How settings increase Internet speed. How to increase the speed of your Internet connection

From the Internet. It is especially acute for users who use it outside the city. Today we will talk about how you can increase Internet speed in the Windows 7 operating system.

This method was once tested when the connection to the network was provided via a 3G modem. The connection speed was not always stable and often dropped. Therefore, a solution was made by removing all restrictions set by the operating system. We start by increasing the port throughput speed. To do this, go to “Start”, then go to “Control Panel”, select “System” there. We go to the “Equipment” tab. Here you need to click “Device Manager”, where select “Ports (COM and LTP)”. The content immediately expands, where you need to find “Serial port (COM1)”, after which, using the right button of your manipulator, select “Properties” and, after a new window has opened, click on the “Port parameters” tab. There we find “Speed” and select 115200, then Ok. This completes the procedure for increasing speed. By default it is 9600 bits per second.

It is very important to take into account one nuance here, namely, which port is used to connect the modem. It's very easy to find out. Go to the “Control Panel”, then go to “Phones and Modems”, where you find the “Modems” tab, the port will be indicated here. If you don’t know the name of your modem, do this: double-click on the connection icon, which is located on the desktop. On it, right-click the manipulator, select “Properties” and the “General” tab. A window will appear in which the modem used, and in some cases the port, will be indicated. You can also do the following: click “Start”, select “Connections”, after which a list of all connections will be displayed. Find yours and see the properties.

Next, to increase your Internet speed, you need to increase your connection channel. Click “Start”, select “Run”, where you enter “gpedit.msc” and click Ok. In the window that appears, find the item called “Computer Configuration” and select it. Now you go to “Administrative Templates”, then “Network”, then “QOS Packet Manager” and finally “Limit Backup Bandwidth”. Now on the tabs find “Option” and select “Enabled”. Look carefully at the “Bandwidth Limit” dialog box that appears, in which you select the value “Zero percent” instead of twenty.

Using this method, I was able to increase my Internet speed by more than twenty percent. I am sure that you will succeed too. If you are using a wireless connection, you must skip the point about increasing the port speed. In this case, you will be able to increase your Internet speed by exactly twenty percent. There are still several ways to do this using some programs, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

You can increase Internet speed using special programs or using the capabilities of operating systems.

By default, the operating system reserves approximately 20% of the total Internet bandwidth. As a result, 1/5 of the total speed is lost. This feature can be easily disabled.

You need to go to start - execute and register gpedit.msc and click OK.

Then Group Policy will appear, in which you need to go to the following options: “computer configuration”, “administrative templates”, “network”, “QoS packet manager” and then go to the “limit reserved bandwidth” menu.

After that, you need to double-click the mouse to open the found tab and view the parameters. Change the value as you wish.

Another parameter that affects Internet speed, is a half-open connection restriction that was introduced by Microsoft to limit the spread of virus programs from sites or computers over the network and to limit the computer's possible participation in DoS attacks.

The speed limit is necessary to ensure that the computer does not have more than 10 simultaneous half-open outgoing connections. When the speed reaches the connection limit, subsequent attempts to connect to the network are queued.

As a result, the user has limited access, which negatively affects the operation of the Internet. This limit affects outgoing connections and does not change the speed of incoming connections.

To find out the number of half-open connections and check whether they are limited or not, you can use the special Half-open limit program. With its help you can remove these restrictions.

Operating systems have a function to check for available updates for installed programs, which also reduces Internet speed. These functions, at least slightly, reduce traffic when connecting to the network. There can be up to several dozen such requests for updates. By disabling them, you can slightly increase the speed.

However, there are programs in which cannot be disabled to search for updates. This applies to programs where each update weighs up to 100 MB. In this case, you need to enable a firewall, in which you can prevent the network from accessing programs, and also designate those that should be updated.

Increasing speed in Windows XP, 7

Increased speed through QoS packets

To increase Internet speed in Windows XP, you must again go to gpedit.msc and in the “Computer Configuration” menu select “Administrative Templates”, then “network” and go to “QoS Packet Manager”.

Increasing Internet speed through ports

There is another opportunity to increase Internet speed in Windows 7. To do this, you need to go to “ my computer" and open the tab " system properties", then go to " device Manager" and open "ports".

You need to find the ports that are responsible for connecting to the Internet. Most often these are “catfish” ports. There can be 2 or more ports. You need to open their properties and go to the “port parameters” tab and then find the parameter “bits per second” and set the maximum possible number. After this, the bandwidth will increase and the Internet speed will increase.

Power mode in a laptop

All laptops and computers running the Windows 7 operating system are set to balanced power mode. If on regular PCs Internet speed and stability Internet connections This mode is quite acceptable, but in the case of laptops with the Internet, problems may occur (if you use wireless connection). Internet connection via wi-fi may disappear due to the set balanced mode, or the Internet speed may drop.

Despite the fact that the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, the user is not always satisfied with the quality of the connection. Often the connection is interrupted, the WAN is reset, and the speed of data reception decreases. The reasons for such problems lie in the equipment used, services provided by the provider and settings.

Reasons for slow Internet speed

Users believe that the provider should always provide the ability to surf the network at the highest speed. This is wrong. The speed depends on the resources used.

Resources are divided into two types:

  • internal. Internal resources include those owned by your Internet service provider. On them, the network speed will be many times higher than on external ones;
  • external. This includes all other sites.

Reduced data transfer speeds may be due to technical issues, such as the bandwidth of your provider's equipment. If at a particular time the load on the network is small, then the speed will be higher. In the evening, when everyone returns from work and goes online, the connection speed may decrease.

When connecting to the Internet, a user's computer passes through many nodes

A fiber optic cable, modem or router can also cause a decrease in speed: they cannot always cope with the data flow that the provider provides. In this case, the router or modem may quickly fail or work incorrectly.

Traffic may be consumed by various programs on the PC, such as antivirus software. It automatically processes many data packets. If suspicious code is detected, the dangerous file is blocked and returned to the server. The antivirus simultaneously works in both directions: it receives data, slowing down the entire flow, processes it and only then returns it to the user. Malicious software or spyware operates on approximately the same principle, only they do not filter anything, but receive and send data packets to the attacker.

Antivirus filters incoming data packets, reducing Internet speed

Typically the OS uses traffic to check for and download updates. Torrents, even after closing the program shell itself and exiting it, remain in the RAM of the personal computer and secretly consume network resources.

To check if the problem is with your computer, you just need to measure the bandwidth on another device that is guaranteed to be well configured. If the problem persists, you can be sure that the problem is with the external hardware.

How to check Internet speed on a Windows 7 computer

The need for the most accurate data rarely arises. If a rough analysis is enough for you, you can use Skype. With its help, you can monitor the stability of the connection (sound and video quality) and data synchronization. Be sure to do this using the built-in assistant (Sound Test). If you communicate with another user, you will not be able to accurately determine who is having problems.

Skype uses Sound Test to monitor connection stability and data synchronization

In a separate torrent window you can look at the average speed. This number may also indicate the throughput of the service. Network problems are expressed by minimal speed values ​​or regular fluctuations. A stable number means the connection quality is good.

"Windows Task Manager"

Windows Task Manager is a built-in utility that allows the user to track a variety of data related to network performance.

You can launch Task Manager in one of several ways:

General information about the network will be indicated in the “Network” tab. This displays a graph of connection usage by local network and wireless. To view detailed information:

Online check

There are many services on the Internet designed to test the speed of your connection and the functionality of the Internet. You can use the SpeedTest service. The site interface is simple and anyone can understand it. To start testing, the user just needs to click on the large “Begin Test” button.

Using the SpeedTest service you can check the connection speed

Wait for the verification procedure to complete and examine the results: connection ping, speed of receiving and sending data packets.

Ping is a utility for checking the quality of connections in TCP/IP-based networks. It allows you to estimate the network speed, that is, the time it takes for a data packet sent from your computer to reach a specific server and return.

SpeedTest will provide a detailed report after the test is completed

Another service for checking the operation of the Internet connection is 2IP. It provides broader information about the user's computer. With it you can:

  • view information about the connection, network time and OS version;
  • study information about the browser used and its version;
  • measure the speed of your Internet connection.

Using the 2IP service you can measure the speed of your Internet connection

Go to home page website in the “Tests” tab. In the menu, select “Internet connection speed” and click on the “Test” button. Wait until the end and study the result.

Online services have a number of disadvantages. One of the most serious is that they cannot take into account the load on your provider's lines. As a result, the actual speed may differ from what you see on your monitor.

Video: Testing Internet Connection Speed ​​Using SpeedTest

Desktop widgets

For the Windows 7 operating system, you can find special widgets that will monitor your connection speed in real time.

Be careful when downloading widgets to track your connection speed. Most of them may turn out to be a trick of attackers who want to insert malware into your computer and steal confidential information.

Network Utilizations is a free and small program that can be found freely available on the Internet. The utility has good customization capabilities, for example, the user can change the image display size, adjust transparency and specify other display parameters. In the settings there is a function for changing the check interval (the “Update Interval” field).

Network Utilizations in the form of system graphs shows the user the “load” of the Internet connection

As an analogue, you can use the speed indicator - NetMeter. Visually, it is not much different from the previous widget and has the same set of functions and settings.

NetMeter keeps track of traffic and data transfer speed of Internet connection

These programs are displayed in a dedicated part of the screen on top of active windows.

To prevent the test results from being distorted, it is advisable to disable all programs and applications that consume Internet resources.

Step-by-step instructions for speeding up the Internet

First of all, you will need to analyze the software products running on your personal computer. Large quantity running chats, instant messengers, browsers, and web clients consume a considerable amount of resources. Remove these programs completely. If you need them, then remove them from startup. This can be done in the following way:

Malware can secretly use your device and network resources. Try to scan your computer regularly. It is best not to go to unknown sites and not to download any programs from unknown sources. Antiviruses can also reduce speed, so if you need the maximum connection rate at a particular time, disable protection for a while.

Router settings

Wireless connectivity has a serious disadvantage - people can only use the network if they are within range. Attackers can hack the password and gain unauthorized access to the network. If from the moment you connected the Internet worked without problems, and after a while it began to fail, it means that someone connected to your router. In this case, change Wi-Fi password connections. You can do this as follows (for each router model, the process of changing the password may differ):

If your router and your neighbors' router are on the same channel, this may also be the reason for the slowdown. Follow these steps:

Operating system settings

Problems with the network may be that the user is using a pirated version of the operating system, or the system is consuming a lot of Internet resources to check for updates. To resolve the issue, do the following:

Video: increasing network speed

TweakMaster utility

To increase network speed, you can use programs that will automatically change your computer settings to optimal ones. TweakMaster is suitable for those who do not understand network architecture.

TweakMaster automatically changes settings to optimal ones to increase network performance

The utility's interface is simple: it looks like any installation package.

After launch, the user will be asked to select one of the connection options. If you don’t know how your computer is connected to the network, you can select the very first item, then the application will automatically analyze the data and you will get the desired result.

If your Internet is too slow, there may be many reasons for this: problems on the side of the provider, network equipment, your computer, operating system, programs, or simply excessive network behavior. We present fifteen tips that will help make the Internet work faster.

1. Clean up your browser

Many users don't have much good habit open many tabs in the browser at once, and even pin them for automatic opening. As a result, when you log into the network, your browser is forced to load many sites at once - it is logical that each individual page will load more slowly. Close unnecessary tabs (put the most necessary ones into bookmarks), and the Internet will immediately become faster.

Use bookmarks instead of multiple tabs.

2. Lower video quality

Why watch every video with funny cats in 1080p, especially since it is often shot in lower quality? Video hosting sites like to offer video sharpening algorithms that slow down your connection. Leave HD for watching movies and TV series. Click on the gear in the lower right corner of the player and select a lower image quality. The sound will not suffer from this, but the video will begin to load much easier. We also strongly recommend that you disable autoplay for videos.

480p is as good as HD for most videos.

3. Install an ad blocker

How many times have they told the world: if you are looking for a way to increase Internet speed, first of all get rid of advertising on websites. Advertising banners can take up up to 70% of the “weight” of the page you load. Just imagine how much of your channel's resources are spent on loading ads, even if you yourself don't pay attention to them! Go to the extensions section of your browser and enter “Adblock” in the search. After installing an ad blocker, your channel will be significantly unloaded.

4. Use turbo mode in your browser

Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser support a special Turbo mode, which speeds up the loading of web pages using various algorithms, such as image compression. For Firefox, this mode is implemented by the fasTun Tool add-on, which can be downloaded. Turn on turbo mode for heavy pages, for example, for your news feed in social network, and you will notice how your Internet speed will increase.

Turbo mode also saves traffic.

5. Speed ​​up your browser

Sometimes Internet slowdowns are actually browser slowdowns. If you have a lot of add-ons, disable unnecessary ones, block sites from sending notifications, and also update your browser to latest version. In addition, you can check the internal browser settings: among them there may be some that limit the loading of web pages. Read on for some tips on how to speed up your work and...

6. Disable seeding in the torrent client

The large number of downloads and uploads that your torrent client processes greatly overloads the channel. We are no longer in the 2000s, when leaving a distribution could result in a lower rating or ban on a torrent tracker. Quit sharing or pausing unnecessary files, and you'll be able to complete other online tasks faster. By the way, torrent downloads will also go faster. In order to speed them up even more, set the maximum download speed (in uTorrent: right click on the torrent > “Limit reception” > “Unlimited”) and disable traffic limits (“Settings” > “Traffic limit” > uncheck “Limit bandwidth” ").

In the case of torrents, the rule works: less distribution - faster downloading.

7. Disable automatic software updates

Another aspect that causes channel overload is the automatic updating of programs and the operating system in the background. You work on the Internet, and in the meantime your Windows grabs part of the channel, searching for updates. If possible, install them manually. Go through the settings of installed programs and disable automatic checking for updates. It would also be a good idea to check your OS for the presence of .

8. Disable channel restriction at the OS level

Method for Windows users. By default, the operating system cuts the Internet channel width by about 20%. To remove this limit, press Win+R and enter gpedit.msc. The Group Policy Editor will open. In it, go to the tab Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler > Limit Reserved Bandwidth. Select the “Enabled” radio button and enter the value “0” in the adjacent field.

Windows limits channel bandwidth at the group policy level.

9. Tidy up your computer

Often it is not the Internet that slows down, but your computer, and with it both the connection and the browser. One of the most effective ways to increase Internet speed is to increase the performance of your machine. Check for viruses, clean the system, eliminate overheating, increase the amount of RAM. Read tips on improving computer performance.

10. Update your network adapter

If you can, purchase a new Ethernet or Wi-Fi network adapter. The point here is not that the old one works poorly: it’s just that newer models support new communication quality standards (the same WLAN 802.11ac), receive signals better and process the signal faster. And the network card, like any microcircuit, degrades over time, which can also cause the connection speed to drop.

11. Check the network cable

Regardless of whether you use Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection, a cable enters your apartment from the entrance. It may be bent somewhere, pinched or damaged, which automatically deteriorates the quality of the connection. Check the cable in areas accessible to you or ask your provider's employees to “ring” it and repair any possible damage to make sure that the Internet speed does not depend on its condition.

12. Update the router firmware and settings

If you use a network router to access the Internet, another way to increase Internet speed is to update its firmware. WITH new version firmware, your router may begin to receive the Wi-Fi signal better (if you use it), and generally work faster. You can even download the firmware from the device management page. It would also be a good idea to clarify your router settings. For example, if your router supports the 802.11ac WLAN standard, switch to it from the older one (802.11.n) and the signal will improve.

New firmware for a router can often be downloaded directly from the provider.

13. Check your home network configuration

There can be many devices, but only one Internet. If you use several computers, mobile devices, and even a smart TV on the same network, they can literally “tear” your channel among themselves. Configure your home network wisely: read how to expand your network range and make it enough for all devices.

14. Upgrade your plan

Internet speed is almost always lower than stated in the tariff.

15. Change provider

Finally, the most radical solution to increase Internet speed: do not be afraid to change your provider. If your home has a provider that offers faster speeds, just switch to it. Or cooperate with your neighbors and write a statement so that he “comes to you” - to achieve good internet more than real. You just need to not be shy to take the initiative.

Almost every user wants the speed of his computer’s connection to the World Wide Web to be as high as possible. Particularly relevant this question is for low-speed data networks where, as they say, every KB/s counts. Let's find out how to increase this indicator on a PC running Windows 7.

It should be noted right away that it is simply impossible to increase the Internet speed parameters beyond those that the network bandwidth can provide. That is, the maximum data transfer speed announced by the provider is the limit above which you cannot jump. So don’t believe various “miracle recipes” that are supposedly capable of speeding up the transfer of information significantly. This is only possible when changing providers or switching to another tariff plan. But, at the same time, the system itself can act as a certain limiter. That is, its settings can reduce bandwidth even below the level set by the Internet operator.

In this article, we will explain how to configure a Windows 7 computer so that it is able to maintain a connection to the World Wide Web at the highest possible speed. This can be done either by changing certain parameters within the operating system itself, or by using some third-party programs.

Method 1: TCP Optimizer

Exists a whole series programs that are designed to optimize the settings for connecting your computer to the World Wide Web, which, in turn, leads to an increase in Internet speed. There are quite a few such applications, but we will describe the actions in one of them, which is called TCP Optimizer.

Method 2: NameBench

There is another application to speed up the speed of receiving data from the network - NameBench. But, unlike the previous program, it does not optimize the computer settings, but searches for DNS servers through which communication will be as fast as possible. By replacing existing DNS servers in the connection properties with those recommended by the program, it is possible to increase the speed of loading sites.

  1. After downloading NameBench, run the installation file. It is not necessary to have administrative rights. Click "Extract". After this, the application will be unpacked.
  2. In the field "Query Data Source" the program itself selects the browser that is most suitable in its opinion, which is installed on this computer, for testing. But if you wish, by clicking on this field, you can select any other web browser from the list. To start searching for DNS servers, click "Start Benchmark".
  3. The search procedure is in progress. It may take a significant amount of time (up to 1 hour).
  4. After the test is completed, the browser that is installed on your computer by default will open. On his page, the NameBench program is in the block "Recommended configuration" will display the addresses of three recommended DNS servers.
  5. Without closing the browser, perform the following manipulations. Click "Start", sign in "Control Panel".
  6. In the block "Network and Internet" click on the position "View network status and tasks".
  7. In the window that appears "Network Control Center" in the parameter group "Connect or disconnect" click on the name of the current network, which is listed after the parameter "Connection".
  8. In the window that appears, click "Properties".
  9. After launching the window in the component block, select the position "TCP/IPv4". Click "Properties".
  10. In the window that appears in the section "General" Scroll to the bottom of the options. Set the radio button to position "Use the following DNS server addresses". The two bottom fields will become active. If they already have some values, be sure to rewrite them, since some operators only work with certain DNS servers. Therefore, if, due to further changes, the connection to the World Wide Web is lost, you will have to return the old addresses. In the field "Preferred DNS Server" "Primary Server" browser. In the field "Alternate DNS server" enter the address that is displayed in the area "Secondary Server" browser. Click "OK".

After this, the Internet speed should increase slightly. If you cannot access the network at all, return the previous DNS server settings.

Method 3: Set up a packet scheduler

The value of the parameter being studied can be increased by changing the packet scheduler setting.

  1. Call the remedy "Run", applying Win+R. Enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. A window opens "Local Group Policy Editor". In the left area of ​​the shell of this tool, expand the block "Computer Configuration" and click on the folder name "Administrative Templates".
  3. Then move to the right side of the interface and click on the folder there "Net".
  4. Now enter the directory "QoS Packet Scheduler".
  5. Finally, after going to the specified folder, click on the item "Limit reserved bandwidth".
  6. A window opens with the same name as the item we previously clicked on. In the upper left part of it, set the radio button to the position "Turn on". In the field "Bandwidth Limit" be sure to set the value «0» , otherwise you risk not increasing the speed of receiving and transmitting data over the network, but, on the contrary, reducing it. Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  7. Now you need to check whether the packet scheduler is enabled in the properties of the network you are using. To do this you need to open a window "State" current network. How this is done was discussed in Method 2. Click on the button "Properties".
  8. The properties window for the current connection opens. Make sure that opposite the item "QoS Packet Scheduler" the checkbox was checked. If it is standing, then everything is in order and you can just close the window. If there is no checkbox, check it, and then click "OK".

After this, you will most likely receive some increase in your existing Internet speed.

Method 4: Setting up a network card

You can also increase the speed of your network connection by adjusting the power supply of your PC's network card.

  1. Navigate using the menu "Start" V "Control Panel" just like we did above. Go to the section "System and Security".
  2. Next in the settings group "System" go to item "Device Manager".
  3. Window opens "Device Manager". On the left side of the window, click on the item "Network adapters".
  4. A list of network adapters installed on the computer opens. This list may contain one element or several. IN the latter case you will have to perform the following operations on each adapter in turn. So, click on the name of the network card.
  5. The properties window opens. Move to the tab "Power Management".
  6. After the corresponding tab is open, check the checkbox next to the item "Allow the computer to turn off this device". If the mark is present, it should be removed. Also, if available, uncheck the box "Allow this device to wake the computer from sleep mode", if, of course, you have this item active at all. Click "OK".
  7. As mentioned above, perform this operation with all elements that are located in the group "Network adapters" V "Device Manager".

If you are using a desktop computer, negative consequences There will be no steps after applying these steps. The function of waking up a computer from sleep mode using a network card is used very rarely if you need, for example, to communicate remotely with a switched off computer. Of course, when you deactivate the ability to disable the network card when it is not in use, power consumption increases slightly, but in reality this increase will be minimal and will have almost no effect on the level of power consumption.

Important: For laptops, disabling this function can be quite significant, since the rate of battery discharge will increase, which means the period of operation of the device without recharging will decrease. Here you will need to decide what is more important to you: a small increase in Internet speed or a longer operating time of the laptop without recharging.

Method 5: Change the power plan

You can also achieve a certain increase in the speed of data exchange with the World Wide Web by changing the current power plan.

The fact is that in economy mode or in balanced operation mode, the supply of electricity to the network card, as well as to other system components, is limited. By performing the above actions, we thereby remove these restrictions and increase the performance of the adapter. But, again, it is worth noting that for laptops, these actions are fraught with an increase in the rate of battery discharge. Alternatively, to minimize these negative effects when using a laptop, you can switch to a higher performance mode only when directly using the Internet or when the device is connected to an electrical outlet.

Method 6: COM Port Extension

You can also increase the connection speed on Windows 7 by expanding the COM port.

Thus, the port capacity will be increased, which means the Internet speed will also increase. Particularly useful this method is when using high-speed networks, when the provider provides a higher connection speed than the one for which the computer’s COM port is configured.

You can also give some general tips that will improve your Internet speed. So, if you have the choice between a wired connection and Wi-Fi, then choose the first one, since a wired connection operates with less loss than a wireless one.

If it is not possible to use a wired connection, then try to place the Wi-Fi router as close to the computer as possible. If you are using a laptop that is not connected to the mains, then, on the contrary, you can position it closer to the router. Thus, you will minimize losses during signal transmission and increase Internet speed. When using 3G modems, place the computer as close to the window as possible. This will allow the signal to pass as freely as possible. You can also wrap the 3G modem with copper wire, giving it the shape of an antenna. This will also provide a certain increase in data transfer speed.

When using Wi-Fi, be sure to set a password for the connection. Without a password, anyone can connect to your point, thereby “taking” part of the speed for themselves.

Be sure to periodically, using not the standard antivirus, but specialized utilities, for example. The fact is that many malicious programs use the computer to transfer data to its “master” and other manipulations through the network, thereby reducing the connection speed. For the same reason, it is recommended to disable all unused toolbars and plugins in browsers, since they also transmit and receive information that is often useless to the user through the network channel.

Another option to increase your target is to disable your antivirus and firewall. But we do not recommend using this method. Of course, antiviruses somewhat reduce the speed of receiving data by passing it through themselves. But by disabling the protection tools, you risk picking up viruses, which in turn will lead to the opposite of the desired effect - the Internet speed will decrease even more than with the antivirus program turned on.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of options to increase Internet speed without changing tariff plan and provider. True, you shouldn’t delude yourself. All these options can only provide a relatively small increase in the value of this indicator. At the same time, if you use them in combination, and not limit yourself to using any one method, you can achieve significant results.