Why does a woman dream about a white owl? What does the Owl dream mean? Why do you dream about a bird in the house?

The owl is considered a wise bird, but real life meeting her or an eagle owl does not always bode well, especially in the dark. For a long time people have not rejoiced at the cry of an eagle owl near the house. It is interesting to find out whether these sensations in a dream coincide with the interpretation of what an owl dreams about in reality.

An owl is considered a wise bird, but in real life a meeting with it or an eagle owl does not always bode well.

D. Loff's dream book suggests that it is no coincidence that an owl is dreamed of: a person is destined for longevity and the purpose of doing something important in this life. Next, the interpreter suggests remembering every detail of the dream.

Every little detail is important:

  • how does a bird behave?
  • what color is she
  • whether she is alive or dead.

The absolute 100% explanation of what is seen in a dream depends on this.

In the dream book from A to Z, an owl means the illness of a close relative, and the opportunity to avoid danger in life.

Tip: When you wake up, remember what the owl looked like in your dream.

Why do you dream about an owl (video)

Seeing an owl in your hands in a dream, in the house, outside the window

A predator can be seen anywhere in a dream: caught in a cage, flying and not giving in to your hands, calmly sitting on a tree branch outside the window.

  1. If in a dream an owl suddenly decides to sit on your hand, it means that you are approaching your acquaintance with your love. Positive news will come and old problems that existed before will soon be safely resolved.
  2. Holding a bird in your hands means other troubles may occur in anticipation of an incident involving a fire. But all this will only unite the dreamer’s relatives and friends.
  3. If you managed to tame an owl and feed it from your hands, the dream says that in reality the sleeper has wisdom.
  4. The “wise little head” decided to perch on the roof of the house or dared to fly inside it. Such a dream does not bode well; you should expect trouble.
  5. If, in its flights around the house, the bird hits windows and walls, it means that difficult times are approaching for the whole family, and possible illnesses should be expected.
  6. The owl presented its face in the window or knocked on the window - a child will be born, good news will arrive.

If this bird is in a cage, the dreamer has abilities that he does not use.

Why do you dream of an owl sitting on a tree?

An owl is, of course, a bird, so you can dream of it either flying or sitting on a tree

An owl is, of course, a bird, so you can dream of it either flying or sitting on a tree. It is impossible to say that you can see more often.

  • If an owl is perched on a tree, this may mean that someone seems to be watching the dreamer, exerting an influence on him. negative influence. Nobody likes being spied on. But this is still a small problem.
  • If an owl leans out of its hollow, the one who sees this dream will face a lonely life.
    Such interpretations are obvious, and the help of dream books may not be needed.

Owl with prey in its talons

If a person sees prey in his claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming the prey of someone’s dirty hands

If a person sees prey in his claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming a prey to someone’s dirty hands. Maybe you should be afraid of this, because there is a high probability of revealing carefully hidden secrets. If the bird managed to catch large prey, you should rejoice: the evil will go away, and very soon it will be possible to celebrate the victory.

Why do you dream about an eagle owl?

The eagle owl is a nocturnal bird, it is difficult to imagine that it could end up in a person’s house of its own free will

The eagle owl is a nocturnal bird; it is difficult to imagine that it could end up in a person’s house of its own free will. But this doesn’t happen in a dream. Therefore, if you dream that this bird is in the house, the person who sees such a dream will soon experience indifference from the person closest to him.

  1. The owl suddenly decided to show his character and grabbed his hair - this is the meeting approaching that the dreamer has been waiting for so long.
  2. If you dream of an eagle owl's claws, you should soon expect a quarrel in the family. By the size of the claws you can tell whether it is large or not. Thus, long claws speak of jealousy, and short ones symbolize minor everyday troubles. The eagle owl decided to sit on his shoulder - a test should be expected soon.

What does an owl mean according to Miller's dream book

Miller's Dream Book is considered one of the main interpretive books that people turn to for help. How does he interpret the owl and everything connected with this bird?

  • According to this dream book, hearing the hoot of an owl in a dream symbolizes that sad times, troubles, and misfortunes lie ahead. In this case, it is worth paying attention
    on loved ones and try to warn them from impending threats.
  • If you dreamed of a dead owl, then in reality you will be able to avoid the disease or ensure that it does not develop in a severe form.
  • Miller interprets just seeing an owl as a warning: someone is plotting behind the dreamer’s back and trying to slander him in every possible way; there is even the possibility of an attack by ill-wishers.

The owl is ambiguously represented by this dream watcher.

Advice: In your dreams you need to look for clues, but not dogma for action.

Why do you dream about a black owl?

A black owl is not so bad, it’s a chance to change everything for the better

A little earlier there was a conversation about the color of a bird, how it can influence the meaning of a dream. Just like in life, there is black and white, there is negative and positive. And in a dream it is presented like this:

  • If the dreamed owl is gray in color, then news may appear that will bring with it some discoveries.
  • The black color of the feathers means that you will have to rethink old decisions, it will appear new look for many things.
  • White color predicts a romantic date.

So, a black owl is not so bad, it is a chance to change everything for the better.

Tip: be sure to remember the color of the owl.

Why do you dream that an owl is attacking?

Not in all dreams the owl and eagle owl behave kindly. They can behave completely unpredictably, because this is still a bird of prey. But in a dream, this behavior is explained not by predation, but by the dreamer’s warning.

You can explain why you dream about this:

  1. The owl behaves aggressively and furiously attacked the one who is dreaming, biting him with its powerful beak. Such a dream may mean that in reality somewhere there is a very cunning and incredibly smart enemy. It is worth preparing for his actions and protecting yourself.
  2. If you run away from this night bird or feel fear, then the enemy is not asleep behind your back, but is just waiting for new brilliant ideas to be born, and then he will steal them in any way.
  3. The owl attacks someone else, and not the dreamer - it’s worth taking a closer look at him then, he can commit evil to the owner of the dream and it’s better to stop communicating with him. The bird points to this person who can masterfully disguise himself.

Interpretation of dreams about an owl (video)

There is no need to be afraid of dreams, you need to act correctly. Study the interpretation and try to act in accordance with the warnings that the dream book predicted.
There are plenty of both positive and negative interpretations of dreams with owls. Moreover, each dream book has its own vision of this problem. But any dream is dreamed only by a person who can change something in his destiny.

Attention, TODAY only!

Lovers of myths know that ancestors saw animals or birds as embodiments of certain qualities. Although legends different nations may be contradictory, in some aspects they are surprisingly similar: all tribes believed owl the embodiment of wisdom.

A bird that sees in the dark becomes a symbol of a balanced approach to life, which allows you to find your way into troubled times. Appearing during rest hours, the forest dweller makes it possible to understand things hidden from others. Although considered a harbinger of death in many cultures, the dream can have a positive meaning, signifying a new beginning and a rejection of outdated categories.

Why do you dream about a white owl?

If the color of the night guest’s plumage is associated with purity and clarity, then the dream will be favorable. Decisive role The atmosphere will play a role, because depending on the overall impression, 2 interpretations are possible:

  • When the dreamer feels peace or pleasant excitement, surprises await him in the future. Perhaps new events will overturn the existing worldview, and a person will begin to form it from scratch.
  • A painful mood and a sense of fear warn of approaching conflicts, and efforts to resolve them will be in vain.

Such a dream is more favorable than the option when a motley, gray or black eagle owl appears to you. He wants to warn you that boring but necessary things await you or a painful rethinking of life. Still, do not rush to be upset, because a wise messenger will show you the way and help you find your lost balance!

Why do you dream about an owl in the house?

At night, did you see a bird sitting comfortably on the roof of a house or flying into a window? Get ready for long-term troubles that will befall your loved ones. A series of troubles awaiting the family will make you wonder if you have become a victim of damage.

An interpretation that promises good would be when an uninvited guest hits a closed window from outside: she will bring news related to the addition of the family. There is no reason for alarm even when a bird is circling over the house, because this means that you will be vigilant, having recognized the approaching trouble in advance. With vigilance, you can assess potential risks and take action before problems become inevitable. Businessmen can count on good luck in business, fortunately Fortune will appreciate their efficiency!

In your night dreams, did you see how you hold a tamed forest dweller or feed her? Be prepared for the best as you gain wisdom and experience. Thanks to these qualities, the respect of others will not be long in coming, and you will enjoy success. Having worked on revealing the winning qualities of your nature, you will become a recognized leader, and your loved ones will begin to ask you for advice. Such events will be fraught with not only joyful consequences, because there will be no end to those in need of help!

If you put an owl in a cage, then the dream reveals hidden discontent. Deep down, you know that you didn't take advantage of the opportunities that came your way, and now you suppress your bitterness. The feathered one is here to warn you: don’t waste time remembering the past and wondering what life could have been like. The wise bird says that even an elderly person should not give up and think that he has missed all his chances. As long as you live, hope is not lost!

Why does a woman dream about an owl?

A winged messenger who appears to a representative of the fair sex portends good luck in love. It is especially good when a guest pleases the eye with snow-white plumage, because the feeling will be deep and lasting. The person you have long admired will reciprocate, and respect and complete trust will reign in the relationship.

Unfortunately, a forest dweller can not only foreshadow the beginning of a new love affair, but also predict the breakup of an existing one. There is a chance that you will find out your lover’s compromising secret, and the passion will cool. But when you dream of owlets, there will be no reason to be upset! The revealed secret of your chosen one will turn out to be harmless, and your love will not suffer.

Why do you dream about a big owl?

You can interpret a dream where a large bird appeared to you, taking into account the details:

  • A dead representative of the animal world will be a warning of an impending illness. By paying attention to your health in time, you will get rid of troubles! But sometimes the meaning is broader, and the vision foreshadows problems in everyday life. By being vigilant, you will correct the situation.
  • A dreamer who hunts and kills an owl will soon be fighting with external forces. There is no reason to worry, since you will emerge victorious from the ups and downs.
  • Messenger other world sitting on a tree means that you will receive wise advice from friends or relatives. But they should be taken critically, because the bird teaches you to find your own path. Listen to the recommendations, do not give up the initiative, and you will rise to the occasion even in the darkest hour.
  • In your dreams, do you watch a bird flying in the night sky? This means that you are ready to lend a helping hand to a person in trouble. You are distinguished by a strong sense of duty, responsibility and determination, so a wise bird will appreciate these qualities and show you the way.

But dreams will be less favorable when you see black owls perching on the head of the bed. They are considered harbingers of disease, and in best case scenario- negative thoughts. To get out of a difficult situation, you will have to resort to the support of others, but everything will end well: relationships with loved ones will strengthen after the trials.

Dream Interpretation white owl

A white owl in a dream is a good symbol. Such a vision promises a quick solution to all troubles, gaining the patronage of influential people, and good luck in business.

For women, this symbol promises a romantic date.

Owl with white feathers

At times, the dream book says, a white owl can also be a harbinger of gossip, troubles, and conversations behind a sleeping person’s back. True, if you wish, you can easily cope with all the troubles that befall you.

To find out why you dreamed about a white owl, you should consider your vision in detail.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

I dreamed of a bird of prey with white plumage

Seen in a dream white bird- a sign that you are in danger. Evil tongues They will try to slander you. You may be attacked for which you are completely unprepared.
At the same time, white feathers indicate that serious trouble will not happen. You know how to prevent a disaster.

What will other interpreters say?

The owl itself is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, no matter what the prediction is, dream interpreters will emphasize that you should show the full strength of your character. Use yours mental abilities to the maximum.

Newest interpreter

This dream book believes that an owl with similar plumage promises a romantic pastime. You can expect a meeting with interesting person what will happen late at night.

Seeing a feather falling out of a bird in a dream

Interpreter of prophetic dreams

This source gives an extremely negative prediction. It is believed that a white owl is dreamed of if the dreamer is in danger of death.

Interpreter Prozorov

If in a dream an owl dropped a white feather on you, then luck will smile on you soon.

Holding a bird in your hands means you will be able to do everything you planned. In addition, you will even be able to exceed your plan.

Positive interpretations

A dreaming owl may indicate that the sleeping person has an upcoming difficult situation. At the same time, white means that you have enough internal resources and knowledge to cope with all the troubles and obstacles along the way.

Holding a bird in your hands in a dream

The main thing that the dream interpreter says is that you should not make a decision intuitively. First you need to think things through carefully.

This symbol indicates that your intuition will become sharper and you will be able to recognize the truth.

A dream about an owl may warn that there is gossip going around you. True, white plumage means that you can easily find an ill-wisher and deal with him.

Negative dream

Why do you dream about an owl? This symbol may warn you of impending danger.

What exactly can a dream symbol warn you about:

Actions of a night bird

Why you dream about an owl is more or less clear. But what if you remembered her actions, could that change the prediction dramatically?

The cry of an owl is always a negative sign; it warns of impending danger. In real life, you have to be extremely careful.

If you are frightened by a sudden scream, you will soon learn stunning news. True, interpreters do not undertake to say what exactly they will be, positive or negative.

Dreaming of prey in the claws of a bird

If you dream of the lingering cries of an owl, poverty, misfortune, and illness await you.

When a bird screams near your house, there will be an addition to the family.

If the bird did not scream, but hooted, then in reality you will meet an interesting person who will be able to convey to you his invaluable experience. The dream book advises you to listen to his advice, they will be useful to you in the future.

An owl carries prey in its talons - your secrets will become the property of society. After such a dream, you must be extremely careful; you should carefully monitor what and to whom you say.

Why do you dream that an owl is attacking a small bird? In real life, you will witness how a person occupying high position in society will exploit a weaker person without a twinge of conscience.

The owl in your dream caught large prey - you will be able to cope with your more strong enemies. They will get what they deserve.

Bird in the house

A bird from dreams tries to fly into the house

If an owl sits on the roof in night vision, or is indoors, then you should prepare for a difficult period in your life.

If she flew around the room, hitting glass and mirrors, then the dreamer’s family will experience hard times. Relatives will begin to get sick, and the financial situation will deteriorate significantly.

An owl tries to fly into the house, hits the glass - you will receive good news or, finally, you will learn about the long-awaited pregnancy.

Seeing her caged means you are not using your capabilities to the maximum, in the end you will greatly regret it.

I dreamed about a baby

What if you dreamed of an owlet? If in a dream you found him in the forest, then soon you will receive wise advice. Dream books advise you to listen to him.

Seeing an owlet in a dream means petty intrigues, secrets, slander, which, however, will not cause you any special worries.

Dream interpreters say that owls often leave behind negative emotions, but the dreamer should not panic. Always remember that this bird is a symbol of wisdom. Don’t act rashly, and you will be able to cope with all the troubles that life throws at you.

The owl symbolizes wisdom. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, peace and the arts, was depicted with an owl on her shoulder.

The owl is considered a mysterious bird and has some evil power, since, unlike others, it is a night bird. The appearance of an owl in a dream can be interpreted in two ways.

Hearing an owl's cry, in the old days people crossed themselves, believing that with its cry the owl was calling evil spirits. About loud talking man They say: “Screech like an owl.”

If in a dream you tame an owl and feed it from your hands, this is a sign of your wisdom and worldly experience.

A dream in which an owl attacks you means that you have a smart and cunning enemy who will try to confuse all your plans.

Seeing an owl in a cage in a dream is a sign of your unrealized potential.

If in a dream you heard the hoot of an owl, then major troubles and problems await you.

To see in a dream how an owl is trying to attack a small bird means in reality to witness how a stronger and more powerful person uses the weaker. People say: “An owl is a godfather, a sparrow is a son-in-law.”

A dream in which you found an owlet in the forest promises you unexpected and wise advice.

Seeing an owl without feathers in a dream means that something will happen to you that will take you out of peace of mind and will cause rash actions.

If in a dream an owl landed on your head, this is a sign that in real life you will encounter an evil and mysterious force.

A dream in which you heard the cry of an owl near your house means that an addition is expected in your family.

Interpretation of dreams from

In real life, an owl is a bird of prey, and in a dream it is, accordingly, considered an alarming symbol that warns in advance of the appearance of possible problems. However, in addition to the above, the owl symbolizes not only wisdom, but also life experience dreamer To more accurately decipher what owls dream about, you need to remember what the bird looked like, what it did, and much more.

We study the dream book: owl. Why do you dream about an owl?

In most cultures, the owl symbolizes wisdom, life experience and great intelligence. Very often, the appearance of a bird in a dream is associated with longevity and knowledge. As a rule, a dreaming bird interprets problems that do not exist in reality, but indicates what awaits the sleeping person both in the near and distant future. But in order to understand why an owl dreams in a dream, you need to be able to listen to your feelings and state of both mental and physical health.

Owl screams in his sleep

You can take that dream when you dream of a dull owl hooting as a warning. Perhaps the sleeper will be in physical danger in the near future, so it is recommended not to walk on the street in the dark. But you shouldn’t dwell on the bad, because it hasn’t happened yet, which means troubles can be avoided.

Meeting with an owl

If in a dream an owl attacks a sleeping person, then this fact indicates that there is a cunning and intelligent enemy around, trying to destroy plans.

If, while walking in a dream, the sleeping person saw a small owlet or an adult owl, then this means that there is a wise person surrounded by him who is able to give truly practical advice. It is recommended to listen to the opinions of loved ones.

To tame or make friends with a bird in a dream indicates that the person sleeping by nature is not only a wise, but also an experienced person who can independently cope with many everyday troubles and find a way out of even the most difficult life situations.

If an owl flies past in a dream, this may signal illness, misfortune or fear. More exact interpretation depends on how the sleeper reacts to the bird in a dream. If negative emotions are present, then you can hardly expect anything good.

Watch the owl

Seeing an owl in a dream, but not being associated with it. means not only philosophical reflection, but also discovery and gaining new experience. In rare cases, it indicates that the sleeper’s life is spent alone.

The peculiarity of the owl is that although it symbolizes wisdom and great intelligence, when explaining such dreams, in most cases this can often be interpreted against the person who had the particular dream. For example, if an owl caught a mouse in a dream, then this indicates that some secret will soon be exposed, which, most likely, will not be made public in the most favorable light.

Conversation with an owl

If you dream of a conversation with an owl, then it is important to remember what the bird said. As a rule, what is said indicates the future, distant or near. It also means that wisdom will have to be shown in the near future, and the speech uttered by the owl may indicate a possible course of thought. In any case, even if the dream was negative, it is strongly recommended to remain calm and confident. Fear can only aggravate problems and never help solve them.

The appearance of such a symbol in a dream as an owl, regardless of the plot and specific situation, can have both a positive and negative meaning.

Positive interpretation

In order to more accurately interpret what an owl or eagle owl dreams about, you need to be smart. Very often, after such a dream, a person must show wisdom in solving any problems. It is also possible that a difficult situation in life has existed for a long time, and in order to resolve it, you need to carefully consider all your steps, and not act spontaneously.

Very often, a dream about an owl indicates the need to learn in real life in any situation to recognize the truth and see what others may not notice. If you look into another dream book (we want to find out why an owl is dreaming), this dream means that a network of intrigue is being woven around a person. And if you dream of an owl with owlets in a nest, then such a dream will mean not only an increase in size wages, but also rapid progress in career ladder. Let's talk about this in more detail.

When an owl in a dream is a messenger of good

An owl flying during daylight hours indicates that the sleeper will be able to easily overcome all possible difficulties that will arise during the day. life path. After such a dream, you can be completely sure that the dangers that befall you will be avoided.

Seeing an owl with prey in a dream promises quick relief from troubles and various minor problems. If in a dream the sleeping person found a small owlet in the forest, then in real life he will soon receive a wise and good advice solving many problems. The answer to the question of why owls and owlets dream is the interpretation that in the near future the dreamer will find his place in life. If at this stage the sleeper is actually in front of difficult choice, then such a dream recommends paying attention to what close people say on a specific occasion.

Complete mutual understanding with a person is what it means and what it means to dream of an owl sitting on him. There may also be such a scenario that you will be overcome by strong feelings that you had never dreamed of before. Also, having seen such a dream, the sleeper will soon be able to improve relations with the one with whom he was in a quarrel.

The first sign that you need to take care of your health and undergo a medical examination as soon as possible will be a dream where an owl sits on the sleeping person’s body. There is a risk that a serious illness develops, but by doing a timely examination, it can be overcome - this is what owls dream about in this case. It follows from this that the bird is a possible salvation from the disease.

To understand why you dream of an owl in your hands, it is recommended to consider it in this case as prey. Such a dream is considered favorable and will soon guarantee the destruction of evil, despite certain difficulties.

Negative interpretation of sleep

Very often an owl in a dream serves as a messenger of one danger or another:

  • in the near future you may not think about possible prosperity, you may not count on the successful course of events in any endeavor;
  • whoever sees an owl in a dream is threatened with illness, loneliness, dishonor and misfortune;
  • in the area where the sleeping person lives, a dangerous viral epidemic will soon appear that will infect and kill many people;
  • on the day after the dream you should be afraid of failure and losses;
  • a person who sees an owl in a dream may be attacked by robbers, enemies can not only secretly slander, but also use his position for their own mercantile purposes (one should be wary of events that may pose a threat to life);
  • situations may arise that will entail shock and shock;
  • there is excessive negative guardianship of a woman, which does not provide the opportunity to show wisdom and experience;
  • In reality, you may feel overworked, unwell, insomnia, and thoughts of death may appear.

Let's look at each possible option in more detail.

Anyone who saw a flying owl in their house may be in for trouble in the near future. The dead owl serves as a symbol of unrequited love. Seeing a stuffed bird is a warning that you will soon have to answer for your mistakes, as they say, pay the bills, and there will simply be no other way out of this possible situation.

If in a dream the sleeping person hears the hoot of a bird, then such a vision promises trouble. An owl ate from the body of a sleeping person in a dream - this indicates that in real life there is an insidious and very smart enemy who is preparing some actions that can disrupt all plans for the future.

A symbol of unfulfilled desires and loss of life potential will be a dream of seeing an owl in a dream, locked in a cage. We can conclude that the sleeper will not be able to complete things already started.

A dream where an owl without feathers indicates mental disharmony, that is, in real life something happened that brought a person out of mental balance.

Owl sitting on a tree

The answer to the question of why you dream of an owl in a tree is the following: the dream is considered a harbinger of poverty. If a bird sits in a room, this foreshadows a period of prolonged troubles and difficulties.

A dream in which the sleeper saw a hunting owl symbolizes fears and self-doubt. This dream makes it clear that because of his phobias a person cannot live a normal life.

What does it mean when you dream of an owl, and the person sleeping in the dream kills it? But here everything is simple - the plans will never become reality. To be more precise, a person cannot solve his problems.

You also need to remain vigilant when an owl catches a mouse in a dream. Such a dream warns that someone has managed to reveal the deepest secret of the sleeper and is trying to use it contrary to morality.

What does it mean when you dream about an owl and it also screams? And this dream says that in the future the sleeper will experience a huge loss. If a bird loomed in front of your face, it could portend illness loved one. The dream where an owl flew overhead also has this meaning.

A large number of owls in a dream prophesies evil that the sleeper will face in the near future. It is recommended to pay attention to those around you, among whom there may be dark personality dreaming of causing harm in every possible way.

What color is the bird?

If in a dream the sleeper sees a winged predator gray, then this portends good news, reasonable decisions, the discovery of something new that can change life for the better.

To understand why a black owl dreams, you need to carefully rethink many of your values. As a rule, information immediately arises that will help re-evaluate recently experienced events from a completely different point of view.

A variegated owl is considered a sure sign that the sleeper will soon be forced to do not entirely pleasant things.

Other sources, when asked why you dream of an owl in the house, regardless of its color, interpret that an accident will soon happen to unfamiliar people. Therefore, it is important again to pay attention to your emotions received during sleep.

Why do you dream about a white owl?

In almost all cases, the appearance of a white owl in a dream is considered the most auspicious symbol. But in order to more accurately interpret the dream, it is necessary to take into account its other nuances. For example, if the dream did not cause fear, then a successful meeting awaits the person ahead, which will bring many only the most positive emotions and surprises. Sometimes such a significant date can turn your whole life upside down. better side and completely change your worldview.

If a bird looked threatening in a dream, then there is no need to expect anything good. The dream foreshadows disagreements and quarrels in the family. To quickly stabilize a possible turn of events, the authors of dream books do not advise being verbose and under no circumstances making rash decisions. You just need to listen carefully to others and draw your own conclusions.

Still, a white owl in a dream is much better than another color. In most cases, white color does not foretell trouble, since it is considered a symbol of purity, clarity and purity.

You can interpret not only the very fact of the presence of an owl in a dream, but also, of course, its behavior.

An owl that makes contact with a person

This dream can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on who the predator is associated with: the owner of the dream or a stranger.

When the main character is the dreamer:

  • holding an owl in your hands is a warning of trouble or a possible fire;
  • taming an owl or feeding a bird from your hands means that the dreamer is a wise and experienced person;
  • the bird itself sits on your hand - in reality, only the best news, immortal love, or a solution to old issues awaits the dreamer;
  • an owl caught by the wings foreshadows future troubles with property;
  • if an owl lands on its head, this means that the dreamer will have to deal with negative energy;
  • when an owl lands on a certain part of the body in a dream, this fact means that it is necessary to urgently undergo a medical examination in order to avoid the occurrence of a serious illness.

If an owl interacts with another person in a dream:

  • when a bird sits on a friend’s shoulder, this means that he knows a secret that is important for the owner of the dream;
  • if a bird is about to land on someone, this means that complete mutual understanding is possible with this person;
  • It will be a bad omen when a bird is tamed by a loved one in a dream: if the predator listens to him and treats the dreamer aggressively, then the partner will soon cheat or betray him.

The cry of an eagle owl

An owl screaming is a harbinger of misfortune. In the case when an owl makes dull, gloomy sounds that haunt the sleeper in a dream, then you can immediately prepare for bad news after waking up. In real life, someone who has such a dream needs to be as careful as possible.

A dreamer who is frightened by the sharp cry of an owl will soon receive unexpected news, which can be both positive and negative character. In the same way, you can interpret a dream in which a bird fluttered out from under your feet.

The answer to the question of why you dream of owls emitting lingering cries will be the interpretation that this is a prophecy of dishonor, poverty or serious illness.

If the cry of an owl is heard near the house, then very soon there will be a new addition to the family.

An owl hooting in a dream, rather than screaming, promises in the near future interesting meeting with a person who can not only give valuable advice, but also teaches wisdom.

Bird with prey

A hunting winged predator means that the sleeper is afraid of becoming a victim of an atrocity, making a real cult out of fear.

Seeing an owl with prey in a dream means that in real life someone will be able to reveal the dreamer’s deepest secrets. If there is nothing to hide, this dream can be interpreted as a hint that you should not talk too much.

The dream showed how an owl attacks a smaller bird, which means that you will be an eyewitness to how a more powerful and influential person exploits a weaker one. The second interpretation option: the dreamer himself will soon become an accomplice in dishonesty and injustice.

A predator that has caught very large prey, as a rule, foreshadows not only the destruction of the surrounding evil, but also complete victory over all kinds of rivals.


The interpretation of a dream where an owl attacks and bites the dreamer will be such that in reality he has an insidious and wise enemy, who in the near future will not only confuse all plans, but will also knock the ground out from under his feet with one blow.

When a sleeper runs away from an owl, fearing that it might attack, this means that in reality someone is using a person for their own personal purposes and the most insidious plans.

If a winged predator attacks someone else, then this acts as a warning that this person can cause harm.

Owl according to Nostradamus' dream book

To understand why a big owl dreams, you need to look into the dream book of Nostradamus, in which it is written in black and white what awaits the dreamer in the near future fateful meeting. It is thanks to this fateful meeting that he will be able to radically change his life for the better.

An ambiguous interpretation of what it means when you dream of an owl very often leaves a not entirely pleasant aftertaste and a not entirely good feeling. But it is strongly recommended not to fall into despair and panic. First of all, an owl is a symbol of wisdom, which only calls for the manifestation of this very wisdom on the path of life. Having studied information from various dream books and similar literature, it is recommended to carefully consider the current general situation in life, and not rely on the interpretation of a specific dream. And, of course, you should never set yourself up for the bad. It is necessary to think only about the best news, and not about what owls dream about, because human