Cold calling in advertising sales technique. How to make cold calls correctly: theory and practice. How to Create a Cold Calling Plan

What irritates clients when sales managers cold call? Business.Ru experts tell you how to properly prepare for calling the database, and what it is better not to do.

Cold calling technique: an example of an effective script

Igor Barbolin, President of the Grant Cardona CIS office:

– There are five main mistakes when cold calling. Everyone wants to have six-pack abs, but no one wants to go to the gym. Everyone wants to have their own business, but they don’t want to work for it.

Everyone wants new clients, but no one wants to call. Fact - the one who calls the client first gets 50% of the market.

Untrained “phone masters” make many mistakes, but the most common mistake when making a call is not being prepared, not having a communication script.

This leads to the fact that the seller speaks uncertainly, gets lost, and this, in turn, does not inspire respect or trust. And as a result, it irritates customers the most.

How to prepare properly? You need to prepare a script (there is technology for how to compose it), learn it, and then practice with a partner in role-playing game, until the script becomes “native”.

This needs to be done daily, and this will ultimately lead to the seller’s flexibility and telephone victories.

This is NOT the right way to call:

  1. Hello, my name is Ivan Egorov, I’m calling you from the office of Grant Cardone;
  2. Our company is a leader in sales training. After our trainings, the level of sales in companies increases by 20-50%;
  3. I would like to meet and discuss how our company can help yours;
  4. Can you spare some time for me this week to see what our company can do for yours?

How to call correctly:

  1. Hello, my name is Igor, I’m calling you from Grant Cardona’s office;
  2. Grant asked me to call you and give you a tool he created that helped companies like yours increase their sales by more than 40%;
  3. I'll ask you a couple of questions to make sure we can help your company;
  4. How many salespeople are there in your company?
  5. What are the two biggest challenges your salespeople continually face?
  6. If we could increase your company's sales by 20%, would you take the time to meet with me?
  7. Who else needs to be at this meeting besides you to learn how to use the tool that I will talk about?
  8. When can you give me 18 minutes to look at our product and how you and your sellers will benefit from using it?

Do you understand the difference? There is a 25% conversion rate to purchase that you may miss by ignoring cold calls. Be the first and don't be afraid to make money!

Cold calls. 22 errors. Video

Cold calling conversation pattern: common mistakes

Svetlana Makarova, director Makarova S.A.:

– As a rule, a telemarketer must be very stress-resistant, organized and clearly answer the question “what do I offer the client?”

If during cold calling you cannot clearly formulate the essence of your offer, then the number of refusals will grow exponentially.

And so, a list of the most common mistakes:

  1. The telemarketer is afraid to call. Fear destroys any, even potentially strong, employee. Alas, 95% are afraid. And if in the first few days you come across a client who says: “How tired of you calling me, forget my number...” or answers in a rude manner (and this will definitely happen - the costs of the profession), then the fear will become even greater and such an employee decides not to work with cold calls anymore;
  2. Calls too little. Yes, this happens in 80% of cases. The employee is sure that 5-8 calls are enough. As a rule, the return on such a tiny number of calls is minimal. Accordingly, the result of the work is 0;
  3. There are a lot of calls, and the percentage of conversion to a client is close to zero. This is a brute-force approach; someone will agree to cooperate. Unfortunately, this method will give insignificant results. By increasing the average conversation time with a client and reducing the number of outgoing calls, we achieve an increase in conversion;
  4. The telemarketer cannot formulate the essence of the proposal. Almost every client asks at the beginning of a conversation logical question: “What are you offering me?” At this moment, the employee begins to state something incomprehensible, or a monologue begins. The client wants to hear an answer to his question and this answer should arouse interest in further dialogue. It is important to form several loud, beautiful sentences or slogans, which will become a catalyst;

This page provides examples of real cold calls with potential clients to offer various products and services.

An example of a cold call for selling complex website promotion services. Result: Call from a specialist.

An example of a cold call for selling glass and mirror processing services. Handling the objection “Your prices are MUCH higher.” Handling the objection “No time. Busy". Result: Call from a specialist...

An example of a cold call to sell a fitness club card to a private individual. Handling the objection “I don’t want to do fitness.” Result: Meeting

An example of a cold call for the sale of orthopedic mattresses. Handling objections “We work with others”, “Economy downturn”, “Send a proposal”. Result: Meeting.

An example of a cold call selling custom tailoring services for classic suits. Processing the objection “I’m not interested right now,” “I’m buying in a store,” “I need to think about it. Result: Call from a specialist.

An example of a cold call for selling groupage cargo delivery services from China and Europe. Handling the objection “We work with others.” Vivid presentation of benefits and... Result: Meeting.

An example of a cold call for selling silk screen printing services. Processing the “Send a proposal” objection. A story about the advantages of the company and its services. Processing the objection “Send proposal 2.” Result: Call from a specialist.

An example of a cold call for selling children's hats. The call manager fought until the end! Handling objections “We don’t need anything”, “We work with others”, “Expensive”. Result: Call from a specialist.

Example of a cold call to sell a platform for creating mobile applications. Processing the objection “We don’t need anything.” Vivid presentation of benefits and... Result: Meeting

Examples of real cold calls using scripts. Cold calling database.

Cold calls. Sale of insurance products. Cold sales by phone

An example of a cold call to sell a service to increase customer loyalty. Bypassing the secretary’s objection “Send a proposal”, contacting the decision maker, processing the decision maker’s objections “Not interested yet”

An example of a cold call for selling government procurement support services. Bypassing the objection “We do not work with government tenders”

An example of a cold call for the sale of orthopedic mattresses. Bypassing the “I’ll call you back” objection

An example of a cold call for selling CRM Bitrix24. Bypassing the “Send a Quote” Objection and Trying to Explain Competitive Advantages

An example of a cold call to sell a loan co-financing service. A detailed, professional explanation of the essence of the service, usually performed only by a specialist. In this call, the explanation is carried out by the call manager using a script.

An example of a cold call for the sale of orthopedic mattresses. Bypassing the objections “I don’t see the point in working with you,” “There are so many suppliers.” Finding out the client's profile

Sales cold call example visual aids and educational equipment for schools. Bypassing the “No money/No budget” objections.

An example of a cold call for selling a surge protection device. Bypassing the “Nothing needed” objection.

An example of a cold call to find a dealer selling medical equipment and equipment

An example of a cold call for selling a surge protection device. Director: “If in the sense that the direction is to be developed...” The call is simple, but positive!

An example of a cold call for selling government procurement support services. We've been calling since October, calling in November. Always “don’t” Call in November “Can’t we really do this ourselves”:

Call in December. Client portrait. Meeting with a specialist:

An example of a cold call to sell an Internet service for transport companies. Bypassing the objection “We won’t connect you with the manager”, “Send information materials”, finding out the client’s profile and scheduling a meeting!

An example of a cold sales call for selling visual aids and educational equipment to schools. Bypassing the “No money/No budget” objections. An appointment has been made with a specialist!

An example of a cold call for selling security services. Bypassing the “No time for a meeting” objection. The meeting is scheduled!

An example of a cold call for selling security protection with sliding bars. Handling the “We work with others” objection. Finding out the client's portrait. The meeting is scheduled!

An example of a cold call to sell the service “Converting a car to gas.” Processing the objection “No need”, “Car is under warranty”, finding out the client’s profile, inviting for diagnostics.

An example of a cold call for selling services for welding and installation of plastic pipes. Introduction and immediately meeting. Finding out the client's portrait.

Example of a cold call for selling power cables. Processing objections “Nothing is needed”, “Give a specific price”, Meeting, Finding out the client’s portrait!

An example of a cold call for selling Ayurvedic herbal complexes. Handling “Don’t” objections, Meeting!

An example of a cold call to sell the service of organizing a chess club in children's institutions. Immediate meeting with a specialist

An example of a cold call for the sale of spices and dried vegetables. Meeting right away.

An example of a cold call for selling complex website promotion services. Specialist call

An example of another cold call for selling complex website promotion services. Specialist call

An example of a cold call for selling security and video surveillance systems. Meeting with a specialist

Often we are faced with a situation where the head of a company wants to use scripts for the work of managers, measure and improve the work process, but does not know how to do this.

And here it’s worth saying that the call script is just the tip of the iceberg. It represents the company’s entire experience in conducting telephone sales in the form of the structure of a conversation with a client. In other words, the fact that the manager decided to use a script is good, but for a truly significant improvement in telephone sales, it is necessary to work on all of its components, on the methodology, and reflect the results of such work in the script as in an easy-to-read repository.

Moreover, such a process is not done once, it must be continuous.

In this regard, we decided to write several articles detailing the consistent improvement of the company's telephone sales methodology.

The article that is now in front of you is a kind of “skeleton” of an organism called “telephone sales”. It will talk about the standard semantic blocks that make up the sales structure.

Types and stages of telephone sales

First, let's define what telephone sales are.

The most favorite ones are, of course, “hot” ones - when the client himself wants to buy the product. (Let’s give credit to the marketing department for such clients) The most important thing here is not to do anything stupid and not “lose” the sale! But alas and ah! How many mistakes are there!

Cold (warm, cool) - no one is waiting for you, but at least they know about your company. You just want to sell to someone who previously bought something or to someone who gave their number in exchange for a card, information, registration, etc.

Regardless of the type of sale, one way or another, the conversation always contains standard stages that are repeated from time to time.

The classic telephone sales genre consists of 5 stages:

  1. Identifying needs
  2. Presentation
  3. Completing the deal

No matter how monster, god, unique or sales professional you consider yourself to be, following these steps is mandatory! Otherwise, you will always have an unpredictable result! And, even worse, “draining” the client.

So, let's take a closer look at each of these stages.

Greeting, establishing contact

At first glance, this stage is not the most significant. But! The course of the transaction, the tone of the conversation and the general mood of the client depend on it! You have about 10 seconds to avoid being sent away. And these are the most important 10 seconds. There are three parts to this stage:

  • Corporate greeting
  • Acquaintance
  • Arousing interest

The essence of the greeting is clear: the interlocutor needs to know who you are, where you are from and why you are calling at all.

The essence of dating: you need to clarify the name in order to understand whether you even got there and how you can contact the person.

The essence of the call of interest: make sure that your interlocutor gives you a chance to talk about your proposal. You need to ask a question that will spark interest or at least not make you want to hang up. And, of course, it is important to determine the time limit. It is important to have a conscience here! Don’t blatantly chatter about your product without finding out whether the person even has time to discuss it. It’s better to ask, hear a refusal and offer to call back, than not ask and be sent away for a long time. Experts recommend avoiding monosyllabic questions that can easily be answered “no.” It’s better to use open language: “Tell me, username, how much time can you devote to our conversation?”

Identifying needs

When we don’t know what the client needs, we try to sell it! On the contrary, when we can identify the “pain”, the problem, the need of a person, we help him - we give him a solution. And accordingly, when we identify needs and offer a solution, it is easier for us to present a specific product or service, since we obviously talk about what is important to the client!

Let's imagine a situation: a person wants to buy mobile phone, but if you don’t identify your needs, you’ll have to talk about all the models, all the manufacturers, etc. And by asking a few questions about how the client will use this phone, we will greatly narrow the circle to one or two models. Only by understanding a person’s true need can we easily sell him the product he needs.

There is a simple tool to identify needs - a question! There are different types of questions: open, closed, alternative and combined. This topic is so vast that it could easily be (or even an entire series).

But like everything else, the art of questioning has its basis. And within the framework of this article we will discuss it.

The key is to understand what asking questions does in itself:

  • specific offer (narrow your search from many similar products);
  • We do not offer just anything based on our own considerations, but what the client needs;
  • By asking questions, we sell ourselves as an expert of our product, because we clearly know how and what to ask and, accordingly, what to offer.


Presentation is the sweet spot of the whole sale. The most important stage. Here are a few simple rules, following which you will doom yourself to success:

  1. The presentation must comply with the “property-benefit” rule! It’s not enough to just describe a product or service; you MUST talk about the specific benefits that the product or service provides. Property + benefit. For example: a green dress (properties) will highlight your green eyes (benefits).
  2. The presentation must meet the identified needs. If you find out what a girl likes green and she has green eyes, there is no point in offering her a blue dress just because it is taken more often! Because your proposal will not meet her needs, desires, and you will simply face either refusal or objections.
  3. When presenting a service or product, return to the identified needs. For example: “Remember, you said that your favorite color is green (returned to the need), so, the dress that I am offering you is exactly green (property) and it will highlight your green eyes (benefit). The example may be stupid, but that's exactly how it works. Your task: write a specific benefit for each property of your product!

A common mistake: stages are confused and mixed up. Identify one need at a time and make a presentation for each. Or it may happen that what follows contradicts the previous one. You need to identify all the needs at once, ask 3-4 questions that will allow you to offer something specific and not waste time on a presentation for each need. This is what the error looks like:

Manager: What color do you like most?
Client: Green.
Manager: Great! There is a beautiful green floor-length dress with rhinestones! What length do you want?
Client: Just above the knee.
Manager: Eeeeeeeee, above the knee only blue ones.
Client: And yes, I hate rhinestones!


It would be correct to ask questions like this:

What color do you love the most? (Closed essentially requires a closed, unexpanded answer)
Do you have a length preference? Maxi, mini, medium length? (Alternative)
Is there anything else I should consider when choosing a dress for you? (Open, there may be several points here, including rhinestones)

And only after these 3 questions was it worth making an offer and presentation of the dress.

Dealing with objections

A situation where a presentation does not meet needs most often leads to refusals or objections. Neither the first nor the second are the most best options developments of events. After all, it’s easier to anticipate objections than to fight them! Yes, and “fight”, in our opinion, is the wrong definition. To fight means to argue with the client, and the client is always right!

First you need to understand what is the objection?

When we ask this question at trainings, we usually hear the following answers: disagreement, resistance, refusal, distrust, reluctance to buy, etc. And only a few out of a hundred say that an objection is a doubt. Here it is, the stumbling block: those who believe that an objection is a disagreement begin to argue with the client; and those who understand that an objection is a doubt simply try to dispel it and help them make an informed decision.

It is important to understand that the client is stopped from making a decision only by his doubt, and it is important to determine what exactly this doubt is, dispel it and give more than the client expects.

For example, a “dispute” option with a client:

Manager: Why is it expensive? Is 5000 too much for you?

It is obvious that such a statement of the question implies that the client is not wealthy enough and cannot afford a dress for 5000 rubles! But, after all, the point is not that it is expensive, but that she doubts that it will suit her! Here's what a good manager will do:

Client: The dress is too expensive, especially since it may not suit me since I order it online.
Manager: Yes, I understand that I wouldn’t want to pay for something that doesn’t suit you, but our delivery is free, we can bring you several different models, different sizes, and if nothing fits, it’s okay, the courier will take everything back, okay?

This is an option for working out an objection according to the rule “accession + objection to doubt + argument.” Here's another example from a different area:

Client: Your cleaning services are too expensive.
Manager: Yes, I understand (joining), perhaps it is expensive when compared with cleaning yourself (the objection was questioned), but a professional will come to you, in a short period of time will do a general cleaning with environmentally friendly means, and if you find what to do find fault, we will return the money (argument to objection).

Here's an example from insurance:

Client: I don’t need insurance, nothing will happen to me!
Manager: Yes, I understand, (joining), when everything is good, it’s difficult to imagine something bad (they questioned the objection), but does something really have to happen for you to think about insurance?

Train your managers to work with objections using this formula! It is incredibly effective, since not everyone knows how to overcome objections aggressively or with questions (also a separate topic for an article).

However, before working with clients according to this rule, you need to clearly understand what a true objection is! After all, as you know, there are two types of objections:

  1. True
  2. False

With the true one, everything is clear, it reflects the essence of the doubt: expensive, specific conditions are not suitable, there is no trust in the company, no trust in the manufacturer, etc. The true is something for which there is a specific argument, but what to do with the false is often not clear.

For example, to everyone’s favorite “I’ll think about it,” they most often answer: “Okay, think about it - if anything happens, call me!” And this is nothing more than “draining” the client... forever. What to do in this case? It's simple: get to the real objection. Let's imagine that a false objection is a bubble, and a true one is inner part bubble, and to get to it, you need to burst this bubble. There is one simple trick for this: make a “fork” out of two of your assumptions.

Client: I'll think about it.
Manager: Yes, I understand (joining works here too), it is important to think about it, but tell me for my understanding, maybe you are not satisfied with the price or the delivery time is not suitable?

(In this case, most often, two developments are likely: either the client refutes your options and reports his own, or confirms):

Client: No, it’s not about price or timing, it’s important for me to consult with my wife!

And now we know the true objection, bingo! :)

Manager: Yes, I understand that in a family it is important to consult (attachment), but we are talking about family insurance and your wife would be happy that you took care and insured her and yourself (we question the importance of discussion with your wife). Moreover, if your wife is against it, you can turn off the insurance program within 7 days, and we will return your money (argument).

By the way, during cold sales, a frequent objection from millennials and simply the advanced part of the audience is a request to think and study the offer on the site. Here it is important not to fall flat on your face by failing to name a direct link, but at the same time you must also try not to “drain” the client by directing him to a page that does not correspond to the offer that you voiced over the phone! After all, there is nothing worse than disappointed expectations.

In this situation, the best solution would be a landing page. After all, only on the landing page can you calmly and in detail study the essence of the trade offer and all its advantages, without being distracted by secondary things. In addition, the purpose of a landing page is rarely sales: usually it is just a platform for getting acquainted with the product, as well as collecting contacts (email) of interested people for further work.

Therefore, do not be lazy to create a separate landing page for each offer in order to provide a link to it in time if asked. Many people have poor listening comprehension or even just don’t like talking on the phone with strangers - consider their needs too! Moreover, it is very easy to develop your own landing page using . There are hundreds to choose from ready-made templates, conversion optimization center, analytics tools, as well as numerous integrations for marketing automation:

Completing the deal

The most valuable stage of the transaction, in the sense that it is the one that brings in the money!

And it’s a shame that most often the conversation doesn’t even get to this point. Managers don't even try to close the deal. They are just consultants! How often do we hear: “Thank you for the consultation, you are an excellent consultant, I’ll call you as soon as I decide!”

You should not take such phrases as an “insult,” although it is very offensive. You can’t shout into the phone: “Well, please, wait, I haven’t sold you anything!” Instead, you need to learn how to make an attempt to close the deal. It's easy! The script should contain a phrase that confirms the transaction, for example:

“Which address should I arrange delivery to?”
“What is more convenient for you to pay: cash or card?”

Or at least:

“Which email should we send you our proposal for detailed study?”

BUT! Under no circumstances should it be:

“Are you interested in our offer?”
“Would you like to buy this?”
“Well, how do you like our proposal?

By including blocks for all stages in your call script and following the sequence, you will definitely increase the number of sales.

In the following articles we will talk about what to do next:

  1. How to create a sales script from scratch.
  2. Launching a script in a company - how to implement a script so that employees accept it.
  3. Quality control of telephone sales - how to constantly improve sales methods and employee performance.

One of the important components that affects the level of sales is the script. Even though everyone's target audience is different, everyone's communication style is the same. Some companies develop sales scripts on their own, others buy ready-made scripts. From this article you will learn which speech modules are used and how to write a script correctly.

Script development technology

When developing a script template, pay attention to its blocks. A high-quality script for sales managers makes it possible to more effectively influence the client. There are numerous types of sales scripts: when working with, with, with direct sales, when concluding contracts, making an appointment.

Now we will present the most common script diagram used when talking on the phone. During a personal meeting, for example, the first block is skipped, subsequent stages can be left.

The script includes 8 blocks:

  • Walking around the secretary.
  • Greetings.
  • Identifying problems or clarifying needs.
  • Competent proposals for solving problems.
  • Offer of current shares.
  • Demand clarification.
  • Processing objections.
  • Completion of the transaction.

Now we will tell you in more detail about each block and give examples of dialogue.

Secretary's rounds

When you call the company, in most cases you end up with a secretary. Its task is to weed out unnecessary calls. Often the secretary receives an order from the manager to dump all trade proposals. Secretaries have their own scripts when communicating on the phone, and it can be difficult to get past this stage. Therefore, you need to be connected to a competent person. Think about how this can be done in your case.

Example dialogue:

Secretary: Good afternoon. Solnyshko Company, how can I help you?

You: Good afternoon. I'm Natalia, I represent the company (name). We are partners of many companies in your profile. So we would like to offer you cooperation. Can you connect me with the person who solves these issues?

Secretary: Okay, I’m connecting.


After connecting with the person in charge, you open the script and start a dialogue. First, it is important to find out whether this person can really make appropriate decisions.

The dialogue might look something like this:

You: Good afternoon. I'm Natalya, a representative of the company (name). Please tell me how can I contact you?

Representative of the company: Valery Petrovich.

You: Valery Petrovich, tell me, are you resolving issues regarding (specify the reason for the call)?

Company representative: Yes, did you want to offer something?


After establishing contact, we move on to the next stage. The main thing here is to identify the demand and not give the person the opportunity to immediately say “no”. This can be done with the help of correctly posed questions to which the client will definitely answer “yes”. Let's give an example. Let's say you offer office supplies, the dialogue might look like this:

You: You write with a pen, right?

Company representative: Yes.

You: And do you regularly run out of them?

Company representative: Naturally.

You: Then you need to buy new ones.

Company representative: Yes, what do you want to offer?

The main thing is to identify the demand and not give the person the opportunity to immediately say “no”.

Competent proposals for solving problems

Now that the client is ready to listen to your proposal, you can voice it. After all, the interlocutor has already confirmed his need for your services. The proposal should be brief and interest the representative of the company, for this you can use various levers.

You: We are ready to offer you office supplies high quality at low prices.

Offer of current shares

In order to strengthen the effect of the offer, tell the client about the promotions that you currently have, which you can offer when concluding a contract on a long-term basis.

You: By the way, I would like to note that we have special benefits for regular customers (state them).

By offering a promotion, you can push the client to conclude an agreement in the near future. This is a very effective method.

For example:

You: And today we have a promotion - when purchasing goods in the amount of 20,000 rubles or more, we provide an additional 10% discount.

Demand clarification

In the third stage, you have already received confirmation of demand from the client, and when you ask him the same questions again, you will naturally receive positive answers. But now you've offered him enough favorable conditions, and this needs to be emphasized.

For example:

You: You said that you are interested in more favorable conditions, so this is what we are offering you, right?

Elaboration of objections

This is the penultimate stage, and the client may slip away by making claims that you are not prepared for. Therefore, think in advance about the questions that a company representative may ask you and prepare the correct answers. In this case, competent script technique will help you conclude many profitable contracts. Questions may concern not only the cost of the product, but also its delivery, quality, and the activities of competitors. Let's give an example of how you can respond to an objection.

Company representative: We already have a good office supply supplier.

You: But everything is learned by comparison, you haven’t worked with us and cannot evaluate our services and the quality of our goods. Let's try to conclude a medium-term contract and you can compare.

Questions may concern not only the cost of the product, but also its delivery, quality, and the activities of competitors.

Completing the deal

At this stage, a competent manager receives a positive decision from a company representative and begins to draw up an agreement and all relevant forms.

The sales department most often uses such scripts to effectively promote their products. The value of a well-developed script is that even a beginner will be able to react correctly to certain situations and successfully sell a product.

In order for you to have working scripts, try them out several times, evaluate their effectiveness, and if necessary, add and make changes. Analyze speech, intonation, sequence of questions.

We have given an example of a script that is advisable to use when selling a product. But a script can be written not only for sales, but also for setting up meetings, concluding contracts and many other actions. To do this, you need to select questions correctly and distribute them into blocks.

To avoid objections you should:

  • from the beginning of the conversation, try not to give reasons for objections, ask more, be interested in the interlocutor’s situation, his concerns, which can be solved thanks to the product or service you offer;
  • If an objection is voiced, it is necessary to answer them easily, arousing the interlocutor’s interest in continuing the conversation.

To the client’s response: “We already have everything,” you can answer: “I understand that you don’t want to change anything, everything is debugged and works great for you. But we will be able to make an offer for your company that will be profitable, because new is development.” Video - how to work with objections: How to schedule a meeting Having worked through the objections, you need to end the call by scheduling a meeting, which is the main goal of the first cold call.

Constructing a telephone conversation with a sales manager

To do this, adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to show by intonation and manner of speaking that the person in charge needs this cooperation more than you;
  • Clear, correct, confident speech;
  • The following phrase should be used in the conversation: “Who can I talk to on this issue"(Contact me with the person responsible for this matter.")
  1. Conversation with the decision maker. The structure of the script for a conversation with the person in charge of the company will look like this.

Stage Action Greeting Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning) “Name of interlocutor” Introduction State your first and last name Clarifying questions and product introduction Do you use communication services from our company “name”? Now we have a new offer; for regular customers it will cost half as much.

Conversation pattern for cold calling clients

A script is a script for a dialogue between a sales manager and a client, designed to increase the efficiency of the former and attract the latter. You need a telephone sales script if:

  • Do you sell over the phone?
  • Your office employs at least three managers to implement telephone sales and provide telephone consultations to clients (a smaller number is easier and cheaper to train to work without scripts);
  • You want to improve your overall telesales performance.
    At the same time, the effectiveness of individual managers may decrease.

If you agreed with each point, then we need to move on and decide what types of telephone sales scripts are suitable for your business. In total, there are four types of scripts, depending on the level of development of the client and the market in which the client is represented.

5 stages of telephone sales, or how to write a call script correctly?

You can offer several time options so that the client has no alternative - to meet or not. You should also clarify the nuances:

  • date and time;
  • place;
  • meeting participants;
  • discuss the purpose of the meeting;
  • get confirmation from the client.

When ending the conversation, you need to leave your contact phone number, renegotiate the meeting agreement and say goodbye on a positive note.

Cold calling scripts A call script is a pre-thought-out or programmed sequence of conversation with a client, established in the company. It is convenient to use ready-made modules when making an initial call to a client.
There are rigid and flexible scripts. Video - 24 tips on how to create your own cold calling script (part 1): Hard - used when selling a simple product, where there are not many options for customer responses.

8 basic rules when communicating with a client by phone

There are three parts to this stage:

  • Corporate greeting
  • Acquaintance
  • Arousing interest

The essence of the greeting is clear: the interlocutor needs to know who you are, where you are from and why you are calling at all. The essence of dating: you need to clarify the name in order to understand whether you are there at all and how you can contact the person.

The essence of arousing interest is to make the interlocutor give you a chance to talk about his proposal. You need to ask a question that will spark interest or at least not make you want to hang up.


And, of course, it is important to determine the time limit. It is important to have a conscience here! Don’t blatantly chatter about your product without finding out whether the person even has time to discuss it. It’s better to ask, hear a refusal and offer to call back, than not ask and be sent away for a long time.

Experts recommend avoiding questions that can be answered “no.”

Telephone sales scripts - techniques, examples and templates for effective calls


Such a script does not require the operator large quantity knowledge and skills. Flexible - used for complex products that involve ambiguous offers.

Such scripts require managers to be creative and prepared. Video - 24 tips on how to create your own cold calling script (part 2): When developing a script, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the industry and the characteristics of clients.

Standard, familiar phrases irritate people and cause rejection, so you should develop a unique script, different from other organizations, that will arouse the interest of your opponent. How to organize: full-time managers or a call center An entrepreneur may be faced with the question of what is better to organize: cold calls on the basis of his organization and include them in the functionality of his managers or provide calls to a call center.

Telephone Marketing: The Secret to Successful Telephone Sales

Cold calling in Russia is more often used in the following directions business:

  • forwarding companies - advertising rarely works, and clients are scattered throughout the country and abroad, there is no possibility of personal meeting;
  • advertising agencies, magazines, print publishers - use calls to find new advertisers;
  • manufacturing companies selling goods for business - to search for new markets and expand the customer base;
  • wholesale companies selling goods to organizations;
  • real estate agencies - for the purpose of selling commercial real estate.

Conversation outline To cold call was successful and gave the desired result, you should prepare for the conversation in advance and draw up a rough diagram.

Sales manager conversation scripts: development algorithm, examples

This is the so-called batch method, the basis of time management. By adjusting the sizes of your packets, you can increase your productivity.

It takes time and some effort for the brain to switch to new look activities. Using the principle of working in “packages”, you will seriously make your life easier and increase your productivity, and therefore your income.

Mistake #6 – not working with objections. After you have worked for at least two days selling some product over the phone, you already know the list of standard excuses that clients give you. Those who have been involved in sales can right now take a pen and write down one or two standard excuses, using which they refuse you when you offer your product.