Why did the jam turn out liquid, the secrets of thick jam. Apple jam for the winter - the best recipes for a delicious dessert

The apple season is coming to an end and we continue to stock up on vitamins for the winter.

I like apple jam slices because it can be eaten not only by itself, but also these same slices can be used in other dishes. For example for .

There are a lot of options for making apple jam; in this article I tried to choose ones that would simplify the cooking process as much as possible, but without losing taste.

Apple jam slices “amber”: recipe with photo

To begin with, I suggest you classic recipe amber jam, which uses only apples and sugar.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg

That is, for every kilogram of apples, you need to take 1 kilogram of sugar. Decide for yourself how much jam you want to make.


Wash the apples well and wipe them thoroughly - excess liquid We don't need it.

Remove the core from the apples and cut them into slices.

If the apples are fresh with a thin peel, then peeling is not necessary. If it is dense and hard, then it is better to peel the apples

In this multi-layer design, the last thing to be added is sugar.

Cover the bowl with a lid or towel and leave it until the apples release their juice. This usually takes from 12 to 20 hours.

The fact that the apples are ready will be evident by the fact that the top layers of sugar will completely dissolve, and a lot of liquid will appear in the bowl.

Transfer the apples from the bowl to a deep saucepan. Add the juice and sugar from the bottom of the bowl there. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the future jam to a boil. After boiling, cook for another 5 minutes, then turn off and wait until the pan cools completely.

Then boil the jam again and cook it for 10 minutes. Turn off again and let the pan cool.

The third boiling will be the final one. When the jam boils, cook it for 5 to 30 minutes, depending on what color you want. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the jam.

Several rounds of boiling and boiling are necessary so that the apples have time to boil, but retain their shape, and the sugar does not darken and turn into caramel. If you want to boil everything in one go for 40-50 minutes, you will end up with an unattractive dark slurry

Now the jam is ready and can be spread out. Fill the jars up to the shoulders, compacting them tightly but without damaging the slices.

Then we close the jars with lids and leave them to cool upside down. There is no need to cover the jars, otherwise apple slices will boil and fall apart.

After cooling, store the jars in a cool, dark place.

Quick five-minute apple jam

The peculiarity of this recipe is that we do not wait for the apples to “release their juice” and the resulting syrup is suitable for making jam. We will prepare the syrup ourselves, which will save at least 12 hours.

But this speed will have to be paid for by the meticulous preparation of the fruit.

It’s no secret that the speed at which apples soak directly depends on the size of the slices into which you cut the apples. The classic “five-minute” recipe generally involves grating apples on a coarse grater.

But we need slices. So that's what we'll do.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water - 1 glass (250 ml)
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch


The better we prepare the apples, the better they will be soaked in syrup. Therefore, we not only remove the core of apples, but also peel them. After that, cut them into slices as thin as the sharpness of your knife allows.

Now let's start preparing the syrup. This is incredibly simple - pour one kilogram of sugar into one glass of water, put it on low heat and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Don't forget to stir periodically.

While making the syrup, pour salted water over the apple slices to prevent them from browning.

When the water boils and the sugar dissolves, add apples to the pan and boil them for just two minutes. Then turn off the stove and leave the jam to cool.

When it has cooled, take a sample - if the jam is too cloying and sweet, add a pinch of citric acid to it.

After the first cooling, turn the heat back on low and bring the jam to a boil again. After which you can immediately put it into sterilized jars.

Apple jam slices “amber with orange”

Let's start adding other ingredients to apple jam to delight ourselves with a variety of flavors.

First, add an orange to the apple jam.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Oranges – 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg

From this quantity you will get one liter jar apple jam.


Peel the apples, cut out the core and cut into slices.

And we cut the oranges, take out the seeds and pass them through a meat grinder along with the peel.

After this, combine all the ingredients in one pan, put it on the fire and cook over low heat for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally.

For making jam best choice there will be enamel dishes (saucepan or basin)

When the jam is cooked, the apple slices should become transparent, and the syrup should flow heavily from a spoon (like honey).

Once you have reached this consistency, you can put the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Store cooled jars in a cool, dark place.

Transparent apple jam “amber with lemon”

Theoretically, apple jam with lemon can be prepared according to the same principle as with oranges. But I tried to select such recipes, each of which has its own distinguishing feature. In this option we will do without a meat grinder.


  • 1.5 kg apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water


The first step is to prepare the syrup. Add 1 kg of sugar to 1 glass of water (250 ml) and bring the syrup over low heat until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved.

While the syrup is cooking, prepare the fruit.

Cut the lemon into small slices along with the peel.

Don't forget to remove the seeds from the lemon, otherwise the jam will taste bitter.

Place the lemon in the boiling syrup and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into small half-centimeter slices.

One and a half kilograms of apples should yield approximately 1 kilogram of apple slices

Add apples to syrup and cook for another 5 minutes.

After this, turn off the heat and let the jam cool completely. Then turn the heat back on low, bring to a boil and cook the jam for another 30 minutes until thickened.

After this, you can either let it cool and put it in clean jars (without sterilization) for storage in the refrigerator (for 3-4 months), or put the still hot jam in sterilized jars and safely store it in the cellar for a whole year.

Long-term storage is ensured by the citric acid content in the jam, which acts as a preservative.

Apple jam slices from ranetki: video recipe

And here it is very interesting recipe ranetka jam. The process is shown in great detail, so I recommend watching it. Moreover, the video lasts only 6 minutes.

Apple jam with cinnamon

Well, the last recipe, which completes the familiar methods of making apple jam in slices, is a recipe with the addition of cinnamon. Cinnamon complements the taste of apples very well, giving them a special aroma.

This recipe does not require long-term storage and can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month


  • Apples – 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Water 50 ml
  • Cinnamon 1 stick


Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into small slices.

Place the apples in a deep saucepan and pour in 50 ml cold water and add half of the prepared sugar. Mix everything well and put a cinnamon stick on top.

Place the pan over high heat and bring the syrup to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

Then turn off the heat and let the jam cool for one hour.

Then put the pan back on the fire, add the remaining sugar and cook over medium heat for another 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

During this time, the apples become transparent and the syrup becomes thick.

After the specified time, remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam to cool right in it. After cooling, the apple jam is ready for use.

Whatever you are not ready to eat right now, put it in jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. Do not put cinnamon sticks in jars.

As you can see, clear apple jam in slices can be prepared absolutely in different ways: You can do it with preliminary sugaring, or you can do it without it. You can cook for 5 minutes so as not to lose the vitamins, or you can cook for an hour to get thick jam.

I hope I helped you decide what you need.

Thank you for your attention.

Apple jam is always very tasty, very aromatic and very simple. Making apple jam does not require a lot of time and special culinary skills, but there are so many benefits in it and how much joy there is in eating it! The rich taste and unique aroma of apple jam seem to take us back to childhood, and “Culinary Eden” invites you to pamper yourself and your loved ones with this wonderful delicacy.

Late sweet and sour varieties of apples, such as Antonovka, Simirenko, Anis, Pepin, Ranet and Striefel, are well suited for making apple jam. For jam, it is best to use ripe and even overripe apples (except for those cases when you cook the jam in slices) - such fruits contain a lot of pectin and are better boiled during cooking. For making jam in slices, only unripe apples with dense, juicy pulp, recently picked from the tree, are suitable. If you want apple jam with pronounced sourness, choose Antonovka.

Before cooking, apples must be prepared - the fruits are washed well, peeled and cored and cut into pieces. Next, the apples are covered with sugar or immersed in ready-made sugar syrup. To diversify the taste of the jam and give it a unique aroma, you can add orange zest or pieces, as well as lemon zest. Vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves are also great additions to jam.

The best utensils for making apple jam are stainless steel utensils. Enameled containers are also suitable, while the use of aluminum cookware will have to be abandoned - the high acidity of apples can damage the oxide film on the surface of such dishes. Apple jam can be prepared not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker, which is especially convenient when you are limited in time.

To determine if the jam is ready, place a drop on a plate and let it cool. If the drop has thickened and does not spread when you turn the plate over, the jam is ready. Even distribution of apple pieces in the syrup and clear syrup of uniform consistency also indicate the readiness of the jam. To preserve more vitamins in apple jam, do not peel the apples and cook it for a minimum time, immediately sealing with lids. Cooking time can be reduced by reducing the amount of fruit - than more apples cooks, the longer you have to wait for the moment of boiling. A little tip: to avoid mold on the surface of the jam during storage, seal the jars when the jam has cooled, lightly sprinkling it with a little sugar.

Use apple jam as a filling for pies, pies, pancakes, casseroles and pancakes, or just enjoy fragrant jam with tea. In addition, apple jam is ideal on toast and crackers. Apple jam is a wonderful delicacy that can become one of your favorite desserts if you prepare it following our tips and recipes.

Apple jam “Traditional”

1 kg apples,
500 g sugar.

Wash the apples, peel and core them and cut into small pieces. You can also grate the fruit using a medium grater. Place the apples in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Simmer over low heat for about 30-40 minutes or until tender. If the jam starts to caramelize, add a little water. When the volume of apple mass is reduced to half the original amount, check the readiness of the jam.

Apple jam slices

2 kg apples,
2 kg sugar.

Cut the apples into thin slices with a thickness of 7 to 12 mm. Place apple slices in layers alternately with sugar in large saucepan or basin and leave overnight. The next day, put the pan on the fire and cook until foam appears on the surface, but no more than 5 minutes. Allow the jam to cool completely, then boil again for 5 minutes, stirring gently. Cool the jam again and boil for another 10-15 minutes until fully cooked. Place hot jam into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Quick jam from apples

2 kg apples,
500 g sugar,
spices to taste.

Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater, place in a container, cover with sugar and leave for 2 hours so that the apples release their juice. After this, place the container on the stove and cook until it boils. Boil for 5 minutes, then pour the jam into jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and let cool.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

1 kg apples,
600 g sugar,
1 cinnamon stick.

Cut the prepared apples into pieces, place them in a multicooker bowl and add sugar. The apples should be placed first, and then the sugar, as it can burn. Set the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode for 40-45 minutes. After 10-15 minutes, the jam can be stirred, making sure that it does not burn. Remove the cinnamon stick from the prepared jam and place in jars.

Apple jam with orange zest

1.5 kg apples,
1.7 kg sugar,
500 g orange peel,
500 ml water,
vanillin and ground cinnamon to taste.

Cut the peeled and cored apples into pieces. Wash the orange peel thoroughly and chop finely. While you are preparing the sugar syrup, the apples can be immersed in a citric acid solution to prevent them from browning. To prepare the syrup, you need to dilute the sugar in water and bring to a boil. Add apples and orange peels. Bring the jam to a boil 3-4 times, constantly cooling. On last time add vanilla and cinnamon to the jam. Divide the jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Apple jam with cinnamon, cloves and vanilla

1 kg apples,
2-3 glasses of sugar,
150 ml water,
100 ml lemon juice,
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon,
4-6 buds of cloves,
vanilla to taste.

In a large saucepan, bring water and sugar to a boil over medium heat, stirring. Add the peeled, cored and sliced ​​apples and stir until the fruits are evenly coated with the apple mixture. Add spices and cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until most of the water has evaporated. The jam is ready when the apples are soft and translucent. After this, you need to add lemon juice and mix. The jam can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Apple jam from baked apples

2 kg apples,
1.5 kg of sugar.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Peel and core the apples and cut into large pieces. Place the apples on a baking sheet lined with foil and bake for about 20-25 minutes until tender. Place the resulting mass in a large saucepan, add sugar and cook over high heat, stirring frequently. When the jam becomes thick and does not drip easily from a spoon, it is ready. Place the jam in jars and store in a dry, dark place.

Try making apple jam according to our recipes and enjoy ripe apples in one of their best views! Good luck with your preparations!

In some families, canning recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Surely everyone has pleasant memories from childhood associated with grandmother’s aromatic jam or marmalade, thick and viscous, sparkling like a gem. But many housewives complain that they cannot reproduce such a delicacy with their own hands - the thickness is not the same.

Our article will tell you what to do if the jam turns out liquid, and what measures should be taken during preparation to avoid such a situation.

Ancient recipes

The name “jam” hints at the long boiling process. Previously, it was customary to cook it for a long time, heating a container with berries or fruits filled with sugar until boiling several times. The jam was allowed to cool completely and then reheated and allowed to boil.

Some housewives boiled a container of brew over low heat for a long time. This method has its advantages: the jam turns out thick and is stored well, because with prolonged exposure to high temperatures, all bacteria that can cause the fermentation process die. However, with this method, the beneficial substances contained in berries and fruits also suffered. In addition, the structure was destroyed.

What did you do if the jam turned out liquid in the old days? There were several ways. You could drain the excess syrup, simmer the brew longer, or simply add sugar. We can still use all these recommendations today.

Extra syrup

It’s easy to drain the juice released by the fruit mixed with sugar. But this method is not suitable for all types of jam. Let's look at an example.

Blackcurrants, strawberries, cherries, as well as fruits such as plums, pears and apples, release copious amounts of juice when reacted with sugar and heated. In this case, the structure of the fetus itself is not destroyed. The syrup turns out homogeneous. Therefore, you can simply drain the jam from the listed ingredients through a colander or scoop out the required amount with a ladle into a separate container.

You can remember this method, for example, when plum jam turned out liquid. You already know what to do in this case - just drain the syrup.

But it is not suitable for quickly deteriorating fruits. For example, it will not be possible to save in this way. And some varieties of cherry plum tend to fall apart into pieces at the first heating, turning the mass into a kind of jam.

By the way, the syrup collected from the jam can also be boiled and rolled into jars. In winter, it is useful for soaking sponge cakes, preparing jelly and compotes. You can serve it with lazy dumplings or cottage cheese, casseroles and puddings, or just add a little to tea.

Saving liquid jam by boiling

This method is not recommended for raspberries, because the longer the jam is cooked, the more vitamins it loses. And this berry is very rich in them, thanks to which preparations made from it are considered not just a winter delicacy reminiscent of summer, but also an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic remedy. In addition, raspberries contain huge amount organic acids that do an excellent job as preservatives.

You shouldn’t boil strawberries for a long time either. The berries fall apart and become unaesthetic brown tint, and sometimes an unpleasant odor.

But prolonged cooking will only benefit apples and pears. Pieces of fruit, saturated with sugar, become like marmalade.

If you notice during the cooking process that the jam is too liquid, increase the time. Even fruits from one tree, collected in different years, may differ in juiciness. The more liquid there is in the fruit, the more it will be released into the jam.

If pear jam turns out liquid, what should you do? Cook it longer until it reaches the desired consistency.

There is one more little trick. It is necessary to drain the syrup and boil only it, and then pour the hot liquid into a container with fruits or berries. In a similar way, you can thicken jam from gooseberries, halves of large apricots, black currants, whole pears and other ingredients. This method will only benefit berries and fruits: the jam will be thick and will retain its natural color, structure and vitamins.

Adding sugar

Just like the juiciness and sweetness of fruits from different harvests may differ. Even if you have made jam from the fruits of the same tree more than once, it may happen that the usual amount of sugar is not enough. The jam will not thicken as expected and will look more like baby puree.

In this case, the answer to the question of what to do if the jam turns out liquid is a little different. Try adding sugar and heating the container. To begin with, add a quarter of the original volume, and after two cookings, evaluate the thickness. Sometimes it is necessary to increase the amount of sugar by 1.2-1.5 times.

Modern ingredients for thickness

Today there are many products that can make the life of housewives easier. These include:

  • pectin;
  • gestfix;
  • agar-agar.

Some manufacturers offer ready-made solutions, which are called “Sugar for making jam.” The composition contains natural syrup thickeners, and the packaging contains detailed instructions.

Another advantage of such products is a significant reduction in cooking time. If ordinary jam is cooked in stages over 3-4 days, then the jam prepared with such a thickener will be ready in a quarter of an hour. You just need to add the mixture to the berries, stir and heat to a boil.

The use of pectin has only a positive effect on the taste. The syrup becomes similar to confiture. And agar-agar is also very useful; it is even used in Vedic cuisine for making sweets.

Many housewives who have discovered such ingredients completely switch to the new recipe. They don’t have to spend a long time fiddling around in the kitchen and tormented in search of an answer to the question of what to do if the plum jam turns out to be liquid.

Serviceberry berry

This small berry tastes like blueberries or cherries. Serviceberry juice is an excellent thickener. If the cooking result does not please you, you can safely use this ingredient.

For example, irga will help if plum jam It turned out liquid. What to do in this case? Squeeze the juice of the berries and pour into the syrup before boiling again. The jam will begin to thicken before your eyes.

Prevention measures

It is not without reason that they say that prevention is easier than correction. In order not to wonder what to do if the jam turns out liquid, you can use a simple but reliable method.

Prepare the berries or fruits, pour them into the container in which you plan to cook the jam. Add sugar at the rate of 100 g per kilo of fruit, mix and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the juice, add sugar again (as much as indicated in the recipe) and cook the jam in the usual way. The drained syrup can be used too! For example, pour it over ice cream.

How much sugar do you need?

If you are using a specific recipe, follow the specified proportions. But there are also general recommendations. To make jam from sweet fruits, sugar is added in a 1:1 ratio. If you are preparing sour berries or fruits (cherries, currants, cherry plums), you need to take one and a half times more sugar than fruits. You can add sugar during the cooking process, for example, when it turns out liquid.

You already know what to do to thicken certain fruit and berry treats. All that remains is to choose the most suitable method.

In slices? Not many people know the answer to this question. In this regard, we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

General information

Sliced ​​apple jam, the recipe for which we will consider below, turns out not only very tasty, but also surprisingly beautiful. The golden dessert with a clear broth is very rarely stored until the winter season. After all, this delicacy beckons family members to open it as soon as possible.

It should be noted that simple apple jam can not only be consumed with tea, but also made into delicious and aromatic pies. However, to use such a filling, it is necessary to catch the boiled fruit in advance and leave the sweet syrup in the jar. If you don't do this, you risk getting half-baked baked goods.

Choosing the right fruit

Before we tell you how to cook apple jam in slices, we should tell you how to choose the right fruits. To make such a dessert as tasty and beautiful as possible, you can use completely different ones for its preparation. It is very important that they are ripe, sweet, hard and without wormholes. If you prefer to use jam with sourness, then to create it you need to purchase sour varieties of fruit or not very ripe apples.

Product processing

How to make apple jam in slices? To do this, purchase suitable fruits and then wash them thoroughly using a brush or regular rag. To make the dessert thick, there is no need to add water to it. In this regard, it is recommended to wipe each apple with paper napkins or a towel.

After the fruits are washed and dried, they should be properly chopped. To do this, cut the apple into 4 slices, and then carefully remove the middle part. Next, each piece of fruit needs to be divided into another 3-4 parts. It should be noted that the thinner the slices, the faster they will be saturated with granulated sugar. However, during heat treatment, such apples can noticeably boil down and become tough. In this regard, fruit slices must be made of medium thickness.

Delicious and transparent apple jam in slices: step-by-step recipe

This delicacy is not prepared quickly. After all, to get tasty jam after each use, it must be completely cooled at room temperature.

So, before cooking apple jam in slices, you need to prepare:

  • chopped fruits (how to process, see above) - 5 kg;
  • small - 5 kg.

Preliminary preparation of ingredients

To make apple jam at home, you need to use a large stainless steel bowl. Of course, it is also suitable for preparing such a delicacy. But, as practice shows, there is a possibility that the fruit in it can burn quite quickly.

Thus, before cooking apple jam in slices, the chopped fruit should be placed in a large container and then covered with fine granulated sugar. At the same time, it is highly not recommended to use additional water. The apples should give juice on their own, and the sugar should melt, forming a golden syrup. Ideally, fruits can be covered with a sweet ingredient in the evening, and heat treatment can begin the next morning.

Cooking dessert

How long to cook apple jam? It is quite difficult to answer this question unequivocally. After all, such a dessert should be prepared in stages. It must be heat treated, cooled, put back on the stove, etc.

Thus, the apples in syrup need to be boiled over low heat and then left aside until they cool completely. In this case, the fruit should be partially saturated with granulated sugar. Next, the cooled jam needs to be put back on the stove and kept for about 5 minutes. It is advisable to carry out such procedures about 3-4 times. As a result of such actions, your jam will thicken and become a pleasant golden color.

Conservation process

Now you know how to properly cook apple jam. It should be noted that this dessert can be stored for quite a long time. And in order to significantly increase its shelf life, the jam must be properly preserved. To do this, you need to take several 750 g glass jars, pour a little drinking water (1/2 cup) into them, and then put them in the microwave and sterilize at maximum power. If you do not have such a device, then you can carry out this procedure on the stove. You should also boil the iron lids, first place them in a bowl with a small amount of water.

After the jars have been sterilized, you need to carefully place boiling jam in them (right to the top), and then quickly roll them up. Next, the containers with dessert must be turned upside down and covered with a thick cotton blanket. It is advisable to keep the jars in this position for about a day. You can store them in the refrigerator, in the basement, and even at room temperature.

Making delicious apple jam

The dessert prepared according to the above recipe turns out to be very thick and golden. However, clear apple jam can be made in another way. For this we need:

  • chopped fruits (how to process, see above) - 3 kg;
  • filtered water - ½ cup;
  • citric acid - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • ground cinnamon - add to taste;
  • small - 3 kg.


To make your own aromatic and very tasty jam, you need to use only And they should not be soft, otherwise the dessert will not turn out transparent, but will be loose.

We described above how to process and cut apples for this jam. They must be placed in a large container (for example, an enamel basin) and immediately covered with fine granulated sugar. There is no point in waiting until the sweet product melts and the fruit gives its juice. This is due to the fact that drinking water is additionally added to this dessert.

Heat treatment on the stove

After the apples and sugar are placed in a bowl, they should be placed on low heat. Do not immediately pour into the container large number water so that its contents do not burn to the bottom. Thus, stirring the fruit regularly, bring it to a boil and then cook for about half an hour. Next, the jam should be removed from the stove and left aside for three hours. After this, it is recommended to heat the bowl with dessert again, but within a quarter of an hour. After this time, the jam should thicken a little and also noticeably change in color. Next, remove it from the stove and cool completely.

Sterilization of jars

You can store this jam until the beginning of next summer. But so that it does not deteriorate and retains everything beneficial properties, as well as taste and aroma, it must be preserved. For this you can use both liter and 750 g jars. They need to be sterilized on the stove. Metal covers need to be treated in the same way.

The final stage in creating delicious apple jam

After the jars and lids are sterilized, the bowl of jam must be placed on low heat, and then brought to a boil, add citric acid and ground cinnamon to taste. Next, you need to mix all the ingredients well and start placing them in the container. It should be noted that this procedure must be carried out with extreme caution. After all, if hot jam gets on your skin, you can get quite a severe burn.

Having filled all glass containers with boiling dessert, they should be immediately rolled up with metal lids. Next, they need to be turned upside down, and then covered with a thick blanket and left overnight until completely cooled. It is recommended to store such jam in a refrigerator, cellar or any other cold room. But if you don’t have this opportunity, then the jars can be placed in an ordinary dark cabinet. However, their shelf life will be significantly reduced. In this regard, such a dessert should definitely be consumed before the end of winter.

Quick apple jam

If you don’t want to stand at the stove for too long and cook such a dessert, then we suggest using the following recipe, which does not require long-term heat treatment and holding at room temperature. For this we need:

  • ripe apples as sweet as possible - about 3 kg;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • fine granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking process

The apples, cut into thin slices, should be placed in a large metal bowl, then covered with fine granulated sugar and shaken well so that the fruit is evenly covered. Next, you need to place the filled dish on medium heat and immediately pour a small amount of regular drinking water into it. Stirring regularly, bring the apples to a boil. Next, reduce the heat to low and cook the dessert for 40 minutes. During this time, the fruit will noticeably boil down, and the syrup will significantly increase in volume. In this case, the jam should become thicker and golden in color.

Final stage

Once the jam has reached the appropriate consistency, you can safely pour it into sterilized glass jars. Next, all containers need to be rolled up, turned upside down and kept under a thick blanket for 15-25 hours. During this time, the jars of treats will completely cool down, and they can be safely stored in the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Good day!

Warm days are in full swing outside. Although the sun no longer warms as before, after all, September itself is coming soon, and maybe it has already arrived. It's time to go to the garden and collect new fruits. Today I suggest making delicious apple jam. And it will not be simple, but with a certain amber tint, transparent in color, and most importantly, the fruit will be cut into slices. Well, in the next episodes we will learn how to prepare confitures and jam, so don’t miss it.

The note promises to be bright, because I tried to collect homemade recipes instant cooking, as well as only the best and proven ones. Moreover, in some of them we will use various additives in the form of citrus fruits, for example we will add lemon or orange. What will this give, a completely new masterpiece! Agree, unexpected, but definitely worth a try.

After all, winter is just around the corner, and there are always shortages of vitamins at this time of year, so just such a jar will come to your aid, which will save and cure you. Of course, you definitely can’t do without or for example. We did it, as I remember, not so long ago.

I think that apple dessert is loved in every family, and is devoured with large and huge spoons. I love making such charms and adding them to . By the way, it is also perfect as a filling in. There are a lot of options, even with regular unsweetened tea and a fresh crust of bread, it’s also a pleasure to eat.

So, what are you waiting for, quickly go to the kitchen and make this delicacy. Choose your favorite recipe from this selection and go ahead with great mood and positive. Then you are definitely guaranteed success.

Let's start preparing a culinary masterpiece and immediately take the best recipe of this year. It is flawless and it will not be difficult for you to read and repeat it. Although it's worth putting in a little effort, it still takes a little work.

Do you know what the secret of such a delicacy is, why it turns out to have a beautiful consistency, and why the syrup comes out clearly transparent, like a piece of glass. Due to the fact that it is late varieties of apples that are taken, but that’s not all, you should know that if you take earlier or unripe ones, then the likelihood that the fruit will boil and turn into jam when boiling is high.

What to do then, but soda will come to the rescue. So you can safely take any variety, for example Antonovka or white filling, and get weird.

Important! These varieties are crumbly and therefore, in order to cook such jam into slices from them, you will have to soak them in a soda solution beforehand, after you have chopped them into pieces. See the composition below for proportions.

They should lie in this soda solution for a couple of hours, preferably even 3 hours.

Also, when the sugar caramelizes, the slices become even more golden in the finished treat. Cool, isn't it? And what a smell that pervades the whole house, and somehow descends and enchants the entire entrance from the first to the fifth floor).

It is also important, of course, to maintain the proportions of sugar and the fruits themselves. They will always be like this: one to one.

The apple slices remain intact and elastic. And what a syrup, it is very delicate, and its thickness resembles fresh flower honey.

We will need:

  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • citric acid - a pinch

For solution:

  • water - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • if the apples are too crumbly, then use soda, for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp of baking soda


1. To prevent the apples from darkening and becoming unsightly after slicing, soak them in a saline solution. Mix salt with drinking water.

2. After that, first rinse the fruits themselves in running water, then remove the stick, grains, you don’t have to remove the peel, and chop with a knife into thin slices 5 mm thick, such as shown in the photo. After such work, immediately immerse the pieces in a salty solution. Chop all the fruits, drain and rinse in plain water.

3. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and stir gently with a wooden spatula. Leave the saucepan warm with the lid closed or use film, stand and rest for a couple of hours.

4. Now that the time is up you should see a lot of juice, drain it and boil it. Then immediately pour it over the apple slices. Again, leave it to stand on the counter and cool to room temperature (it will take about 8 hours).

After this, repeat the procedure again, that is, pour the syrup into a saucepan, boil and pour over the newly chopped apples. Let stand and brew, soak for about 6-7 hours. It is advisable to repeat if possible this work 4 times, that is, make only 4 passes.

If you find these instructions a bit complicated and you may still be new to cooking, then move on to the second option, it is faster in terms of time.

6. After the apples have steeped in the syrup, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Finally, add citric acid to prevent mold from forming during storage.

7. Place the hot dessert into jars, and don’t forget to keep the ladle sterile. Screw on the lids. Let cool under the blanket upside down. Store in a cellar or pantry. Happy discoveries!

Amber apple jam for the winter - the best recipe

How cool it is when you have a mother or grandmother who knows a bunch of all sorts of proven recipes. To make the jam colorful and bright enough, use juicy varieties of fruit. Of course, the fruits themselves must be without visible flaws or damage. And of course they are not eaten away by worms.

If your apples taste too sweet, then when cooking it is best to add citric acid; it is an excellent preservative and always gives a slight sourness and a new aroma. You can often also find options with lemon or lime.

Wow! And to add an extravagant touch, you can add your favorite spices, such as cinnamon or vanilla, as well as cloves.

We will need:

  • apples (ranetki can be used) - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg
  • vanillin - 0.3 tsp


1. Rinse the apples in water, then chop them into halves, remove the seed capsule and stick. Then you have to chop it into slices of the same size. Add granulated sugar and stir. Add vanillin for flavoring. Leave it to stand like this for 11-12 hours, that is better job start in the evening and finish it in the morning.

If you wish, you can stir this fruit mass periodically. Then there will be even more juice.

2. In the morning, place on the stove and cook after active bubbling for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly. You can speed up the process and cook in a slow cooker using the Stewing mode (the time is the same).

3. After this cooking, it is in the sweet syrup that the apples acquire a caramel appearance and become even more transparent.

4. Immediately transfer the hot treat to glass jars, wrap under iron lid with a special seaming machine. Place the containers with the other side down with the lids on and wait for complete cooling. As you can see, everything is quite simple and easy. Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight.

How to make jam at home? (simple recipe)

I think that the most simple option There will be a five-minute recipe, which you will learn about below in the article. And now I will show you a completely different method, in which the cooking technology will differ from the previous one.

You will get a charming syrup with floating lobes that will look very much like crescents. For this option, I ask you to take only hard and elastic fruits, but the pulp should be juicy.

Did you know? If you already have overripe fruits, then don’t despair, make them into confiture or jam. After all, it’s also so delicious that you’ll lick your fingers and maybe even eat it.

We will need:

  • Antonovka apples – 3 kg
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg


1. It is important to cut the apples in the correct way, namely not too thick, the pieces should be approximately 5-8 mm, no more. The fat ones won't cook well, so don't be lazy. And if you cut it thinly, then the likelihood of spreading will also be high.

Then fill the cup with sugar and stir, leave to cool on the table. As soon as a large amount of juice is released, it will take varying amounts of time, ranging from 1.5 to 5-6 hours. Or depending on how much patience you have).

2. Then place the bowl of fruit on the stove and cook over low heat after boiling for no more than 5 minutes. After which you need to let the jam rest and cool completely.

3. As soon as it becomes warm, one might say cool, then continue cooking again. Simmer the apple pieces for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Then cool again, and then cook again for 10 minutes. In the end, the syrup should thicken a little, and the fruits will become shorter, but at the same time will shine with an amber color.

And then, as usual, fill the jars with this dessert and put on clean and sterile lids. Place in a cool place and eat this miracle in winter or spring for health! Look how awesome it looks, you will definitely like it!

Recipe for jam from apple slices with lemon

It is always good when any fruit or berries are not subjected to such strong heat treatment. Such delicacies, as people say, are in great demand, but lemon always gives a refreshing effect or a note. In addition, it is also an excellent preservative that saves the product from fermentation and mold.

A new rich note will appear in the taste, think maybe this is what you have always been looking for. Usually either juice or zest is used. And by the way, you can chop the apples coarsely in this recipe so as not to repeat them. Or you can even grate it, well, that’s an option, of course.

In general, I will tell you straight, all gourmets, as well as those with a sweet tooth, will definitely be satisfied and will ask for more).

We will need:

  • Ranetki or apples - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 30-40 g


1. Rinse the fruit and immediately cut the apples into pieces shaped like crescents. Remove the core along with the seeds. Add sugar and let stand for 1.5 hours, then place the bowl on the stove and simmer the mixture over medium heat until bubbles appear.

2. Next, add the finely chopped half of a lemon and cut it into cubes. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes after boiling. Then turn off the heat and let cool completely. Pour cold into sterile jars and secure with a metal lid. You can bottle it hot or slightly warm, there is not much difference. Bon appetit!

Delicious apple jam in clear amber syrup with orange

Well, this option involves cutting citrus fruits into cubes, together with the peel, to make it even brighter and richer in taste. The benefits of such a delicacy are obvious; save all your vitamins and feel the pleasant sourness in the finished dish.

Absolutely any apples are suitable for this dessert, so experiment!

Note that the description uses an oriental spice such as cinnamon, which also works well here. Throw a tea party and surprise all your guests or household members.

We will need:

  • apples – 1000 g
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch


1. Wash the fruits well in running water and then cut them into halves, remove the core from the apples and the seeds from the orange, if any. Chop these ingredients into pieces with a sharp knife.

2. Then, as in the usual traditional recipe, sprinkle the mass with sugar. Leave it to stand long time from 1.5 to 4 hours, if possible. Stir occasionally.

3. Next, place the saucepan on the fire and bring the jam to a boil over medium heat. Cook until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, only then add cinnamon if desired. Simmer for about an hour over low heat. Or you can go the other way and cook in 3-4 batches for 10 minutes, each time cooling the mass to room temperature.

Which option do you prefer? Probably on a quick fix). Or are you a fan of classic recipes? In any case, the syrup should thicken so that the consistency of the treat becomes dense.

4. Ladle into glass jars and seal with lids. It is recommended to store such preservation in a strictly designated place, for example in a pantry. Have fun!

Apple jam slices with cinnamon - grandma's recipe

Everyone knows that our grannies have always strived to feed us tasty and healthy food. I suggest using their tips and adding an unusual ingredient, and here’s what you’ll see now.

This fruit dish will become great addition and to, which can be baked for breakfast or for an afternoon snack.

We will need:

  • Apples – 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Lemon - half
  • Ginger – 20 g


1. Cut the apples into slices and remove the skin. Grate the ginger on a fine grater. It will help you strengthen your immunity. Next, according to plan, add the juice of half a lemon and all the sugar.

2. Stir to form a sweet syrup-like liquid.

3. Place the cup on the fire and cook on the stove until caramel color, at least 1 hour should pass after boiling. The syrup should become dense and thick. If you suddenly see foam, remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.

4. While hot, place the treat into a sterilized jar, close the lid and cool. Lower it into the cellar or closet. Such wonderful jam can be stored for a long time and even for a single year if it survives until this moment).

How to cook Five Minutes from white filling in slices

I think that this variety is very well known to everyone. It is very crumbly and quite sweet and juicy. It’s a pleasure to eat such apples; it’s even a shame to cook them. But, if you have an excess of them, then you can’t do without it. Do this homemade treat so that later on a snowy day you can remember those wonderful moments when you ran around the garden and collected ranetki.

Still, how great it is that you can preserve vegetables and fruits and store them in jars. And I propose to do this in a well-known way, which is based on the fact that heat treatment is limited.

Apple five-minute recipe is loved by everyone because the jam is prepared quickly and easily. Take note and don’t lose it, add this page to your browser bookmarks.

We will need:

  • white apples (already cut and pitted) and sugar - proportions 1 to 1
  • soda - 1 tbsp
  • water - 1 l


1. Take any variety of apples, for example it could be white filling, idared or Antonovka, that is, autumn varieties. Peel them and cut them into small slices. Of course, wash it in water first.

If you want your delicacy to come out whole and not in boiled slices, then you should soak the pieces in a soda solution for 1 hour, then drain the liquid. This will help them not to get soggy during the cooking process.

2. Sprinkle the prepared ingredients with granulated sugar. Stir and let stand for 6 hours. Then place the cup on the stove. Turn the heat to medium.

3. Well, now we won’t subject it to long-term heat treatment; it’s enough to cook for about 5 minutes. After cooling, stand for 5-6 hours. Repeat these steps a total of 3 times, that is, cook for 5 minutes, then cool.

4. Then, when you boil for the third time, do not let the jam cool, immediately place it in clean jars and seal with lids. Store it either indoors or in a cool place.

How to make apple jam from Antonovka

I suggest you learn about this information by watching this video instruction. And within a couple of hours, an amazing jam made from sweet or sweet and sour apples will appear in your house. Agree, this is a great dessert for an afternoon snack. In addition, it also turns out beautiful on appearance, has a golden consistency.

Awesome recipe for jam from ranetki in a slow cooker

Well, in conclusion, I give one more special method, which will be done in a multi-oven. Take this classic recipe and do it step by step description. Count the weight of the apples no longer as whole ones, but as sliced ​​ones.

If the fruit has a thick skin, cut it off; if not, leave it.

To speed up the process of juice secretion, so as not to wait for a long time, pour in half a glass of water or broth.

We will need:

  • peeled and pitted apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. First of all, cut the peel off the apples and rinse it. And then boil it in water (1 liter), literally boil for 10-15 minutes. And then pour this decoction (0.5 tbsp) over the cut fruits into pieces. Sprinkle with sugar and stir. It is this decoction that will speed up the work process, that is, you do not need to wait a long time until the juice is released.

2. Close the multicooker cup and select the desired mode, Frying with Redmond or Polaris, time - 1 hour, if this is not available, then you can select Stewing. Click Start and wait.

3. Pour the treat into a jar, about 700 ml will come out and screw on the twist lid. Cool and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Thus, today friends met another attractive preparation and learned how to make apple jam. I hope you liked all the recipes. Choose any one and cook right now. Especially if you have large buckets of fruit and you are wondering what to do with them. Maybe compote? Or nothing else? Decide for yourself.

All the best and positive wishes to everyone. See you very soon, stay in touch. Bye!