Patriotism in the work War and Peace. People's patriotism and false patriots from the nobility in L. N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"


The theme of patriotism in the novel “War and Peace” is one of the central ones. It is no coincidence that almost two volumes of the famous epic are dedicated to her.

Patriotism of the people in the work

What is patriotism according to Tolstoy? This is a natural movement of the soul that makes a person not think about himself “with the awareness of general misfortune.” The War of 1812, which affected everyone, showed how much Russians love their Fatherland. Reading the text of the work, we find many examples of this.

So, Smolensk residents burn houses and bread so that the French do not get them. The merchant Ferapontov gives all the goods to the soldiers and sets fire to his property with his own hands. “Get everything, guys! Don't let the devils get you!" - he shouts.

Moscow residents are also deeply patriotic. An indicative episode is when Napoleon Poklonnaya Hill waiting for a deputation with the keys to the city. But most residents left Moscow. Craftsmen and merchants left. The nobles also left the city, for whom, before the enemy arrived on Russian soil, French was family.

Patriotism in the novel sometimes awakens even in those from whom it would be difficult to expect. Thus, Princess Katish, who, together with Vasily, is participating in the hunt for the will of Count Bezukhov, declares to Pierre: “Whatever I am, I cannot live under Bonaparte’s rule.” Even the cutesy gossip Julie Karagina leaves with everyone else with the words: “I am not Joan of Arc and not an Amazon.” Muscovites left their hometown “because for the Russian people there could be no question: whether it would be good or bad under the rule of the French in Moscow. It was impossible to be under the control of the French.”

Natasha and Pierre during the war

The writer’s favorite heroes cannot stay away from the general misfortune. Pierre decides to stay in the capital to shoot French Emperor“in order to either perish or end the misfortune of all of Europe.” He saves an unfamiliar girl from a burning garden and attacks a French soldier who is trying to remove a necklace from a woman. Pierre finds himself on the battlefield and in captivity, he was almost shot by the French and saved by Russian partisans. It is the war that makes Pierre look at himself and others with different eyes, and feel his closeness to the common people.

The feeling of “the need for sacrifice and suffering” during a general misfortune makes Natasha Rostova shout at her mother, who does not want to give her carts to the wounded. At that moment, Natasha does not think that she might end up homeless. She only thinks that the wounded cannot be left to the French.

True patriots on the battlefields

When talking about the theme of patriotism in War and Peace, it is impossible not to mention the direct participants in the battles, generals and ordinary soldiers.

First of all, the reader is attracted by the image of Kutuzov. Like many of Tolstoy’s favorite heroes, Kutuzov has an unattractive appearance “in a long frock coat on a huge thick body”, “with a stooped back”, “with a leaky white eye on a swollen face” - this is how the writer depicts the great commander before the Battle of Borodino. Tolstoy emphasizes that this man combined physical weakness and spiritual strength. It's her, this one inner strength, allowed him to make an unpopular decision - to leave Moscow in order to save the army. It was thanks to her that he had the strength to liberate the Fatherland from the French.

Images of other heroes also appear before us. These are real historical figures: generals Raevsky, Ermolov Dokhturov, Bagration. And fictional brave men, including Prince Andrei, Timokhin, Nikolai Rostov and many others, whose names are unknown.

The writer and participants in the guerrilla war show true patriots of the fatherland. They did not participate in great battles, but destroyed the enemy in the ways available to them. Tikhon Shcherbaty, elder Vasilisa, Denis Davydov. It is their exploits that delight young Petya Rostov, who joins the partisan detachment.

False patriots in the novel

Tolstoy contrasts true patriots with false patriots, who do not care about the common misfortune and who try to extract their own benefit from it.

So, ordinary life visitors to the Scherer salon live. She even organizes a reception on the day of the Battle of Borodino. Patriotism of the hostess fashion salon manifests itself only in the fact that she gently chides those who visit the French theater.

There are also “false patriots” among staff officers. Among them is Boris Drubetskoy, who, thanks to his ingenuity, “managed to stay in the main apartment.” Berg, who in a pathetic tone makes a fiery speech to Count Rostov, and then begins to bargain with him for a “dressing room” and a toilet “with an English secret.” And, of course, Count Rostopchin, who with his calls and empty activities doomed thousands of people to death, and then, having given the son of the merchant Vereshchagin to be torn to pieces by an angry crowd, flees from Moscow.


In conclusion of the essay on the topic of patriotism in the novel “War and Peace,” it must be said that Tolstoy was able to show the reader how a true patriot of his Motherland should behave in the hour of danger that threatens it.

Work test

Patriotism is responsibility, love for the homeland. To be a patriot means that in any situation you need to be able to take care of your country. This quality is difficult to cultivate in oneself, but without it a person is considered hypocritical and selfish. At one time, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy decided to seriously think about a similar problem of true and false patriotism. He outlined all his brilliant thoughts in the great epic novel War and Peace, where two acting heroes, which are necessary when reasoning over the above problem, are not only people with a certain position, but also ordinary people.

It's worth starting by looking at false patriotism. The personification of this is Anatol Kuragin. This is a fake person whose words do not match his actions. With his base desires, he achieves nothing; there is little really worthwhile in his life. The author also shows people of this type, like Boris Drubetsky, who dream only of doing nothing and receiving rewards for their own inaction.

Tolstoy clearly denounces heroes who are considered false. This makes it clear that it is difficult to expect concrete actions from such characters aimed at protecting their homeland. The sad thing is that people, with their indifference to the country, do not make any decisions or care about it. Unfortunately, false patriotism cannot be cured. A true soldier of the homeland is considered to be one who is aware of his responsibility to it. A patriot can be one who does not harbor dark grievances, selfish plans, or serious adversities in his soul. No, people who show love for the Fatherland do not care about material resources, ranks, or position. They are not dependent on this, because they understand that in difficult times the homeland needs its saviors.

A patriot may not be just some exalted person; anyone who is devoted to the country, who is worried about its future, can become one. In Tolstoy's novel images are drawn ordinary people, which with their simplicity attract attention, because their soul is pure and full of warm feelings for their homeland. This is Tushin, and Mikhail Kutuzov, and Andrei Bolkonsky and others. The true exponent of patriotism, of course, is Kutuzov, his role is significant, since without thinking about himself, he takes care of others: about his soldiers, whom, like Napoleon, could quit and forget right there, but the hero is not so selfish and vain. This is what is remarkable about the characters who are the personification of true patriotism: they realize that “when Russia is sick, it needs a person.” Living with the feelings, moods and interests of the soldiers and the people is what those who are filled with faith in an easy life lack.

Patriotism manifests itself in war, and that thing is terrible, tough, merciless, because it takes with it many innocent lives. To be caring for the homeland during difficult periods of the Fatherland is an incredible responsibility. He who can realize it is invincible, he is strong in spirit, he is strong physically. That doesn't matter to him!

Thus, Tolstoy, with his thoughts, encourages readers to reflect on such a concept as “patriotism,” because knowledge is laid from this. It is important to cultivate this feeling in the soul of everyone, so that there are no betrayals towards the homeland, so that in difficult moments there are not many losses. The main thing is that happiness does not come from money. If you spend your whole life striving for material means, pushing aside conscience and personal qualities, then as a result you can be left with nothing in all alone. And nothing could be more terrible than this. Therefore, it is worth understanding that you need to be attentive to the country, become responsive, “you have to love, you have to live, you have to believe...”

Option 2

This novel is a historical witness that reflects the Russian people's courage and valor in the War of 1812. The author's main character is the people. In the novel, Tolstoy very colorfully describes murders, bloodshed, and outlines the human suffering that any war brings. He also shows the reader how hunger passed at that moment in time, makes us imagine the feeling of being in human eyes fear. We should not forget that the war described by the writer inflicted both material and other casualties on Russia, and also destroyed cities.

Of great importance during the war is the mood and morale of soldiers, partisans and other people who stood up to defend their homeland, without sparing their strength. The beginning of the war, for two years, was not fought on the territory modern Russia. Therefore, it was alien to the people. And when the French army crossed the Russian border, the entire people, from children to old people, became a dense and strong wall to protect their homeland.

Tolstoy in his novel divides people into groups in relation to the duty of defending the fatherland and according to the principles of morality. The author in the text also divides the actions of each person into two groups, which are associated with true and false patriotism. True patriotism lies in the actions of the people, which are aimed at increasing the level of glory of their homeland and allowing future fate of his people. According to the writer, the people of Russia are the most patriotic of the whole world. This was confirmed by the lines of the novel. For example, when the French were finally able to occupy the city of Smolensk, the peasants began to quickly destroy everything that could fall into the hands of the enemy. Such actions of each peasant showed anger and hatred towards the enemy. We should not forget about giving due praise to the inhabitants of the heart of Russia, since they all left their homes so as not to guess the kind of power that the French would bring.

Patriotism also manifests itself on the war front when soldiers show patriotic actions. And in the text there is confirmation of this by scenes of bloody battles. Even the merchant, so that the French would not get his goods, destroyed his shop.

The author also shows the soldiers' attitude towards weapons and drinking vodka, as they prepare for a difficult battle. I would also like to note that from all the battles of the soldiers, certain conclusions can be drawn about their love for their homeland.

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“The club of the people’s war rose from all over

with its formidable and majestic strength and, not

asking anyone's tastes and rules, with a stupid

simplicity, but with expediency, more than once

taking nothing, she stood up and nailed the French

tsuzov until everything died


The novel “War and Peace” is a historical epic of the valor and courage of the Russian people - the winner of the War of 1812. Main character Romana - Russian people. As in " Sevastopol stories”, so in this novel Tolstoy realistically depicts the war in “blood, in suffering, in death.” Tolstoy tells us about the severity of the war, about its horrors, grief (the departure of the population from Smolensk and Moscow, hunger), death (Andrei Bolkonsky dies after being wounded, Petya Rostov dies). War requires the utmost effort of moral and physical strength from everyone. Russia during the Patriotic War, during the period of robbery, violence and atrocities committed by the invaders, suffered enormous material sacrifices. This is the burning and devastation of cities.

Great importance during military events there is a general mood of soldiers, partisans and other defenders of the Motherland. War of 1805-1807 was conducted outside Russia and was alien to the Russian people. When the French invaded the territory of Russia, the entire Russian people, young and old, rose to defend their Fatherland.

In the novel “War and Peace” Tolstoy divides people according to moral principle, especially highlighting the attitude to patriotic duty. The writer depicts true patriotism and false patriotism, which cannot even be called patriotism. True patriotism is, first of all, the patriotism of duty, action in the name of the Fatherland, the ability to rise above the personal at a decisive moment for the Motherland, to be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the fate of the people. According to Tolstoy, the Russian people are deeply patriotic. When the French occupied Smolensk, peasants burned hay so as not to sell it to their enemies. Each in his own way tried to hurt the enemy so that they would feel the hatred of the true owners of the earth. The merchant Ferapontov burned down his own shop so that it would not fall to the French. The residents of Moscow are shown as true patriots, who, leaving hometown, leave their homes because they consider it impossible to remain under the rule of impostors.

Russian soldiers are true patriots. The novel is replete with numerous episodes depicting the varied manifestations of patriotism by Russian people. We see the true patriotism and heroism of the people in the depiction of classical scenes near Shengraben, Austerlitz, Smolensk, Borodin. Of course, love for the fatherland, the willingness to sacrifice one’s life for it, is most clearly manifested on the battlefield, in direct confrontation with the enemy. It was in the Battle of Borodino that the extraordinary fortitude and courage of Russian soldiers was particularly demonstrated. Describing the night before the Battle of Borodino, Tolstoy draws attention to the seriousness and concentration of the soldiers who clean their weapons in preparation for battle. They refuse vodka because they are ready to consciously enter into battle with a powerful enemy. Their feeling of love for the Motherland does not allow reckless drunken courage. Realizing that this battle could be the last for each of them, the soldiers put on clean shirts, preparing for death, but not for retreat. While courageously fighting the enemy, Russian soldiers do not try to look like heroes. Panache and pose are alien to them; there is nothing ostentatious in their simple and sincere love for the Motherland. When, during the Battle of Borodino, “one cannonball blew up the ground two steps away from Pierre,” the broad, red-faced soldier innocently confesses to him his fear. “She won’t have mercy. She’ll smack her guts out. You can’t help but be afraid,” he said laughing. "But the soldier, who was not at all trying to be brave, died soon after this short dialogue, like tens of thousands of others, but did not give up and retreated.

The Battle of Borodino is a moral victory for Russian soldiers. The feeling of patriotism is a truly popular feeling. It covers all soldiers without exception. The soldiers calmly, simply, confidently do their job without saying loud words.

Outwardly unremarkable people become heroes and true patriots in Tolstoy. This is Captain Tushin, who finds himself in the face of his superiors in a comical position without boots, embarrassed, stumbling, and at the same time, at the most critical moment, doing exactly what is needed.

Force folk spirit will give birth outstanding commanders. Such as Mikhail Kutuzov. Kutuzov in the novel is an exponent of the idea of ​​patriotism; he was appointed commander against the will of the tsar and the royal court. Andrei explains this to Pierre this way: “While Russia was healthy, Barclay de Tolly was good... When Russia is sick, it needs its own man.”

He lives only by the feelings, thoughts, interests of the soldiers, perfectly understands their mood, and takes care of them like a father. He firmly believes that the outcome of the battle is determined by “an elusive force called the spirit of the army” and strives with all his might to support this hidden warmth of patriotism in the army.

The episode in Fili is important. Kutuzov takes upon himself the gravest responsibility and orders a retreat. This order contains the true patriotism of Kutuzov. Retreating from Moscow, Kutuzov retained an army that could not yet compare in numbers with Napoleonic's. Defending Moscow would mean losing the army, and this would lead to the loss of both Moscow and Russia.

After Napoleon was pushed beyond Russian borders, Kutuzov refuses to fight outside Russia. He believes that the Russian people have fulfilled their mission by expelling the invader, and there is no need to shed more people’s blood.

The patriotism of the Russian people is manifested not only in battle. After all, not only that part of the people who were mobilized into the army took part in the fight against the invaders.

"Karps and Vlas" did not sell hay to the French even for good money, but burned it, thereby undermining the enemy army. The small merchant Ferapontov, before the French entered Smolensk, asked the soldiers to take his goods for free, since if “Raceya decided,” he himself would burn everything. Residents of Moscow and Smolensk did the same, burning their houses so that they would not fall to the enemy. The Rostovs, leaving Moscow, gave up all their carts to transport the wounded, thus completing their ruin. Pierre Bezukhov invests huge amounts of money in the formation of a regiment, which he takes for his own support, while he himself remains in Moscow, hoping to kill Napoleon in order to behead the enemy army.

Tolstoy shows that patriotic feelings cover people of different political views: the progressive intelligentsia (Pierre, Andrey), the confrontational old Prince Bolkonsky, the conservative Nikolai Rostov, the meek Princess Marya. A patriotic impulse also penetrates the hearts of people who seem far from the war - Petya, Natasha Rostov. But it only seemed so. According to Tolstoy, a real person cannot help but be a patriot of his Fatherland. All these people are united by a feeling that exists in the soul of every Russian person. (The Rostov family, leaving the city, gives all the carts to the wounded, thereby losing their property. After the death of her father, Maria Bolkonskaya leaves the estate, not wanting to live in the territory occupied by enemies. Pierre Bezukhov thinks about killing Napoleon, knowing full well how this could end.)

The writer attaches great importance to the partisan movement. This is how Tolstoy describes its spontaneous growth: “Before guerrilla warfare was officially accepted by our government, thousands of people of the enemy army - backward marauders, foragers - were exterminated by the Cossacks and peasants, who beat these people as unconsciously as dogs unconsciously kill a rabid dog.” Tolstoy characterizes the partisan “war not according to the rules” as spontaneous, comparing it with a club, “rising with all its formidable and majestic strength and, without asking anyone’s tastes and rules... nailed the French... until the entire invasion was destroyed.” Generated by a “feeling of insult and revenge,” personal hatred of the French, which was experienced by the residents of Moscow, who left their homes and left the city so as not to submit to Napoleon’s army, and by the men who burned all their hay so that the French would not get it, the idea of ​​this war gradually spread to all levels of society. Awakened national identity , reluctance to be defeated by Napoleon united various classes in the struggle for freedom and independence of Russia. That is why guerrilla warfare is so diverse in its manifestations, and partisan detachments are so different from each other: “there were parties that adopted all the techniques of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters; there were only Cossacks... there were peasants and landowners.” Napoleon's Grand Army was destroyed piece by piece, thousands of French were exterminated by the partisans and their numerous “small, prefabricated, foot and horse” detachments. The heroes of this war are representatives of different classes, having little in common, but united by the common goal of defending their homeland. This is the sexton, “who took several hundred prisoners a month,” the hussar Denis Davydov, “who took the first step” in legitimizing the partisan war, the elder Vasilisa, “who beat hundreds of Frenchmen,” and, of course, Tikhon Shcherbaty. In the image of this partisan, Tolstoy embodies a certain type of Russian peasant, not meek and humble, like Platon Karataev, but unusually brave, not devoid of a good, moral principle in his soul, but in many ways acting instinctively. That’s why he easily kills the French, “does no harm to them, but he beat about two dozen marauders.” Tikhon Shcherbaty, “one of the most necessary, useful and brave people in the party,” is distinguished by his dexterity and ingenuity: “No one else discovered cases of attack, no one else captured him and beat the French.” But at the same time, the reckless cruelty of Tikhon, who used to not use tongues and not take prisoners, but who beat his enemies not out of hatred and malice, but because of his underdevelopment, contradicts Tolstoy’s humanistic beliefs. This hero, as well as Dolokhov, who commanded a small party and fearlessly went on the most dangerous forays, is associated with a peculiar ideology of guerrilla warfare, reflected in the words of Prince Andrei: “The French ruined my home, they are my enemies, they are all criminals. They must be executed.” Dolokhov considered it “stupid courtesy”, “chivalry” to leave the French alive, who would still “die of hunger or be beaten by another party.” However, such a hero as Denisov, who released prisoners “on receipt”, “did not have a single person on his conscience” and “did not want to sully the honor of a soldier”, as well as Petya Rostov, “who felt love for all people”, felt pity for Vincent Bosse , a young drummer taken prisoner, embody Tolstoy's ideas of humanism, compassion and love for people. The laws of peace, according to the author, will certainly triumph over war, because hostility and hatred towards the enemy is replaced by pity and sympathy.

Tolstoy also has an ambivalent attitude towards guerrilla warfare itself. People's War delights the writer as highest manifestation patriotism, as the unity of people of all classes in their love for their homeland and in the common desire to prevent the enemy from capturing Russia. Only a guerrilla war, that is, a liberation war, which is not a “game”, not “the fun of idle people,” but retribution for ruin and misfortune, aimed at protecting one’s own freedom and the freedom of the entire country, is fair, according to Tolstoy.

Tolstoy contrasts the true patriotism of the bulk of Russian people false patriotism the highest noble society, repulsive with its falsehood, selfishness and hypocrisy. These are fake people, whose patriotic words and deeds become a means of achieving base goals. Tolstoy mercilessly tears off the mask of patriotism from German and half-German generals in Russian service, “golden youth” like Anatoly Kuragin, careerists like Boris Drubetsky. Tolstoy angrily denounces that part of the senior staff officers who did not take part in the battles, but tried to get a job at headquarters and receive awards for nothing.

There is a war going on in Austria. General Mack is defeated at Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat loomed over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains to meet the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the forty-thousand-strong French army until Kutuzov arrived. His squad needed to accomplish a great feat in order to save the Russian army. This is how the author leads the reader to the depiction of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is bold and fearless. Dolokhov's bravery is manifested in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman at point-blank range and was the first to take a surrendering officer by the collar." But after that he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his “trophies”: “Please remember, Your Excellency!” Then he untied the handkerchief, pulled it and showed the dried blood: “Wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency." Everywhere, always, he remembers, first of all, about himself, only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself. We are not surprised by Zherkov’s behavior either. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, but began to look for “the general on the side of the battle. Because of an unfaithful order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many died and were wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowardly, but they do not know how to forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of the common cause.

There will be many such people as false patriots until people realize that everyone must defend their country, and that there will be no one else to do this except them. This is exactly what Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wanted to convey through antithesis, the opposition of true and false patriots. But Tolstoy does not fall into the false patriotic tone of the narrative, but looks at events sternly and objectively, like a realist writer. This helps him more accurately convey to us the importance of the problem of false patriotism.

A false patriotic atmosphere reigns in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, Helen Bezukhova and in other St. Petersburg salons: “... calm, luxurious, concerned only with ghosts, reflections of life, St. Petersburg life went on as before; and because of the course of this life, it was necessary to make great efforts to recognize the danger and the difficult situation in which the Russian people found themselves. There were the same exits, balls, the same French theater, the same interests of the courts, the same interests of service and intrigue. Only in the highest circles were efforts made to recall the difficulty of the present situation.” Indeed, this circle of people was far from understanding all-Russian problems, from understanding the great misfortune and needs of the people during this war. The world continued to live by its own interests, and even in a moment of national disaster, greed, promotion, and serviceism reign here.

Count Rastopchin also displays false patriotism, posting stupid “posters” around Moscow, calling on city residents not to leave the capital, and then, fleeing the people’s anger, deliberately sending the innocent son of the merchant Vereshchagin to death. Meanness and betrayal are combined with conceit and pout: “It not only seemed to him that he controlled the external actions of the inhabitants of Moscow, but it seemed to him that he controlled their mood through his proclamations and posters, written in that ironic language that in its midst despises the people and which he does not understand when he hears it from above.”

Berg is such a false patriot in the novel. Already the initial phrase of the author’s narrative, introducing Berg, eloquently characterizes the value system of this hero: “Berg... was already a colonel with Vladimir and Anna around his neck and occupied the same calm and pleasant place as an assistant chief of staff...” This representation of the character is built in strict accordance with the hierarchy of the hero’s values ​​(rank, awards, place) - as if Berg was represented not by the author, but by himself. The epithets “peaceful”, “pleasant” (place) attract attention, in principle contrasting with the idea of ​​selfless service to the Fatherland at a tragic moment in its history.

To expose Berg's false patriotism, Tolstoy uses the technique of comparing impressions, which is quite common in his work. Here are Berg's thoughts on the heroism and patriotism of Russian soldiers: "The army burns with the spirit of heroism... such a heroic spirit, truly ancient courage... cannot be imagined and deservedly praised... Russia is not in Moscow, it is in the hearts of its sons!" What is noteworthy is the abundance of big words and the fact that Berg gets confused and confused when using them (“which they are,” he corrected himself); it is quite obvious: the hero is concerned about whether they will believe him, whether his passionate patriotic speech will make the right impression on his listeners. And then - the author’s penetrating look at the hero, expressed in a caustic remark: “he hit himself in the chest in the same way as one general who was speaking in front of him hit himself, although somewhat late, because he should have hit himself in the chest at the word.” Russian army..."; this remark completely destroys Berg, revealing all the shameless speculativeness of his passionate speech. Berg is absolutely indifferent to what is happening around him at this tragic moment for Russia, he is only interested in “his own well-being”; and so that nothing threatens his well-being , - we need to declare ourselves more often as a patriot.

The hero's second monologue confirms this conclusion: talking about the wardrobe, Berg is completely transformed, speaks so convincingly, so interestedly. He is so fascinated by the wardrobe that he accidentally forgets about the role of the patriot that he was just trying to play.

Satirical pathos is given to the scene by the use of diminutive suffixes in the names of objects of the material world with which the hero has surrounded himself: “drozhechki”, “savrasenkie”. Berg's cleanliness, his pathetic desire to arrange his life the way that, in his opinion, secular people should have (remember the horses “exactly like those that one prince had”), provokes an active rebuke from Tolstoy.

Indicative for understanding author's attitude to what is happening and the reaction of the scene participants to Berg’s behavior - both direct and not having a direct connection with the hero’s monologues. The direct reaction is contained in the Count’s actions: “The Count wrinkled his face and choked...”; “Oh, you all get out to hell, to hell, to hell and to hell!” Natasha Rostova’s reaction is even more definite: “... this is such disgusting, such an abomination, such... I don’t know! Are we Germans any?..” Natasha Rostova’s exclamation is somewhat divorced from Berg’s monologues; the plot is connected with Petya’s story about his parents’ quarrel over carts. But it is obvious that Tolstoy puts these words into Natasha’s mouth, among other things, with the aim of giving a final assessment of Berg’s hypocritical shamelessness (the mention of the Germans is no coincidence).

Such, finally, is Drubetskoy, who, like other staff officers, thinks about awards and promotion, wants to “arrange for himself best position, especially the position of the adjutant at important person, which seemed especially tempting to him in the army.” It is probably no coincidence that on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Pierre notices this greedy excitement on the faces of the officers; he mentally compares it with “another expression of excitement,” “which spoke of not personal, but general issues, issues of life and death.”

Of course, these people, far from the people, are alien to the original Russian patriotic feeling.

Tolstoy convinces us that only those nobles who comprehend the spirit of the people, for whom there can be no happiness outside the peace and prosperity of their country, can be true patriots.

By uniting people on a moral principle, emphasizing the special importance in assessing a person of the truth of his patriotic feeling, Tolstoy brings together people who are very different in their social status. They turn out to be close in spirit, rising to the greatness of national patriotism. And it is not without reason that during a difficult period of his life, Pierre Bezukhov, finding himself on the Borodino field, comes to the conviction that true happiness is merging with common people. (“Be a soldier, just a soldier. Enter this common life with the whole being.")

Thus, true patriotism in Tolstoy’s understanding is the highest manifestation of the moral strength and spirit of the people. People's patriotism is an invincible force in the fight against enemies. The winner is the Russian people. The true heroes are ordinary Russian people who accomplished a great deed - they defeated the “invincible Napoleon.”


True and false patriotism in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

In the process of implementing his grandiose plan to create a novel about a Decembrist who returns from many years of Siberian exile, L.N. Tolstoy deliberately turns to the historical events of the memorable year 1812. It was a time marked by a special rise in patriotism and national consciousness.
Patriotism is devotion and love for one’s Fatherland, for one’s people, and it can be manifested either in the ability to commit heroic deeds, visible to everyone, or in everyday hidden dedication, often not noticeable to anyone. Having cast aside considerations of self-interest, selfish calculations, and vanity, any person for whom the interests of the common cause are the main ones became a real patriot. This was the moral standard by which Tolstoy judged all his heroes. Turning to historical events of the recent past, Tolstoy strives, first of all, to find ethical content in them, to define them moral meaning. All the heroes of his story, the main and accidental, proactive and involuntary participants in the great historical “action” of 1812: Berg, the old Rostovs, Natasha, the Smolensk merchant Ferapontov and the Moscow governor-general Count Rastopchin, Nikolai, Pierre, Prince Andrei, Dolokhov, Kutuzov, - all of them, from the most “elementary” to the most intellectual persons, are measured by a single measure and this measure
Patriotism can be true and it can be false. True patriotism, first of all, is inextricably linked with a sense of responsibility, which is not shifted onto the shoulders of others. Thus, faced with the need to make the fatal decision to surrender Moscow, Kutuzov reflects on his possible guilt for bad move military actions. He takes the weight historical event not at the moment of victory and triumph, when it is so easy for one supreme personality to appropriate to himself the fruits of the hard labor of the masses. Kutuzov does this at a disastrous and terrible moment.
In this sense, the figure of Moscow Governor General Rastopchin is placed next to Kutuzov in a very interesting way. Leaving Moscow, Rastopchin will express his own, directly opposite essence in almost the same words as Kutuzov. He will think that it was not he, but others, who were to blame for what happened, that some traitors brought the matter to ruin. A true patriot takes everything upon himself, a pseudo-patriot looks for someone to blame nearby.
Intransigence towards the enemy, unwillingness to make any compromises with him until the enemy is completely defeated, characterizes true patriot. This feeling was hidden or openly expressed by many Russian people: not only soldiers who directly fought in the army, or peasants who did not want to sell bread and hay to French foragers and launched a partisan war against the invaders, but also Princess Marya, who did not want to remain under Napoleon’s rule in the occupied territories, and the Rostovs, who gave up their carts for wounded soldiers, and that nameless lady who wanted to leave Moscow at all costs, leaving her property to the mercy of fate, so as not to fall under the rule of Napoleon. It was simply impossible for these people to think about their own well-being and prosperity when the Fatherland was in mortal danger. The Smolensk merchant Ferapontov, who became rich thanks to the patronage of Alpatych, the managing prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, was ready to distribute and even burn all his acquired property
nature so that it does not fall to the enemy.
However, the intransigence associated with direct self-defense does not contradict the mercy that must be shown to a defeated enemy when a person awakens in him, begging for mercy. Tolstoy more than once noted humanity in the specific behavior of Russian people, indicating true patriotism, which has nothing to do with bitterness and malice. Thus, Tolstoy contrasts Rastopchin, who deliberately provokes the cruelty of the crowd, which massacres an innocent French cook before the surrender of Moscow, and Kutuzov, who calls for mercy on the defeated enemy at the end of the liberation war. Also, the attitude of Nikolai Rostov towards the frightened blue-eyed Frenchman, Petit and Denisov’s partisans towards the captured drummer boy, the attitude of Denisov himself towards the captured French in contrast to Dolokhov, who shows senseless cruelty, refusing to take prisoners - all this is the true moral attitude of people who really love their the fatherland is not for show. Also unpleasant is Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who expresses
On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, Pierre Bezukhov thought that there was no need to take prisoners. But his bitterness can be explained by the pain he experienced associated with the loss of his father and the destruction of his family nest.
True patriotism often manifests itself in a hidden form, rather than in a heroic act visible to everyone. Thus, Nikolai Rostov listens with a feeling of shame to the pompous story about the feat of General Raevsky, who brought out his two sons during the battle at the Saltanovskaya Dam. An experienced officer knows that such stories do not reflect the reality of the battle, but he did not contradict, because he knew that this story served for the glory of Russian weapons. Prince Andrei's regiment, which did not participate in active operations during the Battle of Borodino, showed no less heroism in that it simply stood without flinching under continuous artillery fire.
And finally, a true sense of patriotism is incompatible with considerations of self-interest and careerism. Boris Drubetskoy, on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, was not interested in the victory of the Russians, commanded by Kutuzov, since he served at the headquarters of Bennigsen, who was intriguing against the commander-in-chief. To move up the career ladder, he was ready to sacrifice a successful outcome of the battle. However, he cleverly manipulates patriotic feelings in order to find himself in advantageous position in the eyes of the authorities. So, he makes the right remark in time about the militia, who put on clean shirts before the battle, preparing for death. The game of patriotism is also characteristic of the St. Petersburg aristocracy, which hastily hired Russian language teachers and refused to go to the French theater to demonstrate love for the Fatherland. Also distrustful are the ladies who plucked lint in the living rooms, which did not reach the wounded. Involuntarily I want to compare them with Tikhon Shcherbaty, who was one of the most irreplaceable people in the party before
Lokhova. He was capable of doing any “dirty” or dangerous work: lighting a fire during the rain, skinning a dead horse, tracking down a “tongue.”
Thus, in the face of the mortal danger that threatened Russia, the majority of Russian people showed miracles of true heroism and patriotism, abandoning all considerations of personal gain, selfishness, sacrificing their property and lives, they committed heroic deeds that remained in the memory of posterity for a long time. The crisis years of the sixties, in which the novel “War and Peace” was written, provide an opportunity to re-evaluate the cohesion and unity that the nation achieved in the face of a common enemy, a unity that brought victory to all.

The main theme of the novel "War and Peace" is the depiction of the feat of the Russian people in Patriotic War 1812. The author speaks in his novel both about the faithful sons of the fatherland and about false patriots who think only about their own self-interest. Tolstoy uses the technique of antithesis to depict both the events and characters of the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel.

In the first volume, he talks about the war with Napoleon of 1805-1807, where Russia (an ally of Austria and Prussia) was defeated. There is a war going on. In Austria, General Mack was defeated near Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat loomed over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains to meet the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and delay the forty-thousand-strong French army until Kutuzov arrived. His squad needed to accomplish a great feat in order to save the Russian army.

Thus, the author leads the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is bold and fearless. Dolokhov's bravery is manifested in the battle, where "he killed one Frenchman at point-blank range, the first took the surrendering officer by the collar." But after that he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his “trophies”: “Please remember, Your Excellency!” Then he untied the handkerchief, pulled it and showed the dried blood: “Wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, Your Excellency.” Everywhere, always, he remembers first of all about himself, only about himself, everything he does, he does for himself.

We are not surprised by Zherekhov’s behavior. When, at the height of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where the shooting was heard, but began to look for the general away from the battle. Because of an untransmitted order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many died and were wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowards, but they do not know how to forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of the common cause. But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers.

In the chapters depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet true heroes. Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this “deed,” small, thin and dirty, sitting barefoot, having taken off his boots. This is artillery officer Tushin. “With big, smart and kind eyes, he looks at the commanders who entered and tries to joke: “Soldiers say that you are more agile when you take off your shoes,” and he is embarrassed, feeling that the joke was not a success.”

Tolstoy does everything to make Captain Tushin appear before us in the most unheroic, even funny form. But this one funny man was the hero of the day. Prince Andrei will rightly say about him: “We owe the success of the day most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic fortitude of Captain Tushin and his company.” The second hero of the Battle of Shengraben is Timokhin. He appears at the very moment when the soldiers panicked and ran. Everything seemed lost. But at that moment the French, who were advancing on ours, suddenly ran back, and Russian riflemen appeared in the forest. This was Timokhin's company. And only thanks to Timokhin the Russians were able to return and assemble battalions.

Courage is diverse. There are many people who are uncontrollably brave in battle, but get lost in everyday life. Through the images of Tushin and Timokhin, Tolstoy teaches the reader to see for real brave people, their low-key heroism, their enormous will, which helps to overcome fear and win battles.

In the war of 1812, when every soldier fought for his home, for his family and friends, for his homeland, the awareness of danger “increased his strength tenfold.” The further Napoleon advanced into the depths of Russia, the more the strength of the Russian army grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a bunch of thieves and marauders.

Only the will of the people, only people's patriotism, the "spirit of the army" makes the army invincible. Tolstoy makes this conclusion in his immortal epic novel War and Peace.