Mascarpone base cream, creamy. How to make mascarpone cream for a cake

With the addition of delicate cream cheese, mascarpone brings unimaginable pleasure while tasting it. However, in order for their taste to be truly unique, the technology for their preparation must be strictly followed.

So, let's look at what you need to know before making a sponge cake with mascarpone, as well as some types of cream that can be prepared for the layer confectionery.

Secrets and tricks of making desserts with mascarpone

First of all, it is worth remembering that for the finished biscuit to be fluffy, it should be left to cool in the oven immediately after baking, turning it off.

In order to biscuit dough The cake turned out to be very fluffy, you should follow a certain sequence of introducing the ingredients: first the yolk is introduced into the whites, and then the flour.

For some desserts, it is recommended to add fruits and berries to mascarpone cream to taste - this rule can be followed even if the preparation technology does not provide for this, since the berry taste is ideally combined with the delicate texture of the cream.

Classic sponge cake with mascarpone

For cooking good dessert for this recipe you need to take one and a half cups of heavy cream and put it in the refrigerator.

Now we need to prepare the dough for the future sponge cake - it is classic and is used in many recipes. To do this, take 3 chicken eggs, 3/4 cup of powdered sugar and the same amount of flour. Separately, you need to beat the whites, turning them into a fluffy foam, after which this foam is carefully combined with the other whipped ingredients. Now the resulting homogeneous mass must be placed in a baking dish, on parchment and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees until cooked (about 20 minutes).

In the meantime, it's time to prepare a delicate buttercream. To do this, take mascarpone cheese and cream - 300 grams each, add 3/4 cup powdered sugar. All these ingredients must be beaten well until a homogeneous mass is formed.

After the sponge cake has cooled, it is spread with cream on top - a magnificent cake with mascarpone cheese is ready.

Coffee-liqueur tiramisu with mascarpone

This is a classic Italian dessert, which for many years has remained a favorite of Russian sweet tooths and not only.

To prepare it, you need to mix a glass of natural black coffee with a glass of liqueur (you can also use other strong alcohol, for example, cognac or rum). In one cold bowl, beat two whites until thick foam, and in another, beat a couple of yolks with 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Now put 400 grams of mascarpone cheese in a separate bowl and slowly add the yolks and whites separately. In this composition, the ingredients must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained and set aside in the refrigerator.

Now you need to soak Savoyardi cookies in coffee and liqueur - you will need 100 grams of it. After that, it must be placed tightly on the bottom of the mold, after which you should pour cream on top, using exactly half of it. After this, the procedure must be repeated, now placing another 100 grams of cookies on top of the cream and pouring the remaining cream onto it. At this point, the sponge cake with mascarpone is ready - all you have to do is sprinkle it with 1/3 of a grated chocolate bar and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Chocolate sponge cake with mascarpone and cherries

To prepare this dessert, you need to beat 3 eggs with a mixer, add 150 grams of powdered sugar and the same amount of sifted flour, as well as half a glass of cocoa, in a thin stream. After thoroughly beating all the ingredients, they form a dough - it must be poured into a prepared baking dish and sent to the oven, heated to 190 degrees until fully cooked.

In the meantime, you can prepare the cream that will decorate the product. To do this, take 300 grams of cream cheese, the same amount of heavy cream and 150 grams of powdered sugar. The cheese and powder should be thoroughly beaten with a mixer. average speed, then slowly add cream - you get the most delicate cream.

The finished and cooled sponge cake should be thickly coated with the prepared cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate, which must be prepared in advance. Cherries are laid out on top. This is how it gets prepared sponge cake with mascarpone - the recipe is very simple.

Strawberry cake

In order to prepare such a cake, you need to make a sponge cake following the technology described above. It is necessary to cut off the top of the finished cake in order to obtain a beautiful and uniform cake, the thickness of which will not exceed 2.5 cm.

Now you need to make the cream in a separate bowl. To prepare it, you need to soak 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin, following the instructions indicated on its packaging. Separately, beat 4 yolks and 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the ingredients must be combined with cooled gelatin and mixed thoroughly. Add 0.5 kg of cream cheese here and beat everything with a mixer at low speed until the mass is homogeneous.

Now you should beat 4 egg whites separately, to which you should also add a pinch of salt (this way they will increase in volume faster and the cream will be of better quality), after which the resulting mass should be combined with cheese.

Now you need to take a pastry mold with high edges and place a sponge cake on its bottom. Freshly prepared cream is poured onto it and the whole thing is decorated with chopped strawberries on top. The jelly is prepared separately, after which it needs to be poured on top of the cake. Now is the time to put the cake made from ready-made sponge cakes with mascarpone and strawberries in the refrigerator until the jelly completely hardens on it. After 4 hours, you will be able to take out the finished confectionery product, which will delight not only the eye, but also the taste buds of even the most notorious sweet tooth.

Cake with mascarpone and whipped cream

If you cook it according to this recipe, the end result is very beautiful and fruity, with pink cakes inside.

First you need to prepare the cakes. The dough is kneaded in exactly the same way and from the same amount of ingredients as in previous cases, only at the stage of whipping the whites into a fluffy foam you need to add a pinch of powdered food coloring, which will give pink. After cooling, the large cake must be cut into several thinner ones (widthwise).

Next, prepare the cream for the cake separately. To do this, beat 400 grams of mascarpone cheese with the same amount of powdered sugar and add 1.5 cups of cream - all these ingredients must be turned into a fluffy foam using a mixer.

After the sponge cake has cooled, each of its cake layers should be greased with cream and fruit (any fruit to taste) should be placed on top. So, having greased and laid all the cakes, put all the remaining cream and fruit on top of the product. The top of such a cake can be decorated with three and, if desired, chocolate icing - they will look very impressive here.

As you can see from the examples above, there are many variations on how to make a cake with mascarpone cheese. However, any sponge cake without delicious cream is not a cake at all, but just a cake layer. In order for the taste of the product to really sparkle with different flavors, you need to prepare a delicious mascarpone cream for the cake. Recipes for its two other types are given below.

Mascarpone and condensed milk cream

This cream is very easy to prepare, and the end result is an incredibly tasty and delicate product that can even be used as an independent dessert.

To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 kg of cream cheese and add powdered sugar to it (here the amount must be calculated so that the finished product is not too cloying, the optimal amount is 50 grams). These ingredients must be beaten well with a mixer, working at medium speed. Now you need to add a can of condensed milk here (lovers of boiled condensed milk can use it) and beat everything again.

Mascarpone cream with honey

There is another original version of the cream that can be used to decorate a sponge cake with mascarpone (the recipe is presented above). Thanks to this cream, a standard and simple product will acquire a new unusual taste.

To prepare it, separately beat 0.5 kg of cheese and a couple of tablespoons of honey to a thick, uniform consistency. Then, in a separate bowl, using a mixer (at medium speed), turn 1.5 cups of the heaviest cream into a thick mass. After this, you need to slowly and carefully combine them with honey mascarpone. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the result is a delicious creamy honey cream.

Tender, thick mascarpone cheese is very similar to soft butter or heavy cream. It is not difficult to turn it into cream, which can be used to fill cakes or layer a cake or roll.

You will need:

  • 250 g mascarpone
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • juice of ½ lemon

Place the mascarpone in the bowl of a mixer or food processor. Start beating at low speed, gradually adding pre-sifted powdered sugar in a thin stream. Increase speed to medium, pour in lemon juice. Add the lemon zest last. The finished cream should be fluffy and airy.

Instead of lemon zest and juice, you can use orange or lime juice and zest. Orange cream will be sweeter, while lime cream will have a slightly more sour, “cool” taste.

Butter cream with mascarpone

Light mascarpone cream is perfect for filling, but if you want to use it as a glaze for confectionery or to decorate cupcakes, it is advisable to make it thicker, “heavier”.

You will need:

  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt

In the bowl of a stand mixer or food processor, beat the softened butter at medium speed until fluffy and fluffy. Add powdered sugar in a thin stream, continuing to beat. Change to paddle attachment and mix at low speed. butter cream with mascarpone and vanilla extract. Be careful as overmixing may cause the cream to separate and look like cottage cheese. Apply the mascarpone buttercream onto the cake using a special silicone spatula, and pipe it onto the cupcakes using a pastry syringe.

All about mascarpone cheese

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Mascarpone butter cream with condensed milk

Try making buttercream with mascarpone using condensed milk instead of powdered sugar.


  • 200g unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 1 can of condensed milk with a volume of 200 ml
  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Make sure all the ingredients you need are at the same room temperature. In a wide, deep bowl, beat the butter into a light cream. Continue beating at medium speed and pour in the condensed milk in a thin stream. If you want to make a cream flavored not with vanilla, but with alcohol - rum, cognac, liqueur, add flavoring to the cream. Change attachment and add mascarpone and vanilla extract.

Mascarpone cream with whipped cream

The delicate smooth structure of mascarpone goes perfectly with airy whipped cream. To make a great cream with a delicious creamy taste, you will need:

  • 100 ml cream 35% fat
  • 100 ml mascarpone
  • 50 g powdered sugar

Cool the cream. Pour them into a clean, dry mixer or food processor bowl and begin beating on low speed, gradually increasing the speed. When the cream has whipped to stiff peaks, reduce the speed to low and add the caster sugar in a thin stream, followed by the mascarpone cheese. If the cream turns out too thick and heavy, slowly pour in 50 to 100 ml of cooled full-fat milk.

The finished cream can be stored in an airtight container for about a week.

Some housewives prepare mascarpone cream with whipped cream using a different method. Beat the mascarpone cream cheese and powdered sugar in a separate bowl on low speed. In another bowl, beat the chilled cream until stiff peaks form. Using a silicone spatula, add the whipped cheese to the cream, gently mixing the cream using what culinary experts call “folding” the ramm, moving the cream mixture from the edges to the center with a spatula. This cream turns out more airy.

The famous Italian dessert tiramisu cannot be prepared without mascarpone. For this delicacy, a special egg-based cream is used - sabayon.

You will need:

  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 ¼ cups powdered sugar
  • 250 g mascarpone
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 1 ½ tablespoons strong dessert wine Marsala

Prepare a steam bath - place a bowl of egg yolks over a bowl of boiling water, allowing the ingredients to steam. Beat the yolks, gradually adding powdered sugar, until you get a light cream of pale lemon color. Pour in the wine. Cook for another 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened. Let cool slightly.

Start whipping the chilled cream at low speed and gradually increase it to high speed.

When the cream is whipped to stiff peaks, set it aside. Gently mix the mascarpone cheese with the prepared egg cream. Add whipped cream and mix the whole mixture using the folding method. There is no need to achieve a homogeneous cream for tramisu; if lighter, “creamy” layers are visible in it, this is normal. Mixing the cream too vigorously, much less whisking it, can cause the treat to separate and make it unsuitable for dessert.

More tender than tender: preparing creamy desserts with mascarpone

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There are many creams for cake. Today we have on the menu a cream made from mascarpone and condensed milk, which is best suited for sponge cake.

Mascarpone is an Italian cream cheese often used in cheesecakes. It has a very high fat content (up to 75% fat), an excellent creamy texture and is ideal for making desserts, the most famous of which is tiramisu.

What creams do you know that can be used to coat a sponge cake? too fatty, just coat with boiled condensed milk, probably a little dry, custard creams are more suitable for layer cakes. What to do?

The world-famous dessert tiramisu came to us relatively recently. And it uses savoiardi (lady fingers) biscuits. But it uses raw eggs, and in general, the preparation process is quite lengthy.


Therefore, there is an idea to combine the Italian aristocrat with our familiar and beloved Russian condensed milk from childhood, which is what we will do now.

Mascarpone and condensed milk cream is prepared from:

  • 500 g of this cream cheese
  • 100-300 g regular condensed milk (not boiled)

Mascarpone and condensed milk cream

Recipe for mascarpone cream with condensed milk

You probably found this variation in the amount of condensed milk strange: 100-300 g. The secret here is in the desired consistency of the finished cream.

If you need a thick product that holds its shape well, add a minimum of liquid component.

And if it’s more liquid, somewhat similar to custard, but not spreading, then add more milk little by little to get the desired result.

Mascarpone cream with condensed milk

1. Lightly beat the mascarpone in a bowl with a mixer until smooth.

2. Add a minimum of condensed milk to it and see what happens.

3. Add condensed milk little by little until the taste and consistency are achieved as desired.

4. If it doesn’t seem sweet, you can add a little powdered sugar. And for aroma - vanillin.

5. At the end, beat the cream until fluffy and you can prepare your cake.

Mascarpone cream with condensed milk

Mascarpone cream with condensed milk turns out very tasty, spreads evenly and cooks quickly. This is the best cream for sponge cakes; by the way, I made it with it. Definitely try something like this. Bon appetit!

Hi all. Today I am sharing with you the promised recipe. delicious cream based on Mascarpone, I used it for mine. This is an excellent cream for layering sponge and layer cakes.

You have long asked me for a recipe for creams with the addition of Mascarpone, so I am correcting myself. For a long time I avoided it because it seemed a bit fatty to me, and it’s not surprising, because the mass fraction of fat in dry matter is 78%.

However, the cream with it turns out very tasty. Calorie? Very) But we don’t eat cakes every day. This cream will definitely take its place in my cake world.

It is simply ideal both as a layer for sponge cakes and for puff-type cakes - for, and (all recipes for these cakes are available via links, just click on their name and you will be taken to the desired page). This is also an excellent cream for decorating cupcakes, Pavlova cakes and for filling eclairs, shu and profiteroles.

I can’t say anything about alignment yet, but once I check it for stability, I’ll report back right away!

As a creamy curd cheese Suitable for Cremetta, Almetta, Violetta or this new Hochland for cooking, like I have in the photo below.

Galbani and Bonfesto are good from Mascarpone.

So, how to make delicious cream cheese with Mascarpone for sponge cakes and pastries at home, recipe with photos step by step.


  1. mascarpone 250 grams
  2. cream cheese 400 grams
  3. cream from 30% fat 200 ml
  4. powdered sugar 200 grams


All ingredients are at the same temperature - from the refrigerator.

If the powder has lumps, sift it first.

I will describe the process of how I prepare this cream. But, I want to note that there is a second method of preparing it, it is a little more complicated, I will describe it at the end of the article. If suddenly you don’t succeed with my option, then be sure to try the second one.

As usual, I take the easiest path.

Place all ingredients in a mixer bowl.

And starting at low speeds, simply beat this cream until smooth and dense.

It literally takes me 2-3 minutes. It may take you more or less time. Focus on the condition of the cream; it should hold its shape very well.

Here, the main thing is not to beat the cream. Therefore, we beat it carefully, do not leave it alone.

After refrigeration, this cream becomes even thicker, keep that in mind!

That's it, the cream is ready for use. You can safely use it for its intended purpose.

Here's what this cream looks like (the recipe is on the blog, click on the link and the desired page will open).

If you suddenly do not succeed in the first way, then here is the second option for preparing this cream.

You first whip the cream and powder into stiff peaks. Mix cream cheese with mascarpone. And then you just stir the whipped cream into the cheeses. If your mixer has a paddle attachment, you can do this with it.

Choose your own way of preparing this cream. Both are working.

Well, cooking in 5 minutes can’t help but captivate)

This amount of cream is enough to layer cakes with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Since it is not suitable for leveling, then for layering cakes with a diameter of 16-18 cm, it is necessary to reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

P.S. This cream cannot be frozen, the liquid is cut off. It’s also not suitable for coating a cake, it’s too delicate and doesn’t hold its shape well enough.

Bon appetit.

How to prepare Mascarpone cream for a cake? You will learn about this from the presented article.

General Product Information

Before I tell you how to make Mascarpone cheese cream for a cake, you should find out what this product is.

The presented cream is also good for filling tube cakes, profiteroles and eclairs.

So, to make an unusual dessert for festive table, we need:

  • condensed milk - 1 jar (you can use both regular and boiled);
  • Mascarpone cheese - about 600 g;
  • Powdered sugar - a little, use to taste.

How to cook?

This cream is made in a matter of minutes. Place the soft creamy Mascarpone cheese in a deep bowl and then beat it with powdered sugar (add as desired) using a mixer. Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous and tender mass.

After adding condensed milk to the cheese, you need to beat it again. maximum speed. After this, the cream is considered completely suitable for creating any dessert or for regular use.

When preparing such a delicacy, it is necessary to take into account that if boiled condensed milk is added to it, the consistency of the cream will be thick. It will also take on a pleasant chocolate tint.

If Mascarpone cheese cream is prepared with regular condensed milk, then its consistency will resemble thin sour cream. As for the color, this delicacy is milky.

Be sure to take these points into account. After all, cream with regular condensed milk is not suitable for making homemade cakes. They can only grease the cakes.

Now you know how to make Mascarpone cream for a cake. Using the recipes described, you can independently prepare not only a very tasty, but also a tender, juicy dessert.