Icon unexpected joy meaning and prayer

In 1683, Saint Dmitry of Rostov, the wonderworker, created a wonderful work - one of the most amazing books in Russian patristic literature, “The Irrigated Fleece.” He wrote it in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, inspired by the miraculous healings that occurred under the icon of the Mother of God in the Chernigov St. Elias Monastery in the 17th century. There, before each miracle of healing, tears appeared on the image of the Mother of God. Saint Demetrius compared this event with the Old Testament story about how the Divine dew sprinkled the fleece through the prayer of Gideon 1. Among the 24 miracles, one is described that inspired the icon painters of the 18th century to paint an icon dedicated to the miracle of the Mother of God, of which the Intercessor showed many to the world, and each of them can be called an unexpected joy. But the icon with the name “Unexpected Joy” has its own miraculous story.

Dmitry Rostovsky begins the story of this miracle with the words: “A certain lawless man...” A certain sinful man who led a very vicious lifestyle, nevertheless was heartily attached to the Queen of Heaven and felt reverent love before Her. And although he could not deny himself sin - apparently, he was too weak-willed, he prayed daily before Her icon and said in prayer the words of the Archangel Gabriel, which he said to the Virgin Mary in his appearance before Her: “Rejoice, full of grace!”, when he brought Her the news about Her future Motherhood.

It so happened that, getting ready for a sinful task, he stood in front of the icon to pray before leaving. Then he felt a strange heart and body trembling, the image on the icon seemed to move, breathe, and the sinner saw with horror how terrible wounds opened on the arms and legs and on the right side of the Baby sitting on Her lap, from which blood flowed in streams.

The man fell in front of the icon with a cry of horror, asking the Mother of God who did this. To which he was given a sorrowful answer from the Mother of God that sinners, just like him, day after day crucify and crucify Her Son with their sins, and hypocritically they call Her merciful, insulting Her mother's love with their iniquities.

Hearing this, the sinner, in whom, apparently, a particle of faith and purity remained, prayed to the Queen of Heaven, calling Her Lady, so that the measure of his sins would not exceed Her goodness and mercy. He began to pray to the Mother of God that She would intercede for him before the Son.

For the first time, the Lady turned to Her Son, but He refused Her to atone for the sinful deeds of the intercessor.

The second prayer appeal to the Mother of God by St. Dmitry of Rostov is described at length and very instructively. In the icon of the Mother of God, depicted inside the icon “Unexpected Joy”, the one in front of which a sinner is depicted kneeling before Her image, we see Hodegetria, with the Child sitting on Her knees. As the saint writes, the Intercessor seated the Son separately and wanted to fall on her face before Him, but the Son exclaimed, stopping Her: “What do you want to do?” The Mother of God replied that she would lie at the feet of Her Son until He forgives the repentant sinner. To this, the Lord told Her that the Law commands the Son to honor the Mother, but the truth demands that the One who issued the Law Himself honors it and fulfills It. He said that He is the Son of His Mother, and therefore must honor Her by listening to her prayers to Him. Therefore, let it be as Mother wants. The sinner will be forgiven, but let him first kiss His wounds.

Shocked by what he saw, the sinner stood up, joyfully kissed the wounds of the Child, they immediately closed, and the vision stopped. Here he experienced both awe at the greatness of what he saw and great joy, from which he burst into tears of cleansing tears. Again he fell to the icon, praying to the Most Pure One and Her son to preserve the gift of seeing their sins and begging for pardon. From that hour, the soul of this man turned away from sin, and he began to lead a virtuous and godly life. It should be noted that the saint does not indicate what kind of sin accompanied the life of this person, leaving the reader to see his own sins and vices in himself and with faith and strength to pray for healing from them.

What a miracle happened

Starting from the 18th century, when the first copy of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” was created, a variety of miracles occurred from these icons - the sick, especially those who had lost their hearing, were healed, and with the return of spiritual hearing, physical hearing also returned. Prayers in front of this icon helped desperate parents whose children had lost their way and went, as they say, along a crooked path.

Many miraculous healings occur in front of the icons of the Lady, but the most magnificent, undoubtedly, is the healing of the human soul, its salvation through a deep spiritual change.

We are just people. And they are not sinless. Let's admit it. But if we are able to see our reflection in the figure of the sinner on the icon “Unexpected Joy”, and, seeing ourselves from the outside, we begin to understand what a disastrous situation we are in, this is not a disaster. This is a miracle. And it’s wonderful if suddenly a person realizes that he is doing something that urgently requires prayer for himself, following the example of the sinner from the story of St. Demetrius, a petition for the salvation of his soul, because otherwise there will be no joy in life, much less unexpected, like the Lord's grace, which is given like this - unexpectedly... And the Mother of God again and again for each of those who are ready for a change of soul and desired it, is ready to fall on her face before her son. Queen of Heaven - just think about it! – he will again decide to pray for our sins on his knees. And when the miracle of human insight happens, it will happen again Divine history within history, lifting the veil of the true, as they should be among us, created in His image and likeness, the perfect relationship of Mother and Son and the relationship of the Son to His unlimited power, paradoxically limited by His own Law.

Meaning of the icon

By type, the icon “Unexpected Joy” refers to Hodegetria - a guide to Christ; all ancient images are executed in the Byzantine style. A sinner is kneeling in front of the icon, holding out his hands to it. Sometimes from his lips, in the form of ribbons, icon painters depicted the text of prayers addressed to Her. Under the image of the icon of the Mother of God inside the general icon are the initial words from the description of this miracle in the “Irrigated Fleece” - “A certain lawless man...”

Hodegetria “Unexpected Joy” once again testifies that everyone who sincerely wants to be forgiven will be forgiven. Moreover, in the narrative of St. Dmitry of Rostov it is said that the repentant sinner prayed for the gift of a vision of his sins, and this does not mean that he was going to lead a vicious life again. The saint shows us that every person is a sinner - such is our dual nature, but if sin suddenly, unfortunately, due to human weakness, happens, then, seeing it in person, we get the opportunity to repent and, possibly, complete repentance, which will become another the stage of salvation in the spirit.

And more! The sinner was enlightened in spirit when he saw that the Mother of God was ready to fall on her knees before the Son for every sinner who cried out to Her for mercy. However, this is not the only shock in this amazing story. The height of the relationship between Mother and Son is a stunning example of the true - already heavenly! – the relationship between Mother and Son, which gives us an understanding of why the Lady is our first Intercessor and Intercessor to the Lord. This is how you should treat your Mother, how to honor Her. The Lord Himself, the Almighty King, cannot fail to fulfill Her prayer, because the intercession comes from the Mother, whose request He cannot resist only because She is His Mother.

How many conclusions can we draw for ourselves! Such a reassessment of values, an audit of the soul, is periodically simply necessary. From the events that became the inspiration for painting the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, by learning about the icon and its history, we are enriched morally. Comparing own life in our family, we see: this is how children should respect their parents and how parents should respect the status of their grown children. To a status that is not only social – the status of an adult who must be spared from parental tyranny, which often drags on for a very long time.

We are further given an example of reverence for the law, first of all, by the legislators themselves - another sore subject in our society. Here he is the highest example attitude towards the execution by those in power of laws issued by them. The law established by the Lord commands us to honor the Mother, and since He established this Law, then first of all the Lawgiver Himself is obliged to follow it. Christ stands as a model of a true attitude towards power; He Himself is evidence of the exceptional decency of the Ruler, which is so difficult to meet on earth.
1 “Rejoice, watered fleece, hedgehog Gideon, Virgin, before seen” - akathist to the icon “Unexpected joy”. The sign of wool and dew, given by God to one of the judges of Israel, Gideon. Old Testament. Book of Judges of Israel. Ch. 6. pp. 36–40.

People turn to the Mother of God with prayers when despair and sorrow have overwhelmed the soul, when there is no hope for other help. Healing and peace of mind are bestowed by the “Unexpected Joy” icon. What should you pray for before her? What to ask the Most Holy Theotokos?

They pray for health and healing in front of the image. They ask for intercession in everyday matters. Desperate spouses pray for the birth of a child or pregnancy. The proud, mired in lawless deeds, ask for forgiveness. They ask about missing relatives, and pray to the Mother of God for family reunification. They ask for protection from evil people and slander. The poor receive help, and the perjurers receive public reproof.

Sudden, joyful deliverance from troubles is granted to people. That is why the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” is so revered by the people.

History of writing the icon

In 1683, Saint Dmitry of Rostov wrote the most amazing book in patristic literature. It was created under the impression of the miraculous healings that took place in the St. Elias Monastery in the city of Chernigov. And they were performed in front of the icon of the Mother of God in the 17th century. Before each new healing, tears appeared on the face of the icon.

The temple stood for a whole century. It was not destroyed during Soviet times either. Only in 1933 were all the bells dropped. This temple became a repository of icons and relics of those churches that were not spared by the Soviet regime. Those that were destroyed or converted into secular institutions. This is how the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” appeared in the Church of Elijah the Prophet. The image and the entire composition of the icon exactly correspond to the work of Dmitry Rostovsky.

Days of celebration of the miraculous icon

The celebration of the icon takes place twice a year. This occurs on May 14 and December 22. In all your sorrows, you can ask for help and protection before the image. The icon “Unexpected Joy” is famous for its holy intercession before God. What should we pray for before her?

You can ask for protection from troubles and misfortunes, intercession for travelers on the road. Pray for health or cure from illness. In hardships, you can ask an image for salvation from slander.

With the appearance of the first icons created in the 18th century, the fame of their miraculous power spread. A wide variety of healings of the sick and infirm took place. Prayers in front of the icon helped desperate spouses in giving birth to a long-awaited child. Those who had strayed from the righteous path asked for a return to spiritual wisdom.

The most important healing is the healing of the human soul, which is bestowed by the “Unexpected Joy” icon. What does she help with? Finding peace and self-confidence. Those suffering in prayer before the icon receive a deep spiritual change. They gain hope and the ability to sincerely thank for help.

In which churches can you find the “Unexpected Joy” icon?

One of the shrines of Moscow is the “Unexpected Joy” icon. It is located in the Temple of Elijah the Prophet. Several copies were made from this image, which are also considered miraculous. Every day people come to the temple wanting to receive forgiveness and God's grace. They try to express their worries and doubts in words and prayers.

The “Unexpected Joy” icon gives peace and hope. What does it help with? Before the image, through prayers, admonition and humility, intercession and assistance are given. In front of the icon you can ask for help in earthly, spiritual, and family matters.

The miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” can be found in several

  1. In the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane.
  2. In the Church of the Transfiguration on Sands.
  3. In the Church of the Icon “Unexpected Joy” in Maryina Roshcha.
  4. In the Church of the Martyrs Adrian and Natalia in Babushkino.
  5. In the Church of the Ascension of the Lord on the Pea Field.

How to pray to the “Unexpected Joy” icon?

There are no exact rules on how to pray to one image or another. You should ask for a blessing from the priest before turning to the face. For each event or request, there are special prayers and canons. You can read the Akathist to the icon “Unexpected Joy”.

The clergy claim that if the text of the prayer is difficult to remember, then it is permissible to pronounce one’s own words. The main thing is that they come from a pure heart. It is important to tell the image about your troubles and sorrows, and not to be distracted by other matters during prayer.

Conversion must take place with humility and love. Then the icon “Unexpected Joy” will give you comfort and hope. Its meaning is great in the hearts of believers. The icon brings admonition to sinners whose anger, hatred, and thirst for profit outweigh all spiritual values. The weak are given strength and confidence in overcoming obstacles. Strong - humility, patience, protection from harmful endeavors.

What does the icon give?

The loss of morality and spirituality manifests itself on the physical level. Malice, envy, hatred, having settled in the human heart, bring with them diseases and illnesses. People in their blindness do not understand that spiritual cleansing is directly related to physical healing.

The “Unexpected Joy” icon gives inner joy and peace. How does it help believers? Find the true path, your purpose in life. Find unexpected joy that was not expected. At different times, women prayed for husbands who went missing during travel or war. And they returned home.

It is necessary to tell the image what the soul is sad about. And then the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” will help. Prayer for pregnancy before the image has more than once helped to acquire a long-awaited child. Our Lady consoled parents whose children had followed a sinful path.

The icon brings a happy occasion, even if there is no hope for joy. Even misfortune can turn into success - that’s where the “Unexpected Joy” icon helps. will help you get pregnant or find a child who needs parental warmth and affection. It also happens: in despair, the couple takes the baby from the shelter, and after some time it turns out that pregnancy has occurred. The important thing here is not to abandon your first child, but to love, educate and raise him as your own.

Akathist to the icon “Unexpected Joy”

Each icon has its own Akathist. This Greek word means a hymn that is sung while standing. Akathist - laudatory, joyful words that convey the full power of gratitude. It consists of several prayers, they must be read while standing. You should know that the akathist is not served during Lent.

It can be read every Sunday in front of the icon. In some cases, the Akathist is pronounced for several days in a row. Before reading, be sure to contact the priest with a request to bless him. The priest will tell you how many days and at what time the Akathist should be read.

The words of prayer are said directly in front of the icon. Akathist is one of the strongest prayer appeals. This is a request for help in business and sorrow, where the icon “Unexpected Joy” serves as the image of the Mother of God. How does she help those suffering? With troubles and grief that are beyond the power of the human soul, they come to the icon. People turn to the image of the Mother of God with requests for health, mercy, and forgiveness. The “Unexpected Joy” icon will protect you from many misfortunes.

Prayer for health

Prayers for health sometimes provide healing from the most incurable diseases. There are facts according to which the icon “Unexpected Joy” gave relief from deafness. Prayer for the birth of a child will bring a long-awaited child. The icon of a young mother will provide a successful resolution of the burden.

The image saves you from mental illnesses - it will support you in despondency and melancholy, anxiety and despair. Will help in a painless death in case of a serious illness. He will send you courage and protect you from death without repentance.

Strengthening in faith, hope for mercy of the podastikon “Unexpected joy”. Prayer for the gift of children will help bring home an orphan in need of love and care, or bring news of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Prayer for family

Prayer for the family provides family reunification, protection from hostility, violence, and conflicts. Peace and harmony in the family is bestowed by the “Unexpected Joy” icon. What to pray for? About what worries you the most. About what occupies all thoughts.

Help is provided to needy families through prayer. Comfort for grieving mothers and widows. For concerned parents, instructing their children on the righteous path. Through prayer for the missing, happy news is given.

The return of relatives from a war zone or from dangerous journeys can be given by the “Unexpected Joy” icon. will bring hope for love, happiness in marriage. The Most Holy Theotokos will protect you from evil and unkind people and save your family. It will help prevent divorce and bring some sense to relatives.

Prayer for children

According to the prayers of the Mother of God, a decision is given in front of her icon difficult situations. Enlightenment is given to children and parents in difficult relationships. The icon “Unexpected Joy” brings reconciliation in quarrels and forgiveness of grievances. Prayer to get pregnant will give hope or happy news of conception.

The Most Holy Theotokos will protect children from harmful thoughts, enemies, and dangerous situations. Will give parents mutual understanding with their children. It will help guide you on the path of beneficial teaching and gaining knowledge. It will build mutual respect between parents and children. Provides support and protection to children who are away from their parents (in training, military service, treatment, travel).

The “Unexpected Joy” icon can provide assistance to poor parents for their child’s development. Prayer for pregnancy will bring news of its occurrence. Will give life to the fetus and healthy development. Only faith and humility will help you find out about the long-awaited pregnancy. If it does not occur immediately after prayer, this means that the time has not yet come, the parents are not ready for the birth of a child.

Hope daritikon “Unexpected joy”. Prayer for children, reviews of it say that patience and faith in the will of the Lord will help you get through difficult moments. They will set you up for a successful outcome and will help you fight despair and disbelief. There are known facts when childless couples gave birth to a child after praying in front of the icon.

Prayer for earthly matters

People come to the icon with prayers about earthly affairs. They are given protection from secret and open enemies, intercession for the offended, persecuted, suffering from untruth and gossip.

The poor and needy are given shelter and food through prayer. Oppressors and money-grubbers receive public reproof for their unrighteous deeds.

The icon brings unexpected joy in ordinary everyday situations. This is success in learning, praise from teachers and parents, the joy of health, daily well-being, when no one in the family gets sick. This is carelessness when there are no serious difficulties and problems. This is the joy of first love and the peace of spouses who have lived together for many years. This is the happiness of parents and children who rejoice in small victories and support each other. Rejoicing at success at work, in creativity, when your favorite thing is going on.

Such simple daily joys fill the heart with happiness. True believers give thanks for every moment of peace of mind. When praying, it is necessary to remember that in caring for our souls, not only joys are sent to people, but also suffering. Because hope for God's help is an inexhaustible source for spiritual work.

Why don’t requests in front of an icon come true?

It happens that a person prays in front of an icon for years, but his wish does not come true. What is this connected with, why does this happen?

This may be due to the fact that a person is not ready to meet his dream in reality and will not be able to withstand its consequences. Or it’s just that the time hasn’t come yet. “The ways of the Lord are mysterious,” the clergy say in such cases.

You can’t just ask and immediately get what you want. There must be a work of the soul, a path to fulfilling a dream. Even clergy, if they ask for something in prayers, they always impose a special fast on themselves, read the Akathist, the psalter. Likewise, the laity should limit themselves to excessive joy, excessive fun. Do not allow angry words and pride. Accept the most difficult lessons of fate with humility. Only sincerity and purity of thoughts will help to bestow what will be useful and saving for the soul.

It is not always possible for a person to understand why some wishes come true and others do not, why some people pray for years and do not get what they want, while others went to church a couple of times and received an answer to their request. Surprise of sulitikon “Unexpected joy”. The meaning and prayer of this image - gaining faith and hope for an unexpected event. Patience, human humility before the will of the Lord - this is the secret meaning of the icon.

Meaning of the icon

Life consists of small joys that a person does not always notice, forgets to thank for them, and in pursuit of an impossible dream does not pay attention to family and friends. That is why such desires are not fulfilled, because they turn into an obsessive thought that does not allow you to enjoy every new day.

The icon “Unexpected Joy” brings deliverance from pride. The meaning (in what it helps), the essence of the image is trust in the will of God, rejection of sinful thoughts and unworthy deeds. Gratitude for every day lived in warmth and tranquility. Repentance for lawless deeds and bad thoughts, for anger, malice, envy, which so often live in the human heart.

It is not difficult to approach the icon and pray. Much more difficult is daily spiritual work. When you should remain silent, not be rude, and pacify your own pride and envy. Accustom yourself to patience, calmness, and a friendly attitude towards strangers and relatives.

Weakness and sinfulness are human nature. If you humbly acknowledge this fact and ask for God’s help, then the most fallen of people will receive the opportunity for forgiveness.

The “Unexpected Joy” icon is the essence of spiritual rebirth. Through prayers, tireless internal work a person rises above himself to the path of goodness and love. This is the belief that an appeal to the Mother of God will be heard and rewarded with a bright event.

All who prayed before the icon with faith, love and humility received their unexpected joy, forgiveness and gracious consolation.

Once upon a time, I dreamed of having a child for a very long time, but nothing worked out for me. Time passed. My loved one constantly pushed me for treatment. I went to hospitals, gave a lot of money for treatment and nothing worked out for me. Once I met a friend my age and was taken aback by the news that she had given birth to a daughter. Although this married couple I also had problems with the baby and she told me: “Find the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy.” She is somewhere in Moscow and pray to her. This icon, as you see, helped us.” Time passed, but I still didn’t dare to search (probably everything in life is predetermined and everything happens in right time. One day, while walking around Tsaritsyno, we went into a church nearby and then I remembered about the icon of Unexpected Joy, asked one woman about the whereabouts of the icon and how simple everything turned out to be. It turns out that not far from the Temple of the Savior there is a temple of Elijah the Prophet and it is there that you can pray to this miraculous icon. Seeing this icon, I was amazed at how much warmth and faith in the best came from it. Your soul is cleansed, you begin to believe in what you have long lost hope of. I asked and it was given to me. A month later I became pregnant. It was a miracle that happened to me. The miracle I dreamed of so much. My miracle recently turned 2 years and 4 months old and I don’t forget to thank God and the Mother of God for making me feel the joy of motherhood. If you have some secret desire or have lost faith, be sure, if you are in Moscow, to visit the Temple of Elijah the Prophet and venerate this icon.

So what kind of icon is this? Where does she have such strength? What is the history of the creation of this icon?

In 1683, Saint Dmitry of Rostov, the wonderworker, created a wonderful work - one of the most amazing books in Russian patristic literature, “The Irrigated Fleece.” He wrote it in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, inspired by the miraculous healings that occurred under the icon of the Mother of God in the Chernigov St. Elias Monastery in the 17th century. There, before each miracle of healing, tears appeared on the image of the Mother of God. Saint Demetrius compared this event with the Old Testament story about how the Divine dew sprinkled the fleece through the prayer of Gideon1. Among the 24 miracles, one is described that inspired the icon painters of the 18th century to paint an icon dedicated to the miracle of the Mother of God, of which the Intercessor showed many to the world, and each of them can be called an unexpected joy. But the icon with the name “Unexpected Joy” has its own miraculous story.

Dmitry Rostovsky begins the story of this miracle with the words: “A certain lawless man...” A certain sinful man who led a very vicious lifestyle, nevertheless was heartily attached to the Queen of Heaven and felt reverent love before Her. And although he could not deny himself sin - apparently, he was too weak-willed, he prayed daily before Her icon and said in prayer the words of the Archangel Gabriel, which he said to the Virgin Mary in his appearance before Her: “Rejoice, full of grace!”, when he brought Her the news about Her future Motherhood.

It so happened that, getting ready for a sinful task, he stood in front of the icon to pray before leaving. Then he felt a strange heart and body trembling, the image on the icon seemed to move, breathe, and the sinner saw with horror how terrible wounds opened on the arms and legs and on the right side of the Baby sitting on Her lap, from which blood flowed in streams.

The man fell in front of the icon with a cry of horror, asking the Mother of God who did this. To which he was given a sorrowful answer from the Mother of God that sinners, just like him, day after day crucify and crucify Her Son with their sins, and they hypocritically call Her merciful, insulting Her maternal love with their iniquities.

Hearing this, the sinner, in whom, apparently, a particle of faith and purity remained, prayed to the Queen of Heaven, calling Her Lady, so that the measure of his sins would not exceed Her goodness and mercy. He began to pray to the Mother of God that She would intercede for him before the Son.

For the first time, the Lady turned to Her Son, but He refused Her to atone for the sinful deeds of the intercessor.

The second prayer appeal to the Mother of God by St. Dmitry of Rostov is described at length and very instructively. In the icon of the Mother of God, depicted inside the icon “Unexpected Joy”, the one in front of which a sinner is depicted kneeling before Her image, we see Hodegetria, with the Child sitting on Her knees. As the saint writes, the Intercessor seated the Son separately and wanted to fall on her face before Him, but the Son exclaimed, stopping Her: “What do you want to do?” The Mother of God replied that she would lie at the feet of Her Son until He forgives the repentant sinner. To this, the Lord told Her that the Law commands the Son to honor the Mother, but the truth demands that the One who issued the Law Himself honors it and fulfills It. He said that He is the Son of His Mother, and therefore must honor Her by listening to her prayers to Him. Therefore, let it be as Mother wants. The sinner will be forgiven, but let him first kiss His wounds.

Shocked by what he saw, the sinner stood up, joyfully kissed the wounds of the Child, they immediately closed, and the vision stopped. Here he experienced both awe at the greatness of what he saw and great joy, from which he burst into tears of cleansing tears. Again he fell to the icon, praying to the Most Pure One and Her son to preserve the gift of seeing their sins and begging for pardon. From that hour, the soul of this man turned away from sin, and he began to lead a virtuous and godly life. It should be noted that the saint does not indicate what kind of sin accompanied the life of this person, leaving the reader to see his own sins and vices in himself and with faith and strength to pray for healing from them.

By type, the icon “Unexpected Joy” refers to Hodegetria - a guide to Christ; all ancient images are executed in the Byzantine style. A sinner is kneeling in front of the icon, holding out his hands to it. Sometimes from his lips, in the form of ribbons, icon painters depicted the text of prayers addressed to Her. Under the image of the icon of the Mother of God inside the general icon are the initial words from the description of this miracle in the “Irrigated Fleece” - “A certain lawless man...”

Hodegetria “Unexpected Joy” once again testifies that everyone who sincerely wants to be forgiven will be forgiven. Moreover, in the narrative of St. Dmitry of Rostov it is said that the repentant sinner prayed for the gift of a vision of his sins, and this does not mean that he was going to lead a vicious life again. The saint shows us that every person is a sinner - such is our dual nature, but if sin suddenly, unfortunately, due to human weakness, happens, then, seeing it in person, we get the opportunity to repent and, possibly, complete repentance, which will become another the stage of salvation in the spirit.

And more! The sinner was enlightened in spirit when he saw that the Mother of God was ready to fall on her knees before the Son for every sinner who cried out to Her for mercy. However, this is not the only shock in this amazing story. The height of the relationship between Mother and Son is a stunning example of the true - already heavenly! – the relationship between Mother and Son, which gives us an understanding of why the Lady is our first Intercessor and Intercessor to the Lord. This is how you should treat your Mother, how to honor Her. The Lord Himself, the Almighty King, cannot fail to fulfill Her prayer, because the intercession comes from the Mother, whose request He cannot resist only because She is His Mother.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected joy” helps to find peace of mind and inner spiritual strength. As Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva wrote in “Poems about Moscow”:

To Unexpected Joy in the Garden
I will bring in a foreign guest.

The domes of red will shine,
The sleepless bells will ring,

And at you from the crimson clouds
The Virgin Mary will drop her veil,

And you will rise, filled with wondrous powers...
“You won’t regret that you loved me.”

Prayer in front of this icon helps us get everything that we have wanted for so long, that we no longer expected to receive, each according to our own desire: for a priest it can be the repentance of a sinner in the flock and the salvation of his soul, for someone asking for the forgiveness of sins it can be forgiveness. It helps parents in cases where it is necessary to bring some sense to children who have lost their way or gone down a vicious path. At the request of people, someone finds lost loved ones, someone reconciles with someone with whom reconciliation seems impossible, and much, much more happens, even a seeming failure can turn into a happy accident.

It is believed that prayer in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon helps in healing from diseases, especially those associated with deafness. Here, physical deafness is probably subconsciously associated among believers with spiritual deafness, with the loss of moral guidelines, which obviously manifests itself at the bodily level.

Also, prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected joy” helps to find just such a joy, the most amazing, because it is unexpected, sudden. It is known that during the Great Patriotic War many women in the rear prayed in front of this icon (there is information about this) for the missing men of their family, and others even for the fallen, after the funeral. And it happened unexpected joy– information about the death turned out to be erroneous, the fighter returned home. Many believers know: ask Her icon “Unexpected Joy” for everything that your soul grieves about, and She, the Intercessor, helps everyone who comes with faith and prayer, even in what seems almost impossible, restoring lost hopes.

Prayer in front of the icon and knowledge of the events that are associated with the birth of the image inspire a person to moral rebirth, and prayer for loved ones helps those in despair find unexpected joy and gives hope for a sudden joyful deliverance from troubles and sorrows, if they are present in their life.

“Our sins and iniquities grew... The holy wonder-working icons of the Queen of Heaven have disappeared, and until there is a sign from the holy wonder-working icon of the Mother of God, I will not believe that we are forgiven. But I believe that such a time will come and we will live to see it.”


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


The first mention of the icon itself dates back to the 1830s, but the event that gave rise to its writing occurred at least a century earlier and is described in the book “Irrigated Fleece,” compiled by St. Dmitry of Rostov.

A certain dashing man led a sinful life, but nevertheless reverently revered the Most Pure One, praying daily before Her image. One day, getting ready to “go out for a criminal deed,” he prayed and suddenly saw how the wounds on the Infant God’s arms, legs and side began to bleed; and he heard the voice of the Most Pure One: “You and other sinners are again crucifying My Son with your sins, like the Jews. You call Me Merciful, but why do you insult Me with your lawless deeds?” The shocked sinner begged the Most Pure One for intercession, and from that time on he returned to an honest and pious life.

According to the legend about the repentant sinner, on the icon “Unexpected Joy” it is written “a certain lawless man”, praying on his knees in front of the image of “Hodegetria”, under which are usually inscribed the first words of the story itself or a special prayer.


The history of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” before it came to our church is not known for certain. Most likely, this particular icon was in the Church of Constantine and Helena in the Taininsky Garden of the Moscow Kremlin, destroyed in 1928. From there, along with other numerous shrines of Moscow, it ended up in the Resurrection Church in Sokolniki. Over time, when the authorities stopped supporting the renovationists, their movement disintegrated, and many icons from Sokolniki began to return to the surviving Moscow churches.

The then rector of “Ilya the Ordinary,” Archpriest Alexander Tolgsky, received the blessing of Patriarch Sergius, and in 1944 the icon was solemnly transferred to our church. This event happened on Friday, and since then on Fridays it has been served in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon of the Mother of God.

On the robe of the miraculous icon is the inscription: “With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Rus', the robe was restored on the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” in the summer of 1959 under the rector of the Church of the Prophet Elijah the Ordinary, Archpriest A.V. Tolgsky.”

The late Patriarch Pimen especially loved this icon and, considering himself a parishioner of the Church of Elijah the Ordinary, often attended evening services.


Many hundreds of people over the centuries have prayed to this miraculous image, turning to the Most Pure Virgin with faith and in the hope of receiving the unexpected joy of forgiveness and gracious consolation, help in business. They ask her for the conversion of the lost, for confirmation in the faith, especially praying for their children.

The image of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” reminds Orthodox Christians of repentance and the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. “God will not destroy a broken and humble heart” (Ps. 50:19), sings the prophet David. “There is no sin, no matter how great it is, that conquers God’s love for mankind, if at the appropriate time we repent and ask for forgiveness,” says St. John Chrysostom.


Today, faithful people, / we spiritually triumph, / glorifying the zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, / and, flowing to Her most pure image, we cry out: / Oh, Merciful Lady Theotokos, / grant us unexpected joy, / burdened with many sins and sorrows, / and deliver us from all evil, // beseeching Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

KONDAK, tone 6

There are no imams of other help, / no imams of other hope, / except for You, the Lady. / Help us, / we rely on You, / and we boast in You, / For we are Your servants, // Let us not be ashamed.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in Honor of Her Icon “UNEXPECTED JOY”

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all generations of the Mother of God and the Queen, who sometimes appeared to the lawless man, in order to turn him away from the path of wickedness, we offer thanksgiving singing to Thee, the Mother of God; But You, who have unspeakable mercy, free us from all troubles and sins, let us call to You:

Ikos 1

The angels and righteous souls were surprised when you appeared before your Son and God and interceded with many prayers for the man who is always in sin; But we, with the eyes of faith seeing Your great compassion, with tenderness we cry out to You:
Rejoice, you who accept the prayers of all Christians; Rejoice, and you who do not reject the prayers of the most desperate sinners.
Rejoice, you who intercede for your Son for them; Rejoice, you who give them the unexpected joy of salvation.
Rejoice, saving the whole world through Your intercession; Rejoice, quenching all our sorrows.
Rejoice, Mother of God of all, comforting embittered souls; Rejoice, you who arrange our life well.
Rejoice, having brought deliverance from sins to all people; Rejoice, you who have given birth to joy to the whole world.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Most Holy One, even if he is lawless, but every day with faith and hope before Her venerable icon he casts himself down and brings the Archangel’s greeting to Her, and he hears the praise of such a sinner, and all who see Her Motherly mercy, in Heaven and on earth cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Human reason truly surpasses Your love for the Christian race, for even then You did not cease from Your intercession for the lawless man, when Your Son showed You the wounds of the nails, the sins of men committed by Him. Seeing You as the persistent Intercessor for us sinners, we cry out to You with tears:
Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, given to us by God; Rejoice, our Guide, who leads us to the Heavenly Fatherland.
Rejoice, guardianship and refuge of the faithful; Rejoice, help of all who call on Your holy name.
Rejoice, thou who hast snatched away all those despised and rejected from the pit of destruction; Rejoice, you who turn those to the right path.
Rejoice, you who drive away constant despondency and spiritual darkness; Rejoice, for those who have been waiting for a new mind from illness and better meaning serving.
Rejoice, you who have been left by doctors in Your all-powerful hand.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 3

The power of grace abounded there, where sin abounded; May all the Angels in Heaven rejoice over the one sinner who has repented, singing before the Throne of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having Motherly mercy for the Christian race, give a helping hand to all who come to You with faith and hope, O Lady, so that with one heart and one mouth we all bring the praise of Tisitsa:
Rejoice, for through You God's favor descends upon us; Rejoice, for through You we also imams have increased boldness towards God.
Rejoice, for in all our troubles and circumstances you offer your Son earnest prayers for us; Rejoice, for you make our prayers pleasing to God.
Rejoice, for not visible enemies you drive us away; Rejoice, for you deliver us from visible enemies.
Rejoice, like hearts evil people soften; Rejoice, for you have taken us away from slander, harassment and reproach.
Rejoice, for through You all our good desires are fulfilled; Rejoice, for Your prayer can accomplish much before Your Son and God.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of sinful thoughts inside, a lawless person prayed before Thy honest icon and, seeing the Blood from the wounds of Thy Eternal Son flowing in streams, like on the Cross, fell from fear and cried out to Thee with sobs: “Have mercy on me, O Mother of mercy, My malice will overcome Your ineffable goodness and mercy, for You are the only hope and refuge for all sinners; bow down to mercy, O Good Mother, and beg Thy Son and my Creator for me, so that I may continually call to Him: Alleluia.”

Ikos 4

The inhabitants of heaven heard about the miraculous salvation of their dying brother through Your prayers, glorifying You, the compassionate Queen of Heaven and earth; And we, sinners, having experienced such intercession of a sinner similar to us, even if our tongue is perplexed to praise Thee according to our heritage, from the depths of our tender heart we sing to Thee:
Rejoice, Helper of the salvation of sinners; Rejoice, Seeker of the lost.
Rejoice, Unexpected Joy of Sinners; Rejoice, rise of the fallen.
Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world from troubles; Rejoice, for the voices of Your prayers tremble.
Rejoice, as the Angels rejoice at this; Rejoice, for the power of Your prayers fills us, earthly creatures, with joy.
Rejoice, for with these you remove us from the mire of sins; Rejoice, for you have extinguished the flame of our passions.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 5

You showed us the God-bearing star, the miraculous icon of Your Mother, O Lord, for, looking at the image of Her bodily eyes, we rise with our minds and hearts to the Primordial Image and through Her we flow to You, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the Guardian Angels of Christians, as the Mother of God assists them in their instruction, intercession and salvation, they tried to cry out to the Most Honest Cherub and the Most Glorious Seraphim without comparison:
Rejoice, reigning forever with Your Son and God; Rejoice, you who always bring prayers to Him for the Christian race.
Rejoice, Teacher of Christian faith and piety; Rejoice, Eradicator of heresies and pernicious schisms.
Rejoice, preserving temptations that corrupt the soul and body; Rejoice, you who deliver us from dangerous circumstances and sudden death without repentance and Holy Communion.
Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You; Rejoice, even after death for the soul that has gone to the judgment of the Lord before Your Son, unceasingly interceding.
Rejoice, by Your Mother's intercession you deliver this from eternal torment.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of Your wondrous mercy, bestowed on a certain lawless man, appeared Saint Demetrius of Rostov, who, writing off the great and glorious, and fair works of God, revealed in You, committed to writing and this work of Your mercy for the teaching and consolation of all the faithful, and even these, in sins, troubles, sorrows and embitterments of their beings, many times every day with faith in prayer before Your image they bow their knees and, having left those, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Your miraculous icon, O Mother of God, appears to us like a bright dawn, driving away the darkness of troubles and sorrows from all who cry out to You with love:
Rejoice, our Healer in bodily illnesses; Rejoice, Good Comforter in our spiritual sorrows.
Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who rejoice those who do not hope with undoubted hope.
Rejoice, you who hunger for the Nourisher; Rejoice, robe of the naked.
Rejoice, Comforter of widows; Rejoice, invisible teacher of motherless orphans.
Rejoice, O unjustly persecuted and offended Intercessor; Rejoice, just avenger of those who persecute and offend.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lawgiver, the Righteous Lord Himself is the Executor of the law and shows the abyss of His mercy, bow down to Your fervent prayer, Blessed Mother of the Virgin, for the lawless man, saying: “The law commands, that the son honor the mother. I am Your Son, You are My Mother: I must honor You, listening to Your prayer; Be it as you wish: now his sins are forgiven for Your sake.” We, seeing such the power of our Intercessor’s prayer for the forgiveness of our sins, will glorify Her mercy and ineffable compassion, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new wondrous and glorious sign appeared to all the faithful, as if not only Your Mother, but also Her most pure face, depicted on the tablet, You have granted the power of miracles, Lord; Marveling at this mystery, with tenderness of heart we cry out to Her like this:
Rejoice, revelation of the wisdom and goodness of God; Rejoice, affirmation of faith.
Rejoice, manifestation of grace; Rejoice, gift of useful knowledge.
Rejoice, overthrow of harmful teachings; Rejoice, it is not difficult to overcome lawless habits.
Rejoice, you who give the word of wisdom to those who ask; Rejoice, you foolish, intelligent worker.
Rejoice, children, inconvenience to students, giver of reason; Rejoice, good Guardian and Mentor of youth.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 8

A strange and terrible vision of a certain lawless man, showing him the goodness of the Lord, forgiving his sins through the intercession of the Mother of God; For this reason, therefore, correct your life, live in a manner pleasing to God. Sitsa and we, seeing the glorious deeds and manifold wisdom of God in the world and our life, let us move away from earthly vanities and unnecessary cares of life, and raise our mind and heart to Heaven, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All abiding in the highest, and you have not retreated from the lower ones, Most Merciful Queen of Heaven and earth; Even though, after Your Dormition, You ascended into Heaven with Your Most Pure Flesh, yet You did not leave the sinful earth, being a Participant of the Providence of Your Son for the Christian race. For this sake, we dutifully please Thee:
Rejoice, having enlightened the whole earth with the radiance of Your most pure soul; Rejoice, who made all Heaven rejoice with the purity of Your body.
Rejoice, Providence of Your Son for the generation of Christians, Holy Servant; Rejoice, zealous Representative for the whole world.
Rejoice, you who adopted us all at the Cross of Your Son; Rejoice, always showing motherly love for us.
Rejoice, unenviable Giver of all gifts, spiritual and physical; Rejoice, blessings of the temporary Intercessor.
Rejoice, thou who openest the doors of the Kingdom of Christ to the faithful; Rejoice, and filling their hearts with pure joy in the land.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted such a strong and warm Intercessor and Helper to the Christian race, I am present to us invisibly, but I hear You singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

They talk vainly, but not enlightened by God, as if worshiping a holy image is like worshiping an idol; They do not understand that the honor given to the holy image ascends to the Archetype. Not only do we know this good thing, but we also hear from faithful people about many miracles from the face of the Mother of God, and we ourselves need to worship him for the time and eternal life Acceptingly, with joy we cry to the Mother of God:
Rejoice, for miracles work from Your holy face; Rejoice, for this wisdom and grace have been hidden from the wise and prudent of this age.
Rejoice, for she was revealed as a child in faith; Rejoice, for you glorify those who glorify You.
Rejoice, for you put to shame those who reject You before everyone; Rejoice, for you have delivered those who come to You from drowning, fire and sword, from deadly plagues and from all evil.
Rejoice, for you mercifully heal all the illnesses of mankind, mental and physical; Rejoice, for through Your prayer you will soon satisfy the righteous wrath of God against us.
Rejoice, for You are a quiet refuge from storms for those floating on the sea of ​​life; Rejoice, for at the end of our everyday voyage you will reliably lead us to the storm-free country of the Kingdom of Christ.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 10

Although you saved a certain lawless man from the error of his life’s path, You showed him a wondrous vision from Your most honorable icon, O Most Blessed One, yes, seeing the miracle, he will repent and, raised from the depths of sin by Your merciful providence, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall to the virgins, the Virgin Mother of God, and to all who flow to Thee, for the Creator of Heaven and earth, who dwells in Thy womb and is born of Thee, reveal Thee, the Ever-Virgin, the guardian of virginity, purity and chastity and the vessel of all virtue, and teach Thee to proclaim to all:
Rejoice, pillar and fence of virginity; Rejoice, invisible Guardian of purity and chastity.
Rejoice, kind Teacher of the virgins; Rejoice, good bride, Decorator and Supporter.
Rejoice, all-desired accomplishment of good marriages; Rejoice, speedy resolution for mothers giving birth.
Rejoice, upbringing of infants and grace-filled protection; Rejoice, you who gladden childless parents with the fruits of faith and the Spirit.
Rejoice, consolation to mourning mothers; Rejoice, secret joy of pure virgins and widows.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 11

Bringing all-contrite singing to You, the unworthy, we ask You, Virgin Mother of God: do not despise the voice of Your servants, for we run to You in adversity and sorrow and before You in our troubles we shed tears, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

I give light to those who exist in the darkness of sin and the vale of weeping; we see the Holy Virgin; For the spiritual fire of His prayers, kindling instructions and consolation, leads everyone to the Unevening Light, the appeal of those who honor You with these:
Rejoice, Ray from the Sun of Truth, Christ our God; Rejoice, enlightening bad conscience.
Rejoice, secret and foreseen inconvenience, leading all the good and telling it as it should; Rejoice, you who disgrace false seers and vain fortune-telling.
Rejoice, in the hour of perplexity you put a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, abiding ever in fasting, prayer and contemplation of God.
Rejoice, you who encourage and admonish the faithful shepherds of the Church; Rejoice, everlasting consolation for God-fearing monks and nuns.
Rejoice, unashamed Intercessor of sinners who repent before God; Rejoice, warm Intercessor of all Christians.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 12

Ask us for Divine grace from Your Son and God, extend a helping hand to us, drive away every enemy and adversary from us, pacify our lives, so that we may not perish violently, without repentance, but accept us into eternal shelter, Mother of God, so that we may rejoice in God, through You. to him who saves us: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your ineffable Motherly mercy towards lawless man, we all praise You, as a firm Intercessor for us sinners, and we worship You, who prays for us; For we believe and trust, as if You have asked Your Son and God for good, temporal and eternal, for all, crying out to You with love:
Rejoice, all slander and temptations that come from the world, the flesh and the devil are trampled underfoot; Rejoice, unforeseen reconciliation of bitterly warring people.
Rejoice, unknown correction of unrepentant sinners; Rejoice, speedy Comforter to those who are exhausted from despondency and sadness.
Rejoice, you who provide us with the grace of humility and patience; Rejoice, nationwide denunciation of perjury and unrighteous acquisitions.
Rejoice, thou who protectest the blood of the same blood from domestic strife and enmity through peace and love; Rejoice, thou who invisibly turns us away from disastrous undertakings and senseless wishes.
Rejoice, in our good intentions you have been a companion to the Helper; Rejoice, at the hour of death for all of us, Helper.
Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, who contained the Inconceivable God in her womb and gave birth to Joy to the whole world! Accept this present singing, turn all our sorrows into joy and deliver us from all misfortunes and remove future torments from those who cry out for You: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “Angels and righteous souls...” and the 1st kontakion: “The chosen one from all generations...”.


O Most Holy Virgin, All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, Patroness of the city of Moscow, Faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who live in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy of Your servants, offered to You, and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Your honorable icon, You did not despise him, but You gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and You bowed down Your Son to the many and zealous towards Him. intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and erring one, so even now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and implore Thy Son and our God, and grant to all of us, who with faith and tenderness bow before Thy celibate image, unexpected joy for each need: for a sinner mired in the depths of evil and passion - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; to those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those who find themselves in troubles and embitterment - a complete abundance of these; to the faint-hearted and unreliable—hope and patience; to those who live in joy and abundance - unceasing thanksgiving to the Benefactor; to those in need - mercy; those who are in illness and long illness and abandoned by doctors—unexpected healing and strengthening; those who were waiting for the return and renewal of the mind from illness; those departing into eternal and endless life - memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, a cheerful spirit and firm hope in the mercy of the Judge. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Your honorable name, and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession; abide in piety, purity and honest living until their last death in goodness; create evil good things; guide the erring one on the right path; Make progress in every good work that is pleasing to Your Son; Destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, those who find invisible help and admonition were sent down from Heaven; save from temptations, seductions and destruction; protect and preserve from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible; floating float; for those who travel, travel; Be the Nourisher for those in need and hunger; for those who do not have shelter and shelter, provide cover and refuge; Give clothes to the naked; for those offended and unjustly persecuted - intercession; invisibly justify the slander, slander and blasphemy of those who suffer; expose slanderers and slanderers before everyone; Grant unforeseen reconciliation to those who are bitterly at odds, and to all of us for each other love, peace and piety and health with long life. Preserve marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses who exist in enmity and division, die, unite me to each other and establish an indestructible union of love for them; to mothers and children giving birth, grant permission quickly; raise babies; For young people to be chaste, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching, instruct them in the fear of God, abstinence and hard work; Protect from domestic strife and enmity of half-bloods with peace and love. Be the Mother of motherless orphans, turn them away from every vice and filth and teach them everything that is good and pleasing to God, and bring those seduced into sin and impurity, having revealed the filth of sin, from the abyss of destruction. Be the Comforter and Helper of widows, be the rod of old age, deliver us all from sudden death without repentance, and grant us all a Christian end to our lives, painless, shameless, peaceful and a good answer at the terrible Judgment of Christ. Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, with the Angels and all the saints, create a life for those who died of sudden death, beseech the merciful existence of Your Son, and for all the departed who have no relatives, begging for the repose of Your Son, Be yourself a constant and warm Prayer and Intercessor May everyone in Heaven and on earth lead You as a steadfast and shameless Representative of the Christian race, and, leading, glorify You and Your Son, with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Icon of Unexpected Joy is a miraculous icon depicting the Mother of God. She is especially revered in the Russian tradition Orthodox Church. Read more in the article!

Icon of Unexpected Joy: history of origin

We cannot live without sorrows, but we also experience joys. And if in sorrow, abandoning the most urgent matters, we rush to the temple - to beg, to beg, so that this bitter cup may pass from us, we do not hold in joy and thoughts to rush in the same way - to give thanks.

In Moscow, very close to the Kropotkinskaya metro station, there is the Temple of Elijah the Prophet. Many Muscovites also call it Ordinary. Temple of Elijah the Ordinary. Why? Yes, now the word “ordinary” in relation to the temple surprises us; we have long and firmly invested in it our far from spiritual significance meaning. And our ancestors knew well what an ordinary temple was. This is a temple built in one day. Yes, yes, the whole world gathered while it was still dark, quickly divided up who was where, and - they built. Brick by brick, pebble by plank. And by evening - Lord, bless us in Your new home!

The temple of Elijah the prophet is also ordinary. And the lane on which the temple stands is also called Ordinary. In 1592, a wooden temple was erected on this site one day. And then, a hundred years later, a stone one. The Lord saved the Church of Elijah the Ordinary from Bolshevik devastation; it did not close. They marked it as “petty hooliganism”: they threw down the bells in 1933. That was all there was to it. The temple became a haven for shrines from those churches that fell under the hot hand, bad head and empty heart of the builders of a new life. This is exactly how the miraculous icon “Unexpected Joy” ended up in the temple of Elijah the Ordinary. At first it was located in the Kremlin in the small church of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, then, after its destruction, it moved to Sokolniki, to the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, and since 1944 - here, in Obydenny Lane.

The icon “Unexpected Joy” is very popular. They bring flowers to her, even those who are passing through Moscow come to worship her. Unexpected Joy... Everything seems to be clear, and there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding. And this is the history of this icon. There lived one sinner who multiplied his days with obscene deeds, but despite this, he always prayed before the icon of the Mother of God. Once again I got ready to commit sin and once again approached the icon. “Rejoice, O Blessed One...” was all that Archangel Gabriel had time to say. And he fell silent, shocked by what he saw. Suddenly, the Infant of God, whom the Virgin Mary was holding, began to have ulcers, real ones, on his arms, legs and side, and began to bleed. The sinner, unconscious from horror, fell on his face and shouted:

-Who did this!

And I heard the terrible words of the Mother of God:

-You. You sinners crucify My son, you insult Me with lawless deeds, and then you dare to call Me Merciful.

The sinner began to shed bitter tears.

“Have mercy on me,” he asked the Mother of God, “forgive me, beg the Son for me.”

The Mother of God immediately said a prayer: “Forgive all the things he has done.” Only the Eternal Son remained silent, and the sinner rushed about in horror before the icon:

-Have mercy on me, beg me!

Finally, he heard words of forgiveness. And I heard it when I was completely desperate, remembering the gravity of my sins. But God's mercy is limitless. The forgiven sinner rushed to the icon and began to kiss the bloody wounds of the Savior crucified by our sins. And he didn’t expect, and he didn’t hope anymore... And then she, unexpected joy, visited his almost trembling heart. From then on, they say, he began to live piously.

This story served as the reason for painting the icon “Unexpected Joy”. It depicts a man kneeling. He stretches out his hands to the icon in which the Mother of God holds Her Son on her lap. Below, under the face, the first words of the story telling about this are usually placed: “A certain lawless man...”

A certain lawless man... Isn’t it about us? It seems that all of us, having strained our memory and not strained it, can remember how not once or twice, but many times we sinned in big and small ways, while constantly justifying ourselves, finding the most convincing arguments that there is no other way... Of course, in the depths of our souls , the most secret ones, we always correctly understand what is what. But what we understand ourselves, is it really necessary to announce to others? We do not know what kind of sin the person committed when he approached the icon for a blessing. For us this is not so important; our own sins are more burning and unforgivable. But we are not always embarrassed by this, it seems that we know better what is useful for us, what is necessary for us, and we ask not to admonish for good, but to give, give... I remember how one Moscow shepherd said in a sermon:

– We don’t ask, we demand. Lord, my will be done. Mine, not Yours, because I know better what I need.

Apparently, sin, especially unconscious sin, which for us is almost a virtue, is capable of wounding the Body of Christ to the point of bleeding. After all, that “certain lawless man” also approached the icon to be blessed for sin. One offended woman recently complained to me about... God:

-If only you knew how I prayed! I bowed down on my knees and kept asking: Lord, do not allow my son to marry, this is not the kind of wife he needs, they will not live, I feel it in my gut. But he doesn’t want to listen. How I prayed! It’s already the eve of the wedding, they’re buying vodka for the table, and I’m still praying. So what's the point? Signed...

“My will be done...” A classic case when life is undoubtedly perceived by us as normal, correct, healthy. There is no doubt that I know better what kind of woman my son needs, what profession my daughter needs, what brand of car my son-in-law needs. And we ask: strengthen, Lord, my irrefutable arguments, tell them all that I am right. But the Lord is in no hurry. Waiting. Waiting for us to finally doubt our far-fetched, harmful righteousness, when our heart suddenly begins to see clearly. Then it will give a person unexpected joy. They didn’t expect it, they didn’t know it, but they were gifted!

“Unexpected joy” is an icon calling us to work. Spiritual and prayerful work. The results of that work will not appear immediately. We have to wash them and wash them. It’s not for nothing that prayer work is called a feat. “Work and pray,” the ancient ascetics taught. Always work and always pray. Do we at least once, and if not, then “what’s the point?”

But the icon is called “unexpected Joy”. And if it’s unexpected, it means it’s unexpected, unexpected, like out of the blue, like a golden ruble on the road, like a gift. Yes, unexpected joys greatly decorate our lives. Sometimes it happens that even an unexpected call from a good person can rescue us from a state of protracted, exhausting depression.

“How I want to see you,” he will say. good man, - I really need to meet you.

And - miracles! Our tediousness (everything is wrong, everything is not the same) will instantly be trampled by a healthy desire to pull back the curtains, go to the mirror... Unexpected joy easy step I walked through a heavy soul, such small, such unexpected joy...

How important it is to cultivate a commitment to such joy. She is in thanksgiving. Don't forget to say “thank you.” After all, when receiving a gift, even the most ill-mannered among us will at least quietly mutter “thank you.” And unexpected joy is a spiritual gift. Thanksgiving for him is in prayer. “I don’t know a single prayer, I don’t know how to pray at all, I go up to the icon and think: what should I do next? Well, I crossed myself, and then what? “The editors often receive letters like this, and there is nothing surprising about it. We know English because we completed the courses foreign languages, we know how to drive a car because we passed our driver's license exams, we know how to knit because our mother taught us, and we bake pies according to our grandmother's recipe. But no one taught us to pray. We are self-taught at best, ignorant at worst. But first of all, it’s never too late to learn. Secondly, does the Lord need our lengthy speeches? “Glory to Thee, Lord!” - the shortest prayer in the world. We've already learned it. Pronounced with a repentant heart, it will reach its “destination” faster than a complete prayer rule rattled off without feeling from a prayer book. But there is also a special prayer to the icon “Unexpected Joy” - an akathist.

What does the akathist teach before “Unexpected Joy”?

Akathist is a Greek word and it is translated as a hymn that is sung while standing. Standing in front of an icon. Every holiday, every saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, every icon has its own akathist. This is a special poetic creativity. Let us reveal the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos “for the sake of Her miraculous image of Unexpected Joy.” Here are just a few akathist lines: “Rejoice, Thou Who has given birth to Joy to the whole world. Rejoice, for the flame of our passions is extinguished. Rejoice, blessings of the temporary Intercessor. Rejoice, Thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful.” The Akathist can be read at home. There are moments when the unexpected joy bestowed upon us fills the soul with such light that our lips begin to speak out of the abundance of our hearts. This is where it’s time to stand in front of the image and read the akathist.

If we take a closer look at our lives, we can easily find in it many reasons for unexpected joy. Your son passed physics with a B, but it seemed to you that even a C was a blessing, an unexpected joy. It rained for a week, and today the sun is in the entire sky - an unexpected joy. You picked up a tiny puppy, who soon became your friend, your husband was unexpectedly given two (you and him) free trips to a sanatorium, but you never know... Life is woven from small joys, half of which are unexpected, so many reasons for thanksgiving. Another thing is that we don’t have the skill. We know how to ask, beg, cry in front of an icon, if we have an urge, we’ll learn right away, but to give thanks... Let’s learn to give thanks. And teach children. After all, children need this science so much in life. An ungrateful person who forgets to thank his neighbor for his mercy will all the more forget about the highest gratitude. A relapse of his poor memory will be his inability to experience heartfelt joy. And the inability to experience heartfelt joy will become the cause of a joyless life, reduced to the framework of earthly existence. What a chain reaction, what a strong connection.

The icon “Unexpected Joy” teaches us a grateful life. Before the face Holy Mother of God each of us is pathetic, sinful and restless. And there is no need to be ashamed of this as a great shame. You have to admit this and accidentally rejoice that you have accepted, that now you have wide open space and unlimited possibilities. Remember in the Akathist? “Rejoice, O Thou who grantest unexpected joy to the faithful.” And not to those who, during a long marathon from sin to sin, suddenly make a zigzag towards the icon and, just in case, freeze in front of it for a minute pause. Faithful are those who have shown their faithfulness in deed, in word, in hatred of sin, and in prayer. Help us, “Unexpected Joy,” to get closer to the faithful. Give us strength and understanding.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon called “Unexpected Joy”

Kontakion 1

To the Mother of God and the Queen, chosen from all generations, who sometimes appeared to a lawless man, in order to turn him away from the path of wickedness, we offer thanksgiving singing to Thee, the Mother of God; But You, who have ineffable mercy, free us from all troubles and sins, let us call You: Rejoice, you who grant unexpected joy to the faithful.

Ikos 1

The angels and righteous souls were surprised when you appeared before your Son and God and interceded with many prayers for the man who is always in sin; But we, with the eyes of faith seeing Your great compassion, with tenderness cry out to You: Rejoice, you who accept the prayers of all Christians; Rejoice, and you who do not reject the prayers of the most desperate sinners. Rejoice, you who intercede for your Son for them; Rejoice, you who give them the unexpected joy of salvation. Rejoice, saving the whole world through Your intercession; Rejoice, quenching all our sorrows. Rejoice, Mother of God of all, comforting embittered souls; Rejoice, you who arrange our life well. Rejoice, having brought deliverance from sins to all people; Rejoice, you who have given birth to joy to the whole world. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Most Holy Man, even if he is lawless, but every day with faith and hope before Her honorable icon he casts himself down and brings the Archangel’s greeting to Her, and he hears such a sinner’s praise, and all who see Her Motherly mercy, in Heaven and on earth cry out to God : Allelua.

Ikos 2

Human reason truly surpasses Your love for the Christian race, for even then You did not cease from Your intercession for the lawless man, when Your Son showed You the wounds of the nails, the sins of men committed by Him. Seeing You as the persistent Intercessor for us sinners, we cry out to You with tears: Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, given to us by God; Rejoice, our Guide, who leads us to the Heavenly Fatherland. Rejoice, guardianship and refuge of the faithful; Rejoice, help of all who call Your name sacred. Rejoice, thou who hast snatched away all those despised and rejected from the pit of destruction; Rejoice, you who turn those to the right path. Rejoice, you who drive away constant despondency and spiritual darkness; Rejoice, you who give new and better meaning to those who have been dependent on illness. Rejoice, left by the doctors in Your all-powerful accepting hand. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.
Kontakion 3
The power of grace abounded there, where sin abounded; May all the Angels in Heaven rejoice over the one sinner who has repented. Singing before the Throne of God: Allelua.

Ikos 3

Having Motherly mercy for the Christian race, give a helping hand to all who come to You with faith and hope, O Lady, so that with one heart and one mouth we all bring the praise of You: Rejoice, for through You God’s favor descends upon us; Rejoice, for through You we also imams have increased boldness towards God. Rejoice, for in all our troubles and circumstances you offer your Son earnest prayers for us; Rejoice, for you have made our prayers pleasing to God. Rejoice, for you drive away invisible enemies from us; Rejoice, for you deliver us from visible enemies. Rejoice, for you soften the hearts of evil people; Rejoice, for you have taken us away from slander, harassment and reproach. Rejoice, for through You all our good desires are fulfilled; Rejoice, for Your prayer can accomplish much before Your Son and God. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of sinful thoughts inside, a lawless person prayed before Thy honest icon and, seeing the Blood from the wounds of Thy Eternal Son flowing in streams, like on the Cross, fell from fear and cried out to Thee with sobs: “Have mercy on me, O Mother of mercy, My malice will overcome Your ineffable goodness and mercy, for You are the only Hope and Refuge for all sinners; bow down to mercy, O Good Mother, and pray for me to Your Son and my Creator, so that I may continually call to Him: Allelua.

Ikos 4

The inhabitants of heaven heard about the miraculous salvation of their dying brother through Your prayers, glorifying You, the compassionate Queen of Heaven and earth; and we, sinners, having experienced such intercession of a sinner similar to us, even if our tongue is perplexed to praise You according to our heritage, from the depths of our tender heart we sing to You: Rejoice, Helper of the salvation of sinners; Rejoice, Seeker of the lost. Rejoice, Unexpected Joy of Sinners; Rejoice, rise of the fallen. Rejoice, Representative to God, saving the world from troubles; Rejoice, for the voices of Your prayers tremble. Rejoice, as the Angels rejoice at this; Rejoice, for the power of Your prayers fills us, earthly creatures, with joy. Rejoice, for with these you take us away from the mire of sins; Rejoice, for you have extinguished the flame of our passions. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 5

You showed us the God-bearing star - the miraculous icon of Your Mother, O Lord, for, looking at the image of Her bodily eyes, we rise with our minds and hearts to the Primordial Image and through Her we flow to You, singing: Allelua.

Ikos 5

Having seen the Guardian Angels of Christians, as if the Mother of God was assisting them in instructing them, interceding and saving them, they tried to cry out to the Most Honest Cherub and the Most Glorious without comparison Seraphim: Rejoice, reigning forever with Your Son and God; Rejoice, you who always bring prayers to Him for the Christian race. Rejoice, Teacher of Christian faith and piety; Rejoice, Eradicator of heresies and pernicious schisms. Rejoice, preserving temptations that corrupt the soul and body; Rejoice, deliverer from dangerous circumstances and sudden death, without repentance and Holy Communion. Rejoice, you who give a shameless end to those who trust in You; Rejoice, even after death for the soul that has gone to the judgment of the Lord before Your Son, you never cease to intercede. Rejoice, by Your Mother's intercession you deliver this from eternal torment. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of Your wondrous mercy, bestowed on a certain lawless man, appeared Saint Demetrius of Rostov, who, writing off the great and glorious and fair works of God, revealed in You, committed to writing and this work of Your mercy for the teaching and consolation of all the faithful, and even these, in sins , troubles, sorrows and embitterments of those who exist, many times every day with faith in prayer before Your image they bow their knees and, having forgotten those things, cry out to God: Allelua.

Ikos 6

Arose to us, like a bright dawn, your miraculous icon, Mother of God, driving away the darkness of troubles and sorrows from all who cry out to You with love: Rejoice, our Healer in bodily illnesses; Rejoice, Good Comforter in our spiritual sorrows. Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who rejoice those who do not hope with undoubted hope. Rejoice, you who hunger for the Nourisher; Rejoice, robe of the naked. Rejoice, Comforter of widows; Rejoice, invisible teacher of motherless orphans. Rejoice, O unjustly persecuted and offended Intercessor; Rejoice, O just Avenger of those who persecute and offend. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lawgiver, the Righteous Lord Himself is the Executor of the law and shows the abyss of His mercy, bow down to Your fervent prayer, Blessed Mother of the Virgin, for the lawless man, saying: “The law commands, that the son honor the mother. I am Your Son, You are My Mother: I must honor You, listening to Your prayer; Be it as you wish: now his sins are forgiven for Your sake.” We, seeing such power in the prayer of our Intercessor for the forgiveness of our sins, will glorify Her mercy and ineffable compassion, calling: Allelua.

Ikos 7

A new wondrous and glorious sign appeared to all the faithful, as if not only Your Mother, but also Her most pure Face, depicted on the board, You have granted the power of miracles, Lord; Marveling at this mystery, with tenderness of heart we cry out to Her like this: Rejoice, revelation of the wisdom and goodness of God; Rejoice, affirmation of faith. Rejoice, manifestation of grace; Rejoice, gift of useful knowledge. Rejoice, overthrow of harmful teachings; Rejoice, it is not difficult to overcome lawless habits. Rejoice, you who give the word of wisdom to those who ask; Rejoice, you foolish, intelligent worker. Rejoice, children, inconvenience to students, giver of reason; Rejoice, good Guardian and Mentor of youth. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 8

A strange and terrible vision of a certain lawless man, showing him the goodness of the Lord, forgiving his sins through the intercession of the Mother of God; For this reason, therefore, correct your life, live in a manner pleasing to God. Sitsa and we, seeing the glorious deeds and manifold wisdom of God in the world and our life, let us move away from earthly vanities and unnecessary cares of life and lift our mind and heart to Heaven, singing to God: Allelua.

Ikos 8

All abiding in the highest, and you have not retreated from the lower ones, Most Merciful Queen of Heaven and earth; Even though, after Your Dormition, You ascended into Heaven with Your most pure flesh, yet You did not leave the sinful earth, who are a Participant of the Providence of Your Son for the Christian race. For this sake, we dutifully please You: Rejoice, having enlightened the whole earth with the radiance of Your most pure soul; Rejoice, who made all Heaven rejoice with the purity of Your body. Rejoice, Providence of Your Son for the generation of Christians, Holy Servant; Rejoice, zealous Representative for the whole world. Rejoice, you who adopted us all at the Cross of Your Son; Rejoice, always showing maternal love for us. Rejoice, unenviable Giver of all gifts, spiritual and physical; Rejoice, blessings of the temporary Intercessor. Rejoice, thou who openest the doors of the Kingdom of Christ to the faithful; Rejoice, and filling their hearts with pure joy in the land. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted such a strong and warm Intercessor and Helper to the Christian race, I am present to us invisibly, but I hear You singing: Allelua.

Ikos 9

The Vetians have many things to say, but they do not talk vainly about the enlightenment of God, as if worshiping a holy image is like worshiping an idol; They do not understand that the honor given to the holy image ascends to the Archetype. Not only do we know this well, but we also hear from faithful people about many miracles from the Face of the Mother of God, and we ourselves, who are in need of temporary and eternal life, accept the worship of Him, with joy we cry out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, for miracles are wrought from Thy sacred Face; Rejoice, for this wisdom and grace have been hidden from the wise and prudent of this age. Rejoice, for she was revealed as a child in faith; Rejoice, for you glorify those who glorify You. Rejoice, for you put to shame those who reject You before everyone; Rejoice, for you have delivered those who come to You from drowning, fire and sword, from deadly plagues and from all evil. Rejoice, for you mercifully heal all the illnesses of mankind, mental and physical; Rejoice, for through Your prayer you will soon satisfy the righteous wrath of God against us. Rejoice, for You are a quiet refuge from storms for those floating on the sea of ​​life; Rejoice, for at the end of our everyday voyage you will reliably lead us to the storm-proof country of the Kingdom of Christ. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 10

Although you saved a certain lawless person from the error of his life’s path, You showed him a wondrous vision from Your most honorable icon, O Most Blessed One, yes, seeing the miracle, he will repent and, raised from the depths of sin by Your merciful providence, cry out to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall to the virgins, O Virgin Mother of God, and to all who flow to Thee, for the Creator of heaven and earth, who dwelleth in Thy womb and was born of Thee, reveal Thee, the Ever-Virgin, the guardian of virginity, purity and chastity and the vessel of all virtue, and teach Thee to proclaim to all: Rejoice, pillar and fence of virginity; Rejoice, invisible Guardian of purity and chastity. Rejoice, kind Teacher of the virgins; Rejoice, good bride, Decorator and Supporter. Rejoice, all-desired accomplishment of good marriages; Rejoice, speedy resolution for mothers giving birth. Rejoice, upbringing of infants and grace-filled protection; Rejoice, you who gladden childless parents with the fruits of faith and the Spirit. Rejoice, consolation to mourning mothers; Rejoice, secret joy of pure virgins and widows. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 11

Bringing all-congratulating singing to You, the unworthy, we ask You, Virgin Mother of God: do not despise the voice of Your servants; For we run to You in adversity and sorrow, and before You in our troubles we shed tears, singing: Allelua.

Ikos 11

I give a light-giving candle, we dry in the darkness of sin and the vale of weeping, we see the Holy Virgin; the spiritual fire of His prayers, kindling instructions and consolation, leads everyone to the Unevening Light, the appeal of those who honor you with these: Rejoice, Ray from the Sun of Truth - Christ our God; Rejoice, enlightening bad conscience. Rejoice, secret and foreseen inconvenience, leading all the good and telling it as it should; Rejoice, you who disgrace false seers and vain fortune-telling. Rejoice, in the hour of perplexity you put a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, abiding ever in fasting, prayer and contemplation of God. Rejoice, you who encourage and admonish the faithful shepherds of the Church; Rejoice, everlasting consolation for God-fearing monks and nuns. Rejoice, unashamed Intercessor of sinners who repent before God; Rejoice, warm Intercessor of all Christians. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 12

Ask us for Divine grace from Your Son and God, extend a helping hand to us, drive away every enemy and adversary from us, pacify our lives, so that we may not perish violently, without repentance, but accept us into eternal shelter, Mother of God, so that we may rejoice in God, through You. to the one who saves us: Allilua.

Ikos 12

Singing Your ineffable Motherly mercy towards lawless man, we all praise You, as a steadfast Intercessor for us sinners, and we worship You, who prays for us; We believe and trust that You have asked from Your Son and God good things that are temporal and eternal to all who cry out to You with love: Rejoice, all slander and temptations that come from the world, the flesh and the devil are trampled underfoot; Rejoice, unforeseen reconciliation of bitterly warring people. Rejoice, unknown correction of unrepentant sinners; Rejoice, speedy Comforter to those who are exhausted from despondency and sadness. Rejoice, you who provide us with the grace of humility and patience; Rejoice, nationwide denunciation of perjury and unrighteous acquisitions. Rejoice, thou who protectest the blood of the same blood from domestic strife and enmity through peace and love; Rejoice, thou who invisibly turns us away from disastrous undertakings and senseless wishes. Rejoice, in our good intentions you have been a companion to the Helper; Rejoice, at the hour of death for all of us, Helper. Rejoice, you who give unexpected joy to the faithful.

Kontakion 13

O All-Singing Mother, who contained the inconceivable God in her womb and gave birth to Joy to the whole world! Accept the present singing, turn all our sorrows into joy and deliver us from all misfortunes, and remove the future torments of those who cry out for You: Allelua.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”

O Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the Patron of this city and holy temple, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses! Accept this prayer song from us, unworthy of Your servants, offered to You, and like the sinner of old, who prayed many times before Your honorable icon, You did not despise him, but You gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and You bowed down Your Son to the many and zealous towards Him. intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and lost one, so even now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and beg Thy Son and our God, and grant to all of us, who with faith and tenderness worship before Thy celibate image, unexpected joy for each need; a sinner mired in the depths of evil and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; for those who are in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those who find themselves in troubles and embitterment - a complete abundance of these; for the faint-hearted and unreliable - hope and patience; for those who live in joy and abundance - unceasing thanksgiving to God the Benefactor; to those in need - mercy; those who are in illness and long illness and abandoned by doctors - unexpected healing and strengthening; for those who were waiting for the mind from illness - return and renewal of the mind; those departing into eternal and endless life - memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, a cheerful spirit and firm hope in the mercy of the Judge. O Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Your all-honorable Name and show everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession: in piety, purity and honest living, observe them in goodness until their death; create evil good things; guide the erring one on the right path; Make progress in every good work that is pleasing to Your Son; Destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, to those who find invisible help and admonition sent down from Heaven, save and save from temptations, seductions and destruction, from all evil people and from visible and invisible enemies, protect and preserve; float for those who swim, travel for those who travel; Be the Nourisher for those in need and hunger; for those who do not have shelter and shelter, provide cover and refuge; Give clothing to the naked, intercession to the offended and unjustly persecuted; invisibly justify the slander, slander and blasphemy of those who suffer; slanderers and slanderers are clothed before everyone; To those who are bitterly at odds, grant unforeseen reconciliation and to all of us - love, peace, piety, and health with long life for each other. preserve marriages in love and like-mindedness; spouses who exist in enmity and division, die, unite them to each other and give quick permission to those who bear children, raise babies, be chaste in young people, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching, instruct the fear of God, abstinence and hard work; Protect your blood brothers from domestic strife and enmity with peace and love; Be the Mother of motherless orphans, turn away from all vice and defilement and teach everything that is good and pleasing to God, and bring those seduced into sin and impurity, having revealed the defilement of sin, from the abyss of destruction; Be the Comforter and Helper of widows, be the rod of old age; Deliver us all from sudden death without repentance and grant us all the Christian death of our lives, painless, shameless, peaceful and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ; having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, create with the Angels and all the saints the lives; those who have fallen into sudden death, beseech the merciful existence of Thy Son and for all the departed who have no relatives, begging for the repose of Thy Son, Thou thyself be a ceaseless and warm Prayer Book and Intercessor: that all in Heaven and on earth may lead Thee as a steadfast and unashamed Representative of the race Christian and, leading, glorify You and Your Son, with His Originless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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