Curse a person what's wrong with him. Is it possible to curse with a word?

Psychology / Self-development

Is it possible to curse with a word?

Many of us, brought up on atheistic beliefs, are sure: no! But the famous Belarusian folklorist and mythologist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Alexei Nenadovets is convinced: curses do their dirty work. And he even wrote a book on this topic.

“I was given dozens of examples on folklore expeditions,” he says. - Yes, I myself knew people, more than one generation at a time, who confirmed in their own lives that the curse has power. You don't need to go far. To the war in mine native village Such a story happened in Panshchina. One of the women reported to the Germans about a piglet that a neighbor was hiding in a barn. And she has three grandchildren who have nothing to feed!

And this neighbor in her hearts took and cursed the informer: “May you outlive your children and die in terrible agony!” And so it happened, although the curser herself was no longer happy that she had sent such punishment; she went to church to lift the curse, but it didn’t help!

Something similar happened to one of the professor’s brothers-in-law, who found gold hidden by his grandfather in a bee log. I built a new hut, bought a car, but didn’t share it with my loved ones. And then one of them angrily wished: “May the children turn away from you and kill your son with a car!” The son indeed soon died tragically, and the rich man’s daughters still do not speak to him. Alexey Nenadovets believes that all this is not a coincidence. It’s just that at that moment when a person (and this always happens in the heat of the moment) utters the words of a curse, he concentrates in them a powerful energy force akin to hypnosis. And the most terrible curse, which comes from the mother, cannot be prayed away. Mothers need to remember this and, no matter what happens in the family, with their children, not allow themselves such terrible words. Never!

Is it possible to protect yourself from the evil of others? “The main thing is to be able to forgive! - says the scientist. - Sometimes it’s enough just to stand in church and calm down. It is also useful to wash your face three times with living or running water. For example, river, crinny. This is how bad energy is washed away. It’s especially useful to do this when your face is, as they say, burning - most likely, your bones are being washed well somewhere.”

In case someone starts saying something evil to his face, Nenadovets has invented his own cunning tactic: he confuses such a person with a simple phrase like: “Where do you sell stewed meat?” The spiteful critic becomes dumbfounded, forgets what he was talking about, and sometimes even answers the question asked.

But the most important thing is to never return evil for evil. After all, it definitely comes back, and multiplied many times over. In response to anger you need to smile.

Very strong curse is a family curse that was imposed on one of the ancestors. It is passed down through the family to the seventh generation and only intensifies over time, destroying the lives of members of the same family. This type of curse cannot be caught, like a virus or the flu.

As a rule, curses fall on a person deservedly. They try to keep silent about this. But you should also remember that an undeserved curse will never come true, but will return back to the one who created it!

Types of generational curses

  1. gypsy curse;
  2. curses of relatives;
  3. mother's curse;
  4. curse of strangers.

A gypsy curse is always dangerous, even if the gypsy did not curse you. This nomadic people, although they have lost their former magical power, but has powerful tribal patrons-magicians who take care of their descendants. In order not to receive a gypsy curse, which always turns into a family curse, you need to ignore them and not give anything into their hands. If you spoke to a gypsy, gave her money or things, and then came to your senses and began to regret it, a curse is guaranteed. Be careful!

The maternal curse stands apart. The saddest thing is that it can be provoked by the consequences of an existing curse on a person, as a result of which the son or daughter leads a dissolute life or has renounced his father’s home. A mother's word, especially a dying word, has such strong power that it can destroy a rebellious child or destroy his life. There are many examples of this.

Ancestral curse It is also dangerous because from generation to generation its strength increases. A snowball effect occurs. Its goal is the destruction of the entire race. If someone in the family dies, then part of his curse is distributed among living relatives: death does not destroy the curse. Isn’t that why, with the death of a relative, you feel a heaviness that oppresses your soul?

Signs of a generational curse are:

  • generic mental illness;
  • various types of neuroses;
  • there are mentally disabled people in the family, oligophrenic or down;
  • inappropriate behavior of any family member;
  • failures in personal life (divorce, failed marriages, early death of spouses);
  • infertility, ectopic pregnancies;
  • fornication;
  • alcoholism;
  • early death of children or stillborn babies;
  • death of young men in the family;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • complex, quarrelsome character;
  • innocently convicted or repressed relatives;
  • litigation between relatives;
  • the family renounces each other (you are no longer my son/daughter/mother/father!);
  • the family renounces the home of loved ones (I won’t set foot here again!);
  • there is no veneration for the dead in the family;
  • Poverty reigns in the family;
  • God is denied in the family.

If your family has any of the listed symptoms, then there is a curse of the family, and urgent action should be taken. As a rule, a generational curse is perceived as total bad luck in life. Few people suspect that the reason for this was someone’s evil word, which caused family bad luck. The child grows up and comes to terms with the fact that he is a failure in life. Many of the damned attempt suicide because death and destruction are invisibly behind them.

Lack of self-confidence gives rise to fear of life and attempts to place responsibility for one’s life on other people. Often damn man looks confused and gloomy. No matter what he does, one ending awaits him - failure. If your child is being laughed at by school friends, think about whether this is a generational curse? If your child attempted suicide, then it is not just like that, and not because there is nothing to do. There is no need to place a mother’s curse on him for “bad behavior.”

A generational curse differs from one just inflicted in that the same negative events occur in the family. This may be expressed in the fact that all women are abandoned by their husbands after marriage or their husbands become alcoholics and die early. Sometimes women of the clan bear the burden of the “black widow”, burying one husband after another. Ancestral curse male line can be expressed in total bad luck, chronic alcoholism, premature death at a certain time (everyone dies before the age of forty, etc.).

Family curses

This is also a generational curse, but in a slightly different direction. Usually it is provoked by someone else’s curse on the family, clan. Relatives begin to hate each other, make scandals and quarrels. And in a fit of negative emotions, one is not far from damnation. So an evil word fell from the lips of the bloodline. So it came out mother's word“May the devils take you away!” And then you shouldn’t wonder why an accident happened to the child! A child under three years of age is especially vulnerable, since he has a very strong connection with his mother: they have a common biofield.

Any word spoken by a mother in anger is immediately reflected on the baby! You should hold your tongue and not attack the playful baby with curses! People believed that a deliberate maternal curse on a disobedient child was an indelible sin on the mother’s soul. This sin develops into a generational curse, which the descendants will have to bear until the seventh or even the twelfth generation.

Often parents curse their children and even disinherit them for any offense. All this can cause early death, ancestral celibacy or infertility. Some parents forbid marrying a certain person, curse them for debauchery or a careless life. They do not realize that the cause of dissipation can be someone’s envy or an evil word. Instead of helping the child, the mother’s negative word, curse, and anger come out of her mouth.

As a result of the ensuing quarrel, the brother begins to curse his brother. Thus, an ordinary quarrel develops into a generational curse and reaches destructive power. A curse between brothers causes side effects such as alcoholism or infertility. And if a mother’s spell for a dissolute life is added here, then the effect is enhanced significantly! This real snow avalanche of negativity can lead to the extinction of the entire species if its progress is not stopped in time.

Litigation between blood relatives over inherited property provokes mental illness. Then this disease develops into a generic one and is inherited, like any disease. A generational curse is akin to a cancerous tumor that spreads its roots throughout the body, having one goal - destruction. If the sisters do not share a man and curse each other, then such a curse can result in damage to the “Crown of Celibacy” or damage to appearance. Ugly girls will be born in the family.

There lived a widow with her son. One day she was preparing for Christ's Matins and left the kitchen. Son, go and grab two or three spoons of cottage cheese: you’re tired of waiting for the breaking of your fast, and you dropped the bowl.

His mother saw him, got angry and started scolding him:

So that you disappear - he says!

She scolded me and sent me to see if the cattle had food.

The boy left, and he was gone, and he was gone... And so he disappeared without a trace.

Some time passed, and a soldier came to the village. He asked where he could spend the night, and they showed him an empty house.

He went to bed, and suddenly a crowd of children ran out of the cabbage, and everyone was crying, and one said that his mother cursed him on the eve of Christ's Matins. But as midnight struck in the church, all the children disappeared.

The next morning the soldier told the men about what had happened, and they said:

The widow’s son disappeared at Christ’s Matins, so wasn’t it him?

They told the widow about this, she burst into tears and began to think about how to turn her son back.

And the soldier, according to the proverb, hangs around with the devil, well, he says:

Do you have three unfinished ends of the canvas?

When it starts to get dark, take them, go to that hut and sit on the stove. When the kids show up, wrap yours in canvas.

So she did.

As midnight began to strike in the church, all the boys rushed to run away, but one couldn’t - his mother had wrapped him in canvas.

He began to scream, other boys came back, tore the canvas and took the damned man away with them.

In the morning, the widow cries and goes to the soldier. He shook his head:

Do you have your wedding dress?

Well, the next night you wrap this dress around your son. There is a holy cross on it, you walked around the lectern in it - they must not tear it apart.

The next night the widow threw her wedding dress over her son and tied it tightly.

At midnight, others rushed to run away, but one could not. The boys tried to tear the dress - no, they didn’t tear it, no matter how hard they tried.

So they ran away to Golbets.

The widow came down from the stove, took the child in her arms, and brought her home. I untied the dress - and he was sleeping.

She crossed him, and the next morning the boy woke up as if nothing had happened.

Damn people- production evil spirits. She appears as if from nowhere and takes a person with her either immediately after the curse is pronounced, or after some time. The easiest targets are children who are scolded by angry mothers. They are taken in by the goblin or the devil himself, sometimes by the underground. Sometimes, instead of children, they throw an aspen log or their demonic exchangers, and real child either settles with evil spirits, wanders around the world with it, or rushes restlessly somewhere between that world and this, then appearing random people or sorcerers, then remaining in obscurity.

Those who are damned under the hot hand cause universal condemnation, and a person who carelessly scatters curses risks paying for his mistake himself by losing a dear person.

A careless curse is especially effective when “it is spoken at the wrong time,” that is, between twelve and one o’clock in the afternoon or night.

The parental curse is especially scary at noon.

In general, an unkind word from a mother is a dangerous thing: according to legend, the earth does not accept someone cursed by his mother, so he will shake in his grave like an aspen leaf. The bodies of those cursed by their mothers do not even decompose in the ground; the unfortunate ones do not find peace even after death, until their mother forgives them.

There are, of course, people who are cursed for their cause: murderers, villains, murderers. The earth does not accept them, unrepentant, they always stagger near the place of their burial, like the Kuchkovichs, the murderers of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The murderers were sewn into boxes and thrown into a lake called Floating. Their bodies remained incorrupt in boxes that were overgrown with green moss and, according to legend, still rush around the lake like hummocks.

Some birds and animals were considered cursed, for example frogs, which were once people, but angered God for something; Well, it is also believed that frogs originated from babies cursed by their mothers.