Show the largest islands on the map. Which island is the largest on Earth

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    French Polynesia consists of 118 islands and atolls located in the Pacific Ocean, 67 of them are inhabited. The total land area is 3660 km² (excluding water surface area). Population 259,596 people (2007). Below is a list... ... Wikipedia

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    New Zealand consists of large quantities islands. The South and North islands are the two largest islands of the state, in area and population several times larger than all the other islands combined. South Island locals often... ... Wikipedia

    Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands (Far. Føroyar, Förjar, “Sheep Islands”, Dan. Færøerne, Norse. Færøyene, other isl./isl.: Færeyjar) a group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean between Scotland (Shetland) and Iceland. They... ... Wikipedia

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    Canada owns many islands; below are their lists. Contents 1 By area 2 By population 3 Sea islands ... Wikipedia

    The Cook Islands are made up of 15 islands and atolls located in the Pacific Ocean in Polynesia between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn over an area of ​​2.2 million km², between Tonga in the west and the Society Islands in the east. The total land area is 236.7 km² ... Wikipedia

What is an island? For many, these are resort areas like the Maldives, Sicily or Crete. For others, pictures from action-packed adventure films appear before their eyes. Indeed, the islands of the world are full of secrets and mysteries, and scientists never tire of publishing unusual facts about these small pieces of land, surrounded by water on all sides.

So the youngest island recently came of age. He is 21 years old. He was born in July 92 after a volcanic eruption near Bogoslov Island in the Aleutian Islands archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Its length is 400 meters and its height is 90 meters.

TOP 10: largest islands in the world

However, the island cannot always be measured in hundreds of meters. There are many on the world map that represent entire maritime states.

Let's talk about the latter. . According to tradition, we will start with the last line of the hit parade.

10th place - Ellesmere Island

10th place goes to the Canadian island Ellesmere. This part of the land has an area of ​​203 thousand square meters located in the Arctic Ocean.

9th place - Victoria Island

In 9th place is another Canadian island with beautiful name Victoria. Its area is slightly larger than the previous one - 213 thousand square meters. It is located next door, in the ice of the same Arctic.

8th place - Great Britain island

8th place is rightfully given to the island United Kingdom. It is located on an area of ​​230 thousand square kilometers. Washed Atlantic Ocean. From unusual facts It is worth noting that this island is home to huge amount people. More than 60 million islanders are on the island of Great Britain.

7th place - Honshu Island

7th place on the list Japanese island Honshu. It has an area of ​​just under 230 thousand square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. The largest Japanese cities are located on the island of Honshu: Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, etc. According to the latest data, its population exceeds that of the UK. About 100 million people.

6th place - Sumatra island

By the way, Indonesia is called the “land of a thousand islands”. Scientists have counted more than 13,500 islands on the territory of the state. 12,000 of them are uninhabited. Moreover, most of these small pieces of sushi don't even have place names.

5th place - Baffin Island

5th place was taken by another Canadian island - Baffin Island. It is located on an area of ​​507 thousand square kilometers in the Arctic Ocean.

4th place - Madagascar island

In 4th place, which became especially famous after the eponymous animated film island Madagascar. It occupies just under 600 thousand square kilometers in the Indian Ocean.

The most interesting things are ahead. Let's move on to the top three. Who is included in the list of the three largest islands in the world?

3rd place - Kalimantan island

3rd place goes to the island of Kalimantan, or Borneo in other words. It is also located in the Indian Ocean and belongs to three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Its area is 743 thousand square kilometers.

2nd place - New Guinea island

Becomes the silver medalist New Guinea. It occupies 786 thousand square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. By the way, from the point of view of the residential territory of a geographical object, this island could claim first place. Two countries have spread their possessions on this piece of land: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

1st place - Greenland island

The title of "World's Largest Island" goes to amazing country— Greenland . Its area is 2 million 131 thousand square kilometers. The island is located off the northeastern coast of America. It is separated from Canada by the Smith and Robson Straits in the northwest, the Baffin Sea and Davis Strait in the west, and the Labrador Sea in the southwest. On the northern side, Greenland is washed by the Arctic Ocean, or more precisely, the Lincoln Sea. To the northeast of the island is the Greenland Sea, to the southeast is the Denmark Strait. On the south side is the Atlantic.


The climate in Greenland is different: marine, subarctic, arctic and even continental arctic. Cyclone is the most frequent guest on the island. Which means it’s always here strong winds, sudden changes in weather and precipitation.

The average temperature on the coast in winter is from - 7 to - 37 degrees Celsius. In the interior of the island, conditions are completely harsh: up to -47. In summer, the temperature does not rise above +10 along the entire coast, and in the depths it remains below zero.

Flora and fauna

Plants here can only be found in areas free of glaciers. On these tiny pieces of the island there are birches, willows, rowan trees, alder and even juniper. As for animals, they are exclusively northern on the island. No surprises: polar bears, bowhead whales and seals, walruses, polar wolves and reindeer.

How could this place get a name that literally translates as “green land”?

Legends of history

The island of Greenland was discovered by the Vikings. They came here in the 10th century. There are even several legends about how the name appeared. Some believe that in medieval times the island had a completely different climate, warm. Blooming greenery gave this name to its land. Others express their opinion about the cunning of the first settlers. Supposedly they gave the island this fabulous name to lie down here people.

Since 1536, Greenland was considered Danish territory. This was due to the fact that Norway was under the yoke of the Danes, and the countries were united into a single state. However, in 1905 Norway gained independence and claimed the island for itself. But Denmark was not going to give up Greenland without a fight. The issue was resolved through the Permanent Court of International Justice. She made a decision: to leave Greenland as a Danish colony.

The largest island in the world, Greenland, belongs to Denmark to this day. 84% of the territory is solid ice. But, despite this, there are settlements on the island. The largest is Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The city is located on the west coast. Just over 15 thousand people live here.

Every year new islands appear in the world, but the largest ones still remain in their places. Below is a list of the ten largest islands in the world by area.

Ellesmere – 196,236 km. sq.

Ellesmere is the northernmost Canadian island, with a total area of ​​196,236 km. sq. It is the third largest island in Canada and the tenth largest in the world. Despite its vast territory, as of 2006, only 146 permanent residents live on the island, in three settlements - Gris Fjord, Alert and Eureka.

Victoria Island – 217,291 km. sq.

Victoria is the second largest island in Canada and the ninth in the world (according to various sources it is the eighth or ninth). Located in the Arctic Ocean and located in the southwestern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The island was named after Queen Victoria of England in 1839. It has a total population of 1,707 people (2001).

Honshu – 227,970 km. sq.

Honshu is the largest island in Japan (approximately 60% of the entire country's territory). Located south of the island of Hokkaido. The population of Honshu as of 2010 is about 100 million people, making it the second most populous island in the world (after the Indonesian island of Java).

Great Britain – 229,848 km. sq.

Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles, stretching northwest of mainland Europe. 95% of its entire territory is divided between England, Scotland and Wales, which are part of the United Kingdom. It has a population of about 63 million people and ranks third in the world in terms of population after the islands of Java and Honshu.

Sumatra – 480,848 km. sq.

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world. Entirely part of Indonesia. The number of inhabitants living on the island as of 2010 is more than 50 million people, making it the fourth most populous island in the world.

Baffin Island – 507,451 km. sq.

Baffin Island is an island that is part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. This is the most big island in Canada and the fifth largest in the world. It is home to just over 11,000 people (as of 2007) in eight communities, the largest of which is Iqaluit.

Madagascar – 587,713 km. sq.

Madagascar is a large island located in the Indian Ocean, off the east coast of Africa. Although Madagascar is located close to Africa, the animal and flora The island is unique - it contains 5% of all species of flora and fauna of the world, 80% of which exist only on this island.

Kalimantan (Borneo) - 748,168 km. sq.

Kalimantan or Borneo is the third largest island in the world and the largest island in Asia. Located in the center of the Malay Archipelago in Southeast Asia. Divided between Indonesia (73%), Malaysia (26%) and Brunei (about 1%). The island has one of the oldest tropical forests in the world. It has 19,800,000 inhabitants (as of 2010), most of whom live in coastal cities. The population density in Borneo is 26 people per square kilometer.

New Guinea – 785,753 sq. km.

New Guinea is the second largest island on earth, located in the western Pacific Ocean north of Australia. Divided approximately equally between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The island's current population is approximately eleven million (2015). It has large natural reserves of oil, gold, copper and other ores.

Greenland – 2,130,800 sq. km.

Greenland is the largest island on Earth. Located in the northeast North America and is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. It is part of Denmark as an autonomous unit. The population of the island as of July 2010 is 57,600 people.

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The largest islands in the world

Islands are small areas of land that are found in almost every body of water, not excluding rivers. They may have different origins– there are volcanic hills that are generated due to magma released during eruptions, and there are others created from areas of land cut off from the coast.

The process of formation of new islands and their absorption by waters occurs constantly, every now and then new heights appear and old ones disappear, and this is completely normal. However, the largest objects remain unchanged. Having examined the top largest islands in the world, you can find out which of them are the most stable - all of them are inhabited by people who are in no hurry to leave their homes.

Fifth place - Baffin Island

The exception is, perhaps, Baffin Island, which is the fifth largest island on the planet, and is located somewhat west of Greenland. The population here is no more than 11 thousand people, and the central part of the territories still remains little explored. The reason for this is the harsh climate that characterizes this place. The area of ​​the island is 508 thousand sq. km, and the name was given in honor of William Baffin, the first person to describe the territories. It's simple here amazing nature and fabulous views, and besides, there are places where a person never had time

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Fourth place - Madagascar

The island of Madagascar is located near Africa, and today it is known even to children due to the cartoon about animals. On this island there is a separate state of Madagascar, which has sovereignty, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis land area, which is not of volcanic origin, is 587040 sq. km. It has its own flora and fauna, formed in conditions of isolation; the island is rich in endemic species. There are also a lot of minerals here. By the way, the name Madagascar itself is translated from the local dialect as Boar Island.

Third place – Kalimantan

Island – Kalimantan

The same island is known as Borneo. Its area is 737 thousand square meters. km, making it the third largest in the world. This island is located at a real maritime crossroads; it is washed by 4 seas and 2 straits. It is almost completely covered with forests; up to 80 percent of the territory is impenetrable jungle. There are 3 states on the island that receive large profits from the timber industry and are primarily engaged in this business. But wood, including valuable species, is not everything; there is also oil, diamonds, and gas here, so the subsoil and natural reserves of this place are only encouraging. And its name translates as Diamond River - it speaks for itself. After all, the recreational resource also brings profit here; tourists and vacationers come here.

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Second place - New Guinea

Island – New Guinea

New Guinea rightfully took second place; this island is shared by the states: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The Portuguese discovered the island in 1526, and before that the European world did not even think that there was such a competitor to the largest island in the world already known at that time. Papua is the first name of the island, which it received due to the curly hair of the local residents.

An island is a piece of land separated from other continents. There are more than half a million such land areas on planet Earth. Moreover, some may disappear, others may appear. So the youngest island appeared in 1992 as a result of a volcanic eruption. But some of them are striking in their scale. In the ranking largest islands in the world the 10 most impressive positions in .

196 thousand sq. km

Opens ten largest islands on the planet. Its territory belongs to Canada. It is the third largest island of this state with an area of ​​just over 196 thousand sq. km. This piece of land is located north of all the Canadian islands. Due to the harsh climatic conditions, it is sparsely populated by people (the average number of inhabitants is 200 people), but it represents great value for archaeologists, since the remains of ancient animals are constantly found there. The land has remained covered in ice since the Ice Age.

217 thousand sq. km

Ninth place among largest islands on earth takes . Like Ellesmere, Victoria belongs to the Canadian Islands. It got its name from Queen Victoria. The land area is 217 thousand sq. km. and is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The island is famous for its numerous fresh water lakes. The surface of the entire island has virtually no elevations. And only two settlements are located on its territory. The population density is very low, as just over 1,700 people live in this zone.

28 thousand sq. km

Eighth in the ranking largest islands located, belonging to the Japanese archipelago. It covers an area of ​​228 thousand sq. km. The largest Japanese cities, including the capital of the state, are located on this island. The most high mountain, which is the symbol of the country - Fuji is also located on Honshu. The island is covered with mountains and has many volcanoes, including active ones. Due to the mountainous terrain, the climate on the island is very changeable.
The area is densely populated. According to the latest data, the population is about 100 million people. This factor puts Honshu in second place among the islands in terms of population.

230 thousand sq. km

, ranked seventh on the list largest islands in the world by area, is also the largest among the British Isles and in Europe as a whole. Its territory occupies 230 thousand sq. km., where 63 million people live. Great Britain owns the bulk of the United Kingdom. The high population makes Great Britain the third largest island in the world in terms of population. And this is the most densely populated region in Europe. The capital of the Kingdom, London, is also located on the island. The climate is more temperate than in other lands in this natural area. This is due to the warm Gulf Stream current.

43 thousand sq. km

settled in sixth position in the ranking largest islands on the planet. The equator divides Summata into two almost equal halves, so it is located in two hemispheres at once. The island's area is more than 443 thousand sq. km., where more than 50 million people live. The island belongs to Indonesia and is part of the Malay Archipelago. Sumatra is surrounded by tropical vegetation and washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. It is located in an area of ​​frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. Sumatra has large deposits of precious metals.

500 thousand sq. km

Opens the top five largest islands. This is also the largest island in Canada, whose territory exceeds 500 thousand sq. km. It is covered with numerous lakes, but is only half populated by people. The population of the island is only about 11 thousand people. This is due to severe climatic conditions Arctic. The average annual temperature remains at -8 degrees. Here the weather is dictated by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Baffin Island is cut off from the mainland. The only way to get to the island is by air.

587 thousand sq. km

Next on the list the most impressive islands in terms of area - Madagascar. The island is located east of Africa; it was once part of the Hindustan Peninsula. They are separated from the mainland by the Mozambique Channel. The area of ​​the site and the state of the same name Madagascar is more than 587 thousand sq. km. with a population of 20 million. Locals Madagascar is called the red island (this is the color of the island’s soil) and the wild boar island (due to the large population of wild boars). More than half of the animals found in Madagascar cannot be found on the mainland, and 90% of the plants are found only in this geographic area.

748 thousand sq. km

Third level of rating largest islands in the world occupied with an area of ​​748 thousand sq. km. and with 16 million inhabitants. This island has another common name - Borneo. Kalimantan occupies the center of the Malay archipelago and belongs to three states at once: Indonesia (most of it), Malaysia and Brunei. Borneo is washed by four seas and covered with dense tropical forests, which are considered the oldest in the world. The most important attraction of Borneo is high point Southeast Asia - Mount Kinabalu with a height of 4 thousand meters. The island is rich natural resources in particular, diamonds, which gave it its name. Kalimantan on local language means diamond river.

786 thousand sq. km

- second place on the list largest islands in the world. 786 thousand sq. km. located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and Asia. Scientists believe that the island was once part of Australia. The population is approaching 8 million people. New Guinea is divided between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The name of the island was given by the Portuguese. "Papua", which translates to curly, refers to the curly hair of the local Aboriginal people. There are still places in New Guinea where no man has ever been. This place attracts flora and fauna researchers, as they can meet rare species of animals and