Who can live well in Rus'? Nikolai NekrasovWho lives well in Rus' (collection) Happy people live well in Rus'

Chapter 4

In a loud, festive crowd

The wanderers walked

They shouted the cry:

"Hey! Is there a happy one somewhere?

Show up! If it turns out

That you live happily

We have a ready-made bucket:

Drink for free as much as you like -

We'll treat you to glory!..”

Such unheard of speeches

Sober people laughed

And drunk people are smart

Almost spat in my beard

Zealous screamers.

However, hunters

Take a sip of free wine

Enough was found.

When the wanderers returned

Under the linden tree, calling out a cry,

People surrounded them.

The dismissed sexton came,

Skinny as a sulfur match,

And he let go of his laces,

That happiness is not in pastures,

Not in sables, not in gold,

Not in expensive stones.

“And what?”

- “In good humor!

There are limits to possessions

Lords, nobles, kings of the earth,

And the wise's possession -

The entire city of Christ!

If the sun warms you up

Yes, I’ll miss the braid,

So I’m happy!”

- “Where will you get the braid?”

- “But you promised to give…”

“Get lost!” You’re being naughty!..”

An old woman came

Pockmarked, one-eyed

And she announced, bowing,

How happy she is:

What's in store for her in the fall?

Rap was born to a thousand

On a small ridge.

“Such a big turnip,

These turnips are delicious

And the whole ridge is three fathoms,

And across - arshin!

They laughed at the woman

But they didn’t give me a drop of vodka:

“Drink at home, old man,

Eat that turnip!”

A soldier came with medals,

I'm barely alive, but I want a drink:

"I'm happy!" - speaks.

“Well, open up, old lady,

What is a soldier's happiness?

Don’t hide, look!”

- “And that, firstly, is happiness,

What's in twenty battles

I was, not killed!

And secondly, more importantly,

Me even in times of peace

I walked not full and not hungry,

But he didn’t give in to death!

And thirdly - for offenses,

Great and small

I was beaten mercilessly with sticks,

But even if you feel it, it’s alive!”

“Here! drink, servant!

There's no point in arguing with you:

You are happy - there is no word!

Came with a heavy hammer

Olonchan stonemason,

Broad-shouldered, young:

“And I live - I don’t complain,”

He said, “with his wife, with his mother.”

We don’t know the needs!”

“What is your happiness?”

“But look (and with a hammer,

He waved it like a feather):

When I wake up before the sun

Let me wake up at midnight,

So I will crush the mountain!

It happened, I can’t boast

Chopping crushed stones

Five silver a day!”

Groin raised "happiness"

And, having grunted quite a bit,

Presented to the employee:

“Well, that’s important! won't it be

Running around with this happiness

Is it hard in old age?..”

“See that you don’t boast about your strength,”

The man said with shortness of breath,

Relaxed, thin

(The nose is sharp, like a dead one,

Skinny hands like a rake,

The legs are long like knitting needles,

Not a person - a mosquito). -

I was no worse than a mason

Yes, he also boasted of his strength,

So God punished!

The contractor realized, the beast,

What a simple child,

Taught me to praise

And I’m stupidly happy,

I work for four!

One day I wear a good one

I laid bricks

And here he is, damned,

And apply it hard:

"What is this? - speaks. -

I don’t recognize Tryphon!

Walk with such a burden

Aren’t you ashamed of the fellow?”

- “And if it seems a little,

Add with your master’s hand!” -

I said, getting angry.

Well, about half an hour, I think

I waited, and he planted,

And he planted it, you scoundrel!

I hear it myself - the craving is terrible,

I didn’t want to back away.

And I brought that damn burden

I'm on the second floor!

The contractor looks and wonders

Shouts, scoundrel, from there:

“Oh, well done, Trofim!

You don't know what you did:

You carried one at the very least

Fourteen pounds!

Oh, I know! heart with a hammer

Beating in the chest, bloody

There are circles in the eyes,

My back feels like it's cracked...

They are shaking, their legs are weak.

I've been wasting away since then!..

Pour me half a glass, brother!”

“Pour? Where is the happiness here?

We treat the happy

What did you say!”

“Listen to the end! there will be happiness!

“Why, speak up!”

“Here’s the thing. In my homeland

Like every peasant,

I wanted to die.

From St. Petersburg, relaxed,

Crazy, almost without memory,

I got into the car.

Well, here we go.

In the carriage - feverish,

Hot workers

There are a lot of us

Everyone wanted the same thing

How do I get to my homeland?

To die at home.

However, you need happiness

And here: we were traveling in the summer,

In the heat, in the stuffiness

Many people are confused

Completely sick heads,

Hell broke out in the carriage:

He moans, he rolls,

Like a catechumen, across the floor,

He raves about his wife, mother.

Well, at the nearest station

Down with this!

I looked at my comrades

I was burning all over, thinking -

Bad luck for me too.

There are purple circles in the eyes,

And everything seems to me, brother,

Why am I cutting peuns?

(We are also bastards,

It happened to fatten up a year

Up to a thousand goiters).

Where did you remember, damned ones!

I already tried to pray,

No! everyone is going crazy!

Will you believe it? the whole party

He's in awe of me!

The larynxes are cut,

Blood is gushing, but they are singing!

And I with a knife: “Fuck you!”

How the Lord has had mercy,

Why didn't I scream?

I’m sitting, strengthening myself... fortunately,

The day is over, and by evening

It got cold - he took pity

God is above the orphans!

Well, that's how we got there,

And I made my way home,

And here, by God's grace,

And it became easier for me..."

“Why are you bragging here?

With your peasant happiness? -

Screams, broken to his feet,

Yard man. -

And you treat me:

I'm happy, God knows!

From the first boyar,

At Prince Peremetyev's,

I was a beloved slave.

The wife is a beloved slave,

And the daughter is with the young lady

I also studied French

And to all kinds of languages,

She was allowed to sit down

In the presence of the princess...

Oh! how it stung!.. fathers!..”

(And started the right leg

Rub with your palms.)

The peasants laughed.

“Why are you laughing, you fools,”

Unexpectedly angry

The yard man screamed. -

I'm sick, should I tell you?

What do I pray to the Lord for?

Getting up and going to bed?

I pray: “Leave me, Lord,

My illness is honorable,

According to her, I am a nobleman!

Not your vile sickness,

Not hoarse, not hernia -

A noble disease

What kind of thing is there?

Among the top officials in the empire,

I'm sick, man!

It's called a game!

To get it -

Champagne, Bourgogne,

Tokaji, Hungarian

You need to drink for thirty years...

Behind the chair of His Serene Highness

At Prince Peremetyev's

I stood for forty years

With the best French truffle

I licked the plates

Foreign drinks

I drank from the glasses...

Well, pour it!”

- “Get lost!”

We have peasant wine,

Simple, not overseas -

Not on your lips!

Yellow-haired, hunched over,

He crept timidly up to the wanderers

Belarusian peasant

This is where he reaches for vodka:

“Pour me some manenichko too,

I'm happy! - speaks.

“Don’t bother with your hands!

Report, prove

First, what makes you happy?”

“And our happiness is in the bread:

I'm at home in Belarus

With chaff, with bonfire

He chewed barley bread;

You writhe like a woman in labor,

How it grabs your stomach.

And now, the mercy of God! -

Gubonin has his fill

They give you rye bread,

I’m chewing, but I won’t get chewed!”

It's kind of cloudy

A man with a curled cheekbone,

Everything looks to the right:

“I follow the bears,

And I feel great happiness:

Three of my comrades

The teddy bears were broken,

But I live, God is merciful!”

“Well, look to the left?”

I didn’t look, no matter how hard I tried,

What scary faces

Neither did the man make a face:

“The bear rolled me up

Manenichko’s cheekbone!”

- “And you measure yourself against the other one,

Give her your right cheek -

He’ll fix it...” – They laughed,

However, they brought it.

Ragged beggars

Hearing the smell of foam,

And they came to prove

How happy they are:

“There’s a shopkeeper at our doorstep

Greeted with alms

And we’ll enter the house, just like that from the house

They escort you to the gate...

Let's sing a little song,

The hostess runs to the window

With an edge, with a knife,

And we are filled with:

“Come on, come on - the whole loaf,

Doesn't wrinkle or crumble,

Hurry up for you, hurry up for us..."

* * *

Our wanderers realized

Why was vodka wasted for nothing?

By the way, and a bucket

End. “Well, that will be yours!

Hey, man's happiness!

Leaky with patches,

Humpbacked with calluses,

Go home!”

“And you, dear friends,

Ask Ermila Girin, -

He said, sitting down with the wanderers,

Villages of Dymoglotova

Peasant Fedosey. -

If Yermil doesn’t help,

Will not be declared lucky

So there’s no point in wandering around..."

“Who is Yermil?

Is it the prince, the illustrious count?”

“Not a prince, not an illustrious count,

But he’s just a man!”

“You speak more intelligently,

Sit down and we'll listen,

What kind of person is Yermil?”

“And here’s what: an orphan’s

Yermilo kept the mill

On Unzha. By court

Decided to sell the mill:

Yermilo came with the others

To the auction room.

Empty buyers

They quickly fell off

One merchant Altynnikov

He entered into battle with Yermil,

Keeps up, bargains,

It costs a pretty penny.

How angry Yermilo will be -

Grab five rubles at once!

The merchant again a pretty penny,

They started a battle:

The merchant gives him a penny,

And he gave him a ruble!

Altynnikov could not resist!

Yes, there was an opportunity here:

They immediately began to demand

Deposits third part,

And the third part is up to a thousand.

There was no money with Yermil,

Did he really mess up?

Did the clerks cheat?

But it turned out to be rubbish!

Altynnikov cheered up:

“It turns out it’s my mill!”

"No! - says Ermil,

Approaches the chairman. -

Is it possible for your honor

Wait for half an hour?

“What are you going to do in half an hour?”

“I’ll bring the money!”

“Where can you find it? Are you sane?

Thirty-five versts to the mill,

And an hour later I'm present

The end, my dear!

“So, will you allow me half an hour?”

“We’ll probably wait an hour!”

Yermil went; clerks

The merchant and I exchanged glances,

Laugh, scoundrels!

To the square to the shopping area

Yermilo came (in the city

It was a market day)

He stood on the cart and saw: he was baptized,

On all four sides

Shouts: “Hey, good people!

Shut up, listen,

I’ll tell you my word!”

The crowded square became silent,

And then Yermil talks about the mill

He told the people:

“Long ago the merchant Altynnikov

Went to the mill,

Yes, I didn’t make a mistake either,

I checked in the city five times,

They said: with rebidding

Bidding has been scheduled.

Idle, you know

Transport the treasury to the peasant

A side road is not a hand:

I arrived penniless

And lo and behold, they got it wrong

No rebidding!

Vile souls have cheated,

And the infidels laugh:

“What are you going to do in an hour?

Where will you find money?

Maybe I’ll find it, God is merciful!

Cunning, strong clerks,

And their world is stronger,

The merchant Altynnikov is rich,

But he still can’t resist

Against the worldly treasury -

She's like a fish from the sea

For centuries to catch - not to catch.

Well, brothers! God sees

I'll get rid of it that Friday!

The mill is not dear to me,

The offense is great!

If you know Ermila,

If you believe Yermil,

So help me out, or what!..

And a miracle happened:

Throughout the market square

Every peasant has

Like the wind, half left

Suddenly it turned upside down!

The peasantry forked out

They bring money to Yermil,

They give to those who are rich in what.

Yermilo is a literate guy,

Put your hat full

Tselkovikov, foreheads,

Burnt, beaten, tattered

Peasant bank notes.

Yermilo took it - he didn’t disdain

And a copper penny.

Still he would become disdainful,

When did I come across here

Another copper hryvnia

More than a hundred rubles!!

The entire amount has already been fulfilled,

And people's generosity

Grew: “Take it, Ermil Ilyich,

If you give it back, it won’t go to waste!”

Yermil bowed to the people

On all four sides,

He walked into the ward with a hat,

Clutching the treasury in it.

The clerks were surprised

Altynnikov turned green,

How he completely the whole thousand

He put it on the table for them!..

Not a wolf's tooth, but a fox's tail, -

Let's go play around with the clerks,

Congratulations on your purchase!

Yes, Yermil Ilyich is not like that,

Didn't say too much

I didn’t give them a penny!

The whole city came to watch,

Like on market day, Friday,

In a week's time

Ermil on the same square

People were counting.

Remember where everyone is?

At that time things were done

In a fever, in a hurry!

However, there were no disputes

And give out a penny too much

Yermil didn’t have to.

Also, he himself said,

An extra ruble - whose God knows! -

Stayed with him.

All day with my money open

Yermil walked around and asked:

Whose ruble? I didn’t find it.

The sun has already set,

When from the market square

Yermil was the last to move,

Having given that ruble to the blind...

So this is what Ermil Ilyich is like.”

“Wonderful! - said the wanderers. -

However, it is advisable to know -

What kind of witchcraft

A man above the whole neighborhood

Did you take that kind of power?”

“Not by witchcraft, but by truth.

Have you heard about Hellishness?

Yurlov-Prince's patrimony?

“You heard, so what?”

"It has a chief manager

There was a gendarmerie corps

Colonel with a star

He has five or six assistants with him,

And our Yermilo is a clerk

Was in the office.

The little one was twenty years old,

What will the clerk do?

However, for the peasant

And the clerk is a man.

You approach him first,

And he will advise

And he will make inquiries;

Where there is enough strength, it will help out,

Doesn't ask for gratitude

And if you give it, he won’t take it!

You need a bad conscience -

To the peasant from the peasant

Extort a penny.

In this way the whole patrimony

At five years old Yermil Girina

I found out well

And then he was kicked out...

They deeply pitied Girin,

It was hard to get used to something new,

Grabber, get used to it,

However, there is nothing to do

We got along in time

And to the new scribe.

He doesn't say a word without a thrasher,

Not a word without the seventh student,

Burnt, from the funhouses -

God told him to!

However, by the will of God,

He did not reign for long, -

The old prince died

The young prince arrived,

I drove that colonel away

I sent his assistant away

I drove the whole office away,

And he told us from the estate

Elect a mayor.

Well, we didn't think long

Six thousand souls, the whole estate

We shout: “Ermila Girina!” -

How one man is!

They call Ermila to the master.

After talking with the peasant,

From the balcony the prince shouts:

“Well, brothers! have it your way.

With my princely seal

Your choice is confirmed:

The guy is agile, competent,

I’ll say one thing: isn’t he young?..”

And we: “There is no need, father,

And young, and smart!”

Yermilo went to reign

Over the entire princely estate,

And he reigned!

In seven years the world's penny

I didn’t squeeze it under my nail,

At the age of seven I didn’t touch the right one,

He did not allow the guilty

I didn’t bend my heart..."

“Stop! - shouted reproachfully

Some gray-haired priest

To the storyteller. - You're sinning!

The harrow walked straight ahead,

Yes, suddenly she waved to the side -

The tooth hit the stone!

When I started to tell,

So don't throw out words

From the song: or to wanderers

Are you telling a fairy tale?..

I knew Ermila Girin..."

“I suppose I didn’t know?

We were one fiefdom,

The same parish

Yes, we were transferred..."

“And if you knew Girin,

So I knew my brother Mitri,

Think about it, my friend."

The narrator became thoughtful

And, after a pause, he said:

“I lied: the word is superfluous

It went wrong!

There was a case, and Yermil the man

Going crazy: from recruiting

Little brother Mitri

He defended it.

We remain silent: there is nothing to argue here,

The master of the headman's brother himself

I wouldn't tell you to shave

One Nenila Vlasevna

I cry bitterly for my son,

Shouts: not our turn!

It is known that I would shout

Yes, I would have left with that.

So what? Ermil himself,

Having finished recruiting,

I began to feel sad, sad,

Doesn’t drink, doesn’t eat: that’s the end of it,

What's in the stall with the rope

His father found him.

Here the son repented to his father:

“Ever since Vlasyevna’s son

I didn't put it in the queue

I hate the white light!

And he himself reaches for the rope.

They tried to persuade

His father and brother

He still says: “I’m a criminal!

Villain! tie my hands

Take me to court!”

So that worse doesn't happen,

The father tied the hearty one,

He posted a guard.

The world has come together, it is noisy, noisy,

Such a wonderful thing

Never had to

Neither see nor decide.

Ermilov family

That's not what we tried,

So that we can make peace for them,

And judge more strictly -

Return the boy to Vlasyevna,

Otherwise Yermil will hang himself,

You won't be able to spot him!

Yermil Ilyich himself came,

Barefoot, thin, with pads,

With a rope in my hands,

He came and said: “It was time,

I judged you according to my conscience,

Now I myself am more sinful than you:

Judge me!

And he bowed to our feet.

Neither give nor take the holy fool,

Stands, sighs, crosses himself,

It was a pity for us to see

Like him in front of the old woman,

Before Nenila Vlasyevna,

Suddenly he fell to his knees!

Well, things worked out fine

Mister strong

Hand everywhere: Vlasyevna’s son

He returned, they handed over Mitri,

Yes, they say, and Mitriya

It's not hard to serve

The prince himself takes care of him.

And for the offense with Girin

We put a fine:

Fine money for a recruit,

A small part of Vlasyevna,

Part of the world for wine...

However, after this

Yermil did not cope soon,

I walked around like crazy for about a year.

No matter how the patrimony asked,

Resigned from his position

I rented that mill

And he became thicker than before

Love to all the people:

He took it for the grind according to his conscience,

Didn't stop people

Clerk, manager,

Rich landowners

And the men are the poorest -

All lines were obeyed,

The order was strict!

I'm already in that province

Haven't been in a while

And I heard about Ermila,

People won't praise him enough

You go to him."

“You are passing in vain,”

The one who argued has already said it

Gray-haired pop. -

I knew Yermil Girin.

I ended up in that province

Five years ago

(I've traveled a lot in my life,

Our Eminence

Translate priests

Loved)… With Ermila Girin

We were neighbors.

Yes! there was only one man!

He had everything he needed

For happiness: and peace of mind,

And money and honor,

An enviable, true honor,

Not bought with money,

Not with fear: with strict truth,

With intelligence and kindness!

Yes, just, I repeat to you,

You are passing in vain

He is sitting in prison..."

“How so?”

- “And the will of God!

Have any of you heard,

How the estate rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

Frightened province,

Nedykhanev County,

Village Tetanus?..

How to write about fires

In the newspapers (I read them):

"Remained unknown

Reason” – so here:

Until now it is unknown

Not to the zemstvo police officer,

Not to the highest government

Neither the tetanus themselves,

What happened to this opportunity?

But it turned out to be rubbish.

It took an army

The sovereign himself sent

He spoke to the people

Then he’ll try to curse

And shoulders with epaulets

Will lift you high

Then he will try with affection

And chests with royal crosses

In all four directions

It will start turning.

Yes, the abuse was unnecessary here,

And the caress is incomprehensible:

“Orthodox peasantry!

Mother Rus'! Father Tsar!

And nothing more!

Having been beaten enough

They wanted it for the soldiers

Command: fall!

Yes to the volost clerk

A happy thought came here,

It's about Ermila Girin

He said to the boss:

“The people will believe Girin

The people will listen to him..."

- “Call him quickly!”

. . . . . . . . . .

* * *

Suddenly a cry: “Ay, ah! have mercy!” -

Suddenly sounding out,

Disturbed the priest's speech,

Everyone rushed to look:

At the road roller

Flog a drunken footman -

Caught stealing!

Where he is caught, here is his judgment:

About three dozen judges came together,

We decided to give a spoonful,

And everyone gave a vine!

The footman jumped up and, spanking

Skinny shoemakers

Without a word, he gave me the traction.

“Look, he ran like he was disheveled! -

Our wanderers joked

Recognizing him as a baluster,

That he was bragging about something

Special illness

From foreign wines. -

Where did the agility come from!

That noble disease

Suddenly it was gone as if by hand!”

“Hey, hey! where are you going, father?

You tell the story

How the estate rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

Village Tetanus?

“It’s time to go home, my dears.

God willing, we will meet again,

Then I’ll tell you!”

* * *

In the morning I parted ways,

The crowd dispersed.

The peasants decided to sleep,

Suddenly a threesome with a bell

Where did it come from?

It's flying! and it swings in it

Some round gentleman,

Mustachioed, pot-bellied,

With a cigar in his mouth.

The peasants rushed at once

To the road, they took off their hats,

bowed low,

Lined up in a row

And a troika with a bell

They blocked the way...

Chapter 5

The neighboring landowner

Gavrilo Afanasich


That C grade was lucky.

The landowner was rosy-cheeked,

Stately, planted,

Sixty years old;

The mustache is gray, long,

Well done touches,

Hungarian with Brandenburs,

Wide pants.

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

He must have gotten scared

Seeing in front of the troika

Seven tall men.

He pulled out a pistol

Just like myself, just as plump,

And the six-barreled barrel

He brought it to the wanderers:

“Don't move! If you move,

Robbers! robbers!

I’ll put you down on the spot!..”

The peasants laughed:

“What kind of robbers we are,

Look - we don't have a knife,

No axes, no pitchforks!”

- “Who are you? what do you want?

"We have concerns,

Is it such a concern?

Which of the houses did she survive?

She made us friends with work,

I stopped eating.

Give us a strong word

To our peasant speech

Without laughter and without cunning,

In truth and in reason,

How should one answer?

Then your care

We'll tell you..."

“If you please: my word of honor,

I give you the nobility!”

- “No, you are not noble to us,

Give me your Christian word!

Noblesse with abuse,

With a push and a punch,

That is of no use to us!”

“Hey! what news!

However, have it your way!

Well, what is your speech?..”

- “Hide the pistol! listen!

Like this! we are not robbers

We are humble men

Of those temporarily obliged,

A tightened province,

Terpigoreva County,

Empty parish,

From different villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Bad harvest too.

Walking the path,

We came together by chance

We got together and argued:

Who lives happily?

Free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

Demyan said: to the official,

Luke said: ass.

Kupchina fat-bellied, -

The Gubin brothers said,

Ivan and Metrodor.

Pakhom said: to the brightest,

To the noble boyar,

To the sovereign minister,

And Prov said: to the king...

The guy's a bull: he'll get in trouble

What a whim in the head -

Stake her from there

You won't knock it out! No matter how they argued,

We did not agree!

Having argued, we quarreled,

Having quarreled, they fought,

Having got into a fight, they thought

Don't go apart

Don't toss and turn in the houses,

Don't see your wives

Not with the little guys

Not with old people,

As long as our dispute

We won't find a solution

Until we find out

No matter what for certain:

Who likes to live happily?

Free in Rus'?

Tell us in a divine way,

Is the life of a landowner sweet?

How are you - at ease, happily,

Landowner, are you living?

Gavrilo Afanasyevich

Jumped out of the tarantass

He approached the peasants:

Like a doctor, a hand to everyone

I felt them, looked into their faces,

Grabbed my sides

And he burst out laughing...

“Ha ha! haha! haha! haha!"

Healthy laughter of the landowner

Through the morning air

It began to roll out...

Having laughed to my heart's content,

The landowner is not without bitterness

Said: “Put on your hats,

Sit down, gentlemen!

“We, gentlemen, are not important,

Before Your Grace

And we’ll stand..."

- "No! No!

Please sit down, citizens!”

The peasants became stubborn

However, there is nothing to do

We sat down on the shaft.

“And will you allow me to sit down?

Hey, Proshka! a glass of sherry,

Pillow and carpet!

Sitting on the mat

And after drinking a glass of sherry,

The landowner began like this:

"I gave you my word of honor

Keep the answer according to your conscience,

But it’s not easy!

Although you are respectable people,

However, not scientists

How to talk to you?

First you need to understand

What does the word most mean:

Landowner, nobleman.

Tell me, dear ones,

About the family tree

Have you heard anything?

– “Forests were not ordered for us -

We saw all sorts of trees!” -

The men said.

“You hit the sky with your finger!..

I'll tell you more clearly:

I come from a distinguished family,

My ancestor Oboldui

Commemorated for the first time

In ancient Russian letters

Two centuries and a half

Back to that. It says

That letter: “To the Tatar


Good cloth was given,

Priced at two rubles:

Wolves and foxes

He amused the empress

On the royal name day

Released a wild bear

With his own, and Oboldueva

The bear tore it off...”

Well, do you understand, dears?”

- “How can you not understand! With bears

Quite a few of them are staggering,

Scoundrels, and now.”

“You are all yours, my dears!

Be silent! better listen

What am I talking about?

That Fool who amused

Beasts, Empress,

There was the root of our family,

And it was as it was said,

More than two hundred years.

My great-great-grandfather on my mother's side

Was even that ancient:

“Prince Shchepin with Vaska Gusev

(Another letter reads)

Tried to set fire to Moscow,

They thought about plundering the treasury

Yes, they were executed by death,”

And it was, my dears,

Almost three hundred years.

So this is where it comes from

That tree is noble

It’s coming, my friends!”

"And you're like an apple

Are you coming out of that tree?” -

The men said.

“Well, an apple is an apple!

Agree! Thankfully we understood

You're done at last.

Now - you yourself know -

Than a noble tree

Ancient, all the more eminent,

More honorable nobleman.

Isn’t that right, benefactors?”

"So! - answered the wanderers. -

Bone white, bone black,

And look, they’re so different, -

They are treated differently and honored!”

“Well, I see, I see: we understand!

So, friends - and we lived,

Like Christ in his bosom,

And we knew honor.

Not only Russian people,

Nature itself is Russian

She submitted to us.

It used to be that you were surrounded

Alone, like the sun in the sky,

Your villages are modest,

Your forests are dense,

Your fields are all around!

Will you go to the village -

The peasants fall at their feet,

You'll go through the forest dachas -

Centenary trees

The forests will bow down!

Will you go by arable land, by fields -

The whole field is ripe

Creeps at the master's feet,

Caresses the ears and eyes!

There is a fish splashing in the river:

“Fat, fat before the time!”

There a hare sneaks through the meadow:

“Walk and walk until autumn!”

Everything amused the master,

Lovingly every weed

She whispered: “I’m yours!”

Russian beauty and pride,

White churches of God

Over the hills, over the hills,

And they argued with them in glory

Noble houses.

Houses with greenhouses

With Chinese gazebos

And with English parks;

On each flag played,

He played and beckoned affably,

Russian hospitality

And he promised affection.

The Frenchman won't dream

In a dream, what holidays,

Not a day, not two - a month

We asked here.

Their turkeys are fat,

Your liqueurs are juicy,

Its own actors, music,

Servants - a whole regiment!

Five cooks and a baker,

Two blacksmiths, an upholsterer,

Seventeen musicians

And twenty-two hunters

I held it... My God!..”

The landowner began to spin,

Fell face first into a pillow,

Then he stood up and corrected himself:

“Hey, Proshka!” - he shouted.

Lackey, according to the master's word,

He brought a jug of vodka.

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

After taking a bite, he continued:

“It used to be in late autumn

Your forests, Mother Rus',

Enthused by loud

Hunting horns.

Dull, faded

Lesa half naked

Started to live again

We stood along the edges of the forest

Greyhound robbers,

The landowner himself stood

And there, in the forest, the vyzhlyatniks

Roared, daredevils,

The hounds cooked the brew.

Chu! the horn calls!..

Chu! the flock howls! huddled together!

No way, according to the red beast

Let's go?.. hoo-hoo!

Silver fox,

Fluffy, maturing

It flies, its tail sweeps!

Crouched down, hid,

Trembling all over, zealous,

Clever dogs:

Perhaps the long-awaited guest!

It's time! Well, well! don't give it away, horse!

Don't give it away, little dogs!

Hey! hoo-hoo! darlings!

Hey! - hoo-hoo!.. atu!..”

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

Jumping up from the Persian carpet,

He waved his hand, jumped up and down,

Screamed! He imagined

Why is he poisoning the fox...

The peasants listened silently,

We looked, admired,

We laughed out loud...

“Oh, you hunting hounds!

The landowners will forget everything,

But you, originally Russian

Fun! you won't forget

Not forever and ever!

We are not sad about ourselves,

We are sorry that you, Mother Rus',

Lost with pleasure

Your knightly, warlike,

Majestic view!

It happened that we were in the fall

Up to fifty will come

To the departing fields;

Every landowner

A hundred hounds on the loose,

Each one has a dozen

Borzovshchikov on horseback,

In front of each with cooks,

With provisions the convoy.

Like with songs and music

We will move forward.

What is cavalry for?

The division is yours!

Time flew by like a falcon,

The landowner's chest was breathing

Free and easy.

During the time of the boyars,

In ancient Russian order

The spirit was transported!

There is no contradiction in anyone,

I will have mercy on whomever I want,

I'll execute whoever I want.

The law is my desire!

The fist is my police!

The blow is sparkling,

The blow is tooth-breaking,

Hit the cheekbone!..”

Suddenly, like a string broke,

The landowner's speech stopped.

He looked down, frowned,

“Hey, Proshka!” - he shouted.

Said: “You yourself know

Isn’t it possible without strictness?

But I punished - lovingly.

The great chain broke -

Now let's not beat the peasant,

But it’s also fatherly

We don't have mercy on him.

Yes, I was strict on time,

However, more with affection

I attracted hearts.

I'm on Sunday Bright

With all my patrimony

I Christed myself!

Sometimes it gets covered

There is a huge table in the living room,

There are red eggs on it too,

And Easter and Easter cake!

My wife, grandmother,

Sons, even young ladies

They don’t disdain, they kiss

With the last guy.

"Christ is risen!" - “Truly!”

The peasants break their fast

They drink mash and wine...

Before every revered

Twelfth holiday

In my front rooms

The priest served the all-night vigil.

And to that home all-night vigil

Peasants were allowed

Pray - even break your forehead!

The sense of smell suffered

Knocked down from the estate

Baba clean the floors!

Yes, spiritual purity

Thus, it was saved

Spiritual kinship!

Isn’t that right, benefactors?”

"So!" - the wanderers answered,

And you thought to yourself:

“You knocked them down with a stake, or what?”

Pray in the manor’s house?..”

“But I will say without bragging,

The man loved me!

In my Surma patrimony

The peasants are all contractors,

Sometimes they were bored at home,

Everything is on the wrong side

They will ask for time off in the spring...

If you wait, you won’t wait for autumn,

Wife, small children

And they wonder and quarrel:

“What kind of hotel should they like?

The peasants will bring it!”

And exactly: on top of the corvée,

Canvas, eggs and livestock -

Everything for the landowner

It was collected from time immemorial -

Voluntary gifts

The peasants brought it to us!

From Kyiv - with jams,

From Astrakhan - with fish,

And the one who is more sufficient

And with silk fabric:

Lo and behold, he kissed the lady's hand

And he delivers the package!

Children's toys, treats,

And to me, the gray-haired hawk moth,

Wine from St. Petersburg!

The robbers have found out,

Probably not to Krivonogov,

He will run to the Frenchman.

Here you can walk with them,

Let's talk brotherly

Wife with her own hand

He'll pour them a glass.

And the kids are small right there

Sucking gingerbread cookies

Let the idle listen

Men's stories -

About their difficult trades,

About alien sides

About St. Petersburg, about Astrakhan,

About Kyiv, about Kazan...

So this is how, benefactors,

I lived with my patrimony,

Isn’t it good?..”

- “Yes, it was for you, landowners,

Life is so enviable

No need to die!

“And it’s all gone! it's all over!..

Chu! death knell!..”

The wanderers listened

And exactly: from Kuzminsky

Through the morning air

Those sounds that ache your chest,

They rushed: “Rest to the peasant

And the kingdom of heaven! -

The wanderers spoke

And everyone was baptized...

Gavrilo Afanasyevich

He took off his cap - and piously

He also crossed himself:

“They are not calling for the peasant!

Through life according to the landowners

They're calling!.. Oh, life is wide!

Sorry, goodbye forever!

Farewell to landowner Rus'!

Now Rus' is not the same!

Hey, Proshka! (drank vodka

And whistled)…

"It's not fun

Look how it has changed

Your face, unfortunate one

Native side!

Noble class

It's as if everything was hidden

Extinct! Where

You don't go, you get caught

Some peasants are drunk,

Excise officials

Poles in transit

Yes, stupid intermediaries,

Yes sometimes it will pass

Team. You'll guess:

Must have rebelled

In abundance of gratitude

Village somewhere!

And before that, what was rushing here?

Wheelchairs, triple chaises,

Dormezov gears!

The landowner's family rolls along -

The mothers here are respectable,

The daughters here are pretty

And frisky sons!

Singing bells

Of cooing bells

You'll listen to your heart's content.

What are you going to do to distract yourself today?

An outrageous picture

What a step - you are amazed:

Suddenly there was a whiff of a cemetery,

Well, that means we're getting closer

To the estate... My God!

Disassembled brick by brick

A beautiful manor house,

And neatly folded

Bricks in the columns!

The extensive garden of the landowner,

Cherished for centuries,

Under the peasant's ax

All laid down, the man admires,

How much firewood came out!

The soul of a peasant is callous,

Will he think

Like the oak tree he has just felled,

My grandfather with his own hand

Did you ever plant it?

What's under that rowan tree?

Our kids frolicked

And Ganichka and Verochka,

Did you talk to me?

What's here, under this linden tree,

My wife confessed to me,

How heavy is she?

Gavryusha, our firstborn,

And hid it on my chest

Like a cherry reddened

A pretty face?..

It would be beneficial for him -

Radehonek landowners

Harass the estates!

It’s a shame to go through the village:

The man sits and doesn’t move,

Not noble pride -

You feel the bile in your chest.

There is no hunting horn in the forest,

It sounds like a robber's axe,

They're being naughty!.. but what can you do?

Who will save the forest?..

Fields are unfinished,

Crops are not sown,

There is no trace of order!

Oh mother! oh homeland!

We are not sad about ourselves,

I feel sorry for you, dear.

You are like a sad widow,

You stand with your braid loose,

With an uncleaned face!..

Estates are being transferred

In return they are dispersed

Drinking houses!..

They give water to the dissolute people,

They are calling for zemstvo services,

They imprison you, teach you to read and write, -

He needs her!

All over you, Mother Rus',

In a loud, festive crowd

The wanderers walked

They shouted the cry:

"Hey! Is there a happy one somewhere?

Show up! If it turns out

That you live happily

We have a ready-made bucket:

Drink for free as much as you like -

We'll treat you to glory!..”

Such unheard of speeches

Sober people laughed

And drunk people are smart

Almost spat in my beard

Zealous screamers.

However, hunters

Take a sip of free wine

Enough was found.

When the wanderers returned

Under the linden tree, calling out a cry,

People surrounded them.
The dismissed sexton came,

Skinny as a sulfur match,

And he let go of his laces,

That happiness is not in pastures 52,

Not in sables, not in gold,

Not in expensive stones.

“And what?”

- In good humor 53!

There are limits to possessions

Lords, nobles, kings of the earth,

And the wise's possession -

The entire city of Christ is 54!

If the sun warms you up

Yes, I’ll miss the braid,

So I'm happy! –

“Where will you get the braid?”

- Yes, you promised to give...
“Get lost!” You’re being naughty!..”
An old woman came

Pockmarked, one-eyed,

And she announced, bowing,

How happy she is:

What's in store for her in the fall?

Rap was born to a thousand

On a small ridge.

- Such a large turnip,

These turnips are delicious

And the whole ridge is three fathoms,

And across - 55 arshin! –

They laughed at the woman

But they didn’t give me a drop of vodka:

“Drink at home, old man,

Eat that turnip!”
A soldier came with medals,

I'm barely alive, but I want a drink:

- I'm happy! - speaks.

“Well, open up, old lady,

What is a soldier's happiness?

Don’t hide, look!”

- And that, firstly, is happiness,

What's in twenty battles

I was, not killed!

And secondly, more importantly,

Me even in times of peace

I walked neither full nor hungry,

But he didn’t give in to death!

And thirdly - for offenses,

Great and small

I was beaten mercilessly with sticks,

Just feel it and it’s alive!
“Here! drink, servant!

There's no point in arguing with you:

You are happy - there is no word!
Came with a heavy hammer

Olonchan stonemason 56,

Broad-shouldered, young:

- And I live - I don’t complain, -

He said, “with his wife, with his mother.”

We don't know the needs!
“What is your happiness?”
- But look (and with a hammer,

He waved it like a feather):

When I wake up before the sun

Let me wake up at midnight,

So I will crush the mountain!

It happened, I can’t boast

Chopping crushed stones

Five silver a day!
Groin raised "happiness"

And, having grunted quite a bit,

Presented to the employee:

“Well, that’s important! won't it be

Running around with this happiness

Is it hard in old age?..”
- Look, don’t boast about your strength, -

The man said with shortness of breath,

Relaxed, thin

(The nose is sharp, like a dead one,

Skinny hands like a rake,

The legs are long like knitting needles,

Not a person - a mosquito). –

I was no worse than a mason

Yes, he also boasted of his strength,

So God punished!

The contractor realized, the beast,

What a simple child,

Taught me to praise

And I’m stupidly happy,

I work for four!

One day I wear a good one

I laid bricks.

And here he is, damned,

And apply it hard:

"What is this? - speaks. –

I don’t recognize Tryphon!

Walk with such a burden

Aren’t you ashamed of the fellow?”

- And if it seems a little,

Add with your master's hand! –

I said, getting angry.

Well, about half an hour, I think

I waited, and he planted,

And he planted it, you scoundrel!

I hear it myself - the craving is terrible,

I didn’t want to back away.

And I brought that damn burden

I'm on the second floor!

The contractor looks and wonders

Shouts, scoundrel, from there:

“Oh well done, Trofim!

You don't know what you did:

You took one down at the very least

Fourteen pounds!

Oh, I know! heart with a hammer

Beating in the chest, bloody

There are circles in the eyes,

My back feels like it's cracked...

They are shaking, their legs are weak.

I've been wasting away since then!..

Pour half a glass, brother!
“Pour? Where is the happiness here?

We treat the happy

What did you say!”
- Listen to the end! there will be happiness!
“Why, speak up!”
- Here's what. In my homeland

Like every peasant,

I wanted to die.

From St. Petersburg, relaxed,

Crazy, almost without memory,

I got into the car.

Well, here we go.

In the carriage - feverish,

Hot workers

There are a lot of us

Everyone wanted the same thing

How do I get to my homeland?

To die at home.

However, you need happiness

And here: we were traveling in the summer,

In the heat, in the stuffiness

Many people are confused

Completely sick heads,

Hell broke out in the carriage:

He moans, he rolls,

Like a catechumen, across the floor,

He raves about his wife, mother.

Well, at the nearest station

Down with this!

I looked at my comrades

I was burning all over, thinking -

Bad luck for me too.

There are purple circles in the eyes,

And everything seems to me, brother,
Why am I cutting peuns 57!

(We are also pranksters 58,

It happened to fatten up a year

Up to a thousand goiters.)

Where did you remember, damned ones!

I already tried to pray,

No! everyone is going crazy!

Will you believe it? the whole party

He's in awe of me!

The larynxes are cut,

Blood is gushing, but they are singing!

And I with a knife: “Fuck you!”

How the Lord has had mercy,

Why didn't I scream?

I’m sitting, strengthening myself... fortunately,

The day is over, and by evening

It got cold - he took pity

God is above the orphans!

Well, that's how we got there,

And I made my way home,

And here, by God's grace,

And it became easier for me...
-What are you bragging about here?

With your peasant happiness? –

Screams broken to his feet

Yard man. –

And you treat me:

I'm happy, God knows!

From the first boyar,

At Prince Peremetyev's,

I was a beloved slave.

The wife is a beloved slave,

And the daughter is with the young lady

I also studied French

And to all kinds of languages,

She was allowed to sit down

In the presence of the princess...

Oh! how it stung!.. fathers!.. –

(And started the right leg

Rub with your palms.)

The peasants laughed.

“Why are you laughing, you fools?”

Unexpectedly angry

The yard man screamed. –

I'm sick, should I tell you?

What do I pray to the Lord for?

Getting up and going to bed?

I pray: “Leave me, Lord,

My illness is honorable,

According to her, I am a nobleman!

Not your vile sickness,

Not hoarse, not hernia -

A noble disease

What kind of thing is there?

Among the top officials in the empire,

I'm sick, man!

It's called a game!

To get it -

Champagne, Bourgogne,

Tokaji, Hungarian

You need to drink for thirty years...

Behind the chair of His Serene Highness

At Prince Peremetyev's

I stood for forty years

With French best truffle 59

I licked the plates

Foreign drinks

I drank from the glasses...

Well, pour it! –

“Get lost!”

We have peasant wine,

Simple, not overseas -

Not on your lips!
Yellow-haired, hunched over,

He crept timidly up to the wanderers

Belarusian peasant

This is where he reaches for vodka:

- Pour me some manenichko too,

I'm happy! - speaks.
“Don’t bother with your hands!

Report, prove

First, what makes you happy?”
– And our happiness is in the bread:

I'm at home in Belarus

With chaff, with bone 60

He chewed barley bread;

You writhe like a woman in labor,

How it grabs your stomach.

And now, the mercy of God! –

Gubonin has his fill

They give you rye bread,

I'm chewing - I won't get chewed! –
It's kind of cloudy

A man with a curled cheekbone,

Everything looks to the right:

- I go after the bears.

And I feel great happiness:

Three of my comrades

The teddy bears were broken,

And I live, God is merciful!
“Well, look to the left?”
I didn’t look, no matter how hard I tried,

What scary faces

Neither did the man make a face:

- The bear turned me over

Manenichko cheekbone! –

“And you compare yourself with the other one,

Give her your right cheek -

He’ll fix it...” – They laughed,

However, they brought it.
Ragged beggars

Hearing the smell of foam,

And they came to prove

How happy they are:

– There’s a shopkeeper at our doorstep

Greeted with alms

And we’ll enter the house, just like that from the house

They escort you to the gate...

Let's sing a little song,

The hostess runs to the window

With an edge, with a knife,

And we are filled with:

“Come on, come on - the whole loaf,

Doesn't wrinkle or crumble,

Hurry up for you, hurry up for us..."
Our wanderers realized

Why was vodka wasted for nothing?

By the way, and a bucket

End. “Well, that will be yours!

Hey, man's happiness!

Leaky with patches,

Humpbacked with calluses,

Go home!”
- And you, dear friends,

Ask Ermila Girin, -

He said, sitting down with the wanderers,

Villages of Dymoglotova

Peasant Fedosey. –

If Yermil doesn’t help,

Will not be declared lucky

So there’s no point in wandering around...
“Who is Yermil?

Is it the prince, the illustrious count?”
- Not a prince, not an illustrious count,

But he’s just a man!
“You speak more intelligently,

Sit down and we'll listen,

What kind of person is Yermil?”
- And here’s what: an orphan’s

Yermilo kept the mill

On Unzha. By court

Decided to sell the mill:

Yermilo came with the others

To the auction room.

Empty buyers

They quickly fell off.

One merchant Altynnikov

He entered into battle with Yermil,

Keeps up, bargains,

It costs a pretty penny.

How angry Yermilo will be -

Grab five rubles at once!

The merchant again a pretty penny,

They started a battle;

The merchant gives him a penny,

And he gave him a ruble!

Altynnikov could not resist!

Yes, there was an opportunity here:

They immediately began to demand

Deposits third part,

And the third part is up to a thousand.

There was no money with Yermil,

Did he really mess up?

Did the clerks cheat?

But it turned out to be rubbish!

Altynnikov cheered up:

“It turns out it’s my mill!”

"No! - says Ermil,

Approaches the chairman. –

Is it possible for your honor

Wait for half an hour?
- What will you do in half an hour?
“I’ll bring the money!”

-Where can you find it? Are you sane?

Thirty-five versts to the mill,

And an hour later I'm present

The end, my dear!
“So, will you allow me half an hour?”
- We’ll probably wait an hour! –

Yermil went; clerks

The merchant and I exchanged glances,

Laugh, scoundrels!

To the square to the shopping area

Yermilo came (in the city

It was a market day)

He stood on the cart and saw: he was baptized,

On all four sides

Shouts: “Hey, good people!

Shut up, listen,

I’ll tell you my word!”

The crowded square became silent,

And then Yermil talks about the mill

He told the people:

“Long ago the merchant Altynnikov

Went to the mill,

Yes, I didn’t make a mistake either,

I checked in the city five times,

They said: with rebidding

Bidding has been scheduled.

Idle, you know

Transport the treasury to the peasant

A side road is not a hand:

I arrived penniless

And lo and behold, they got it wrong

No rebidding!

Vile souls have cheated,

And the infidels laugh:

“What in the world are you going to do?

Where will you find money?

Maybe I’ll find it, God is merciful!

Cunning, strong clerks,

And their world is stronger,

The merchant Altynnikov is rich,

And everything cannot resist him

Against the worldly treasury -

She's like a fish from the sea

For centuries to catch - not to catch.

Well, brothers! God sees

I'll get rid of it that Friday!

The mill is not dear to me,

The offense is great!

If you know Ermila,

If you believe Yermil,

So help me out, or something!..”
And a miracle happened:

Throughout the market square

Every peasant has

Like the wind, half left

Suddenly it turned upside down!

The peasantry forked out

They bring money to Yermil,

They give to those who are rich in what.

Yermilo is a literate guy,

Put your hat full

Tselkovikov, foreheads,

Burnt, beaten, tattered

Peasant bank notes.

Yermilo took it - he didn’t disdain

And a copper penny.

Still he would become disdainful,

When did I come across here

Another copper hryvnia

More than a hundred rubles!
The entire amount has already been fulfilled,

And people's generosity

Grew: - Take it, Ermil Ilyich,

If you give it away, it won’t go to waste! –

Yermil bowed to the people

On all four sides,

He walked into the ward with a hat,

Clutching the treasury in it.

The clerks were surprised

Altynnikov turned green,

How he completely the whole thousand

He put it on the table for them!..

Not a wolf's tooth, but a fox's tail, -

Let's go play around with the clerks,

Congratulations on your purchase!

Yes, Yermil Ilyich is not like that,

Didn't say too much.

I didn’t give them a penny!
The whole city came to watch,

Like on market day, Friday,

In a week's time

Ermil on the same square

People were counting.

Remember where everyone is?

At that time things were done

In a fever, in a hurry!

However, there were no disputes

And give out a penny too much

Yermil didn’t have to.

Also - he himself said -

An extra ruble, God knows whose!

Stayed with him.

All day with my money open

Yermil walked around and asked:

Whose ruble? I didn’t find it.

The sun has already set,

When from the market square

Yermil was the last to move,

Having given that ruble to the blind...

So this is what Ermil Ilyich is like. –

“Wonderful! - said the wanderers. –

However, it is good to know -

What kind of witchcraft

A man above the whole neighborhood

Did you take that kind of power?”
- Not by witchcraft, but by truth.

Have you heard about Hellishness?

Yurlov's prince's patrimony?
“You heard, so what?”

- It is the chief manager

There was a gendarmerie corps

Colonel with a star

He has five or six assistants with him,

And our Yermilo is a clerk

Was in the office.
The little one was twenty years old,

What will the clerk do?

However, for the peasant

And the clerk is a man.

You approach him first,

And he will advise

And he will make inquiries;

Where there is enough strength, it will help out,

Doesn't ask for gratitude

And if you give it, he won’t take it!

You need a bad conscience -

To the peasant from the peasant

Extort a penny.

In this way the whole patrimony

At five years old Yermil Girina

I found out well

And then he was kicked out...

They deeply pitied Girin,

It was hard to get used to something new,

Grabber, get used to it,

However, there is nothing to do

We got along in time

And to the new scribe.

He doesn't say a word without a thrasher,

Not a word without the seventh student,

Burnt, from the funhouses -

God told him to!
However, by the will of God,

He reigned for a short time -

The old prince died

The prince arrived when he was young,

I drove that colonel away.

I sent his assistant away

I drove the whole office away,
And he told us from the estate

Elect a mayor.

Well, we didn't think long

Six thousand souls, the whole estate

We shout: “Ermila Girina!” –

How one man is!

They call Ermila to the master.

After talking with the peasant,

From the balcony the prince shouts:

“Well, brothers! have it your way.

With my princely seal

Your choice is confirmed:

The guy is agile, competent,

I’ll say one thing: isn’t he young?..”

And we: - There is no need, father,

And young, and smart! –

Yermilo went to reign

Over the entire princely estate,

And he reigned!

In seven years the world's penny

I didn’t squeeze it under my nail,

At the age of seven I didn’t touch the right one,

He did not allow the guilty one to do so.

I didn’t bend my heart...
“Stop! - shouted reproachfully

Some gray-haired priest

To the storyteller. - You're sinning!

The harrow walked straight ahead,

Yes, suddenly she waved to the side -

The tooth hit the stone!

When I started to tell,

So don't throw out words

From the song: or to wanderers

Are you telling a fairy tale?..

I knew Ermila Girin..."
- I suppose I didn’t know?

We were one fiefdom,

The same parish

Yes, we were transferred...
“And if you knew Girin,

So I knew my brother Mitri,

Think about it, my friend."
The narrator became thoughtful

And, after a pause, he said:

– I lied: the word is superfluous

It went wrong!

There was a case, and Yermil the man

Going crazy: from recruiting

Little brother Mitri

He defended it.

We remain silent: there is nothing to argue here,

The master of the headman's brother himself

I wouldn't tell you to shave

One Nenila Vlaseva

I cry bitterly for my son,

Shouts: not our turn!

It is known that I would shout

Yes, I would have left with that.

So what? Ermil himself,

Having finished recruiting,

I began to feel sad, sad,

Doesn’t drink, doesn’t eat: that’s the end of it,

What's in the stall with the rope

His father found him.

Here the son repented to his father:

“Ever since Vlasyevna’s son

I didn't put it in the queue

I hate the white light!

And he himself reaches for the rope.

They tried to persuade

His father and brother

He’s all the same: “I’m a criminal!

Villain! tie my hands

Take me to court!”

So that worse doesn't happen,

The father tied the hearty one,

He posted a guard.

The world has come together, it is noisy, noisy,

Such a wonderful thing

Never had to

Neither see nor decide.

Ermilov family

That's not what we tried,

So that we can make peace for them,

And judge more strictly -

Return the boy to Vlasyevna,

Otherwise Yermil will hang himself,

You won't be able to spot him!

Yermil Ilyich himself came,

Barefoot, thin, with pads,

With a rope in my hands,

He came and said: “It was time,

I judged you according to my conscience,

Now I myself am more sinful than you:

Judge me!

And he bowed to our feet.

Neither give nor take the holy fool,

Stands, sighs, crosses himself,

It was a pity for us to see

Like him in front of the old woman,

In front of Nenila Vlaseva,

Suddenly he fell to his knees!

Well, everything worked out fine

Mister strong

There is a hand everywhere; Vlasyevna's son

He returned, they handed over Mitri,

Yes, they say, and Mitriya

It's not hard to serve

The prince himself takes care of him.

And for the offense with Girin

We put a fine:

Fine money for a recruit,

A small part of Vlasyevna,

Part of the world for wine...

However, after this

Yermil did not cope soon,

I walked around like crazy for about a year.

No matter how the patrimony asked,

Resigned from his position

I rented that mill

And he became thicker than before

Love to all the people:

He took it for the grind according to his conscience.

Didn't stop people

Clerk, manager,

Rich landowners

And the poorest men -

All lines were obeyed,

The order was strict!

I'm already in that province

Haven't been in a while

And I heard about Ermila,

People don't brag about them,

You go to him.
“You’re passing through in vain,”

The one who argued has already said it

Gray-haired pop. –

I knew Ermila, Girin,

I ended up in that province

Five years ago

(I've traveled a lot in my life,

Our Eminence

Translate priests

Loved)… With Ermila Girin

We were neighbors.

Yes! there was only one man!

He had everything he needed

For happiness: and peace of mind,

And money and honor,

An enviable, true honor,

Not bought with money,

Not with fear: with strict truth,

With intelligence and kindness!

Yes, just, I repeat to you,

You are passing in vain

He sits in prison...
“How so?”

- And the will of God!

Have any of you heard,

How the estate rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

Frightened province,

Nedykhanev County,

Village Tetanus?..

How to write about fires

In the newspapers (I read them):

"Remained unknown

Reason” – so here:

Until now it is unknown

Not to the zemstvo police officer,

Not to the highest government

Neither the tetanus themselves,

Why did the opportunity arise?

But it turned out to be rubbish.

It took an army.

The Sovereign himself sent

He spoke to the people

Then he’ll try to curse

And shoulders with epaulets

Will lift you high

Then he will try with affection

And chests with royal crosses

In all four directions

It will start turning.

Yes, the abuse was unnecessary here,

And the caress is incomprehensible:

“Orthodox peasantry!

Mother Rus'! Father Tsar!

And nothing more!

Having been beaten enough

They wanted it for the soldiers

Command: fall!

Yes to the volost clerk

A happy thought came here,

It's about Ermila Girin

He said to the boss:

- The people will believe Girin,

The people will listen to him... -

“Call him quickly!”

Suddenly a cry: “Ay, ah! have mercy!"

Suddenly sounding out,

Disturbed the priest's speech,

Everyone rushed to look:

At the road roller

Flog a drunken footman -

Caught stealing!

Where he is caught, here is his judgment:

About three dozen judges came together,

We decided to give a spoonful,

And everyone gave a vine!

The footman jumped up and, spanking

Skinny shoemakers

Without a word, he gave me the traction.

“Look, he ran like he was disheveled! –

Our wanderers joked

Recognizing him as a baluster,

That he was bragging about something

Special illness

From foreign wines. –

Where did the agility come from!

That noble disease

Suddenly it was gone as if by hand!”
“Hey, hey! where are you going, father?

You tell the story

How the estate rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

Village Tetanus?
- It's time to go home, my dears.

God willing, we will meet again,

Then I’ll tell you!
In the morning I parted ways,

The crowd dispersed.

The peasants decided to sleep,

Suddenly a threesome with a bell

Where did it come from?

It's flying! and it swings in it

Some round gentleman,

Mustachioed, pot-bellied,

With a cigar in his mouth.

The peasants rushed at once

To the road, they took off their hats,

bowed low,

Lined up in a row

And a troika with a bell

They blocked the way...



The neighboring landowner

Gavrilo Afanasich


That C grade was lucky.

The landowner was rosy-cheeked,

Stately, planted,

Sixty years old;

The mustache is gray, long,

Well done touches,

Hungarian with Brandenburs 61,

Wide pants.

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

He must have gotten scared

Seeing in front of the troika

Seven tall men.

He pulled out a pistol

Just like myself, just as plump,

And the six-barreled barrel

He brought it to the wanderers:

“Don't move! If you move,

Robbers! robbers!

I’ll put you down on the spot!..”

The peasants laughed:

- What kind of robbers we are,

Look - we don't have a knife,

No axes, no pitchforks! –

“Who are you? what do you want?
- We have concerns.

Is it such a concern?

Which of the houses did she survive?

She made us friends with work,

I stopped eating.

Give us a strong word

To our peasant speech

Without laughter and without cunning,

In truth and in reason,

How should one answer?

Then your care

Let's tell you...
“If you please: my word of honor,

I give you the nobility!”

- No, you are not noble to us,

Give me your Christian word!

Noblesse with abuse,

With a push and a punch,

This is of no use to us! –
“Hey! what news!

However, have it your way!

Well, what is your speech?..”

- Hide the pistol! listen!

Like this! we are not robbers

We are humble men

Of those temporarily obliged,

A tightened province,

Terpigoreva County,

Empty parish,

From different villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Bad harvest too.

Walking the path,

We came together by chance

We got together and argued:

Who lives happily?

Free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

Demyan said: to the official.

Luke said: ass,

To the fat-bellied merchant, -

The Gubin brothers said,

Ivan and Metrodor.

Pakhom said: to the brightest,

To the noble boyar,

To the sovereign minister,

And Prov said: to the king...

The guy's a bull: he'll get in trouble

What a whim in the head -

Stake her from there

You won't knock it out! No matter how they argued,

We did not agree!

We argued, we quarreled,

They quarreled and fought,

Having caught up, we thought

Don't go apart

Don't toss and turn in the houses,

Don't see your wives

Not with the little guys

Not with old people,

As long as our dispute

We won't find a solution

Until we find out

Whatever it is - for certain,

Who likes to live happily?

Free in Rus'?

Tell us in a divine way,

Is the life of a landowner sweet?

How are you - at ease, happily,

Landowner, are you living?
Gavrilo Afanasyevich

Jumped out of the tarantass

He approached the peasants:

Like a doctor, a hand to everyone

I felt them, looked into their faces,

Grabbed my sides

And he burst out laughing...

“Ha ha! haha! haha! haha!"

Healthy laughter of the landowner

Through the morning air

It began to roll out...
Having laughed to my heart's content,

The landowner is not without bitterness

Said: “Put on your hats,

Sit down, gentlemen! »
- We are not important gentlemen,

Before Your Grace

And let's stand...
"No! No!

Please sit down citizens! »

The peasants became stubborn

However, there is nothing to do

We sat down on the shaft.
“And will you allow me to sit down?

Hey Troshka! a glass of sherry,

Pillow and carpet!
Sitting on the mat

And after drinking a glass of sherry,

The landowner began like this:
"I gave you my word of honor

Keep your answer according to your conscience.

But it’s not easy!

Although you are respectable people,

However, not scientists

How to talk to you?

First you need to understand

What does the word most mean:

Landowner, nobleman.

Tell me, dear ones,

About the family tree

Have you heard anything?

– Forests were not ordered for us –

We saw all sorts of trees! –

The men said.

“You hit the sky with your finger!..

I'll tell you more clearly:

I come from a distinguished family.

My ancestor Oboldui

Commemorated for the first time

In ancient Russian letters

Two centuries and a half

Back to that. It says

That letter: “To the Tatar

Talk to Obolduev

Good cloth was given,

Priced at two rubles:

Wolves and foxes

He amused the empress

On the royal name day

Released a wild bear

With his own, and Oboldueva

The bear tore it off...”

Well, do you understand, dears?”

- How can you not understand! With bears

Quite a few of them are staggering,

Scoundrels, and now. –
“You are all yours, my dears!

Be silent! better listen

What am I talking about:

That Fool who amused

Beasts, Empress,

There was the root of our family,

And it was as it was said,

More than two hundred years.

My great-great-grandfather on my mother's side

Was even that ancient:

“Prince Shchepin with Vaska Gusev

(Another letter reads)

Tried to set fire to Moscow,

They thought about plundering the treasury

Yes, they were executed by death,”

And it was, my dears,

Almost three hundred years.

So this is where it comes from

That tree is noble

It’s coming, my friends!”
- And you’re like an apple

Are you coming out of that tree? –

The men said.
“Well, an apple is an apple!

Agree! Thankfully, we understand

You're done at last.

Now - you yourself know -

Than a noble tree

Ancient, all the more eminent,

More honorable nobleman.

Isn’t that right, benefactors?”
- So! - answered the wanderers. –

Bone white, bone black,

And look, they’re so different, -

They are treated differently and honored!
“Well, I see, I see: we understand!

So, friends, that’s how we lived,

Like Christ in his bosom,

And we knew honor.

Not only Russian people,

Nature itself is Russian

She submitted to us.

It used to be that you were surrounded

Alone, like the sun in the sky,

Your villages are modest,

Your forests are dense,

Your fields are all around!

Will you go to the village -

The peasants fall at their feet,

You'll go through the forest dachas -

Centenary trees

The forests will bow down!

Will you go by arable land, by fields -

The whole field is ripe

Creeps at the master's feet,

Caresses the ears and eyes!

There is a fish splashing in the river:

“Fat, fat before the time!”

There a hare sneaks through the meadow:

“Walk and walk until autumn!”

Everything amused the master,

Lovingly every weed

She whispered: “I’m yours!”
Russian beauty and pride,

White churches of God

Over the hills, over the hills,

And they argued with them in glory

Noble houses.

Houses with greenhouses

With Chinese gazebos

And with English parks;

On each flag played,

He played and beckoned affably,

Russian hospitality

And he promised affection.

The Frenchman won't dream

In a dream, what holidays,

Not a day, not two - a month

We asked here.

Their turkeys are fat,

Your liqueurs are juicy,

Its own actors, music,

Servants - a whole regiment!
Five cooks and a baker,

Two blacksmiths, an upholsterer,

Seventeen musicians

And twenty-two hunters

I held it... My God!..”

The landowner began to spin,

Fell face first into a pillow,

Then he stood up and corrected himself:

“Hey, Proshka!” - he shouted.

Lackey, according to the master's word,

He brought a jug of vodka.

Gavrila Afanasyevich,

After taking a bite, he continued:

“It used to be in late autumn

Your forests, Mother Rus',

Enthused by loud

Hunting horns.

Dull, faded

Lesa half naked

Started to live again

We stood along the edges of the forest

Greyhound robbers,

The landowner himself stood

And there, in the forest, the vyzhlyatniks 62

Roared, daredevils,

The hounds cooked the brew.

Chu! the horn calls!..

Chu! the flock howls! huddled together!

No way, according to the red beast

Let's go?.. hoo-hoo!

Black-brown fox,

Fluffy, maturing

It flies, its tail sweeps!

Crouched down, hid,

Trembling all over, zealous,

Clever dogs:

Perhaps the long-awaited guest!

It's time! Well, well! don't give it away, horse!

Don't give it away, little dogs!

Hey! hoo-hoo! darlings!

Hey! hoo-hoo!.. atu!..”

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

Jumping up from the Persian carpet,

He waved his hand, jumped up and down,

Screamed! He imagined

Why is he poisoning the fox...

The peasants listened silently,

We looked, admired,

We laughed out loud...
“Oh, you hunting hounds!

All the landowners will forget,

But you, originally Russian

Fun! you won't forget

Not forever and ever!

We are not sad about ourselves,

We are sorry that you, Mother Rus',

Lost with pleasure

Your knightly, warlike,

Majestic view!

It happened that we were in the fall

Up to fifty will come

To departing fields 63;

Every landowner

One hundred hounds in the lap 64,

Each one has a dozen

Borzovshchikov 65 on horseback,

In front of each with cooks,

With provisions the convoy.

Like with songs and music

We'll move forward

What is cavalry for?

The division is yours!
Time flew by like a falcon,

The landowner's chest was breathing

Free and easy.

During the time of the boyars,

In ancient Russian order

The spirit was transported!

There is no contradiction in anyone,

I will have mercy on whomever I want,

I'll execute whoever I want.

The law is my desire!

The fist is my police!

The blow is sparkling,

The blow is tooth-breaking,

Hit the cheekbone!..”

Suddenly, like a string, it broke,

The landowner's speech stopped.

He looked down, frowned,

“Hey, Proshka! - shouted

He took a sip and in a soft voice

He said: “You yourself know

Isn’t it possible without strictness?

But I punished - lovingly.

The great chain has broken -

Now let's not beat the peasant,

But it’s also fatherly

We don't have mercy on him.

Yes, I was strict on time,

However, more with affection

I attracted hearts.

I'm on Sunday Bright

With all my patrimony

I Christed myself!

Sometimes it gets covered

There is a huge table in the living room,

There are red eggs on it too,

And Easter and Easter cake!

My wife, grandmother,

Sons, even young ladies

They don’t disdain, they kiss

With the last guy.

"Christ is risen!" - Truly! –

The peasants are breaking their fast.

They drink mash and wine...

Before every revered

Twelfth holiday

In my front rooms

The priest served the all-night vigil.

And to that home all-night vigil

Peasants were allowed

Pray - even break your forehead!

The sense of smell suffered

Knocked down from the estate

Baba clean the floors!

Yes, spiritual purity

Thus, it was saved

Spiritual kinship!

Isn’t that right, benefactors?”

- So! - the wanderers answered,

And you thought to yourself:

“You knocked them down with a stake, or what?”

Pray in the manor’s house?..”

“But I will say without bragging,

The man loved me!

In my Surma patrimony

The peasants are all contractors,

Sometimes they were bored at home,

Everything is on the wrong side

They will ask for time off in the spring...

You can't wait for autumn,

Wife, small children,

And they wonder and quarrel:

What kind of hotel should they like?

The peasants will bring it!

And exactly: on top of the corvée,

Canvas, eggs and livestock,

Everything for the landowner

It was collected from time immemorial -

Voluntary gifts

The peasants brought it to us!

From Kyiv - with jams,

From Astrakhan - with fish,

And the one who is more sufficient

And with silk fabric:

Lo and behold, he kissed the lady's hand

And he delivers the package!

Children's toys, treats,

And to me, the gray-haired hawk moth,

Wine from St. Petersburg!

The robbers have found out,

Probably not to Krivonogov,

He will run to the Frenchman.

Here you can walk with them,

Let's talk brotherly

Wife with her own hand

He'll pour them a glass.

And the kids are small right there

Sucking gingerbread cookies

Let the idle listen

men's stories -

About their difficult trades,

About alien sides

About St. Petersburg, about Astrakhan,

About Kyiv, about Kazan...
So this is how, benefactors,

I lived with my patrimony,

Isn’t it good?..”

- Yes, it was for you, landowners,

Life is so enviable

No need to die!
“And everything passed! everything is over!..

Chu! death knell!..”
The wanderers listened

And exactly: from Kuzminsky

Through the morning air

Those sounds that ache your chest,

They rushed. - Rest in peace for the peasant

And the kingdom of heaven! –

The wanderers spoke

And everyone was baptized...
Gavrilo Afanasyevich

He took off his cap - and piously

He also crossed himself:

“They are not calling for the peasant!

Through life according to the landowners

They're calling!.. Oh, life is wide!

Sorry, goodbye forever!

Farewell to landowner Rus'!

Now Rus' is not the same!

Hey, Proshka! (drank vodka

And whistled)…

"It's not fun

Look how it has changed

Your face, unfortunate one

Native side!

Noble class

It's as if everything was hidden

Extinct! Where

You don't go, you get caught

Some peasants are drunk,

Excise officials

Poles in transit 66

Yes, stupid intermediaries 67.

Yes sometimes it will pass

Team. You'll guess:

Must have rebelled

In abundance of gratitude

Village somewhere!

And before that, what was rushing here?

Wheelchairs, three-piece chaises.

Dormezov gears!

The landowner's family rolls along -

The mothers here are respectable,

The daughters here are pretty

And frisky sons!

Singing bells

Of cooing bells

You'll listen to your heart's content.

What are you going to do to distract yourself today?

An outrageous picture

What a step - you are amazed:

Suddenly there was a whiff of a cemetery,

Well, that means we're getting closer

To the estate... My God!

Disassembled brick by brick

A beautiful manor house,

And neatly folded

Bricks in the columns!

The extensive garden of the landowner,

Cherished for centuries,

Under the peasant's ax

All laid down, the man admires,

How much firewood came out!

The soul of a peasant is callous,

Will he think

Like the oak tree he has just felled,

My grandfather with his own hand

Did you ever plant it?

What's under that rowan tree?

Our kids frolicked

And Ganichka and Verochka,

Did you talk to me?

What's here, under this linden tree,

My wife confessed to me,

How heavy is she?

Gavryusha, our firstborn,

And hid it on my chest

Like a cherry reddened

A pretty face?..

It would be beneficial for him -

Radehonek landowners

Harass the estates!

It’s a shame to go through the village:

The man sits and doesn’t move,

Not noble pride -

You feel the bile in your chest.

There is no hunting horn in the forest

It sounds like a robber's axe,

^ They're being naughty!..what can you do?

By whom will you save the forest?..

Fields are unfinished,

Crops are not sown,

There is no trace of order!

Oh mother! oh homeland!

We are not sad about ourselves,

I feel sorry for you, dear.

You are like a sad widow,

You stand with your braid loose,

With an uncleaned face!..

Estates are being transferred

In return they are dispersed

Drinking houses!..

They give water to the dissolute people,

They are calling for zemstvo services,

They imprison you, teach you to read and write, -

He needs her!

All over you, Mother Rus',

Like the marks on a criminal,

Like a brand on a horse,

Two words are scrawled:

“Takeaway and drinking.”

To read them, peasant

Tricky Russian literacy

No need to teach!..
And we have the land left...

Oh, landowner's land!

You are not our mother, but our stepmother

Now... “Who ordered it? –

The idle scribblers scream, -

So extort, rape

Your nurse!”

And I’ll say: “Who was waiting?” –

Oh! these preachers!

They shout: “Enough of the lordship!

Wake up, sleepy landowner!

Get up! - study! work hard!.."
Work hard! Who did you think

Read such a sermon!

I'm not a peasant lapotnik -

I am by God's grace

Russian nobleman!

Russia is not foreign

Our feelings are delicate,

We are proud!

Noble classes

We don't learn how to work.

We have a bad official

And he won’t sweep the floors,

The stove will not light...

I'll tell you without bragging,

I live almost forever

In the village for forty years,

And from the rye ear

I can't tell the difference between barley.

And they sing to me: “Work!”
And if indeed

We misunderstood our duty

And our purpose

It’s not that the name is ancient,

Noble dignity

Willingly to support

Feasts, all kinds of luxury

And live by someone else's labor,

It should have been like this before

Say... What did I study?

What did I see around?..

I smoked God's heaven,

He wore royal livery.

Wasted the people's treasury

And I thought about living like this forever...

And suddenly... Righteous Lord!..”
The landowner began to cry...
The peasants are good-natured

Almost started crying too

Thinking to myself:

“The great chain has broken,

Torn - cracked

One way for the master,

Others don't care!..”

From 1863 to 1877 Nekrasov created “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The idea, characters, plot changed several times during the work. Most likely, the plan was not fully revealed: the author died in 1877. Despite this, “Who Lives Well in Rus'” as a folk poem is considered a completed work. It was supposed to have 8 parts, but only 4 were completed.

The poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” begins with the introduction of the characters. These heroes are seven men from the villages: Dyryavino, Zaplatovo, Gorelovo, Neurozhaika, Znobishino, Razutovo, Neelovo. They meet and start a conversation about who lives happily and well in Rus'. Each of the men has his own opinion. One believes that the landowner is happy, the other - that he is an official. The peasants from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” also call happy the merchant, the priest, the minister, the noble boyar, the tsar. The heroes began to argue and lit a fire. It even came to a fight. However, they fail to come to an agreement.

Self-assembled tablecloth

Suddenly Pakhom completely unexpectedly caught the chick. The little warbler, his mother, asked the man to let the chick go free. She suggested for this where you can find a self-assembled tablecloth - a very useful thing that will certainly come in handy in long road. Thanks to her, the men did not lack food during the trip.

The priest's story

The work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” continues with the following events. The heroes decided to find out at any cost who lives happily and cheerfully in Rus'. They hit the road. First, on the way they met a priest. The men turned to him with a question about whether he lived happily. Then the pope talked about his life. He believes (in which the men could not but agree with him) that happiness is impossible without peace, honor, and wealth. Pop believes that if he had all this, he would be completely happy. However, he is obliged, day and night, in any weather, to go where he is told - to the dying, to the sick. Every time the priest has to see human grief and suffering. He sometimes even lacks the strength to take retribution for his service, since people tear the latter away from themselves. Once upon a time everything was completely different. The priest says that rich landowners generously rewarded him for funeral services, baptisms, and weddings. However, now the rich are far away, and the poor have no money. The priest also has no honor: the men do not respect him, as many folk songs testify to.

Wanderers go to the fair

Wanderers understand that this person cannot be called happy, as noted by the author of the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The heroes set off again and find themselves along the road in the village of Kuzminskoye, at the fair. This village is dirty, although rich. There are a lot of establishments in it where residents indulge in drunkenness. They drink away their last money. For example, an old man had no money left to buy shoes for his granddaughter, since he drank everything away. All this is observed by wanderers from the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (Nekrasov).

Yakim Nagoy

They also notice fairground entertainment and fights and argue that a man is forced to drink: it helps him withstand hard work and eternal hardships. An example of this is Yakim Nagoy, a man from the village of Bosovo. He works himself to death and drinks until he is half to death. Yakim believes that if there were no drunkenness, there would be great sadness.

The wanderers continue their journey. In the work “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Nekrasov talks about how they want to find happy and cheerful people and promise to give these lucky people free water. Therefore the most different people trying to pass themselves off as such - a former servant suffering from paralysis, for many years licking plates behind the master, exhausted workers, beggars. However, the travelers themselves understand that these people cannot be called happy.

Ermil Girin

The men once heard about a man named Ermil Girin. Nekrasov further tells his story, of course, but does not convey all the details. Yermil Girin - burgomaster, who was very respected, fair and honest man. He intended to one day buy the mill. The men lent him money without a receipt, they trusted him so much. However, a peasant revolt occurred. Now Yermil is in prison.

Obolt-Obolduev's story

Gavrila Obolt-Obolduev, one of the landowners, spoke about the fate of the nobles after They used to own a lot: serfs, villages, forests. On holidays, nobles could invite serfs into their homes to pray. But after that the master was no longer the full owner of the men. The wanderers knew very well how difficult life was during the times of serfdom. But it is also not difficult for them to understand that things became much harder for the nobles after the abolition of serfdom. And it’s not easier for men now. The wanderers realized that they would not be able to find a happy one among the men. So they decided to go to the women.

Life of Matryona Korchagina

The peasants were told that in one village there lived a peasant woman named Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, whom everyone called lucky. They found her, and Matryona told the men about her life. Nekrasov continues this story “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

A brief summary of this woman's life story is as follows. Her childhood was cloudless and happy. She had a hard-working family that didn't drink. The mother cared for and cherished her daughter. When Matryona grew up, she became a beauty. One day, a stove maker from another village, Philip Korchagin, wooed her. Matryona told how he persuaded her to marry him. This was the only bright memory of this woman in her entire life, which was hopeless and dreary, although her husband treated her well by peasant standards: he almost never beat her. However, he went to the city to earn money. Matryona lived in her father-in-law's house. Everyone here treated her badly. The only one who was kind to the peasant woman was very old grandfather Savely. He told her that he was sent to hard labor for the murder of the manager.

Soon Matryona gave birth to Demushka - a sweet and beautiful baby. She could not part with him for a minute. However, the woman had to work in the field, where her mother-in-law did not allow her to take the child. Grandfather Savely was watching the baby. One day he did not take care of Demushka, and the child was eaten by pigs. They came from the city to investigate, and they opened up the baby in front of the mother’s eyes. This was the hardest blow for Matryona.

Then five children were born to her, all boys. Matryona was a kind and caring mother. One day Fedot, one of the children, was tending sheep. One of them was carried away by a she-wolf. The shepherd was to blame for this and should have been punished with whips. Then Matryona begged her to be beaten instead of her son.

She also said that they once wanted to recruit her husband as a soldier, although this was a violation of the law. Then Matryona went to the city while pregnant. Here the woman met Elena Alexandrovna, the kind governor’s wife, who helped her, and Matryona’s husband was released.

The peasants considered Matryona a happy woman. However, after listening to her story, the men realized that she could not be called happy. There was too much suffering and troubles in her life. Matryona Timofeevna herself also says that a woman in Rus', especially a peasant woman, cannot be happy. Her lot is very hard.

Crazy landowner

Men-wanderers are on their way to the Volga. Here comes the mowing. People are busy with hard work. Suddenly an amazing scene: the mowers humiliate themselves and please the old master. It turned out that the landowner He could not understand what had already been abolished. Therefore, his relatives persuaded the men to behave as if it was still in effect. They were promised for this. The men agreed, but were deceived in once again. When the old master died, the heirs gave them nothing.

The story of Jacob

Repeatedly along the way, wanderers listen folk songs- hungry, soldier and others, as well as different stories. They remembered, for example, the story of Yakov, the faithful slave. He always tried to please and appease the master, who humiliated and beat the slave. However, this led to Yakov loving him even more. The master's legs gave out in old age. Yakov continued to look after him as if he were his own child. But he received no gratitude for this. Grisha, a young guy, Jacob's nephew, wanted to marry a beauty - a serf girl. Out of jealousy, the old master sent Grisha as a recruit. Yakov fell into drunkenness from this grief, but then returned to the master and took revenge. He took him to the forest and hanged himself right in front of the master. Since his legs were paralyzed, he could not escape anywhere. The master sat all night under Yakov's corpse.

Grigory Dobrosklonov - people's defender

This and other stories make men think that they will not be able to find happy people. However, they learn about Grigory Dobrosklonov, a seminarian. This is the son of a sexton, who has seen the suffering and hopeless life of the people since childhood. He made a choice in his early youth, he decided that he would give his strength to fight for the happiness of his people. Gregory is educated and smart. He understands that Rus' is strong and will cope with all troubles. Gregory will have a glorious path in the future, a great name people's defender, "consumption and Siberia".

The men hear about this intercessor, but they do not yet understand that such people can make others happy. This won't happen any time soon.

Heroes of the poem

Nekrasov depicted various segments of the population. Simple peasants become the main characters of the work. They were freed by the reform of 1861. But their life did not change much after the abolition of serfdom. The same hard work, hopeless life. After the reform, peasants who had their own lands found themselves in an even more difficult situation.

The characteristics of the heroes of the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” can be supplemented by the fact that the author created surprisingly reliable images of peasants. Their characters are very accurate, although contradictory. Not only kindness, strength and integrity of character are found in Russian people. They have preserved at the genetic level servility, servility, and readiness to submit to a despot and tyrant. The coming of Grigory Dobrosklonov, a new man, is a symbol of the fact that honest, noble, smart people appear among the downtrodden peasantry. May their fate be unenviable and difficult. Thanks to them, self-awareness will arise among the peasant masses, and people will finally be able to fight for happiness. This is exactly what the heroes and the author of the poem dream about. N.A. Nekrasov ("Who Lives Well in Rus'", "Russian Women", "Frost, and Other Works) are truly considered national poet, who was interested in the fate of the peasantry, its sufferings and problems. The poet could not remain indifferent to his difficult lot. Work by N.A. Nekrasov’s “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was written with such sympathy for the people that it still makes us sympathize with their fate in that difficult time.

Starting from the chapter "Happy" in the direction of searches happy person a turn is looming. By own initiative“lucky ones” from the lower classes begin to approach the wanderers. Most of them are very tempted to take a sip of free wine. But the very fact of their appearance is significant in the epic. The attention of the seven wanderers is increasingly captured by the polyphonic folk Rus'. There are confessional stories from courtyard people, clergy, soldiers, stonemasons, and hunters. The entire peasant kingdom is involved in a dialogue, in a dispute about happiness. Of course, these “lucky ones” are such that the wanderers, seeing the empty bucket, exclaim with bitter irony:

Hey, man's happiness!

Leaky with patches,

Humpbacked with calluses,

Go home!

But at the end of the chapter there is a story about a happy man, moving the action of the epic forward, signifying more high level popular ideas about happiness. Yermil - “not a prince, not an illustrious count, but just a man!” But in terms of his character and influence on peasant life, he is stronger and more authoritative than anyone. Its strength lies in the trust of the people's world and in Yermil Girin's support for this world. The heroism of the people is poeticized when they act together. The story about Ermil begins with a description of the hero's litigation with the merchant Altynnikov over the orphan mill. When at the end of the bargaining “things turned out to be rubbish” - there was no money with Yermil - he turned to the people for support:

And a miracle happened -

Throughout the market square

Every peasant has

Like the wind, half left

Suddenly it turned upside down!

This is the first time in the poem when folk world with one impulse, with one unanimous effort, he wins victory over untruth:

Cunning, strong clerks,

And their world is stronger,

The merchant Altynnikov is rich,

And everything cannot resist him

Against the world's treasury...

Like Yakim, Yermil is endowed keen sense Christian conscience and honor. Only once did he stumble: he excluded “his younger brother Mitri from recruiting.” But this act cost the righteous man severe torment and ended with nationwide repentance, which further strengthened his authority. Ermil's conscientiousness is not exceptional: it is an expression of the most characteristic features the peasant world as a whole. Let us remember how Yermil paid off the peasants for their worldly debt, collected in the market square:

An extra ruble, whose - God knows!

Stayed with him.

All day with my money open

Yermil walked around, asking questions,

Whose ruble? I didn’t find it.

Throughout his life, Yermil refutes the initial ideas of wanderers about the essence of human happiness. It would seem that he has “everything that is needed for happiness: peace of mind, money, and honor.” But at a critical moment in his life, Yermil sacrifices this “happiness” for the sake of the people’s truth and ends up in prison.

In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who can live well in Rus'?” seven wandering peasants are looking for a happy one in Rus'. The poet wrote this poem for several decades, but never completed it. The wanderers did not meet the happy one and the poem remained with open ending. But can any of the heroes of the work be called happy? What is needed for happiness, from the point of view of the heroes and the poet himself?

The poem shows the crisis state of the Russian world. Firstly, there is poverty and hunger. Let us remember the names of the villages from which the wanderers came: Dyryavino, Zaplatovo, Neurozhaika... Secondly, after the abolition of serfdom, “the great chain broke” and hit “one end on the master, the other on the peasant”: no one knows how to arrange their life what value system to rely on.

That is why many of the heroes of the poem are unhappy - even those who deserve it. For example, Savely, who was a strong, stubborn “hero of Holy Russia”, served hard labor, watched how a pig killed his great-grandson Demushka, and spent a long time atone for his sin, etc. “The keys to women’s happiness” have also been lost in Rus'. Matryona Timofeevna, a peasant woman who was a kind, good wife, a wonderful mother, was deprived of happiness because of all the worries placed on her shoulders around the house, housework, because of her hungry life, and lack of support.

But even those who feel happy often have poor ideas about happiness. Wanderers went all over Rus' in search of a happy person. Nekrasov uses the technique of “poetic polyphony,” as if “giving the floor” to the Russian people themselves. As it turned out, for some, happiness lies in peace, wealth and honor, for others in the opportunity to pour vodka into their “happy” life. In the chapter “Happy” we see how people measure their happiness, if it can be called such, for the opportunity to “sip free wine.” Some have grown up to a thousand, others see happiness in the recognition of their owners: “I’m happy, God knows! The first boyar, Prince Peremetyev, had me as his favorite slave.” The landowner's happiness is an idle life, feasts, hunting, power over people. The author writes: “Hey, peasant happiness! Leaky with patches, hunchbacked with calluses...” This primitive idea of ​​happiness, which every “happy” person talked about, does not bring true happiness to any of them.

The owner of true happiness in the poem is Grisha Dobrosklonov. Despite the life of “poorer than the last shabby peasant” and hard everyday work, he has a desire for spiritual development. He has a craving for beauty, for creativity, for dreams. Grisha is a poet, he composes songs about Russia, about the people, and is preparing to devote himself to the fight for the people’s happiness. This is what distinguishes him from the other heroes of this poem. But the wanderers never met Grisha and did not find the happy one.

“Who can live well in Rus'?” is an epic poem. In it, thanks to the image of the road and the travel plot, a panoramic picture of Russian life appears, a picture of people's grief, discord, etc. happy people It cannot be if life as a whole is organized unreasonably and is in a state of crisis. But on the whole the poem is not tragic nature, since, according to the author, healthy and strong principles still remain in Russian life, they only need to be given the opportunity to mature and manifest themselves.

Thus, N. Nekrasov believes that happiness lies in constant movement, development, creativity. This is what gives meaning to a person's life. This is why Grisha Dobrosklonov becomes happy in the poem.