The rule for writing two n. N and nn in short adjectives, short participles and adverbs

Н-НН in adverbs, adjectives and participles, full and short

1. With one letter n are written:

1. Adjectives with a non-derivative base: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in such adjectives. Letter n is part of the root.

2. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n: winter n th(from: winter), years n th(from: summer).

3. Denominate adjectives with suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. meaning “name of material, substance”), and -in: mouse, passerine (adj. meaning “accessories”).


wooden, tin, glass write with two letters nn.

4. Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: heat fresh meat .


Write with two letters nn words from the list:
given, arrogant, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesied, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unforeseen

Don't be confused:

The list of exceptions does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest,sworn brother.

5. Short adjectives in the form masculine singular: advice is valuable - (m.r.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

6. Adverbs on -O And -e formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. With two letters nn are written:

1. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n, if the root of the noun ends in a letter n:autumn, spring, sleepy.

2. Denominate adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: letter, portion.


flighty man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,leeward side.

3. Verbal adjectives with suffix -nn : korcheva nn y plot, Brakova nnth thing.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + nn .
Suffix -nn write to verbal adjectives, formed from a generating stem with suffixes: - Eve//-ova,-Eve
: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

It’s easier to remember this way: adjectives on Eve+nn + th,ova +nn +y, eva +nn+ y.

4. Adjectives-exceptions from clauses:

1.3.Exception: wooden, tin, glass write with two letters - nn .
1.4.Exception: given, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, embossed, damned, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected.

5. Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list words to remember in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6. Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters nn(except for the form m.r. singular, in which there is always one letter n): night without moon n a, adviсe prices.

7. Adverbs on -O And -e, formed from adjectives with two letters nn: sincerely, thoughtfully, calmly.

So, in order not to make mistakes in the exam, you need to know all the points. Be sure to include examples, because examples are samples that help you act by analogy.
Do not forget about the exceptions in paragraphs: 1.3., 1.4., 2.2.


To expand your language experience, you can refer to the section.
This is a constructor dictionary. Set the parameters you are interested in and get necessary lists words
It is now useful for you to turn to the Correct Dictionary, as well as to the Grammar Dictionary. Don’t forget, you can connect the following parameters: “New”, “Easy”, “Difficult”, “Important”. You can add or, on the contrary, exclude words for grades 5-8. Create your own dictionary configuration on a topic tasks 14.


1) Adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yang-, -in- are written with one -n-: clay, silver, chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

2) Adjectives with suffixes -onn-, -enn- written with two -n-: aviation, related.Exception : windy, oily.

3) In adjectives formed from the stem on -n using a suffix -n-, spelled two -n-:picturen -a + n th).

Participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

Two letters -n- written in suffixes full participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

1) if they have the prefix: everything is plowed, from boiled(But: with a mental boy, called brother);

2) if they have dependent words: Varennaya with milk;

3) if the word has suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: pickled, paved;

4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed verb of the perfect form (except wounded):deprived;

IN short participles one is written -n-, and in adjectives - two (except for the masculine singular form). It is necessary to distinguish between full and short forms of passive past participles with suffixes -enn- And -nn- and adjectives formed from verbs. Compare:

well-mannered participle from the verb “to educate”; short form: brought up, brought up a, brought up o, brought up s And well-mannered adjective; short form: brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up.

How to distinguish? It makes sense, but it’s easier to try to substitute short form word ' more’:Masha was raised by her grandmother And Masha is well-mannered, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, but in the second it is quite possible. In addition, passive participles require the presence (at least on a subconscious level) of an indication of who performed the action indicated in the participle.

Writing one or two letters -n- V complex adjectives obeys the general rule: plain painted (paint, imperfect appearance); smoothly colored (painted, perfect appearance).

Adverbs, formed from adjectives with two -n-, also written with two -n-: were organized.

In nouns, formed from adjectives, participles and verbal adjectives, so many are written -n-, how many of them were in the production base: pupil ( from ‘ well-mannered), martyr ( from ‘ tormented) .

Two - n- written in all words formed from stems to -n, with a suffix starting with -n:foam (pen -a+n -y), hexagon (six+sided b+n ik).


His manners were not simple, but rather sophisticated. In the labyrinth of crooked, narrow and feeble streets, people were always sneaking around. The drivers argued with the loaders that the car was underloaded (3).

Manners are (what?) sophistication(1). This is a short adjective because it can be replaced by the full form exquisite. We determine the spelling of the full form: izizka…y is formed from the verb izyskat, which has the prefix iz-. Thus, we write two NNs in both full and short form. Weak(2)th (which?) streets. This is a full adjective formed from the imperfect verb to pave. The prefix ne- does not affect the spelling, there are no suffixes -OVA/-EVA, and there are no dependent words either. We write one N. The car is underloaded (3) (what has been done?). This is a short participle, as it can be replaced with the verb underloaded. In short participles, one N is written. Thus, the correct option is answer No. 4.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest; its walls here and there were renovated (1) with fresh wood, the windows were painted (2) white, a small porch on the side, decorated (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

In the foreground of the picture, against the background of figures of mummers with (2) sooty faces, a girlish figure in a snow-white dress with braided (3) sleeves stands out clearly.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one letter H?

In the painting “Kermessa,” Rubens depicted a crowd of heated (1) townspeople, desperately (2) dancing a frenzied (3) dance.

Spelling –Н- and –НН- in suffixes of various parts of speech

This activity requires knowledge of how words are formed!

Clue. You can find information about them in task B1.


Depending on the part of speech, the rule is divided into three parts.

Full adjectives and participles.

Remember! Both parts of speech in the initial form answer the question: Which?












unheard ofNNy



bad luckNNy












nameNy (brother)

plantingNy (father)


Short adjectives and participles.

To cope with this part of the rule, you need to know the signs of each part of speech.

Nouns and adverbs.

There are as many N written in adverbs as in the words from which they were formed:

looked beshe?o - beshe?yy (see part No. 1 of the rule: formed from the verb to enrage the imperfect form, without the prefix and suffixes -OVA/-EVA = besheNy = besheNo)


Before you apply a rule, see if this word is an exception! These include:

MosheNNik harderNIR

tribeNNik dodaNoh




Algorithm of actions.

1. Determine what part of speech are the words in which –Н- or –НН- are missing. This is necessary in order to know which part of the rule to use.

2. Remember if this word is an exception.

3. Think about what word the words being analyzed are formed from.

4. Determine the spelling according to the rule.

Analysis of the task.

Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

His manners were not simple, but rather sophisticated. In the labyrinth of crooked, narrow and feeble streets, people were always sneaking around. The drivers argued with the loaders that the car was underloaded (3).

1) 1,2 2) 1,3 3) 1,2,3 4) 1

Manners are (what?) sophistication(1). This is a short adjective as it can be replaced with the full form exquisite. Determine the spelling of the full form: exquisite derived from the verb find, in which there is a prefix from-. Thus, we write two NNs in both full and short form.

Weak(2)th (which?) streets. This is a full adjective formed from an imperfective verb pave. The prefix ne- does not affect the spelling, there are no suffixes –OVA/-EVA, and there are no dependent words either. We write one N.

The machine is underloaded (3) (what has been done?). This is a short participle because it can be replaced with a verb underloaded. In short participles one N is written.

Thus, the correct option is answer No. 4.


1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

The house stood somewhat away from the forest; its walls here and there were renovated (1) with fresh wood, the windows were painted (2) white, a small porch on the side, decorated (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

Spelling n and nn in participles

1. In the full forms of passive past participles formed from the perfect form (both prefixed and non-prefixed) it is written nn, for example: purchased, corrected, named, paired, cut, decided, dried, thrown, captured, given, forced, punished, worked out, built-in, etc.

Exceptions: with one n Verbal adjectives (formed from the perfect form) that have completely lost connection with participles and are part of stable combinations are written, for example: a finished man, forgiven Sunday, named brother, imprisoned father.

Note 1. The above passive participles can also be used in the meaning of an adjective, but this does not affect their spelling, for example: self-possessed person (with self-control), this case(exactly this one), interested conversation (of interest), haggard old man (very tired).

2. In verbal adjectives formed from unprefixed imperfective verbs, one is written n, for example: straightened, dried, fried, boiled, soaked, boiled, ironed, forged, mowed, shorn, washed, broken, paved, wicker, loaded, melted, frozen, and also wounded (although formed from the two-part verb to wound). With one n The adjective is written as smart.

Exceptions: With two n verbal adjectives are written, formed from unprefixed verbs of the imperfect form: seen, seen, done, desired, heard, read, unexpected-unexpected.

Note 1. The above verbal adjectives, in the presence of dependent words, become participles and are written with two n, for example: streets paved with cobblestones, carriages loaded with timber, a soldier wounded in the leg, a boy with a haircut by a barber.

Note 2. With two n verbal adjectives are written, formed from unprefixed imperfective verbs with suffixes -ovan (-yovan), for example: spoiled, risky, uprooted, lined. In verbal adjectives forged, chewed combinations ov(s) are part of the root, not the suffix.

3. The presence of a particle does not affect the writing of passive participles and verbal adjectives Not- eg: unresolved problems, uninterested parties, uncharted territory; untrodden paths, an unpainted wall, an uninvited guest, an unmown meadow.

4. Distinguishing between passive participles and adjectives derived from them (thereby clarifying the issue of writing nnnn) is sometimes produced not on a formal basis, but on a semantic basis. For example, in the sentence Being wounded, the soldier remained in service, the word wounded is a participle and is written with two n, despite the absence of a prefix and explanatory words: it retains its verbal meaning.

Note 1. In the combinations of ironed-re-ironed trousers, patched-re-patched fur coat, worn-worn suit, washed-re-washed linen, read-re-read book, darned-re-darned stockings, etc., for the sake of uniformity, both words should be written with one n. In addition, the second part of complex formations, despite the fact that it is formed from perfective verbs, is subordinate to the word as a whole, which has the meaning of an adjective.

Note 2. The spelling of verbal adjectives also does not change in the composition difficult words, for example: smooth-dyed, whole-cut, homespun, gold-forged, little-trodden, little-trodden, little-worn, lightly salted, finely crushed, freshly slaked, fresh-frozen, etc. (compare with similar adjectives in which the second part of a compound word is formed from a prefix verb: smooth-dyed, little-trodden, freshly frozen etc.).

5. In nouns formed from passive participles and verbal adjectives, two are written n or one n in accordance with the producing basis, for example:

  • 1) dowerless, pupil, tributary, chosen one, priest, protege, drowned;
  • 2) dumplings, smoked meats, ice cream, martyr, worker, student.

6. In adverbs formed from verbal adjectives, so much is written n, how many adjectives are in full forms, for example: to smile artificially, to appear unexpectedly, to explain confusingly.

7. In short forms of passive participles, unlike full ones, one thing is always written n, in short forms of verbal adjectives so many are written n, how many in full forms. Wed:

The democratic public is excited (participle: they were excited) by reports of ethnic clashes. - The actor’s performance was heartfelt and excited (adjective: full of excitement).

Many of them were brought close to the court and exalted (participle: they were exalted). - Their ideals and aspirations were lofty (adjective: noble and deep).

Their children were raised (participle: they were raised) in the spirit of advanced ideas. - This girl’s manners indicate that she is tactful and well-mannered (adjective: able to behave well).

Sometimes simple questions are artificially confused (participle: they were confused). - The plots of these works are complex and confusing (adjective: difficult to understand).

You are always lucky, you seem to be spoiled (participle: you have been spoiled) by fate. - With improper upbringing, children are usually capricious and spoiled (adjective: spoiled by pampering, capricious, pampered).

These conclusions are justified (participle: they were justified) by the very logic of the study. - The demands presented to us are arbitrary and unreasonable (adjective: unconvincing).

The scope of the work was limited (participle: they were limited) by the allocated funds. - His capabilities are limited (adjective: small).

The doctors were concerned (participle: they were concerned) about the patient’s condition. - The storm intensified, and the faces of the sailors were serious and worried (adjective: restless).

The court did not find any corpus delicti in this case, and the accused were acquitted (participle: they were acquitted). - Extraordinary measures in these conditions were necessary and completely justified (adjective: having an explanation).

All options for further play by the chess player have been thought through to the end (participle: he thought through them). - The examinees’ answers were meaningful and thoughtful (adjective: reasonable, justified).

Note 1. Some verbal adjectives as part of compound words are written in full form with two n, and in short - with one n, for example: generally recognized superiority - superiority is generally recognized, fresh frozen berries - berries are fresh frozen.

Note 2. In some verbal adjectives, double spelling is allowed in the short form, depending on the meaning and construction: if there are dependent words, one is written n, in the absence - two n, for example: My sister intends to leave soon. “His impudence is intentional.” We are devoted to the Motherland. - Old friends are always loyal. Our athletes are confident of victory. — The gymnasts’ movements are easy and confident. She is not interested in the success of this endeavor. — The faces of the listeners are interested.

Spelling: Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts speech (nouns, adjectives, participles, adverbs).

1. Two letters H written: 1) in adjectives formed using the suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n(sleep - sleepy); 2) in adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -onn-, -enn-(station). Exception: windy.

2. One letter N written: 1) in the suffix -in-(goose); 2) in the suffix -an- (-yang-) adjectives formed from nouns (leather). Exceptions: tin, wood, glass.

3. B short adjectives the same number of letters is written n, so much in full. Tumanna (foggy).

4. Two letters N are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs: 1) if they contain a prefix, except Not-; 2) if they include dependent words; 3) if the word has a suffix -ova-(-Eve-); 4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed perfective verb, except wounded. Dried, galvanized, stripped (from deprived - verb. Sov. v.), measured with a ruler

5. One letter N written in suffixes: 1) short passive participles; 2) prefixless adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, and also without a dependent word (confused answer). Exceptions; slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unseen, unheard, unexpected.

6. In adverbs on -O (-e) is written the same amount n, how many are in the adjectives from which they are derived. Ordinary (ordinary).

Table “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech”

Lesson summary “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech.”