Can a person curse? Why are curses dangerous?

According to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, a curse is an expression of extreme indignation, irritation, annoyance. As you know, any emotion can affect human health. Irritation and annoyance make the human body open to infections and contribute to the appearance of nodular thickenings.

A curse that is the result of holding back one's emotions causes greater harm to the person from whose mouth it comes. This is a violation of one of the commandments: “Thou shalt not kill!” It obliges us to be meek, friendly, polite towards other people.

Also, if a man lies with his aunt, he discovers the nakedness of his uncle; their sin will be borne upon them; they will die childless. If a man takes his brother's wife, he is unclean; discovered his brother's nakedness; they will be without children. We may get the impression that Cam took advantage of the fact that his father was drunk, perhaps unconsciously or nearly unconsciously, and pursued a homosexual relationship with him. Some researchers defend this thesis. They are also supported by the fact that among the Canaanites, the descendants of Canaan who were cursed, there were homosexual practices, as in Sodom and Gomorrah.

By pronouncing a curse, you violate the harmony and peace of mind of another person, and persistently interfere in his life. Therefore, you will have to be responsible for every curse that you send to others - illnesses, the emergence of problems in your personal life. As a rule, young children whose parents use curses in their speech suffer and get sick from this.

But that was not the case. By the way, this would not justify the fact that Canaan is cursed in the place of his father. Do not reveal the nakedness of your father and mother; she is your mother; you will not reveal her nakedness. Do not uncover the nakedness of your father's wife; this is your father's nakedness. Everything is clear here: “Do not reveal the nakedness of your father’s wife; This is the nakedness of your father.” The nakedness of the father's wife is the nakedness of the father, that is, this nakedness, this intimacy belongs to the father: the woman belonged to man.

“But where do the blacks enter?”

Back then, Cam didn't have sex with Noah, who was his father. He maintained a relationship with his father's wife - his own mother - and so the curse fell on Canaan, not Cam. Canaan is a product of Cam's relationship with her mother. Cam means "hot", "burnt", "dark". According to the Bible, black people are descendants of Cam. Many people quoted in the Bible are black people, and they all come down from Kam.

Psychologists say that the cause of irritation and annoyance must be sought in oneself. The stranger is our reflection. In it, like in a mirror, you see your shortcomings, which irritate you. Especially when you see the success of this person.

Ask yourself questions! What preceded this curse? What events happened the day before? What did I think, what did I experience, what did I feel, what did I say? What did you see? Usually the cause of irritation lies in the immediate past, but it may also be distant in time. Think and look for the source of annoyance within yourself!

These people were not cursed. The descendants of the other sons of Ham were not cursed - only the descendants of Canaan, and they were destroyed, no more. Therefore, there is no basis for asserting that blacks are cursed in the Bible. One question that has nothing to do with the false curse on blacks, but which is also very interesting.

Who sinned was Kamer: how can a curse fall on Canaan that has nothing to do with your father's mistake? One thing should be clear! This is a myth, not history! It is a myth that attempts to explain important things about humanity, its origins, its behavior and its relationship with God.

Reflect on what lessons YOU should learn from this situation! Think about how you accept the world around you and people! Why is this happening to you? Why are you annoyed by your surroundings?

As a rule, the reason for your behavior is a hostile attitude towards yourself, towards the world around you and people. You need to feel the opposite state, in which you communicate friendly with people and can openly express your feelings and thoughts.

But let's pretend it happened the way we're told, to try to understand the author's logic. This was written by someone and this one wants to teach us about God. “Does the son pay for the sins of his father?” Most Christians think so. We need to clarify that "fathers" in biblical language refers to both father and mother as ancestors - just as "son" refers to both offspring and offspring.

“In tertiam and quartam”, i.e. in the third and fourth. The Latin preposition means in, not before. “Until the third and fourth” is a biased translation. The correct one is “in the third and fourth.” Jesus taught us to “each according to his works.” God would not be fair if he made one person pay for the mistakes of others. This may happen due to the imperfections and lies of people, but God has nothing to do with it.

Having eradicated irritation and annoyance in yourself, you will look at the world with different eyes, frequent colds will disappear, and a person who understands you will appear next to you. Perhaps the one you cursed. As you know, there is only one step from love to hate.

But what did the person you showered with curses feel and experience? Sadness, anxiety? May be, sudden illness accompanied his life? They say that a person has been jinxed and his life has been ruined.

We still live on a planet of trials and redemptions. If we analyze the past of the person who is now wronged, going back to his previous existences, he has almost always been unfair to someone, he has committed injustices similar to the ones he is experiencing now. We reap what we sow, always. What we do not reap in the same existence, we reap in a later existence.

Through reincarnation, God gives us the opportunity to correct the evils we commit. We are not punished, there is no divine punishment - at least not in the way we usually understand the word "punishment". God works through His laws, perfect and unchangeable. God's laws are engraved on our conscience.

What to do if you are cursed? This will be another test for you. Elder Paisios said that enduring sorrows and injustice from people does not just cleanse a person of his passions, it distills him. In this way a person can pay for his sins! Think about what abscesses of your soul have been revealed by the received curse? By confessing them, you will remove a heavy burden from your heart, neutralizing the curse.

As Jesus said, “even the hairs of our heads are numbered.” We can hide from the law, from justice, from people, but we cannot hide from our own conscience. The laws of God, which are engraved on our conscience, sooner or later lead us to redress the evil we cause.

If we do not prepare ourselves to correct wrong actions, that is, if we do not learn from mistakes, we experience pain. Not everyone needs to experience pain. The path of God's Laws is a straight line. Whenever we deviate from the straight path of God's Laws, going through diversions and shortcuts, we are awakened by pain that we must return to the path. If, when we make mistakes, we recognize our mistake and promptly give ourselves the opportunity to repair it, there is no need for pain.

Elder Macarius of Optina wrote: “the clean will not stick to the filthy.” If you are attentive to yourself and maintain spiritual purity, then the curse will return to the person who sent it to you.

Psychotherapists suggest doing an exercise that will allow you to turn negative into positive. It is useful for sensitive people. Imagine the offender and the curse in the form of images. Let's say the curse is thunder, and the offender is Baba Yaga. Try to find something good in this character: in his gaze, in his actions. Remember, Baba Yaga helped find Koshchei’s death. How do you wait for a thunderstorm in a dry summer?

We talked about the transition from Exodus, which says that children pay for the mistakes of their parents in the third and fourth generations. We are spirits; our loved ones who have died are spirits. We are spirits incarnate, we are temporarily clothed in a body of flesh; they are disembodied spirits, they do not have this body.

Spirits form large groups - spiritual families that develop together, reincarnating into each other in a variety of roles. Let's reincarnate in the middle of the links. After we die, and after some time we have to return to reincarnation again, we return to this material plane through the spiritual medium with which we have more intimacy, be it consisting of feelings or discontents.

Forgive the one who curses you. If these are your parents, then ask them for forgiveness. While cursing you, they did not know what they were doing. Peace to your home!

Venerable Elders of Optina, “Lives and Instructions”;
Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets, “Family Life”;
V. Zhikarentsev, “How to change your life.”

What does a curse look like?
In the spiritual world, a curse allows demons and demons to influence certain areas of our lives. Hence - illnesses, constant failures, poverty, premature deaths, etc. Just as in every state, for committing a crime, a person falls under the influence of a certain article of the law, so in the spiritual world, for committing a sin, he falls under the influence of a curse.

We form bonds through bonds of love and hate. When we reincarnate, we will try to continue the tasks we started in this life. And the most appropriate place for this is between the spiritual group to which we are attached. Then we will be reborn as the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of our children, that is, in the third or fourth generation after us.

And there is nothing unfair about this, on the contrary. The curse fell on him because he was the fruit of a sin committed by his father, Kam. But “Canaan” represents people, not just man. The curse actually fell on the descendants of Canaan, who were subsequently exterminated by the Israelites.

The curse is best described in the 28th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy. It lists all the curses that can come into the life of a person who has deviated from fulfilling God’s commandments. I will give some fragments of this chapter.

“The Lord will strike you with madness, blindness, and stupor of heart...” (Deuteronomy 28:28).

Madness and stupidity are a curse. This means that demons have occupied the person’s brain and are preventing him from thinking sensibly. There are people about whom they say: “Slow-thinking.” This is a curse, a blessed person thinks logically, quickly draws conclusions and makes decisions, thinks broadly and unconventionally.

By the logic of reincarnation, the people of Canaan received Cam as one of his members and a large group of spirits that were associated with him. This is the understanding given by spiritual knowledge. But we can understand differently, broader and deeper, which can be accepted by non-spiritualists and spiritualists.

Noah represents the chest of humanity as we know it - a large group of spirits marked by a past of guilt. Noah is the body from which three main branches grew: Net Kam and Japheth. One of these branches, Cam, degenerated. The very nature of Noah, derived from a past of guilt, introduced its degenerate part into the branches of Kam. This branch, then growing and spreading, was destroyed by another branch, the same Semei, like a branch that, under the weight of another, weakens, rots, dries and falls.

One day in church a brother came up to me and said: “I invented the amplifier.” To be honest, I didn’t believe him and thought: “How can you invent an amplifier today? There’s already GBL, Electrovoice, there’s Marshall, after all. Everything that could be invented in this area has already been invented.” But, as it turned out later, this brother actually invented an amplifier that is in such high demand that his company cannot keep up with orders.

This is the tendency of humanity, like all of us individually. Our degenerative characteristics will be gradually destroyed by our sound characteristics, which correspond to the codes of Life - the Laws of God. Have you ever wondered why Cam was cruelly cursed by his own father? Maybe seeing his father naked would be so sinful that his offspring would be doomed to slavery?

Most Bible commentators simply claim that Cam saw his father naked and it was disrespectful. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to find out what this sin is. When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what the youngest son had done to him, and he said, Cursed be Canaan; let him be a servant of servants to his brothers. It is interesting to note that Noah, Cam's father, was not sober, i.e. his son took advantage of his father's drunken situation to do something disgusting because his punishment was heavy.

And when a person says: “I don’t know what kind of business to start! I can’t imagine how I can make money today,” this indicates that his thinking is enslaved and limited. He needs to free himself from the curse, then ideas will appear, and his own business, and with it the opportunity to change his life for the better.

The Bible also considers blindness and stupor of heart a curse. What in the Old Testament God called numbness of the heart, modern medicine calls a heart attack. Today in the world one of the most common causes of premature death, and at a fairly young age, is diseases of the cardiovascular system - heart attacks and strokes. Doctors explain this fact by the fact that modern humanity lives V a state of constant stress. But I am sure that if a person has a heart attack, this, first of all, indicates the effect of a curse in his life.

When Moses refers to the laws of sexual sin in Leviticus, he uses the same Genesis term for “nakedness.” Read the following texts carefully to answer the question of what it means to see or discover one's nakedness in the thought of Moses. Seeing or discovering nudity is more than just observing someone with the naked eye, the expression is a euphemism for intimate contact or even sexual intercourse. So maybe what Cam did was more than seeing his dad naked.

The descendants of Kam, the Canaanites, perpetuated homosexual practices, and years later God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of perversions, among them, of the same nature. In Genesis 19 we see that the Canaanites wanted to commit homosexual acts with the angels who visited the city, and they did not do so because they were prevented by the power of God.

"...And you will grope at noon like a blind man grope in the dark, and you will not succeed in your ways, and everyone will oppress you and mistreat you day, and no one will protect you" (Deuteronomy 28:29).

Lack of success in life is a curse. Blessing presupposes that a person will have success in every work of his hands. Christians who have been blessed by God should be first in everything. A blessed athlete is bound to become a champion, a blessed politician a president, a blessed scientist a Nobel laureate.

White, inspired by God, comments on Cam's sin and condemnation. Following the descendant of Ham, through a son instead of a father, he declared: “Cursed be Canaan, let the servants of servants become their brothers.” Whites, patriarchs and prophets. The expression she uses "attacks the feelings of natural affection" or English"unnatural crime" The same expression "unnatural crime" refers to Reuben's sin, which is sexual in nature; and Amnon's sin, also of a sexual nature. That is, when she says Cam's sin was an "unnatural crime," she means sin of a sexual nature.

On the contrary, a curse is when a person is constantly at a loss, he is chronically unlucky. And we can confidently talk about a curse if a person is literally haunted by troubles that he cannot foresee, much less prevent. Ridiculous accidents that cause bewilderment and an involuntary question: “Well, how could this happen?!” - are also the result of curses that the devil uses to destroy people's lives.

Read: In the same way, men also, leaving the natural contact of a woman, inflamed each other in their sensuality, committed clumsiness, men with men, and received in themselves the deserved punishment for their mistake. We couldn't imagine that seeing someone naked would be disgusting enough to be described as we read. And, as mentioned, Cam's descendants were actually punished for these homosexual practices.

Thus, everything makes it seem that Cam's sin is homosexuality. So there is another warning on this issue that is condemned in the Bible. The habit of swearing and swearing is one of the biggest dangers, many people take it too easily and do not hesitate to curse their children, other drivers in traffic jams, those who contradict them and even those with whom they joke. We will present here some of the elements that have been reported to warn about the dangers of this type of negligence.

There is a so-called Darwin Award, which was established by a group of enthusiasts from the USA. It is known that naturalist Charles Darwin proved the presence of a natural selection factor in the animal world, which consists in the survival of the strongest individuals most adapted to the environment. Based on this thesis, the founders of the Darwin Prize annually award it to those who have made the greatest efforts to improve the human gene pool by eliminating their own genes. Simply put, the prize is awarded (usually posthumously) to those who destroyed themselves in the most unusual, most stupid way. Of course, there is no need to talk about the humanity of such an idea, and the contribution of Darwin Prize laureates to improving the human gene pool is very doubtful. But I am firmly convinced that the people who received this award lived in a curse, which led them to a ridiculous, absurd death.

The meaning of curse and the danger of one who curses another. Cursing means to deprive the kindness or mercy of Allah Almighty and it cannot be a habit adopted by a believer. Cursing a believer is a serious crime. Cursing a believer is a serious crime that a Muslim should never commit. This is explained by the fact that a curse comes down to the deprivation of the goodness of Allah Almighty, and murder comes down to the deprivation of life.

Beware of the curse returning to you! When a person curses someone or something that does not deserve it, the spell caused by the spell returns to the first, even if the curse is a rushing wind. Don't curse the animal or the mountain. Some people mistakenly believe that cursing an object or animal is a benign thing. They don't know that by doing this they are mixing with cursed things. She was annoyed by the latter and cursed her.

So, in 1992, the winner of the Darwin Prize was forty-seven-year-old Ken Charles Barger from North Carolina, USA, who became a suicide by an absurd accident. At night, Ken was woken up by a phone call; instead of the handset, he grabbed the pistol lying next to him and brought it to his ear, pulling the trigger. The pi-gun fired...

In 1995, six people drowned in a village in southern Egypt while trying to rescue a chicken that had fallen into a well. The first to go down into the well, 20 meters deep, was an 18-year-old peasant, the owner of a chicken. He was pulled down by the undercurrent. His sister and two brothers, who could not swim, tried to save him and also drowned. The same fate befell two more older peasants, who also tried to help. When the bodies of these six people were taken out of the well, a chicken was also taken out after them, alive and unharmed.

Pittston resident Wayne Roth was among the 1997 Darwin Award nominees. The poor fellow was bitten by a cobra that belonged to his friend after he decided to play with it and pulled it out of the jar. After being bitten by a poisonous snake, Wayne flatly refused to go to the hospital, declaring: “I’m a human being and I can handle it myself.” Instead of going to the hospital, Wayne went to a bar, where he drank and boasted that he had been bitten by a cobra. He did not know that cobra venom acts slowly, affecting the central nervous system. Wayne Roth died a few hours after the incident.

And in 2000, Steve Conner, who worked as a caretaker at the California Zoo, was awarded the Darwin Award. He gave the elephant twenty-two doses of laxative, after which he decided to see how the medicine worked. Less than a minute later, Conner was buried under a hundredweight of manure.

In Russia, in the Kemerovo region, a story once happened that, although it was not nominated for the Darwin Prize, is also a very vivid illustration of how, as a result of a curse, completely ridiculous things happen in a person’s life. tragic accidents. One day a local guy went on a motorcycle to neighboring village. I didn’t put a helmet on my head - the area was remote, there were no traffic police posts in the area. The weather was cold and windy, so the motorcyclist decided to put his sweatshirt on backwards so that there would be no wind in his shirt and collar. And something like this had to happen - the boy didn’t fit into the turn and flew into the ditch. The motorcyclist lost consciousness due to a head impact (this is where a helmet would come in handy). A truck passed along the road, carrying collective farmers to work. Seeing the poor fellow lying in a ditch, the men rushed to his aid. They checked that he was breathing. But then one of the collective farmers noticed that the guy’s head was turned 180 degrees from the fastener on his sweatshirt. With a joint effort, the men turned their heads “back into place,” and only then did one of them notice that the motorcyclist’s legs were also turned in the other direction. In shock, the collective farmers ran away in all directions, and the boy died, as it turned out later, from a fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

I recently read a book about the famous Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. Today I read books as a spiritual person, so I try to analyze people’s lives in order to understand why they found themselves in certain situations. I pay special attention to how the fulfillment or, on the contrary, violation of spiritual laws affects people's destinies.

Van Gogh was born exactly one year after his stillborn older brother was buried. It is noteworthy that they wanted to name the deceased baby Vincent. But it turned out that his younger brother had to bear this name. From the very early childhood Vincent Van Gogh felt guilty that he was living the life of his stillborn brother. Great artist carried within himself the spirit of rejection and the spirit of death. It is not surprising that his life was replete with sins, mental and physical illnesses.

He suffered from venereal diseases, was in love with a prostitute for many years, who never became his wife, and led a rather dissolute lifestyle. Van Gogh's dissatisfaction with his own destiny resulted in bouts of depression and fits of inexplicable aggression. One day, during a heated argument with a friend on the topic of art, Van Gogh... cut off his ear. He was hospitalized several times in psychiatric hospitals and eventually committed suicide. And even here the effect of the curse was manifested. The artist decided to commit suicide during a walk, taking a pistol with him. Van Gogh tried to shoot himself straight in the heart, but the bullet hit his diaphragm. The mortally wounded artist walked home on his own, after which he lived for two more days without contacting doctors, and then died. It is interesting that exactly six months after these tragic events, Van Gogh’s younger brother, with whom they were very close and friendly, also died.

It should be noted that Van Gogh had the chance to become a blessed man. His father was a Protestant preacher, so, growing up in a Christian family, young Vincent had a thirst for God. He read the Bible, delved into it, studied at a theological seminary, and even had serious intentions of becoming God's servant. But at some stage a feeling of disappointment came, succumbing to which the artist made a choice in favor of a dissolute bohemian life, which led him to damnation and such a pitiable end. Creepy stories, ridiculous deaths - this is exactly what a curse looks like.

However, let's return to the 28th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy: "... they will oppress and offend you every day, and no one will will protect you." It is not a blessing if you are constantly offended and neither the police, nor the prosecutor's office, nor friends, nor relatives can help.

"You will be engaged to a wife, and another will sleep with her; the house you will build it and you will not live in it; Nasa vineyard you eat and you won’t use it. Your ox will be slaughtered in your sight, and you will not eat it; your donkey will be taken away from you, and they will not return it to you; your sheep will be given away your enemies, and no one will protect you" (Deut. 28:30-31).

Adultery is a curse that comes as a result of disobedience to God's Word. You can often see families in which the spirit of divorce is inherited. Once upon a time, my grandmother divorced my grandfather, my mother divorced my father, and similar thoughts arise in my daughter.

It happens that a curse that comes as a result of fortune telling and witchcraft has a very strong influence on family life. For example, it happens that a woman begins to acutely feel the lack of love on the part of her husband - he stops showing her signs of attention, rarely shows tenderness, it seems to her that her husband’s feelings towards her have already faded away. “Or maybe he has another one?” - the woman thinks and turns to the fortune teller so that she spreads out the “prophetic” cards and clarifies the situation. The fortune teller lays out the cards, and instead of the king of diamonds, the king of hearts “lies” on our heroine’s heart. The woman begins to think that her destiny is probably not the king of diamonds (that is, her husband, who, by the way, behaves quite coolly towards her), but some kind of “hearts” stranger. She begins to look closely at other men. At the same time, the “king of hearts” actually begins to show her signs of attention, which finally convinces the woman that the fortune teller’s predictions are true. In this case, the word of the “seer” becomes a curse on the woman’s life and subsequently destroys her family.

One woman, to whom a similar story happened, came to my pastor’s reception. By that time she had already divorced her husband, although, according to her own words, she loved him. “Once I visited a fortune teller, who, having laid out her cards, said that my husband and I were not made for each other,” the woman said. “Since then, the thought has become firmly entrenched in my mind that I should separate from my husband.” She didn't leave me for a whole year, And I, of course, paid attention to other men, trying to find my “betrothed.” All this was followed by a divorce." Then this woman, along with ex-husband came to church, the curse of divorce was broken over them, and today this family lives in love and harmony.

" will build a house, and you will not live in it; grapes- you will put on a nickname, and you will not use it. Your ox- it will be slaughtered before your eyes, and you will not eat it; Your donkey will be taken away from you and will not be returned to you..." (Deut. Rozakony 28:30-31).

This scripture talks about people who constantly borrow money from them and do not pay it back. When something like this happened once, it’s quite normal, because everything happens in life. But if there is a pattern - the whole world owes you, and no one is going to give it back - this is already a curse.

However, this problem can be looked at from the other side. Let’s say someone owes a person $500 and hasn’t repaid the debt for several years. How does one react to such a situation? damn man? He does not sleep at night, he is filled with anger towards the borrower and fear of losing money. For a blessed person it is different. He does not destroy his nervous system because of money, but simply forgets about it. He continues to sacrifice, open his heart to God, and money supernaturally begins to flow to him from all sides. Many people have difficulty understanding the following scripture: "...and back- we give without expecting anything; and your reward will be great..." (Luke 6:35). Only a blessed person can understand these words. Only blessed people can repay the offender with kindness and love, and bless the one who curses them.

The book of Deuteronomy addresses another problem with cursed people:

"Your sons and your daughters will be given to another to the people; your eyes will see and fade away every day worry about them, and there will be no strength in your hands" (Deut. horses 28:32).

Often, believing parents grow up with godless children, and this is truly a great grief! In the 90s of the last century in America, there was a revelation that shocked the entire public of a criminal group that was involved in car thefts. In the process of committing crimes, gang members killed and maimed people. As it turned out during the investigation, the criminal group consisted mainly of the sons of deacons and bishops of the Protestant Church.

“The fruits of your land and all your labor will be eaten by a people whom you did not know; and you will only be oppressed.” We torture and torment all the days. And you'll go crazy because Your eyes will see" (Deuteronomy 28:33-34).

What terrible devilish promises! When a person breaks the commandments, the curses in his life are piled on top of each other. Demons, having gained free access to such a person, begin to fulfill everything that is written about the curse in the 28th chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy. They destroy a person's life and destiny.

"The Lord will send a pestilence upon you until you are destroyed. He will beat you from the land where you are going to possess it. The Lord will strike you with stunting, fever, fever, inflammation..." (Deuteronomy 28:21-22).

Having created the human body, God gave it the ability to heal itself. Even if you don’t take any medications when you get the flu, you will still recover over time. Each chronic disease is patronized by certain unclean spirits, which, having gained free access to a person, hinder self-healing his body. The most characteristic form of the disease that developed as a result of the curse is AIDS, in which the human body is not able to fight even a mild cold. Moreover, this problem is more spiritual and moral than physical. This once again proves that many diseases are the result of breaking the commandments.

"The Lord will send upon you a curse, confusion and misfortune - excellence in every work of your hands, whatever you do, until you are destroyed..." (Deuteronomy 28:20).

There is a person in our church whose life before coming to God was the most striking illustration of this sign of curse. When Oleg turned thirty-six years old, strange things began to happen to him. He constantly seemed to be balancing on the brink of life and death, and found himself in some dangerous situations. Oleg worked at the mine for thirteen years and, as a specialist, was always in good standing. But suddenly he began to notice that for no reason he was losing his qualifications. It seemed to him that a veil was enveloping his mind and the work that he had previously done without even thinking was difficult for him. Accidents happened to him one after another. One day Oleg was driving along the road in a loaded car; a column of cars lined up in front and behind him. Suddenly, at full speed, a wheel fell off the car. Fortunately, Oleg did not post-radal then.

Even when the man came to God, his misadventures did not stop. Once Oleg was covering the roof of the garage. He stood on one reinforced concrete block and lifted the other with his hands. Suddenly the puff under his feet “swimmed” and Oleg fell down, hitting his head several times on the bricks as he fell.

Another accident occurred while working at a construction site. Oleg stood on a wooden ladder under the very roof of the building at a height of 6 meters, with tools in his bosom. Suddenly the staircase broke at the base, and Oleg, breaking all the steps with his back, fell to the floor. And this time everything turned out well, the man escaped with only a broken rib.

The last accident happened to him V mine. A suddenly broken traction chain hit Oleg with such force that all eyewitnesses doubted it. V that he will survive. But he survived. According to Oleg himself, in such moments he constantly felt that God was protecting him from death and serious injury. But the series of disasters continued.

Realizing that all these incidents were not accidental, Oleg turned to me for advice. During our conversation, it turned out that there was a curse in his family on his father’s side early death. All his close relatives died at the age of forty as a result of accidents. My father was fatally injured in a mine, my sister was torn to pieces by wolves, my brother was crushed by a tractor. Oleg, who at that time was already forty years old, saw a pattern in what was happening to him and decided to fight for his life. He went on a three-day fast, during which the church prayed for his release from the curse. According to Oleg’s stories, after the prayer he immediately felt that the veil had lifted from his mind and clarity of mind had come. And, most importantly, the series of tragic accidents stopped.

It has been proven that even after a person comes to God, some curses do not disappear and do not cease to operate. It is necessary to go through certain stages of liberation, which include both theory (understanding biblical truths, choosing values ​​and priorities), and And practice (decision making, repentance, renunciation, saying prayer). By carefully reading this book and taking it as a guide to action, you, like the hero of the story described above, will be able to make the transition from curse to blessing, become a truly happy and successful person, and also make many others happy people.

Christ saves us from the consequences of sins

"... She will give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus; for He will save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).

This is what the angel said to Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary. These words contain the essence of the mission of Jesus Christ on earth. Angels know how to express themselves briefly and clearly. Why did Jesus have to come to earth? You can talk about this endlessly, you can write a whole book on this topic, but the angel said briefly and clearly: “Jesus will come to save humanity from sins.”

Some of you may exclaim: “In general, I need to be saved not from sins, but from poverty.” Someone thinks that he needs to be saved from illness, someone thinks that all the problems in life are because of a jealous husband, and for someone - because of a stupid wife. But God knows better what we need to be saved from. Because all our problems - illnesses, divorces, poverty, disorder and other curses - are the result of our fall. You can blame people and circumstances for your problems, but the true cause of all human troubles is SIN. Perhaps it is not even your sin, but your parents, grandparents. In any case, breaking the commandments is the root of all troubles and problems in our lives.

Jesus came to earth to save His people from their sins. When we come to God and accept Jesus Christ, we become one of our own for Him. He gives us forgiveness of sins. The blood of Jesus washes away the guilt of all our crimes and our conscience is cleansed. However, God wants to save us not only from the sins of the past and present, but also to prevent the sins of the future.

The problem of many Christians is that even after coming to God they continue to sin, as if by repenting in church they received some special benefits from God. But for the Lord, sin always remains a sin, no matter who commits it - a Christian or a layman. If a person, coming to the house of a hospitable host, breaks an expensive antique vase, then what difference does it make whether this person is a sinner or a righteous person? The main thing is that the offense has been committed, and you need to answer for it.

Moreover, the sins of the present are more dangerous for born-again Christians than the sins of the past. Therefore, both non-Christian sinners and Christian sinners have serious problems in life. The result of our relationship with God should be liberation from both the sins of the past and the sins of the present. Only after this is the transition from curse to blessing possible.

You ask: “How can I determine whether I have been freed from real sins or not? Maybe there are some minor sins that I don’t even know about.” The Word of God will best answer your question:

"... By their fruits you will know them. Do they gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit..." (Matthew 7:16- 17).

A certain person said: “I don’t need to drill through the trunk of a tree to find out whether it is a pear or an apple tree. I just need to wait for the fruit.” As you can see, everything is very simple: a person freed from sins bears good fruits - he spreads blessings around him.

"And it shall come to pass: just as ye, the house of Judah, and the house of Israel, were a curse among the nations, so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing; fear not; let your hands be strengthened!" (Zechariah 8:13).

Life is a blessing or a curse - the choice is ours

So God wants to make us blessed, what should we do? One must desperately strive for blessing! Every Christian must analyze his life in detail. If a person brings happiness to people and is happy himself, it means that to a certain extent he has already achieved blessing. If not, he needs to start striving to become a blessing to others.

It is sad to see how a person himself suffers all his life, and other people also suffer when looking at him or encountering him. This is the curse. Someone might say, “There’s nothing you can do, it’s fate.” No, I am sure that living in a curse or in a blessing is the choice of every person.

In Kyiv, for several years now there has been a large charitable canteen “Stefania”, which is sponsored by the current mayor of the capital, and in the past - the People's Deputy of Ukraine - Leonid Chernovetsky. Once I was part of a pastoral team for which Leonid Mikhailovich gave a tour of “Stefania”. One can safely call a person blessed who every day feeds one and a half thousand low-income people free lunch, one hundred and fifty people, thanks to him, receive medical care every day, hundreds of people receive qualified legal advice. Such activities of Leonid Chernovetsky eloquently testify that he follows Jesus, Who said:

"...I was hungry, and you gave Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink- whether Me; I was a stranger and you accepted Me; was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; V I was in prison, and you came to Me" (Matthew 25:35-36).

Addressing such sacrificial people, the Lord says:

"...come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world..." (Matthew 25:34).

A damned person cannot give anything to anyone, the words of Jesus Christ confirm this:

"...I was hungry, and you did not give Me anything to eat; I was thirsty, and you did not... gave me drink; I was a stranger and they did not accept Me... I was sick and in prison, and they did not visit Me" (Matthew 25:42-43).

To such people God says:

"...depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire I have prepared- bathed the devil and his angels..." (Matthew 25:41).

Walking through the huge Stefania complex, we saw a young woman sitting on the sidewalk with a baby in her arms. Leonid Chernovetsky, who is a very wealthy man, approached her and asked: “How can I help you?” Surprisingly, the woman did not answer and turned away. Leonid Mikhailovich repeated his question more persistently: “I am ready to provide you with ANY help. Tell me, what do you need?” Indifferently looking at the deputy badge in the buttonhole of her interlocutor’s jacket, the woman replied: “I don’t need anything.” Then I realized that it is very difficult to help a person who has chosen to live in a curse and does not even try to fight to live better.

The way we live does not depend on our circumstances, but on the decisions we make in our hearts. We ourselves choose whether to live in blessing or V damnation, poverty or prosperity. We make a choice. If I choose blessing, I will live in blessing.

The Israelites walked in the desert for forty years. Finally, Moses led them to the promised land. Do you think the people of Israel in the wilderness were cursed or blessed? He was neither cursed nor blessed. The desert is a place of trials and exams where we make our life choices. Therefore, when Moses led the Jews to the promised land, he said, “The Lord commanded me to declare a blessing and a curse upon you before I die.” I am sure that God wanted the Jews to enter the Promised Land not cursed, but blessed. It’s a paradox, but even in the promised land you can be cursed and unhappy.

I have visited America several times and I really like this country. The cleanliness and perfect order on the streets are especially striking! It seems that the sidewalks there are washed daily with washing powder. Walking one evening, I saw among this purity the most real... homeless people. I was shocked - how do homeless people appear in America?! Well, homeless people in Ukraine are a common phenomenon, but homeless people in America are incomprehensible. After all, any American unemployed person can exist quite tolerably by coming just once a month to the social assistance service and receiving his legal monthly benefit in the amount of $600. But the American homeless person has no desire to go to the social security service for benefits. So he begs and sleeps on the street. Ask such a person: “Why did you become homeless?” - and you will hear in response that he himself chose such a life for himself. This is his own decision.

When Moses led the people of Israel into the promised land, he performed a very important ritual. On two mountains he appointed six leaders of the people of God. From one mountain they were supposed to proclaim the curses that would befall the people if God's Laws were not fulfilled, and on the other - the blessings that would be the reward for obedience. The entire camp had to pass between these mountains so that people could, having become familiar with God's legislation, choose how they wanted to live.

God spoke words then that are still relevant today. And today the Lord addresses each of us:

“Today I call heaven and earth as witnesses before you. love: I have offered you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, that you and your descendants may live..." (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Curse as a conscious choice

You may ask: are there really fools who choose to live in damnation? It turns out that there are And there are a lot of them. Most people know that there are God's commandments. If a person violates them, a curse comes into his life. However, there are people who say: “It’s so boring to live according to the commandments and do what God said! It’s better to live according to your own laws. If you want to drink, drink, if you want to fornicate, fornicate, if you want to steal, steal. once!" Remember: it is impossible to live as you want, according to your own laws, and at the same time be blessed! People do not understand that by deliberately breaking the commandments, they automatically fall under the curse. A curse is the result of failure to keep the commandments.

For example, the Lord told us: "Honor your father- him and your mother, [so that you feel good and] so that your days were long in the land which the Lord your God gives you" (Exodus 20:12).

If you fulfill this commandment and respect your parents, you will live long. Moreover, no matter where you are, you will feel good everywhere: at work, at home, in church. This is a blessing. But how often do we meet people who say: “I can’t stand my parents, I don’t care about them or their opinions!” The life of such a person will not be long. He will live thirty years, and with greater strength - forty. And he will feel bad everywhere: at work, in his family, etc. Why? Because he broke God's Law, ignored God's Word.

The Book of Deuteronomy is a code of Divine Laws. But, unlike the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which describes only the punishments that will befall you for crimes, Deuteronomy also describes the rewards that you will receive from the Lord for keeping His commandments.

"If you... listen to the voice of the Lord your God, carefully fulfill all His commandments, which are written down I tell you today that the Lord your God will establish you are higher than all the nations of the earth. And everyone will come at you These blessings will be upon you if you listen to the voice of the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 28:1-2).

In other words, if you obey God, you will become a blessed person.

"If you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and you do not try to keep all His commandments and His statutes, which I command you today, then all these curses will come upon you and overtake you" (Deuteronomy 28:15).

This passage of Scripture can be paraphrased more clearly: if you do not obey God, a curse will come into your life. This is the pattern. It is noteworthy that a curse operating in one area of ​​your life has the ability to release deadly metastases into other areas, because one sin committed will entail a second and a third. Hypothetically, such a chain can be represented as follows. If a person lives in the curse of poverty, it is inevitable that he will be constantly depressed. Trying to get rid of the oppressive state, such a person begins to “drown his grief” with alcohol. As a rule, being in a state of intoxication, he, perhaps for the first time, “accidentally” cheats on his wife, thereby bringing a new curse on his life. Adultery forces a person to lie and dodge, which again is a violation of God's commandments. The series of sins and curses does not end until the moment of repentance and turning to the Lord comes.

The Bible tells us about an Israeli king named Saul, who at the beginning of his ministry was a blessed man, but systematic violation of God's commandments led him to damnation. This is a sad but very instructive story of how a blessed, anointed man of the Lord earned himself a curse and ended his life by suicide.

Saula, common man, who was not much different from other Israelites, was chosen and installed over the kingdom of Israel by God. Saul was not a brave man, a wise man, or any outstanding personality. He was just one of Israel's many shepherds. But his life changed dramatically after the prophet Samuel, fulfilling God’s instructions, poured oil on his head, anointing him as king. After this, Saul began to differ from other people - he was already God's anointed one.

The Lord believed that His people should not be ruled by a cursed man, so through His prophet Samuel he blessed Saul. In modern language, we can say that Saul was given a credit of trust, which, in general, all Christians receive at the moment of repentance.

However, the time came when the Lord began to make certain demands on King Saul: “You must obey Me, fulfill My Word!” God gave Saul instructions, Saul listened to them, reflected on them and... did everything his own way. But let us remember what the Bible says: “If you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do not try to keep all His commandments and His statutes... then all curses will come upon you... and overtake you.”

A person, losing God's blessing because of his disobedience to God, loses success in personal affairs. A dark streak begins in his life, with no end or edge in sight. So it was with King Saul. God addressed him several times, trying to reason with him, but in vain. Saul continued to persist and violate God's instructions.

The Bible says: "...disobedience is the same sin asthat sorcery, and resistance is the same as idolatryin..." (1 Samuel 15:23).

When Saul once again resisted God, the credit of trust given to him at the beginning of his ministry was exhausted, and the blessing that was upon him was replaced by a curse.

"... the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and troubled himevil spirit from the Lord. And Saul's servants said to him:Behold, an evil spirit from God troubles you" (1 Samuel16:14-15).

While Saul was a blessed man, the Spirit of God rested on him, so the king enjoyed spiritual comfort and peace. Saul slept peacefully at night, woke up early in the morning with good mood. All the battles in which his army participated brought victory to Israel. Saul was a blessed and therefore successful man. But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and defeat after defeat began to pursue him. As a result, he became violent and irritable.

Blessing is when the Holy Spirit works in every area of ​​your life. For example, you go to a meeting to resolve some issue that is important to you; it is very complex, so there is very little hope for a positive result. However, you feel supernatural help - some influential people appear next to you, offering their support, you unexpectedly meet an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for a million years, and you learn that this particular person can now solve your problem, and it happens that strangers take care of you like a relative. Ask them: why are you helping me? I'm sure they themselves won't be able to explain this to you. It's the Holy Spirit working. And thanks to this, wonderful events begin to happen in your life and issues that no one has been able to resolve before begin to be resolved!

And on the contrary, when some small, insignificant problem, which a blessed person could deal with in no time, goes to be solved by a person living in a curse, dark spiritual forces come into play - they either “throw him away”, or “set him up”, or take bribes they demand from him. But the result is the same - the problem remains unresolved. This is the difference between a blessed person and a cursed one.

This is why it is very dangerous to deal with cursed people. Perhaps such a thought does not seem entirely humane to you, but a curse is not a death sentence, you can get rid of it! It happens that a person comes to get a job and asks: “Take me. I have no money, my wife is sick, my children have nothing to eat.” And you can’t look at it without tears. You can, of course, take pity on the poor guy and hire him. But, believe me, a person who himself lives in problems and curses, when he comes to your company, will bring his problems and curses there. This may sound harsh, but you need to hire blessed people or those who are ready to change their lives and fight for their blessing.

If you constantly experience mental discomfort, you are overcome by worries and torment and, as a result, fear and self-doubt come - it means that there is a curse in your life. People blessed by God are confident in themselves. They know that God is always on their side. The Bible says:

“The Lord your God will give you abundant success in all things.”what is the work of your hands..." (Deuteronomy 30:9).

Having believed this, blessed people do not fear for their tomorrow. A person living in a curse, on the contrary, constantly experiences uncertainty, the result of which is fear. Such a person does not try to live in a new way, does not leave a job that he quietly hates all his life, does not start new things - he is afraid.

Saul, who was once a brave warrior, reached the same state. Despite the fact that he had strength, power, authority, and trained troops, he lived in fear, falling into depression every now and then. At a difficult moment for Israel, when enemies were approaching its walls, Saul turned to God. He prayed, fasted, asked the prophets, but the Lord was silent. Why is God sometimes in no hurry to answer us? He is waiting for a person to begin to obey Him, to act according to God’s Word. If this condition is met, the Lord will definitely answer.

However, Saul did not care who to turn to - God or the sorcerers. The Bible says that a man once anointed as a prophet of God went to a sorceress to seek an answer from her. I have noticed more than once that people living in damnation are drawn to all supernatural manifestations of the devil. They definitely need to look into the horoscope, go to their grandmother, spread out “things” cards or interpret some kind of dream. Damn people gravitate towards witchcraft. And witchcraft destroys our destiny in the spiritual world, our relationship with God, our success. Many people became failures because they had connections with the occult - they turned to psychics, soothsayers, etc., from whom they received certain information. After this, defeat came into their lives.

Saul's visit to the sorceress turned his life into complete failure. His sons died, he himself was wounded in battle, his enemies defeated his people. Crushed by life's tragedies, Saul decided to commit suicide.

What led King Saul to such a pitiful end? First, that he stopped obeying God, and as a result, a curse came into his life. Secondly, he turned to the sorceress, and defeat came. Saul’s last, unfortunately irreversible, sin was suicide. The terrible chain has ended: disobedience - curse - witchcraft - defeat - suicide.

If you have had thoughts of suicide at least once in your life, this is nothing more than the effect of a curse. A blessed person has a natural thirst for life in his heart. Many people constantly doubt their strength, their success, but with the blessed everything is different - they are convinced of their victory. The youth David was confident that he would defeat the giant Goliath, armed to the teeth. The young man was not afraid of his opponent’s tall stature, his sharp sword, or his threats. Armed with God's blessing, David went and defeated Goliath!

Prisoners of spiritual dungeons

Jesus began His ministry on earth with these words:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; for He has anointed Me with preach to the poor and sent Me to heal the juice brokenhearted, to preach to the captives freed vision, sight for the blind, release the tormented to freedom, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18-19).

Jesus did this for three and a half years while living on earth, and, ascending to Heaven, He entrusted the fulfillment of His mission to the Church. I want to draw your attention to the words of Jesus that He came " tell the captives liberation... release the tormented to freedom" . Blessing can be within us and around us. It is very important to understand this truth. The Apostle John said:

"... the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot receive, because he does not see Him and does not know Him; do you know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you" (John 14:17).

The Holy Spirit can dwell within and around a person. Every believer has the Holy Spirit within him, and the anointed one of God is a person who is covered from head to toe with the glory of the Holy Spirit. Also, demons and demons can live in people, or they can surround them. Just as a person filled with the Holy Spirit and covered with God's glory brings joy, peace, and resolution to everyone's problems, so a person surrounded by demons brings with them a demonic atmosphere. As soon as such a person appears in any society, peace and harmony immediately disappears, everyone begins to blame each other for something and eventually quarrels.

Many people ask: “Pastor, but I am a believer and have been praying to God for several years, where did this demonic environment come from in my life?” The Bible says that God "... zealot, for the guilt of our fathers - giving birth to children up to the third and fourth generation..." Deuteronomy 5:9). If your ancestors served God and worshiped Him, then the glory of God and the environment of the Holy Ear most likely passed on to you. But what happens to those people whose fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers committed fornication, stole or killed? A demonic atmosphere is created around them immediately after birth; unclean spirits accompany such people everywhere, no matter where they live, no matter what they try to do.

When a person dies, the demons that followed him begin to accompany his children. God's Word says that an unclean spirit can continue to haunt a person after leaving him. Inside a person is free, but outside he is imprisoned. That's why Jesus said: "I have come to open the prisons!" When we cast out demons from a person's spirit, internal problems are resolved, but when we open the prisons, breaking the curse in a person's life, we resolve external problems.

Prison is a restriction not of internal, but of external freedom. What is the essence of external problems? A person who is in prison cannot do what he wants, he is very limited in his freedom. In prison it is impossible to open a successful business, you cannot enjoy a happy life family life and realize yourself. Most Christians have good intentions in their hearts and want to live a righteous life, but for many of us something constantly prevents us from doing good - these are the walls of spiritual prisons.

Why do people end up in prison? "… Because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3:23). The first man - Adam, having sinned, lost something very dear - he lost communication with God. In addition to righteousness, peace and health, our forefather lost the glory of God, which covered him from head to toe.

Before the Fall, Adam and Eve walked in the cloud of God's glory, so they could not get sick, they did not have a bad mood. Adam couldn't trip and break his arm, he couldn't catch a cold or catch some kind of virus. Eva did not pester her husband with questions: “When will you buy me boots?”, and he did not “nag” her: “Did you iron my shirt?” They had no clothes, but they were not ashamed of it, because God covered them with His glory. Adam and Eve had, if you like, an aura of the glory of God around them.

Every person has some kind of environment. If the president of a state walks down the street, you will never see homeless people and ragamuffins around him. Strangers have no right to approach the president, so he is surrounded by armed bodyguards. Wherever the president goes, they accompany him.

Other people are constantly surrounded by homeless people, thieves and drunkards. Wherever a person goes, they find him everywhere and cause harm. A person would like to change his environment, but all his efforts remain in vain. Today there are people living among us who have inherited a demonic environment; unclean spirits are assigned to them to destroy everything they begin to do, what they strive for, what they try to achieve. For such people, everything falls out of hand, they cannot finish what they start, etc.

Recently I was told about a family in which strange things were happening. All men in the family died at the age of 18-25 years. The last victim The devil was a 6 year old child who died due to an unknown illness.

And there are millions of such examples. We must finally understand that the devil is not a joke, it is not horns and hooves. It’s a pity that people only start thinking about this after something terrible and irreparable happens in their lives.

In newspapers you can often read advertisements like “For $100 I will cleanse your aura.” An aura is not a biblical concept, but around every person there really is a shell filled with either God's glory or demons and demons. Problem V that a psychic cannot “cleanse” this aura, unless he adds a couple more to the demons that already exist. But Jesus Christ can do it. When He was preparing to ascend to Heaven, He transferred all His power to us: "...Behold, I give you power to tread on snakes scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you m... " (Luke 10:19). Jesus said that this power is given to us in order to open prisons and set the tortured free.

The doors of spiritual prisons must be thrown open so that Christians will be surrounded by God's glory and our churches will be filled with blessed people. It's time for us to stop offering pitiful, tearful prayers to God, we need to pray in such a way that God shows us positive visions. If you are surrounded by the Holy Spirit and God's glory, Divine thoughts and wise ideas will come into your mind, with the help of which you can extinguish any conflict, restore what was destroyed, stop and destroy the curse.