Watch Raymond Pauls' 80th anniversary concert. Anniversary concert of Raymond Pauls (03/09/2018) watch online

"Million Red roses" and "Maestro", "Vernissage" and "It's not evening yet", "Love the pianist" and "Antique clock"...Who doesn't know the melody of these songs written by Raymond Pauls?

For an evening in honor famous composer many distinguished guests gathered. Pauls' work this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev and Laima Vaikule. On the stage there was an orchestra and a black piano, which the maestro played. He himself hosted the program with his characteristic Baltic wit. The only decoration on stage is the glowing autograph "R.Pauls".

According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva took risks by releasing them on stage in the early 80s new star, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the Russian public of that time. At the concert, Laima showed all her best numbers to the songs of Raymond Pauls - “Charlie”, “It’s not evening yet”, “On Piccadilly Street”, “Blues”. And she performed one of these songs while lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to be playing only for her. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev - “Love the Pianist”, “Disappeared” sunny days", "Cabaret". Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: “I don’t believe my eyes! Have you really come? My God!". She also performed “Maestro”, “A Million Scarlet Roses”, “Antique Clock” and other hits.

Taking part in the evening are Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontyev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnins, Guna Paula, the ensemble "Kukushechka", Alla Pugacheva.

The Soviet Latvian composer Raimonds Pauls, born in Riga in January 1936, celebrated his 80th birthday last Friday, February 26, at one of the largest concert venues in Russia, Crocus City Hall. festive concerts with friends.

People's Artist of the USSR and Minister of Culture of Latvia (1989-1993) prepared for the Moscow public a real 3-hour music festival, full of hits and hits different years. Long before the start of the evening, hundreds of people flocked to the hall, wanting to hear the maestro’s magical melodies. There was nowhere for the apple to fall that evening; the hall was filled to capacity with both the country's elite and ordinary citizens who admired the composer's talent.

The anniversary gala evening, called “Sacred Love for Music,” opened with a musical intro from the “Phonograph Symphony Jazz” orchestra under the direction of conductor Sergei Zhilin to the accompaniment of Raymond Voldemarovich, who sat at the black piano. " Good evening. Thank you for coming to me today, it means a lot to me. Why are you looking at me so sadly? Laima told me that I was well preserved,” Raymond Pauls jokingly greeted the crowd of thousands.

“I am very pleased that my old friend Valery Leontiev will begin the program,” the composer announced to the first guest. The tanned Leontyev began with an old retro-pop piece “Verooka”, and then, with the support of his ballet “Dangerous Liaisons”, performed the composition “Cabaret”, transporting all the spectators into the atmosphere of celebration and dancing. The central decoration in the form of a circle, which temporarily turned into vinyl record in the center of the jukebox, soon appeared before the viewer as the Moon, marking the song "Eclipse of the Heart". Leontyev’s enchanting block of numbers ended with a truly warm and kind song “The Sunny Days Have Disappeared,” which in the new arrangement acquired shades of Latin music.

“With your permission, I want to invite to the stage an artist without whom I can no longer imagine my life. We will sing you our “Vernissage,” announced Valery Yakovlevich, dressed in an extravagant black suit, with Laima Vaikule. The applause of the audience drowned out the performance of the artists, and many women tenderly sang along with their beloved couple.

As you may have guessed, the audience was followed by a block of songs by Pauls addressed to the stylish and unique Latvian singer Laima Vaikule. As the weather and seasons changed on the screens, the composition “It’s Not Evening Yet” was performed, taking the audience back to 1987, and moments later the Latvian woman moved to the hero of the day, noting his special sense of music and love for it. There was also the hit song “I’m Praying for You,” as well as the kind and humorous “Charlie,” during which the funny eccentric Charlie Chaplin danced on the screen. It is worth adding that Laima’s numbers were supported by the vocal group “Acapella Express”, which brought fresh notes to the readings of works beloved by millions. The last surprise for the public was the song “I went out to Piccadilly”, without which the maestro’s anniversary evening could not have happened.

Another representative of the "first echelon" Russian stage became People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Alexander Malinin, who sang the romance “I’ll Choose Music” to break the heart and ligaments. Despite the difficult character of the performer, it is impossible not to recognize his talent; there has never been such a vocally emotional performance this evening. “It is a great honor for me to perform your song today and I would like to sing some more of your works at the centenary,” Alexander Nikolaevich said, addressing the composer and leaving the hay.

Separate block anniversary evening was the performance of participants in the television project “The Voice” of different seasons. Renata Volkievich, who performed Alla Borisovna’s “Antique Clock,” came to pay tribute to his talent and express their respect to Raymond Pauls; Mariam Merabova, who sang Pugacheva’s song “Return” very cheerfully and artistically, as well as the Chechen singer Sharif, who recalled Pauls’ work “Two Swifts.” The block was completed by Gleb Matveychuk, who performed with the ballet and the song “Dance on the Drum,” Olivia Crush with “I Love You More than Nature,” Georgy Yufa with the life-affirming composition “The Path to the Light,” and Vitold Petrovsky, who sang against the backdrop of the illuminated night ocean moonlight, the work "After the Holiday".

All participants in the Channel One television project certainly have interesting and sometimes even unique vocal abilities. Their readings of the maestro’s legendary songs were interesting and new in their own way, but they cannot yet compare with the old guard of the scene. Some were hampered by excitement, some still lacked charisma, and some, like Mariam Merabova, gave it 100% and received thunderous applause from the audience. In any case, I would like to acknowledge the merit of the artists’ mentor Grigory Leps, who even after the end of the show helps the talents find their audience and gain experience.

The spectacular and stately Svetlana Loboda, dressed in a golden evening dress and complementing her look with diamond earrings, sang the song “Fiddler on the Roof” in her unique manner, demonstrating her artistic stature.

The pause of the evening before the appearance of the next guest, Latvian performer Intars Busulis, was filled with the instrumental number “A Man in the Prime of Life” by Raymond Voldemarovich, which delighted the audience with a beautiful piano piece. Video art of the silhouette of a couple twirling in clouds of smoke and couples in love hiding under umbrellas and soaring into the air accompanied Busulis’s numbers for the songs “I’m drawing you” and “Umbrella”. To be honest, the artist was not pleasantly surprised, but the audience was looking forward to him and greeted him warmly with applause.

Majestically and imperially, in the surroundings of church stained glass windows, clearly only one singer of our stage could sing “Let’s Help God” - Irina Allegrova. “You are our dear. I want to wish two things to this great master - longevity and that you delight us with your creativity for many more years,” the “empress” said at the end of the issue to Pauls.

An equally significant figure in domestic show business appeared on stage later - the king of the stage, Philip Kirkorov, triumphantly received a standing ovation from the audience after performing “Even if you leave.” “You are doing what few others have succeeded in doing - having the jazz essence of creativity, you create hits and hits that become truly popular. Could there be greater recognition of the composer?”, said Philip Bedrosovich leaving the stage with flowers.

In the image greek goddess Ukrainian diva Ani Lorak appeared on stage, singing a very important and emotional piece “Love has come”. From the tense vocal cords and the artist’s face, it was clear how difficult it was to achieve a task at the level of performing a song by Robert Rozhdestvensky and Raymond Pauls; it had to be lived with all your heart and soul, which is what the 2008 Eurovision participant managed to do. The surprises did not end there; soon Grigory Leps appeared on stage, singing with Ani the duet “Yellow Leaves”, which was originally sung by Margarita Viltsan and Ojars Grinbergs.

Having presented the maestro with a bouquet of scarlet roses, Grigory now solo, in his ultrasonic style, sang Alla Pugacheva’s song “Encore,” which tells about the artist’s life, and Andrei Voznesensky’s lines “I will sing you for an encore not my song, but my life,” speaks about this.

The evening was already drawing to a close and many no longer hoped to see the woman who sings, to whom Raymond Pauls wrote without a shadow of a doubt his best songs. It was Alla Pugacheva who the maestro gave his diamond melodies, his love, a piece of his life. With her appearance with a bouquet of flowers, the hall froze, forgetting even about the applause and applause, wondering what kind of work the legend would perform. In her characteristic theatrical manner, the Prima Donna opened her block with the work “Yesterday’s Performance,” which later merged into the humorous and playful “It’s About Time.” Moreover, Alla turned the second number into a whole theatrical scene with false hair, funny black glasses and changing shoes in front of the viewer. At the same time, multi-colored alarm clocks were bursting on the screens with all their might, reminding that it was time for business and time for fun.

Prima looked gorgeous, no one could miss Pugacheva’s slender legs in leather pants and her toned figure, let alone her young face. Having also sung the hit “Without me to you, my beloved,” Alla took the floor: “The songs that I sang are the children of two maestros - Raymond Pauls and Ilya Reznik. But I have a debt to another author Andrei Voznesensky, to whom I wrote many songs For years I don’t know why I ignored it. Now I want to pay tribute to the person who is no longer with us and sing the song “Don’t Leave Me.”

The final chord of the evening with all the participants of the anniversary evening taking their bows was perhaps set by main job Pauls, known and performed in many languages ​​of the world - Alla Borisovna's song "A Million Scarlet Roses". It was very symbolic that the artists came out to the birthday party not empty-handed, but with baskets of red roses covering the stage with flowers, just like in the line from the work - “like a continuation of a dream, the square is full of flowers.”

It was an enchanting and colorful concert by the truly cult composer and musician Raimonds Pauls, who presented the artists and the audience with hits that passed the most important test in their lives - time. Of the more than 500 works written by the maestro, almost 50 became songs of decades; not a single generation listened and fell in love with the Latvian melodies. The work of Raymond Voldemarovich has become an invaluable contribution to the cultural fund of the country, to the history of Soviet and Russian music, stage. In this report we wrote about the creations of a man of the era, a man who was sacredly in love with music and gave it his whole life.

We would like to add that Channel One will soon broadcast a TV version of the concert.

Photo report of Raymond Pauls' concert at Crocus City Hall dated February 26, 2016:

“A Million Scarlet Roses” and “Maestro”, “Vernissage” and “It’s Not Evening Yet”, “Love the Pianist” and “Antique Clock”... Who doesn’t know the melody of these songs written by Raymond Pauls?
Many distinguished guests gathered for the evening in honor of the famous composer. Pauls' work this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev and Laima Vaikule. On the stage there was an orchestra and a black piano, which the maestro played. He himself hosted the program with his characteristic Baltic wit. The only decoration on stage is a glowing autograph "R. Pauls".
According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva took risks by releasing a new star on the stage in the early 80s, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the Russian public of that time. At the concert, Laima showed all her best numbers on songs by Raymond Pauls: “Charlie”, “It’s not evening yet”, “On Piccadilly Street”, “Blues”. And she performed one of these songs, lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to play only for her alone. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev: “Love the Pianist”, “Sunny Days Have Disappeared”, “Cabaret”. Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: “I can’t believe my eyes! Have you really come? My God!” She also performed “Maestro”, “A Million Scarlet Roses”, “Antique Clock” and other hits.
Taking part in the evening are Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontyev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnins, Guna Paula, the ensemble "Kukushechka", Alla Pugacheva.

Anniversary concert Raymond Pauls (03/09/2018) watch online for free in good quality
“A Million Scarlet Roses” and “Maestro”, “Vernissage” and “It’s Not Evening Yet”, “Love the Pianist” and “Antique Clock”... Who doesn’t know the melody of these songs written by Raymond Pauls?
Many distinguished guests gathered for the evening in honor of the famous composer. Pauls' work this evening will be presented by Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev and Laima Vaikule. On the stage there was an orchestra and a black piano, which the maestro played. He himself hosted the program with his characteristic Baltic wit. The only decoration on stage is a glowing autograph "R. Pauls".
According to Raymond Voldemarovich, the most difficult thing was to select three dozen out of four hundred songs. Announcing Laima Vaikule, Pauls told how he, Reznik and Alla Pugacheva took risks by releasing a new star on the stage in the early 80s, whose hoarse voice and amazing plasticity were unusual for the Russian public of that time. At the concert, Laima showed all her best numbers on songs by Raymond Pauls: “Charlie”, “It’s not evening yet”, “On Piccadilly Street”, “Blues”. And she performed one of these songs, lying on the piano, and Raymond seemed to play only for her alone. Several songs were performed by Valery Leontiev: “Love the Pianist”, “Sunny Days Have Disappeared”, “Cabaret”. Appearing on stage, Alla Borisovna turned to Pauls and sang: “I can’t believe my eyes! Have you really come? My God!” She also performed “Maestro”, “A Million Scarlet Roses”, “Antique Clock” and other hits.
Taking part in the evening are Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontyev, Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis, Gunar Kalnins, Guna Paula, the ensemble "Kukushechka", Alla Pugacheva.