Where does Ekaterina Andreeva work now? Channel One is losing face. Ekaterina Andreeva. What they say online

During a conference in Montenegro, at a report from the Center for Civic Education, it became known that the star of Putin’s TV channel obtained citizenship in another country in 2011. This information became publicly available thanks to opposition party politician Alexei Navalny.

Ekaterina many years ago married Dusan Perovic, who is an influential businessman in Montenegro, so the news about the TV presenter’s citizenship did not become a new sensation.

But those around her were excited by something else: instead of receiving ordinary citizenship thanks to her marriage to Dusan, the woman received a special status that designates her as an honorary resident of the country. Therefore, the scandalous Navalny was worried about only one question, namely, “Why did you receive such a special title?”

The oppositionist emphasized that only those people whose activities have brought some usefulness, significance to the state or help promote the country’s various interests, be it sports, scientific or cultural issues, have the right to receive honorary citizenship.

In addition, the Montenegrin police completely check the person’s identity, making sure that this person does not pose a danger to others.

Let us recall that in lately The personality of 54-year-old Andreeva is increasingly attracting media attention. Recently it became known that Katya was suspended from ethers. The reason for this was a disagreement between the presenter and the program managers, who drew up a complex work schedule. Andreeva was not satisfied with the new working conditions, so she was in no hurry to return from vacation.

Persons close to Catherine assured that it was about dismissal didn't go. The woman immediately returned to the evening broadcasts after the conflict was resolved.

After one of her last public appearances, Russian screen star Anreeva told some secrets about her diet. According to the woman, Katya has no special preferences in food, and her favorite cuisine is Japanese.

It is Japanese dishes that contain huge amount vitamins and others important components, they are prepared with natural products, so they beneficial properties have a positive effect on the body. Preparing such dishes takes little time, because they are cooked over high heat, so they do not have time to lose vitamins.

Strange and contradictory rumors are circulating regarding the future of the presenter television program“Time” by Ekaterina Andreeva. According to Gazeta.RU, the face of Channel One, Ekaterina Andreeva, may not return from a prolonged vacation. As several sources on the TV channel told the publication, the presenter left after a conflict with management regarding labor discipline.

Now unofficially at the television center in Ostankino, as if it were a decided fact, they are talking about her dismissal. However, such an order has not yet been signed. “Andreeva has not been fired,” say not only people close to the management of the TV channel, but also colleagues from other companies who are in close contact with Katya. But for some reason everyone finds it difficult to say when the presenter will return to the screen, and whether she will return at all. Which leads to gloomy thoughts about the television future of Ekaterina Andreeva.

If Ekaterina is not on the Vremya program, it will be a real loss for Channel One. After all, all television viewers in the country know Andreeva as one of the most professional and attractive presenters of the main information program of our country. Moreover, Ekaterina Andreeva is not only a face, but, according to some, also a real sex symbol of Channel One.

Andreeva began working on television in 1991. At first I worked in the voice-over department. " Good morning"is the first program in which Ekaterina took part. Then she hosted an economic news block on the Russian Channel and worked as an editor in the “Big Races” program dedicated to cars.

In 1994, Katya joined the Directorate information programs- first as an editor, and then as a presenter. Andreeva’s first broadcast was supposed to take place in the summer of 1995, on the terrible day of the hostage crisis in Budennovsk. Then Katya refused to host the episode, and this delayed her broadcast for two months. However, after this, her career began to actively develop, and now all television viewers in the country know Ekaterina Andreeva...

She is an extraordinary person, strong, who knows what she wants and achieves her goals. In any business he strives for excellence and achieves success. Andreeva is sure that everything in her life is the fruit of her own efforts. One of Catherine’s favorite life mottos: “God give me peace of mind to accept what I cannot change, give me the strength to change what I can, and give me wisdom not to confuse one with the other.” Katya has been engaged in self-education for a long time, she has developed a whole system for herself: nutrition, thoughts, even dreams...

Andreeva is also a very athletic person. For example, she practices yoga and tai chi (this movement combines ancient Chinese martial gymnastics and philosophy). Some TV viewers blame her for her coldness and aloofness in live. However, colleagues speak of Ekaterina as a very cheerful person with a good sense of humor. And they don’t believe that Andreeva will still say goodbye to the “Time” program...

The last high-profile dismissal of a television journalist happened a year ago. And this happened not on television, but on radio. Then a scandal broke out between Ksenia Sobchak and the host of the Mayak radio station, Ekaterina Gordon, live on air. The girls exchanged barbs throughout the broadcast.

But the controversy continued after the broadcast. As a result, Ekaterina Gordon was removed from the air. Moreover, as the management of Mayak explained, the reason for this was not the broadcast with Ksenia Sobchak, but post-broadcast public comments on the Internet, to which the broadcaster has no right. This is exactly what Sergei Arkhipov, director of the VGTRK radio broadcasting directorate, said then.

As for the notorious post-broadcast comments, most likely, they were talking about the recording that Gordon made on her blog after the scandalous broadcast. “There is a continuation of our on-air debate with Ksenia,” Ekaterina Gordon said then. — I wrote a post about this on my blog, what I think about everything that happened. He was at the top for three days in a row. Ksenia spoke out against me on air once again.”

From the "SP" dossier

Ekaterina Andreeeva (born November 27, 1961 in Moscow) is the presenter of the information program “Time” on Channel One.

In 1990 she graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, studied at the evening department of the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (VYUZI). She worked in the General Prosecutor's Office, in the investigative department, and supervised complex crime zones: Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory.

In 1990, she entered courses for radio and television workers. At the “school of announcers” I studied with Igor Kirillov. In 1991 she began working on television.

In the Directorate of Information Programs since 1994. First aired in 1995. Since 1998, she has been a permanent presenter of the Vremya program.

Married (husband is a businessman), daughter Natalya is a graduate of MGIMO.

On the eve of the new television season, the media are regaling viewers with a variety of information about what shape Russian television will take in the near future. However, one of the rumors had the effect of a bomb exploding and, if confirmed, threatens to reshape the domestic television landscape for a long time. Its essence is as follows: the host of the “Time” program, Ekaterina Andreeva, who has not appeared on Channel One for several weeks, will not return there again.

According to official statements from the channel's press service, Andreeva is on vacation until the end of August. The information is more than plausible, but everyone wants to know whether the presenter will return to the Vremya program in September. After all, according to information from secret sources in the television center, which was received by Gazeta.Ru and Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Andreeva has actually been removed from the air for several weeks, and, most likely, fans of the nine o’clock news on First will soon lose their favorite announcer.

From the same behind-the-scenes sources it became known that the reason for Andreeva’s resignation was a conflict over her work schedule. As presented by the Trud newspaper, it looks like this: the presenter was released on vacation on the condition that she, in turn, would then replace her colleague Vitaly Eliseev. Because of this, Andreeva would have to work on air for three weeks in a row, which allegedly did not suit her. She complained to the head of the channel's information programs directorate, Kirill Kleimenov, but instead of satisfying the presenter's request, she was removed from the air - whether temporarily or once and for all is unclear.

However, even if these rumors have some basis, it is quite clear that the mere discrepancy in views on labor discipline could not become a reason for the suspension or even dismissal of the presenter, who is called the face of Vremya and the entire First Channel. It is obvious that the reasons for the conflict around Andreeva lie deeper.

"Trud" tried to explain what happened with the personal ambitions of the announcer - frankly speaking, not entirely unjustified if you look at her career. According to the newspaper, Andreeva, while going on vacation, tried to make sure that no replacement was found for her during her absence. True, what this could mean is not at all clear: in fact, Andreeva did not want TV viewers to look at an empty chair in the studio of the “Time” program for a week. “Katya had delusions of grandeur, but they showed her that if she didn’t appear on air, the world wouldn’t collapse,” said the newspaper’s interlocutor, “familiar with the situation.” However, it’s hard to believe that someone on Channel One decided to intimidate the presenter, familiar to viewers since 1995, in this way. And it’s even less believable that someone really decided that Andreeva would lose more from her dismissal than her employer. After all, for millions of Russians, television is not about nameless bosses, but about recognizable faces on air.

Ekaterina Andreeva. Photo by Alexander Kotomin, Lenta.Ru

Speaking of bosses. Nezavisimaya's sources suggest that the presenter's disappearance from the air is related to her conflict with Kleimenov. "Gazeta.Ru" confirms: the head of the information broadcasting of "First" has more than once complained about Andreeva's "uncontrollability". What adds to the piquancy of the situation here is that the boss and subordinate are former colleagues and “rivals” who hosted the “Time” program in shifts until 2004, after which Kleimenov first left and then returned to the channel as a boss. Again, it’s hard to believe that it was this confrontation that became the reason for the speaker’s removal: after all, Kleimenov had already been forgotten since 2004, and TV viewers have been “sitting” on “Time” with Andreeva, like on a drug, for a long time and firmly. In addition, there seems to be no question about Andreeva’s professionalism, but if Kleimenov really cannot cope with the temper of his subordinate, then this rather speaks of his abilities as a boss.

Finally, there is another version related to the personality of the presenter, who is now replacing Andreeva on the air of Vremya. This is Anna Pavlova, head of the department of daytime and evening programs at First and former presenter of REN TV. According to a number of Gazeta.Ru sources, Andreeva’s removal from the air was facilitated by Pavlova’s husband Andrei Shtorkh, a board member of the Renova group and a well-known PR specialist. The default seems to be to make room in prime time for the wife. Other sources of the same publication deny these rumors and report that Pavlova was invited to broadcast only because a replacement for Andreeva had to be found quickly.

All these internal corporate versions seem unconvincing also because during 11 years of work on Vremya’s live broadcast, Andreeva acquired a very special status, much more than just television status. And the point is not even that the main final news program without Andreeva is difficult to imagine, and the scale of her influence on the young television generation (or, as skeptics will say, the scale of the damage) cannot be overestimated. And not in the love of the broad masses, which, as you know, is changeable, but in the disposition of individual individuals towards Catherine. All media outlets writing about the incident on Channel One, without hesitating for a second, name the name of the TV presenter’s main fan - Vladimir Putin.

Thus, it was Ekaterina Andreeva, together with Sergei Brilev, a colleague from the Rossiya channel, who hosted all the live broadcasts during which Putin, as head of state, communicated with citizens of the country. In 2005, when asked by Echo of Moscow about the popularity gained thanks to the presidential teleconferences, Andreeva replied: “Well, of course, we are following in the footsteps of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. What is there to discuss?” In the same interview, she described how she saw in the current prime minister the traits of a man worried about the loss of personal freedom in public office. Judging by the announcer’s story about how Putin gave water to his beloved dog from his palms, we can conclude that the communication between Andreeva and Putin was not only formal.

Another rumor reported by Gazeta.Ru adds additional confusion: according to the source, the issue of Andreeva’s removal from the air was “being decided in the Kremlin.” Should this be understood to mean that the Channel One TV star has lost favor with the authorities?

However, the opposite version is also expressed. The upcoming dismissal is supposedly a springboard for promotion - Andreeva could get a job in the presidential administration or in the press service of one of the ministries. There is no doubt that experience in the Vremya program, the mouthpiece of the federal government, will only help Andreeva if she decides to move to a similar position.

No, gentlemen, I don’t want to sit on air until I’m old. I think that at some point in my life I will have a sharp change in my field of activity, and I am now actively preparing myself for this.

Ekaterina Andreeva, interview with Echo of Moscow, 2005

Be that as it may, one thing is clear: if the rumors about Andreeva’s dismissal from “First” are confirmed, this will mean the end of a certain era on Russian TV. Recently, many new and young announcers have appeared in news television programs, whom people who rarely watch TV no longer remember or recognize. Andreeva lasted longer than others - and was a symbol not only of the state channel, but also, involuntarily, of the state itself and its leadership.

The image formed by Andreeva is one of the most unusual on Russian television. She was repeatedly named among the first TV beauties, and at the same time, Andreeva’s manner of broadcasting is difficult to characterize as anything other than strict, if not harsh: apparently, she was influenced by her work in the investigative department of the Prosecutor General’s Office. After Leonid Parfenov disappeared from television screens, they began to talk especially a lot about his “clones” - male presenters who, wittingly or unwittingly, imitated the creator of the “Namedni” program. However, the scale of Andreeva’s influence on announcers of both sexes is amazing even against this background. Separately, it is worth mentioning Andreev’s unforgettable intonation, which at times seemed to mean much more in itself than the words themselves. These intonations were allowed to wander on their own, completely reshaping the logical structure of the phrase. Now it is difficult to find a speaker who would not adopt this manner, but only the pioneer used it successfully.

No, whatever you say, the television screen will no longer be the same without Ekaterina Andreeva.

    I also see Ekaterina Andreeva on air from time to time. But if this did happen, it was due to friction with management. She tried to ask for a working schedule, but was refused. a conflict arose. But she is a very popular TV presenter and will be on Channel One for a long time.

    Ekaterina Andreeva for me is the FACE of Channel One! Since my childhood, she is the best news anchor who miraculously does not age!

    They declare that she not fired, but removed from the air, because she quarreled with management regarding the work schedule. But, judging by the situation, in she won't return.

    There was widespread publicity that Andreeva has Montenegrin citizenship, which the government probably did not know about, and this was not regarded in a favorable light for the TV presenter. Navalny published an article about this, where it is written that Andreeva received citizenship in 2011, and not just citizenship, but an honorary citizen of Montenegro.

    Ekaterina Andreeva has been hosting the Vremya program since 1998. Many people are accustomed to her and consider her a true professional in her field.

    Now she is not leading the news of Channel One due to unfavorable relations with management, however, she has not yet been officially fired. Perhaps we will see her as a presenter again.

    Judging by latest news she was forced to leave Channel One, despite her extensive experience in news reporting. I remember her from childhood and, by the way, she always looks just as young and with the same hairstyle. According to rumors, she had a fight with Konstantin Ernst and Kirill Kleimenov, and in retaliation they suspended her from work. It seems that she will not return and they are looking for a worthy replacement for her.

    And in fact, rumors about the upcoming dismissal of the most charming presenter of the first channel, Ekaterina Andreeva, every now and then again penetrate the media mass media. They say that the presenter has a long-standing and constantly smoldering conflict with Ernst himself, and he dreams of driving out the rebellious Andreeva. They also say that the channel’s management was tired of the too independent presenter and they were ready to terminate the contract with her back in August 2015, while Andreeva was on vacation. However, this did not happen then and does not happen now. Ekaterina Andreeva still hosts the Vremya program and I think with the support of TV viewers that she has, she will remain in this place for a long time.

    Ekaterina Andreeva is considered to be the face of Channel One (personally, I don’t watch this channel at all). And she also considers herself super. And her husband is also a prince, which means she is a princess herself, so she has a lot of ambition. Who will like it? Princesses should rest on soft feather beds and eat delicious food, and not work on TV. She hasn’t been fired yet, but the issue of dismissal has already been decided, and if nothing changes, the Serbian Princess will become free from backbreaking and hard labor. Which normal person will he tolerate an uncontrollable, proud lady?

    most likely due to conflicts occurring behind the screen of television, but yes. Since childhood, I remember often being sanctified on TV, and in 15 years it hasn’t changed a bit. It’s like she’s immortal

    Apparently, the dismissal has not yet taken place, but sooner or later this will most likely happen, since rumors about this have been circulating for a long time, that there is a conflict that will remain for now. In any case, sooner or later Andreeva will leave the first channel, she will simply retire. But now she continues to host the program despite the rumors.

    One of the most beautiful and successful Russian TV presenters, Ekaterina Andreeva, was removed from the air, perhaps temporarily, and perhaps forever.

    The reasons for the removal of the famous TV presenter from the air may be her disagreements with senior employees of the country's main channel.

    Ekaterina Andreeva worked on Channel One for about twenty years.

    Ekaterina Andreeva is the sex symbol of Channel One. The presenter has been working on television since 1991. Rumors that she is going to leave this field regularly appear in the media.

    Now information is being published that Ekterina is in conflict with Konstantin Ernst, for this reason they want to remove her.

On the Internet you can often find truly interesting and shocking information that is difficult to perceive. Basically, the lives of actors and famous media personalities who often appear on screens lend themselves to active discussion. So last year there was quite shocking news that found both those for and against. This news was the dismissal of Ekaterina Andreeva from Channel One.

The dismissal of Ekaterina Andreeva from Channel 1 happened in October 2015, although no one expected such a turn of events and now there is a clear question in the eyes of TV viewers who will not understand why Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel 1 in 2015? This issue has already become a painful problem for many since the dissemination of such information, but those who sincerely worry about the speaker cannot sit quietly and wait until new and reliable information about this event appears. Therefore, they try to find something on the Internet, but all the information there is the same and, unfortunately, no new products are visible, only what was highlighted earlier.


There are quite a lot of versions about the dismissal of Ekaterina Andreeva, because everyone has their own interpretation; in addition, the press also puts its concept up for discussion among the people, and thus new, rather absurd versions are born. Maybe, the real reason No one can know for sure about her dismissal, since the TV presenter herself remains silent and does not give any comments.

Of course, if you look at it from a professional point of view, Ekaterina has quite a lot of experience in her field, and she also anchored the news long time, I devoted 20 years to work, and you will agree that this is not a short period of time. But before the news of her dismissal broke, everyone began to notice that someone was missing. This is not at all surprising, because at first Andreeva began to be replaced by other announcers for some time on air, and then she was completely fired.

According to the press, the reason for such an abrupt dismissal is a disagreement with management.

The reason for such scandalous behavior with management was that in the three-week work schedule there was not a single day off, which is actually abnormal. After all, we are all human and we want to have time to relax with family and friends. It was on this basis that the scandal ripened, after which there was a temporary suspension from the air, and then dismissal. But on the TV channel itself, the management cannot give a clear statement about this situation, which is why the network exploded different stories, some of which are not true, but many believe it.

Although from some sources you can find out that Andreeva was not fired, but simply temporarily sent on long-term leave, which should end around August. But again, no one knows how reliable this information is, because even official sources do not actually know the whole truth. In this regard, the answer to the popular question of why Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel 1 remains open.

According to one version, the reason for Andreeva’s dismissal was not a disagreement over the work schedule at all, there is something more here, but what exactly is still a guess that no one dares to voice. But you shouldn’t believe in this, because there are a lot of envious people and there is a good reason for spreading such gossip, because reputation is such a thing that is difficult to earn, but to spoil it is an instant.

What do they say online?

If you look at all the comments that there are about the dismissal of Ekaterina Andreeva from Channel One, you can find those who are for this and fully support the management, and, as always, there are opponents of such an action. The first are guided by the fact that the method of running the program is quite primitive and outdated, of course, for the 90s it was just right, but now new era and I want something fresher.

By the way, this opinion is supported by quite a lot of citizens who constantly watch Channel One. But the opponents of her work on the channel are also the management and her colleagues themselves, because more than once they had to complain about her boorish and completely unacceptable behavior not only on air, but also on the set. This, too, could somehow influence the reason for the dismissal, because there is no smoke without fire and everyone understands this perfectly well. But it’s difficult to simply come to terms with the fact that there is no answer to such an exciting question, why Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel 1, and many want to know the exact answer in order to be happy or sad.

But if you listen to those who are still against the dismissal and simply do not understand why this was done, they come to the defense of their favorite presenter. After all, for many years she was next to them and helped them survive not only sad events, even from the TV screen.

As for the style, even if it is slightly outdated, it is well within the bounds of decency, which not everyone can observe now. Thousands and hundreds of television viewers cannot believe that she was really removed from hosting the program and a replacement was installed, who is simply unpleasant for them, not only as a person, but also as a newscaster. There are more than hundreds of such responses on the Internet, and they can be found under each article, because everyone who cares is looking for good news, and, unfortunately, they will not be heard soon, or rather, not earlier than in August. This is the case if the information about the long vacation is still correct and the presenter has not really been fired yet.

Since every problem, this also has two sides of the coin, which need to be explained only objectively and impartially, because it is necessary to accept only the right decision to answer the question why Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel 1 (the video is online).

If we talk about replacement, then this is modern world completely easy, because there are many young and ambitious presenters who are waiting for their chance. On the one hand, it is the country’s duty to give way to young talents, but not in this way. After all, Ekaterina always appeared on air well-groomed and beautiful, did not behave too provocatively and never allowed too much. If you look from the point of view of professionalism, then these are excellent qualities, and after such a long time of work, she knows exactly what and how to present it correctly so that the bad news is not so terrifying. This is quite important, because recently television displays everything that happens around.

In general, if you believe everything that is written on the Internet, then you can collect so much unnecessary information that just thinking about it makes you feel unbearably bad. The only pity is that the TV presenter herself cannot answer the question of why Ekaterina Andreeva was fired from Channel 1 (photo).

According to one of the network users, he has information that she left the country and has no plans to return. But, again, you shouldn’t believe rumors, because this is another provocation. But why does she have so many opponents? Is the person really so bad that there are so many cheers in the comments? Probably, in this situation, everything depends on the perception of each person and, directly, on his upbringing, because not everyone expresses their thoughts to the public. But the channel’s management did not ask anyone and made their decision, which concerns the TV presenter; perhaps they are right in some ways.

Time will tell, but don’t hang your nose, maybe the favorite will still return to the expanses of Channel One to delight her fans with the latest news that happened during the day all over the world. But no one knows this yet; probably some news will appear in the summer, after the announcer’s imaginary vacation ends and she will have to return to workplace. Most likely, during this time, all conflicts with management will subside and disappear on their own. But otherwise, those who still want to see her on screen as a news anchor on Channel 1 will have to get used to new faces, because the decision may not be in her favor.