Written analysis of the episode: Ilya’s letter to Olga. Analysis of Oblomov’s letter to Olga Ilinskaya

Analysis of Oblomov's letter

The reason for writing the letter for Oblomov was the words Olga said to him. After her declaration of love, he thinks about these words for a long time. Oblomov stands in front of the mirror, looks at himself and says that Olga is wrong, that she does not love him. He believes that Olga is mistaken when she says that she loves Oblomov.

“They don’t like people like that,” he says.

Oblomov believes that he should no longer see Olga, so he decides to write her a letter.

I believe that the meeting with Olga changed Oblomov a lot, he became more mobile, himself, sometimes without noticing it. He is no longer too lazy to get up from the couch and move to write his thoughts to her. According to Oblomov himself, last time he was in such a hurry to write a letter, he wrote it with such fervor and feverish haste, to the house owner. In his letter, Oblomov asks the question: “Why am I writing?”, but he never fully answers it. Perhaps a feeling of guilt has awakened in Oblomov, if before he was “asleep” and did not care what others were going through because of him, now he is worried about Olga’s inner world. He decides for himself that Olga cannot love him, something internally tells him that he is not worthy of her, that Olga will not be happy with him.

In his letter, Oblomov is truly frank; he does not resort to excesses or embellishments, but simply expresses his thoughts, but always supplements what is said with something like a “translation,” i.e. He constantly makes sure that Olga understands his thoughts correctly. Reading the letter, you can see that Oblomov wrote in very large, common sentences; this gives a more complete idea of ​​the state he was in at that time. Apparently, Oblomov was so fascinated by writing the letter that he tried to write as much as possible, but without repetition.

Oblomov, who writes the letter, is not at all like the Oblomov who is present in the other episodes, he becomes a man, ceases to be a creature who is not touched by anything.

Oblomov says that Olga’s love is only her need for love, and not sincerity, it is not a sincere feeling.

Only in the letter does Oblomov truly reveal himself as a kind, caring person, a complacent, kind-hearted person. This change in the hero’s inner world is very noticeable against the background of the previous chapters.

Thanks to the letter, we understand Oblomov’s problem more deeply; if before he seemed simply lazy, soulless and not caring about anything, now we see in him love, mercy, and kindness, i.e. those character traits that it seemed that he did not possess.

After writing the letter, Oblomov himself admits that his soul felt better, that he had dropped a terrible burden.

“I’m almost happy... Why is this? It must be because I conveyed the burden of my soul in a letter.”

Love always comes into people's lives unexpectedly and almost always transforms them. Such changes also affected the main character Goncharov Ilya Oblomov from novel of the same name. The tender feeling not only became the reason for Ilya Ilyich’s refusal from his usual Oblomovism, but also a catalyst for personal self-development.

Unfortunately, over time, the first strong feelings cool down and, instead of the first impulse, comes critical analysis actions of your significant other. Very often, lovers feel that their lovers do not pay enough attention to them, and that their love is not sincere. Oblomov fell for the same trick. Languishing with discontent, consumed by doubts, he decides to explain himself to Olga Ilyinskaya, the subject of his admiration and devotion. Ilya Ilyich does not have determination and courage, therefore he is not able to voice his thoughts and feelings orally; this purpose is fulfilled by writing:

“It’s strange for you, Olga Sergeevna (he wrote), to receive this letter instead of me, when we see each other so often. Read to the end, and you will see that I cannot do otherwise. It would be necessary to start with this letter: then we would both get rid of many reproaches of conscience ahead; but now it’s not too late. We fell in love with each other so suddenly, so quickly, as if we had both suddenly become ill, and this prevented me from waking up earlier. Moreover, looking at you, listening to you for hours on end, who would voluntarily want to take on the difficult responsibility of sobering up from enchantment? Where can you find enough for every moment to look around and have the strength of will to stop at every slope and not get carried away along its slope? And every day I thought: “I won’t get carried away any further, I’ll stop: it’s up to me” - and I got carried away, and now a struggle is coming in which I demand your help. It was only today, this night, that I realized how quickly my feet were slipping: only yesterday I managed to look deeper into the abyss into which I was falling, and I decided to stop.

I speak only about myself - not out of selfishness, but because when I lie at the bottom of this abyss, you will all, like a pure angel, fly high, and I don’t know if you will want to cast a glance into it. Listen, without any hints, I will say frankly and simply: you do not love me and cannot love me. Listen to my experience and believe unconditionally. After all, my heart began to beat a long time ago: let’s say, it beat falsely, out of place, but this very thing taught me to distinguish its regular beat from a random one. You cannot, but I can and should know where the truth is and where there is error, and I have an obligation to warn those who have not yet managed to know this. And so I warn you: you are in error, look around!

While love appeared between us in the form of a light, smiling vision, while it sounded in Casta diva, was carried in the smell of a lilac branch, in unspoken participation, in a bashful look, I did not trust it, taking it for a play of the imagination and a whisper of pride.

But the pranks passed; I became sick with love, felt the symptoms of passion; you have become thoughtful and serious; give me your leisure time; your nerves started talking; you began to worry, and then, that is, just now, I got scared and felt that the responsibility fell on me to stop and say what it was.

I told you that I love you, you responded in kind - do you hear the dissonance that sounds in this? Can't you hear? So you will hear later, when I am already in the abyss. Look at me, think about my existence: is it possible for you to love me, do you love me? “I love, love, love!” - you said yesterday. “No, no, no!” - I answer firmly.

You don’t love me, but you don’t lie—I hasten to add—you don’t deceive me; you cannot say yes when you are saying no. I just want to prove to you that your real love is not true love, and future; This is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to the lack of real food, due to the absence of fire, burns with a false, unwarming light, sometimes expressed in women in affection for a child, for another woman, even simply in tears or in hysterical fits. From the very beginning I should have sternly told you: “You are mistaken, this is not the one you were waiting for, about whom you dreamed. Wait, he will come, and then you will wake up; you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake, and this annoyance and shame will hurt me,” - this is what I should have told you, if I were naturally more insightful in mind and more cheerful in soul, if, finally, I were sincere... I and spoke, but remember how: with fear that you would not believe, that this would not happen; I said in advance everything that others might say later, in order to prepare you not to listen and not to believe, but I was in a hurry to see you and thought: “Someday another one will come, I’m happy for now.” This is the logic of passion and passion.

Now I think differently. And what will happen when I become attached to her, when seeing each other becomes not a luxury of life, but a necessity, when love cries into my heart (it’s not for nothing that I feel hardening there)? How to break away then? Will you survive this pain? It will be bad for me. Even now I can’t think about it without horror. If you were more experienced, older, then I would bless my happiness and give you my hand forever. And then...

Why am I writing? Why didn’t you come and say directly that the desire to see you is growing every day, but you shouldn’t? To say this to your face - whether you have the courage, judge for yourself! Sometimes I want to say something similar to this, but I say something completely different. Maybe your face would express sadness (if it’s true that you weren’t bored with me), or you, not understanding my good intentions, would be offended: I can’t bear either one, I’ll say the wrong thing again, and honest intentions will crumble into dust and end with an agreement to see each other the next day. Now, without you, it’s not the same at all: your gentle eyes, your kind, pretty face are not in front of me; the paper endures and is silent, and I write calmly (I’m lying): we won’t see each other again (I’m not lying).

Another would add: I’m writing and shedding tears, but I’m not showing off in front of you, I’m not draping myself in my sadness, because I don’t want to intensify the pain, to stir up regret and sadness. All this drapery usually hides the intention to take deeper roots on the basis of feelings, but I want to destroy the seeds of it both in you and in myself.

Yes, and crying is appropriate either for seducers who are trying to catch the careless pride of women with phrases, or for languid dreamers. I say this when saying goodbye, as one says goodbye to good friend, letting him go on a long journey. In three weeks, in a month, it would be too late, it would be difficult: love is making incredible progress, this is Antonov’s spiritual fire. And now I am no longer like anything, I don’t count hours and minutes, I don’t know the rising and setting of the sun, but I think: I saw - I didn’t see, I will see - I won’t see, it came - it didn’t come, it will come... All this suits youth, which easily tolerates both pleasant and unpleasant worries; and peace suits me, although it’s boring and sleepy, it’s familiar to me; but I can’t cope with storms.

Many would be surprised at my action: why is he running? they will say; others will laugh at me: perhaps I dare to do so. If I decide not to see you, then I’m deciding on everything.

In my deep melancholy, I am a little consoled by the fact that this short episode of our life will leave me forever with such a pure, fragrant memory that it alone will be enough not to plunge into the previous sleep of the soul, and, without bringing harm to you, will serve as a guide to the future, normal life. love. Goodbye, angel, fly away quickly, like a frightened bird flies away from the branch where it landed by mistake, just as lightly, cheerfully and cheerfully as it did, from the branch on which it landed by chance!”

Oblomov wrote with animation: the pen flew across the pages. The eyes were shining, the cheeks were burning. The letter was long, like all love letters: lovers are so talkative.

"Strange! I'm not bored, it's not hard! - he thought. “I’m almost happy...”

Result: Ilya Ilyich Oblomov in his letter is shown as a gentle lover who, due to his detachment, does not have the ability and tact to romantic relationships. Oblomov finds it difficult to accept another expression of love. He believes that all lovers should be guided by Oblomov’s principle of behavior - in love he measures everyone with the same yardstick, which greatly complicates his position in relation to Olga. This leads to a certain degree of disregard for the girl’s feelings and cruelty towards her; Oblomov does not try to finally understand the situation, but makes an unfair verdict - Olga does not love him. He is too categorical, he is incited by a reluctance to make changes in his life.

Oblomov’s letter to Olga Ilyinskaya in the novel “Oblomov” by Goncharov (text of the episode)

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  1. The meaning of extra-plot episodes.
  2. Letter as a characteristic of the main characters.
  3. The influence of the episode on the subsequent narrative.

Any story or novel consists of episodes following each other in a certain sequence. Non-plot episodes, such as letters, also play a significant role in the narrative. Their role is to reveal inner world hero, to penetrate into the innermost corners of his soul. For example, in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin,” the main characters confess their love to each other in letters. Writing is one of the ways of expressing your thoughts or feelings, in in this case love feeling.

There is an episode in the novel "Oblomov" in which main character also writes letters. his beloved, but with a completely different goal: he wants to break off their relationship, abandon Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga, one might say, is perfection: she is smart, beautiful, graceful, and next to her Ilya Ilyich was very happy. He forgets about everything around her, and his love is sincere, but deep down in his soul Oblomov understands that this woman, alas, is not for him. Deciding not to see Olga anymore, he writes to her farewell letter. But, reading these lines, the reader understands how difficult this step is for Ilya Ilyich, how difficult it is for him to give up love: “We fell in love with each other so quickly, as if we both suddenly became sick, and this prevented me from waking up earlier.”

Indeed, for Oblomov, love is a disease, an unnatural state. And therefore he believes that the disease must be cured. It is better to part with the woman you love at the very beginning of their relationship, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to do this later, since “love makes incredible progress, it is Antonov’s spiritual fire.” Olga Ilyinskaya is an unattainable ideal for Oblomov, an angel in the flesh. He doesn’t believe that she really loves him, rather it’s just pity: “You were mistaken, this is not the one you were waiting for, about whom you dreamed. Wait, he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake, and this annoyance and shame will hurt me.”

Marriage is a serious step for any person. A man, when creating a family, places responsibility on his shoulders both for the woman with whom he decided to connect his life, and for his future children. Is lazy, sleepy Oblomov ready for such a step? To do this, he must become a different person worthy of Olga Ilyinskaya. And Ilya Ilyich admits to his beloved that he will not be able to change his life: “... but peace suits me, although it is boring, sleepy, but it is familiar to me; but I can’t cope with storms.” These lines are the culmination of the letter. Passion, emotional experiences, excitement - all this is not for him.

Marriage to Olga Ilyinskaya Oblomov considers it a mistake, an unnecessary burden for herself. He doesn't want to selfishly own this woman. After all, if after some time she meets a more worthy man, she will no longer be able to stay with Oblomov: “Wait, he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake, and this annoyance and shame will hurt me.” For Ilya Ilyich, the break with Olga noble deed. He doesn’t want to ruin her life, just as he ruined his own. And at the same time, Oblomov is unable to get up from the sofa, throw off his robe and plunge into a storm of passions, change his life.

And yet, at the conclusion of the letter, he says that romantic meetings with Olga, “this short episode of our life will leave me forever with such a pure, fragrant memory that it alone will be enough not to plunge into the previous sleep of the soul, and not bring you harm, will serve as a guide to future normal love.” Saying goodbye to Olga in a letter, refusing her, Oblomov believes that he is freeing his beloved woman from an unbearable burden and it will be better for both of them: “Farewell angel, fly away quickly, like a frightened bird flies away from a branch where it landed in error, just as easily, cheerfully and cheerfully, like she from that branch on which she sat by chance!

Oblomov writes the letter in one breath, and after finishing it, he felt relief: “It was as if he had unloaded the burden of his soul into the letter.”

In the plot of the novel, this episode shows that the main character is not capable of taking decisive actions, unable to change his life. But still, his love for Olga is genuine, and it is very difficult for Oblomov to take this step - to abandon the woman he loves for the sake of her happiness. Despite the fact that Ilya Ilyich can in many ways be called a dreamer, a romantic (this is also evident from the letter, it contains a lot of personal experiences, feelings, passions), he still remains a realist. And therefore he decides to break up with Olga at the very beginning of their relationship. As we read the novel further, we will see how this fire will gradually die out until it turns into ashes and coals.

Any story or novel consists of episodes following each other in a certain sequence. Non-plot episodes, such as letters, also play a significant role in the narrative. Their role is to reveal the hero’s inner world, to penetrate the innermost corners of his soul. For example, in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" the main characters confess their love to each other in letters. They are unable to say this in words, so they resort to pen and paper.
In the novel “Oblomov” there is an episode in which the main character also writes a letter to his beloved, but with a completely different purpose: he wants to break off their relationship, abandon Olga Ilyinskaya. Olga is perfection in everything, she is smart, beautiful, graceful, and next to her Ilya Ilyich was very happy. He forgets about everything, and his love is sincere, but deep down Oblomov understands that this woman, alas, is not for him. Making a decision for himself not to see Olga anymore, he writes her a farewell letter. But, reading these lines, the reader understands how difficult this step is for Ilya Ilyich, how difficult it is for him to give up love: “We fell in love with each other so quickly, as if we both suddenly became sick and this prevented me from waking up earlier.” Indeed, for Oblomov, love is a disease, an unnatural state. And therefore he believes that the disease must be cured. It is better to part with the woman you love at the very beginning of their relationship, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to do this later, since “love makes incredible progress, it is Antonov’s spiritual fire.” Olga Ilyinskaya is an unattainable ideal for Oblomov, an angel in the flesh. He doesn’t believe that she really loves him, rather it’s just pity: “You were mistaken, this is not the one you were waiting for, about whom you dreamed. Wait, he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake, and this annoyance and shame will hurt me.”
Marriage is a serious step for any person. A man, when creating a family, places responsibility on his shoulders both for the woman with whom he decided to connect his life, and for his future children. Is lazy, sleepy Oblomov ready for such a step? To do this, he must become a different person worthy of Olga Ilyinskaya. And Ilya Ilyich admits to his beloved that he will not be able to change his life: “... but peace suits me, although it is boring, sleepy, but it is familiar to me; but I can’t cope with storms.” These lines are the culmination of the letter.
Passion, emotional experiences, excitement - all this is not for him.
Oblomov considers his marriage to Olga Ilyinskaya a mistake and an unnecessary burden for her herself. He doesn't want to selfishly own this woman. After all, if after some time she meets a more worthy man, she will no longer be able to stay with Oblomov: “Wait, he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake, and this annoyance and shame will hurt me.” For Ilya Ilyich, breaking up with Olga is a noble act. He doesn’t want to ruin her life, just as he ruined his own. And at the same time, Oblomov is unable to get up from the sofa, throw off his robe and plunge into a storm of passions, change his life.
And yet, at the conclusion of the letter, he says that romantic meetings with Olga, “this short episode of our life will leave me forever with such a pure, fragrant memory that it alone will be enough not to plunge into the previous sleep of the soul, and not bring you harm, will serve as a guide to future normal love.” Saying goodbye to Olga in a letter, refusing her, Oblomov believes that he is relieving his beloved woman of an unbearable burden and it will be better for both of them.
“Farewell angel, fly away quickly, like a frightened bird flies away from the branch where it landed by mistake, just as easily, cheerfully and cheerfully as it did from the branch on which it landed by chance!”
Oblomov writes the letter in one breath, and after finishing it, he felt relieved. “It was as if he had unloaded the burden of his soul in a letter.”
In the plot of the novel, this episode shows that the main character is not capable of taking decisive actions, unable to change his life. But still, his love for Olga is sincere, and it is very difficult for Oblomov to take this step - to abandon the woman he loves for the sake of her happiness. Despite the fact that Ilya Ilyich can in many ways be called a dreamer, a romantic (this is also evident from the letter, it contains a lot of personal experiences, feelings, passions), he still remains a realist. And therefore he decides to break up with Olga at the very beginning of their relationship. As we read the novel further, we will see how this fire will gradually die out until it turns into ashes and coals.

/ / / Oblomov’s letter to Olga Ilyinskaya (analysis of chapter 10 of the second part of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”)

The main character of the novel "" is a young man of about 33 who does not want to work at all, does not make any unnecessary movements, and strives for something in his life. In the image of Ilya Ilyich, Goncharov tries to show true essence a Russian person who has all the qualities lazy hero. He is not able to change even for the sake of love, so he writes dear Olga a letter asking for a break in the relationship, asking for separation.

It is this letter that completes the disclosure. While he is writing an appeal to, he has two options for developing his later life. Or he steps forward, connects his life with his beloved Olga, experiences high feelings and begins to live actively. Or, he simply returns to his previous, lazy existence.

But this current Oblomov has already changed, he has become a different person. If you pay attention to how intensely, with what emotions, and at a fast pace, he writes the letter. Yes, he hasn’t shown such activity and emotionality for a long time. This means he has set out on the path of change. Why didn't everything go on as usual?

Because Oblomov considered himself unworthy of such love, and in vain. Oblomov writes his letter like a real creator, like a poet. He uses various literary devices- metaphors and comparisons, he puts meaning into the lines of the letter. This makes us understand that his soul has not yet completely died, that it is still capable of experiencing some feelings.

But his destroyed self-esteem does not allow his soul and feelings to develop. He talks about relationships like a plant whose seeds are not meant to give life. He repeatedly writes that he is completely unworthy of Olga’s love.

Excitement and increased emotionality create exclamatory sentences and rhetorical questions with which Oblomov addresses Olga. Ilya Ilyich repeatedly writes that Olga is mistaken in her feelings, that he is not the person who should be with her. How excited he is when writing his letter. And this allows us to see him as a completely different person. It has a strong human core, with good human qualities. He really does not guess Olga’s true feelings, but only the woman’s desire to show herself and her willpower.

Having read the meaning of the letter, we see how complex and tragic Goncharov’s character is. We observe how much he broke under the pressure of the surrounding society and turned into such an Oblomov.