Age doesn't matter in love quotes. Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of great people on the topic of age.

Unbearable melancholy is brought by the awareness of the inevitability of approaching old age and external changes, occurring in a person under the influence of steadily growing age. However, only truly wise people can accept their age, in their quotes only a little regretting the irretrievably gone youth and blooming beauty. Phrases supported by experience speak not only of a carefree past, but also of a bright future in which experience, wisdom, and also some understanding of oneself have appeared. Extreme old age is not as bad as it is imagined in youth or adolescence. Still, some people who mark such quotes as their favorites would prefer never to know the sorrows and sorrows of the older generation.

The goal of the first half of life is love, and life is only a means. Then they change places.

A smart person uses old age to mature and get rid of the disadvantages of youth: recklessness and hasty decisions.

Feelings do not die with age - they grow up and become mature.

Childhood hurries life, adolescence tries it on, youth is intoxicated by it, maturity enjoys it, old age regrets it, decrepitude puts up with it.

The first thing a woman begins to forget after thirty is her own age. By forty, she no longer remembers him at all.

It’s nice when, after turning forty, you are still called young, but it’s a shame if you are treated like a green youth.

Of all the wrinkles God has assigned to a woman, let some be located on the soles of her feet.

A woman hides her age behind constant conversations about it.

A man is obsessed at any age. At ten years old - sweet, at twenty - love, at thirty - pleasures, at forty - career, at fifty - tight-fisted.

A man is worried about how few years are left ahead, and a woman is worried about how many have already passed.

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It’s sad, but in ten to fifteen years even the most beautiful women will become five years older.

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks. – Mortimer Collins

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older because she is ten years older. – Sasha Guitry

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is. – Magdalena the Impostor

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better. – Lawrence Peter

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you stop understanding youth. – Kazimierz Brandys

Thirty - best age for a forty year old woman. – “Pshekruj”

A woman ages a year every three years. – Maurice Donnay

The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it. – Jules Renard

He who constantly hides his age finally begins to think that he is as young as he wants to seem. – Jean La Bruyère

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it didn’t change so often. – Zhanna Golonogova

He has already reached that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.

Middle age is when you start repeating what a fool you used to be.

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Excessive care is the same curse of old people as carelessness is the grief of youth. – W. Shakespeare

If instead of the word “delicious” you start saying “nutritious”, then you are getting old. – V.M. Khochinsky

Age is the best cure for love. – M. Genin

Youth, a rising wave. The wind is behind, the rocks are ahead. – W. Wordsworth

What we sin in our youth we have to atone for in old age. – Erasmus of Rotterdam

Every age has its own nasty things. – Henri Bataille

Age is a nasty thing, and it gets worse every year. – Diana Cooper

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don’t believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself. – Bob Phillips

In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, in old age - longer. – E. Sevrus

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging. – Art Linkletter

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? – Wayne Dyer

The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost: she adds them to the age of other women. – Diane de Poitiers

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age. – Gertrude Stein

I’m already past that age when you worry about what others will think about you... Now let others worry about what I will think about them...

It's stupid when they say that a woman blossoms at a certain age. A woman blossoms with a CERTAIN man!!!

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything. – Oscar Wilde

A person is young and old depending on how he feels. – T. Mann

Some people go to the grave at the age of a hundred, having died barely born. – J.-J. Rousseau

I am at a wonderful age: and... I can, and... I want, and... I know how!...))

To find out my age, you'll have to saw me apart and count the layers. – “Pshekruj”

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job. – L. Peter

Forty is the age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age. – Victor Hugo

I was born on January 30th, but I look much younger. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

A man is as young as he feels
If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a holiday abroad. – Earl Wilson

And then, unexpectedly, you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of an invisible man. – D. Lessing

The only thing a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Middle age is when you can still do everything you did before, but you prefer not to do it. – Author unknown

Youth is the time to acquire wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.

Middle age is when all you want on your birthday is to not be reminded of it.

Everyone feels like they've reached their forties too early.

Middle age is when you stop criticizing your elders and start criticizing your younger ones. – L. Peter

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age. – Lucille Ball

In essence, old age begins from the moment a person loses the ability to learn. – A. Graf

Middle age is when you can still do everything you did before, but you prefer not to do it.

Look at the figures of most men after 30, and they haven’t even given birth! :-(((

All women are young, but some are younger than others. – Marcel Achard

In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer. – E.A. Sevrus

Don't hide your age, otherwise they'll give you more. – Konstantin Melikhan

When your friends start wondering how young you look, it's a sure sign that you've aged. – Washington Irving

The hardest thing for women to get a job! Everyone needs 18-year-old girls with 30 years of experience, two degrees and grown children!

It’s not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indeterminate age until a certain age. – Semyon Altov

I can’t understand women who write 100 years in the age column. After all, as the heroine of the film “Love and Doves” said, “so it’s clear that she’s not sixteen...)))))

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are. – Francois La Rochefoucauld

Every woman has the age she deserves. – Coco Chanel

Nothing ages a woman more than her age. – Don Aminado

An old man believes everything, a middle-aged man suspects everything, a young man knows everything. – O. Wilde

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even say how old you look! – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and “You look wonderful today!” – Cardinal Francis Spellman

Excessive care is the same curse of old people as carelessness is the grief of youth. – W. Shakespeare

In everything there is good side: No matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be. - Reader's Digest

At 15 I was good... And at 30 I’m twice as good!)

Even now I do not envy the strength of the young any more than I previously envied the strength of a bull or an elephant. – M.T. Cicero

I turn 56 on the 26th of this month and I am still not an adult. – D.B. Show

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving. – A. Dumas-Son

I don't see anything romantic about age as such. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old - or about being young.

Katharine Hepburn

She was thirty-five, in other words, sometimes twenty-seven and sometimes thirty-seven.

Natalie Clifford Barney

You can become younger at any age.

The only thing a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Unknown (Humor)

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age.

Gertrude Stein

We exchange years for destinies.


In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, and in old age - longer.

I used to be afraid of being late. Now I can’t make it in time.

Yuri Mezenko

A man of Balzac's age.

Nikita Bogoslovsky

Age always leaves traces by which it can be detected.

Tamara Kleiman

The mistakes inherent in age go away with age.

Publilius Syrus

The older you are, the stronger the wind becomes - and it is always headwind.

Jack Nicholson

The woman is seven years younger than her friends claim, and five years older than the men give her.

Gina Lollobrigida

And so, unexpectedly - out of the blue, you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of an invisible person.

Doris Lessing

The older I get, the less I care about who sleeps with whom.

Dorothy Sayers

I was born on January 30th, but I look much younger.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even say how old you look!

Yanina Ipohorskaya

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

When I was young, I made it a rule not to drink a drop of alcohol before lunch. Now that I am no longer young, I adhere to the rule of not drinking a drop of alcohol before breakfast.

Winston Churchill

At my age, I can no longer afford to feel bad about myself.

Winston Churchill

My youth was over, and I discovered that middle age is not a matter of years lived.

Kathleen Norris

I think I've finally become an adult - and just in time.

Elizabeth Taylor

It's better to be a young dung beetle than an old bird of paradise.

Mark Twain

As we get older, even watches that have been standing for a long time begin to hurry.

Boris Krutier

How often, when a person’s second youth comes, he begins to fall into childhood.

Boris Krutier

Over the years, all days of the week become unfavorable.

Boris Krutier

A fool does not get smarter with age, but becomes an old fool.

Boris Krutier

Round dates remind a person that it’s time to call it a day.

Boris Krutier

Mild sclerosis is when you forget who you owe, deep sclerosis is when you don’t remember who owes you.

Boris Krutier

A person’s age is divided into three stages: “Childhood. Youth and... “You look great!” There is indeed a fourth stage - a very sad one - “You are holding up great!” I really want to stay longer in the third age.

Mikhail Zadornov

Age is the best cure for love.

Mikhail Genin

Growing up is damn hard. It is much easier to move from one childhood to another.

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Every age has its own charms, but in youth there are also strangers.

Gennady Malkin

Age is more often a lawyer than a prosecutor.

Gennady Malkin

Age is all you can say about yourself with complete confidence.

Gennady Malkin

A woman's age is determined not by the number of Indian years, but by their duration.


Gatherings. Polyselki.

Stepan Balakin

Youth condemns. Maturity reasons. Old age forgives.

Stepan Balakin

By honoring the patriarchs, you yourself can live to a respectable age.

Stepan Balakin

Not all children are cute, not all old people are disgusting.

Stepan Balakin

Oh, to be seventy years old again!

Georges Clemenceau

Everything I know I learned after thirty.

Georges Clemenceau

Old age is the time when you are ready to take on things that youth does not undertake because they require too much time.

Somerset Maugham

Each generation laughs at its fathers, laughs and laughs at its grandfathers and admires its great-grandfathers.

Somerset Maugham

Nothing improves with age.

Maureen Murphy

O age of autumn! He is dearer to me than youth and summer.

S.A. Yesenin

Age is all that remains of the years we have lived.

Arkady Davidovich

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to get used to the fact that she is thirty.

Konstantin Melikhan

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.

Oscar Wilde

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is.

Magdalena the Impostor

Young eyes see sharper, old eyes see deeper.

Elizabeth I

The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it.

Jules Renar

I noticed that the older I get, the more attentively they listen to me, although I say the same thing as before.

Peter Ustinov

I've always had a hard time getting along with children - even when I was a child myself.

Peter Ustinov

Age is a tyrant that commands.

Eugene Delacroix

Adolescence is a hill from which one quickly slides down.

Veselin Georgiev

Over the years we get smarter.

Terence Publius

At the age of 50 you need to have a hat and two ties, white and black: you will often have to get married and buried.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

There is an age that leaves no traces in memory.

Jean de La Bruyère

Forty is the age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.

Victor Marie Hugo

Midlife is when your age begins to show in your midsection.

The process of human life consists of passing through different ages. But at the same time, all ages of a person exist side by side...

So young and already so unknown!

L.D. Landau

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

They make friends when they are young and accumulate enemies when they are old.



In youth, new friends are quickly found; in old age, old ones are quickly lost.


It’s time for you to bloom, and for us to bloom. Like a forgotten loaf of bread.


In our youth we easily care for several other people’s organisms, in old age we find it difficult to care for one of our own.


Now the beard is gray... Where is the demon?


An old friend is always young!


Everyone lies about calendars.

Alexander Griboyedov

Age is an invention of boring people.

Romanushko's aria

Age assessment depends on the age of the assessor.

Ilya Shevelev

Over the years, the age difference disappears both physically and psychologically.

Ilya Shevelev

Nothing ages a woman more than her age.

Don Aminado

This is the age of autobiographical love.

Margaret de Blessington

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indeterminate age until a certain age.

Semyon Altov

All women are young, but some are younger than others.

Marcel Achard

To find out my age, you'll have to saw me apart and count the layers.

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

Every woman has the age she deserves.

Coco Chanel

I'm losing my former lightness.

K-f Formula of Love

Years go by, I’m still over thirty...

Maya Chetvyortova

I look good, but not often.

Maya Chetvyortova

Sophie's daughter Arnoux was once asked how old her mother was. “Really, I don’t know,” she answered. “Mom takes a year off every year, so soon I’ll be older than her.”

Sophie Arnoux

Age is the rate at which years pass by.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

She looked much younger than the age she was given.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

He has grown in other people's eyes to the size of a thorn!

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Years! Started to grow... a bald head.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Don't count the years. Seconds always count!

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Nightmare! At one hundred years old, he looked as if he had lived to be one hundred and forty.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Gray hair in a beard is a prologue to irreversible age-related changes; a devil in a rib is the first and shortest of them.

Evgeniy Kashcheev

Some boys never grow up, considering teenagers their rivals.

Dmitry Nagiev

I'm getting older... I'm becoming more experienced... But I continue to make childhood mistakes!

Unknown Humor

The main thing, guys, is not to grow old as a member.

Unknown Humor

From the height of their years, the problems of the young seem so small.

Unknown Humor

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.

Bernard Shaw (Sarah Bernard)

When a woman turns thirty, the first thing she begins to forget is her age; and at forty he is completely erased from her memory.

Ninon de Lanclos

So how old are you, my child? - Oh, a lot, sir, a lot - eighteen!

K-f D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

BALL Lucille

This morning you don’t remember what year it is? Look in the mirror.

Unknown (Humor)

Any trolleybus passenger over thirty is far from a tightrope walker in bed.

Unknown (Humor)

A man is as old as his woman looks.

Unknown (Humor)

Somehow I quietly reached an age when sex with someone half my age is no longer within my jurisdiction...

Unknown (Humor)

The older I get, the better I used to be.

Unknown (Humor)

Checking your age is very simple, go into the carriage and see where you are more drawn - to the top bunk or to the bottom.

Unknown (Humor)

He is already a very old man, and she is still a small woman.

Unknown (Humor)

Maturity differs from youth in that even when you are next to a woman, smart thoughts can come into your head.

Unknown (Humor)

She was at that age when they don’t believe it’s possible to love a woman over twenty-five.

Madeleine de Lafayette

IN professionally I have no age.

Kathleen Turner

Now that I'm over sixty, I've begun to move toward respectability.

Shelley Winters

When I was little, I also had a grandmother, but over all these years I couldn’t, but he did!..

K-f Welcome or No unauthorized entry

It’s not customary to talk about women’s age, but it’s a pity: we could learn so many funny stories and fairy tales.

Boris Trushkin

Nothing ages us more than a mirror image.

Valentin Domil

Years, like money, come from nowhere and go to nowhere.

Valentin Domil

Old age has a lot in common with youth. She too passes.

Valentin Domil

It's easiest to slip in your declining years.

Valentin Domil

With age, matters of the heart become cardiovascular.

Mikhail Baru

It's been seventeen years since I was seventeen.

Ravil Aleev

A midlife crisis is the first death and the second birth.

Ravil Aleev

Age is like a shadow: life is short at noon.

Ravil Aleev

Today you are forty, and the day before yesterday you were twenty.

Ravil Aleev

Whatever age is scary, you will be scary.

Ravil Aleev

Young men argue until they are hoarse about the truth, adults fight until they bleed for interest.

Ravil Aleev

How older man, the earlier winter comes for him.

Unknown (Humor)

When you are young, your bed creaks, and when you are old, your wife also creaks.

Unknown (Humor)

Midlife crisis: I live with one, sleep with another, and want a third.

Unknown (Humor)

What fell in old age was lost.

Unknown (Humor)

Menopause is when you no longer think about Tampax.

Unknown (Humor)

Midlife crisis: were there before“beer and girls”, now - “vodka and women”...

Unknown (Humor)

Despite all his efforts, he could not reach adulthood...

Vladimir Semenov

His age was below average...

Vladimir Semenov

At your age, your strength is still not the same! You should take care of your health, because you are already over a hundred!..

Filatov Leonid Alekseevich

Eka importance - more than a hundred! If only the blood was thick! They say that all ages are submissive to love!

Filatov Leonid Alekseevich

Old and young, we all went on our last cruise.

Robert Louis Stevenson

The next generation must always move forward.

Luule Viilma

The years take their toll. But only in the flesh, not in the spirit.

Toyshibekov Baurzhan

The age when “being determines consciousness” ends along with the period of mental maturity, and then just the opposite begins to operate.

Denisenko Oleg

A person has no age, he has a state of mind.

Valentina Bednova

The older a person is, the more mistakes he has made from which he learned, and the smarter he is.

Valentina Bednova

Everything that now seems serious and sad will seem funny later.

Vavilin Andrey Valerievich

Every year a person begins to hear more and more clearly the voice of eternity calling him to itself.

Vavilin Andrey Valerievich

It is most difficult to determine the age of women of uncertain age.

Youth is in a hurry because it is in a hurry to accumulate life experience. Maturity takes its time so as not to lose what it has already accumulated.

Olga Muravyova

Youth strives to learn and consolidate its knowledge - to draw a conclusion, give an assessment, express its opinion. Maturity understands that it is impossible to know completely, and therefore does not rush to conclusions, does not give harsh assessments and does not particularly speak out.

Olga Muravyova

With age, there is no less color and joy on the outside - there is more on the inside.

Olga Muravyova

If your vision has improved over the years, don't throw it away in anger rose-colored glasses of your youth - after all, in yours teddy bear You don't play anymore either.

Olga Muravyova

We grow out of our yesterday's worldview, like out of clothes. And if we didn’t stop growing, maybe then we wouldn’t grow old?

Olga Muravyova

As you age, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish other people's thoughts from your own.

Olga Muravyova

Olga Muravyova

With age, the number of mistakes you make may not decrease, but at least their quality should increase.

Olga Muravyova

Old age is no worse than youth: every age has its own discoveries.

Olga Muravyova

At twenty years old it seems that thirty is a lot, and forty is almost the end of life. At thirty you realize that twenty is childhood. At forty, everything is just beginning.

Olga Muravyova

Age can never be a hindrance, neither being old nor young.

Valery Afonchenko

The best age is the one we live in.

Valery Afonchenko

At eighteen I thought that until fifty was an eternity, and at fifty that eighteen was an ancient, fossilized story.

Valery Afonchenko

Coming of age is a celebration of age, upon reaching which not everyone and not everyone who has learned to count is already counted. Retirement is also a celebration of age, but upon reaching it, not everyone and not everyone who has forgotten how to count continues to count. The age between adulthood and retirement is when everyone thinks they can count, but not everyone takes it into account.

Valery Afonchenko

That's why he fell in love with her, and why he stopped loving her - because of her age.

Valery Afonchenko

Age, male, even female.

Valery Afonchenko

In a gray head and stupidity with a beard.

Mikhail Mamchich

If only the years would fly by, my thoughts would fly away with them.

Mikhail Mamchich

Those who have matured beyond their years sometimes become stupid before their time.

Mikhail Mamchich

All ages are submissive to love, only the mature are submissive to pride.

Yulia Leontyeva

Excessive self-confidence in youth is naivety, in maturity it is a sin, and in old age it is stupidity...

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

I don't like it when people talk about age differences. There is no age difference.

Arthur Tracy

The number of years lived, in the end, always turns into a new quality.

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

Sometimes there comes a period in a woman’s (girl’s) life when she doesn’t know to whom, and doesn’t know what to present herself with!

O. G. Tepegina (Miscellaneous)

Not knowing is knowing what you don't know.

Tulebaev Dauyrzhan Zhumazhanovich (Miscellaneous)

And I'm light years younger...

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

With age, they think less and less about what is in front and more and more about what is ahead...

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

You have power if others think you have power!(mariya)

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

Which is more correct? Do we pay for sex with relationships or do we pay with sex for relationships?

Unknown (Miscellaneous)

Maturity is about taking on rights and accepting responsibilities. Children feel like the world revolves around them. Adolescence begins when people begin to do their own things. Full maturity comes at the moment when people begin to do things for others.

William Helemenderis

You will inevitably come to the conclusion that you should not forget about your age.

Helen Hayes

New horizons, new ideas, new activities, new points of view - this is what life after sixty-five is made of.

Helen Hayes

I believe that one of the roads open to older people is teaching, using what we have acquired in long life, for the sake of enhancing the experience of young people.

Helen Hayes

Youth is a gift of nature, and maturity is a work of art.

Gerson Kanin

From Balzac age it smoothly passed into Balsamic age.

Unknown (Humor)

I'm no longer at the age to be smarter than everyone else.

Unknown (Humor)

With age, the brain, becoming more flexible, less and less allows us to have a good time.

Unknown (Humor)

If the environment is too noisy, then you are too old.

Unknown (Humor)

Adolescence is such a terrible time when all your childhood rights are taken away from you, but all your childhood responsibilities are left, they are given a bunch of adult responsibilities, but they are not given adult rights!

Unknown (Humor)

The best age for children is when you no longer lead them by the hand, and they have not yet led you by the nose.

Unknown (Humor)

Adolescence is a transition from naive sincerity to the harsh truth.

Unknown (Humor)

Not everyone manages to survive their youth. Some people don’t have enough time to live as old people, while others don’t have time to live young until old age.

Unknown (Humor)

Over the years, the errand boy has grown into a macho fuck guy...

Unknown (Humor)

I'm going through a difficult transition right now. I'm moving from size 48 to size 54.

Unknown (Humor)

To receive a decent pension in old age, you need to vote correctly when you are young.

Unknown (Humor)

Adults differ from children only in the size of the toys and the scale of the games.

Unknown (Humor)

The older you are, the more young girls there are.

Unknown (Humor)

At my age, you can only stand on the panel with a broom.

Unknown (Humor)

It's better to be young and green than old and blue

Unknown (Humor)

With age, the attitude towards life, like the attitude towards sweets, changes its emotional coloring.

Unknown (Humor)

The years took their toll, and when there was nothing left to take, they were used up.

Unknown (Humor)

Age is when going to the shower is no longer accompanied by a storm of positive emotions.

Unknown (Humor)

I'm too old for this fuss!

Unknown (Humor)

Don't boast about your youth and you won't be reproached for your old age.

Unknown (Humor)

I'm already at that age when an old enemy is nicer than a new friend.

Unknown (Humor)

Middle age is when you don’t care where your wife goes, as long as you don’t drag along with her.

Unknown (Humor)

With age, my waist began to be measured not in centimeters, but in CENTAMETERS...

Unknown (Humor)

If youth knew, it could do it in old age.

Unknown (Humor)

The real age of a person is determined not by what he has lived, but by what he has experienced.

Unknown (Humor)

A midlife crisis occurs when your favorite songs start playing on Retro radio.

Unknown (Humor)

A year is another slice cut off from a loaf of life.

Unknown (Humor)

The beauty of 18-year-old girls is that no matter how old you are, they are always 18!

Unknown (Humor)

Only in adulthood does the philosopher's mind mature to mourn what the rest of humanity laughs at without a care in the world.

Unknown (Humor)

After forty-five, the belly takes up all the space allocated to it by the belt in the pants...

Unknown (Humor)

When you are young, the most ingenious inventions seem to be the TV remote control and the cell phone; a little later - diapers. Not everyone lives to realize the genius of Viagra.

Unknown (Humor)

Forty years is the old age of youth and the youth of old age.

Unknown (Humor)

We are still the same... Only the mirror is distorted.

Unknown (Humor)

Childhood optimism gives way to youthful pessimism, adult alcoholism and senile insanity

Unknown (Humor)

It is always possible to be the most mature only in childhood.

Unknown (Humor)

From the desired age to the unwanted - one step

Unknown (Humor)

I'm too old not to do something stupid...

Unknown (Humor)

With age, ambitions become smaller, and the belly and bald spots become larger.

Unknown (Humor)

I began to respect myself... for my age!

Unknown (Humor)

When time disappears to no one knows where, it turns out that we live less than our age.

Unknown (Humor)

The older you get, the more young girls there are.

Unknown (Humor)

I recently realized that there is one undeniable advantage to growing up. As time flies faster, salaries are paid more and more often every year...

Unknown (Humor)

Why do they say that nothing improves with age? I don’t agree with this: for men, for example, everything becomes softer with age: heart, character, etc.

Unknown (Humor)

At the age of 40, you feel especially acutely that childhood is already over.

Unknown (Humor)

Midlife crisis - realizing how cruelly you were deceived in childhood.

Unknown (Humor)

With age, hardware turns into software.

Unknown (Humor)

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.
Art Linkletter

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and “You look wonderful today!”
Cardinal Francis Spellman

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don’t believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself.
Bob Phillips

Age is a nasty thing, and it gets worse every year.
Diana Cooper

Every age has its own nasty things.
Henri Bataille

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it didn’t change so often.
Zhanna Golonogova

It’s not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.
Author unknown

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
Wayne Dyer

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age.
Gertrude Stein

It’s sad, but in ten to fifteen years even the most beautiful women will become five years older.
Author unknown

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
Lucille Ball

There's a bright side to everything: no matter how old you are, you're younger than you'll ever be.
"Reader's Digest"

He has already reached that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.
Author unknown

When your friends start wondering how young you look, it's a sure sign that you've aged.
Washington Irving

He who constantly hides his age finally begins to think that he is as young as he wants to seem.
Jean La Bruyère

Don't hide your age, otherwise they'll give you more.
Konstantin Melikhan

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better.
Lawrence Peter

Middle age is when you can still do everything you did before, but you prefer not to do it.
Author unknown

Everyone feels like they've reached their forties too early.
Author unknown

Forty is the age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.
Victor Hugo

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you stop understanding youth.
Kazimierz Brandys

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older because she is ten years older.
Sasha Guitry

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks.
Mortimer Collins

A man is only as young as a woman feels.
Groucho Marx

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it.
Jules Renard

Nothing ages a woman more than her age.
Don Aminado

To find out my age, you'll have to saw me apart and count the layers.

I was born on January 30th, but I look much younger.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The only thing a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.
Author unknown

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

All women are young, but some are younger than others.
Marcel Achard

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indeterminate age until a certain age.
Semyon Altov

Every woman has the age she deserves.
Coco Chanel

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is.
Magdalena the Impostor

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.
Oscar Wilde

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman ages a year every three years.
Maurice Donnet

The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost: she adds them to the age of other women.
Diane de Poitiers

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even say how old you look!
Yanina Ipohorskaya

That the years go by would be nothing, but in what direction!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Try to appear younger than you are, but not younger than people think you are.
Don Aminado

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says!

As women age, they rely more and more on cosmetics, and men on their sense of humor.
George Gene Nathan

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
Wayne Dyer

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age.
Gertrude Stein

The secret of eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly and be respectful of your age.
Lucille Ball

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.
Art Linkletter

Three ages of a person: youth, middle age and “You look wonderful today!”
Cardinal Francis Spellman

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you don’t believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself.
Bob Phillips

Age is a nasty thing, and it gets worse every year.
Diana Cooper

Every age has its own nasty things.
Henri Bataille

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it didn’t change so often.
Zhanna Golonogova

It’s sad, but in about ten to fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

He has already reached that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.

When your friends start wondering how young you look, it's a sure sign that you've aged.
Washington Irving

He who constantly hides his age finally begins to think that he is as young as he wants to seem.
Jean La Bruyère

Don't hide your age, otherwise they'll give you more.
Konstantin Melikhan

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better.
Lawrence Peter

Middle age is when you can still do everything you did before, but you prefer not to do it.

Everyone feels like they've reached their forties too early.

Forty is the age of youth; Fifty is the youth of old age.
Victor Hugo

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you stop understanding youth.
Kazimierz Brandys

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older because she is ten years older.
Sasha Guitry

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks.
Mortimer Collins

A man is only as young as a woman feels.
Groucho Marx

This is nonsense, as if a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it.
Jules Renard

To find out my age, you'll have to saw me apart and count the layers.

I was born on January 30th, but I look much younger.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

The only thing a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

All women are young, but some are younger than others.
Marcel Achard

Every woman has the age she deserves.
Coco Chanel

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.
Oscar Wilde

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman ages a year every three years.
Maurice Donnet

The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not lost: she adds them to the age of other women.
Diane de Poitiers

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even say how old you look!
Yanina Ipohorskaya

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

Age - classic sample impermanence.
Sylvia Cheese

Nobody believes that he looks his age.
Edgar Howe

You can't hide love and age.

It’s not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is.
Magdalena the Impostor

A man's age can be judged by what he says; about a woman’s age - by what they say about her.
Maurice Druon

Nothing makes you look older like your face.
Semyon Altov

Nothing ages a woman more than her age.
Don Aminado

In public we live at our real age; alone - at all ages.
Matthews Brander

It’s sad, but in about ten to fifteen years, even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

Until the age of 18, a woman needs good parents, from 18 to 35 – good looks, from 35 to 55 - good character, and after 55 - good money.
Sophie Tucker

There is a bright side to everything: no matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be.
"Reader's Digest"

Until a certain age, a person does not notice his age.
Arkady Davidovich

No matter how long you live, the first twenty years are the longest half of your life.
Robert Southey

Twenty years - a boy, another twenty - a youth, another twenty - a youth, another twenty - an old man.

The most pleasant age is the one that is going downhill, but is not yet falling into the abyss.

I'm 28, like many women my age.
Mary Schmich

Thirty - wonderful age for a woman. Especially if she's forty.
Phyllis Diyer

A woman is as old as she appears in the eyes of the man who likes her.
Finley Peter Dunn

Forty years is not the end of the world, but from here it is already visible.
American saying

My best years were my forties.
Elizabeth Taylor

Life begins after forty - and so does rheumatism, farsightedness and the desire to tell the same story to the same person three or four times.
Helen Rowland

There comes a time in a woman's life sooner or later when she must finally decide on her age and stick to it until the end.
Maria Chuvashek

A man of Balzac's age.
Nikita Bogoslovsky

And before I was fifty, I thought that I would forever be eighteen.
Arkady Davidovich

After fifty, the days are already counting!
Coco Chanel

At fifty the world begins to tire of you, and at sixty the world begins to tire of you.
Axel Oxenstierna

I'll be sixty soon. Almost a third of your life is already behind you.
Woody Allen

At sixty, you begin to understand that your grandfather, who lived to be 80, died not so old.

Being over 70 is like being in a war. All your friends have died or will soon die, and you live surrounded by death, like on a battlefield.
Myrtle Spark

Our days are seventy years, and with greater strength eighty years; and their best time is labor and illness, for they pass quickly, and we fly
Psalm 89:10

We would live incomparably happier lives if we could be born eighty years old and gradually approach eighteen years of age.
Mark Twain

After eighty, everyone the same age is friends.
"Quotable Business" (1999)

Round dates make a person a zero.
Arkady Davidovich

People are like wine: if they get better over the years, then they are of very high quality.
Philippe Bouvard

Age is the best cure for love.
M. Genin

Middle age is when you can still do everything you did before, but you prefer not to do it.
Author unknown

Middle age is when you stop criticizing your elders and start criticizing your younger ones.
L. Peter

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job.
L. Peter

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.
Author unknown

Middle age is when you start repeating what a fool you used to be.
Author unknown

An old man believes everything, a middle-aged man suspects everything, a young man knows everything.
O. Wilde

And then, unexpectedly, you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of an invisible man.
D. Lessing

What we sin in our youth we have to atone for in old age.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

In your youth you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, in old age - longer.
E. Sevrus

Excessive care is the same curse of old people as carelessness is of youth.
W. Shakespeare

Critical age: the age of a woman who criticizes everyone.
Don Aminado

Women have no age. They are either young or old.

Sasha Guitry

You can't trust a woman who doesn't hide her age. Such a woman will not hesitate to say anything.

Oscar Wilde

Fate modern woman: before thirty you prove that you are already an adult, after thirty - that you are still young.

Felix Krivin

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it didn’t change so often.

Zhanna Golonogova

You won't be given your 40 years...
- But I won’t take it!

It’s not my age that horrifies me, but the age of my peers.

A woman is young as long as she is loved.

Gustave Flaubert

The world is ruled by the young - when they grow old.

Bernard Shaw

At 45 - Baba Berry again.


Age is not a merit or a virtue.

Brun Silver String

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?

Wayne Dyer

Inside ourselves, we are all the same age.

Gertrude Stein

A person’s age is divided into three stages: “Childhood. Youth and... “You look great!” There is, however, a fourth stage - a very sad one - “You are holding up great!” I really want to stay longer in the third age.

Mikhail Zadornov

She is still thirty-five years old since she turned forty.

Oscar Wilde

When a woman turns thirty, the first thing she begins to forget is her age; and at forty he is completely erased from her memory.

Ninon de Lanclos

Midlife crisis: I live with one, sleep with another, and want a third. A person has no age, he has a state of mind.

Valentina Bednova

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even say how old you look!

Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman ages a year every three years.

Maurice Donnet

All women are young, but some are younger than others.

Marcel Achard

Count your years in money and you will see how little it is.

Magdalena the Impostor

One of the few consolations of old age: you no longer get bored with life insurance agents.

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

Lucille Ball

Every woman has the age she deserves.

Coco Chanel

A person is not old until regret takes the place of dreams.

John Barrymore

Youth is the time to acquire wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

If you think about a secure old age from a young age, then premature old age is guaranteed.

Konstantin Kushner

Growing old is boring, but it is the only known way to live long.

Charles de Sainte-Beuve

Only a fool would celebrate the years of death's approach.

Bernard Shaw

The woman never stops talking about her age and never mentions it.

Jules Renard

Age is not years lived. Age is a state of mind that conflicts with the body... sometimes.

Alexander Rosenbaum

The years take their toll. I just don’t understand how they distinguish theirs from mine.

Evgeniy Khankin

Whoever is not a revolutionary at 16 years old will not have enough courage to be the chief of a fire brigade at 30 years old.

Andre Maurois

It is impossible to imagine that I am ten years older than I was ten years ago.

Zhanna Golonogova

Don't follow the example of those who say something different every time. Always say that you are 25 years old.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Your face at twenty years old was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you.

Coco Chanel

If a woman confesses her age to you, it means she has already left it.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Women don't count their years. Their friends do it for them.

Yuzef Bulatovich

Nothing makes a woman look older than an overly rich suit.

Coco Chanel

The happiness of being young is the joy of loving and creating...

P. Vaillant-Couturier

A woman is always younger than a man the same age.

Elizabeth Barrett-Browning

Girls: women over forty addressing each other.

Charlie Jones

I’m still only 40, but my wife is already 40!

Sylvester Galambos

The years fly by the faster the less fuel remains.

Semyon Pivovarov

AGE is an invention of boring people.

Maria Romanushko

Adults are aged children.

Theodor Sus Geisel

Men get older, but they don't get better.

Oscar Wilde

Older person: someone who remembers the days when the telephone was still a convenience.

Francis Rodman

You can fall into childhood, but not into youth.

Unfortunately, you can be a woman of indeterminate age until a certain age.

Semyon Altov

There is nothing worse than growing old alone. My wife has not celebrated her birthday for seven years now.

Robert Orben

Memories are what make us grow old. Secret eternal youth- the ability to forget.

Erich Maria Remarque

If you are still capable of disappointment, then you are still young.

Sarah Churchill

When I was fourteen, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him; but when I was twenty-one, I was amazed at how old man has grown wiser over the past seven years.

M. Twain

When we are young, we move mountains, and then we try to get out from under them.

Kazimierz Chyla

Nothing ages a man more than living with the same woman.

Norman Douglas

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.

Art Linkletter

We enter different ages of our lives, like newborns, without any experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

Francois La Rochefoucauld

Forty is the age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.

Victor Hugo

Old people believe everything, mature people doubt everything, young people know everything.

Oscar Wilde

When a man reaches the age at which he can no longer serve as an official, gardener or policeman, it is believed that he is just ripe to decide the destinies of his country.

William Somerset Maugham

Becoming younger over the years is the true art of life.

Ernst Thälmann

Young people today have become so mature that they deliberately prolong the stage of infantilism.

Leszek Kumor

Mature man: the creature he hopes to find under the tree beautiful girl, and finds a tie.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The fate of extreme old age depends on what you spend your youth on.


I have seen men who have hardly changed in thirty years, but their wives have become old women. These were all virtuous women - and virtue wears out a person very much.