Sick leave for a domestic injury. What to do if an accident occurs. What an employer needs to do

On at the moment The legislation defines two types of injuries: industrial and domestic. The first case includes any injury received in working hours, when driving to work on official or personal transport used for official purposes, as well as when carrying out instructions from the manager by car or on foot.

As for domestic injuries, they are given a clear definition: this is an accident that occurred due to negligence during non-working hours and caused temporary loss of ability to work. Such an incident can happen anywhere: on the street, in public transport, while walking, etc. The main criterion is the absence of signs of an industrial accident:

  • The injury did not occur on the territory of the employer’s organization and not during working hours.
  • The injury occurred during a corporate event.
  • An employee used a company car for personal purposes and got into an accident.
  • The employee left work without permission and was injured.
  • The injury was caused during working hours as a result of a fight.
  • The employment contract does not provide for the possibility of using personal vehicle for official purposes, and the employee committed an accident while driving it.
  • The company's rules prohibit smoking, but the employee neglected this and was injured during a break.

A complete list of accidents subject to investigation is indicated in Art. 227 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and domestic injuries do not apply to them.

Below we will consider specific situations when injuries are considered industrial, and when - domestic:

Ivanova E.I. works as a secretary at Pyramida LLC. While delivering documents to the manager, she was going down the stairs, tripped and seriously hurt her knee. Subsequently, Ivanova E.I. She called an ambulance and was taken to the emergency room, where she was given an x-ray and the image showed damage to the meniscus. She was given sick leave, and 2 weeks later she returned to work. The case is considered domestic, because there are no signs of an industrial injury and it occurred through the fault of the employee herself.

Manager Pavlov I.A. has a company car in use, all documents for it are properly prepared. While getting to work, he got into an accident through no fault of his own, which he notified his employer about. He, in turn, notified about this Labor inspection and the Social Insurance Fund, the relevant acts were drawn up. The case was considered industrial, even though the employee was traveling during non-working hours, because here the main criterion is the use of a company car in in the prescribed manner and with the permission of the manager.

The seller Sazonova O.N., returning home from work, fell into an open well. After a medical examination, she was diagnosed with a closed fracture of the right leg and was sent on sick leave, notifying the manager. The certificate of incapacity for work was paid in full. In addition, she managed to obtain through the court compensation for moral and physical harm from the organization that owns the well into which she fell, because if it is impossible to repair or install a cover in a timely manner, it must be fenced. The situation is domestic.

Head of the Marketing Department of Irbis LLC Kapitonova A.A. During a sudden power outage at production, she called an electrician, but before his arrival she decided to look into the electrical panel to make sure what the problem was. Because of this, she received a mild electric shock, which led to temporary disability. An ambulance was called for her, and subsequently she went to the doctor to get a sick leave certificate. The case was considered industrial because occurred on the territory of the organization during working hours, despite the fact that Kapitonova A.A. safety regulations were violated.

Thus, domestic incidents include all injuries received not in connection with the performance of official duties: lightning strike, animal or insect bite, fracture, bruise, poisoning, drowning, frostbite, injury electric shock etc.

Another important issue of concern to the working population is how they are paid. domestic injury. Everything is very simple here:

  • Within 10 days after submitting the sick leave, the accountant calculates the benefits.
  • Next, the entire package of documents is transferred by the accountant to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Payments are made in advance or salary.

How is sick leave issued in case of injury?

Having a sick leave certificate is a necessary condition in order to receive the payments due; otherwise, absence from work without this document will be considered absenteeism and the employee, of course, will not receive compensation. It is formalized in the same way as for a simple illness:

  • You need to see a doctor who will conduct an examination and choose a treatment option: in a hospital, outpatient or at home. In addition, he must determine whether the employee will be able to perform job duties or whether he needs bed rest for a quick recovery.
  • If temporary suspension from work is necessary for treatment, the doctor opens a certificate of incapacity for work and enters the corresponding code “02” as the reason: domestic injury.
  • After some time, the patient must come for examination, and then the doctor determines whether treatment needs to be extended or the sick leave can be closed.
  • Finally, the sick leave is closed. It must indicate the exact period and reason for the disability.

For how long is sick leave issued for a domestic injury?

The period for which sick leave is issued depends on the severity of the injury: if it is mild, then it is issued for 3 days, but if necessary and in especially severe cases, it can be extended for several months.

Even if it takes the employee 1 year to fully recover, the manager does not have the right to dismiss him during sick leave, otherwise such an action will be declared illegal by the court, and the employee will be able to be restored to his previous place. The best option is to wait for recovery, and while the subordinate is sick, the performance of his duties can be assigned to other employees and they can be given appropriate allowances.

Sick leave payments for injury: how are they calculated?

To calculate sick leave, 2 are taken into account last year labor activity employee. All days on which the employee was not employed or was absent from the workplace are excluded from this period. The accountant then performs the following actions:

  • Sums up income for 2 years and divides the resulting figure by the number of days worked.
  • The resulting amount is multiplied by the number of days of incapacity indicated on the sick leave, and as a result, the amount of the benefit is received.

The final amount of payments also depends on the length of service at the enterprise:

  • 100% is paid for work experience of 8 years or more.
  • 80% – if a citizen works for 5 to 8 years.
  • 60% - 3-5 years.
  • 50% – from 1 to 3 years.
  • 30% – less than 1 year.

It is worth considering that if an employee works in an organization for less than six months, then the amount of the benefit cannot be more than 1 minimum wage. In general, how a domestic injury is paid for sick leave, is no different from calculating compensation for a viral or any other disease.

Payment of sick leave for injury: what can affect the amount of payments?

The key factors influencing the amount of compensation are the length of insurance, the amount of salary and the number of days of incapacity for work.

The benefit is calculated within 10 days after the certificate of incapacity for work is provided, and it is paid along with the advance payment or salary.

What documents must the employer provide to the Social Insurance Fund to process payments:

  • Statement.
  • A receipt confirming the transfer of payments to the Social Insurance Fund during the period of the employee’s incapacity for work.
  • A copy of the sick leave certificate and other certificates (if any).

Previously, payments were calculated from the 6th day of disability, but now the entire period from the moment the sick leave was opened is taken into account.

Possible reasons for refusal of payments

Cases of FSS refusal to pay are quite rare, but it is still worth considering the circumstances under which this could happen:

  • If a citizen worked on the basis of a civil law rather than an employment contract.
  • If the sick leave was extended for more than 30 days without a medical commission.
  • If the medical institution that issued the sick leave does not have a license.
  • If the employee violated the treatment regimen, and this was recorded on the certificate of incapacity for work.
  • If there is no record of the patient's injury in the outpatient card.
  • If at the time of the employee’s injury the enterprise was not operating (idle).
  • If the injury occurred while on unpaid leave.
  • The employee was not prescribed treatment, but sick leave was open.
  • The sick leave was issued retroactively.

The important point is that in order to open a certificate of incapacity for work, the injury must cause the inability to perform work duties. If the injury was sustained and does not pose a health hazard and the person can move without inconvenience, there are no grounds for filing a sick leave. If the injury resulted in the death of an employee, a special commission should be appointed that will determine the type of injury (domestic or industrial), because the possibility of receiving payments by the relatives of the deceased citizen directly depends on its conclusion.

The Labor Code establishes that during the employee’s illness he retains workplace, position and average salary. However, there are quite a few reasons for issuing a certificate of temporary incapacity for work. In our article we will tell you how to pay for sick leave for an injury sustained at home.

When is sick leave issued?

According to the current legislation, a domestic injury is considered to be injury or damage that an employee received outside the main place of work. For example, on the street or at home. If an employee is injured at work, then such a case is considered to be industrial. Please note that sick leave payment for a domestic injury differs significantly from the terms of payment.

It is important to remember that not all types of domestic injuries are grounds for. If the doctor considers the injuries and injuries received to be insignificant, then a certificate of incapacity for work will not be issued. In this case, the employee will be given a special certificate, which will confirm good reason his temporary absence from work.

Domestic injury: sick pay in 2019

To pay sick leave for an injury, an accountant:

  • calculate the average daily earnings for the last two years;
  • will apply to average earnings a percentage determined in accordance with the employee’s total length of service;
  • will take into account the number of days of treatment.

Let's look at how sick leave is paid for a domestic injury using a specific example.

Bukashka A.B. injured his hand in a fall on the street, he was given sick leave for 15 days. The employee’s total length of service was 7 years and 9 months, that is, payment is made in the amount of 80% of the average daily earnings. The average daily income for the last two years is 1,500 rubles.

Benefit calculation: 1500 rub. × 80% × 15 days = 18,000 rubles.

When can the benefit amount be reduced?

IN legislative framework a number of situations are established in which the amount of benefits for illness or domestic injury can be reduced. These include:

  1. If the citizen was drunk at the time of injury. In this case, sick leave is paid based on minimum size wages. The sheet contains code 02.
  2. The employee violated the established treatment regimen. is paid similarly, at the rate of . Code 24.

In addition to the above circumstances, a small amount may be assigned if the employee has little experience.

How is sick leave paid for a domestic injury? This question worries many people. A sick leave certificate (temporary disability certificate) is issued to a worker in a medical institution in the event of injury, illness, or necessary care for a seriously ill child or adult. According to this document, the organization is obliged to pay for the temporary disability of its employee.

How sick leave is issued and payment is made in case of a domestic injury

Payment for sick leave for a work-related injury is made only after the bulletin is submitted, no later than 180 days from the date of its end. The ballot must reflect the following positions:

  1. Filling out the “Get Started” column (a precisely recorded date is required).
  2. In the “Other” cell the code “36” is written, it means the day that follows the number recorded in the “By what date” column of the “Work Release” table.

If an employee provides a ballot after 180 days from the end of sick leave, payment for these days is not made.

It is necessary to assign a settlement phase. To do this, take 2 consecutive years (from January 1 to December 31 inclusive) preceding the current one. If there was maternity leave or maternity leave in one of these years, then it must be replaced with any previous one. Here you need to take into account that this is only possible if the calculated compensation increases. Then you need to add up the paid cash for the selected years. This will be the basic basis for calculating the amount of compensation. It usually includes all funds paid to the employee, for which payments and vacation were accrued over a period of 2 years.

Payments made by the previous employer must be included in the basis for calculations when calculating benefits after providing a salary certificate from the previous place of work (it must be certified by the employer or a notary).

The amount of payments required when calculating the amount of disability compensation for the months of the calculation period cannot be higher than the maximum base for crediting payments to the Social Insurance Fund in the selected period. This year the maximum amount was 718,000 rubles.

If the calculated amount of payments does not reach the minimum wage for 24 months, determined on the starting date according to the sick leave document, then it must be taken equal to 24 times the minimum wage when calculating the base. This year it is equal to 148,896 rubles. (RUB 6,204 for 24 months). Now you need to calculate your average daily earnings. It is equal to the quotient of dividing the total payments taken into account when determining the amount of compensation for sick leave by 730 days.

Payment of sick leave for an injury depends not only on the average daily earnings, but also on the worker’s insurance record. It must include periods (must be documented):

  • activities under a civil contract in production, as well as work in municipal or civil services;
  • work in fire services, military, law enforcement and other supervisory organizations;
  • any other periods when payments were made to the Social Insurance Fund for an employee in cases of short-term disability (for example, the activities of an individual entrepreneur, which involves independent payment of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund).

The length of insurance premiums must be taken into account in full for the year or month.

The percentage of average daily earnings depends on the length of insurance payments and the reasons for visiting a medical institution.

If sick leave must be paid for a domestic injury, then in the following cases:

  • If an employee has been making insurance contributions for more than 8 years, 100% of the average daily earnings is taken;
  • 80% of insurance premium experience from 5 to 8 years is taken into account;
  • less than 5 years of insurance coverage, only 60% of average daily earnings are taken into account.

In the event of a domestic injury to an employee, the payment must be calculated for all days falling on temporary absence from work, noted in the bulletin, not excluding weekends and non-working holidays.

Exceptions are the following cases:

  • vacation time issued at the expense of the employee;
  • sessional leave time;
  • maternity leave for children up to 3 years old.

If a domestic injury was sustained by an employee during work leave, which is paid annually, then it is extended by the number of days recorded in the bulletin, payment is made for all days counted as vacation pay.

The maximum duration of incapacity for work is not prescribed by law. Exceptions are temporary hired employees and workers with disabilities.

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Calculation of sick leave by day

The amount of the sick leave payment for the entire period should be calculated based on the average daily earnings, increased by the calculated percentage according to the following scheme: the amount of the sick leave payment is equal to the average earnings per day, multiplied by the percentage of average earnings per day and the number of paid days of sick leave.

The initial 3 days of absence from work on a certificate of incapacity for work must be paid by the employer, the rest are paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

Payment for short-term disability must be assigned within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of sick leave. The benefit must be paid from the nearest wages. In case of delay in disability payments, the employee must receive compensation.

More recently, sick leave for an injury had some distinctive features, because of which workers were not very willing to register it if the injury was received at home. What are these features and have they survived to this day? We will try to answer these questions.

How is sick leave issued in case of injury?

Everyone knows that in case of illness, the doctor issues an official document - a sick leave certificate, which gives the right to a paid period of temporary disability. In the same way, a sick leave certificate is issued in case of injury at home or at work - except that the necessary code is entered in the corresponding column “Causes of temporary disability”.

If, due to an injury, a person cannot go to work and perform his work duties in in full, the doctor is obliged to issue him a sick leave certificate. If the injury allows you to perform work duties - for example, a broken knee does not prevent the secretary from moving and printing documents - sick leave is not issued (but a certificate is issued that the employee was examined and did not miss a day of work).

For how long is sick leave issued for a domestic injury?

Paid sick leave for an injury at home is issued, as in general cases, for the period necessary for the employee to fully recover and return to work healthy. If it takes three days, sick leave will be issued for three days; if recovery takes three weeks, sick leave will be issued for three weeks. And if necessary, in agreement with the medical commission, they can extend it for several months.

From what day is sick leave paid for a domestic injury?

Previously, payment of sick leave for a domestic injury, according to the Regulations “On the procedure for providing benefits for state social insurance”, approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 12, 1984 No. 13-6, payments for temporary disability were accrued only from the sixth day of sick leave (according to paragraph 14 ). However, from January 1, 2007, this Regulation was canceled and sick leave for injury is paid starting from the first day of temporary disability. In this case, the first three days are paid by the employer, and the rest by the Temporary Disability Fund.

How are sick leave payments calculated in case of injury?

Since the norm for payment from the sixth day of temporary disability is no longer valid, sick leave for injury is paid on a general basis.

That is, as in other cases, the insurance length and the average salary for the last two years are important. calendar years. The insurance period - that is, the length of service during which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were paid from the employee's income - allows you to receive from sixty to one hundred percent of payments from wages. In the event that an employee’s insurance experience is less than six months, sick leave payments for a domestic injury are calculated from the minimum wage.

Average earnings are calculated based on two parameters:

  • monthly average;
  • daily average.

Payment calculations are made by the employer, and he also indicates them in detail on the sick leave certificate.

What can affect the amount of sick leave paid for an injury?

As in general cases, sick leave for an injury is paid in an amount not exceeding the limit of maximum payments for temporary disability. If it is established that the employee was injured because he was under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other toxicological factors, sick leave payments will be made based on the minimum wage. Even if his insurance experience is more than eight years, which entitles him to 100% payments.

Also, a reduction in payments may occur if the employee violates the medical regime. There should be a corresponding entry about this on the sick leave certificate, because only a doctor and no one else has the right to record a violation of the regime.

Who pays sick leave and how in 2019? What are the grounds for receiving benefits and in what cases will an employee receive a refusal to transfer funds on a certificate of incapacity for work?

What should be taken into account when determining the amount of payment? What rules should be followed when calculating disability benefits? Consider the approved new order payment of sick leave from July 2019.


Who is entitled to a certificate of incapacity for work? – This is an issue that workers and their employers must understand first. What is sick leave? Let us turn to the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

What do you need to know?

A certificate of incapacity for work is an official document that is considered official confirmation of the presence of an illness in a person that is absent from the workplace.

That is, such a sheet gives the right not to appear at work for a certain time while the person is incapacitated. The sick leave certificate is drawn up on a special light blue form with several degrees of protection against forgery.

The document is issued only in those medical institutions that have a license to carry out medical activities and issue a form for a certificate of incapacity for work.

Typically, sick leave is issued for 15 days, and then extended by a medical commission if there is a need to continue treatment.

Persons who are in a hospital receive a document for the entire period of their stay in the hospital. Does not have the right to issue sick leave:

  • ambulance worker;
  • prevention center specialist;
  • healthcare workers in the emergency department;
  • dispensary specialist, etc.

A certificate of incapacity for work is required to accrue sick leave benefits to the employee.

Who gets it?

A person will receive a certificate of incapacity for work under the following circumstances:

  • in the presence of injuries, poisoning, diseases;
  • when undergoing an IVF procedure or termination of pregnancy;
  • if quarantine is recorded for the company employee himself or his child (under 7 years of age), an incapacitated relative);
  • when caring for a sick child;
  • when diagnosing a severe occupational disease, its exacerbation;
  • during pregnancy and childbirth (if maternity leave is taken out);
  • for inpatient (when a person is in a hospital) prosthetics;
  • if the employee continues to be treated in a sanatorium-resort institution;

A form is issued to citizens and stateless persons that:

  • are officially employed;
  • are registered with the employment center as unemployed;
  • recently fired (less than a month has passed).

The main condition for receiving sick leave and payments for it is making payments (social contributions to the Social Insurance Fund). If the person works for a company, the contributions will be paid by the employers.

In cases where this is not provided, or you are an individual entrepreneur, you can pay yourself insurance premiums.

A certificate of incapacity for work is not issued in the following cases:

  • when a person is caring for a sick child while in next vacation or vacation at your own expense;
  • if the doctor has not identified any signs of the disease;
  • if an employee of a company goes to a sanatorium on a voucher issued by a trade union, and not provided on the direction of a doctor;
  • when a citizen undergoes a one-time procedure (this means prosthetics in a clinic, rinsing in case of poisoning, vaccination);
  • if the patient is under arrest;
  • if the person undergoes a medical examination.

Students, children and pensioners are not entitled to sick leave. Such persons do not make transfers to the Social Insurance Fund, which means they cannot qualify for temporary disability benefits.

If you are denied a certificate of incapacity for work without any reason, you have the right to contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund.

Regulatory consolidation

How is sick leave paid in 2019?

When calculating sick leave, it is worth knowing some nuances.

Who should pay?

If there is an open sick leave, the employee has the right not to fulfill his work obligations at the workplace.

The company's management cannot refuse to an employee the payments stipulated by legislative documents for the period of illness if the form is drawn up properly.

An individual can stay at home or in the hospital, improve his health or care for a sick relative, and at the same time receive compensation payments for all days missed.

Payment for sick leave is made for the entire period of a person’s incapacity for work. Management pays for the first 3 days. For the remaining days, payment is made from the Social Insurance Fund.

The basis for this is calculations submitted by employers. There is an exception - pregnant women who issue a certificate of incapacity for work during the last weeks of pregnancy and childbirth receive benefits from the Social Insurance Fund in full.

The payment is made to the personal account of the employee or the company itself. The employer is responsible for calculating benefits. Therefore, the patient is interested in quickly submitting a closed form to the head of the enterprise.

Accrual is carried out within 10 days from the date of submission of the document by the employee. You will be able to receive compensation within the deadlines for issuing wages to staff.

Depending on experience

The amount of temporary disability benefits is determined taking into account the time worked – the employee’s insurance period. This refers to the time (years and months) during which insurance premiums were transferred to the Fund.

In this case, it does not matter whether the person changed his place of work or not. Non-insurance periods (when payments to the Social Insurance Fund were not made) are not taken into account in the calculation. But they must be included in the total length of service.

The benefit amount will be as follows:

The calculation is carried out on the basis of the average daily wage and insurance period. If a person has worked for no more than six months, then the sick leave benefit will be minimal, determined taking into account the territorial minimum wage, which is in effect at the time of accrual.

But the payment cannot be less than the established minimum wage.

In case of violation of the regime

What is considered a violation of the regime:

  • showing up for an appointment with a specialist at a medical institution while drunk or under the influence of drugs;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations, etc.

The reasons for checking the box on the form do not concern the accountant. His task is to correctly calculate compensation payments. You need to rely on the following rules.

In accordance with the general procedure, calculations are carried out for the time of sick leave when there were no violations. You will need to determine your average daily earnings:

From the moment a person violates the regime, benefits are determined based on the minimum wage. The current figure (in 2019 – 5,695 rubles) should be multiplied by 24 months and divided by 730 days.

The resulting number is multiplied by the number of days of sick leave from the moment of the violation. Sum up the indicators and get the amount of disability benefits.

Again, if the length of service does not exceed 6 months, then the amount of payment will be determined based on the minimum wage.

If a part-time employee

If a person has several jobs, each of which has an employment contract, he has the right to receive disability benefits from each employer.

The sick leave certificate is submitted to the main place of work and to the part-time organization. The calculation of the amount of payments is carried out by each employer separately.

Please note that sick pay is paid for calendar days, not for working days ().

Payment of compensation to external part-time workers can be calculated in the following ways:

If a person works in the same enterprises for two years The benefit will be paid to each of them (according to the time worked)
If a person changed companies within 2 years, calculations are made by the company Where the part-time worker is currently registered (the employee himself chooses one of the employers). But when determining the amount of payment, 24 months will be taken into account, regardless of where the employee worked. It will be necessary to provide the employer with a certificate of profit from previous organizations
If the employee has worked in the same companies over the past two years That now, as well as in others from which he has already quit, he will choose the method of calculating benefits independently. Sick leave is paid by all companies or by one employer chosen by the part-time worker

Subject to availability internal part-time worker the calculation will be simpler. Sick leave will be issued in one copy.

Profit for 2 years is determined for all positions within one company. It should be remembered that the payment cannot exceed the maximum possible figure in the accounting year.

Payment procedure subject to

If during seasonal colds payment for sick leave does not cause confusion, since such cases are private, then in case of injuries a lot of questions arise.

How are such sheets paid and are there situations when payment is not made?

Domestic injury

When applying for sick leave due to a domestic injury, you should be guided by the regulations.

In accordance with this document, benefits are paid from the moment of its opening in the amounts that are due to the employee.

When the form is presented to the management of the enterprise, you can begin to calculate the payment. Determine the period for which calculations will be carried out.

Video: how sick leave is paid

If a specialist has been working for less than two years, then calculations are made taking into account the time worked from the moment the employment contract is concluded.

When calculating, it is worth adhering to the general procedure, since there are no special rules in the legislation for the onset of disability due to injury.

Payment of sick leave benefits may be terminated if a person is recognized as disabled. If a company operates under a simplified taxation regime, the sick leave certificate will be paid by the regional Social Insurance Fund.

But to use this right, the company will have to provide:

  • statement;
  • that will confirm the payment of insurance premiums during the person’s incapacity for work;
  • a copy of the document, which will confirm the required transfer to the Social Insurance Fund.

Work injury

Clause 1 of the rules for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work states that the form can be provided:

  • a person who works in accordance with an employment contract;
  • state civil and municipal employees;
  • an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur;
  • to another person who is subject to compulsory social insurance.

But there is a difference between regular social insurance and industrial accident insurance.

Such workers who received an industrial injury include those who fulfill their obligations in accordance with labor or, or convicted persons who are involved in work (Article 5 of the Law of July 27, 1998 No. 125-FZ).

The main reason for obtaining sick leave is damage to the employee’s health or illness while fulfilling his obligations. If an accident occurs, an investigation will be carried out in accordance with Sec. 36 TK.

The perpetrators are identified and an investigation report is drawn up. The investigation will last from 3 to 15 days, depending on the severity of the harm caused to the employee’s health ().

Conducted medical and social examination, if the victim or his representative so desires. When submitting an application for payment of a certificate of incapacity for work, a person must also submit a certificate of profit, family composition, as well as other documents that are determined in each specific case.

A complete list of required certificates is available in the FSS. How is a sheet issued in the event of a work injury paid?

The employer will decide on payment within 10 days according to the norms.

An employee has the right to apply for benefits within six months from the date of discharge or determination of the disability group. Relatives of the deceased can also submit an application within the same time frame (Clause 1, Article 12 of Law No. 255-FZ).

Getting injured at work is a case where sick leave is paid at 100 percent of earnings. A reduction in payment is possible, but not more than 25 percent.

The influencing factor in this case is the degree of guilt of the victim himself. Additionally, treatment costs must be covered (). Controversial situations can be appealed to judicial procedure ().

In what cases is it not paid?

A person who:

  1. He is a citizen of Russia, but works not in accordance with an employment contract, but in accordance with civil law.
  2. Did not conclude employment contract with the employer, that is, he does not work officially.
  3. Submitted a fake sick leave form (with a falsified signature, seal, a document drawn up on the old form that was in force until 2011).
  4. Submits a document filled out with errors made by the health worker.

There are also the following grounds for refusal to pay benefits:

  • the patient did not follow the doctor’s recommendations, violated the regime without a good reason;
  • the patient does not appear for repeated examinations at the medical institution;
  • the person was injured or became ill due to the use of alcohol or drugs (or due to actions taken while in such a state);
  • a citizen fell ill or was injured while committing criminal offenses;
  • the person fell ill while he was under arrest;
  • The fact of self-harm during a suicide attempt was recorded.

There are some peculiarities when calculating payments if a person is on sick leave to care for a child. The law establishes restrictions on the length of time one can stay at home.

Payment is made only for the following times:

If the employee is caring for another sick relative, the benefit will be paid only for 7 days a year. If the disease is severe, then it is possible to extend the sheet, but not more than 30 days.

If such standards are exceeded, benefits will not be accrued. Sick leave will not be paid if it is overdue. This is discussed in.

Sick leave is a guarantee of payment of benefits when a number of conditions for filling out, providing, etc. are met.

Who and in what amount will receive disability benefits is determined in accordance with the provisions of legislative documents. Therefore it is worth studying them.