Pear puree for babies. Pear puree for the winter with sugar

Today we will tell you how to prepare baby pear puree for the winter yourself. Then you will be confident in the quality and benefits of such food.

Pear puree for the winter for children


  • pears – 2 kg;
  • – 105 ml;
  • sugar – 55 g;
  • water – 110 ml.


We wash the pears, cut out the seeds and stems, and leave the peel. Pour into the multicooker bowl cold water, place the cooked fruit on top and close the device with the lid. Select the “Extinguishing” mode in the menu and set it to 65 minutes. Having heard the signal, transfer all the contents into a bowl, throw in the sugar and beat with a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained. Cool the finished delicacy, add condensed milk, stir and serve as an afternoon snack for the child, or put it in jars, screw on the lids and store in the refrigerator for about 2 months.

Pear and plum puree for the winter for babies


  • fresh pears – 1.2 kg;
  • yellow plum – 1 kg;
  • water – 255 ml.


We wash the fruits, process them and cut them into slices. Place the fruits in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil, covering with a lid. Boil the mass for 10 minutes, and then grind it carefully through a sieve. Pour the finished puree into jars and sterilize them for 10 minutes. After this, roll up the workpiece and cool it upside down.

Apple and pear puree for the winter


  • juicy pears – 2 kg;
  • fresh apples – 1 kg;
  • brown sugar – 105 g;
  • drinking water – 1 l;
  • – 20 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch.


We wash the pears and apples, process them, cut them into slices and put them in a bowl.

At the same time, dissolve brown sugar in water, pour in lemon juice and put the syrup on the stove. After it boils, pour in the prepared fruit in portions, mix and boil for about 20 minutes. At the very end, add a little cinnamon, remove from the stove and puree the contents with a blender. Pour the finished product into jars and seal.

Puree is a good alternative to jams and jams, which thrifty housewives prepare for the winter. It can be used as a filling for pies, cakes, pies and donuts. It goes well with butter creams and ice cream. The puree can also be eaten simply as a dessert.

It’s especially good to prepare puree for the winter if you have small child. Pears differ from other fruits and berries in that they do not provoke allergies in a child.

Useful properties

Many mothers worry that when feeding fruit purees their baby will have excessive colic and bloating. But pediatricians have There are many arguments in favor of pears:

  1. Pear is very well absorbed by the child’s body;
  2. The fiber this fruit contains serves as a wonderful preventative against constipation;
  3. You can introduce an apple into your child’s diet immediately after introducing it;
  4. The essential oils contained in this fruit also improve immunity;
  5. Due to the fact that the pear contains more fructose than glucose, the pancreas will not receive unnecessary stress;
  6. The composition of pear is hypoallergenic;
  7. It does not cause flatulence or fermentation in the intestines of infants;
  8. Normalizes metabolism in the baby's body.

Nutrients which this fruit contains:

Pear puree for the winter - recipe

This recipe contains pear puree for the winter. prepared without sugar. You will need:

  1. Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon (can be replaced with lemon juice - 2 tablespoons);
  2. Ripe pears - 1 kg.

Step-by-step preparation puree according to this recipe:

  • Prepare the fruits: wash them well, cut them, remove the seeds and core;
  • Submerge pear slices into the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” mode and cook until they become soft;
  • When the pears have softened, place them in a blender and puree until smooth;
  • Bring the pear mass to a boil again, adding lemon juice or acid to it;
  • While the puree is boiling, prepare the jars. Wash them well with detergent or soda solution, then rinse well with running warm water and sterilize. Place the lids also for sterilization or pour boiling water over them;
  • Place the hot preparation into jars and roll them up. Turn over and place under a warm blanket to cool. Then put it in a cool, dark place.

Recipe for making pear puree “Family Joy” for the winter

There are two options for preparing pear puree according to this recipe.

"Spicy pear"

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Purified water - 1 liter;
  2. Ripe pear - 3 kg;
  3. Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoons;
  4. Sugar - 100 g;
  5. Cardamom, cloves, star anise (optional).

Preparing for the winter consists of the following steps:

“Fruit tenderness” - apple and pear puree for the winter

This apple and pear puree for the winter can be prepared without the use of citric acid. In this recipe, the preservative is an apple, which already contains acid.

Products needed for this puree recipe:

  1. Sour apples - 15 pieces;
  2. Medium-sized soft pears - 15 pieces;
  3. Cloves, cinnamon - at the request of the hostess;
  4. Water - 0.75 cups;
  5. Sugar - 5–6 tablespoons.

To prepare puree according to this recipe you will need go through the following stages:

  • Prepare the pears: wash them well, remove the seeds, cut into small slices;
  • Prepare the apples: Rinse them well, remove the core and cut into small cubes;
  • Pour all the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add water, sugar and cover with a lid. Set the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode for approximately 40 – 60 minutes. Cook until the signal sounds about the end of the process;
  • After the signal has sounded, open the lid and wait until the mass of pears and apples has cooled completely;
  • Grind the cooled mass in a blender until smooth. Bring the puree back to a boil;
  • Place the prepared mixture of pears and apples into prepared jars and seal them.

Recipe: “Children’s” puree from pears and apples

Nowadays, there are many different purees and cereals for children's first complementary foods. It’s just their shelf life that makes think about the benefits of such a product. Most likely, they will contain preservatives, which can serve as a source of allergies for your baby. For any mother, the health of her baby comes first, so below is a recipe for making your own puree from pears and apples.

To prepare you will need (for one serving):

  1. Ripe and soft pears - 4 pieces;
  2. Ripe sour apples - 4 pieces;
  3. Filtered water - 1/3 of a glass;
  4. Citric acid (if you are going to prepare puree for the winter) - 0.25 teaspoon. It can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method The puree recipe includes the following:

Today we will tell you how to prepare pear puree for the winter. Both adults and children will be happy with this delicacy, because its amazing delicate taste cannot leave anyone indifferent.

How to prepare pear puree for the winter for children?


  • ripe and soft pears – 2.9 kg;
  • white or brown sugar – 150 g;
  • ground – 5 g;
  • purified water – 950 ml.


To prepare baby pear puree for the winter according to this recipe, select the softest and ripe pears, rinse them thoroughly, and remove the peel and inner pod with seeds. Chop the pulp into small pieces and place in a saucepan or saucepan. In another bowl, combine water and sugar and stir until all the crystals dissolve. Pour the prepared pear slices with the sweet liquid and place the vessel on the stove. Cook the contents until soft. Depending on the variety and ripeness of the fruit, this may take from twenty to forty minutes.

If desired, you can add a little ground cinnamon or a couple of clove buds during the cooking process for taste. We package the finished pear puree into sterile and dry containers, seal it, and turn it under a “fur coat” for self-sterilization until it cools completely.

If you are preparing puree for a very young child, then in this case we recommend not adding granulated sugar, cinnamon and other additives. But when preparing the product in this way, it must be sterilized for fifteen minutes in a container with boiling water, and only then sealed. After cooling, store in a cool place.

Pear puree with condensed milk flavor - a recipe for the winter


  • ripe pears (peeled) – 2.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • whole milk – 1.5 l;
  • baking soda – 5 g.


Pear puree prepared according to this recipe tastes like condensed milk, but has a pronounced pear flavor. To implement the idea, remove the peel and entrails with seeds from ripe soft pears, then measure the weight of the resulting pear pulp and cut it into small random slices. According to the proportions of the recipe, add granulated sugar, mix it with the fruit mass and place the vessel on the stove. After boiling, simmer the pear mass with sugar with barely noticeable signs of boiling, stirring occasionally, for an hour. Then add baking soda, pour in milk, let the mixture boil again and continue simmering after boiling for another four hours.

Blend the resulting puree to a smooth creamy texture with a blender, boil for another minute and place in dry and sterile glass containers. Having sealed the jars immediately with boiled lids, turn them upside down and wrap them thoroughly until they cool completely.

Pear puree for the winter at home - recipe in a slow cooker


  • ripe pears – 995 g;
  • sugar – 180-260 g;
  • – a small pinch;
  • vanillin - a small pinch.


If you have a multicooker, it is advisable to cook pear puree in it. To do this, prepare the pears by washing them, peeling them, removing seeds and cores, and cutting the flesh into cubes or arbitrary slices. Place the fruit mass in a multicooker container and add granulated sugar and citric acid, the amount of which can be varied depending on the sweetness of the pears or your taste preferences. Mix the contents of the multi-pan and set the device to the “Stew” function. After fifteen minutes of the program, mix the pear mass and extend the same mode for another fifteen minutes. We repeat the fifteen-minute “Stewing” a couple more times, alternating with stirring, after which we transfer the puree base into a convenient container, punch it with a blender, and then return it to the device and stew the workpiece again for fifteen minutes. We pack the puree hot into sterile jars, seal it and turn it upside down under the “fur coat” for self-sterilization and slow cooling.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

For pear lovers, in the summer you can prepare pear puree for the winter, or if you have a large harvest of pears, have already eaten enough, treated your neighbors, frozen them and still have some left over, then feel free to prepare the same pear puree. Everything is simple and fast, this process will not take much time. You need to have a juicer or blender to get puree. Then add citric acid so that this delicacy can be stored until winter, and sugar, where would we be without it.

Pear puree is very healthy, especially for children, you don’t need to spend money on store-bought purees, prepare it at home and store it in a jar for the winter, your child will be very happy with the treat in cold weather. After all, we need vitamins all year round, so cook with pleasure! Yes, and you decide for yourself eternal problem to all mothers: .

To prepare pear puree for the winter, we need 45 minutes, the yield of the product is 5 liters.

- ripe and juicy pears (any variety) – 5 kilograms;
- white sugar – 5 tablespoons;
- citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

Recipe with photos step by step:

To make delicious pear puree, you need, of course, to purchase or pick ripe pears from the garden; they can be of any variety. My pears are medium-sized, tight and juicy.

Wash the pears in at least two waters so that they are clean.

Now cut the pears into quarters and remove the core. There is no need to remove the peel.

We take a juicer or blender, I have a manual juicer, and quickly turn juicy pears into pear puree.
You can also make applesauce using this recipe.

Pour the puree into a saucepan and place on the stove. We are waiting for it to boil.
Add sugar and citric acid. The puree should boil for about 15 minutes, be sure to stir all the time so that it does not burn. You can stir using a slotted spoon.

Now let’s prepare the jars, rinse them thoroughly with detergent and a sponge. We sterilize it on the stove or in a steamed slow cooker, it’s very convenient. Boil the lids for 5 minutes as well.
Pour the pear puree into jars. The aroma is amazing.

We roll up the jars with lids using a special key.

The jars need to be turned upside down and placed on the floor to cool for a day. Now you can safely move them to the basement or pantry, where it’s cool and all our preserves are stored for the winter.
Pear puree joined the ranks for the winter delicious preparations for children and adults. After all, juice, compote,