gladioli, we’ll multiply them and sell the bulbs,” recalls Lyubov Kiseleva.

Variety Luck - delicate shades of pink. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

- Why this particular flower? I just liked it, it’s somehow unusual, one word - gladiolus! - she says.

Now the Kiselyovs work with one of the retail chains aimed at gardeners, giving them up to six thousand gladioli bulbs annually for sale. Almost five hundred varieties of this plant grow on their site today. Every year up to 60 new ones are purchased from amateur flower growers and breeders.

varieties and allow them to reproduce. They buy baby bulbs. In the first year after planting in the ground, children of the first year receive from them, then - of the second year, and only in the third year a marketable bulb grows.

By the way, the flowering of gladiolus is unusual. On the peduncle (Lyubov Kiseleva also calls it a spike), several flowers bloom at once. The inflorescence consists of both blooming flowers and unopened ones. Each variety has a strictly defined quantity. For example, the most luxurious varieties can produce up to 13 blooming flowers. If the next one blooms, then the lower one withers. That is, the number of blooming flowers of a gladiolus is determined once and for all by its variety.

— I recently watched a concert of Soviet stars on TV, the recording was from that time, I noticed what flowers were given to the performers: there were five flowers on the gladioli. We had these, but for a long time. We bred all of them - the inflorescences are too small,” says Lyubov Kiseleva.

The Blue Waterfall variety is a combination of white and blue. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

Babies and bulbs

On the Kiselyovs' property, gladioli are already beginning to bloom.

— We plant them early, on April 20th. The main thing for us is to grow the bulbs. Frost? Don’t believe anyone that gladiolus can die from spring frosts. In the worst case, the leaf will suffer, but not the peduncle. In general, gladioli must be planted before May 15; we plant only early or mid-early varieties. Why? You and I live in the Urals. I don’t have a single late or even mid-late variety - they won’t have time to bloom and produce a bulb,” my interlocutor shares her secrets.

There is one more secret. You need to plant the bulbs to a depth of three bulbs, do not stick them into the ground, but simply place them in a hole so as not to damage the delicate roots growing from the bottom of the bulb.

— Gardeners often complain: they bought gladiolus bulbs, but after a few years they stop growing. If you want to have a beautiful flower every year, you need, as we do, to select the children from the ripe bulbs and renew the variety by growing them to a full-fledged bulb. If you don’t want to do this, buy the bulbs at the store. A gladiolus bulb can produce a flowering spike for no more than five years, says Lyubov Kiseleva.

By the way, there is another reason why you may not expect flowering from this plant - if you give it a lot of organic matter. In this case, the plant will simply begin to “fatten” and will not have time to bloom. Let's not forget that the homeland of gladiolus is the tropics of Africa and the subtropical regions of the Mediterranean. It happens that at the end of August - September the peduncle dies from frost. Therefore, during frosts, flowers need to be covered at night.

Do not delay harvesting the bulbs, last year showed that frosts come here already in October.

The worst enemy of gladiolus is flower thrips. The pest causes damage both during the growing season of plants and during storage of the bulbs. Before planting, gladiolus bulbs must be treated with the “Maxim” preparation; the same operation can be repeated before storing them at the end of autumn.

The Sirael variety is a pink-smoky “cloud”. Photo: Alexey Kunilov

The most famous flower meme appeared in the Urals

The joke about gladiolus, which spread across the country almost 15 years ago and has not lost popularity to this day, was invented by Ural Dumplings. It was the KVN festival “Sochi-2003”. A team of experts is asked the question: “I’m wearing a blue skirt. And in the 16th century I would have been burned at the stake for this. Why?" The experts are silent for a long time. Dmitry Brekotkin exclaims: “Gladiolus!” Pause. Andrey Rozhkov in bewilderment: “What does gladiolus have to do with it? She's wearing a blue skirt. In the 16th century she would have been burned at the stake! They ask you: “Why?” That’s how you should answer - “Because it’s a gladiolus!”

Since then, this phrase can be heard in response to many rhetorical or stupid questions.

Andrey ROZHKOV, participant in the Ural Dumplings show:

“We didn’t expect the phrase to become mega-popular.” We came up with a joke collectively while preparing for the festival. We experimented, tried to shock the audience, looked for meaningful words. And for some reason this word seemed funny to us - gla-di-o-lus. They began to twist it. Then everyone laughed. Stupidity, of course, and absurdity, but often these are the things that become trends.

In general, I don’t know how it is in Russia, but in the Urals gladioli definitely represent the First of September. Very soon, grandmothers will appear on the streets with bouquets - perhaps the most affordable ones. I have two school-aged sons. They will each take a bouquet of gladioli and go for knowledge. I also went to school with these flowers, my grandmother had these flowers growing in her garden. I haven’t planted them myself yet; I only recently got a garden. So far there is only a fence, the edge of the forest and mushrooms and blueberries.

  • Published in No. 145 of 08/10/2017

0 Our vocabulary is simply overflowing with all sorts of uninformative, stupid, and sometimes obscene phraseological units and expressions. Some of them came to us from ancient times, while others were formed in the relatively recent past. However, many people, with fair frequency, come across phrases that they are not able to correctly decipher. I'm sure it's similar" trouble" has overtaken almost every one of us. Based on this, we have created this site so that you can always find the most common expressions that are used in everyday speech. Therefore, be sure to add this resource site to your bookmarks so that you can occasionally look in search of new information. Today we will talk about such a funny phrase as Because gladiolus, which means you can read a little lower.
However, before I continue, I would like to point you to a couple of our popular publications on the topic of phraseological units. For example, what does it mean for quiet sadness; how to understand Every sandpiper praises its swamp; meaning of the expression Let's dot the I's; what does it mean? If the stars light up, it means someone needs it, etc.
So let's continue Because gladiolus, where from? There are several options for the origin of this expression, but we will try to consider only the most popular of them.

Because gladiolus- this phrase is used in response to a stupid question “Why?”, if you consider it incorrect or banal.

Synonym for the expression Because gladiolus: by the head, because.


Tolyan, you’re boring me with your “why”, I don’t even care, because gladiolus, yoma!

Where did you get this saying about gladiolus, I even screamed!

You ask why, but I don’t know, because gladiolus, that’s why!

Where is "Because Gladiolus" from?

Version one. Most people are sure that this phrase appeared in 2003, at the Sochi KVN festival, during the performance of the Ural Dumplings team. One of my own small scenes they dedicated to parodying a game popular in intellectual circles" What? Where? When?".
According to the script, they are asked a question by a girl with in a pleasant voice: "I'm wearing a blue skirt, but in the 16th century I would have been burned at the stake for it."The guys clearly didn't know the answer, so they said the first thing that came to their minds" Because gladiolus".
The next day, this expression gained enormous popularity, and everyone who had anything to do with sports began to repeat it. What Where When"As a result, it became a cult phrase for all fans." ChGK", and many people use it even in our time. A couple of times it was even used in this program for an answer.

Second version. During filming" What Where When"in 1992, one of the teams was asked a question about the small and large Roman swords. During the discussion, experts came to the conclusion that the large sword is a gladiator, and the small one is the sword of mercy, that is, they gave the wrong answer. The correct answer was gladiolus (small sword). The people in the hall were indignant and began to shout out in displeasure that the main discussion was about the gladiator. To which the presenter interrupted everyone and said, “because gladiolus,” and the topic was exhausted.

Third version. Many people claim that they used this expression back in the 80s of the last century. Moreover, if you look even deeper into the past, then in the 70s there was a similar phrase - “ because perpendicular", which was pronounced in the same context.

By the way, remember the popular song in the early 2000s " You will recognize her from a thousand", there was a line "... gladiolus scents...". The irony is that gladiolus has no smell, and why? Because gladiolus!

If you are wondering why you could get burned for a blue skirt in the 16th century, but are afraid to ask directly, I have the answer! The idea is that women and girls wearing blue skirts were usually engaged in the oldest profession in the world. Moreover, at that time there was even a well-established expression among men, under which all whores were designated - “blue skirt”.

After reading this informative article, you learned Because gladiolus, where from phrase, and now you can explain to your friends and acquaintances its meaning and origin.

The origin of the phrase “because gladiolus.” Its meaning.

Our language is rich not only in folk observations, signs, sayings and proverbs, but also in stable expressions. The latter have short life, because they appeared recently. Or they became public knowledge some time ago.

An example is the phrase “because gladiolus.” It sounds quite meaningless, but it can sometimes be heard among intellectually advanced people.

“BECAUSE GLADIOLUS”: where did this phrase come from?

photo of the KVN team players who uttered the phrase “because gladiolus”

Opinions vary across the RuNet. Some argue that the phrase has been living among the people for a long time, more than 40 years, while others attribute its authorship to creative television viewers of the program “What? Where? When?". But there is a third opinion, more famous to a wide circle Russian-speaking population.

This unusual phrase was first heard from a member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings” in 2003 at a festival in Sochi. There was their parody of the game “What? Where? When?".

A question that was asked by a certain TV viewer caused a discussion among the team and a similar answer.

Look at the video excerpt of that game, the fragment with the “gladiolus”.

Video: Because gladiolus

From the next day after the release of the KVN program, where this phrase was heard, it was picked up by amateurs and professionals “What? Where? When?". It has been repeatedly used by experts as answers to questions about the game.

What does the phrase “BECAUSE GLADIOLUS” mean?

slide with a photo of gladiolus and a description of the meaning of the flower

A person using this phrase has one of the following goals:

  • defuse the situation
  • get out of a difficult situation with a smile
  • switch the interlocutor’s attention to an easier perception of the surrounding reality
  • make a person/people laugh
  • gently point out the incorrectness of the question or its meaninglessness
  • hint at tactlessness or meanness cultural development interlocutor

The phrase is used as an answer to obvious points that do not require clarification in the form of a question. In other words, feel free to give this answer to a meaningless or not entirely correct question. And especially, if you control your facial expressions, say them with an equanimity. You will have a very interesting effect on your interlocutor.

The principle of using the phrase is - if you don’t know what to answer, say these words. Or another situation is the answer to a question that will remain unchanged even if additional circumstances or nuances appear.

Synonymous phrases are:

  • Because it's necessary
  • This is what the homeland ordered
  • Because that's the way it is

So, we looked at the origin of the phrase “because gladiolus.” We determined its meaning, as well as the meaning with which a person uses such a phrase in his speech.

Be cultured!

Video: 10 answers to strange questions

“Because gladiolus” is a very famous phrase from the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, it is used online as a universal answer to any question (most often it is a synonym for “leave me alone with stupid questions”), often as a nickname or instead of a story “about myself” , there is also a musical group of the same name, etc. During the presidential elections in Ukraine, all Yanukovych’s posters bore the common slogan “Because...” - guess what the cheerful Ukrainians wrote all the time.

A parody of "What? Where? When?" was shown in 2003 at XIV International festival KVN in Sochi - but nevertheless it is still popular. As of July 2007, the corresponding video had been viewed on YouTube about 60 thousand times.



Dear experts, I welcome you to the very smart casino, where you can make money with your own mind.
- ...Who is speaking?
- I don’t know, let’s ask: If you’re a pretty girl, what’s wrong with your voice?
Let's start the game, dear experts, please sit down. So, the first round is 1000 red. Dear “Ural Dumplings”, Anna Ivanovna Rogaleva from Vodkinsk writes to you
- We write to ourselves!
Attention to the screen - Anna Ivanovna herself is asking the question.

[Dear experts, my question is related to clothing, as you can see - I’m wearing a blue skirt, and in the 16th century I would have been burned at the stake for wearing this skirt. Now the question is: why?]

(Login to clear the page.)

Time has passed
... ...
- Gladiolus?
-Are you stupid? What does gladiolus have to do with it? She's wearing a blue skirt. In the 16th century, she would have been burned at the stake. They ask you - Why? That’s how you should answer: BECAUSE gladiolus!
-... It's five minutes to nine!
Who will be responsible?
- Druz will answer.
Wait. Friend. Where is he?
- I don’t know, your problems, look - ask!
Maybe I will surprise you, gentlemen of KVN players, but in our game the one who sits at the table must answer.
- ...what kind of innovation, do you know?
- Then Andrey Rozhkov answers!
So here's your answer.
- Because gladiolus!
So you think that in the 16th century a woman in a blue skirt would have been burned at the stake BECAUSE OF GLADIOLUS?!
- Yes, we think so!
Well, let's listen to the correct answer.

[Dear experts, I would have been burned at the stake because... Gladiolus!]

Dear TV viewers, of course you understand that these are not gladioli! We simply asked Anna Ivanovna to write down 40,000 possible answers, among which, by an absurd chance, was “Gladiolus.” We did this so as not to upset the guys at the very beginning of the game. But don't worry - this won't affect your account in any way. So the score is 1:0 in favor of TV viewers.

Dear experts, let's continue the game - the second round. Attention to the screen, Emur Edrizdovich Gimuldinov is asking the question out of... out of pity. Attention - black box. So this fruit grows on banana tree. Question: what's in the black box? Time.
- Well, what are we going to answer? “gladiolus” or “because gladiolus”?
- What are they asking you? "What's in the black box"! You can’t answer “because gladiolus”!
- Can!
- listen, let’s not take risks, Slava, let’s answer “gladiolus”, otherwise this one is generally stupid!
- no no no no! Andrey, it seems to me that there can’t be a gladiolus there! Well, you can't have the same answer twice. I watched this show!
- O! did you watch this show? ...and what did we answer there?
- Buy yourself a watch, huh?!
...Is this your answer?
- No, our answer: bananas grow on a banana tree... and there is a gladiolus in the black box!
Now listen to the correct answer. In the black box... bananas! So, the experts lose with a score of 2:0, let's continue the game.
- Find a wife with a beard!
Spin the top!
- As Boris Kryuchok said!
Dear TV viewers, for the first time in the history of the game “What? Where? When?” I stop the game at 2:0
- Why so?
Because I'm tired of everything and your stupidity and your costumes
-I don’t understand, why don’t you like our costumes?
Look at how you are dressed - experts dress simply, without pretentiousness, with taste. However, what am I explaining to you, that’s it, gentlemen, the game is over!

    This is a humorous phrase from KVN. Ural dumplings.

    The hero is asked something, and he answers like this. The answer is out of place, but it turned out to be a universal answer when you don’t know what to say, and you can important look say. The phrase went to the people.

    The phrase was coined by the KVN team Ural dumplings at the festival in Sochi in 2003. An unfamiliar girl from the audience asked a question:

    One of the team members (Dima Brekotkin) (after much thought by the whole team) answered:

    The phrase about gladiolus became a catchphrase and was repeated by everyone the very next day.

    This phrase belongs to the KVN team Ural dumplings, as far as I remember it was uttered a very, very long time ago, 10 years ago exactly. But it doesn’t carry any semantic load, it’s just that the guys answered a ridiculous question, let’s say they gave a ridiculous answer, but people liked the gladiolus and now many people use it in their speech.

    The phrase because gladiolus is already a fairly common and ingrained answer to questions such as: why? for what reason? because of what?

    It belongs to the KVN team Ural Dumplings and was uttered by them from the stage in a parody of the game What? Where? When? during a performance at the Sochi festival in 2003.

    To my great surprise, I only learned about this phrase now. Somehow I missed the Internet boom. And I haven’t even come across this meme (unlike others).

    Personally, I try not to use such expressions in life, since few people understand them.

    This expression came into use relatively recently. It appeared thanks to KVN. The phrase because gladiolus can answer almost any question. This universal phrase can explain any of your actions, even the strangest ones.

    I think that this phrase denotes a spontaneous answer from a person who, for some reason, simply does not want to answer the question. Either because he is simply too lazy to talk, or because the question is awkward. So he answers nonsense (pretends to be a fool).

    This answer is equivalent to the answer Because, or Because I wanted it that way, or There is a reason, but I don’t want to talk about it.

    This phrase was said as a joke at KVN Ural dumplings. I think it has become popular among the people as a stupid (universal) answer to a stupid (any) question.

    This phrase is used as a universal answer to any question. Most often stupid or rhetorical. The meaning is similar to the phrase: because it ends in y. A popular meme on social networks.

    It appeared back in 2003 on the KVN program and is still sometimes used in it to answer questions.

    This good way stop the flow of questions starting with the word Why. And besides, this is a wonderful parody of the game What? Where? When? with sometimes abstruse questions and equally cunning answers. And the musicians and authors of one of the songs of the group Roots, where there are words with the scents of gladioli, were unwittingly involved in the popular idiom. After all, gladioli do not smell; want to ask why? 🙂