How to draw a nose correctly with a pencil. Drawing a person's nose. Simplified nose shape

In this lesson we will draw a nose with a pencil step by step, front view. The nose happens different forms. Check out the nose below from different angles.

We will draw three different noses simultaneously. Snub-nosed, straight and slightly curved downwards.

Draw a circle as the basis of the tip of the nose.

Draw the bridge of the nose with two curved lines.

Depending on what kind of nose we have, we place two circles of smaller diameter (the wings of the nose) differently. A man's nose is usually longer and larger than a woman's, and the ideal nose is a subjective concept, each person has an idea of perfect nose varies and also depends on culture and race.

Use an eraser to lighten the lines of the nose. We draw the contours of the tip of the nose and the wings of the nose, note that the contours of the wings are different.

Apply shading to the nose with a 2H or HB pencil to highlight the shape of the nose in a light tone. The light source in this version is from the top left, so the right side of the nose will be darker than the left.

Use cross hatching to complete the shading. different parts. Use 2H or HB pencils for light shades and 4B for dark shades, you just need to decide where to place the light and shadow. If you use few contrasting shades, the design may appear flat. Therefore, unless the person has a flat nose, always use a wide range of shades.

Move a little away from the drawing, see what is wrong and add additional shadows.

Suggested supplies: 2H, HB, and 2B pencils; erasers; high quality drawing paper.
Adult noses come in different sizes and shapes. When you draw a face, you should look closely at the nose to determine the shapes individual parts. Look at the examples:

Before drawing, familiarize yourself with the structure of the nose:
1. The bridge of the nose (nasal bone) is the part of the nose where the bone connects to the cartilage. In children it is barely visible, but in adults it protrudes forward. The outline of the shape of the bridge of the nose is obvious when we draw the nose in profile.
2. The tip of the nose is the largest round area at the bottom of the nose. It is not necessarily spherical, but can also have an oval, triangular or rectangular (with rounded corners) shape.
3. The wings of the nose are the two soft, rounded (usually triangular) parts of the nose that are located on either side of the tip.
4. Nostrils – openings at the bottom of the nose.
5. Nasal septum - the area between the nostrils, connects to the lower part of the face above the upper lip.

There are 3 main nose shapes:
Snub nose - turned up and the tip of the nose is located above the wings.
Straight nose - both the tip and the nostrils are at the same level
Downward curved nose - the tip of the nose is below the wings.

Establishing proportions

When you draw the front view of a nose, 3 main circles are visible, the tip of the nose and two wings. To accurately establish the proportions of the nose, first sketch out the placement and size of the nose in relation to the face. Then visually measure the linear relationship of each part to the nose, and draw a sketch accordingly. Draw the proportions of a typical profile view of the three main types of nose.

1) Draw big circle like the tip of the nose.
Leave enough space on the sides for the wings. Use a 2H pencil, do not press too hard to avoid damaging the paper. The lines have been darkened in the image so you can see them. In fact, they are barely visible.

2) Draw two curved lines above each circle to indicate the width of the bridge of the nose.

3) Add two smaller circles on each side (these are the wings of the nose), which partially overlap the larger circle.

The ideal nose is a subjective concept that differs depending on culture or race. One person's ideal may be completely different from another's.
When drawing an adult's nose, remember that men's noses are usually proportionally longer and larger than women's.

4) Using an eraser, lighten the lines until they are barely visible. The proportions are established, the next step is to correctly outline the shape of the nose.

Outline of forms

At this stage you draw the shape of the nose more accurately. Don't draw directly along the sketch lines; It’s better to carefully study the outlines and more accurately draw the shapes of different parts of the nose according to the anatomical structure.

5) Paying attention to the contours of the circles, draw the shapes of the tip of the nose and wings.

6) If the outline is too dark, lighten it a little with a kneaded eraser.


The shading of the lower part of the nose corresponds to the shading of three separate circles. When shading the circles, remember that the light source is to the left. The shading of the top is similar to the shading of a round or oval shape.

7) Using a 2H or HB pencil, add strokes of light shades to indicate the shape of the nose. Since the light comes from the left, the right side is more shadowed. The curved strokes used for shading follow the shape of a circle.

When drawing a nose, try to forget that you are drawing it. Instead, try to concentrate on identifying different shapes according to light and shadow.

8) Use cross hatching to finish shading the different parts. Use 2H or HB pencils for light shades and 4B for dark shades, you just need to decide where to place the light and shadow. If you use few contrasting shades, the design may appear flat. Therefore, unless the person has a flat nose, always use a wide range of shades.

Drawing lesson No. 7. I called him " How to draw a nose with a pencil" Yes, it’s not just to draw, but to draw “correctly.” In principle, the nose can be depicted as simple curved line, or like in comics with holes. But our task is to learn to draw as much as possible

As an example, we will use the so-called Nubian nose - long and wide at the base. The lucky owner of such a nose is SMA President Barack Obama.

Let's start with the proportions of the nose. They are shown in the first picture. The ratio between the height and width of the nose should be approximately 1.5:1. Let's draw approximate boundaries within which it will be located. You don’t have to make the lines so bold so that it doesn’t look like it’s in a frame. Just a couple of light strokes are enough to make it clear, or just imagine it in your mind.

Let's draw a curve in the bottom middle - the base of the nose. And two small crinkles at the edges for the nostrils. Of course, each person has different noses (thicker, wider, narrower, longer), so you shouldn’t limit yourself in choosing these parameters. Even !!

Now we draw the contours of the nose, the so-called “wings” on the sides. Make them curved at the bottom and fairly flat towards the top. Their size should fill a little less than a third of the entire length of the nose. Lightly apply the main lines in the center, as well as the lines where the nose meets the face. It is difficult to copy from a photo, because in reality there are no clear contours, so you need to learn the basic techniques for drawing a nose with a pencil. Applying darkening in those places where clear lines are not visible will help solve this problem. Start adding shadows in those places as shown in the following pictures: Fill the nose holes with black, starting from the top corner. Then draw two small lines below the nasal wings to create a fade-in effect. Now carefully add shadows to the edges of the nasal wings and the tip of the nose, as well as a small area below the wing of the nose. Our nose is ready: I also drew my nose. Here's how it turned out for me:
Yeah, funny =) Show your noses, leave comments on the lesson below. And also

When sketching a person's face, all his features should be harmoniously combined with each other. In particular, you need to know how to draw a person’s nose with a pencil correctly. For beginners, our article presents step by step instructions, thanks to which there will definitely be no difficulties in the process of performing this task!

Drawing a human nose with a pencil

To correctly draw a person's nose with a pencil, it is important to carefully study each step. Proportions must be maintained and attention must be paid to every detail. Actually, draw a person's nose with a simple pencil Even a child can do it step by step.

Step 1: marking

First of all, you need to mark with a pencil on a sheet of paper. Each person's nose has certain characteristics, so it is impossible to accurately convey the shapes characteristic of any face. It is only possible to create an “academic” drawing. The marking is done in the form of two perpendicular lines intersecting each other, as in the photo.

Step 2: contours of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose

The bridge of the nose and wings are the main components of the nose, so they should be drawn at this stage. It is worth noting that the distance from one wing to the other is almost half a vertical line. To correctly draw a person’s nose with a pencil, you must maintain proportions. Otherwise the drawing will be incorrect.

Step 3: Drawing Real Shapes

At this stage it is necessary to draw the correct shape of the nose. If the markings were done correctly, drawing further details will not be difficult. It is necessary to outline the streamlined shapes, outline two lines and then draw the tip of the nose.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

This stage involves removing extra lines using an eraser. The result will be an ordinary academic nose. Next you will have to finish drawing small elements, which is especially difficult for beginners. After all, even a small inaccuracy causes a distortion of the drawing. Sometimes the nose turns out to be too wide or, conversely, narrow. Such inaccuracies will have to be corrected until the correct form is obtained.

Step 5: Add Volume

To give the nose volume, you will need to draw shadows using a simple pencil. As a result, the drawing will turn out to be three-dimensional, like those of real artists.

In the process of drawing a human nose, it is important to adhere to basic recommendations and maintain proportions. Each line must be applied correctly and the shadows must be conveyed successfully. It is advisable to do them with a soft pencil.

Note! Experts recommend drawing facial features such as eyes and nose at the beginning of the lesson, since these are the details that should be given the most attention and also require a lot of effort. The remaining elements can be corrected. If the nose or eyes turn out to be unsuccessful, the person’s face will be spoiled, and the portrait will be conveyed without obvious resemblance.

According to the proposed scheme, you can draw the nose of a woman, man or child with a pencil step by step. It is suitable specifically for beginner artists who cannot yet depict complex lines and group them into a single drawing.

Video for beginners: how to draw a human nose step by step

Below in the video are training lessons that will help you quickly and easily draw a person’s nose with a simple pencil, correctly convey shadows and indicate the main strokes.

For the vast majority of people, the nose is the most prominent part of the face. Often it is this “detail” that gives the image expressiveness and individuality. If an artist has no idea how to draw a nose, he will not be able to achieve a portrait likeness.

What will you need for work?

For practice sketches, you can use any usual materials: pens, liners, felt-tip pens. However, for a long-term portrait you will need paper and a simple pencil of medium hardness. At first, a rubber band won't hurt either: you'll have to make adjustments. But if you know how to draw a nose with a pencil, over time you will master all other materials.

Theoretical basis: proportional relationships

First of all, let's figure out whether the person is from the front, or from the front. It doesn't matter whether you work from life, from a photograph or from your imagination. Before drawing the nose (as well as eyes, mouth, ears, and so on), you need to outline the contours of the face on paper and determine how the sizes of its parts relate to each other. Of course, you can learn to draw a nose separately, but for better understanding proportional relationships, it makes sense to at least schematically designate the entire face. So, first of all, draw an oval and outline the main design lines on it:

The eyebrows will be located on the upper transverse line, the mouth along the lower one, and the middle one marks the base of the nose. Keep in mind that the length of the “back,” that is, the front surface of this organ, is approximately a third of the height of the head, excluding hair. This way, the bridge of your nose will be located just above your eye line (look at the illustration below to see this). The height limits are defined!

As for the width of the base of the nose, it is approximately equal to the distance between the eyes. It is also worth noting that the length of the back is close to the height of the ear. Mark the boundaries of the nose on the oval of the face.

How to draw a nose with a pencil step by step: determining the general shape

Since you are drawing with a pencil, practice tonal modeling as the best tool I can't find a case for this. To show that the nose is a protruding part of the face, shade its sides. This way, its back and tip will become the lightest areas in your drawing. But the lower plane of the nose (including the nostrils) under normal conditions is always in the shadow: shade it as thickly as possible (but within reasonable limits, of course). Your drawing should become more voluminous, expressive and realistic.


Let's assume that you now know how to draw a nose with a pencil step by step. Now you should check if it is similar to the original. If the similarity leaves much to be desired, check everything again proportional relationships. You may have defined the angles incorrectly. Of course, even a beginner cannot portray the owner of a hooked nose as a snub nose, but any errors in the designation of quantities lead to a loss of similarity. Check the width of the wings and their shape. Don’t get carried away with details: the authenticity of the image does not depend on them, but on the correct rendering of proportions. Evaluate how the nose as a whole looks on the face. He shouldn't get out of big picture" You may need to tone down the tone or move a few lines.

How to draw a nose step by step: profile

Looking at the model's face from the side, we see only one plane of the nose. This simplifies the task. The main thing that is required of you is to “catch” characteristic features and display the form correctly. Please pay special attention on the position of the tip of the nose relative to its wings (higher, lower, on the same line), as well as on the break of the bridge of the nose and the nature of the back (it can be convex, concave or straight). If you manage to capture these nuances correctly, the model will at least be recognizable. The illustration below shows noses different types. They bear little resemblance to each other (and it’s not just the color). If you take a closer look, you will find that they differ mainly in the shape and length of the back, which determines the silhouette as a whole.

Now you at least in theory know how to draw a nose. But without practice, all this information is completely useless. Draw different types of noses as often as possible, make short sketches of acquaintances and friends, analyze the shape, note the patterns of the structure of parts of the face. Theory should not be discounted, but it is still practice that will help you master the art of portraiture, especially if you do not have an art education.