What you need to know to play minecraft. How to play Minecraft - complete instructions

Part 1

Creating your own world

    Select the game mode and set the settings. When you first launch the game, you will need to choose between single-player and multiplayer modes. In the first case, you will obviously play alone, but in the second you can do it together with other people who will meet on Minecraft servers. If you play the free version, multiplayer mode will not be available. You will also need to set basic settings, such as sound and difficulty level, etc.

    • The difficulty level settings determine whether monsters (mobs) will appear in your field of vision at night or not. Peaceful will not allow them to appear and attack, light - mobs will appear, but their respawn will be insignificant, but heavy means large number monsters, in particular zombies, can break through doors in this mode.
    • If you choose multiplayer mode, you won't need to create a world, because you can simply join someone else's. To find a multiplayer game, you can visit planetminecraft.com.
  1. Select game mode. If you're playing alone, you'll need to create a world for your character to inhabit. Once you've created it, you'll be able to choose a mode, as it will determine the mechanics of the game. From a functional point of view, this can both simplify the game and make it more difficult. The following modes are available:

    • Survival: in this mode you will find many things already familiar from other games, such as health, hunger, equipment and oxygen indicators, as well as inventory. You will need to collect materials to create items (crafting) by mining resources in mines and other ways, in addition, you will receive experience points.
    • Creative: You will get unlimited access to materials and your needs such as health and hunger will be satisfied. In addition, you will be able to fly.
    • Hardcore: you will forever bind the created world to high level difficulty, and if you die it will be deleted, so be careful.
    • The bonus chest option will create a chest containing tools, wood, and food. He will appear near your spawn point, there will be from 0 to 4 torches around the chest. The bonus will be useful for new players.
    • Viewer: this mode will allow you to simply fly through the floor and see the world. It can only be obtained using the /gamemode command or after dying in Hardcore mode.
    • Adventure: You will need the right tools to collect materials. Other attributes will also be present.
  2. Set the settings for your world. They are in very useful menu, which allows you to have more control over the created world. You can enter a key that will create a specific world, activate cheats and select a world mode, as well as much more.

    • World modifications include a super flat one, which is ideal for creative mode, as well as a large amount of biomass, in which the world is significantly larger than the default one.
  3. Gather materials. You will need to mine them from the mines and collect them so that you can build anything in the game. The very first resource you will need to get your hands on to survive the first night is wood. Find trees and cut them down by clicking on the left mouse button, and then pick up the resulting tree.

    • Thirty grand will not be bad at all to start with.
  4. Build a crafting table - you can use it to craft all the items in the game. This will become the basis of your shelter. To build a table for creating things, follow these rules:

    • Open your inventory by pressing the E button and place one wood measure in one cell under the create button. This will help you make your own wooden beams.
    • Collect the resulting bars and then put them in your inventory.
    • Fill in wooden blocks all empty cells under the craft button..
    • This will allow you to create a crafting table. Place it near the place where you plan to build a shelter.
    • When crafting, use 9 cells to place things on the table. The order in which items are placed is very important. From this point onwards, the cells will correspond to the numbers 1-9, from left to right, and then down.
  5. Look for resources above ground. Certain materials are found above ground, such as wood, seeds, sugar cane, and wheat. You can collect these resources with an ax or with your hands.

    Look for animal resources - some of them can only be obtained with the help of animals. For example, wool from sheep (try not to kill them with scissors), eggs from chickens, and milk from cows, among other items.

    Use your table to craft items. Use the altar or a panel in your inventory to create things. Don't forget that the shape you give to an item can be very important in recreating other recipes, even though it may not be true for all items. Click and move things from your inventory to the altar to fill the cells with many items, left-click on them, and if you only need to place one, right-click. Pick up the created item by clicking on its icon and dragging it to your inventory.

  6. Nether: Create an obsidian portal and light a fire inside using stone and flint. But beware of the lava!
  7. Edge: Kill a humanoid and craft humanoid eyes. Throw them out and go in the direction they point, and you will come to a portal where you will need to fight the dragon boss.
  8. Animals are the main source of food. If you are lucky enough to come across a pig, cow or chicken, kill it and collect the drop. Use the oven to cook raw meat obtained from killing animals. Cooked food is twice as good as raw food.
  9. By opening chests that are stored in villages, you will receive resources, but local residents They may dislike you for this.
  10. Use the tools correctly. Swords are for killing mobs, shovels are for digging up blocks, axes are for cutting down trees, pikes are for mining ore and stone, and a plow is for farming.
  11. A log house on the mountain slopes is a good shelter that is not difficult to build.
  12. If you can't find or build a shelter before dark, dig a hole three blocks deep and set up a bed. Leave a hole in your makeshift trench, otherwise it will be too dark and mobs will start respawning when you fall asleep. If you have candles, block the passage, light them and have a good rest.
  13. Don't leave your house at night.
  14. If you press and hold the Shift button while clicking on an item in your inventory, it will automatically move to the slot.
    • If your slots are full, the items you want to move will end up in your inventory.
    • If you have both your inventory and slots full, this won't work.
    • This also works when you have crafted many items of the same type or pulled them out of a chest and want to drag them into your inventory. But you can only put things into your inventory automatically.
    • You cannot put things back on the altar or in the stove using the Shift button.
  15. There are these types of mobs:
    • Zombie: A slow but strong mob that reduces your health by 2.5 hearts if you get too close to it. Sometimes these monsters come in packs and carry armor or weapons. They should be targeted last because they move very slowly.
    • Mini zombies. They are also called zombie children. They are faster than normal ones (running speed is approximately equal to yours) and deal the same damage as their adult relatives. Their accuracy is also no different from ordinary zombies.
    • Skeleton: An annoying mob that shoots a bow quickly, reduces the player's health bar by two points and knocks the player back. When encountering these undead, it is advisable to wear leather or stronger armor, as they can hit you from a great distance, and are very dangerous when gathered in groups.
    • Spider: a fast, crawling mob, very agile and dangerous when operating in a group of its own kind. You can aim at both skeletons and spiders: they move together.
    • "Creeper: a silent, deadly mob that will sneak up on you unnoticed and you will not be able to hear it until it is too close. The melee attack is so powerful that it can be fatal. At medium distance it deals huge damage, taking away As many as 4 hearts on the health bar. In the game with monsters, it is recommended to use the creeper explosion as an advantage. Get closer to the mob so that it explodes, and then run back 7 cells when you hear the hiss. If you are lucky, you will be able to deal with this monster. using this strategy.
    • Skeleton Rider is a combination of two mobs: a skeleton and a spider on which he rides. It's quite rare, so don't expect it to appear until dark. The chance of a spider with a skeleton on top respawning is only 1%.
    • These are not the only mobs that are in the game, here is a list of the most common ones. Follow the above recommendations and you will be able to cope with each of them.
  16. Warnings

  • Never dig too deep underneath yourself or you may fall into a lava flow.
  • If you fall from a great height, you will be injured or killed.
  • Never attack a creeper because it is poisonous and can kill you if you do not have strong armor.
  • Never go to bed in the dark as hostile mobs will respawn and attack you.
  • Monitor the movement of mobs even in daytime, since creepers and spiders don't die from sunlight like zombies and skeletons.

To open the port, and this is necessary so that your server is visible and you can run it in Minecraft. Newbies, if you have an antivirus program installed on your computer, then the ports will be closed by default. In order to open them, you need to allow access in the antivirus itself, only after that you can start the server.

I will show this process using Dr.Web antivirus. You need to right-click and go to the firewall of the antivirus. Next are the settings. On the applications tab, you need to find programs related to Java™, then allow the application, as shown in the screenshot.

If there are no antivirus programs on your computer, do the following (video)

  • Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall
  • Find there the button disable -> confirm -> apply

Minecraft beginners for you this information will be useful about the gameplay itself.
Minecraft for noobs, this paragraph will describe the main points and goals of the game.

In Minecraft, a day lasts 20 minutes. The day itself in the game lasts 10 minutes. Morning and evening last only one and a half minutes. The most mysterious time is night, it lasts as much as 7 minutes.

The main task in the game is survival. Your character needs to survive in such difficult conditions. At the beginning of the game this is probably the most difficult thing, because you start without everything, you have no food, no shelter and other useful things. Survival is one of the most key points in the game.

The most difficult time for a player is night. Because at night many evil mobs appear and want to kill you. That's why players build houses in the game, because they protect the character from mobs. Minecraft beginners, you need to show your imagination, you can build houses as you please. The most varied, they can be 2-storey, 3-storey and many others, as long as your materials and imagination are enough.

Minecraft can be divided into 3 main branches. This is survival, extraction of resources and building a house. Each branch plays an important role in the world and they are all interconnected. The game also has a level system, which plays an important role. With the help of a level, your character becomes more powerful, and therefore kills enemies faster.

The game also has armor and weapons, the better the materials you have, the better the armor and weapons you can make. Armor provides protection for your character from various mobs. The sword gives you fighting strength to fight your enemies.

The game has various subtleties, for example, you can write books and give other players to read them. In order to create a book you will need paper + leather, the craft is shown in the screenshot.

and only after that, opening the book, you will be able to write various texts. In order to open a book you need to take it in your hand and press the right mouse button. It has 50 pages and you can write up to 256 characters on each page. One book allows you to store 12800 characters. Create creations and delight your friends various works!

You can write a lot about the game, but you get the truest pleasure from the gameplay in the game itself.

Minecraft for noobs, this paragraph will describe a topic that affects the production of objects and how crafting is carried out.

In order to start crafting any item, you need to press the E (English) key. Next, cells will appear, there will be 4 of them, in these cells you need to put materials for crafting, and in the window on the right a ready-made item will appear.

This means that you have already become part of one of the world's largest communities of gamers, and it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with important tips, which will help you spend your first two days in a virtual reality that is unusual for you.

Minecraft, unlike most, will not give hints - only you decide what and how to do. Such freedom, of course, inspires, but can also become the reason for the quick death of the character: after all, if he spends the start of the game on enthusiastic inspections of mountains, forests and other natural beauties, then with the onset of night he will become a victim of zombies, skeletons, creepers and other evil spirits.

Which mode should I choose?

When you start the game, you choose a mode - it can be “survival”, “hardcore”, “creativity” and “adventure”.

Creative play doesn't put any time limits on you. Night does not fall here, monsters do not come, and therefore there is no need to monitor the rationality of your actions - do what you want and when you please.

A survival game is a serious challenge to self-organization skills. The first two days here are extremely important and will determine further progress in the gameplay.

“Hardcore” is very similar to “survival”, but in it you are given only one life - after death you will not be able to be reborn.

“Adventures” is a special mode for creating your own maps. Also similar to "survival", but with some restrictions.

This article will help those who are starting to play Minecraft spend their starting days in “survival” or, for the brave ones, in “hardcore”.

Day No. 1 – preparation for the night.

Finally, the game is launched, the mode is selected, and your character finds himself in a freshly generated map. Look around! Perhaps there is a chest with a set of useful things nearby, or there is an interesting recess nearby in which you can collect valuable resources.

Your main task at this stage is to prepare the shelter for the first night. Some Minecrafters prefer to build simple houses (for example, like in the picture below), others dig holes in the ground, making caves. These two methods provide the same safety, and both will require a supply of materials and tools.

It is worth considering that the game day goes by very quickly - you will only have 10 minutes before it gets dark. It is because of this time limitation that many people recommend digging caves for spending the night - because you will definitely have time to cope with this.

Pay special attention to trees, since it is wood that gives rise to development. Approach the trunk and start hammering it with your hand until the wood block collapses. A piece of resource will fall out of it - pick it up. In the future, the same action must be carried out with several more blocks, but everything will work out faster, since you are already hitting with a piece of wood. To extract resources more efficiently, you should make the first tool – a wooden pickaxe.

To do this, you need to turn the wood into planks in the inventory window, and then make a workbench (desktop) out of them.

Set up a workbench near your sleeping area. It is advisable to choose it not far from your first appearance - because if you die, you will find yourself in the same place again. In addition, it is worth making an additional mark - for example, placing a high post, so that in the process of exploring the world you do not lose the location of the workbench and shelter.

Open the workbench window and craft a stick and a pickaxe there.

With a pickaxe you can effectively chisel earth and stone. This way you will get a cozy cave and accumulate new types of resources. Experiment with them in the crafting window to create new items! Try using stone instead of planks in your pickaxe recipe and you will get a stone pickaxe. Use a different arrangement of boards (stone, iron) to get an ax or shovel.

Over time, you will accumulate so many objects and blocks that they will not fit in the bottom panel. Go to the inventory window to distribute them or carry out simple crafting.

As night falls, the world of Minecraft will plunge into darkness. It is very important that your temporary home is well lit with torches. This will scare away the monsters and allow you to go deeper into the depths.

Torches are made from coal and sticks - exactly as in this recipe.

You should already have the sticks, but the coal still needs to be mined. It's best if he gets caught in a cave or gorge. Coal blocks differ from stone blocks by dark veins. Hit them with a pickaxe and collect the black pieces that fall out!

If there are no caves or other depressions nearby, you can create coal on your own. It is obtained after processing wood in a kiln. This object is made from cobblestone. Using ready-made recipes, you can make both a stove and charcoal without any problems.

Torches should be placed at the entrance to the cave and around the perimeter of the room. The entrance must be closed - use the door or barricade yourself with thick blocks.

A game night also only lasts ten minutes. At this time, it is better not to show your face on the street, otherwise the monsters will try their villainous abilities on your hero. Engage in excavations, extracting new resources.

Day No. 2 – worries about food and comfort.

You've probably already noticed your character's health and hunger indicators - they are indicated by scales of hearts and legs. If you are well prepared for nightlife, then the character’s health is not affected. But his satiety gradually decreases. When you start the second game day, you should start accumulating food.

At first, the Minecraft hero will have to eat killed game. Take, for example, an ax and chop up the sheep, cows, pigs and chickens you come across. These mobs will drop raw meat. To eat it, you should do some cooking - cook the meat in the oven.

Examine the nearby trees - perhaps there are delicious fruits there. Of course, they are also suitable as food. In the future, you will be able to grow your own garden and raise animals on the farm.

In addition to meat, after the death of animals, skin remains. Armor is made from it. Of course, it won’t save you during a tough confrontation with aggressive mobs, but it will still protect you from injury in random fights.

Your character doesn't have to stay awake all night. If you build a bed, he will sleep on it - you approach the bed, and a moment later morning comes. The bed will also become a place to return to the game after dying in the “survival” mode.

To create this object, you will need boards and wool.

You already know how to craft boards, and wool comes from sheep. After killing an animal, you will only receive one block of this material. In the future, it is worth getting scissors that will give 2-3 particles of wool and leave the sheep alive for further accumulation of this resource.

Objects purchased in the game are inconvenient to constantly carry with you - it is better to make a chest and keep there what you do not need very often. Here is the prescription:

If the hero dies, all the resources and tools that he carried with him, and did not store in the chest, will simply be lost.

Well, if you have successfully completed the steps described, you can send your Minecraft character to rest in the second overnight stay. He still has many more days of gaming life ahead of him, countless exciting activities and, of course, encounters with different mobs!

Everyone in the game is divided into friendly, neutral and aggressive. In the following article we have compiled an overview of the friendly creatures of Minecraft.

If you've never played Minecraft, everything may seem complicated at first.

Always wanted to try playing Minecraft, but gave in to its apparent complexity? Well, you may not be far from the truth. The world of Minecraft can really seem scary and confusing if you just log into the game and have no idea what to do. There is virtually no help from the game (apart from the tutorial mode in the Xbox 360 version), and trying to learn anything through trial and error is unlikely to be successful. And so that life doesn’t seem too easy, with the onset of night – after 10 minutes of real time – hostile monsters will appear for your soul.

After reading this tutorial, you will learn how to obtain materials for your first tools and build a shelter where you can wait out the nights in comfort and safety.

Note: After completing the tutorial on Xbox 360, get some wool by killing some sheep and make a bed as night will come soon. After waking up, be sure to inspect the area around for hostile mobs.

Step 1: Create a workbench

First of all, you will need to create workbench.

To do this, you will need to collect some wooden blocks by simply attacking the nearest tree. Walk up to him and hold down the left mouse button or the right trigger on Xbox 360.

After about 15 quick blows with your hand, the tree will break and the necessary blocks will fall out of it.

Don't forget to collect all the fallen seedlings and plant them. After a while they will become new trees. Also try to break more leaf blocks: they may drop apples that will be needed in the future.

Collect 16 wooden blocks per at the moment will be enough. Trees are always easily accessible and you can get more if necessary.

Note: This may seem obvious, but be sure to hold down the button when mining. This way you'll be destroying the block rather than just hitting it.

Now you need to get planks from the extracted wood. Open the inventory window (E button on PC, Mac and Linux), find the crafting grid there and place a wooden block in one of the slots.

A workbench is needed to create various items for survival in the game.

On Xbox 360 it's even easier: press X on your controller and select boards. When the corresponding inscription appears in the crafting window, simply press “A” and your wooden blocks will turn into boards. Boards are a more versatile material in Minecraft world and are used in many recipes. When playing on PC/Mac/Linux, clear the crafting area of ​​the remaining wooden blocks, place one board in each of the cells and make a workbench. On Xbox 360, open your inventory, select a workbench from the crafting menu, and craft it. Place the received item in the bottom row of your inventory.

Leave the crafting menu by pressing "E" on the PC or "B" on the gamepad and pick up the created workbench. Find a suitable location and install it by right-clicking on PC/Mac/Linux or left-clicking on Xbox 360. Once the workbench is installed, you can interact with it with the right mouse button or left mouse button to open a menu for more advanced crafting.

Note: if you want to move the workbench to another location, simply break it with your hands and pick up the dropped block: it will appear in your inventory again.

Step 2: Create Tools

Now that you have a workbench, you can move on to creating various tools, such as a wooden pickaxe. With these items you can mine materials more efficiently. To begin, open the crafting menu (in your inventory or on a workbench) and place two boards vertically in adjacent cells. As a result, you will get four sticks. Create some sticks, but don't use up all the boards.

Enter the crafting menu of your workbench and place three blocks of boards in the top row of cells, and use sticks in the two free slots under the middle block of boards. At the end you will get a wooden pickaxe.

In the case of the Xbox 360, everything is much simpler, since there is no need to correctly position objects in the window and all actions are done directly from the menu. Although the wooden pickaxe has the lowest durability, it is absolutely necessary for creating more advanced tools.

Start digging, going deeper until you hit a rock. Armed with your new pickaxe, break some stone blocks (if you try to do this with your bare hands, you will waste a lot of time, and in the end you will not get the stone). Collect the dropped material and use it on the workbench to create a stone pickaxe, placing three stone blocks and two sticks in the top row of cells in the same way as the previous recipe. On Xbox 360, to access other pickaxes, find a wooden pickaxe in the crafting menu and use the left stick to move up and down to select the one you want. Until you find better materials, the stone pickaxe will be your main tool.

Other tools are created in a similar way. Even though a pickaxe is your main weapon, you will most likely need more wood for further construction. For faster extraction, an ax is best suited. To make it, place two sticks as when creating a pickaxe, and place boards or stone in the upper left cell and the two adjacent to it on the right and below. You can also make a shovel by placing one board or stone in the middle cell of the top row and two sticks on the bottom. It can be used to mine sand and clay to make glass or brick, although you won't need them just yet.

Step 3. Construction of the shelter

Dig a hole in the ground and close the passage behind you - this will help you hide from monsters that come out to hunt at night

If you have chosen a difficulty level other than “peaceful”, then it’s time to take care of your safety. When the music starts playing, it means that night is close, and after sunset, the world begins to appear zombie, creepers And skeletons. Indeed, it would be nice to have a place where you can wait out this turbulent time.

One of the simplest options for shelter is to dig a hole in the ground or a small niche (then you won't need to take care of the roof). Using destroyed blocks (or any others), you can surround yourself with a wall. Or make a hole in the hill and wall yourself up in it with the remaining earth. This way you can wait until the morning in safety, although this option is quite tedious. As morning comes you can go out to collect more various materials and make new tools.

To do this, place it in the crafting area below it. You can use charcoal instead of regular coal.

To make it, place a block of wood in the top slot of the furnace, and any flammable object (part of a fence, boards, wooden ladders and tools) in the bottom slot.

With the help of the resulting torches, you can illuminate dark areas so that monsters cannot appear in them. Torches will also help you navigate better in the dark.

Step 4. Food and hunger scale

Without food, your character will constantly die, so take care of this in advance

Now that you have a shelter and tools, all that's left is to get the last item you need to survive - I'm going. Walking, running, jumping and, in general, any activity consumes an energy bar, which is displayed in the form of “chunks” of meat in the upper right side of the screen. Having lost two “pieces”, you will not be able to restore your health, and if the scale decreases to three, you will lose the ability to run. The only way to replenish your hunger bar is to eat.

Depending on the selected difficulty, the hunger scale behaves differently. On “peaceful” difficulty, it decreases only when performing any actions. At the “easy” and “medium” levels, it decreases constantly, which consistently leads to the loss of the ability to restore health and run, and if it is completely depleted, to a decrease in the health reserve to half for “easy” difficulty and to one and a half “hearts” for “medium” . If you choose the maximum difficulty with an empty hunger scale, you will lose health until you die.

To avoid a similar fate, your character needs to eat. At first, your main source of food will be the wild animals around you (cows, pigs, chickens). It is enough just to kill one of them and collect the fallen meat. Of course, you can eat it right away, but for full effect it is better to cook it. This is especially true for chicken meat, which, if eaten raw, has a small chance of having the opposite effect.

The furnace, like the workbench, is the main “item” in Minecraft; with its help, useful and necessary things are created (ingots, glass, food, etc.)

Also, if you manage to find coal, you can do torches.
The first thing you'll need is a furnace: place eight stones in the crafting grid, leaving the central slot empty. Take the resulting stove in your hands and install it.

Next, place a piece of coal in the bottom slot of the oven, and on top - raw meat and wait ten seconds (one coal is enough to cook eight pieces of meat, so do not waste fuel). Remove the cooked meat and eat it, filling your hunger gauge much more effectively than eating it raw.

Later, when you get the hang of it and assemble necessary materials, you can build farms to grow wheat, mushrooms or even melons.

In the world of Minecraft there is huge amount recipes, but at first you should focus on the most accessible ones.

What's next?

You will need the bed not only to sleep on it, but also to create a spawn point - the place where you will appear after rebirth

Now that you have successfully overcome the dangers of your first night in the game, you are ready to begin exploring the world around you in search of new materials, as well as food and wool, which is necessary to create a bed.

Bed will save you a lot of time as you can sleep on it at night, but for this you will need materials to make it and a safe place to install it.

Of course, it is possible to get all the ingredients before the first night, then you won’t have to wait it out.

To make a bed, you need three blocks of wool of any color, which can be obtained by killing sheep (although killing them yields one block of wool, this is not the most optimal way: using scissors allows you to get three or four blocks from each sheep, but still you don't have them yet). Using a workbench, place three blocks of wool horizontally in a row and three blocks of planks below them.

Note: A bed placed in a full safe shelter will move the spawn point where you spawn after death to that location. If you don't have a bed yet, then you should place your shelter as close as possible to your initial spawn point. Cover that is far enough away can be difficult to find if you die or get lost.

Note: Don't go overboard when killing sheep. Since animals can now be bred in Minecraft, they no longer respawn. And if you end up exterminating all the sheep nearby, you'll have to search new group, which may be very far away.

If you are no longer satisfied with shelter in the form of a hole in the ground, try the following. Enclose a 5x4 area with a wall of blocks. You can use any material, but brick will be preferable, as it is stronger than earth or sand, for example. Create a roof or ledge on the outside of the wall to prevent monsters from crawling over it. Place the bed not in the corner, but in the center. If you don't have enough time or materials, you can make a platform three blocks high and install a bed on it. This height will be enough to prevent anyone from reaching you while you sleep.

  • If by the first night you have made torches, but there is no bed yet, start digging. This way you will get more materials and not waste time.
  • Don't dig underneath yourself all the time - you may fall into a cave with monsters or, even worse, into lava. Break blocks in the form of a ladder (one forward, one down) or in a spiral. And always look at your step: you don’t want to lose all your belongings at once, do you?
  • Also, using the above mining method, you can completely collect blocks from a 5x5 area. After clearing one level, install a ladder block so you can climb up later. This way you can dig up all the surrounding blocks, obtaining even more valuable materials.
  • Always mark your path with blocks or torches to help you find your way back. An alternative method is to leave a huge sign on the ground, but this takes a long time and is not very effective when traveling in hilly or mountainous areas. Moreover, you simply may not see it due to too great a distance, if you have not set the world drawing distance to the maximum.
  • When going somewhere for a long time, leave all valuable items (ore and expensive tools) in the chest. If you are going to the mine, take with you only the essentials: a set of tools, a workbench, some food, torches and a pile of sand or any other easily destructible material. There is always a risk that you will die and it will be impossible to return all your valuables.
  • When you decide to build something grandiose, start with more modest projects. This way you will gradually become familiar with the game and the many different materials available, without one day catching yourself thinking that your creation looked much better made from, say, stone.
  • When playing on any difficulty other than “peaceful”, you should take care in advance to prepare a shelter for the night.
  • Be sure to save and do backups files, in particular when creating large projects or simply after a particularly successful trip to the mine. Caution never hurts.
  • Be careful when playing in split-screen mode on Xbox 360. If other accounts are logged in as guests, they will not be able to save their items and inventory without putting them in the chest. To log in with an account not linked to Xbox Live Gold, uncheck the "online" option when loading the world.
  • And remember that playing Minecraft with friends is always more exciting and fun.