Budget startup. Mobile application development. How to find new ideas for starting a company

Have you noticed that families with twins, or even triplets, are increasingly appearing on the street, in stores and other public places? Have you ever thought about how hard it is for them? We need clothes, strollers, cribs, sleds and other things, in double or even triple size. Have you seen many strollers or sleds for triplets? That's rare for twins. Why not go this route and make life easier for families who suddenly have many children? Let's look at startup business ideas through the prism of large families.

These are just examples of startup ideas, and if you find that this idea has already been implemented by other entrepreneurs, by adding some zest (that only you and no one else can implement) you will turn the organization of an ordinary business into a startup.

Furniture, sleds and strollers

This is perhaps the main problem faced by families raising triplets or twins.

1. Strollers

You can’t go out for a walk with three single strollers. An option is one double stroller and a single stroller, but again you need at least two adults for the walk. Here's your first business idea - a store selling strollers for doubles and triplets. Of course, in order to ensure the maximum flow of visitors, you can sell standard single strollers, but the main emphasis is still on your target audience.

2. Sledge

In winter, sleighs take the place of strollers. And again the question arises of how to move all three children from point A to point B at the same time. Why not replenish the stroller store with sleds with the appropriate number of seats? You can sell it as just a sled with runners, or you can sell an option such as a sled stroller.

Good question, where can I get these sleds and strollers? You will have to look for the appropriate supplier. Although, the best solution, of course, would be to make the equipment yourself. Therefore, the idea of ​​a startup can be realized in this vein, i.e. to open not a store selling sleds and strollers, but an enterprise for their production. Or you can combine production and sales.

3. Furniture

If you are a great designer, you may be able to find a solution to help families with triplets in this situation as well. Three cribs, three high chairs, three playpens - isn’t that a lot? And how much space does it all take up! Why not come up with a rational solution to this problem. A bed with three tiers is, of course, too much, but a pull-out option, which is also originally designed and saves space in the room, is already worthy of attention.

What will you do: making furniture or opening a specialized store is your business, but this idea can be considered one of the interesting ideas for a startup (see). It opens up so much space for creativity!

An example of a implemented idea for a startup focused on solving the problems of parents of triplets

Clothes and shoes for twins and triplets

Of course, opening a clothing and shoe store just for twins and triplets is not a good idea. But you can create your own department in a ready-made clothing store. A set of three blouses or pants will cost parents less than buying three separate items.

You can open a tailoring shop for clothes designed for twins or triplets. Buying three identical dresses, as well as three completely different ones, is already extreme. On the one hand, I would like to somehow stand out that these are triplets, but on the other hand, three absolutely identical things will not lift the mood either. Therefore, a set of three dresses of the same model, but different colors or different design solutions will delight young fashionistas.

Mini development centers

The idea of ​​creating developmental children's centers and private mini-kindergartens is no longer new. What can you say about teaching only twins and triplets? These are two or three families and already a group! Such children develop and communicate with each other somewhat differently than “single children,” so such an institution should suit their taste.

And the parents are happy: taking their children to a regular kindergarten involves additional difficulties. In an ordinary kindergarten, where there are 25-30 people, it is quite difficult to pay attention to each child, and the triplets may be offended by each other if someone gets more attention. But here everyone is visible, everyone is treated the same. At this time, parents can go about their business.

Helping mom - “third breast”

Probably one of the best ideas for a startup from the series “How to help large families", specifically for families with triplets, is to help the mother with breastfeeding. Three children, but two breasts. It is still possible to feed two people at the same time; it is difficult, of course, but possible.

What should the third child do? Stand in line? What if the milk runs out? Pump and bottle feed? Again, additional time is required. Now, if only we could come up with a device that could supply milk directly from the breast to all children at the same time!

Raw food and vegetarian food

Imagine becoming a vegetarian or raw foodist. Of course, you can buy fruits and vegetables and eat them. But even as a raw foodist, you want varied and tasty food. What to do? Look around: do you see a lot of shops and especially catering establishments that offer specialized products or ready-made meals? This is especially true for small cities.

So much for startup ideas for small businesses!

  • soy products
  • grain for germination
  • spelled
  • carob
  • dehydrator (dryer for vegetables and fruits)
  • specialized kitchen appliances

The list of what you can sell by opening a specialized store can be continued endlessly.

A catering! At least in small towns there is not even a pizzeria where you can taste pizza without sausage and meat. All they can offer you is the usual Margarita, consisting of cheese and tomatoes. But even if a vegetarian can still somehow eat in regular restaurants by ordering meat-free dishes, then what about a raw foodist?

Find chefs who know how to cook raw food, and your small town startup idea is in your pocket.

An example of a startup idea focused on meeting the needs of raw foodists and vegetarians

Medicine and health

What can you come up with in this area? There are a lot of clinics that provide services for examining the body and taking tests. Just walk through them and observe. Certain startup ideas from scratch can be found in this area. Here are a few areas that can be developed in the medical field.

Growing leeches

One of the areas of alternative medicine is treatment with leeches. Have you ever wondered where these same leeches come from? Of course, in large cities there are specialized factories for growing leeches. In small cities this is not the case - you have to order leeches from large cities.

Why not organize a business for growing leeches, maybe even at home. Get the appropriate permission, create the necessary conditions for growing leeches and go ahead! It will be more profitable for alternative medicine clinics to purchase leeches locally than to import them from another city.

Reproduction and biological material donation clinics

Have you noticed how many infertile couples there are now? And how much money does medicine receive for examining these couples and helping them become parents? Clinics for IVF, ICSI, surrogacy and more. Of course, here again we mean large cities. In small towns, the maximum that they can offer you is the ICSI procedure. Although in some regions in vitro fertilization is already practiced.

Is there a gynecology and reproduction center in your city with an emphasis on reproduction? Why don't you organize it. There are now a lot of people who want to do IVF, and saving money on travel, food and accommodation will be significant for couples if they get the opportunity to have the procedure done in their city.

Or another option is to engage in the resale of biological material. Residents of your city come to you, donate biomaterial (sperm or eggs), and you resell the material to IVF clinics in large cities.

Our smaller brothers

What can you come up with here? What do you think of the idea of ​​creating a pet cemetery? Where do residents of at least the same small towns now bury their pets - outside the city, in the forest, in their dachas. And how nice it would be to come to the grave of your four-legged friend in a specially designated place where everything is well-groomed and protected. For some people, dead animals were the only close beings, parting with which was very difficult for them.

What about a full examination of your furry friends? What a regular veterinary clinic in a small town will offer you is an examination, tests, and rarely ultrasound diagnostics. What to do if you need a more thorough examination - go to the capital or leave everything as is - it depends on the owners. Often they choose the latter and end up burying the baby in the same forest.

Another idea for a business in a small town

And now an idea for a startup without a budget (see Startups with minimal investments: is this possible, examples). If you are considered a jack of all trades, you can make candy out of nothing, you like to tinker and repair, then you can make a business out of a hobby. So to speak, combining business with pleasure.

Many people throw away unnecessary broken things: furniture, appliances, and even vehicles. Your task is to find such an item, repair it and sell it, or simply take it to a consignment store and get your percentage. In the future, you can even let people know that you are collecting broken old items. Believe me, there are a sufficient number of people who want to get rid of the accumulated “junk” in a civilized manner, and not simply by throwing it in the trash. You help them, and they help you. There is already a so-called mutual cooperation, which may continue if these same people want to purchase a repaired item from you.

Of course, ideas for a startup do not imply that you personally will implement them. Startups earn money by selling their ideas, rather than implementing them personally. Then a reasonable question arises: how to protect the idea of ​​a startup? You can’t do this without the help of consultants. It is necessary not only to properly register and patent an idea for a business, but also to draw up a confidentiality agreement with the future owner of your idea in accordance with all the rules.

If you not only think about business, but also intensively study the stories of successful entrepreneurs, then you probably know about many stories of the development of the largest companies from scratch and from an interesting idea. Many newcomers dream of following the path of billionaires who managed to create their own business without significant investment and achieved unprecedented heights thanks to perseverance.

According to statistics, only a small part of startups achieve success. Main reason failures - novice entrepreneurs have a very vague idea of ​​the real needs of potential clients and do not bother with clear planning of the steps to develop their business. In the process of forming a startup idea, investors and businessmen who have managed to achieve success recommend carefully working on several factors:

  1. Don't look for a super-profitable service or product. Think of something that can improve your life. This idea will be in demand among other people.
  2. You must have a clear idea of ​​how to bring your idea to life. This requires planning and searching for alternative options.
  3. You must be passionate about the idea and completely confident that people need your product.

How to find a startup idea

Successful and popular new products are often born among professionals in a particular industry. For example, you work in the cargo transportation industry and thoroughly know the problems and complexities of this area. It is very likely that you already have one or more ways in your head to make the loaders’ work easier or speed up the process. Are you not sure that these thoughts are worth something, and you are hesitant to bring them to life? It’s completely in vain - this is exactly how startups are born.

The most common mistake is the desire to reinvent the wheel or create something that can change the course of human history. Such desires are laudable, but they should not be an end in themselves. Great and revolutionary ideas are born unnoticed and at first even their creators do not always understand the significance of their idea. As a rule, it all starts as a small improvement or enhancement of existing items or technologies.

Examples of successful startups show that the easiest idea to implement is one that can satisfy people's needs or make their lives more comfortable. Finding such an idea is very simple - watch those around you, identify difficulties and problems, think about ways to solve them.

By creating Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and his friends solved their problem. They studied a lot and spent a lot of time on the Internet, but also wanted to meet beautiful girls. The standard solution to their situation is to go to a party. But a group of smart people found another option - they created the first network for communicating on the Internet. Thus, by satisfying their own needs, the guys were able to solve the problem of the world community and earn billions.

Observe and draw conclusions about what irritates you in everyday situations and, for example, in the service sector. Dissatisfaction with something can be a reason for useless and destructive negative emotions or serve as a creative impetus for creating a new business idea. Consider what you would do in this situation to serve customers better and improve the situation. This is how successful and sought-after business ideas are born. The ability to notice shortcomings and think of effective ways to eliminate them is critical for a businessman.

Once you start thinking in this direction, you will notice huge amount opportunities. But create profitable business maybe not on everything. If you have an idea, it is important to impartially assess its prospects. “If no one does it, it means no one needs it or doesn’t work” is not an argument. There are plenty of examples in history when an idea lay on the surface and all the “cream” was skimmed by the one who was the first to decide to implement it. But it is important to understand the size of the target audience, calculate how many people will need and like your service or product. To understand this, serious research needs to be done. It is very useful to constantly ask yourself whether your startup has the potential to grow into a large company.

Even if you are a triple genius, you still cannot achieve success alone. Finding like-minded people is one of the most important stages implementation of the idea. They, just like you, must believe in it, be ready to endure and move mountains to bring it to life.

Typical mistakes of inexperienced startupers

If you fail, there are two options to resolve the situation:

  1. Keep knocking on all doors.
  2. Review your views and reconsider your approach.

The most common mistake is incorrectly assessing the demand for an idea. Conduct a test by offering a free option to the focus group. This will help you understand whether people need your product and find errors.

The desire to do everything yourself is also one of the typical mistakes. Without a reliable team, you will not be able to attract investors. The only option is a profitable sale of copyrights to the startup.

If your idea is not related to the Internet and is implemented offline, the location of the business is important. Beginners often underestimate this factor and fail. You must be as close as possible to your target audience and choose the most advantageous location. You may have to move to a different area or even a larger city. It all depends on who your client is.

Inexperienced businessmen often choose startups with low margins (ratio of profit to market value). Combined with low sales, it leads to unprofitability of the business.

It is extremely important to always focus on the customer. You can prove as much as you like that you know your product and are confident in its perfection. But you won't succeed if you don't listen to your customers' comments and wishes.

Many people fail because of the unprofessionalism of their employees. The situation is aggravated by the lack of funds at the start and the inability to hire qualified specialists.

Absence starting capital killed a huge number of interesting ideas. But don’t rush to immediately ask for money from investors. It is very important to achieve certain results yourself and show potential investors the finished product.