Why do you dream about an owl sitting on your hand? Why do you dream about a white owl? What does an Owl mean in a dream?

Anyone who saw a white owl in a dream will receive help and protection from influential people. And if this was the lady’s vision, then in reality it’s time for her to preen her feathers, because a romantic rendezvous awaits. However, in dream books there are other, less optimistic, interpretations of what an owl with white plumage might dream of. Sometimes this bird is a sign of impending troubles, a sign that intrigues are being weaved and slandered behind the sleeper’s back. True, all unkind inventions and speculations will not cause serious harm to the dreamer. But you have to be prepared for minor mischief. Therefore, we will study all possible interpretations of predictions about a dreamed white owl.

Don't give in to provocations

In many dream books, the owl is indeed a rather contradictory image. But if the bird is white, then this practically smoothes out the negative interpretation of the dream. White plumage is a symbol of purity, purity, clarity.

However, sometimes even a white owl in a dream warns the sleeper about upcoming conflicts or futile efforts he is making in reality. And all because the dreamer has enemies who are trying with all their might to upset his plans, and from time to time cleverly provoking him. Hence the advice: do not succumb to the provocations of your enemies, calmly and confidently follow your path!

For travelers, people who are far from home, a gray speck on the white plumage of an owl in a dream promises a quick return.

Forewarned is forearmed!

You will have to face difficulties and troubles - this is what, according to Miller, they dreamed of holding a white owl in their hands. But all these adversities are completely surmountable, the dream book consoles. It’s even better if you hand-fed the bird in your night fantasy. In this case, problems will not only strengthen you, but if you wish, you will be able to turn them to your advantage. Moreover, in a number of dream books this plot is interpreted as the successful implementation of the most ambitious plans of the sleeper.

However, there is also a disturbing interpretation of Vanga, according to which an owl in hands is a harbinger of a fire. But there is a correction here too: dreamed white bird will help you take fire safety measures in time and avoid a tragedy.

Encouraging signs

The patronage of an important influential person is what the vision prophesies in which white owl flew right in front of the dreamer.

When you saw the famous polar owl in a dream and were not afraid of it, then in reality a meeting will soon take place, thanks to which life will radically change in better side, will force the dreamer to completely change his worldview.

A polar owl dreaming in flight is a sign that upon awakening, a correct, precise solution to a haunting problem will be found.

Women's happiness

A young lady who notices an owl with white feathers in a night vision will finally be lucky, she will meet a worthy young man with serious intentions.

A romantic date that will leave the most wonderful memories - this is what a woman dreams of a white owl for - the dream book pleases.

Why does a woman dream that she caught a night white-winged bird? Moreover, fate will give her a meeting with an interesting, intelligent man who will be much older than the dreamer.

Other interesting interpretations

Even if in the morning it is difficult to remember the entire dream, you can get a fairly accurate prediction from its details and fragments. Suppose, while you were sleeping, you just saw a white owl. Then the dream book suggests that you will soon lose your head from love.

If the bird was sitting on a tree branch, expect trouble in reality. But don’t be upset, because you will quickly find a solution to all problems. An owl flying during the day in a dream also suggests that you will get out of a difficult situation.

Catching an owl in a dream means receiving news about a loved one.

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder.

The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people crossed themselves, believing that with its cry the owl was calling evil spirits. About loud talking man They say: “Screech like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will take you out of peace of mind and will cause rash actions.

If an owl landed on your head in a dream, this is a sign that real life You will face an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

loneliness; night birds - warning of danger; screams - to the newborn, incredible news.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Portends illness, poverty, shame and grief. A person who sees an owl in a dream should not dream of further prosperity.

Owl in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of many owls, then such a dream indicates that times will come when dark forces will rule the Earth. Killing an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of influence evil man. Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news that will cause you a lot of grief.

I dreamed of an owl

according to Miller's dream book

The gloomy, dull cry of an owl heard in a dream warns the one seeing this dream that sorrows are creeping up on him. After such a dream, you must take precautions to protect your life and that of your loved ones. Bad news may inevitably follow this dream. Seeing a dead owl means that you will happily avoid a very serious illness. Seeing an owl foretells that you will be secretly slandered or in danger of attack.

Seeing an owl in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The owl is an archetype of wisdom in many cultures. Often the owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases relates to predicting the future, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or are receiving a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge. Is the owl in your dream mysterious or sociable? Does she talk to you? What is she saying?

Why do you dream about an eagle owl?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


Expert answers


In a dream I walk along an alley. Suddenly I realize that the trees are very tall, or rather the tree crowns are at an incredible height, I have to throw my head back. I look and think how branchy and fluffy the trees are. I took a closer look, and there were a lot of owlets sitting on every branch in groups, many, many, many. Precisely owlets, all fluffy and brown. What could it be? I didn’t feel fear, rather interest. (FIrina)

The dream means that in reality you are trying to deal with some difficult problem or take part in some important matter (major project), but it seems to you that you lack knowledge and experience or lack confidence in your own abilities.

A white owl in a dream often promises a solution to problems, a successful course of business, the patronage of influential people, and a romantic date for a woman. However, the dream book also interprets this image as a harbinger of troubles, gossip, slander, but even then the negativity can be smoothed out. Other details will help you understand why she is dreaming.

Try to ignore provocations

A white owl in a dream is often a symbol of clarity, purity, and purity. Therefore, such a vision smoothes out the negative meaning that dream books attach to stories about owls. Such a representative of this order of birds does not foretell trouble, and sometimes even has a positive interpretation.

Seeing her sometimes means: there are conflicts ahead, wasted efforts. Therefore, it is better to ignore the provocations of ill-wishers and not to argue with them in order to avoid complications.

For people who are far from their homeland, a dream of an owl with a gray spot promises a quick return.

Problems can be avoided

Why do you dream of holding a white owl in your hands? The dream book suggests: the dreamer will be able to take control of troubles. When he also fed her by hand, the complications could be turned to his advantage.

Did you dream of holding a feathered beauty in your hands? The dreamer will soon successfully implement all his plans.

Seeing yourself holding it in your hands in a dream often promises a fire according to the dream book. However, if it is white, you will be safely protected from danger by taking the necessary measures in time.

Important meeting, influential patrons

The interpretation of the dream, if this bird with white plumage flew right in front of the sleeping person, is very favorable. In reality, he can count on the patronage of quite influential people.

A polar white owl in a dream is a good omen. The dream book clarifies: if the vision did not cause fear, it promises an important meeting that can turn your life for the better or completely change your views.

Did you dream of a high flying polar owl? You can quickly find a successful solution to a protracted and boring problem.

Luck on the love front

A beautiful polar owl in a dream promises a girl good luck in amorous affairs. She will have a new admirer and, probably, the relationship will become permanent.

Why does a woman dream about a white owl? The vision foreshadows an imminent romantic date that will delight you with pleasant moments.

Why does a woman dream of catching such a bird? The dream book says: she will meet an interesting, smart man who will be older in age.

Dream details

Remember the details of the dream plot:

  • just to see - love is ahead;
  • sitting on a tree - troubles are ahead, but after thinking carefully, a way out can be found;
  • flies during the day - it will be easy to overcome difficulties;
  • catch - news concerning a loved one;
  • flew into the house - the death of someone in the family is possible.

Did a bird fly into the house and fly around the room? You can avoid danger if you show wisdom and prudence.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

A white owl in a dream is a warning: the dreamer may be secretly slandered or attacked. However white plumage means: serious difficulties can still be prevented.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom. When a sleeping person dreams of an owl or an owl, this indicates that he is looking for a wise decision, answers to the questions posed, as well as a way out of the current situation. Seeing an owl on your shoulder or next to another person means that you have a patron who can give good advice.

Women's dream book

In the dream book, an owl is a harbinger of death, so you need to be more careful about your health. Also, this night bird can be a warning that others are slandering you.

Russian folk dream book

This interpreter interprets the vision of an owl as the approach of an intelligent but evil person. If a bird attacks, it means that you have a large enemy who may not show himself in any way, but will certainly interfere with the fulfillment of your plans. Finding an owl means receiving wise advice. An owl in a cage - you will not be able to realize your plans.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

An owl in a dream foreshadows the appearance in life of an intelligent, treacherous, evil person who has evil plans against you. But the dream may have another meaning if the owl eats from your hands. In this case, you are guaranteed the patronage of an intelligent and influential person.

    owl hoot - there will be misfortune;

    attacks you - the machinations of the enemy;

    attacks a small bird or animal - help is expected from you;

    an owl without feathers - you will commit many rash actions (depending on the number of lost feathers);

    an owl flies around the house - trouble threatens people who are nearby.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu. Longo

If an owl flew in in a dream, you are afraid of something, expecting a blow. A dream in which the sleeper kills a bird suggests that he has chosen the wrong path and will only worsen the situation. A bird with white feathers can bring positive news. The dream book about a white owl says that such a dream may foretell a pleasant date or meeting with people who are friendly to you.

Dream book of the 21st century

    see an owl - meeting, date;

    an owl sitting on the palm - to losses, fires, loss of property;

    white owl - there will be a very pleasant meeting;

    the cry of an owl - to learn about the misfortune of other people.

Family dream book

    owl on a branch - receive the necessary and wise advice;

    flies past - someone is waiting for your help;

If an owl speaks in a human voice, it is important to remember what it is saying. Dreams in which this bird appears, as a rule, are prophetic, and if it says something, it means that you must own this information and use it for the right purposes. You need to take especially seriously the words that a white owl says in a dream.