Like a bull in a china shop. Elephant in a china shop - meaning

Joking. About a large, clumsy man who finds himself in a cramped environment among fragile, breakable objects... Dictionary of many expressions

Noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? elephant, anyone? elephant, (see) who? elephant, by whom? elephant, about whom? about an elephant; pl. Who? elephants, (no) who? elephants, anyone? elephants, (see) whom? elephants, by whom? elephants, about whom? about elephants 1. An elephant is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

A; m. 1. Large herbivore mammal with long trunk and two tusks (lives in tropical Africa and Asia). African s. Indian village 2. Fam. About a tall, fat, clumsy man. How can a bicycle withstand such an elephant? For this elephant... encyclopedic Dictionary

elephant- A/; m. see also. elephant, elephant, elephant 1) A large herbivorous mammal with a long trunk and two tusks (lives in tropical Africa and Asia) African elephant. Indian elephant. 2) ... Dictionary of many expressions

ELEPHANT, huh, husband. 1. A large proboscis mammal of tropical countries with two large tusks. African s. Indian village You can’t even notice the elephant (translation: not noticing the main thing; colloquial joke). S. in china shop(about a big and awkward man,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See rude, awkward... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. clumsy ... Synonym dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary

The MythBusters television series examines urban legends, rumors, and other popular culture tales. We kindly ask everyone who makes changes to this article. Before editing, review the specific issue you are... ... Wikipedia

Pocket, kitty, purse, kotoma (knapsack), wicket, sack, knapsack, suma (bag), bag. Wed... Synonym dictionary

The television series MythBusters examines urban legends, rumors, and other popular culture tales. What follows is a list of some of the myths tested on the show and the results of those experiments. In the fifth season of the TV show there were ... Wikipedia


  • Elephant in the Museum, Zartaiskaya Irina Vadimovna. In one small and little-known museum an advertisement appeared: “A caretaker is required for the sculpture hall.” This story could have become the most common if... an elephant had not gotten a job as a caretaker...

Hello dear reader #1 and dear reader #2.

I distinguish between you on a very simple basis: one of you is already hysterical from the epic with crypto-paging, and the second does not even understand what it is about.

What is cryptopaging

If you are reader No. 2 and don’t understand what “cryptopaging” is, then catch the main theses of this glorious phenomenon:
Cryptopaging is a suspicious, very small transaction (up to 0.00001 BTC) that ends up in a large (and not only) wallet. As a rule, it is found in flocks of 5-25 pieces at different addresses.
A pattern was found that after these small movements, a manipulative, often against the trend, impulse movement of the BTC/USD quote occurs. And this pump/dump carries with it the rest of the crypto market with its promising blockchain projects.
By analyzing message chains and wallets, many interesting connections were found: between Roger Ver and the cold wallets of top exchanges, the first bitcoin miners, the Canadian exchange QuadrigaCX, Silk Road, Uri Levin, Mavrodi (lol), etc.
The Bitcoin blockchain is not only a P2P payment system, but also a communication system - you can send text messages and even program code (scripts) - along with a transaction, the size of which does not matter.

If you want more details, lulz and other things, then catch the list of articles on the topic of cryptopaging and the bullshit around it all: one, two, three, four, five, six

Go for it. May the strength of spirit, clarity of mind and four-leaf luck be with you.

Well, if you are already familiar with cryptopaging, then I will tell you this.

This article is partly about cryptopaging, but it should go separately from the rest of our materials, since in terms of its significance it is equivalent to cryptopaging as such.

But first things first.

How often has it happened in your life that you went to understand something so deeply that you stopped seeing obvious things? Or, has it ever happened to you that, by changing the tools for analyzing (or examining) something, you literally began to see the light, and began to reproach yourself for wasting time earlier?

This is approximately how I feel now.

I would like to start this material with a microscope. Yes, yes: the microscope, as well as the elephant, fit very well into my narrative.

As written in this article, healthy human eye able to distinguish objects separated from each other at a distance of at least 0.08 mm.

Engineers did not stand still, and one day the smartest of them came up with an optical microscope that made it possible to study objects with a resolution of 0.2 microns. And so we learned to look at cells and bacteria.

Well, then the corresponding technological era came, and electron microscopes with a resolution of up to 0.01 nm were invented. And with their appearance, we learned to see molecules.

And this is an interesting one for us historical reference is also relevant. Because in our investigations we have come to a point from which you can see neither the globally large (elephant) nor the smallest small (molecule).

Existential dead end, fuck.

And all this happened because we chose the wrong analysis tool. Or rather, the selected tools no longer met our requirements.

Chapter 1. Changing a magnifying glass for a microscope.

Have you ever wondered how quotes are built? What is the mechanism for counting it and turning it into a visual graph?

At the dawn of the first materials about cryptopaging, I didn’t think about this topic. And in the end I got into a dead end, and realized that I needed to reconsider my ideas, as well as my tools.

Look, the charts on these trading views of yours are formed according to the principle of collecting OHLCV information (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) from crypto exchanges.

This is not the only way to generate a quote chart.

The chart can also be generated based on Tick information, that is, based on a tape of transactions with the results of each individual transaction in the order book for each fraction of a second (Tick), for the entire existence of the exchange.

A quote built on the basis of a Tick date allows you to look into the very depths of the formation of price fluctuations - using such a chart you can build a cluster structure of a candle, pull out the delta and do many other things that are still unclear to you (later, ofk, I will explain everything).

Tick-date, as it turns out, is a very expensive product. For example, there are resources that are ready to sell such a date from one crypto exchange for 1,499 euros, and from the entire crypto market - for 9,999 euros.

Another difficulty is the fact that special software is needed to work with a chart based on a Tick date.

With the help of our almighty collective intelligence (thank you, Tasha), we were able to identify only a few software programs that work with Tick dates. I decided not to download any kind of exe-programs from forums, and first of all try a demo of paid software for analyzing quotes on a Tick date from TigerTrade.

The platform costs about 50 bucks a month, and if you are one of those who, over the same period, leaves about 0.005-0.008 bitcoins to the crypto market because you only set TP, and not stops, or vice versa (hello, Binance), then you should seriously think about it looking for third-party solutions for your crypto trading.

We will talk about some features of Tick-date analysis below, but if you are interested in why the software attracted my attention, then here is a short summary about the TigerTrade platform, authored by me. I am publishing it as a separate material so as not to overload the already large text of this article.

So, we’ve armed ourselves with the tools, and now we move on.

Chapter 2. A little hardware.

First, let's understand some theoretical concepts.

As I wrote above, a quote candlestick chart can be drawn with OHLCV data (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) at hand, or using a hell of a lot more information that is parsed as a result of constant analysis of the trading order book and completed transactions (Tick- data).

As a result, a candle built on the basis of Tick data is globally identical to an OHLCV candle, but can be dissected into components - the so-called. clusters.

OHLCV candles. BTC/USDT, watch, Binance, TigerTrade (“TT”).

Cluster candles (Bid x Ask). BTC/USDT, hourly, Binance (TT). The last 5 hourly candles from the chart in the picture above, 3x - increase.

Cluster candles close-up(Bid x Ask). BTC/USDT, hourly, Binance (TT). 10x - magnification.

A cluster is a cell in which information is grouped based on the results of all trading ticks at the corresponding price (more details about clusters can be found here).

A cluster candle, in its body and shadows, consists of vertically arranged clusters.

Given the volume of Tick dates that can be compiled different ways, there are so many types of clusters (clusters by volume, by delta, by interest, etc.).

The figure below shows the “Bid x Ask” cluster, which we will talk about next.

Cluster in person

The Bid x Ask cluster is built according to the X x Y principle.

In the example above, the value of 12 x 26 in an hourly candle means that at the price corresponding to the cluster (6521 USD on Binance - author’s note), in 1 hour 12 bits were traded at the Bid price, and 26 bits at the Ask price .

From the second lecture of the course on maroon berets, we remember that the quote chart displays the results of market purchases from limit sellers for sale and market sales to limit sellers for purchase.

In turn, the Bid price is the price of the sell limiter closest to the spread, and the Ask price is the price of the buy limiter closest to the spread:

BTC/USDT. Cup. Binance.

In the glass above:
Price-Bid = 6,517.98 USDT;
Ask Price = 6,512.04 USDT;
The spread is the empty zone with no orders between 6,512.04 and 6,517.98 USDT.

A cluster on an hourly candle with a value of 12 x 26 means that in an hour, transactions were made for 38 bitcoins (12+26), of which 12 bitcoins were sold by limit traders at the Bid price and 26 bitcoins were bought by limit traders at the Ask price.

If you don't understand, stop, smoke, and read again.

And if you understand everything, then the difference between 26 and 12 is called delta.

A positive delta means that there were more buyers than sellers, and a negative delta means the opposite. We will return to the delta later.

Chapter 3. Molecules and microscopes.

The reader may well wonder why the hell he read all these clusters, bidasks and other necronomicon.

But let’s leave the bidasques alone for now and talk about our favorite crypto-paging.

I decided to put the latest received crypto pager signals on a cluster chart to look for patterns in everything.

And, as usual, it turned out to be a very interesting picture.

One of the “fresh” examples: the table below shows crypto-paging that occurred on the night of July 1-2, 2018.

If you look at the candlestick chart immediately after crypto-paging, it gives a hint of manipulation, but does not give an exact understanding of what actually happened:

All purchase and sales zones from the above graph would remain incomprehensible to us if we did not have a microscope (cluster graph) at hand. And if you open a candlestick chart in cluster form, then this is how the whole picture reveals itself:

See the text for the graph and the explanation below:
Buckets after a downward impulse - a bearish candle with “buckets” below, which is indicated by a large number of purchasing Bid x Ask clusters. The quote was falling, and it was bought back at the bottom.
The blue column is the date the crypto paging was received.
Zone 1 - a narrow buying zone is created immediately behind the blue column, as evidenced by Bid-Ask clusters and a positive delta in the histogram under the chart (there are more buyers than sellers). Purchase range 6,325 - 6,348.
Zone 2 - after zone 1, quotes without trading volumes are drained from 6,348 to 6,290, and a second zone of accumulation of purchasing clusters opens in the range of 6,290 - 6,312.

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, hourly, Binance (TT)
After purchases in Zone 2, the quote increases from 6,312 to 6,345 (07:00 Moscow time-5).
Additional zone purchases before to-the-moon - an area of ​​additional accumulation of purchasing clusters in the upper half of Zone 1. Range of purchases 63 37 - 6 349.

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, hourly, Binance (TT)
This to-the-moon candle itself passed with virtually no volume.
The candle reached approximately 6,666 USDT. I have already said that you cannot compare the values ​​of crypto paging transactions with the price of an asset, however, it is quite clear that 0.00000666 BTC is compared with 6,666 BTC/USDT.
After the pump, a Sales Zone appeared with a cluster of clusters with sellers in the range of 6,585 - 6,660.
The entire pump took place on a negative delta (see the histogram under the corresponding candles), which indicates the unloading of whale positions on this pump - they sold more than they bought.

An interesting fact is that purchasing cluster zones began to appear after cryptopaging, and not before. Previously, purchasing and sales clusters alternated quite chaotically, but here, “it’s as if they were in agreement.”

Personally, everything here is clear to me. Manipulation. Most likely like this:
The signal passed was 0.00000666 BTC.
We went shopping in three zones.
The pump has passed.
Sales started.

Let's look at one more example. This time we will talk about cryptopaging dated June 24, 2018, namely:

In this example, the pump mechanism was different.

Candlestick chart:

BTC/USDT, 30-minute, Binance, Tradingview.

And again, the rather murky picture on OHLCV charts is revealed in all its glory in Bid-Ask clusters:

After receiving a crypto-paging of 0.00000545 BTC, the quote pushed through large sales to the price of 5,750. And it remained at the level, but not lower than 5,750, for about an hour. At the same time, delta showed a surge in purchases, which was reflected in a pump candle at 16:30, June 24, 2018 (Moscow time-5).
Similar downward pressure from limit sells existed on the candle from 15:00 (MSK-5). That is, before the signal. And the delta on that candle is negative.
It is also interesting that on the pump candle from 16:00 (MSK-5) there were large purchases at around 5,880, and the next candle from 16:30 (MSK-5) could not even let its tail drop below 5,880.

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, 30-minute, Binance (TT)
The pump candle from 16:30 (Moscow time-5) took the quote from 5,880 to 6,250. The pump was due to aggressive purchases, which greatly affected the delta.
The next candle (17:00, Moscow time-5) extinguished the entire accumulated positive delta literally “to zero”.
After the delta is reset, Zone 1 of purchases takes place, followed by sales and the second delta reset. Next, Zone 2 of purchases occurs with subsequent sales, which led to a decrease, but not zeroing, of the delta. Both buy/sell zones were in the range of 6,145 - 6,180.

You can notice that the ways in which manipulators behave on different signals are different. In the second case:
The signal passed 0.00000545 BTC.
The price was pushed to the floor by the limit traders, after which the limit traders were removed.
From the “floor” the quote went into a pump with two candles, and in the body of the first candle there was a zone of large purchases in the market (108 cue balls), which became the basis for the second candle.
The second and main pump candle went all the way from 5,875 to 6,140 without large trades; the trades themselves with volumes began in the range above 6,140.
The second pump candle merged from 6,255 to 6,130, while all the cue balls purchased on the main pump candle were sold, delicately zeroing out the positive delta.
After the correction, a flat occurred in the range of 6,145 - 6,180 with purchase and sale zones calculated in such a way that the delta returned to zero.

Let me clarify: an increase in delta from zero to X means that X more bitcoins were bought than sold. And when the delta resets from X to 0, it means that all excess purchases have been sold off (but at a higher price).

Well, how do you like the schedule?

In this whole story, it is important to understand that information about clusters and delta cannot be obtained in a generally accepted way, since usually graphs are built as a result of analyzing the OHLCV date (and not the Tick date, as I wrote above), so information about clusters is not available to most of us !

It is also important to understand that in the period from the decadence of June 10 (when we fell out of a very important uptrend) until today, not all pumps and dumps were manipulative in nature. In any case, we do not know cryptopaging for all these impulses.

Some impulses occurred on the basis of bad news about hacker hacks, closed crypto exchanges in Suriname and other information bullshit that we have long become accustomed to (or not?).

Chapter 4. Murashi and the bicycle.

I don’t remember where, but once I read or looked for a very suitable answer to the question “Is there a God?”

The answer sounded something like this:

“Imagine ants crawling on a bicycle. What is the probability that ants will understand what they are crawling on? What it is? What is it used for? That's right, none. Ants will never be able to understand a bicycle, because a bicycle is too complex for an ant's worldview. So in our case, God is too global and complex a phenomenon for our understanding.”

The same phenomenon, in my opinion, is big crypto money.

While poking around in small transactions, it is very easy to lose sight of the global picture of what is happening. Or rather, the global picture is too incomprehensible and complex, but some of its fragments, allowing us to unravel the tangle further, as usual, lie under our noses.

If you have been with me for a long time, then in the first part of crypto-paging, I wondered why the “June decadence” happened, when on June 10 we fell out of a very important uptrend, which I called the “miner line,” and went to hell.

Then I meant this graph:

BTC/USD, day, Coinbase

I didn’t yet understand that I had stumbled upon crypto-paging, and all I managed to find were patterns between the movements of large bitcoins and fluctuations in quotes.

Now, let’s measure the quote chart from June 10 to today, and reflect on this chart the most massive distributions of crypto-paging signals:

BTC/USD, 4-hour, Bitfinex.

The 10th-of-June disaster happened when we crashed from 7,650 to 5,800 and are now hanging around between 5800 and 6700. There have only been three apparent crypto pagings in that time.

Obvious, because the well-known tg-bot ( wrote about them to all of us, and many were aware.

But we cannot say for sure how many mailings there were during this period. We just don’t know all their mailing wallets. For example, I didn’t take into account wallets with eights.

But there was an overload of news.

Let's put the main “news” for this period on the same chart:

BTC/USD, 4-hour, Bitfinex.

The legend of the chart is expressed in the presence of two types of news, which I divided by the color of the label.

The first group is “orange” news, on which we fell from the “miners line” (7,650) to the range of 5800-6700.

The second group is “blue” news, on which we continued to hang out in the range of 5800-6700 for almost a month.

The chart does not take into account news about Coinbase Custody and the Binance hack. You can add them to the quotation yourself as an optional task.

To save time, I briefly summarized the news on a chart, and you will find it more fully and with proofs in a separate sub-article. Click here and read super-important news in full detail.

You may well ask the question, why the hell am I stuffing you with a chart with crypto-paging and news, they say, and it’s clear that the market is being manipulated. You yourself are tired of proving this to me!

And you will be right, but not everywhere.

Look, interesting feature the fact is that crypto-paging and news keep the quote within the range of 5800-6700 (this zone is highlighted in yellow in the chart above).

As soon as the quote reaches the highs, all sorts of crazy things appear on the cryptocurrency market: either a 51% attack, or crypto nightmares in India, etc. Under the noise of such news, the manipulators turn the quote down.

And at the bottom they talk about Coinbase Custody and turn up. And so on until the end.

But it is not important. What is important is what is below, what I called the sleeping elephant in a china shop.

Remember, I told you that you need to remember about the delta. And spoke several times about the positive (more purchases) and negative (more sales) delta?

In addition to the “delta”, which is calculated based on the results of clusters of individual candles, there is also such a thing as “cumulative delta”. The cumulative delta is the sum of all positive deltas minus all negative ones.

The cumulative delta is calculated for the specified period, as well as for all candles loaded into the chart.

And now, if you are ready, then catch the cumulative delta for the period from June 10 to July 4, 2018 (see the indicator under the chart):

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, 30-minute, Binance (TT). Cumulative delta for all loaded candles.

The indicator below the chart shows that during the period under review (June 10 - July 4), on Binance, the positive cumulative delta increased from 19,185 BTC to 87,060 BTC. That is, for the period from June 10 to July 4, the cumulative delta increased by 67,875 BTC.

This means that from June 10 to July 4, 67,875 BTC more were purchased and deposited somewhere than were sold. And all this happened without affecting the quote, which, instead of growing (there are more purchases than sales), is hanging around in a range of 5800-6700 that is comfortable for some.

The whales are chock full! And this can be seen on the cluster graph! Moreover, on Binance they do it stupidly stupidly.

If you look at the cumulative volume on OKEx, the picture is slightly different:

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, 30-minute, OKEx (TT). Cumulative delta for all loaded candles.

In the period from June 10 to June 24, there was a small flat unloading, but from June 24 to July 4, there was a pronounced buying of the cue ball, while it was hanging out in the range of 5800-6700.

And if you look at the delta from the stratosphere (Bitfinex weekly chart), the picture is diametrically opposite:

Cluster chart: BTC/USDT, Weekly, Bitfinex (TT).

Since July 2017, more bitcoin have been sold on Bitfinex than bought. At the beginning of sales (the delta fell below zero in July 2017), the cue ball cost about 2,000 cu. It is likely that now, hamster grooming has reached its climax, and we will go up a little to “grow some fur.”

Globally, the cue ball has been on sale for a whole year.

Locally, the cue ball is being bought because we were at 5,800 and have now bounced up.

Everything is relatively “quiet” on the crypto market: the elephant is sleeping and the dishes are intact.

But why these big sales and purchases are happening, and what July 2017 has to do with it, I don’t know.

And I also don’t know how many dishes will be broken when this elephant wakes up...

Epilogue. Hidden item The Algorithm.

In this rather extensive work, we were able to look under the microscope at the manipulative movement of the market, and at the cluster level see exactly how this manipulation occurs.

Also, we were able to look at the quote from the stratosphere (using delta), looking at the global picture:
Since July 2017, more bitcoins have been sold than bought. Which suggests that the entire pump and dump of BTC/USD at the end of 2017 was artificial, with the goal of shaving people who got caught up in the hype.
In the period from June 10 to July 4, there is a purchase of bitcoins, which is stupidly cheap on Binance and more realistic on other exchanges (shown using OKex as an example). There is an opinion that a large number of guys with OTS are trading on Binance, which is why there is such a fierce delta.

There is also an opinion that crypto exchanges are a total offshore, where non-existent bitcoins are traded, and so on. I am silent about impulse fluctuations in quotes, which hint at momentum-ignition algorithms, but this is still part of a series of arguments. And I’m also silent about wash-trades, spoofs, handrails and the rest...

This is not the first time I have threatened crypto exchanges with my investigation. Considering that now I have a microscope in the form of Tick data, I think that I am ready and can attack Binance and co.

But what conclusions can we come to in this article?

Local output. This is also the hidden rule of The Algorithm from the 6th article about cryptopaging.

After huge amount the hours I spent analyzing market manipulations, I only got the real answer when I saw the clusters.

The hidden rule sounds like this: crypto-paging takes place, look at the clusters, see the preconditions for growth - go in the direction of the impulse. The highest aerobatics will be controlling altos under such manipulative impulses.

And yes, don't thank me for all this. Now, one might say, I have brought you the Grail. Don’t forget to read about the cluster analysis platform that I liked.

Global output. And he is extremely sad. Cue balls have been sold in whales since July 2017 (for a year now), and the first sales began when a cue ball cost 2000. Therefore, any price above 2000 is profitable for these sellers.

The bubble with a hike of up to 20k was inflated against the backdrop of sales! There were more sales! After falling into the abyss, there are still more sales!

Considering that locally the whales are again on the “buy”, we should expect the next growth to a certain 34th “triangle”, and again a drain.

And so on until the hell out (or up to 2k) they will rock the boat.

Or maybe something will happen that will again change the paradigm of the crypto market. Satoshi Nakamoto's appearance on stage, for example.

Most importantly, keep a close eye on the sleeping elephant! And don’t get hit when he wakes up!

As is my custom, I leave you alone with all this.

0 Many of us like to use various idioms and sayings. After all, they make the conversation brighter and more prominent. However, not many people are able to understand their meaning; usually the meaning of the phrase becomes clear only from the context. So that you can" don't lose face in the dirt", and always be on top, we recommend you our new website. Don’t forget to bookmark it, because we will have a lot more useful information. Today we will reveal the meaning of another funny expression, this is the phraseological unit Elephant in a china shop you will find out the meaning a little later.
However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple more sensible news on the topic of proverbs and sayings. For example, what does it mean to wet Corky; meaning Like two fingers on the asphalt; which means Bursting at the seams; what is Sprinkling ashes on the head, etc.
So let's continue Elephant in a china shop meaning phraseology?

Elephant in a china shop- this is the behavior of an absent-minded and clumsy person, in a place where accuracy is required

Elephant in a china shop- this is what they say about someone who inadvertently hurts the feelings of other people, breaks hearts

Synonym for the expression Elephant in a china shop: clumsy, clumsy, bumpkin, bear, clumsy, clumsy, uncultivated.


Damn bro, why did you overturn the table, you're like a bull in a china shop.

Look how the cat turned the whole apartment upside down, so small, but acts like a bull in a china shop.

A tank on the federal highway, like a bull in a china shop, rushes along without looking around.

I"m like a bull in a china shop who likes to burn things in a barbeque. (I'm like a bull in a china shop who likes to burn everything in a barbecue.)

If we try to find this turn of phrase in dictionaries, then unfortunately, the explanation for this expression cannot be found there. I usually use Dictionary Ushakova(1935-1940), and imagine my surprise when I did not find this popular proverb there. Then I turned my gaze to the master of literature V.I. Dahl(1863-1866), “I’ll find what I’m looking for from him,” I thought, but that was not the case, and in the book “Proverbs of the Russian People” my search was not crowned with success.

Perhaps this phrase got into everyday speech thanks to the old fable" About elephants and porcelain", which was written by the poet Nikolai Yakovlevich Agnivtsev (1888-1932).

"...The moral of this story lies ahead,
She is sharper than a pin:
If you are an elephant, then don't go
To the porcelain shops."

Recently, I became interested in German comics, and suddenly I unexpectedly discovered that this phraseological unit is found there too. From this we can conclude that this phrase is international in nature.
By the way, in English language to ironically refer to a clumsy citizen, the expression " Bull in a china shop" ("

The man from the Zoo was very sad. He recalled his happy childhood, when his home was clean and warm, and the food was plentiful and tasty. A lot has changed since then. Life for animals has become much harder. The elephant had not eaten enough for a long time, and cold was blowing from the many cracks of his house. People - Zoo workers who brought food to the animals and put things in order in their homes - now rarely appeared and always said a mysterious and incomprehensible phrase: “There is no money for maintenance.” And one of the cooks once said: “No one brings anything on a silver platter.”

The elephant thought for a long time what these words meant, because food was brought to him only in large dishes. “Probably only those who have a silver platter are fed well,” the Elephant decided. But where can you get such a plate? “Well, of course, in a china shop!” - it dawned on the giant.

The next morning the Elephant washed, shaved, combed his hair and went to the china shop.

Where are you going? - the Watchman asked him sternly.

“For a plate with a blue border,” the Elephant answered seriously and went in search of a china shop.

After some time, a big commotion began in the Zoo: an African elephant disappeared from its cage in broad daylight. The watchman was urgently called to the Director, who shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow from anger and resentment.

Why, tell me, did you let him go alone to the City, in which he has absolutely no bearings and, most likely, will get lost? - he scolded the Watchman.

But I thought it was you who sent him on an errand to the china shop! - the poor old man justified himself, - The elephant walked so confidently and purposefully...

Seeing the Watchman’s despair, the Director calmed down a little and said:

OK. Now at least we know where he's going. But what could he need in a china shop?

I thought that it was you who sent him on an errand, I already spoke about this...

Okay, go to work and don't worry. We will invite the detective on duty to search. And if the Elephant gets to the china shop himself and can clearly explain what he needed there, then I will express my gratitude to everyone!

The elephant wandered around the city for a very long time. He was embarrassed to ask directions to the china shop, and passers-by were afraid of him and avoided him. At first the Elephant was very surprised by this, then he was confused, then he got angry. But he calmed down when he remembered the fairy tale about the little Raccoon, which one aunt told her daughter. This was last year at the Zoo. The girl was afraid of a large predator and began to cry, and her mother told her this fairy tale. Little Raccoon was at first afraid of the one sitting in the pond, but then he smiled at him and they became friends.

The elephant decided to do the same. He approached the little girl who was walking towards him, smiled and said affectionately:

Hello, sweet girl! Do you know how to get to the china shop?

Hello, Elephant! I saw you at the Zoo and recognized you immediately. You need a kitchenware store. It's around the corner, in the blue house.

The kitchenware store was quiet because it was lunchtime. The seller was so surprised by such an unexpected visitor that he promised to give him any dishes of his choice. The elephant chose a small bowl with a blue rim. More precisely, it was a basin of impressive size, but the buyer was not small!

The detective on duty, invited by the Director of the Zoo to search for the Elephant, was very tired. He had to go around all the shops in the City that sold tableware. Of course, a big Elephant is much easier to find than a needle in a haystack. But there were also many shops in the City. But still they met and both were very pleased with it.

All's well that ends well. The fame of the smart Elephant, who not only found his way to the china shop, but also received a beautiful bowl as a gift, spread throughout the city. Now many more visitors came to the Zoo than before. Guests came from abroad with gifts. Now the Director of the Zoo did not complain that the Zoo did not have enough money. With the help of wealthy sponsors, new buildings were built for all the Zoo's animals. comfortable premises. And the animals began to eat tasty and satisfying.

And recently the film was released in cinemas famous director“Elephant in a china shop.” If you hurry, you will still have time to buy yourself a ticket for the last show.