When internal sutures dissolve. Stitches after childbirth

Childbirth is not an easy task for a woman. Often, during the birth of a baby, a young mother is injured and has to be stitched.

For minor tears or cuts in the perineum, cervix and vagina, doctors often use self-absorbable sutures. They do not require removal by a professional and disappear on their own over time. But young mothers are very concerned about the question of when the threads will dissolve after childbirth and whether it is possible to somehow influence this process.

When to use self-absorbable sutures

Self-absorbing sutures are a relatively recent invention. They have made the work of surgeons much easier, since they do not require removal. They are especially convenient in gynecology. During childbirth, the tissues of the cervix, perineum and vagina are often torn. The doctor can also cut them to facilitate the passage of the baby and reduce the likelihood of spontaneous rupture, so it is necessary to sew the tissues together.

If the wound is small, it is easier to apply a self-absorbing suture. It is much faster and can often be done without pain relief. Its one advantage is that the woman will not have to visit the hospital again to remove the stitches, and this is not easy to do with an infant. In addition, the process of removing it in hard-to-reach places is a rather complicated and painful procedure. Therefore, it is better to do without it.

When the threads dissolve

The resorption time of the threads depends on the material from which they are made. Some are absorbed by the enzymes of the human body, others disintegrate during the process of hydrolysis. Young mothers do not need such complex information; the main thing is to know that four materials are most often used - catgut, maxon, vicryl and lavsan. They all have their own characteristics:

  • Catgut is a natural protein strand that is produced from the intestines of sheep and cattle. They dissolve in about a month, but the first signs of thread destruction can be noticed within a week. Thicker threads can last up to four months, but they are not used in gynecology. This is the most popular material for applying both internal and external sutures after childbirth.
  • Vicryl is a synthetic suture material often used in surgical procedures. These threads completely dissolve in about 60-90 days.
  • Maxon is a very durable synthetic thread, which is more often used for suturing tendons, but is also used in gynecology. Complete resorption of the material occurs in 210 days.
  • Lavsan - synthetic threads with a wide range of resorption times from 10 to 50 days.

One of the main advantages of self-absorbable suture materials is ease of maintenance. In fact, they do not require any special care measures; it is enough to simply strengthen personal hygiene:

  • Wash after every trip to the toilet boiled water or a decoction of medicinal herbs and dry the perineum with a towel;
  • Change regularly, every 2-3 hours;
  • Treat seams with antiseptics;
  • Wear loose underwear made of breathable fabrics or special postpartum disposable panties.

Increased pain in the suture area, bleeding and fever are serious reasons to immediately consult a doctor.

With some types of stitches on the perineum, a woman is not allowed to sit down, she can only stand or lie down. In such situations, it is also important to limit activity and not resume sexual relations during the first two months after childbirth. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in the seam coming apart.

It is important to remember that thread resorption and wound healing do not necessarily occur simultaneously. Very often, the suture is already weakening, but the tissues have not yet grown together, so there will be discomfort in the wound area, which will weaken and disappear over time.

Very danger sign- the appearance of purulent discharge from the suture. In such a situation, contacting a doctor should be immediate. Infection of the wound threatens systemic damage to the body.

How long do self-absorbable sutures take to heal?

This depends on many factors - the size of the wounds and their shape, the care of the sutures and, of course, the characteristics of the body. We all have different regeneration processes, so the speed of wound healing is also different. In most cases, it takes about a month for complete healing of wounds on the perineal organs and resorption of the threads.

And sutures after a cesarean section take longer to heal, since they affect not only the skin, but also the deeper tissues and walls of the uterus. The main thing during this period is not to panic, not to rush things, take care of yourself, take care of your stitches and wait for the body to fully recover.

The postpartum period for a woman is not always “cloudless”. Other troubles are added to the daily worries about the little man. It all depends on the course of labor. IN Lately and or incisions during childbirth will surprise few people. The result of these “procedures” are stitches, which raise a lot of questions among new mothers. Particularly “unpredictable” and “mysterious” are internal seams. It’s understandable, because outer seam You can always touch or even see, but the internal seams are covered in “darkness.”

How did they appear?

Let's first remember what internal seams are and where they come from. Cause of internal sutures - or vaginal walls. Most often, the tissue of the cervix “tears” when the cervix opens slowly and the woman begins to push prematurely, that is, push out the fetus. Almost every woman experiences premature labor, but they need to be “held back” in every possible way until the cervix is ​​fully dilated. When pushing, the fetal head puts strong pressure on the cervix, and if it has not yet fully opened, it simply ruptures. For the same reason, the walls of the vagina may rupture.

Internal breaks are not always noticeable. However, after childbirth, each doctor carefully examines the woman in labor and provides her with the necessary assistance for ruptures, that is, applies stitches. This procedure is absolutely painless, because the cervix does not have pain receptors, so the woman is not given anesthesia. Sutures are performed in several ways, depending on the severity of the rupture, using special self-absorbable threads. Basically, catgood is used for this - a suture material made from the intestines of cattle or sheep - or vicryl.

What to do with them

Absolutely nothing. The only “pleasant” thing about internal seams is that they do not require special care, and do not need any ointments, douching, much less tablets. Since ruptures are sutured with self-absorbing sutures, there is no need to remove them. Over time, they “self-destruct.” When will this happen and how can you find out about it? It all depends on the suture material and the severity of the tear. Usually the threads dissolve completely after 90 days. But there are also those that “disappear” much earlier, but not before the damaged tissues have completely fused. Sometimes “remnants” of thread are noticeable on linen, but this is not the main indicator. Doctors say that there is no need to worry if you do not detect parts of the thread, but do not feel any other discomfort at all.

The main condition for quick and safe healing of internal stitches is personal hygiene. This includes both the cleanliness of the external genital organs and the entire body. Don't forget about your diet too. After all, constipation is extremely undesirable: unnecessary “pushing” adversely affects the condition of wounds that should “grow together.” A woman must also comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • Do not make sudden movements, especially in the first days after childbirth;
  • Abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 months.

When to see a doctor

Many women complain of abdominal discomfort after internal sutures. Very often there is pain, a feeling of twitching and pulsation. In the first 2-3 days after birth, these phenomena are very normal, but if they continue, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. You also need to see a specialist immediately if you have:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the sutures does not stop;
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the uterus or vagina;
  • Body temperature rises;
  • Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

All these symptoms may indicate either suture ruptures or inflammatory processes in the area of ​​internal seams. In any case, the diagnosis, and even more so the treatment, must be prescribed by a doctor. You may be given either ice, ointments or antibiotics, or a repeat surgical procedure.

However, even if absolutely nothing bothers you postpartum period- There is no need to postpone a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor must “assess” the condition of the scars. If tissues do not heal properly or sutures break, most often the cervix becomes deformed, resulting in chronic inflammation of the cervix and other sores.

Comes after 3-6 months.

Patience and health to you!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Sutures are applied very often after the removal of a wisdom tooth, since this event is usually equated to an operation. Removing the eight can sometimes be very difficult. As a result, you have to cut the gum and sew it up after extracting the tooth.

The seams vary greatly in quality. They may resolve on their own or require specialist action in the future. In any case, after the operation it is necessary to check with the dental surgeon exactly what type of threads was used. But with the right approach, the specialist himself, without reminding the patient, will inform about the need for the next visit to remove the stitches.

Sutures are often used when removing a large dental problem such as a wisdom tooth. It is very difficult to rid the patient of this element without damaging the gums, so it is often necessary to additionally stitch the tissue.

Even with the most careful work of a dentist, it is difficult to get rid of a wisdom tooth without problems. It is located very deeply and is attached to the gum by two roots at once. To remove the outer teeth, the surgeon makes 1 or 2 incisions in the gum (see pictures below). After this, careful extraction is performed.

When wisdom teeth are removed, there is often a need for sutures. They can be applied even if there are signs of swelling on the gum. Tissue swelling is quite natural process after trauma to the gums with incisions.

If the specialist applies the stitches correctly, the wounds should heal well. In this case, there should not be severe bleeding, since the first blood clot will not be displaced due to the sutures.

This procedure is also a preventive method, since the wound is closed and the risks of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, of which there are quite a lot in the oral cavity, are minimized. That is, the smaller the wound, the less often it becomes infected and the faster it heals.

Oksana Shiyka


Regardless of what threads the dentist uses, suturing does not take much time. And yet, self-absorbing materials are more convenient, because in this case there will be no additional trauma to the body.

The quality of the scar and the wound healing time after wisdom tooth removal depend not only on how the suture is applied, but also on possible complications. Removing the last tooth is one of the most difficult dental operations, so additional complications are not excluded.

For difficult removal, sutures can be placed like this.

It is worth noting that when the removal of a wisdom tooth occurs without complications, and the doctor uses ordinary materials for suturing, the threads can be removed within a week. However, a specialist must first assess the condition of the oral cavity and exclude the development of pathology. Only after this will it become clear whether the stitches can be removed or whether they should be left in place for more complete healing of the wound.

How long does it take for threads to dissolve?

Special threads for suturing are very convenient, since when using them there is no need to further injure the surgical site. But not all patients know how long they need to wait for the process of thread resorption to complete.

Oksana Shiyka


As a rule, if high-quality suture material is used, not a trace will remain of it within 20–30 days after the operation.

It should be noted that the threads simply fall apart, and then the person unnoticed swallows them. There is no discomfort or danger if thread residues enter the stomach.

The advantage of using such material for suturing is that with them there is no need for an additional trip to the doctor. However, a week or two after surgery to remove a wisdom tooth, you should still visit the dentist to make sure that the surgical intervention did not lead to complications, for example, to an inflammatory process.

The exact time after which the seams will completely disappear is impossible to determine. But there are still approximate deadlines for each type of material.

In medical practice, 2 types of threads are widely used:

  1. The first type, namely classic catgut, has been used for decades. This material has been used for more than a century, but recently it has begun to be replaced by new types of retainers. Classic threads can hold seams from 10 to 140 days. Over time, enzymes will begin to attack them, which will lead to their complete breakdown and elimination by the body. Nowadays, catgut is very often used when removing wisdom teeth. This operation is rarely done without stitches, but if you put them in, it’s very difficult to remove them. Absorbable sutures will be very useful.

    Oksana Shiyka


    But it must be borne in mind that catgut cannot be used in situations where the risks of complications and inflammatory processes are very high.

  2. More modern materials that are now used for suturing are synthetic threads such as Dexon and Vicryl. They are based on polyglycomic acid and polyclatin. It is convenient to create knots with such threads, which simplifies the surgeon’s work. Resorption of synthetic materials occurs through hydrolysis. It takes about a month for stitches of this type to completely disappear. Vicryl dissolves much faster than Dexon.
  3. Oksana Shiyka


    The advantage of synthetic thread is that it can be used to suture even in areas where the risk of complications is high. Vicryl and Dexon do not cause inflammation, so they can be used during any operations, even the most complex ones.

    In any case, the patient must visit the doctor a week or two after the removal of the wisdom tooth. When using synthetic threads and the complete absence of complications, dentists try to get rid of stitches before they dissolve on their own.

    Possible complications

    This element itself is very complex, and its removal often provokes additional problems in treatment. Therefore, if a couple of days after the operation there is severe discomfort at the suture site, you should consult a doctor. This may be severe pain or increased swelling. By the third day, postoperative swelling should subside. If it increases by this time, most likely we are talking about the development of complications.

    Trouble may also arise with bleeding. Small amounts of blood in saliva on the first day after tooth extraction are considered quite normal. If the bleeding is severe and does not go away for several days, you should definitely consult a dentist. Most likely, the stitches will have to be re-stitched.

Stitches on the cervix are applied for cervical ruptures during examination of the birth canal, which is performed immediately after childbirth. Ruptures most often occur in typical places: at 3 and 9 “o’clock” (if the cervix, as is customary among obstetricians and gynecologists, is represented in the form of a clock dial). Suturing such ruptures does not require pain relief - after childbirth, the cervix is ​​insensitive to pain. The most commonly used absorbable suture material is biological material. catgut (made from the small intestine of cattle or sheep) or semi-synthetic threads: vicryl, PHA, caproag. Seams can be separate (a series of short threads, each of which is fixed with a knot) or continuous, where the knot is tied only at the beginning and end of a linear break. These sutures do not require special care in the postoperative period and do not cause concern.

Stitches in the vagina applied when there is a tear in the vaginal wall. Absorbable materials are also used to place individual sutures or a continuous suture. This is a more painful operation that requires local anesthesia. (NOVOCAINE, LIDOCAINE) or general (short-term intravenous anesthesia). The seams do not require special care. Stitched vaginal tears may be mildly painful for a couple of days after they are repaired.

Stitches on the crotch are applied in case of ruptures of the perineum during childbirth or its artificial dissection.

There are three degrees of perineal ruptures (Fig. 1): I - rupture of only the skin of the posterior commissure of the vagina; II - rupture of the skin and muscles of the pelvic floor and III - rupture of the skin, muscles and wall of the rectum.

Perineotomy (Fig. 2a) is a dissection of the perineum along the midline from the posterior commissure of the vagina towards the anus. Episiotomy (Fig. 2b) is the same dissection, originating from the posterior commissure, but at an angle of approximately 45 °C to the right or left (usually to the right).

Perineal incision can be performed under local anesthesia NOVOCAINE or LIDOCAINE, or maybe without pain relief, given that there are numerous physiological mechanisms that protect the perineum from pain during childbirth. In a surgical sense, the incision has numerous advantages over a rupture of the perineum: the incision has smooth edges (and the scar, as a result, turns out to be more aesthetic), the incision is made to the desired depth and relatively rarely spontaneously extends to nearby organs.

Perineal tears are sutured in layers: first, the wall of the rectum is sutured with a special series of sutures (if, of course, this is required). Then, using absorbable suture material (catgut, vicryl, PHA) The muscles of the perineum are connected and only then the skin. The skin is usually sutured with non-absorbable material - silk, nylon or nikanta (nylon impregnated with antibiotic GENTAMICIN or TETRACYCLINE). The same principle is observed when restoring the integrity of the perineum after perineotomy or episiotomy.

Suture techniques. If the edges of the incision are sufficiently smooth, it is possible to apply a cosmetic intradermal suture. This suture came into surgery from cosmetology. The essence of the technique of its application is that the thread passes through the thickness of the skin in a zigzag manner, coming out only at the beginning and end of the incision. As a result, the scar turns out to be thinner and devoid of such a specific affiliation. surgical suture, like marks from needle pricks and punctures accompanying a “regular” seam on both sides.

They also use a technique in which one thread stitches both muscles and skin at once. This technique allows for a good comparison of tissues, and the healing process is less painful. This suture is made with absorbable material.

Healing period. Healing a suture on the perineum is somewhat more problematic than sutures on the cervix and vagina. For good healing of any wound, several conditions are required, important among which are rest and asepsis (that is, maximum protection from pathogens). Several decades ago, after a rupture or incision of the perineum, patients were kept in bed for several days, which greatly contributed to the good healing of the wound. Currently, due to the widespread presence of mothers and babies together in the postpartum ward, ensuring complete rest of the perineum is problematic.

It can also be difficult to provide the aseptic conditions necessary for healing. Constant contact with postpartum discharge (lochia), as well as the inability to attach a sterile bandage to the wound, are factors that create some difficulties in the treatment of perineal wounds.

To help your body overcome these difficulties, you must first of all strictly monitor the cleanliness of the relevant area. Sanitary pads should be changed every 2 hours. In a hospital setting, the treatment of sutures with antiseptic solutions is usually carried out by staff on a gynecological chair or on a bed once a day. After each urination and defecation, it is necessary to wash with warm water or a weak solution of manganese, and then dry the seam area with a clean towel using blotting movements. This is recommended to be done both in the maternity hospital and at home for 1.5-2 months after birth.

If there are sutures on the perineum, mechanical sparing (rest) of the muscles and skin of the corresponding area is necessary. Despite the fact that complete immobilization of a postpartum woman, as a rule, is impossible, movements should be minimal and careful. A postpartum woman with stitches should not sit down for 10 days after birth; Failure to follow this recommendation may result in seams coming apart. For the convenience of young mothers, postpartum departments are equipped with “buffet” tables for eating while standing; you can eat while lying in bed, also on a special bedside table. For 2-3 days after childbirth, it is not recommended to eat bread and other products made from flour and cereals in order to delay the onset of stool as much as possible (although after an enema in the maternity ward there will be no stool for 2 or 3 days).

Sutures made of non-absorbable material are usually removed 6-7 days after their application. If the postpartum woman has already been discharged from the maternity hospital, the stitches are removed in the antenatal clinic. This is a simple and painless procedure. But even after this, it is necessary to continue to strictly observe the rules of hygiene. Only no earlier than 10 days after giving birth, a woman in labor can sit, first on a hard chair and only then on soft sofas and armchairs.

The trip home from the maternity hospital will be associated with certain difficulties. To avoid trouble, you should take a reclining position in the back seat of the car. Warn relatives that, in addition to the young parents and the baby, only one person can ride in the car, because only the front seat will be free.

Sutures after caesarean section

Caesarean section is an extensive abdominal operation, during which many different soft tissues are dissected, which are sequentially connected with sutures.

Suture on the uterus. Suturing the uterus - important stage Caesarean section operations. Currently, the most common caesarean section in the lower segment of the uterus is a transverse incision. The length of the incision is 11 -12 cm. This incision creates optimal conditions for healing the wound on the uterus and minimizes surgical blood loss, but if for some reason this particular direction of the incision is difficult, a “classical” or “corporal” cesarean section is performed with a longitudinal incision the body of the uterus is the same length.

Over the years of the development of obstetric science, a great many opinions have been expressed about what and how the uterus should be sutured in order to create optimal conditions for carrying subsequent pregnancies. Now the uterus is most often sutured with a single-row or double-row continuous suture using absorbable materials with a long period of complete absorption (i.e. actual resorption) - 70-120 days (Vicryl, Monocryl, Dexon, Caproag). Sometimes special individual sutures are used. However, any of these methods, when carefully implemented, gives excellent results, and preference in practice, as a rule, is given to the method that is most proven in a particular obstetric institution.

IN last years In domestic clinics, uterine dissection is increasingly being used using an American device from the company "Auto Suite" (“AutoSuture”). Using this device, an incision is made in the uterus with simultaneous application of staples made of absorbable material to the edges of the wound, which can significantly reduce the amount of blood loss.

After suturing the wound on the uterus and revision of the abdominal organs, the peritoneal cover, muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, tendons and subcutaneous fat are sequentially sutured. For this purpose, absorbable semi-synthetic threads or regular catgut are used.

Stitches on the skin. Choosing a method for suturing a skin wound after caesarean section depends on the direction of skin incision. There are quite a few surgical approaches for caesarean section, but in modern obstetrics the three most common types of skin incisions are:

  • Inferomedian laparotomy (dissection of the anterior abdominal wall). The incision is made vertically, along the midline between the pubis and the navel, 12-15 cm long (Fig. 3a). Its main advantage is speed and convenience, so this type of skin incision is almost always used in emergency situations, when a few minutes can be decisive (for example, in case of massive bleeding).
  • Laparotomy according to Joel-Cohen. A transverse incision is made 2-3 cm below the middle of the distance between the pubis and the navel. This is a convenient and fairly quick surgical access for caesarean section.
  • Laparotomy according to Pfannenstiel. An arched transverse incision is made along the suprapubic skin fold (Fig. 3b). It is this circumstance - the best cosmetic effect - that determines the widespread use of this type of intervention. Being in a skin fold, a thin skin scar merges with it and sometimes becomes completely difficult to distinguish. In addition, both transverse incisions create favorable conditions for applying an intradermal suture, which we discussed above. The longitudinal incision is always sutured with separate silk (or other non-absorbable material) sutures, because in this case the sutures are under conditions of greater mechanical stress; Accordingly, higher demands are placed on the mechanical strength of the skin suture.

Healing period. The first one or two days after surgery, the suture area is quite painful and requires medical anesthesia. The source of pain, of course, is not only the skin wound - pain is caused by all soft tissues intersected during surgery. Despite this, getting up early (one day after surgery) is very useful. Sometimes, especially with developed subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, relief comes from wearing a postpartum bandage, which limits the mobility of the soft tissues of the abdomen and thereby provides more complete rest to the skin wound.

Sutures on the skin are treated with antiseptic solutions every other day or every day, applying a sealed sterile bandage. Self-adhesive bandages sold in pharmacies are very convenient. If the sutures are silk, they are removed on the 7th day, before discharge.

After discharge, there is usually no need to independently care for skin sutures - general hygiene measures are sufficient. The seam can be washed with soap and water, only refraining from applying strong pressure and using hard sponges and washcloths.

Absorbable materials have different mechanisms of resorption, they lose strength in different ways, and dissolve after different amounts of time. This may determine the characteristics of the postpartum period.

Thus, threads of natural origin are dissolved under the influence of enzymes produced in the liver, which is accompanied by a pronounced reaction of the surrounding tissues - redness may occur, and clear discharge leaks from the injection sites. Since catgut is a natural biological material, it can cause allergic reactions. This circumstance makes healing difficult, and the sutures may come apart.

Synthetic threads (vicryl, PDS) dissolve as a result of hydrolysis, i.e. dissolve under the influence of body fluids when water penetrates the fibers of the thread. Compared to the mechanism of resorption of natural threads, hydrolysis causes a less pronounced reaction of the body. The average time for resorption of suture material is:

  • Catgut completely resolves within 30 days, but loses strength after 7 days, that is, if there are catgut sutures on the perineum, the “threads” separate on the 7th day.
  • Vicryl completely resorbed in 60-90 days. This material is widely used during caesarean sections.
  • PDS (maxon) completely resolves by day 210. PDS is used to connect tendons after a cesarean section.

In conclusion, we cannot help but say a few words about the psychological consequences of birth trauma and cesarean section. It would seem difficult to find a young woman who is completely indifferent to the appearance of scars on her body. However, none of the serious researchers involved in psychological problems postpartum women, does not name the presence of a skin scar among the significant reasons for negative emotions in the postpartum period. For example, young mothers after a cesarean section are much more concerned about the fact that their husband saw the child before she did, rather than the presence of some kind of skin scar. Let stitches and scars remain an insignificant episode in the history of your childbirth. And doctors and modern medical technologies will help you with this.

After removing the “eight”, sutures are usually applied in cases where the operation was complex and the soft tissues were severely injured. However, some doctors insist on suturing the gums even after an uneventful procedure, since this minimizes the risk of wound infection.

What threads are used for suturing? Do I need to remove them or will the material dissolve on its own?

Why are stitches applied after wisdom tooth extraction?

Removing the “eight” is a minor surgical operation. Due to the fact that the wisdom tooth is located deep and has several roots, the doctor has to make incisions on the gums (see also:). After the tooth is extracted, the tissue is sutured, and the procedure is performed even if the mucous membrane is severely swollen.

Sutures in the mouth serve several purposes:

  • preventing the formation of heavy bleeding;
  • preservation of the blood clot in the socket (it does not move and cannot fall out);
  • no food debris gets into a closed wound;
  • the risk of injury to the hole is reduced;
  • with proper sutures, the wound heals faster.

The risk of postoperative complications when suturing the wound is reduced by 90%. Due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms are not able to penetrate into the hole, the possibility of infection is practically eliminated.

Types of seams

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Conventional medical threads are made of materials that the body is not able to destroy - these are nylon, polyester and silk. Doctors call such threads non-absorbable or insoluble. This material does not provoke the development of inflammation, so it is most often used for complex operations. However, the doctor chooses the threads in each specific case based on his preferences, experience and the condition of the patient’s tissues.


Absorbable (self-dissolving) threads have the advantage that they do not need to be removed. The human body itself gets rid of the material, while the mucous membrane is not injured. There are two types of threads used in dentistry:

  1. Catgut is broken down by enzymes, then its particles are excreted from the body. The material is most often used for complex dental procedures. It contains foreign proteins that cause inflammation in some patients.
  2. Vicryl and Dexon are synthetic hypoallergenic materials that do not cause inflammation and last more than a month. The threads dissolve due to the process of hydrolysis.

It is worth noting that the material does not dissolve without leaving a trace, but breaks up into small pieces that a person swallows or spits out. There is no need to worry - if they enter the stomach, they do not pose any danger to the body and do not cause discomfort.

After how many days are the stitches removed and does it hurt?

Regardless of what type of suture material was used after wisdom tooth removal, you need to visit a doctor after 3-5 days (see also:). He will check the quality of wound healing and exclude the development of pathogenic processes. When should stitches be removed?

The specialist individually sets a day for the examination. If a simple medical thread was used, then after 7-10 days the doctor evaluates the condition of the tissues and decides whether they need to be removed or should be left for a few more days until the wound is completely healed.

The procedure for removing stitches is simple: the doctor cuts one of the stitches, grabs the end with a knot with tweezers and removes the thread from the gum. There will be no pain during removal, although some patients still feel discomfort. For intense pain, topical anesthesia is used, but such a reaction to the procedure is rare.

How long does it take to dissolve?

If the patient received sutures when removing a wisdom tooth, then usually no trace remains of the material after 20-30 days (we recommend reading:). However, each type of thread “holds” for a certain period of time. How long does it take for the material to dissolve?

Classic catgut dissolves within 10-140 days, Vicryl can be detected on the gums within a month, and Dexon threads take a little longer to remove themselves than Vicryl. Dentists often use Vicryl threads in their practice, but in most cases they do not wait until they are absorbed. By the end of the second week after surgery, if no complications have arisen, the stitches are removed.

No doctor can tell you the exact time for thread resorption. The process depends on the quality of the material used, the condition of the patient’s wound and the characteristics of his body.

If the patient received stitches after tooth extraction, he should be careful not to accidentally damage the wound. It is recommended to follow the general recommendations:

Caution in Everyday life and carrying out hygienic procedures will ensure successful healing of the wound and prevent infection. If at home the patient discovers that the stitches have come apart, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. Sometimes the wound needs to be re-sutured.

During the wound healing period, you need to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Timely removal of soft plaque will prevent the proliferation of bacteria and the occurrence of inflammation.

You need to brush your teeth with extreme caution:

  • It is better to purchase a brush with soft bristles;
  • Do not touch the damaged area with the bristles of the toothbrush;
  • avoid intensive mouth rinsing;
  • After each meal, take baths using Chlorhexidine or a solution of soda and salt.

Possible complications

Suturing the wound after extraction of the “eight” is almost always carried out, but in some cases complications may arise:

  1. In the first 1-3 days, minor bleeding is considered normal, but if bleeding continues after 3-4 days, this may indicate suture dehiscence or the development of a pathological process.
  2. It is worth consulting a doctor if, after 2-3 days, pain continues to bother you, and noticeable tissue swelling develops, which increases rather than decreases. Perhaps the root or fragments of the tooth crown remain in the gum (we recommend reading:).
  3. When the temperature rises and a tumor appears, we can talk about inflammation of the socket. An infected wound will have to be treated.

In some cases, it is necessary to remove the stitches before the date prescribed by the specialist. The hole is cleaned and treated with an antiseptic, after which it is sutured again. In case of difficult removal or extraction against the background of an inflammatory process, the doctor will immediately prescribe antibiotics.