Calculate periods from date to date online. Calculating date difference in Microsoft Excel

Timing calculations are constantly encountered in everyday life: from calculating days before a significant date to calculating vacation time or the payment period for a bank loan. A collection of online calculators will help you easily operate such a complex parameter as time.


Time management is not a name magic spell from computer game, but quite real ability, which has gained enormous popularity among businessmen and investors. Time management or is a technique for calculating time periods to effectively complete a certain amount of work. Thanks to competent and rest periods, people who use money management techniques manage to do much more than those who do not keep track of time and suffer from.

Naturally, time management is the science of more than just time distribution. The most important skills that allow you to competently organize work include:

  • and manage resources;
  • prioritize and;
  • allocate time and analyze results.

Delegation is the transfer of work to subordinates or colleagues. Many ineffective managers believe that no one can do better than themselves. Naturally, being swamped with a bunch of unimportant work, they do not have time to complete priority tasks, as a result of which they become ineffective.

Finding priorities is an equally important thing. states that 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort. In practice, this means that it is important to complete only those tasks on time on which 80% of success depends. As a rule, there are few such tasks, not strictly 20% as the Pareto principle promises, but usually in the range from 20 to 40%. It is the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff that creates productive leaders and businessmen.

The most famous, effective and at the same time the simplest technique is considered to be “Pomodoro”. This is a time management technique, according to which work is performed at strictly designated intervals (usually 20 minutes), each of which is accompanied by a five-minute rest. The Pomodoro technique got its name because its creator measured periods of time using a kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato. Since then, modernized versions of time management have formed the basis for the success of prominent business representatives.


You can use the principles of money management not only when solving daily problems, but also when planning large projects that take weeks or months to complete. First of all, you should find out by what deadline the project must be completed or how much time is allocated for it. Let's take a closer look.

Number of days between two dates

This tool allows you to determine the number of days between two dates. For example, on October 20, 2017, you were assigned a project that must be completed by January 18, 2018. Going to the calendar and counting the time is not very convenient and it’s easier to use a calculator: just select the type of program and enter both dates. In the answer we see that you have 2 months and 29 days to complete the plan. Not very informative when planning. The program also expresses this time in days, weeks or months. Let's see. You have exactly 90 days or 12 working weeks. With this you can already build effective system time management and avoid deadlines.

What date will be in n days

Another convenient tool for efficient work. A large project at work may be assigned with the note “to be completed within 50 days after acceptance of the order.” This large number time, but again running to the calendar and calculating it is not very convenient. We use a calculator. Let's say the order was accepted for work on April 28, 2017. By what day does it need to be delivered to the customer? Let's change the calculator type and calculate the deadline date. It will be June 17, 2017, Saturday. Having the total number of days and the X date at hand, you can easily distribute efforts to complete the work on time.

What date was n days ago

This calculator will not be useful to you at work, but it will certainly come to the rescue in your personal life. Imagine that you received an SMS message in which your crush congratulates you on your 100th birthday life together. This important date, which you shouldn’t forget, so it’s better to use the program and get to know it. You received an SMS on July 4, 2017, now it’s easy to find out when you moved in with your crush. So, select the type of calculator, enter the date and the anniversary 100 days. Yours memorable date– March 26, 2017, Sunday. It's worth circling this date on your calendar.

Temporary quantities

This calculator allows you to convert one time value into another. Using the program, you can express minutes into days, weeks into years, or centuries into millennia. In practice, this can be useful when calculating working hours for freelancers and freelance artists. For example, you have 28 working days to complete your next order. This is 672 hours. Subtract the time for sleep 28 × 8 = 224, the time for breaks and rest 28 × 4 = 112 and we get that you have 336 hours for efficient work. You can already work with this and use time management techniques for productive work.

Amount/time difference

This program gives you the opportunity to add hours or days and calculate total time in months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds and even milliseconds. This is a fun calculator that can be used in practice to calculate the time required to complete several types of work or to calculate the free time remaining after completing a task.

Free online calculator Contour.Accounting will help you and tell you how many days have passed between two given dates. In addition, if you have a need, you can count how many calendar, weekends or working days (hours) a specified period of a year or several years contains.

How many days are there between dates? Instructions

You simply set a specific start and end day and get a quote in a split second. The online calculator calculates all data independently. If you change the original days of the week, the result is automatically recalculated to take into account leap years.

Important: you cannot take monthly working days/hours from last year’s calculations and provide them as calculations - the data will vary. Therefore, it is better to use a calculator.

So, the procedure is:

  1. In the “Start date” and “End date” fields, select the start and end day of the countdown, respectively, starting from 2013 and ending in the future in 2018.
  2. Set the number of working hours in a day in the next field. By default, this field is already set to 8 hours (40 hour working week), but you can change this number.
  3. On the right side of the screen in the banner you will see the result: working days, calendar days and working hours between the specified dates. The results must be copied and saved in your document.

What can you use a calculator for?

  1. To calculate penalties and delays under contracts
  2. How to understand the efficiency of using a resource and the deadlines for use
  3. How to avoid accidentally scheduling tasks on a weekend
  4. How much time is left until the deadline


You are an accountant. The manager has asked you in the next couple of minutes to provide data on the number of working hours that all company employees must work in February. You can easily determine the number of employees - you have the numbers in front of your eyes. But the number of hours needs to be counted.... How many days are there in February? Is it a leap year? What days were weekends? How to determine the number of days of holidays?

Solution: just use our widget. You will receive all the information automatically; you do not need desktop calendars and calculators.

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Beginning of the period (either through a slash or a dot)
End of period (either through a slash or dot)
Marked weekends in the week
Take into account the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of days

Calculation of working days and weekends

The calculator is quite simple, but nevertheless, in my opinion, very convenient for calculating the number of working days between arbitrary dates.

The calculator uses data on the transfer of working days and holidays, which are contained in the annual decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Of course, there are many such calculators and we are not original in this, but there are several highlights that I think you will like and can be used to create other calculators.

First highlight: We may not take into account holiday dates contained in the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, but only take into account weekends (for Russia, Saturday and Sunday)

The second highlight: For those countries whose days off are other days of the week (for example, in Israel, the days off are Friday and Saturday), you can specify which days of the week will be days off. This is convenient not only for other countries, but also for local use, when it is known that we work in shifts every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday.

Third highlight: We can use a completely arbitrary weekend system defined in a certain form(this function is not displayed on the website, although the functionality is working) and for everyone who wants to, building a production calendar for Belarus, Kazakhstan or Serbia will not be difficult.

A pleasant side effect of this calculator is also the calculation of the number of days between two dates. Moreover, she calculates the difference in the same way as it is done in the accounting and personnel departments. That is, if a person works from July 1 to July 8, then it turns out to be 8 days. Since the last day is considered a working day.

Unlike mathematical and astronomical calculators, where with the same data it turns out to be 7 days. This error in one day appears due to the fact that in personnel decisions the last day is always a working day and must be taken into account, and in precise and abstract calculators it is believed that July 8 comes at midnight (0:0:0) and the difference between midnight on July 1 and midnight on July 8 (or 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds 999 milliseconds, 999999 microseconds, etc. on July 7) will be exactly 7 days.

The main principle that the bot adheres to is the frequency of days off during the week. If this is observed, the calculator will give the result you expected.

It is a pity that the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation still do not implement a QR code, where all holidays for the current code would be indicated for machine processing. This would simplify the work of a certain circle of people.

Holidays and transfers on the territory of the Russian Federation are taken into account from 2010 to 2019 inclusive.

For users who need to calculate the first working date after a vacation or business trip or other period of time, pay attention to this calculator. Date of return to work from vacation, maternity leave online


For Jabber clients

rab_d date.start; end date;week

week - gives full information about how to calculate working days and hours. A week consists of seven symbols 0 or 1, where each symbol has its own role. 0 - person is working, 1 - person is not working (day off). If the week is empty, then the code 0000011 is used - that is, Saturday and Sunday are closed.

I would like to note that this is a calendar week and this indicator shows how you rest during the week. Our week numbering starts from zero and this day is Monday, then Tuesday -1, Wednesday -2, etc.

start date - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the beginning of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

end date - date in the form DD/MM/YYYY - indicates the end of the range for which the number of working days is calculated

ATTENTION! The date can be entered using a period or a slash. It is more convenient to enter through a dot on cell phones and tablets, and through a slash it is more convenient to enter on a computer on the keyboard on the right (digital panel)

Examples of use

rab_d 1/1/2014;31/12/2014

in response we will receive

Number of days between two specified dates 365

Number of working days 247

Number of days off and holidays 118

rab_d 2/7/2010;25/10/2013

In response we will receive

Number of days between two specified dates 1212

Number of working days 827

Number of weekends and holidays 385

rab_d 20/1/2010;10/2/2014;0101001

In response we get

Number of days between two specified dates 1483

Number of working days 797

Number of weekends and holidays 686

The previous example, but does not take into account public holidays. As an option for use, shift duty, security, etc.

To perform certain tasks in Excel, you need to determine how many days have passed between certain dates. Fortunately, the program has tools that can solve this question. Let's find out how you can calculate the date difference in Excel.

Before you start working with dates, you need to format the cells to fit this format. In most cases, when you enter a set of characters similar to a date, the cell itself is reformatted. But it’s better to do it manually to protect yourself from surprises.

Now the program will recognize all the data that will be contained in the selected cells as a date.

Method 1: simple calculation

The easiest way to calculate the difference in days between dates is to use the usual formula.

Method 2: RAZNDAT function

You can also use a special function to calculate the difference in dates RAZNDAT. The problem is that it is not in the Function Wizard list, so you will have to enter the formula manually. Its syntax looks like this:

RAZNDAT(start_date, end_date, unit)

"Unit"— this is the format in which the result will be displayed in the selected cell. The units in which the total will be returned depends on which character is inserted into this parameter:

  • "y" - full years;
  • "m" - full months;
  • "d" - days;
  • "YM" - difference in months;
  • “MD” is the difference in days (months and years are not taken into account);
  • “YD” is the difference in days (years are not taken into account).

You should also note that, unlike the simple formula method described above, when using this function, the start date should be in the first place, and the end date in the second. Otherwise, the calculations will be incorrect.

Method 3: calculating the number of working days

In Excel it is also possible to calculate working days between two dates, that is, excluding weekends and holidays. To do this, use the function CHISTRABNI. Unlike the previous operator, it is present in the Function Wizard list. The syntax for this function is as follows:

NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays])

In this function the main arguments are the same as those of the operator RAZNDAT– start and end date. There is also an optional argument "Holidays".

Instead, you should substitute the dates of non-working holidays, if any, for the period covered. The function calculates all days of the specified range, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, as well as those days added by the user to the argument "Holidays".

After the above manipulations, the number of working days for the specified period will be displayed in the previously selected cell.

As you can see, Excel provides its users with quite convenient tools for calculating the number of days between two dates. At the same time, if you just need to calculate the difference in days, then a more optimal option would be to use a simple subtraction formula rather than using the function RAZNDAT. But if you need, for example, to count the number of working days, then the function will come to the rescue NETWORKDAYS. That is, as always, the user should decide on the execution tool after he has set a specific task.

The date calculator is designed to calculate the number of days between dates, as well as to find a date by adding or subtracting a certain number of days to a known date.

Add days to date

In order to find out what date will be in a certain number of days, use this option. Enter the starting date and the number of days to add to it. To subtract, use a minus value. The calculator also has an option to add only working days.

Calculating the number of days between dates

This calculation method will answer the question "how many days have passed since the date". Enter the start date and end date and click the "calculate" button. The calculator will show how many days are between the entered dates. Separately, the calculator will show the number of working days.

Using this option, you can calculate how many days are left until a certain event, for example, a birthday or holiday. To do this, enter today's date in the start date field, and the event date in the end date field.


The calculator can calculate, add and subtract both calendar days and working days. Official non-working days holidays are:

  • January 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 - New Year holidays
  • January 7 - Orthodox Christmas
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • March 8 - International Women's Day
  • May 1 - Spring and Labor Day
  • May 9 - Victory Day
  • June 12 - Russia Day
  • November 4 - National Unity Day

If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it is moved to the next working day. But sometimes the weekend is moved to a completely different place on the calendar. For example, Saturday and Sunday falling on new year holidays, may be postponed to May to extend the May holidays.

So, in 2019 the situation is as follows...

Postponement of holidays in 2019

In addition to the official holiday dates, in 2019 the weekends are also May 2, 3 and 10 due to the postponement of the weekend from the New Year holidays.

When calculating days, our calculator takes into account both official holiday dates and all transfers.