Synonyms for "unknown"

The meaning of the word "unknown"

unknown- Igor Georgievich (b. 1931) - Russian physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1990). Main works on the physics of semiconductors and the physical foundations of microelectronics (phenomena at the semiconductor-dielectric interface and in multilayer heterostructures). State Prize Russian Federation(1995). (TSB)

unknown- Ernst Iosifovich (b. 1925) - Russian sculptor and graphic artist. Expressive, plastically powerful, often full of internal tragic tension, easel and memorial works ( tombstone N.S. Khrushchev on Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, 1974), numerous sketches and models of the main monumental work of Neizvestny - “The Tree of Life”. Until 1976 he lived in the USSR, then abroad. (TSB)

unknown- Ernst Iosifovich (b. April 9, 1925 - Sverdlovsk), Russian artist and art theorist. Having gone through the experience of "unofficial art" of the 1950s-70s, he became a connoisseur. 20th century the most famous sculptor of Russia. Born into a doctor's family. Member of the Great Patriotic War; seriously wounded, he was demobilized in 1945. In 1946-47 he studied at the Latvian Academy of Arts in Riga, in 1947-54 - at the Moscow Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov (and at the same time attended classes at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University). Lived and worked in Moscow. Individual style masters Paid tribute to academic realism, but in the 1950s. (before in total, in figures""wounded people"" expressing the painful memory of the war years) formed his own style, combining features of symbolism and stormy, temperamental expressionism. The most characteristic materials for him are bronze (in which almost all of his sculptural designs are cast, usually in many versions), and in monumental and decorative reliefs - concrete. His works, embodying (in the words of the master himself) the “form of flow”, always form large cycles. At the center of the images is the human body, striving through intense efforts to overcome its own numbness. Among the most important cycles of the master (both sculptural and graphic, and later painting): “Gigantomachy” (since 1958), “Images of Dostoevsky” (since 1963; in 1970 in the series "" Literary monuments"" the novel "Crime and Punishment" was published with illustrations by Neizvestny), "Images of Dante" (since 1966). Since 1956, the artist has been creating countless sketches of his main idea, “The Tree of Life”; this composition, supposedly a giant sculpture-environment, combines the motifs of a tree crown, a human heart and a Mobiusalist, symbolizing the impulse human spirit, which, self-exalting, humanizes the worlds of science and technology. Confrontation with the authorities and emigration The unknown man sometimes managed to carry out official orders. UNCHANGED PRICES are constant prices; in statistics they are used for the correct comparison of identical indicators calculated for different periods of time (for example, GDP, gross national product, national income, production volume, etc.). (TSB)

unknown- person, stranger. Unknown time. Unknown side. Unknown, in the form of a noun. somebody, stranger. The unknown, in the form of a noun, mathematics. the required, claim, number that needs to be found by calculation, calculation. The unknown is tormenting. (V. Dahl's dictionary)

unknown- Unknown, little known

unknown- Unidentified stranger (explanatory dictionary by S. Ozhegov)

unknown- One about which they do not know, there is no information, which is not defined, not studied (explanatory dictionary by S. Ozhegov)

Unknown... Spelling dictionary-reference book

- [unknown], unknown, unknown; unknown, unknown, unknown. 1. One about which nothing is known yet, about which there is no information, unknown, unstudied. Unknown island. Some unknown citizen. Man of the unknown... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Unknown: Unknown title several films. Unknown, Ernst Iosifovich Soviet and American sculptor ... Wikipedia

UNKNOWN, oh, oh; ten, tna. 1. Something about which they do not know, there is no information, which has not been defined, has not been studied. Unknown heroes. N. island. An equation with many unknowns (noun; unknown quantities; also transl.: about something very unclear,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Man, stranger. Unknown time. Unknown side. Unknown, in the form of a noun. someone, a stranger. The unknown, in the form of a noun, mat. the required, claim, number that needs to be found by calculation, calculation. The unknown is tormenting. Intelligent... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Ernst Iosifovich (born 1925), Russian sculptor and graphic artist. Since 1976 in exile. Expressive, plastically powerful, often full of tragic tension, easel and memorial works (the tombstone monument to N.S. Khrushchev on Novodevichy... ... Modern encyclopedia

unknown- unknown. Pronounced [unknown]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

unknown- - Topics information protection EN unknown ... Technical Translator's Guide

Ernst Iosifovich Neizvestny (born April 9, 1925 in the city of Sverdlovsk) Soviet and American sculptor. Biography Born into the family of doctor Joseph Moiseevich Neizvestny and children's poetess Bella Abramovna Dizhur (1903 2006), repressed in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Unknown, B. Holm. A young man named Gustav learns that he lives in a family of adoptive parents. Having reached adulthood, he goes in search of his father, which leads him to the USA, to...
  • Unknown flower, Andrey Platonov. We present to your attention the publication " Unknown flower" . For children preschool age

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unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unfamiliar, someone, someone, x(x), some, unknown, nameless, anonymous, dark, terra incognita, secret, unsolved, unexplored, uncertain, sphinx, alien, question mark, iron mask, history is silent about this, it is covered in darkness (unknown); what lies ahead, God knows; the water in the clouds is dark; stranger, unknown, incognito, unheard of, deaf, damned, God knows what, the devil knows what, unknown what, what the hell, some, unclear, little-known, dark, some, named, unprecedented, unknown, never heard of, God knows what, never seen, not famous, someone in gray. Ant. famous, familiar

What's happened UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN this is the meaning of the word UNKNOWN, origin (etymology) UNKNOWN, synonyms for UNKNOWN, paradigm (word forms) UNKNOWN in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms UNKNOWN- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

paradigm, forms of the word UNKNOWN










to the unknown


to the unknown



























+ UNKNOWN- T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative

what is UNKNOWN


unknown éstny

1. m.

The one about whom there is no information.

2. adj.

1) One about which there is no information; unknown, unfamiliar.

2) Not known or recognized.

3) Not peculiar to, alien to someone, something.

+ UNKNOWN- Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Big Soviet Encyclopedia»

what is UNKNOWN


Igor Georgievich (b. 1931), Russian physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991; corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1990). Main works on the physics of semiconductors and the physical foundations of microelectronics (phenomena at the semiconductor-dielectric interface and in multilayer heterostructures). State Prize of the Russian Federation (1995).---Ernst Iosifovich (b. 1925), Russian sculptor and graphic artist. Expressive, plastically powerful, often full of internal tragic tension, easel and memorial works (the tombstone of N. S. Khrushchev at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, 1974), numerous sketches and models of Neizvestny’s main monumental work, “The Tree of Life.” Until 1976 he lived in the USSR, then abroad. --- Ernst Iosifovich (b. April 9, 1925, Sverdlovsk), Russian artist and art theorist. Having gone through the experience of “unofficial art” of the 1950s-70s, I became a connoisseur. 20th century the most famous sculptor in Russia. Born into a doctor's family. Participant of the Great Patriotic War; seriously wounded, was demobilized in 1945. In 1946-47 he studied at the Latvian Academy of Arts in Riga, in 1947-54 - at the Moscow art institute named after V.I. Surikov (and at the same time attended classes at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University). Lived and worked in Moscow. The individual style of the master paid tribute to academic realism, but in the 1950s. (primarily in the figures of “wounded people”, expressing the painful memory of the war years) formed his own style, combining features of symbolism and stormy, temperamental expressionism. The most characteristic materials for him are bronze (in which almost all of his sculptural designs are cast, usually in many versions), and in monumental and decorative reliefs - concrete. His works, embodying (in the words of the master himself) the “form of flow”, are always combined into large cycles. In the center of the images is the human body, striving through intense efforts to overcome its own torpor. Among the master’s most important cycles (both sculptural and graphic, and later painting): “Gigantomachy” (from 1958), “Images of Dostoevsky” (from 1963; in 1970, the novel “Crime and Punishment” was published in the “Literary Monuments” series with illustrations by Neizvestny), “Images of Dante” (since 1966). Since 1956, the artist has been creating countless sketches of his main idea, the “Tree of Life”; This composition, supposedly a giant sculpture-environment, combines the motifs of a tree crown, a human heart and a Mobius leaf, symbolizing the impulse of the human spirit, which, self-exalting, humanizes the worlds of science and technology. Confrontation with the authorities and emigration Unknown sometimes managed to carry out official orders (a monument in honor of the friendship of peoples (the so-called “Lotus Flower”) on the Aswan Dam in Egypt, 1971; decorative reliefs: “Prometheus” in Artek (1966), for the Institute of Electronics in Zelenograd (Moscow, 1974), for the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Ashgabat (1975, now the House of the Government of Turkmenistan)). But, as an active participant in the “catacomb” (in his own words) culture, he entered into an increasingly sharp confrontation with the authorities. Personally, although in sharp conflict, I met N. S. Khrushchev when he caused a scandal at an exhibition in the Manege (1962); subsequently he performed his tombstone in Moscow (1974), emphasizing the internal drama and inconsistency of Khrushchev’s rule with contrasts of forms. In 1976 he emigrated from the USSR. Now lives and works mainly in the USA, near New York; Since 1989 he has been constantly coming to his homeland. In 1996, a memorial to the victims of the Gulag, created according to his design, was opened in Magadan, with a giant concrete “Face of Sorrow” as the central element of the composition. In the same year, Neizvestny became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. More than once he gave theoretical articles and lectures, developing the idea of ​​a synthesis of art and science, as well as the “symbiosis of Faith and Knowledge” as the main goal modern society, and pointing out that the human body and face, interpreted by art, are “hieroglyphs” of the path to this goal. Tree of Life Museum dedicated to creativity Unknown, discovered in Uttersberg (Sweden).

+ UNKNOWN- S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

what is UNKNOWN


UNKNOWN, -aya, -oe; -ten, -tna.

1. One that they don’t know about, that there is no information about, that hasn’t been defined, that hasn’t been studied. Unknown heroes. N. island. Equation with many unknowns(noun; the required quantities; also translated: about something very unclear, difficult to resolve). Where is he now unknown(meaning tale).

2. full f. Not famous, little known. Prose writer, n. to the general reader.

3. full f. A stranger whose identity has not been established. N writes to you. well-wisher. Someone came ~(noun).

It is unknown who (what, where, where, where, why, why, how much etc. ) (colloquial) an expression of ignorance and a judgmental attitude towards the one to whom (what) the pronominal word indicates. No one knows who is walking. He brought something unknown. Hanging out somewhere unknown. I was offended for some unknown reason.

| noun unknown, -i, w. (to 1 and 2 values). Shrouded in the darkness of the unknown(about something completely unknown, unclear; joking).

+ UNKNOWN- Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language

what is UNKNOWN


Aya, oh; -ten, -tna, -tno.

One that is not known or known about; unfamiliar.

Unknown road. Unknown lands.

- Don’t ask me or others for my name. Let me remain an unknown creature to you. Turgenev, Hamlet of Shchigrovsky district.

Gold cared about a person unknown to him, whom he would never see. Arsenyev, In the Ussuri taiga.

No one knew where they were going ---. The destination was unknown even to the division commander. Kazakevich, The heart of a friend.

Untested by smb., alien to sb.

Pride was completely unknown to him. Gogol, Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt.

Prince Andrei felt a presence in Natasha --- special a world filled with some unknown joys. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace.

Not enjoying recognition, success, fame.

Unknown artist.