Nursery rhymes. Card index of counting rhymes material on the topic Children counted Mickey Mouse Tom and Jerry

Methodological office MS(k)OU VIII type

Preschool department


Counting book originated in ancient times and played a serious role in helping people distribute work. Currently, children's rhyming rhymes are about distributing roles and establishing order in the game so that everyone has fun and does not offend anyone.

Counting books children pass it on to each other by word of mouth during games. Thanks to counting rhymes, children develop memory and a sense of rhythm. Counting books are useful for adults, especially teachers and nannies, to know. With the help of counting rhymes it is very easy to involve your child in the game.

From the history of counting rhymes

The counting table arose in ancient times. In those days, many types of work were not only very difficult, but also life-threatening. But someone still had to do this dangerous work. Who should be appointed? Who will do the dangerous work? This is where they came up with a way to distribute work - a counting rhyme.

The reader was used in real life, and therefore it is not independent literary genre, but applied, since it has a practical life task - to help distribute work.

In those distant times, people, not being able to explain the laws of nature, were afraid of it and therefore attributed it to nature human qualities- do good or evil to people. People believed that animals understood human speech, and when going hunting, they were afraid to use ordinary words: what if the animal heard and found out what people were going to do. Therefore, hunters invented special “secret” words that replaced ordinary words. These words could also be included in the text of the rhymes. Now such rhymes seem meaningless to us:

Azi, dvazi, nrizi, zizi,
Fifth, mint, noise, room,
Oak, cross.

So in ancient times, counting played a serious role. And it was a serious role also because people then believed in the power of the word, and the counting was close to a spell.

Later when human life changed when people stopped being afraid of nature, then the rhyme moved into a children's game and began to help children distribute roles in the game so that everyone had fun and did not offend anyone. The change in the role of the rhyme led to the emergence of new, already “children’s” rhymes:

Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There is a lock on the door.
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.

And now it is difficult for us to understand which rhymes came to us from ancient times, and which ones - recently. Moreover, they live in oral creativity, which means they change, new options appear.

Reading books

  1. Our Masha got up early
    I counted all the dolls:
    Two nesting dolls on the window,
    Two Tanyas on the pillow,
    Two Irinkas on a feather bed,
    And Parsley in a cap
    on a green chest.
  1. High, very high
    I threw my ball easily.
    But my ball fell from heaven
    Rolled into the dark forest.
    I'm going to look for him.
  1. One day the mice came out
    See what time it is.
    The mice pulled the weights.
    Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -
    The mice ran away.
  1. Tomorrow it will fly from the sky
    Blue-blue-blue whale
    If you believe, stand and wait,
    If you don't believe me, come out!
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Tsar. prince
    King, prince,
    Shoemaker, tailor,
    Who will you be?
    Speak quickly
    Don't detain honest and kind people!
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,
    Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
    Come out, you'll be Ponca!
    If Ponochka leaves,
    Scrooge McDuck will go crazy!
  1. The orange was rolling
    To the city of Berlin,
    Didn't study my lessons
    And I got a bad mark.
  1. A German came out of the fog
    He took the knife out of his pocket
    I will cut, I will beat
    You still have to drive.
  1. - Stork is a stork, a stork is a bird,
    What do you dream about at night?
    I want the swamp edges,
    - And what else?
    More frogs.
    You can't catch them, you can't catch them.
    That's it, you drive!
  1. A ram walked along steep mountains,
    He tore out the grass and put it on the bench.
    Whoever takes it will go out.
  1. We're going to play
    Well, who should start?
    One, two, three,
    You start.
  1. Sharaga, baraga,
    By the bush, by the crust,
    By swan, winch,
    Thing, whip,
    Sokolik, out.
  1. - Hare, white,
    Where did you run?
    - Into the green forest.
    - What were you doing there?
    - I tore the tusks.
    - Where did you put it?
    - Under the deck.
    - Who stole it?
  2. - Rodion.
    - Get out!
    The gray bunny pulled out the grass.
    He put it on the bench.
    Who will take the weed?
    That one will go too.
  1. We had kittens
    Come join us guys
    Look and count.
    Once the kitten is the whitest
    Two kittens - the bravest
    Three kittens - the smartest
    And four is the noisiest
    Five is like three and two
    Same tail and head
    Also a spot on the back

    Our kittens are nice
    Come join us guys
    Look and count!
  1. Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells,
    The daredevils rang,
    Digi, digi, digi, don,
    Get out quickly!
  1. We shared an orange
    There are many of us, but he is alone.
    This slice is for the hedgehog,
    This slice is for the swift,
    This slice is for ducklings,
    This slice is for kittens,
    This slice is for the beaver,
    And for the wolf - the peel.
    He is angry with us - trouble!!!
    Run away somewhere!
  1. A hare was running through the swamp,
    He was looking for a job
    Yes, I didn’t find a job,
    He cried and left.
  1. There are cars in the garage -
    Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,
    Which one do you get the keys from?
  1. Over the seas, over the mountains,
    Behind the iron pillars
    There is a tower on the hill,
    There's a lock on the door,
    Go get the key
    And unlock the lock.
  1. An apple rolled past the orchard,
    past the garden, past the hail,
    Whoever picks it up will come out.
  2. Bunny - coward
    He ran across the field,
    Ran into the garden
    I found a carrot
    I found cabbage
    Sits, gnawing,
    Go away - the owner is coming!
  1. Shyshel-myshel,
    He took it and left.
  1. Kady, buds, pour water.
    The cow should drink, you should drive.
  1. The fox walked through the forest,
    The fox screamed.
    The fox tore the stripes,
    The fox weaved bast shoes -
    Two for my husband, three for myself,
    And some bast shoes for the kids!
    Who will find the bast shoes?
    He will drive.
  1. One, two, three, four,
  2. Mice lived in an apartment.
    A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them
    Cross - big spider.
    Five, six, seven, eight,
    We'll ask the spider:
    "You glutton, don't go!"
    Come on, Mashenka, drive!
  1. The apple rolled across the dish,
    I won't drive.
  1. The squirrel was collecting pine cones,
    For the raccoon and for the mouse.
    One, two, three, four, five,
    I'll find the bump again.
    Three for a raccoon and three for a mouse,
    Who cares about the rest?
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We go out to play.
    We need to choose water
    Then we will count.
    Stomp, stomp, stomp,
    You will definitely be water.
  1. Masha ate porridge,
    I didn’t finish the porridge.
    “One, two, three,” she said
    And I ate the potatoes.
    Who will take three spoons?
    That one will go too.
  2. Aty-baty chum-chum
    Acherepa atambum
    Bumafera ataras
    It's evening time on the mountain.
    Pigs danced in the bathhouse
    All the cushions were broken.
    Chicky-bricky ladle.
  1. Turtle and snail
    They ran very quickly.
    Keep up with them
    Fly out of the counting rhyme.
  1. The seven crows sat quietly
    The elephant flew up to them
    And how he shouts: “Kar-kar-kar!”
    If you don't believe it, come out yourself.
  1. We will imagine that we are squirrels;
    We will play burners;
    We collected a pile of leaves,
    I won't drive anymore!
  1. One, two, three.
    Come out into the clearing
    Round dances of the backwaters,
    Who's left
    That one drives.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    The mice went out for a walk -
    We went to the garden, we went to the forest,
    And they came to the river.
    We shopped a little -
    Suddenly a cat comes to meet you
    The mice say to the cat:
    "Come in a row with us,
    We will now count
    You still have to look!"
  1. One, two, three, four.
    The cat lives in our apartment.
    Five, six, seven, eight,
    He carries mice for lunch.
    Nine, ten, five and five
    I managed to count you
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We're going to play.
    Suddenly the little goat runs out,
    And he runs up to the guys,

And who is the goat going to butt?
So that one will be water.

  1. The month has emerged from the fog,

He took the knife out of his pocket,
I will cut, I will beat,
You still have to drive.

  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    At number twenty-five
    Had a blast
    And they said: “We have to go!”
    The ant came out first
    The second nightingale came out,
    The third parrot came out
    And the fourth: “Catch up!
  2. The forest river runs into the distance,
    Bushes grow along it.
    I invite everyone to the game,
    We play - you drive!
  1. One, two, three, four, five.
    We decided to play
    But we don’t know what to do
    Nobody wanted to drive!
    We will point you to:
    That's right it will be you!
  1. We gathered in the yard
    It was in September.
    One, two, three, four, five,
    We decided to play.
    What is two plus three?
    If you know, then drive!
  2. They say at dawn
    Gathered on the mountain
    Pigeon, goose and jackdaw
    That's the whole counting rhyme.
  3. Kireev Petya
    Cook, scullion,
    Pussy and kitten.
    We played merrily
    Jumped, galloped
    One, two, three, four, five.
    Let's count again.
  1. I'm playing hide and seek with you
    I count to five.
    Who do I fall for?
    Come out, let's drive.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We will search in a row:
    Ball, apple, cookies,
    Toothpicks and jam.
    We will search everywhere -
    Both in the sky and in the water,
    Under the mountain and under the sofa,
    In the stables, and under the bathtub,
    But if you don't find it,
    Then you will go out.
  2. One, two, three, four, five
    I want to play with you.
    Come quickly into the circle
    Let's have fun, friend.
    Six, seven, eight,
    We'll ask the guys:
    "Who is faster and more agile,
    He will come out soon."
  1. Ears, eyes, nose, tail,
    It turned out to be a good cat,
    He counts to five
    The one who is fifth come out.
  2. The mandarin duck was rolling
    Named Irinka,
    I didn’t study my lessons
    I got a two.
    And when I went for a walk,
    I got the number five!
  3. An orange was rolling
    Named Maxim
    Didn't study my lessons
    I got a two.
    And when I went for a walk,
    He got the number five!
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,
    Scrooge Magdug and the Three Ducklings
    Get out of the Ponca circle!
  1. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
    We ate porridge with milk.
    Grandfather got angry with grandma -
    And hit the belly with your fist!
    And from the belly two watermelons
    We rolled into the union house.
    In the house-union they say:
    “Grandma needs to go to kindergarten!”
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    The bunny went out for a walk.
    Suddenly the hunter runs out,
    He shoots straight at the bunny.
    Bang-bang, oh-oh,
    My little bunny is dying!
    They brought him home
    He turned out to be alive!
  1. The turtle has its tail between its legs
    And she ran after the hare,
    Got ahead
    Who doesn't believe it - come out!
  1. A hare was running through the swamp,
    He was looking for a job
    But I didn’t find a job,
    He cried and left.
  1. A goat walked along the bridge
    And she wagged her tail.
    Got caught on the railing
    It landed right in the river.
    Who doesn't believe, it's him
    Get out of the circle!
  1. Horses, horses, horses, horses,
    We sat on the balcony.
    They drank tea, broke cups,
    They spoke Turkish.
  1. Eni, beni, ricky, taki,

  1. Anti, dvanti, tryndi, valyndi,
    Pyanti, yanti, shivars, brews.
    Tsuk, mantsuk, pere, vere,
    Chukha, ryukha, heel, honeycomb,
  2. On the golden porch sat:
    Shoemaker, tailor -
    Who will you be?
  1. Eniki-beniki

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki - dumplings!
A Soviet sailor came out.

  1. A German came out of the fog
    He took the knife out of his pocket
    I will cut, I will beat -
    Who will you remain friends with?
  1. The month has emerged from the fog,
    He took the knife out of his pocket.
    I will cut, I will beat -
    You still have to drive!
  1. The carriage was driving dark forest
    For some interest
    Inte-inte-interest -
    Come out with the letter "es".
  1. On the golden porch sat:
    Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry
    Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
    Come out, you will be Ponca.
  1. In our small company
    Someone smelled really bad.
    One, two, three-
    That's right it will be you.
  2. Knocking on the cross.
    The boy ran into the forest,
    Killed a jackdaw, killed two,
    My head was spinning.
  1. One raspberry, two raspberries,
    Marinka ate berries
    And in Marinka’s basket
    There's nothing left.
    Who will go for berries?
    He will find the basket.
  1. Rock, paper, scissors,
    Pencil, fire, water,
    And a bottle of lemonade
  1. One, two, three, four,
    I was taught to read and write.
    Don't count, don't write,
    Just jump on the floor.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    The sun needs to rise.

    The sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky.
    Run away in all directions
    Tomorrow a new game.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We're going to play.
    A magpie flew to us
    And she told you to drive.
  1. In the blue sea-ocean
    The golden ship is sailing.
    And on the island of Buyan
    The dark forest is growing.
    Let's start thinking and guessing
    How can we count the pine trees?
    Don't think, don't guess,
    Just catch up with us.
  1. Bob to bob said: “Bubu,
    Don't swing on the oak tree.
    A starling will fly to an oak tree
    And your end will come.”
  2. Dora, Dora, tomato,
    We caught a thief in the garden.
    They began to think and guess,
    How can a thief be punished?
    We tied our hands and feet
    And they let us go on our way.
    The thief walked, walked, walked
  1. And I found a basket.
    In this little basket
    There are drawings and pictures.
    One, two, three,
    Give it to whoever you want!
  1. Ena, bena, slave,
    Quinter, finter, toad.
    Ena, bena, res,
    Quinter, finter, zhes!
  1. Bunny

One, two, three, four, five,
There is no place for a bunny to jump,
There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,
He teeth - click, click!
And we'll hide in the bushes,
Hide, little bunny, and you too.
You, wolf, wait,
Let's hide - go!

  1. Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
    Masha sowed peas
    He was born thick,
    We'll rush, just wait!
  1. Sheep were walking along the road
    Got my feet wet in a puddle
    They began to wipe their feet:
    Who with a handkerchief
    Who is a rag
    Who has a holey mitten!
  1. The sun rose over the mountain
    An apple fell from the sky
    Through the azure meadows
    It rolled right towards us!
    It rolled, it rolled,
    It fell into the river from the bridge,
    Those who saw - did not sleep,
    Catch him quickly!
    Who caught it, well done
    After all, the counting is over!
  1. The turtle has its tail between its legs
    And she ran after the hare
    Got ahead
    Who doesn't believe it, come out!
  1. Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
    Aty-baty, to the market.
    Atty-batty, what did you buy?
    Aty-baty, samovar.
    How much does it cost?
    Aty-baty, three rubles
    Aty-baty, what is he like?
    Aty-baty, golden
  1. Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
    Aty-baty, to the market.
    Atty-batty, what did you buy?
    Aty-baty, samovar.
    How much does it cost?
    Aty-baty, three rubles.
    Aty-baty, who's coming out?
    Aty-baty, it's me!
  1. Doctor

One, two, three, four-
I was taught to read and write:
Don't count, don't write,
Just jump on the floor.
I jumped, I jumped,
She broke her leg.
My leg began to hurt,
Mama began to feel sorry.
I regretted and scolded
And she sent for the doctor.
Doctor rides a bull
With a balalaika in hand.

  1. Dora, Dora
    We caught a thief in the garden,
    They began to think and guess,
    How to punish a thief?
    We tied our hands and feet
    And they let us go on our way.
    The thief walked, walked, walked
    And I found a basket.
    In this little basket
    There is lipstick and perfume,
    Ribbons, lace, boots...
    Anything for the soul?
  1. Dora, Dora, tomato,
    We caught a thief in the garden,
    They began to think and guess,
    How can we punish a thief?
    We tied our hands and feet
    And they let us go on our way.
    The thief walked, walked, walked
    And I found a basket.
    In this little basket
    There are drawings and pictures.
    One, two, three!
    Give it to whoever you want!
  1. - White hare,
    Where did you run? -
    - To the oak forest! -
    - What were you doing there?
    - He tore his face!
    - Where did you put it?
    - Under the deck.
    - Who stole it?
    - Rodion!

Shishel-out, (option: Shishel-myshel)
Get out!

One, two, three, four, five,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
A clear month emerged all round,
And behind the month is the moon,
The boy is the girl's servant.
You, servant, bring the carriage,
And I’ll sit down and go.
You, servant, hand me the broom,
I'll sweep the carriage.

  1. A man was driving along the road,
    Broke a wheel on the doorstep.
    How many nails do you need?
    Don't overthink it
    Speak quickly!
  1. Horse

Zealous horse
Jumps across the field
The cornfield is jumping.
Who's the horse
He'll catch him
Tag with us

  1. Siva, willow,
    Oak, maple,
    Get out!
  1. Hide and seek

One, two, three, four, five,
We'll play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
Just go and drive it!

  1. Hedgehog

Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo,
I sewed a scratchy jacket.
I stood in a circle and counted...
We have to choose a driver!

  1. Gull

The seagull warmed up the kettle,
She invited eight seagulls:
- Come and have tea!
- How many seagulls? Answer!

  1. Cuckoo

The cuckoo walked past the net,
And behind her are small children.
Everyone shouted: "Kukumak!"
Remove one fist!
(At the beginning, everyone puts out both fists)

  1. A cuckoo walked past the garden,
    I pecked all the seedlings.
    And she screamed: coo-coo, poppy -
    Push up one fist!
  1. Firstborns

First shoots,
Kr u gi-dr u gi,

  1. Naughty bastards

Naughty bastards,
Run out into the courtyards
Let's start playing
Choose a governor.
Voivode - from the people,
Get out of the round dance.
And you, good fellow,
Get to the very end!

  1. Our Masha
    Got up early
    All dolls
    Two nesting dolls
    On the window
    Two Arinki
    On the feather bed,
    Two Tanya
    On the pillow
    And Petrushka
    In the cap
    On oak
  1. Clouds

Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,
He jumps through the clouds,
Those who don't believe, get out!

  1. Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
    The daredevils rang,
    Digi, digi, digi, don,
    Get out quickly!
  1. A hedgehog came out of the fog
    drank half a glass of vodka
    took out a knife, sausage
    good in my native forest
    began to sing quietly
    cried about the unfulfilled
    looked into an empty glass
    and again went into the fog...
  1. Ana, Deus, Ricky, Paki,
    Dorma korma konstantaki,
    Deus deus canadaeus - bam!
  1. Ene, bene,
    Faces, packs,
    Tsul, glug-glug,
    Eus-beus, click-madeus, boxing...
  1. Internet
    Ani beni ricky paki
    Maybe it will work out - maybe not,
    In general - complete Internet
  1. A suitcase was floating on the sea,
    There was a sofa in the suitcase,
    An elephant was riding on the sofa.
    Those who don't believe, get out!
  1. Doll, ballet dancer,
    I imagined, gossip,
    Thread, needle,
    Titi-fly away.
    Dear beauty,
    Come out quickly!
  1. Thread, needle,
    The Komsomol member has come out!
  1. Leningrad
    One, two, three, four, five,
    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
    Floats out white month,
    And behind the month is the moon,
    The boy is the girl's servant.
    You, servant, bring the carriage,
    And I will sit down and go,
    I'll go to Leningrad,
    Buy yourself an outfit.
  1. Horses, horses, horses, horses
    We sat on the balcony
    We drank tea, we drank water,
    In Turkish they said:
    Chayabi, chariabi
    Chayabi, chabi-chabi.
    We took water in our mouths
    And they told everyone - freeze
    And who will die first?
    He'll get a bump on the forehead!
    Sent by Ksenia Nightingale (Kyiv)
  1. Hush, mice
    Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof, and the kittens are even higher.
    The cat went for milk, and the kittens went head over heels.
    the cat came without milk, but the kittens ha-ha-ha.
  1. Fat sailor
    Eniki-beniki, ate dumplings,
    Eniki, beniki, kletz,
    A fat sailor came out on deck.
    From a sailor to a captain,
    It turned out two hundred grams.
  1. Boris
    One, two, three, four, five,
    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
    The king ordered himself to be hanged,
    The king hung, hung, hung
    And flew into the trash heap,
    And there's a rat in the trash
    Boris gave birth.
    And Boris shouts Hurray!
    A rat gave birth to me!
  1. Interest
    The car was walking through a dark forest
    For some interest,
    Inter- inter- interest,
    Exit with the letter "ES".
    The letter "ES" did not fit,
    Exit with the letter "A"
    The letter "A" is not good
    Exit with the letter "SHA".
  1. Cat
    The cat got into a taxi
    And the kittens clung
    And we had a free ride.
    (thanks to kroska-yu)
  1. Moldavian version of "ene, bene..."
    Dorba, dorba
    Del. Del.
    Cat. Del.
  1. One, two, three, four, five
    One, two, three, four, five,
    The bunny went out for a walk.
    Suddenly the hunter runs out,
    He shoots straight at the bunny.
    Bang - bang! Oh-oh-oh!
    My little bunny is dying.
    They brought him to the hospital
    He stole a mitten there,
    They brought him to the ward,
    He stole some chocolate there.
    They brought him to the roof,
    He stole Uncle Misha there.
    They brought him home
    He turned out to be alive.
  2. Counting table clapping hands
    Tooth tooth,Tooth tooth
    Zuba doni doni me
    And Charlie Bouba
    one two three
    And Charlie Bouba
    one two three
    A mi
    one two three
    one two three
  1. Darling Matryoshka,
    Look out the window:
    Here Semyon -
    He'll come out.
  1. You are my marusya
    Don't be afraid of me
    I won't bite you
    Don't worry
  1. One two three
  1. From the book "Forgotten Children's Games"
    One, two, three, four -
    I was taught to read and write,
    Five, six, seven -
    The stump leaned over.
    He, Dodon,
    Get out of our way.
    First, second -
    A hut with a chimney,
    Three, four -
    I got hitched
    Five, six -
    We beat the wool,
    Seven, eight -
    We carry hay
    Nine, ten -
    Money weighs
    Eleven, twelve -
    They are quarreling on the street.
    Women, men,
    Mischievous boys
  1. Ani-bani - what's below us,
    What's under us, under the iron pillars?
    The chair, the boy is the king himself,
    Take a scythe, a hammer,
    Go to town!
  1. One, two, three, four, five -
    The boys came out to play
    They started counting each other
    Yes, choose a driver.
    Uncle Rodivon became him,
    Let him go away!
    One, two, three - You are free, come out!
  1. One, two, three, four,
    Five, six, seven, eight -
    A woman walks with a long nose,
    And behind her is her grandfather.
    How old is grandfather?
    Speak quickly
    Don't detain people!
  1. Tsintsy - bryntsy, bells,
    The tomboys rang,
    Tsets-betz, cer-berets,
    You're coming out, you tomboy!
  1. A man was driving along the road
    Broke a wheel on the doorstep.
    How many nails do you need?
    Don't hesitate, speak quickly!
  1. A trader walked past the market,
    I tripped over a basket.
    In this little basket
    There is lipstick and perfume,
    Ribbons, laces, boots,
    Anything for the soul?
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Tsar, prince,
    King, prince,
    Shoemaker, tailor.
    Who are you?
    Speak quickly
    Don't delay
    Kind and honest people!
  1. Under the mountain by the river
    Old gnomes live.
    They have a bell hanging
    Gilded rings:
    Get out quickly!
  1. Zealous horse
    With a long mane
    Jumps across the fields
    Here and there.
    Where will he ride - Get out!
  1. A hare was running through the swamp,
    He was looking for a job
    But I didn’t find a job -
    He cried and left.
  1. One, two, three, four -
    Midges lived in the apartment.
    A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them
    The cross spider is a large spider.
    Five, six, seven, eight-
    We will ask the spider: -
    You glutton, don't go.
    Come on, Mishenka, drive!
  1. Chukha, ryukha, you pig!
    Seven hundred piglets
    They are shouting after you.
    Six hundred piglets
    They wander through the swamp,
    They don't find you
    They pinch quinoa grass;
    They don’t put it in their mouth -
    They put it under a birch tree.
    Who will take it from us?
    Let him come out at once!
  1. Teshi, brenty!
    Falcon Himself
    Crossed the field:
    I pierced my arm and leg.
    Shishel, went out,
    Out goes!
  1. Tani, Vani,
    What's behind you -
    Are you all standing there like pillars?
    There's a shop behind you,
    You need to sit on it:
    Hurry up, everyone run,
    And you, boy, lead the way!
  1. You are my golden ball!
    I didn’t spin - I lost it,
    That's why my mother scolded me,
    She hit four rods,
    In silver;
    Drank water from grapes
    All the way to the landing.
    Chikerey, Mikirey, Trezvon, get out!
  1. Chicken pottura,
    They sat down, burned,
    They flew overseas.
    There's a hill behind the sea,
    On the hill there is Dubrovka,
    The queen is in Dubrovka -
    Red maiden.
    Honey, sugar,
    Get out, little wren!
  2. They sat on the crooked porch
    They sat on the crooked porch
    Seven nasty old men:
    Myshkin, Pyshkin, Zamukhryshkin,
    Borodin, Fignin, Zadvizhkin
    and also old Bukhoy.
    Choose who you are.
  1. Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
    Aty-baty, to the market.
    Atty-batty, what did you buy?
    Aty-baty, samovar.
    Aty-baty, how much did they give?
    Aty-baty, one hundred pennies.
    Aty-baty, come out,
    Aty-baty, hurry up.
  1. Aty-baty - the soldiers were walking,
    Aty-bati - to the market,
    Aty-baty - what did you buy?
    Aty-bati - samovar.
    Aty-baty - how much does it cost?
    Aty-baty - three rubles.
    Aty-baty - who's coming out?
    Aty-baty - you and me.
  1. Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
    Aty-baty, to the market.
    Atty-batty, what did you buy?
    Aty-baty, samovar.
    How much does it cost?
    Aty-baty, three rubles
    Aty-baty, what is he like?
    Aty-baty, golden.
  1. Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
    Masha sowed peas
    He was born thick,
    We'll rush, just wait!
  1. Drum, drum,
    Don't bother drumming in vain.
    One, two, three, four, five -
    Take the boys out to play.
  1. Badger Grandma
    I baked pancakes.
    Treated two grandchildren -
    Two pugnacious badgers,
    But the grandchildren didn’t have enough to eat,
    The saucers are knocking with a roar!
  1. A hare was running through the swamp,
    He was looking for a job
    But I didn’t find a job
    He cried and left.
  1. A puppy was running around the yard
    He sees a piece of pie,
    He crawled under the porch and ate it,
    He dozed off and snored.
    But we won't sleep,
    We all want to play.
  1. Running around the oil can
    Cute girls.
    One, two, three -
    You will catch up with them!
  1. Without any fuss
    The carousels are spinning
    Count the children on them,
    Of course, we didn't have time.
    Is it ten or five?
    We need to count them!
    When we get to ten,
    So the tenth news!
  1. Bells, bells,
    The little pigeons were flying
    By the morning dew,
    Along the green lane.
    We sat down on the barn.
    Run, catch up!
  1. In our small company
    Someone stank a lot.
    One, two, three -
    That's right it will be you!
  1. There are no lazy people in our class,
    Only Vasya Nikolaev.
    He comes to class
    He falls asleep like a groundhog.
    Quirk, Quirk, Sloth,
    I missed three lessons
    I was late for the fourth
    The fifth one disappeared somewhere,
    On the sixth, he interfered with his studies,
    On the seventh I went for treatment,
    I played football in the eighth grade,
    Didn't come to the ninth.
    On the tenth he made faces,
    On the fourteenth too,
    On the twentieth I had a dream,
    On the thirtieth he was kicked out.
  1. Beans were sown in the field,
    Mushrooms have grown in the garden.
    One, two, three, four, five -
    We came here to play.
    There are trees and bushes in the garden,
    Can you find us?
  1. Curling my legs on the road
    Yogis sat on nails.
    Thirty days do not eat or drink
    You still have to drive.
  1. One, two, three, four.
    Mice lived in an apartment.
    We drank tea, washed cups,
    They paid three pieces of money.
    Who doesn't want to pay
    that's why you should drive.
  1. Zealous horse
    Jumps across the field
    The cornfield is jumping.
    Whoever catches the horse
    He plays tag with us.
  1. Hey! Ivan,
    Get into the glass
    cut the lemon
    And get out!
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We'll play hide and seek.
    Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
    You go and drive it!
  1. One, two, three, four, five-
    The bunny went out for a walk.
    Suddenly the hunter runs out,
    He shoots straight at the bunny.
    Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh,
    My little bunny is dying.
    They brought him to the hospital
    He stole a mitten there.
    They brought him to the buffet,
    He stole a hundred candies there.
    They brought him home
    He turned out to be alive.
  1. A dachshund got into the taxi,
    - What is the rate for a dachshund?
    - Both dachshunds and cats are equal -
    What you hit, then pay!
  1. In a quiet river at the pier
    The fish met the fish.
    - Hello!
    - Hello!
    - How are you?
    - I was fishing
    I was fishing for a fisherman
    Uncle Petya is an eccentric.
    - Where is your fisherman?
    - No, the sly man has left,
    Broke it.
  1. A man was driving along the road,
    Broke a wheel on the doorstep...
    How many nails do you need?
    Don't think for long
    Speak quickly.
  1. Bells, bells,
    The little pigeons were flying
    By the morning dew,
    Along the green lane.
    We sat down on the barn.
    Run, catch up!
  1. Over the seas, over the mountains,
    Behind the iron pillars
    There is a tower on the hill,
    There's a lock on the door,
    Go get the key
    And unlock the lock.
  1. Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
    Masha sowed peas
    He was born thick,
    We'll rush, just wait!
  1. The turtle has its tail between its legs
    And she ran after the hare
    Got ahead
    Who doesn't believe it, come out!
  1. Siva, willow,
    Oak, maple,
    Get out!
  1. Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo,
    I sewed a scratchy jacket.
    I stood in a circle and counted...
    We have to choose a driver!
  1. Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,
    A big, powerful horse gallops.
    He jumps through the clouds,
    Those who don't believe, get out!
  1. A goat walked along the bridge
    And she wagged her tail.
    Got caught on the railing
    It landed right in the river.
    Who doesn't believe, it's him
    Get out of the circle!
  1. Horses, horses, horses, horses
    We sat on the balcony
    We drank tea, we drank water,
    In Turkish they said:
    Chayabi, chariabi
    Chayabi, chabi-chabi.
    We took water in our mouths
    And they told everyone - freeze
    And who will die first?
    He'll get a bump on the forehead!
  1. The month has emerged from the fog,
    He took the knife out of his pocket,
    I will cut, I will beat,
    You still have to drive.
  1. Rock, paper scissors,
    Pencil, fire, water,
    And a bottle of lemonade
    And an iron hand.
    Karmane-barmane, tsu-e-fa.
  1. Two bears were sitting
    On a linden bitch
    One was reading a newspaper,
    Another kneaded flour,
    One peek-a-boo, two peek-a-boo.
    They both fell into the flour.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    The sun needs to rise.
    Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
    The sun is sleeping, there is a month in the sky.
    Run away in all directions
    Tomorrow a new game.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We're going to play.
    A magpie flew to us
    And she told you to drive.
  1. The month has emerged from the fog,
    He took the knife out of his pocket,
    I will cut, I will beat,
    You still have to drive.
  1. The horse is zealous, long-maned,
    Jumps through the fields, gallops through the fields.
    Whoever catches the horse
    Plays tag with us
  1. Running around the oil can
    Cute girls.
    One, two, three -
    You will catch up with them!
  1. Deep in the forest
    On the edge
    Two cuckoos:
    Bring me flour
    I'm here for a treat
    I'll bake some cookies.
    You go, bring the flour!
  1. There are a hundred heads in this herd
    Goats, rams and cows.
    Who shepherds them to health,
    He himself will be healthy.
  1. All the animals in the forest say,
    The giant sits in a cave
    The hungry giant is looking for
    Who is good enough for him to eat?
    The animals hid in the bushes -
    So you will be water!
  1. Brooms, brooms,
    Millers sweep away trash
    We don't need trash
    We got into the game.
    One, two, three -
    You are running the game!
  1. A cuckoo walked past the forest -
    For some interest.
    Inte, inte, interest,
    Come out with the letter "es".
  1. The carriage drove through the dark forest
    For some interest
    Inte, inte, interest,
    Come out with the letter "es".
  1. One, two, three, four, five -
    We'll play hide and seek!
    Wait a minute to be proud
    Come on, give it a ride!
  1. Dora, Dora, tomato,
    We caught a thief in the garden.
    They began to think and guess,
    How can a thief be punished?
    We tied our hands and feet
    And they let us go on our way.
    The thief walked, walked, walked
    And I found a basket.
    In this little basket
    There are drawings and pictures.
    One, two, three,
    Give it to whoever you want!
  1. The counting begins:
    A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,
    Two crows, a sparrow,
    Three magpies, a nightingale.
    The rock dove has arrived
    I told you to get out.
  1. The wind blows in our faces
    And the tree shakes.
    The wind is getting quieter, quieter,
    The trees are getting higher and higher,
    The wind died down completely -
    And we will all play!
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Tsar, prince, king, prince,
    Shoemaker, tailor.
    Who are you
    Speak quickly
    Don't detain good and honest people!
  1. The wind flew over the sea,
    The wind counted the songbirds.
    I counted every one of them!
    And then I took the day off.
    It's our turn to count!
    One, two, three, four, five!
  1. Near the house on the site
    We decided to play hide and seek.
    We'll start hiding soon
    And we invite you to drive.
  1. Wolves prowl
    They are looking for food.
    We'll catch them first
    And then we'll play.
  1. There's a beetle sitting opposite -
    It's obvious he's a mean guy.
    Make way for him
    So as not to be angry for a very long time.
  1. One, two, dash, four,
    Five, six, seven,
    Eight, nine, ten.
    Floats out
    White month!
    Who will reach the month?
    He will go and hide!
  1. Along the river, along the Desna,
    A guy is riding on a log.
    The guy sees: in the depths
    An old oak tree lies at the bottom.
    The guy immediately jumped into the water,
    I put my hand under the deck,
    There is a hole under the deck...
    It's time for you to go out.
  1. Tarya-Marya
    Into the forest
    I went
    Ela -
    She told us.
    And we
    We don't eat
    Tare Mare
    We'll give it back!
  1. The seagull warmed up the kettle,
    She invited eight seagulls:
    “Come everyone for tea!”
    How many seagulls, answer?
  1. We had kittens
    Come join us guys
    Look and count.
    Once the kitten is the whitest
    Two kittens - the bravest
    Three kittens - the smartest
    And four is the noisiest
    Five is like three and two
    Same tail and head
    Also a spot on the back
    Also sleeps all day in a basket.
    Our kittens are nice
    Come join us guys
    Look and count!
  1. Eni, beni, ricky, taki,
    Glug, glug, glug, koraki, shmaki.
    Eus, beus, krasnadeus - bats!
  1. The counting begins:
    A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,
    Two crows, a sparrow,
    Three magpies, a nightingale.
  1. One, two, three, four, five,
    We're going to play.
    A magpie flew to us
    And she told you to drive.
  1. A gudgeon swam near the shore,
    I lost my balloon.
    Help me find him -
    Count to ten.
  1. Scratching the wool - your hand hurts,
    Writing a letter - my hand hurts,
    Carrying water - my hand hurts,
    Cooking porridge - my hand hurts,
    And the porridge is ready - your hand is healthy.
  1. There was a grandmother coming from overseas,
    She was carrying a box.
    In that little box
    There were mushrooms lying
    To whom - a mushroom,
    To whom - two,
    And for you, child,
    The whole box.
  1. Dora, Dora, tomato,
    We caught a thief in the garden.
    They began to think and guess,
    How can a thief be punished?
    We tied our hands and feet
    And they let us go on our way.
    The thief walked, walked, walked
    And I found a basket.
    In this little basket
    There are drawings and pictures.
    One, two, three,
    Give it to whoever you want!
  1. The fox walked through the forest,
    She screamed in a loud voice.
    The fox tore the stripes,
    The fox weaved bast shoes -
    My husband has two
    Three for myself
    And for the kids
    On the bast shoes!
  1. Three cheerful little ones
    They went to the market in a crowd,
    And we bought three watermelons -
    Dark, light and pockmarked.
    Who brought the pockmarked watermelon,
    He's the one driving! Everyone by the nose.
  1. Marfushka walked along the path
    And she carried a basket in her hands.
    In this little basket
    There are various flowers:
    Rose, lily of the valley, forget-me-nots,
    Blue cornflowers.
  1. Our Masha got up early
    I counted all the dolls:
    Two nesting dolls on the window,
    Two Tanyas on the pillow,
    Two Irinkas on a feather bed,
    And Parsley in a cap
    on a green chest.
  1. At Liteiny Bridge
    I caught a whale in the Neva,
    He hid it behind the window.
    The cat ate him
    Two cats helped...
    Now there is no whale!
    Don't you trust your friend?
    Get out of the circle!
  1. Once upon a time there were three herrings:
    Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
    Kulya and Mulya slept together,
    And Balda slept alone.
  1. One, two, three, four,
    Five, six, seven, eight -
    Grandma walks
    With a long nose
    And behind her is her grandfather.
    How old is grandfather?
    Speak quickly
    Don't detain people!
  1. Over the seas, over the mountains,
    Behind the iron pillars
    There is a tower on the hill,
    There's a lock on the door,
    Go get the key
    And unlock the lock.
  1. I'll get up, I'll get up with the roosters,
    I'll go out, I'll go out with the shepherds.
    I'm going east
    I'll look at the sunrise.
    One, two, three -
    Start of the game!

Counting tables of the 50s - 55s

  1. Eniki beniki si kalesa
    eniki beniki ba
  1. They sat on the golden porch
    Chita Rita Jan Tarzan
    There's a little boy with them
    Chita cooked potatoes
    Tarzan ran for wine
    Chita put her foot up
    Tarzan flew head over heels
  1. Eni beni res
    Quinter finter zhes
    Eni beni ryaba
    Quinter finter toad
  1. It's rolling downhill
    Blue dress
    Green bow on the side
    A musician loves me
    Young musician
    His name is Volodenka
  1. Glass lemon
    get out

Reading books from Dahl's dictionary
Odian, drugian, troychan, cherichan, padan, incense, sukman, dukman, levurda, dyksa.
Odino, popino, dvikikira, gaynam, dainam, spovelo, succumbed, rybchin, dybchin, klek (end up in the game).
Edge, top, slice (the same).
One, two - the mountain fell; three, four - hooked; five, six - beat the wool; seven, eight - we mow hay; nine, ten - money weighs (the same).
I will flog, I will flog twenty, I will flog fifteen, I will be honored, all fifteen are there (or: here; the same).
I'll whip, I'll whip twenty, I'll whip fifteen, if my fifteen are all in full (they cut fifteen notches with a knife on a sliver).
I'll flog, I'll flog twenty, I'll flog fifteen, every single spot (the same).
I'll slash, I'll slash twenty, I'll flog fifteen, I'll cross, I'll cross, up to fifteen boards.
The first, the other, bent in an arc; three, four - jumped up; five, six - beat the wool; seven, eight - we mow hay; nine, ten - girls weigh; eleven, twelve - nowhere to go (they end up).
Pervodan, drugodan, there is a drum on the deck; whistle, corncrake, five, six, iron (the same).
The first ones, the other ones, on the gutter, on the deck, bet, film, knot, heel, hare, month, pulled out the grass, put it on the bench, who took it? You too).
First wines, friends, cats on the deck, neither pop nor peas, reel, horn, bake a pie, go to Torzhok, buy a pot - neither small nor large, one and a half buckets, cockroach hole, was in the underground, not moldy (the same ).
First-timers, friends, boaters on the deck; first given, drug given, guessed on the deck, five hundred judge, sexton boat, Shark cat, blueberry leg, burned, burned, flew across the sea, fell across the sea, the church stood, godfather and godfather, half a cup of wine, he and a straw, a wild onion - there (Same).
Pervanchiki, buddies, rolled kolobanchiki, half the wood for five fires, brother-in-law rode, carved a skull, a bald skull - he came out, went away (the same thing).
Pervodan, drugodan, guessed four, five hundred judge, sexton rook, dandy mother-in-law, dandy himself (the same).
Pervodan, friend, guessed right on the deck, five hundred judge, sexton boat, Katerina's hummock, broken leg, broke, burned, flew overseas, stood in the church, godmother and godmother, there was a hole in the egg pod, there was a crow on the wall, there lived a falcon and a bell; buckets, scissors, over there (the same).
Whose are you? - Sechkin, zapechkin, gray sheep lamb.
An owl flew from the red village, the owl sat down on four stakes.
I take a berry, a black currant, for my father in a glass, for my mother in my sleeve, and honey for the gray bear on his shoulder blade; Hey, bear, run after me (same thing).
Fairy tale, fairy tale, the daughter-in-law is chained to the chest by the arm, by the leg, by the blue sundress.
A fairy tale, a fairy tale, the daughter-in-law is chained to a chair, to a leg, to a linden tree, to a dog hole.
The cup is small, the honey is sweet, what does the horse feed? Sweet torture, under the hoof - scat!
Chicks, chicks, chicks, one rides on a stick, the other on a cart, cracking nuts.
Asik, masik, wine chute, prince, king, cups, spoons, honey, sugar.
The apple rolled around the garden, whoever picked it up was the voivode, that voivode, the voivode’s son: he made noise, he went out, he went out.
The apple was rolling around the garden; whoever picked it up would come out.
The pig walks through the forest, nibbles the quinoa grass: she tears it up, doesn’t take it, puts it under a birch tree.
Dance, Vantya, don’t wobble, get it at dinner: if you don’t get it, you’ll be beaten, but if you get it, you’ll be well-fed.
Tweets, migiriki, along the bush, along the crust, along the linden bridge, along the winged swan, bug, hook.
Kova, new, what are you savvy with? broken gold, poured over it, a copper finger, hands on the stove.
Little duck, why haven't you been here for so long? The boyar gave birth, chukhman, lukhman, whey, cottage cheese.
Foam floated from across the sea, they began to beat the foam, beat them, they began to ask who was more of you, who was less of you: a cup, a spoon, honey, sugar.
It was breaking, an aspen log was burning, it was flying across the sea, there was a church across the sea, in the church there was an icon, a painting by Kulikovo: it was loud, it went out, it went out.
Chigiriki, migiriki, sharanda, baranda along the bridge, along the bridge, along the Lykov bridge, shishel, went out, went out.
Ivan is a fool, he talked about milk, but didn’t blurt it out, he gave it to his wife, his wife spilled it, she gave birth to a bull, the bull whistled, he shook after the chickens, the chickens fly, they break their heads, Ivan picks it up.
Burn, firewood, it’s hot, Zakharka will come, on a written sleigh, himself on a mare, his wife on a cow, the children on calves, on pockmarked dogs, on piebald dogs.
Kulyu, kulyu, woman, don’t gouge out your eyes, go to the kut, the girls are weaving there, they will give you money, either a tuft of lobes, or a comb to the forehead.
Pervechiki, friends, swans on the crust, whistle bush, pig, clearing, rustled, came out, he, Rodion, get out!
Kuzka and Vaska went to Vyatka, bought two hats with four corners - a corner here, a corner there, a brush in the middle, a whip at the back of the head (they pull the hair in card game).
Chicher, yacher, converges on the der: whoever does not tear, he (even more so) should be torn by his hair, by his braids, by his hair, by a single hair; don’t learn to sin, learn to pray to God, to worship Christ (they pull out their hair for an offense).
Yarka is not bright, the ram is not a ram, the old lamb does not lamb, here is a cross, here is a cross, and here, so the devil can’t get in (in the game, when they say, they hit the head with the ball).
Pera, era, chukha, ryukha, heel, honeycomb, willow, oak, poppy, cross (comic counting to ten).

  1. Silent women
  2. The gypsies were traveling and lost their cat.
    The cat died, the tail came off,
    Who will say a word
    He will eat it.
  3. The gypsies were traveling and lost their cat.
    The cat died, the tail came off,
    Whoever speaks will eat.
  4. The gypsies were traveling and lost their cat.
    The cat died, the tail came off,
    Whoever speaks will eat.
  5. And who will laugh?
    Then he will drink her blood.
    Don't tell stories, don't show your teeth.
    One, two, three - the game has begun...
  6. We took water in our mouths
    And they told everyone: “Freeze!”
    And who will die first?
    He'll get a bump on the forehead!
  7. A sparrow walked on the roof,
    He was carrying a jar of snot.
    Who squeaks
    He will drink it!
  8. A sparrow walked on the roof,
    He was carrying a jar of snot.
    Who will say a word
    He will drink it!

Children's counting rhyme.
It came flooding in. After all, this is a passing era. Children rarely play together anymore...
Then I found out that it was from different languages ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE...
"Eniki-Beniki ate dumplings, Eniki-Beniki: Klötz! A pot-bellied sailor came out..."
Continue... I think that together we can “build” some kind of nostalgic novel. As counting rhymes and stories associated with them become available, our romance will only expand. Authorship is already collective...
Childhood, Iva, E. Samoilov, Christian Bad, Olga Alekseeva 85... Who else?
What should I continue? Number counters?
Ain-zwei - policeman,
dry-fir - grenadier
One day alone - the gentleman arrived
Once twice - that's his wife, etc.
One-two - sleeves,
Three or four - hooked up :))

Eniki beniki ricky faki
Daewoo red Daewoo


The car was driving through a dark forest
For some interest
Inti-inti-inti res
Come out with the letter "S"!
I remembered this rhyme in addition to the masterpieces given here, because I always “got” to this letter!)))

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

I was sitting at work, remembering the nursery rhymes that we had in kindergarten. (most useful activity at work) Some of them I don’t remember well, some I’ve forgotten, but in general... As I understand it, everyone had such +/- What kind of children were we?...

From the second floor
three knives flew:
Red, blue, cyan,
Choose any one for yourself.

The cuckoo walked through the forest, through the forest
For some interest.
Inti, inti, interest
Exit on the letter "S".
And on the letter there is a star,
Where do the trains pass?
If the train doesn't pass,
The passenger will go crazy.
So the train didn't pass,
The passenger went crazy.
He climbed onto the ceiling
I tore off my belly button.
And his wife answered him:
“I don’t have any green stuff!”

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket.
"I will cut, I will beat!
You still have to drive!" - my dad taught me this

They sat on the golden porch
Tsar, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor
Who will you be?

And then it transformed into this:
They sat on the golden porch
Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry, Scrooge McDuck and Three Ducklings,
And Ponka will drive.

The mandarin duck was rolling
Named Irinka.
Didn't study my lessons
And I got a bad mark.
And then I went for a walk,
I got the number five.
And then I went home
I got the number zero.

Fooled the fool
Four fists
And one more fist
You will remain a fool.
(and during this teasing it was customary to show a cookie and twirl it on an outstretched arm, and in the phrase about another fist, form a second cookie)

Monkey Chi-chi-chi
She sold bricks.
I didn’t have time to sell everything,
She flew under the bed.
There's dough under the bed
The bride has grown up.
There's nothing under the bed
Cabbage has grown.
And there's a hippopotamus in the cabbage
Yells all over the street...

Monkey Chi-chi-chi
Sold bricks
Pulled the rope
And I accidentally farted.

One, two, three, four, five
The bunny went out for a walk.
The hunter runs out to a friend,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh!
My little bunny is dying!
They brought him to the hospital
Lost your mitten!
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.
They took him again
He refused to go for a walk.

Greedy beef, empty chocolate!

Yabeda-koryabeda pickled cucumber!
It's lying on the floor, no one will eat it!
The fly flew in, sniffed and ate!

Repeat Uncle Piggy from the garbage can
She licked the whole trash heap and didn’t say thank you.
(it seems like someone else came out of the trash heap, but I don’t remember)

And instead of “Rock, paper, scissors, one, two, three!”
We said for a long time: “Kamano, magano, tsu-e-fa!”

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki dumplings.

Tom Thumb
I found a glass.
The glass broke
The lemon rolled.
Glass, lemon -
Get out.

One, two, three, four, five -
The bunny went out for a walk.
Then the crow flew in
And she told you to drive.

He made a fuss, farted, and left.

Make up, make up, make up,
And don't fight anymore.
And if you fight,
I will bite!
And biting has nothing to do with it,
I'll fight with a brick
And the brick will break -
Friendship begins!

A cuckoo walked past the forest
For some interest
And screamed kum-kumak
Push up one fist.
(at the same time, everyone held both fists in a circle; whoever had to remove their fist, removed it, and the counting began again until the last person left whose fist was not removed was the one who drove.)

I'm a little girl
I don't go to school.
Buy me some shoes -
I'm getting married!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
There's a bandit under the Christmas tree.
One more second
And the Christmas tree will fly up

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
Spent under the Christmas tree
Maria Lopez is a fool
And Victor is a Crocodile. (this is already in elementary school)

From my heart and kidneys I give you a flower!

The boyars were driving and lost a cat.
The cat died, the tail came off -
Whoever speaks will eat.

Let there always be vodka, sausage and herring!

(and the next three were played directly theatrically))))

Zuba, Zuba, Zuba, Zuba
Dzuba doni-doni-me
And Charlie Bouba
And Charlie Bouba
It was on Sunday the twenty-fifth,
The Germans jumped from the second floor balcony
The first one jumped unsuccessfully
The second one broke his head,
The third one jumped on the girl
And he kissed her.
But the girl couldn’t stand it,
She hit him with a poker.

Zuba, Zuba, Zuba, Zuba
Dzuba doni-me
And Charlie's grandfather
He's a hundred years old
And Charlie Baba
What does she want?
Chocolate, marmalade - that's what the old girl needs!
It was Sunday the twenty-fifth
The Germans jumped from the balcony on the second floor.
The first one jumped unsuccessfully
The second one broke his head
The third one jumped on the girl and kissed her.
But the girl couldn’t stand it, she hit him with a poker.
He flew, flew, flew and ended up in a trash heap.
And in the trash heap the rat gave birth to Boris,
And Boris shouts “Hurray! Call the doctor!”
The doctor rides on a bottle, right on the back of the German's head.
The German thought it was war and made a cannon out of shit.
I loaded it with a cutlet, one, two, three and the gun is gone!

On dark nights
mosquitoes bite
The king and queen say goodbye on a bench.
The king went abroad
and the queen to Leningrad.
The king sowed wheat there,
And the queen is grapes.
There were a lot of grapes
And there is no wheat.
And the queen laughed and died of laughter.
The Tsar arrived in Leningrad.
And he ate all the grapes.
And the queen came to life,
And she hanged the king.
The king is merry, merry, merry
And flew into the trash heap.
And in the trash heap of rats, Boris is the lord of fat rats,
And his wife Lariska is a delightful rat.
And my son is a fat cancer,
Whoever hears is a fool!

What am I?! I'm nothing!
They look like nothing,
What about me?

Old folk Counting rhymes for children in Russian. Everyone knew various rhymes in childhood, let's remember and tell them to our children. We've got quite a crowd large collection nursery rhymes.

Nursery rhymes


On the golden porch sat:

  • -tsar,
  • - Tsarevich,
  • -king,
  • - the prince,
  • -shoemaker,
  • -tailor.

Who will you be?

Speak quickly

Don't detain honest and kind people!


The counting begins!
There was a jackdaw sitting on a post,
and on the wire from 2 sides
6 crows sat down next to each other.
6 crows 7 jackdaws
counting continues
counting continues
6 crows 7 jackdaws.

Gophers whistled in the field
and the corncrakes creaked
in ripening oats.
Suddenly everyone fell silent at once
and rushed off in all directions,
empty wires -
6 crows flew away
to the crows in the thick of the crowns.

And the jackdaw has wits -
The jackdaw understood the danger.
The jackdaw realized the danger,
and the jackdaw has wits.
The kite rushed from above,
the jackdaw hid in the bushes,
the jackdaw hid in the bushes.
Who's left? Only you!


One, two, three, four, five
Bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out -
Shoots straight at Bunny:
Bang bang!
My Bunny is dying...
They brought him home -
He turned out to be alive!


The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
"I will cut, I will beat!
Who will you remain friends with?


Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, it's me!


One, two, three, four, five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang bang!

Oh, oh, oh!

My little bunny is dying.

They brought him to the hospital

He stole a mitten there,

They brought him to the ward,

He stole some chocolate there.

They brought him home

He turned out to be alive.



Sat on the roof.



One, two, three, four, five!

I'm going to look!

Who didn't hide -

It's not my fault!


Hush, mice!

Cat on the roof

Even higher!

The cat went

For milk,

And the kittens:


The cat has come

Without milk

And the kittens:

Ha ha ha!


The car was driving through a dark forest

For some interest,


Come out with the letter "es".

The letter "es" didn't fit -

Come out with the letter "a".

The letter "a" is not good -

Come out with the letter "sha"!

Or like this:

Exit with the letter C,

and on the letter there is a star,

where the trains go.

If the train doesn't go,

the driver will go crazy.

Magpie Crow

The magpie-crow was cooking porridge and feeding the children.

Gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this.

But she didn’t give it to this.

Because I didn’t chop wood,

I didn’t carry water, I didn’t cook porridge.

A crocodile was walking

smoked a pipe

The phone fell and wrote:


This one came out.

The orange rolled to the city of Berlin,

Didn't study my lessons

And I got a bad mark.

There are cars in the garage - Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,

Which one do you get the keys from?

They sat on the golden porch

Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings

Come out, you'll be Ponca!

If Ponochka leaves,

Scrooge McDuck will go crazy!

The counting begins

There was a jackdaw sitting on the shore,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, a nightingale.

One, two, three, four, five,

We'll play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers - Get out of the circle.

One, two, three, four, five - Let's start the games.

The bees flew into the field.

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully,

Three - bent down and sat down,

And four - flew away.

A hare was running through the swamp,

He was looking for a job

Yes, I didn’t find a job,

He cried and left.

Stork is a stork, stork is a bird,

What do you dream about at night?

I want the swamp edges,

More frogs.

You can't catch them, you can't catch them.

That's it, you drive!

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children,

The cuckoos are asked to drink.

Come out - you can drive.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

A bunny jumps - gray side.

Jump, jump, jump along the woods,

On a snowball - poke, poke, poke.

I sat down under a bush,

I wanted to hide.

Whoever catches it drives it.

One, two, one, two,

Here is a birch tree, here is grass,

Here is a clearing, here is a meadow

Come out, my friend.

One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten.

The white moon floats out.

Who will reach the month?

He will go to hide.

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is alone.

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf - the peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Run away somewhere!

Bells, bells,

The little pigeons were flying

By the morning dew,

Along the green line

We sat down on the barn.

Run, catch up.

We had kittens


Come join us guys

Once the kitten is the whitest

Two kittens - the bravest

Three kittens - the smartest

And four is the noisiest

Five is like three and two

Same tail and head

Also a spot on the back

Also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are nice


Come join us guys

High, very high

I threw my ball easily.

But my ball fell from heaven

Rolled into the dark forest.


I'm going to look for him.

One, two, three, four, five.

We decided to play

But we don’t know what to do

Nobody wanted to drive!

We will point you to:

That's right it will be you!

Masha ate porridge,

I didn’t finish the porridge.

“One, two, three,” she said

And I ate the potatoes.

Who will take three spoons?

That one will go too.

One, two, three.

Come out into the clearing

Round dances of the backwaters,

Who's left

That one drives.

One, two, three, four, five,

We go out to play.

We need to choose water

Stomp, stomp, stomp,

You will definitely be water.

One, two, three, four, five,

There is no place for a bunny to jump;

There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,

He uses his teeth - click, click!

And we'll hide in the bushes,

Hide, little bunny, and you too.

You wolf, wait!

The forest river runs into the distance,

Bushes grow along it.

I invite everyone to the game,

We play - you drive!

We gathered in the yard

It was in September.

One, two, three, four, five,

We decided to play.

What is two plus three?

If you know, then drive!

Counting tables are a deeply pagan invention. Our ancient ancestors believed that if we simply counted the trophies obtained during the hunt, then the next game hunt would not be successful. Therefore, all sorts of linguistic tricks were used: for example, words like “Eni-beni-slave” were considered non-existent.
In general, counting rhymes have been studied quite deeply by philologists and linguists. A detailed classification has been applied: what, where, why, for what reason, etc. I won't go into such details. But all this is not without reason and carries a deep meaning, just like the Russians folk tales, For example.
In addition to the purely utilitarian role of choosing a leader in the game, counting rhymes also have a lot of advantages of a purely psychological nature. At a minimum, they train their memory.
The youngest children learn to speak and count using counting rhymes.
Counting books give a child a correct understanding of justice: you got it, everything is fair, you have to drive, but arguing with this is stupid and not comradely. They teach reasonable obedience to rules for the sake of a common cause.
In addition, a simple touch to the chest, taken during the “calculation”, carries a deep psychotherapeutic meaning: it is like a sign of trust, a symbol of friendship, involvement in a small society.

I’m writing a post, my daughter (4 years old) comes up to me and tells me a little rhyme that I’m hearing for the first time:

The puppy was sitting on a bench
Counted my pins:
One, two, three -
You will be the queen!

Come on, if anyone remembers anything or hears anything from the children, write here if you’re not too lazy!
It will be cool to see how different the rhymes from different times are.

Well, I’ll write rhymes from the 80s and 90s (although maybe they were there before? more likely):

On the golden porch sat:
Who will you be?

Come out (speak)—quickly—don’t delay
Good—and honest (wise)—people!

A version of this rhyme from the 90s:

They sat on the golden porch,
Gummi bears, Tom and Jerry,
Scrooge McDuck and 3 ducklings,
come out you will be Ponca!

Sitting on the golden porch:
Winnie the Pooh both Tom and Jerry
Mickey Mouse, three ducklings.
Come out, you'll be Ponca!
If Ponca doesn't come,
Scrooge McDuck will go crazy.

Other topic:

Did you—baht—bought what?
How much does it cost?
What are you-bats-he-what?

a hedgehog came out of the fog
drank half a glass of juice
looked—into an empty—glass
and—again—went—into the fog

A Soviet sailor came out.

A cheerful sailor came out.


Here are some of my favorites:

The carriage drove through the dark forest
For some interest
Inte inte interest
Come out with the letter "es".


A cuckoo walked past the forest
For some interest.
Choose the letter "s".
The letter "s" didn't fit
Choose the letter "a".

You remember such rhymes for the rest of your life)):

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
I will cut, I will beat -
You won't live anyway!

(Or a softer version of “You still have to drive!”)

And by the way, it was invented quite recently and the meaning is most direct. This poem goes back to real story a certain Bandera member named Mesyats, who was fierce in Western Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War. The children reflected in their own way historical events and saved them in people's memory like this in an original way

Well, in this counting rhyme you need to know the rhythm (tempo) with which to tell it. If you haven't heard it, it's hard to repeat it properly. It's not even clear how to place punctuation marks.

on balcony number 8 oh her we sat with my brother bones
ugh, you're a sin, what fun it was for us paririrors, we divided everything in half, really, yes, yes

we flew off the balcony oh she hit the young lady with her elbow

we got to the police, oh, they broke all the bars

we ended up in the hospital and they pressed the nurse at the door

we ended up at the cemetery and counted the dead
repeat paririroma everyone was divided in half the truth NO NO ahaaaaah

This is how I found it on the Internet, but this is how I remember it, my older sister told me about it:

on balcony number 8 - oh to her - we sat with my brother bones,

We flew off the balcony - oh her, we hit the young lady with our elbow
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up in the police - oh my gosh - they broke all the bars
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up in the hospital - oh my gosh - the nurse was pressed at the door
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up at the cemetery - oh well - and we counted the dead
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - NO NO

although I still don’t remember all the words exactly...

One two—three—four—five,
The bunny went out for a walk,
Suddenly—the hunter—runs out,
Shoots straight at the hare
My little bunny is dying.
They brought—him—to the hospital,
He refused to undergo treatment,
It turned out that he was alive.

Got up early
All dolls
Two matryoshka dolls
On the window,
On the feather bed,
On—the pillow,
On oak

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat,
You still have to bare.
And behind the month is the moon.
The devil hanged the sorcerer.
And the sorcerer hung, hung
And flew into the trash heap.
And Boris lived in a garbage dump -
Chairman of dead rats.
And his wife - Larisa -
Wonderful rat.
He fell in love with someone else
He took an ax and hacked him to death.
But the wife did not die,
She took the money and left.
He fell in love with someone else
He took the perfume and gave it to her.

The ending is really kind of incoherent...

And a few more:

The cat got into a taxi.
And the kittens clung
And we had a free ride.

Tsikal-tsikal, motorcycle,
All tracks were recycled
And he came to Leningrad,
Choose your outfit:
Red, blue, light blue -
Choose any one for yourself.

Helicopter, helicopter,
Take me on a flight.
And in flight it’s empty,
Cabbage has grown.
And there's a worm in the cabbage,
Vanya the Fool came out.

Aye, zwein,
Chukate me,
Abel - fabel,
De me ne.
X, pix,
Bullet - punch,

I know in another version:

Ecota Pekota Chukota Ma
Abul fabul del mana
Ex pex bullet pux naus
- My daughter learned this with pleasure)) and taught others

Monkey Chi-chi-chi
sold bricks
didn't have time to sell
flew under the bed.
It's empty under the bed -
cabbage has grown
grapes on cabbage
it turned out to be an automatic machine
(there is still a not quite decent option)

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings...
Draniki, dates, muffins and gingerbreads,
Donuts and buns, and all sorts of donuts,
Dumplings, cakes, marshmallows and bars,
Peppers, salads, tomatoes, potatoes,
Cabbage, mustard, mushrooms and okroshka.
Radish, matzo, mayonnaise and cutlets,
Eggs, beets, bishbarmak and rolls.
Lard, peas, dill and cheesecakes,
Bananas, coconuts, carrots and parsley,
Butter, shish kebab, artichokes, brisket,
Onions, tomatoes, beans and tartines.
Pancakes, marmalade, cottage cheese, beer, stewed meat,
Coffee, cookies, sour cream, condensed milk,
Apples, fish, cocoa, solyanka,
Jelly, wild garlic, sausage, casserole.
Shrimp, lemons, nuts and plums,
Jam, black bread, white bread, gravy,
Sugar, lobster, liver, candy,
Cheese, vinegar, lobsters, wine, tea, pates,
Salt, chips, cakes, rice, chops,
Straws, cognac, jellied tongues,
Melons, fillets, pasties, splints,
Semolina, pearl barley, caviar, vinaigrettes,
Zrazy, sausages, garlic, entrecotes,
Horseradish, chocolate, pasta and sprats.
brawn, whiting, zucchini, zeppelin,
Peaches, sorrel, chickens and olives.
Kiwi, herring, pork, gooseberries,
Oysters, pumpkins, pomegranates, rose hips,
Cream, truffles, waffles, drying and rutabaga,
Lamb, croutons, currants, cranberries.
Crabs, compote, ham, cabbage rolls,
Kefir, mineral water and cucumbers,
Blueberries, puree, squash, strawberries,
Molasses, cracklings and strawberries,
Rhubarb, raisins, meatballs, halva,
Pilaf, chakhokhbili, spinach and quince,
Spaghetti, almonds, honey, dumplings, rump steaks,
Toasts, roast beef, beans and steaks...
We took a light bite and poured it again!

(With such a counting rhyme you will definitely train your memory))

Well, this is true, it’s not a counting rhyme, but it’s very popular among children, which is interesting for my generation and for my daughter too:

Make up, make up, make up,
and don't fight anymore.
And if you fight -
then I will bite,
and biting has nothing to do with it,
I (will) have to fight with a brick.
And the brick will break -
friendship begins.

Who knows what, join us!

Some information taken from the site