Alexey Platonov is the husband of Olga Platonova. TV presenter Olga Platonova showed her country house

Several generations of my family lived on Malaya Nikitskaya Street,” says Olga. - In the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, which is opposite the house, one of my great-great-grandfathers served as a priest when Alexander Pushkin got married there. But contrary to fashion, I moved from the center of the capital to the countryside. Traffic jams under the windows, thousands of cars... Moreover, I have four children in my family. I wanted space and air. I bought a dacha in Mamontovka. The plot of 28 acres was improved so quickly that it became boring. I asked the realtors to find something on a larger scale. They were dumbfounded and said that then we should consider options with old pioneer camps and sanatoriums. I agreed. An abandoned rest house of the Pravda publishing house was found, where the entire Soviet elite rested. Hectare of land. By that time, I had successfully sold my dacha in Mamontovka, so I had the money to buy this plot. But there were difficulties with the design. The intended purpose of the land according to the documents is a holiday home, and not individual construction. This means that you need to pay huge taxes. It took two years to change the status of the land. And the appearance of the former boarding house was depressing: a peeling concrete fence, dilapidated buildings, waist-deep weeds. The building, which was once a dining room, was demolished and two gazebos were built on its foundation. The central dormitory building with a corridor system was lined with stone, and two semi-rotundas were attached to it. We live in it. The sports building was converted into a guest house, studio, winter garden and a water park with home cinema. Since I got the boarding house furnished, I received many sofas and 22 Temp TVs, as well as a countless number of carpets. I distributed the best ones to friends, and laid the rest under the apple trees to insulate the roots for the winter.

“My husband is hostile to any of my ideas. But I’m already used to it and don’t argue.”

“It is in this room that my stories for the Hacienda program are filmed.

An artificial pond with waterfalls and fish, paths, gazebos, flower beds, and greenhouses appeared on the site. She developed the interior and landscape designs herself. I have 15 certificates of completion of various courses. This house was decorated in the style of Russian classicism. Many, entering here for the first time, believe that they spent huge amount money. This is wrong. I developed the project myself. I bought some of the furniture and decorative elements at flea markets, and then finished it myself with the craftsmen. I bought the silk with which some of the walls were covered in Pavlovsky Posad for 100 rubles per meter. I sewed the fringed curtains and bedspreads myself. Upholstered a cheap chipboard kitchen in bronze. The main thing here is to show your imagination.

Olga Platonova is a popular TV presenter, gardener, designer, and writer. Widely known for its programs in landscape and interior design, as well as horticulture. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and worked as a teacher for a long time. Practically fluent in three foreign languages. Additionally, she took courses in art history, architecture, floriculture and landscape design.

He is a member of the British Society of Gardeners and the Union of Russian Designers. Presenter of popular author's TV shows about gardening and co-host of the TV project "Country Fairies". Author of the book “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Gardener”.

Personal life

As a mother of four children, once again fell in love and married Alexey Ruchkin. Olga has three daughters and one son, Alexey also has a child from a previous marriage.

The popular gardener has been married five times and has four children and two grandchildren. She wrote more about her life in biographical book"Alaska. Chapters of my life”, which can be found in the public domain.

House of Olga Platonova

Since childhood, she lived in a house on Malaya Nikitskaya opposite the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

With the advent big family, thought about expanding and, having sold a small country house in Mamontovka, moved to the village of Pravdinsky. It is located a few kilometers from the city of Pushkino. Platonova admits that when working on the furnishings of the new mansion, she was guided primarily by the memories of “that very” first apartment, in which the spirit of antiquity was in the air.

The new mansion is located on a one-hectare plot at the end of a quiet street. Previously, the Pravda holiday home was located here. After the collapse of the USSR, one of the officials purchased this place, but never took up the arrangement, so Olga got the mansion built in 1933 in its original form.

There were several dilapidated buildings on the site, which it was decided to get rid of. Only the main building and the former sports complex were left, which were converted into a guest building and winter garden. The large dining room was demolished, and two gazebos were erected in its place.

The main building underwent a full-scale redevelopment, getting rid of small spaces and, to the maximum, unnecessary walls where possible. The second floor houses the master bedroom, bathroom, office and dressing room. And on the first one we managed to arrange three children’s rooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a billiard room. The space was “conditionally” divided into two parts: private and guest.

The central place is occupied by the living room with second light, it is decorated with a chandelier brought from Sofrino, and a massive oak staircase, carved by a master cabinetmaker, leads to the second floor.

The balustrade is also surrounded by carved railings made by this master. Adjacent to the living room is a spacious dining area, the entrance to which is decorated with two massive columns. Their basis is metal pillars, professionally decorated to look like natural stone.

The kitchen is separated from the dining area by an exact copy of a wooden balustrade from a metropolitan apartment, and a special mood to this room is given by an Art Nouveau chandelier, which, for a special occasion or wish, can be raised or, conversely, lowered. But the highlight of this room is still the old Dutch buffet.

The mansion has a lot of wooden elements, exact copies of antique furniture and household items late XIX centuries. The library contains six bookcases, two of which are original antiques, and the rest made in their likeness.

The billiard room is designed in the “salon” style of the 19th century. The walls here are covered with Pavlovo Posad silk; robes for clergy are made from this material. The door handles are exact copies of the palace handle, which the owner purchased in an antique store, and in its likeness ordered duplicates to be cast on all the doors in the building.

The master bedroom is upholstered in raw clapboard and also upholstered in dark green silk with a classic pattern. Swags hanging over the windows decorated slopes that were not very appropriate in this room. Olga brought a Czech chandelier from her Moscow apartment, but it didn’t fit into the room with small ceilings. The owner did not despair and, having disassembled it into small parts, bought a frame of the required size in an antique store and reassembled the chandelier to the height she needed. This chandelier fits perfectly into the bedroom interior.

The attic has the same low ceiling and non-standard windows, but here too the owner showed professionalism and turned all the shortcomings into advantages.

The estate now includes main house size 450 sq. meters, guest, gym, a small water park, a winter garden and its own recording studio. Opposite the main entrance, the owner installed a fountain brought from England, and throughout the estate there are magnificent gardens and cascading ponds with fish.

According to CIAN, houses in the village of Pravdinsky cost from 7 to 40 million rubles.

In the photo is the TV presenter of the program " Good morning"on channel 1 - Olga Platonova. She hosts a column about vegetable gardens, orchards, etc. I am forced to watch all this splendor because I get up at 5.00 and need a hardcore background to wake up. It seems to me that Olga Platonova, who hosts a program about seedlings, seedlings and manure - This is a failure of Channel One, comparable to a crucified boy.
I know that there are many fans of “plastic” faces, but they are unlikely to be among the target audience of such programs. Yes, I admit that Platonov is a kick-ass landscape designer, who was trained in Europe, a person with a name, but... she’s a dick. What kind of landscapes do our people care about now on 6 acres? I would like to collect potatoes and pickle cabbage so that the homeless people don’t break down the cellar.

By the way, I didn’t find photos of Platonova in her youth; someone carefully hid them. I can guess why. I assume that the nose, eyelids and lips underwent surgery.

People are drawn to those who are similar to them - this is the law social psychology. Something simpler. Remember there was such a charming little guy - Boris Popov, the host of the program “Our Garden”, so he inspired. Well, it was immediately obvious that he had been shaken up by gardening. Add yours to the board. Albeit without plastic surgery. May he rest in heaven.

Olga Platonova: the truth about the house

We watched the TV program “Garden Stories” with Olga Platonova? Have you read her articles in magazine "Favorite Dacha"? Professionally engaged in gardening and phytodesign, she gives practical advice on what to plant and how to care for plants. TV presenter, gardener, designer, mother of four children Olga Platonova He approaches everything in life creatively, especially when it comes to arranging a family nest. She shared her secrets with us and talked about her unusual home.

Olga Platonova was born and lives in the center of Moscow. But when, due to the abundance of cars, the capital began to choke on exhaust emissions, it became obvious: it’s better outside the city! While looking for suitable real estate options, I discovered that... one of the former holiday homes of the Pravda publishing house was up for sale. The 1933 construction was not as large as it seemed. But the purchase, and then the reconstruction, turned out to be not an easy task...

With her husband Alexey and younger daughters Lisa and Dasha

Land question

The boarding house of the Pravdin residents was a kind of collective dacha for the management of the publishing house. On the territory there was a main “dormitory building” with 16 rooms with a corridor system, a dining room with a bar, a sports building and a garage for four cars. A nice estate, but the land underneath it all had a special purpose: it was not allowed to be used for individual housing construction. The tax per hectare was a fabulous sum. For this reason, no one wanted to buy the house. Olga had to spend time and effort to go through all the official authorities to change the status of the land.

“When we arrived here,” recalls TV presenter Olga Platonova, “during an inspection in the attic, I found a wall newspaper from 1933, made by the first vacationers of the Pravdin boarding house.”

The new owners decided to leave the main building, where they live today, and the sports complex, which they turned into a guest house, where there is also a home theater and a winter garden. The canteen building was demolished, and two gazebos with a “green room” between them were erected on its foundation.

The main space of the house is occupied by a majestic double-height living room.
It is decorated with a luxurious chandelier purchased in Sofrino,
as well as a spectacular oak staircase made by a master cabinetmaker
according to the drawings of the owner of the house

Big rework

There is a proverb: “Without an owner, a house is an orphan.” It was precisely these orphans who got the house from Olga Platonova. The rework began immediately. Two semi-rotundas were added, and now the house's plan has a cruciform shape instead of the old rectangular one. Almost the entire wooden part was covered with stone.

The interior was remodeled, freeing up space from unnecessary walls. Now the first floor is divided into two parts: a private area with the daughters’ rooms, partly retaining the features of the “corridor system”, and the front floor - a completely redone volume that includes a living room, dining room, kitchen and billiard room. On the second floor there is a bedroom, a master bathroom, a dressing room and an office.

Adjacent to the living room is a formal dining room, the entrance to which is crowned by columns
with the Corinthian order. The basis of the columns are metal pillars, on top of which a primer was applied and painting was done to resemble natural stone.


The hostess herself supervised the restructuring. By the way, Olga completed courses at the Moscow Architectural Institute, and clearly knew in what style she wanted to decorate her house - in the style of Russian classicism! “I feel comfortable being around things like those I saw as a child,” says the TV presenter.

Master bedroom. Swags - drapery hanging in semicircles - covered the attic slope, as a result of which the room was transformed

Experimenting, creating, doing something with your own hands is generally in the spirit of Olga Platonova. Once she brought a large crystal Czech chandelier, which looked good in her Moscow apartment, where the ceilings are 3.5 meters. However, in a country house, where the rooms are lower, the chandelier literally lay on the table. Olga disassembled it into “spare parts”, bought the frame of a lamp of the required size from an antique store and decorated it with crystal pendants. The remaining crystals were decorated with antique candlesticks.

Mirrors on the ceiling visually make it taller.
Thanks to the bevel (decorative bevel along the edges)
mirror tiles look richer

“Mirrors flicker in melted candles”

There are really a lot of mirrors in the house. In the spacious boudoir bathroom, where the hostess puts on her makeup in preparation for filming, mirrors are located on the wall and on the ceiling. Moreover, the large mirrors in the dining room are a replica of the mirror gallery of Versailles.

In Olga Platonova’s house, the number of plants rivals the number of mirrors.
It couldn't be any other way!

The housewife decorated the mirrors in the house herself. I selected a baguette with a classic pattern and decorated the glass floral ornament. For Olga, a mirror is not just an interior item. She believes that mirrors protect from other people's energy. “Once, I lost one thing and turned to a psychic woman for help,” says Olga. “An attempt to detect the loss remotely was unsuccessful. Having found out that the apartment where I lived then had two mirrored walls, the psychic explained: she cannot “enter” my house through the mirror!”

The “border” between the rooms ran along the line of the arch - before the restructuring,
when the family home was now a holiday home

Holistic image

The kitchen is separated from the dining room by a carved wooden balustrade (it is a complete copy of the balustrade in Olga’s Moscow apartment). The luxurious Dutch buffet certainly sets the tone here.

The style is supported by kitchen cabinets with bronze decorations on the doors and small “Dutch display cases” hanging on the walls, where you can place small figurines. An antique chandelier in the Art Nouveau style gives the kitchen a special charm, which can be lowered or, conversely, raised if desired.

This is not just a billiard room. In fact, this is a salon where owners and guests can have a pleasant time doing their favorite activities

IN XIX style centuries the walls in the billiard room are covered. For this purpose, green Pavlovo Posad silk was used. The wooden bedroom, upholstered in raw clapboard, was also covered in silk with different patterns.

The attic has a relatively low ceiling of complex configuration and non-standard windows. These are not problems when you know how to turn disadvantages into advantages

  • Use beveled mirrors. Thanks to the beveled edges, the effect of light refraction occurs, and the glass begins to play like a precious stone

  • When decorating skylights, pay attention: Blinds and draperies should look good on an inclined plane.

  • Don't rush to part with old furniture! You can change the facades of cabinets, decorate them with mirrors, textured glass, unusual inserts and decorative overlays.

Text: Natalia Grigorieva, photo: Igor Piskarev

Since July 3, on the daytime air there has been a stale new product for those for whom it’s time to think about the soul and garden beds - the “Country Fairies” program has moved from the “Beaver” satellite channel to the first button. Apparently, the summer season didn’t get off to a great start and Channel One went all in, launching heavy artillery on the day off. Will the gardening show be able to win the love of the audience or will it remain unclaimed?

"Country Fairies" on First

There are already three presenters in the “Country Fairies” program! Two fairies and one fairy. At VDNH (in the capital of Russia), the trio was allocated 6 acres. Their task is to improve a piece of land: lay out beds on it, plant bushes and improve existing trees. In general, in real time during the summer season, the hosts tell you how to properly care for plants, how to plant, and what you should pay attention to. The personalities of the presenters are interesting in themselves. I suggest washing the bones a little.

"Country Fairies" on First | Oktyabrina Ganichkina

The second eccentric madam is TV presenter Olga Platonova. Sometimes I caught her on the air of Channel One - she was cutting salads on “Good Morning” and did not inspire confidence. By education, Olga Platonova is an English teacher, but in life there are many things: designer, architect, psychologist. But her main topic is landscape design, so in the “Country Fairies” project she is responsible for beauty - trees, shrubs, flowers. He knows many secrets and happily shares them with the audience. Olga Platonova’s age is also shrouded in mystery. Unlike Ganichkina, Platonova not only takes care of her garden, but also devotes time to her own beauty. The skin on the face is stretched like a drum, naked eye plastic is visible. Pigtails clearly don’t suit her and create the image of a country madwoman, but loose hair tied back in a bun, on the contrary, makes the TV presenter look younger and more interesting. At first I liked it after watching several episodes of "Country Fairies", and then I googled the information and... I got hooked. The aunt who professes positivism turned out to be a scandalous and greedy citizen. I'm shocked!

"Country Fairies" on First | Olga Platonova

Sergey Asharin. He stands between the two fires of Oktyabrina and Olga and runs between them, helping one or the other. Sergei embodies the image of an incompetent city dweller who is at ease with land and seedlings. The aunts share their experiences with him, and he sets a positive mood with jokes and grimaces. Asharin hung out on shabby channels before “Dachnaya fairies” and now his time has come finest hour. The bald fairy has been repeatedly spotted by Google at social events, accompanied by other famous unmarried men.

So, let's move on to the main thing: whether you liked it or not, to watch it or not to watch it. You know, if you don’t go into the personal life and career of the hosts of the “Country Fairies” show, then you can and even should watch it. As an experienced gardener, I took some of Oktyabrina’s advice into bookmarks and will certainly use them. I like Ganichkina the least as a presenter. An itchy granny belongs on the Usadba channel, not Channel One. Well, or let them write to her normal text. Olga Platonova is tongue-tied - she speaks competently, beautifully and to the point. If you unsee the scandalous information about her from the Internet, then she belongs on the First. By the way, as part of the program, Ganichkina and Platonova gossip behind each other’s backs, criticize and identify annoying mistakes in their rival. It seems like it’s funny to watch this, but on the other hand, who to believe? In enchanting disputes, Platonov always wins.

"Country Fairies" on First

Episodes of "Country Fairies" last just under half an hour and time flies by. There's a lot in the show useful information, it is presented simply and clearly. This is a definite plus.

"Country Fairies" on First | Olga Platonova, Oktyabrina Ganichkina, Sergei Asharin

Overall, I liked "Country Fairies". If it weren’t for the fake Potemkin garden with beds and the scandalous information about the presenters, I would have given the rating higher. I give three stars and recommend watching!

"Country Fairies" on First | Sergey Asharin

The program "Country Fairies" is broadcast daily 2 times a day on the Beaver TV channel and on Sundays at 12.15 Moscow time on Channel One. All episodes can be watched online at high quality after the premiere on the official website of the project .

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