Add up percentages in Excel. All methods for calculating percentage in Microsoft Excel - formulas and examples of use

During calculations, sometimes you need to add percentages to a specific number. For example, to find out the current profit indicators, which have increased by a certain percentage compared to the last month, you need to add this percentage to the profit of the previous month. There are many other examples where you need to perform a similar action. Let's figure out how to add a percentage to a number in the program Microsoft Excel.

So, if you just need to find out what a number will be equal to after adding a certain percentage to it, then you should enter an expression using the following template in any cell of the sheet, or in the formula bar: “=(number)+(number)*(percentage_value )%".

Let's say we need to calculate what number we get if we add twenty percent to 140. Write the following formula in any cell, or in the formula bar: “=140+140*20%”.

Applying a formula to actions in a table

Now, let's figure out how to add a certain percentage to the data that is already in the table.

First of all, select the cell where the result will be displayed. We put a “=” sign in it. Next, click on the cell containing the data to which the percentage should be added. We put the “+” sign. Again, click on the cell containing the number and put the “*” sign. Next, we type on the keyboard the percentage by which the number should be increased. Don’t forget to put the “%” sign after entering this value.

Click on the ENTER button on the keyboard, after which the calculation result will be shown.

If you want to extend this formula to all the values ​​of a column in the table, then simply stand on the lower right edge of the cell where the result is displayed. The cursor should turn into a cross. Click on the left mouse button, and with the button held down, “stretch” the formula down to the very end of the table.

As you can see, the result of multiplying numbers by a certain percentage is also displayed for other cells in the column.

We found that adding a percentage to a number in Microsoft Excel is not that difficult. However, many users do not know how to do this and make mistakes. For example, the most common mistake is to write a formula using the algorithm “=(number)+(percent_value)%” instead of “=(number)+(number)*(percentage_value)%”. This guide should help you avoid such mistakes.


Let's say you need to add a fixed percentage to the original number placed in cell A1 and display the result in cell A2. Then a formula should be placed in A2 that increases the value from A1 by a certain factor. Start by determining the value of the multiplier - add one hundredth of a fixed percentage to one. For example, if you need to add 25% to the number in cell A1, then the multiplier will be 1 + (25/100) = 1.25. Click A2 and type the desired formula: enter the equal sign, click cell A1, click (multiplication sign) and type the factor. The entire entry for the example above should look like this: =A1*1.25. Press Enter and Excel will calculate and display the result.

If you need to calculate the same percentage of the values ​​in each cell of a certain column and add the resulting value to the same cells, then place the multiplier in a separate cell. Let's say you need to add 15%, and the original values ​​occupy the first to twentieth lines in column A. Then place the value 1.15 (1 + 15/100) in a free cell and copy it (Ctrl + C). Then select the range from A1 to A20 and press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + V. The Paste Special dialog will appear on the screen. In the “Operation” section, check the box next to “multiply” and click the OK button. After this, all selected cells will change by the specified percentage value, and the auxiliary cell containing the multiplier can be deleted.

If it is necessary to be able to change the added percentage, it is better to place it in a separate cell, rather than correct it every time. For example, place the original value in the first line of the first column (A1), and the percentage that needs to be added in the second column of the same line (B1). To display the result in cell C1, enter the following formula into it: =A1*(1+B1/100). After pressing the Enter key, the required value will appear in the column if cells A1 and B1 already contain the desired values.


In a Microsoft Office application, you can perform the same action in several ways. It all depends on what will be more convenient for the user. To add a cell to a sheet, you can choose the method that suits you.


To add a new cell, place the cursor in the one above which you plan to add another one. Open the “Home” tab and click on the “Insert” button in the “ Cells" If you select several cells horizontally and press the same button, the same number of cells will be added above as were selected. If you select them vertically, new cells will be added to the left of the selected range.

To more accurately indicate where the additional cell should be located, place the cursor in the one near which you want to add a new one and right-click in it. In the context menu, select the second one from the top of the two “Insert” commands. A new dialog box will appear. Place a marker in it opposite one of the options: “ Cells, shifted to the right" or " Cells, with a downward shift." Click on the OK button. If you select several cells at once, the same number of new ones will be added.

The same actions can be performed using the buttons on the toolbar. Select one or more cells and click under " Cells» not the “Insert” button itself, but the arrow-shaped button located next to it. A context menu will open, select “Insert Cells” from it. After this, the same window that was discussed in the second step will appear. Select the option for adding cells that suits you and click OK.

If you designed your table using the Table tool, you will only be able to add new rows or columns. To be able to insert an empty cell, right-click in the table, select the “Table” item in the context menu and the “Convert to range” sub-item. Confirm your actions in the request window. The table view will change, after which you can insert a cell using one of the methods described above.

IN various types activity requires the ability to calculate percentages. Understand how they are “produced.” Trade allowances, VAT, discounts, return on deposits, securities and even tips - all this is calculated as some part of the whole.

Let's figure out how to work with percentages in Excel. A program that performs calculations automatically and allows variations of the same formula.

Working with percentages in Excel

Calculating the percentage of a number, adding and subtracting percentages on a modern calculator is not difficult. The main condition is that there must be a corresponding icon (%) on the keyboard. And then it’s a matter of technique and care.

For example, 25 + 5%. To find the meaning of an expression, you need to type this sequence of numbers and symbols on the calculator. The result is 26.25. You don't need a lot of intelligence with this technique.

To create formulas in Excel, let’s remember the school basics:

A percentage is a hundredth part of a whole.

To find a percentage of a whole number, you need to divide the desired fraction by the whole number and multiply the total by 100.

Example. 30 units of goods were delivered. On the first day we sold 5 units. What percent of the goods were sold?

5 is part. 30 is a whole. Substitute the data into the formula:

(5/30) * 100 = 16,7%

To add a percentage to a number in Excel (25 + 5%), you must first find 5% of 25. At school they made up the proportion:

X = (25 * 5) /100 = 1.25

After this you can perform addition.

Once basic computational skills are restored, formulas will be easy to understand.

How to calculate percentage of a number in Excel

There are several ways.

Let's adapt the mathematical formula to the program: (part / whole) * 100.

Look closely at the formula bar and the result. The result turned out to be correct. But we not multiplied by 100. Why?

In Excel, the cell format changes. For C1 we assigned the “Percentage” format. It involves multiplying the value by 100 and displaying it on the screen with a % sign. If necessary, you can set a certain number of decimal places.

Now let’s calculate how much 5% of 25 will be. To do this, enter the calculation formula in the cell: =(25*5)/100. Result:

Or: =(25/100)*5. The result will be the same.

Let's solve the example in a different way, using the % sign on the keyboard:

Let's apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

The cost of the goods and the VAT rate (18%) are known. You need to calculate the amount of VAT.

Let's multiply the cost of the product by 18%. Let’s “multiply” the formula by the entire column. To do this, click on the lower right corner of the cell with the mouse and drag it down.

The VAT amount and rate are known. Let's find the cost of the goods.

Calculation formula: =(B1*100)/18. Result:

The quantity of goods sold, individually and in total, is known. It is necessary to find the share of sales for each unit relative to the total quantity.

The calculation formula remains the same: part/whole * 100. Only in in this example We will make the reference to the cell in the denominator of the fraction absolute. Use the $ sign before the row name and column name: $B$7.

How to add a percentage to a number

The problem is solved in two steps:

And here we have done the actual addition. Let's omit the intermediate action. Initial data:

VAT rate is 18%. We need to find the VAT amount and add it to the price of the product. Formula: price + (price * 18%).

Don't forget about parentheses! With their help we establish the calculation procedure.

To subtract a percentage from a number in Excel, you should follow the same procedure. Only instead of addition we perform subtraction.

How to calculate percentage difference in Excel?

The percentage change between the two values.

First, let's abstract from Excel. A month ago, tables were brought to the store at a price of 100 rubles per unit. Today the purchase price is 150 rubles.

Percentage difference = (new data - old data) / old data * 100%.

In our example, the purchase price per unit of goods increased by 50%.

Let's calculate the difference in percentage between the data in two columns:

Don’t forget to set the “Percentage” cell format.

Let's calculate percentage change between the lines:

The formula is: ( next value– previous value) / previous value.

With this arrangement of data, we skip the first line!

If you need to compare data for all months with January, for example, use an absolute reference to the cell with the desired value($ sign).

How to make a chart with percentages

The first option: make a column in the table with data. Then use this data to build a chart. Select the cells with percentages and copy them - click “Insert” - select the chart type - OK.

The second option is to set the format of data signatures as a fraction. In May – 22 work shifts. You need to calculate as a percentage: how much each worker worked. We draw up a table where the first column is the number of working days, the second is the number of weekends.

Let's make a pie chart. Select the data in two columns - copy - "Paste" - chart - type - OK. Then we insert the data. Right-click on them - “Data Signature Format”.

Select "Shares". On the “Number” tab - percentage format. It turns out like this:

We'll leave it at that. And you can edit to your taste: change the color, type of diagram, make underlines, etc.

Hi all! Do you know how to calculate percentages in Excel? In fact, percentages accompany us very often in life. After today's lesson, you will be able to calculate the profitability of an idea that suddenly arises, find out how much you actually get by participating in store promotions. Master some points and be on top of your game.

I'll show you how to use the basic calculation formula, calculate percentage growth, and other tricks.

This definition as a percentage is familiar to everyone from school. It comes from Latin and literally means “out of a hundred.” There is a formula that calculates percentages:

Consider an example: there are 20 apples, 5 of which you gave to your friends. Determine in percentage what part did you give? Thanks to simple calculations we get the result:

In this way, percentages are calculated both at school and in ordinary life. Thanks to Excel, such calculations become even easier, because everything happens automatically. There is no single formula for calculations. The choice of calculation method will also depend on the desired result.

How to calculate percentages in Excel: basic calculation formula

There is a basic formula that looks like:
Unlike school calculations, this formula does not need to multiply by 100. Excel takes care of this step, provided that the cells are assigned a certain percentage format.

Let's look at a specific example of the situation. There are products that are being ordered, and there are products that have been delivered. Order in column B, named Ordered. Delivered products are located in column C named Delivered. Need to determine percentage shares of fruit delivered:

  • In cell D2, write the formula =C2/B2. Decide how many rows you need and, using autocomplete, copy it.
  • In the “Home” tab, find the “Number” command, select “Percent Style”.
  • Look at the decimal places. Adjust their quantity if necessary.
  • All! Let's look at the result.

The last column D now contains values ​​that show the percentage of orders delivered.

How to calculate percentages of the total amount in Excel

Now we will look at some more examples of how how to calculate percentages in excel from the total amount, which will allow you to better understand and assimilate the material.

1.The calculated amount is located at the bottom of the table

At the end of the table you can often see the “Total” cell, where the total amount is located. We have to make the calculation of each part towards the total value. The formula will look like the previously discussed example, but the denominator of the fraction will contain an absolute reference. We will have the $ sign in front of the row and column names.

Column B is filled with values, and cell B10 contains their total. The formula will look like:
Using a relative reference in cell B2 will allow it to be copied and pasted into cells in the Ordered column.

2.Parts of the amount are located on different lines

Suppose we need to collect data that is located in different rows and find out what part is taken by orders for a certain product. Adding specific values ​​is possible using the SUMIF function. The result we get will be necessary for us to calculate the percentage of the amount.

Column A is our range, and the summing range is in column B. We enter the product name in cell E1. This is our main criterion. Cell B10 contains the total for products. The formula takes on the following form:

In the formula itself you can place the name of the product:

If you need to calculate, for example, how much cherries and apples occupy as a percentage, then the amount for each fruit will be divided by the total. The formula looks like this:

Calculation of percentage changes

Calculating data that changes can be expressed as a percentage and is the most common task in Excel. The formula to calculate the percentage change is as follows:

In the process of work, you need to accurately determine which of the meanings occupies which letter. If you have more of any product today, it will be an increase, and if less, then it will be a decrease. The following scheme works:

Now we need to figure out how we can apply it in real calculations.

1.Count changes in two columns

Let's say we have 2 columns B and C. In the first we display the prices of the month of the past, and in the second - of this month. To calculate the resulting changes, we enter a formula in column D.

The calculation results using this formula will show us whether there is an increase or decrease in price. Fill in all the lines you need with the formula using autocomplete. For formula cells, be sure to activate the percentage format. If you did everything correctly, you get a table like this, where the increase is highlighted in black and the decrease in red.

If you are interested in changes over a certain period and the data is in one column, then we use this formula:

We write down the formula, fill in all the lines that we need with it and get the following table:

If you want to count changes for individual cells, and compare them all with one, use the already familiar absolute reference, using the $ sign. We take January as the main month and calculate the changes for all months as a percentage:

Copying a formula across other cells will not modify it, but a relative link will change the numbering.

Calculation of value and total amount by known percentage

I have clearly demonstrated to you that there is nothing complicated in calculating percentages through Excel, as well as in calculating the amount and values ​​when the percentage is already known.
1.Calculate the value using a known percentage

For example, you purchase new phone, which costs $950. You are aware of the VAT surcharge of 11%. It is necessary to determine the additional payment in monetary terms. This formula will help us with this:

In our case, applying the formula =A2*B2 gives the following result:

You can take either decimal values ​​or using percentages.

2.Calculation of the total amount

Let's consider next example, where the known initial amount is $400, and the seller tells you that now the cost is 30% less than last year. How to find out the original cost?

The price decreased by 30%, which means we need to subtract this figure from 100% to determine the required share:

The formula that will determine the initial cost:

Given our problem, we get:

Converting a value to a percentage

This method of calculation is useful for those who especially carefully monitor their expenses and want to make some changes to them.

To increase the value by a percentage we will use the formula:

We need to reduce the percentage. Let's use the formula:

Using the formula =A1*(1-20%) reduces the value that is contained in a cell.

Our example shows a table with columns A2 and B2, where the first is the current expenses, and the second is the percentage by which you want to change expenses in one direction or another. Cell C2 should be filled with the formula:

Increase by a percentage the values ​​in a column

If you want to make changes to an entire data column without creating new columns and using an existing one, you need to do 5 steps:

Now we see values ​​that have increased by 20%.

Using this method, you can perform various operations on a certain percentage, entering it into a free cell.

Today was an extensive lesson. I hope you've made it clear How to calculate percentages in Excel. And, despite the fact that such calculations are not very popular for many, you will do them with ease.

A percentage is one hundredth of a number taken as a whole. Percentages are used to indicate the relationship of a part to the whole, as well as to compare quantities.

1% = 1 100 = 0,01

The interest calculator allows you to perform the following operations:

Find the percentage of a number

To find the percentage p from a number, you need to multiply this number by a fraction p 100

Let's find 12% of the number 300:
300 12 100 = 300 · 0.12 = 36
12% of 300 is 36.

For example, a product costs 500 rubles and there is a 7% discount on it. Let's find the absolute value of the discount:
500 7 100 = 500 · 0.07 = 35
Thus, the discount is 35 rubles.

What percentage is one number of another?

To calculate the percentage of numbers, you need to divide one number by another and multiply by 100%.

Let's calculate what percentage the number 12 is from the number 30:
12 30 · 100 = 0.4 · 100 = 40%
The number 12 is 40% of the number 30.

For example, a book contains 340 pages. Vasya read 200 pages. Let's calculate what percentage of the entire book Vasya read.
200 340 · 100% = 0.59 · 100 = 59%
Thus, Vasya read 59% of the entire book.

Add percentage to number

To add to a number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 + p 100)

Add 30% to the number 200:
200 (1 + 30 100 ) = 200 1.3 = 260
200 + 30% equals 260.

For example, a swimming pool subscription costs 1000 rubles. Starting next month they promised to raise the price by 20%. Let's calculate how much a subscription will cost.
1000 (1 + 20 100 ) = 1000 1.2 = 1200
Thus, the subscription will cost 1200 rubles.

Subtract the percentage from the number

To subtract from a number p percent, you need to multiply this number by (1 - p 100)

Subtract 30% from the number 200:
200 · (1 - 30 100 ) = 200 · 0.7 = 140
200 - 30% equals 140.

For example, a bicycle costs 30,000 rubles. The store gave it a 5% discount. Let's calculate how much the bike will cost taking into account the discount.
30000 · (1 - 5 100 ) = 30000 0.95 = 28500
Thus, the bike will cost 28,500 rubles.

What percentage is one number greater than another?

To calculate how many percent one number is greater than another, you need to divide the first number by the second, multiply the result by 100 and subtract 100.

Let's calculate what percentage is the number 20 more number 5:
20 5 · 100 - 100 = 4 · 100 - 100 = 400 - 100 = 300%
The number 20 is 300% greater than the number 5.

For example, the salary of a boss is 50,000 rubles, and an employee’s salary is 30,000 rubles. Let's find out how many percent the boss's salary is greater:
50000 35000 · 100 - 100 = 1.43 * 100 - 100 = 143 - 100 = 43%
Thus, the boss's salary is 43% higher than the employee's salary.

What percentage is one number less than another?

To calculate how many percent one number is less than another, you need to subtract from 100 the ratio of the first number to the second, multiplied by 100.

Let's calculate what percentage is the number 5 less number 20:
100 - 5 20 · 100 = 100 - 0.25 · 100 = 100 - 25 = 75%
The number 5 is 75% less than the number 20.

For example, freelancer Oleg completed orders worth 40,000 rubles in January, and 30,000 rubles in February. Let's find how many percent less Oleg earned in February than in January:
100 - 30000 40000 · 100 = 100 - 0.75 * 100 = 100 - 75 = 25%
Thus, in February Oleg earned 25% less than in January.

Find 100 percent

If the number x This p percent, then you can find 100 percent by multiplying the number x on 100p

Let's find 100% if 25% is 7:
7 · 100 25 = 7 4 = 28
If 25% equals 7, then 100% equals 28.

For example, Katya copies photos from her camera to her computer. In 5 minutes, 20% of the photos were copied. Let's find how long the copying process takes:
5 100 20 = 5 5 = 25
We find that the process of copying all photos takes 30 minutes.