"White poodle

Main actor is a white poodle named Artaud. He was distinguished by his exceptional intelligence and training. This dog was part of a stray corps of circus performers, which also included the old organ grinder Martyn and the acrobat boy Seryozha, they earned money by performing acts while roaming the streets of Crimea.

The day can hardly be called successful, the circus performers passed a large number of yards, but they didn’t earn anything. Last place which they decided to visit was Dacha Druzhba. Having arrived there and just getting ready to perform, they saw a boy heading towards them, and a crowd of about six people was running after him. The child was capricious, and the mother tried to kick out the circus performers, but the boy wanted to see the performance.

Only the boy liked the performance itself, and only because of the poodle, which the boy demanded to buy from his mother. She, through the janitor, offered decent money for the dog, for which you could even buy a tavern, but the old man categorically refused. During sales negotiations, he fed the animal sausage.

After the janitor left, the circus performers went to bed. The organ grinder, until he fell asleep, dreamed of buying the acrobat a new, beautiful leotard in which he would shine in the performances.

Waking up in the morning, the organ grinder and the acrobat did not find their dog Artaud. This saddened them greatly, since their income would decrease significantly, but they also could not report the loss, since the organ grinder did not have a passport.

It so happened that that night the circus performers stayed overnight in the coffee shop. Seryozha went to look for his friend at the Dacha. He easily climbed over the fence and found the poodle in the outbuilding. They ran away from Dacha together. After the boy and the dog returned to the coffee shop. Artaud found the old organ grinder and began to lick his face out of joy. The old man, opening his eyes and seeing the dog and the boy, understood everything.

This work shows the price of true friendship.

Read the summary of Kuprin White Poodle chapter by chapter

The plot of the work “Snow White Poodle” by A. I. Kuprin is based on real events. The author had a dacha in Crimea and there, nomadic artists often came to visit. So one day one of the guests, a little guy, told a story that happened to a dog. This became the basis for writing the story.

Chapter 1

A small nomadic troupe was walking along the southern coast of Crimea. The white poodle Artaud ran ahead, followed by the boy Seryozha, he was 12 years old. The boy had a cage in one hand and a rolled-up carpet in the other. The last to go was the head of the troupe, Martyn Lodyzhkin. On his back was a barrel organ, a very old one. Sergei was in the troupe from the age of 7, he was taken from his drinking father and promised to pay him a couple of rubles a month. After a while, the boy's father died, and he stayed with his grandfather. The troupe traveled from one village to another.

Chapter 2

It was summer time. Despite the sultry heat, the artists still walked. Seryozha was very inquisitive; he looked at plants, flowers and buildings with interest. Martin told the boy that this is only a small part of the world that the boy will see, because big cities await them ahead. One of summer days turned out to be very bad, people drove them away and practically did not pay. They met one woman who completely tossed a coin that meant nothing. So the troupe moved day after day, and soon they came to the Druzhba dacha.

Chapter 3

The road to the house was paved with gravel. The artists began to prepare for the performance, when suddenly a boy in a sailor suit, who looked to be about 10 years old, jumped out of the house, and six more adults ran out after the boy. This child screamed and cried a lot, and even fell to the ground. Adults ran around him and asked him to take medicine. At first, the troupe followed the course of events until Martyn ordered it to begin. The sound of the barrel organ began to flow, this calmed everyone around, and even the restless child calmed down. At first, the artists were treated negatively, they were even inclined to leave. But the boy began to ask to be called. The artists returned and continued their performance. Having finished, Artaud, according to tradition, approached the lady, with a cap in his teeth. The boy, seeing the dog, began to cry and shout that he wanted it to be given to him. The old man refused to give up the dog, and the artists were driven away. The artists followed to the seashore to take a break, relax and swim. Soon a janitor approached them.

Chapter 4

The young lady sent the janitor to pick up the dog. But Martin never agreed to this. The janitor said that the boy’s father holds a responsible position; he is engaged in the construction of roads throughout the country. It followed from this that the family was very rich and therefore accustomed to pampering their only child and not denying him anything. But even such conversations could not convince Martyn, and soon the troupe left.

Chapter 5

They walked all the way to a mountain stream, where they stopped to have a snack and rest. After dinner, everyone fell asleep, but through his sleep it seemed to Martyn that he heard a poodle growling, but he could not go and look, so he continued to sleep. Sergei woke up first and was the first to discover the dog was missing. Martin found footprints nearby. It was clear that it was the janitor who stole the dog. It was impossible to ask anyone for help, since my grandfather didn’t even have a passport. The only chance to find the dog was when the troupe was returning past Friendship, but they never saw Artaud.

Chapter 6

The artists reached Alupka, where they stopped to spend the night in Ibrahim’s coffee shop. That night Seryozha could not sleep and decided to return to that dacha. He entered the territory of the dacha and saw Artaud tied up, who was also locked in the basement. Artaud immediately recognized the owner and began to bark. A janitor came running to his barking and began to beat the dog, and then the boy could not stand it and screamed. The janitor rushed to catch the boy and left the basement open. At this time, the dog broke free and ran out into the street. Seryozha and Artaud jumped over the fence and ran away. The janitor no longer began to chase after them.

Picture or drawing of a White Poodle

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A small traveling troupe made its way along narrow mountain paths, from one dacha village to another, along the southern coast of Crimea. Usually running ahead, with his long pink tongue hanging to one side, was Artaud's white poodle, shorn like a lion. At intersections he stopped and, wagging his tail, looked back questioningly. By some signs known to him alone, he always unmistakably recognized the road and, cheerfully wagging his furry ears, rushed forward at a gallop. Following the dog was a twelve-year-old boy, Sergei, who held a rolled-up carpet for acrobatic exercises under his left elbow, and in his right he carried a cramped and dirty cage with a goldfinch, trained to pull out multi-colored pieces of paper with fortune predictions from the box. future life. Finally, the eldest member of the troupe, grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin, trudged behind, with a barrel organ on his crooked back.

The barrel organ was an old one that suffered from hoarseness, coughing and had undergone dozens of repairs in its lifetime. She played two things: the sad German waltz of Launer and the gallop from “Travels in China” - both of which were in fashion thirty or forty years ago, but are now forgotten by everyone. In addition, there were two treacherous pipes in the barrel organ. One – the treble – lost her voice; She didn’t play at all, and therefore, when it was her turn, all the music began to stutter, limp and stumble. Another trumpet, which produced a low sound, did not immediately close the valve: once it began to sound, it continued to play the same bass note, muffling and knocking down all other sounds, until it suddenly felt the desire to be silent. Grandfather himself was aware of these shortcomings of his car and sometimes remarked jokingly, but with a tinge of secret sadness:

- What can you do?.. An ancient organ... a cold... If you play, the summer residents are offended: “Ugh, they say, what disgusting!” But the plays were very good, fashionable, but the current gentlemen do not adore our music at all. Now give them “Geisha”, “Under the Double-Headed Eagle”, from “The Bird Seller” - a waltz. Again, these pipes... I took the organ to the repairman - and they couldn’t fix it. “It’s necessary,” he says, “to install new pipes, but the best thing,” he says, “is to sell your sour rubbish to a museum... sort of like some kind of monument...” Well, oh well! She fed you and me, Sergei, until now, God willing and will feed us again.

Grandfather Martyn Lodyzhkin loved his barrel organ as one can only love a living, close, perhaps even kindred creature. Having gotten used to her over many years of hard, wandering life, he finally began to see something spiritual, almost conscious, in her. It sometimes happened that at night, during an overnight stay, somewhere in a dirty inn, a barrel organ, standing on the floor next to grandfather’s headboard, would suddenly emit a faint sound, sad, lonely and trembling: like an old man’s sigh. Then Lodizhkin quietly stroked her carved side and whispered tenderly:

- What, brother? Are you complaining?.. And you are patient...

As much as he loved the barrel organ, maybe even a little more, he loved his younger companions in his eternal wanderings: the poodle Artaud and little Sergei. He rented the boy five years ago from a drunkard, a widowed shoemaker, undertaking to pay two rubles a month for it. But the shoemaker soon died, and Sergei remained forever connected with his grandfather and soul, and small everyday interests.

The path ran along a high coastal cliff, meandering in the shadow of hundred-year-old olive trees. The sea sometimes flashed between the trees, and then it seemed that, going into the distance, it at the same time rose up like a calm, mighty wall, and its color was even bluer, even thicker in the patterned cuts, among the silver-green foliage. In the grass, in the dogwood and wild rose bushes, in the vineyards and on the trees - cicadas were pouring everywhere; the air trembled from their ringing, monotonous, incessant scream. The day turned out to be sultry, windless, and the hot earth burned the soles of my feet.

Sergei, walking, as usual, ahead of his grandfather, stopped and waited until the old man caught up with him.

- What are you doing, Seryozha? - asked the organ grinder.

- It’s hot, Grandfather Lodyzhkin... there’s no patience! I would like to take a swim...

As he walked, the old man adjusted the organ on his back with a habitual movement of his shoulder and wiped his sweaty face with his sleeve.

- What would be better! – he sighed, eagerly looking down at the cool blue of the sea. “But after the swim you’ll feel even worse.” One paramedic I know told me: this salt has an effect on a person... it means, they say, it relaxes... It’s sea salt...

- Lied, maybe? – Sergei noted doubtfully.

- Well, he lied! Why should he lie? A respectable man, he doesn’t drink... he has a house in Sevastopol. And then there’s nowhere to go down to the sea. Wait, we’ll get all the way to Miskhor, and there we’ll rinse our sinful bodies. Before dinner, it’s flattering to take a swim... and then, that means, get some sleep... and that’s a great thing...

Artaud, who heard the conversation behind him, turned and ran up to the people. His kind blue eyes squinted from the heat and looked touchingly, and his long protruding tongue trembled from rapid breathing.

- What, brother dog? Warm? - Grandfather asked.

The dog yawned intensely, curled his tongue, shook his whole body and squealed subtly.

“Yes, my brother, nothing can be done... It is said: by the sweat of your brow,” Lodyzhkin continued instructively. - Let’s say that you, roughly speaking, have not a face, but a muzzle, but still... Well, he went, he went forward, there’s no need to move around under your feet... And I, Seryozha, I must admit, I love it when it’s this very warm. The organ is just in the way, otherwise, if it weren’t for work, I would lie down somewhere on the grass, in the shade, with my belly up, and lie down. For our old bones, this very sun is the first thing.

The path went down, connecting with a wide, rock-hard, dazzling white road. Here began the ancient count's park, in the dense greenery of which beautiful dachas, flower beds, greenhouses and fountains were scattered. Lodyzhkin knew these places well; Every year he walked around them one after another during the grape season, when the entire Crimea is filled with elegant, rich and cheerful people. The bright luxury of southern nature did not touch the old man, but many things delighted Sergei, who was here for the first time. Magnolias, with their hard and shiny, like varnished leaves and white flowers, the size of a large plate; arbors entirely woven with grapes, heavy clusters hanging down; huge centuries-old plane trees with their light bark and powerful crowns; tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - in flower beds, on hedges, on the walls of dachas - bright, magnificent fragrant roses - all this never ceased to amaze the naive soul of the boy with its living blooming charm. He expressed his delight out loud, tugging at the old man’s sleeve every minute.

- Grandfather Lodyzhkin, and grandfather, look, there are golden fish in the fountain!.. By God, grandfather, they are golden, I should die on the spot! - the boy shouted, pressing his face to the lattice enclosing the garden with a large pool in the middle. - Grandfather, what about peaches! How much Bona! On one tree!

- Go, go, you fool, why did you open your mouth! – the old man jokingly pushed him. “Wait, we’ll get to the city of Novorossiysk and that means we’ll head south again.” There are really places there - there is something to see. Now, roughly speaking, Sochi, Adler, Tuapse will suit you, and then, my brother, Sukhum, Batum... You'll look at it cross-eyed... Let's say, approximately - a palm tree. Astonishment! Its trunk is shaggy, like felt, and each leaf is so large that it’s just enough for both of us to cover ourselves.

- By God? – Sergei was joyfully surprised.

- Wait, you'll see for yourself. But who knows what there is? Apeltsyn, for example, or at least, say, the same lemon... I suppose you saw it in a shop?

“It just grows in the air.” Without anything, right on a tree, like ours, that means an apple or a pear... And the people there, brother, are completely outlandish: Turks, Persians, Circassians of all kinds, all in robes and with daggers... Desperate little people! And then there are Ethiopians there, brother. I saw them in Batum many times.

Art is rarely connected to life ordinary people. However, there are writers who can create a great work based on the events that happen to us in Everyday life. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin traveled a lot around Russia. He loved to communicate with ordinary people, memorizing their stories, which later became the basis literary works. This article will present a brief summary of the “White Poodle” - very famous work Kuprin, telling us how love, courage and devotion can defeat the power of power and money.

Meet the main characters

In search of income, a troupe with an old barrel organ wanders through the streets of Crimea: the boy Seryozha, grandfather Lodyzhkin, a beautiful white poodle. This is how the work begins, which Kuprin called “ White poodle». Summary This story, of course, is not able to convey the beauty of the writer’s language, telling about the splendor of this amazing island, the richness of nature of which delighted the boy Seryozha. He admired magnolias, waterfalls, streams, roses. Grandfather, who had already been here, did not react to this beauty.

In search of income

It was a hot summer day. A troupe of traveling performers were driven away or paid with fake money for their performance. True, they were paid twice, but so little that they could barely afford to pay for lodging and dinner, so continues the story, which Kuprin called “The White Poodle.” The summary of this work further tells that a company of artists approached a dacha with the promising name “Friendship”, which forced the grandfather to make the assumption of inevitable luck. They walked along the garden paths and stopped under the balcony.

Next, the summary of “The White Poodle” tells us about a boy of about ten years old who ran out onto the terrace. He made a scandal. Nannies and footmen ran out after the little barchuk, trying their best to console him. The little brawler fell to the floor and began punching and kicking, trying to hit one of the servants.

The artists did not immediately come to their senses, but nevertheless began the performance. Barchuk, his name was Trilly, ordered that the actors be left behind. The summary of the book “The White Poodle” has reached the beginning of its climax.

Caprice Trilly

The boy Seryozha showed all the acrobatic performances that he was capable of. It was the turn of the white poodle. Artaud said hello, turned over, and at the end of the performance, according to tradition, he took his cap and approached Trilly to receive the money.

Barchuk suddenly screamed, the artists were dumbfounded. Artaud hurried back to the boy and grandfather. The summary of “The White Poodle” tells that Trilly wanted to get this dog at any cost. The story goes on to describe the vileness that rich people were able to resort to. Grandfather and Seryozha did not agree to sell Artaud, because this is not only their companion, but also a true friend! The artists did not receive payment for the performance and left Druzhba: they were simply kicked out of there.

Theft of Artaud

Opening their eyes, the artists simply did not believe what had happened. The summary of “The White Poodle” cannot convey how upset grandfather and Seryozha were. They looked for the dog for a long time, called, but could not find their favorite, Artoshenka, anywhere, because there was simply no other dog like him.


The boy Seryozha decided that he must return Artaud. The next night the boy went to that very dacha “Druzhba”. He was able to get over the gate without any difficulty, because he was a very good acrobat. This episode shows how courageous Seryozha was, who dark night tried to find the place where Artaud was kept. Seryozha understood that the dog was not taken into the house; such people are not capable of treating animals kindly. He searched for his friend for a very long time and almost reached despair. Suddenly Seryozha heard Artaud’s quiet howl. He called the dog and his friend, hearing the voice of the little owner, was able to gnaw the rope and break out to meet the boy. They ran for a long time along the garden wall, hearing that they were being chased. Finally, jumping over the fence, the fugitives rushed with all their might, trying to escape as quickly as possible. When it became clear that those who were catching up with them were left far behind, Seryozha and the poodle were able to catch their breath and walk. When they approached the sleeping grandfather, Artaud, of course, licked his face. This ending suggests that justice can prevail if you act fearlessly, but wisely.

The story “The White Poodle” is based on real story, which Kuprin heard from traveling artists in Crimea. The author became interested in this case and, having learned all the smallest details, wrote a story.


Some of the characters in this story make us feel with them, while others cause us contempt. Artists love a dog, it is for them - best friend. The inhabitants of the Friendship villa treat Artaud as a toy that can get boring or boring.

In the story we see two boys. Being almost the same age, they are completely different from each other. The boy Seryozha is hardy, dexterous, strong, he is capable of real masculine actions, and Trilly is a demanding, capricious egoist who can only demand something from others. This makes us realize that financial wealth is not required condition nurturing a strong personality. You can be rich inner world and a pure soul, having no money or servants.

The plot of the story “White Poodle” by A. I. Kuprin was taken from real life. After all, his own dacha in Crimea was visited more than once by traveling artists, whom he often left for lunch.

Among these guests were Sergei and the organ grinder. The boy told a story about what happened to the dog. She was very interested in the writer and later formed the basis of the story.

A. I. Kuprin, “White Poodle”: contentsIchapters

A small wandering troupe was making its way along the path along the southern one. Artaud, with his poodle haircut, ran ahead. Following him was Sergei, a 12-year-old boy. In one hand he carried a dirty and cramped cage with a goldfinch, which had been taught to get notes with fortunes, and in the other a rolled up rug. The procession was completed by the oldest member of the troupe, Martyn Lodyzhkin. On his back he carried a barrel organ, as ancient as himself, that played only two melodies. Five years ago, Martyn took Sergei from a drinking widower-shoemaker, promising to pay him 2 rubles every month. But soon the drunkard died, and Sergei remained with his grandfather forever. The troupe went performing from one holiday village to another.

A. I. Kuprin, “White Poodle”: summaryIIchapters

It was summer. It was very hot, but the artists kept going. Seryozha was amazed at everything: strange plants, old parks and buildings. Grandfather Martyn assured that he would see something else: ahead and further - Turks and Ethiopians. It was a bad day: they were turned away from almost everywhere or paid very little. And one lady, after watching the whole performance, threw the old man a coin that was no longer in use. Soon they reached the Druzhba dacha.

The artists approached the house along the gravel path. As soon as they prepared to perform, a boy of 8-10 years old in a sailor suit suddenly jumped out onto the terrace, followed by six adults. The child fell to the ground, squealed, fought, and everyone begged him to take the medicine. Martyn and Sergei first watched this scene, and then grandfather gave the command to begin. Hearing the sounds of the barrel organ, everyone became quiet. Even the boy fell silent. The artists were initially driven away, they packed their things and almost left. But then the boy began to demand that they be called. They returned and began their performance. At the end, Artaud, holding his cap in his teeth, approached the lady who had taken out her wallet. And then the boy began to scream heart-rendingly that he wanted this dog to be left to him forever. The old man refused to sell Artaud. The artists were driven out of the yard. The boy continued to scream. Leaving the park, the artists went down to the sea and stopped there to swim. Soon the old man noticed that a janitor was approaching them.

The lady sent the janitor to buy a poodle after all. Martyn does not agree to sell his friend. The janitor says that the boy’s father, engineer Obolyaninov, is building railways countrywide. The family is very rich. They have only one child and are not denied anything. The janitor achieved nothing. The troupe left.


The travelers stopped near a mountain stream to have lunch and rest. After eating they fell asleep. Through his drowsiness, it seemed to Martyn that the dog was growling, but he could not get up, but only called the dog. Sergei woke up first and realized that the poodle was gone. Martyn found a piece of sausage and traces of Artaud nearby. It became clear that the dog was taken away by the janitor. The grandfather is afraid to approach the judge, since he lives on someone else’s passport (he lost his), which a Greek once made for him for 25 rubles. It turns out that he is actually Ivan Dudkin, a simple peasant, and not Martyn Lodyzhkin, a tradesman from Samara. On the way to their overnight stay, the artists deliberately passed by “Friendship” again, but they never saw Artaud.

Summary: Kuprin, “White Poodle”,VIchapter

In Alupka they stopped for the night in a dirty coffee shop of the Turk Ibrahim. At night, Sergei, wearing only tights, made his way to the ill-fated dacha. Artaud was tied up and locked in the basement. Having recognized Sergei, he began to bark furiously. The janitor went into the basement and began to beat the dog. Sergei screamed. Then the janitor ran out of the basement without closing it to catch the boy. At this time, Artaud broke away and ran out into the street. Sergei wandered around the garden for a long time until, completely exhausted, he realized that the fence was not so high and he could jump over it. Artaud jumped out after him, and they ran away. The janitor did not catch up with them. The fugitives returned to their grandfather, which made him incredibly happy.