Why Mikhail Porechenkov left the battle of psychics. What made Porechenkov hate the “Battle of Psychics”? Find out the purpose of this massive lie.

Famous actor Mikhail Porechenkov, who once hosted the show “Battle of Psychics,” said that the popular show cannot be called truthful. The artist told how the program is actually filmed.

“I worked with them for a long time. Bullshit, as they said in childhood. Everything is a lie! Yes, completely. Why not disclose it? I’m telling the truth. Have I upset everyone?” – Mikhail asked.


The current host of the program, Marat Basharov, did not agree with this point of view. “I don’t know why he says this. If you think that those tears of the people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, then it means that very many people are participating in the program good actors. In fact, at 42 years old, I have learned to distinguish people’s genuine joy, regret or grief from fake ones. If someone thinks that this is not true, let him think so,” NSN quotes Basharov.

By the way, Mikhail Porechenkov hosted the popular show from the first to the seventh seasons. The “Battle of Psychics” program was first released in 2007. The creators borrowed the format from the British show Britain’s Psychic Challenge.

..." Vera Shemonaeva, that the stars of the project hold a private reception and demand fabulous money for it. "The masses of people simply rushed for help to the newly minted stars of divination and rituals of both black and white magic, and in the end it turned out that the abilities of some of them them on blue screen and in life they are sharply discordant... Analogues of the program are appearing, the demand for the services of magicians is growing, the prices of which are increasingly rising upward and reaching fabulous sums for just 15–20 minutes of their incredibly hard work,” noted the psychic.

Shemonaeva emphasized that there really are people with paranormal abilities on the show. However, according to her, you should not believe everything that is shown on air.

The former host of the show “Battle of Psychics” on the TNT channel (48) has more than once shared details about the most mystical program - “Battle of Psychics”. At the end of March, Mikhail said: “I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. All lies! Yes, completely. What is there not to disclose? I'm telling the truth. Have I upset everyone?

Then the current presenter, Marat Basharov (42), almost immediately responded to such loud words: “I don’t know why he’s saying this. If you think that those tears of people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, then very good actors are participating in the program. In fact, at 42 years old, I have learned to distinguish people’s genuine joy, regret or grief from fake ones. If someone thinks that this is not true, let him think so.”

But Mikhail, it seems, is not going to remain silent. Recently, he again stated that bribes were given at “Battle” in order to successfully pass the tests.

“At the very beginning it was very interesting to work. There were such participants, such specimens! But these are the first seasons. We really believed it. And then we understood the technology of work... After all, there are people who tell them, who enter into contracts with them in advance... And when everyone realized that this was bringing money to someone, from that moment I left,” the artist said in an interview “ Komsomolskaya Pravda».

The winner of the 13th season, Dmitry Volkhov, spoke out in defense of his favorite program. He claimed that the participants do not receive any money, and Porechenkov’s words are slander.

“Each participant in the “Battle” indeed signs an agreement before the start, but no fee for anything is spelled out there. We are talking only about the everyday conditions of filming, for example, that we have to arrive at the site on time or that after a few hours of work we are required to be fed. We did not receive money for anything: even for paid SMS that viewers sent in support of us,” Dmitry noted.

Until recently, the actor spoke with respect about the program participants.

“Everything is a lie!” - Mikhail Porechenkov gave a verdict to the “Battle of Psychics” on the air of one of the radio stations. Five days have passed, and the scandal is gaining momentum. Psychics “expose” a popular actor who, in their opinion, decided to attract attention with a statement about a top-rated television project. But in fact, thanks to Porechenkov, psychics received a free opportunity to remind themselves in the press. We found out why Mikhail Porechenkov decided to make a frank confession.

“He left normally, without scandals”

Porechenkov led the “Battle of Psychics” from 2007 to 2009. Seven and a half years later, he changed his mind about the program. And before, Mikhail did not deny the abilities of psychics.

— We were all very surprised by Porechenkov’s performance. Because he left the project normally, without scandals. Not for ideological reasons. He spoke not about all, but about many of the participants with respect. The reason for Mikhail’s departure from the “Battle of Psychics” is known - he had a busy filming schedule and was very busy,” employees of the television project told the site.
Permanent expert of the mystical show Mikhail Vinogradov (professor, psychiatrist-criminologist, head of the Center for Legal and psychological assistance in extreme situations) was also surprised by Porechenkov’s statement. Vinogradov noted that during their time collaboration the actor had a different opinion about the abilities of the project participants: “He clearly and beautifully showed his attitude towards this unusual phenomenon.”

“How they cope with the tests is how we show them”

While working on the “Battle of Psychics,” Mikhail Porechenkov willingly gave interviews about the reality show. Here are a couple of quotes:

1) " Random people they don’t get to us, I can say this with complete confidence. We show the truth: what really is. We show how they cope with the tests. But I myself am an Orthodox person, I believe in God. Therefore, there is no room left for mysticism in my soul. I'm just saying that the superpowers that distinguish psychics from... ordinary people, There is".

2) “It is very interesting to watch people who have the gift of foreseeing the future. During the time that filming was going on, psychics more than once offered me their services. I didn’t use it, I was an outside observer.”

3) “At the Battle of Psychics, the challenges change, and we grow with the show. When we made the first programs, we may not have set the right tasks for the psychics. Now the tests are becoming more and more difficult, it is impossible to predict who will cope with what. Each psychic has his own specialization: some heal, some find missing people, some are better at something else.”

On Mikhail Porechenkov’s Instagram, fans are actively discussing the scandal. Here are some comments: “All these years I believed in the truthfulness of the show because of your participation,” “Mikhail is a straightforward man! My respects. Upset the impressionable. But the truth is more important!”, “I remember the program “Temporarily Available”, where Mikhail P. convincingly argued that the “Battle of Psychics” project is not a fake, but the pure truth! So, I am categorically not satisfied with lies from people I respect in principle! Hence the questions..."

"Many questions arise..."

Why did Mikhail change his mind about his previous place of work? “Because many questions arise on this topic,” Porechenkov told us.

To this day, in interviews the actor is asked: “The Battle of Psychics” - is it real or staged?” The program has been on the air for 10 years, castings are underway for the 18th season, Basharov has been hosting the show for 8 years, and questions are being asked to Porechenkov. Mikhail wanted to “close the topic,” but the opposite happened. Now they will definitely remember this “battle” to him. But Porechenkov is not going to take back his words, which he confirmed in a conversation with us.
Program expert Mikhail Vinogradov notes that in the first seasons of the television project, which Porechenkov hosted, there were serious tests and strong heroes. By the way, Porechenkov turned to Zirradin Rzayev and Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa with a request to help his friends.

Porechenkov congratulates Mehdi on his victory in the “Battle of Psychics” show.

The winner of the 3rd season of the program, Mehdi, does not deny that there were staged moments, and strange participants met. But he claims that the tests were carried out for real at that time.
— In recent seasons, participants often play: talk with a phantom, demonstrate elements of martial arts. It became a show featuring artists like Pakhom. Therefore, I partially agree with Mikhail,” the project finalist, psychologist Zirradin Rzaev, tells us.
Former heroes of the program believe that this fact could have provoked Mikhail’s confession. The level of the “Battle of Psychics” is no longer the same, which is why the former presenter admitted that this was his next role.
But the most popular version is different. Porechenkov was worried that he was hosting a show with a dubious reputation, and decided to “clear” his conscience with this confession. It is possible that the actor’s statement about lying in the “Battle of Psychics” will protect at least someone from scammers.

This project has been airing on TNT for ten years. The attitude towards him is ambiguous not only among the audience, but also among the former presenter (Porechenkov was the face of the program in 2007 - 2009).

I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy (didn’t Mikhail cast a spell?! - Ed.), as they used to say in childhood. All lies! Yes, completely. What is there not to disclose? I'm telling the truth. Did I upset everyone?! - the actor said the other day.

While working in “Battle...” Porechenkov was softer. “I am Orthodox, there is no place in my soul for mysticism. But there are “superpowers” ​​that distinguish ordinary people from psychics,” Mikhail said then.

The show participants were offended by the artist. But the finalist of one of the first seasons, Zirradin Rzayev, is not so clear.

Porechenkov once told me that his friends want to use my extrasensory abilities,” Rzaev told KP. - And when they made a film about me, he spoke positively about me. But I partially agree with Mikhail, because in the last seasons of the program I saw how the participants simply played. This is a 99.9% show!

We managed to get through to Porechenkov himself.

- Why did you make such a statement right now?

Because many questions arise on this topic. But I don’t want to talk about it, because people like this have started to talk about this topic...

- Which?

- Why don’t you want to comment more?

I just know a lot about what was going on inside.

The current host of “Battle...” Marat Basharov defends the program, but does it diplomatically and not without sarcasm.

If you think that the tears of happiness or bitterness that flow on the program are not real, then switch the TV to another program and watch the news, the actor advised. - They will probably tell you the whole truth!

Basharov himself often criticizes the show’s participants. One day, the actor doubted the abilities of Iolanta and Rossa Voronov and did not recommend turning to them for help. But the Voronovs are holding receptions. If even such project participants are in demand, then there are huge queues for the finalists and winners. And a reception with “wizards” costs up to 50 - 100 thousand rubles. In one consultation!

Former participants were imprisoned for deception, they found themselves at the epicenter of scandals, the project received an award for popularizing pseudoscience. But the program's ratings are high. In the regions of Russia, castings are currently underway for the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” and they are crowded...

The stars of the “Battle of Psychics” did not stay away from the scandal and responded to the former presenter. Komsomolskaya Pravda commented on Mikhail Porechenkov’s statement, finalist of the 16th season of the television project Nicole Kuznetsova:

When people wave their fists after a fight, it does not add respect to them. The profession of a psychic is clearly older than the profession of an actor. It would be strange if in Russia of the 21st century psychics did not exist, although they were everywhere and always. Personally, speaking at the “Battle”, I did not doubt for a minute the superpowers of my main rivals. And then: the spotlights go out, the finalists are awarded and it begins ordinary life- there are clients with their problems. Therefore, the title of psychic has to be justified every day. If actors took part in the tests, everything would have long ago become obvious and crumbled. So let everyone remain to his own: psychics - with special knowledge, actors - if they want to attract the attention of the public. In different ways. Like Mikhail.

On March 30, Russian actor Mikhail Porechenkov said on the air of “Our Radio” that everything that happens in the show “Battle of Psychics” is staged and fictional. He explained how the popular show is actually filmed.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. It's all lies! Yes, completely. What is there not to disclose? I'm telling the truth. Have I upset everyone? - said Porechenkov.

Porechenkov was the host of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” from the first to the seventh season. The program was first released in 2007 on the TNT channel and was filmed in the format of the British program Britain’s Psychic Challenge. As stated, the selection of participants is carried out on the basis of testing their paranormal abilities.

Find out from what purpose this massive lie is being promoted:

PS. It is gratifying that M. Porechenkov decided to openly declare the falsity of the TV show. But the question arises, why did he participate in these deceitful productions and deceive television viewers for so many years, and also why was he silent for so many years? How long did it take for your conscience to wake up?