Face (Face) rapper - biography, personal life, photo, Maryana Ro. Face (Face) rapper - biography, personal life, photo, Maryana Ro important points that a Face ID user should know about

Users have a lot of questions about the iPhone X and the new Face ID feature that scans your face. Some want to know if you can use iPhone X without Face ID for unlocking and other tasks like Apple Pay or authentication in applications.

If for some reason you don't want your phone to scan your face, you'll be glad to hear that the answer is yes - you can use iPhone X without Face ID, the feature is optional. You don’t have to register your face at all.

Below we answer some popular questions about Face ID and iPhone X.

Is it necessary to useFace ID oniPhone X?

No. If you don't want to use facial recognition, you don't even need to set it up. Without Face ID, you won't be able to unlock your phone just by looking at it, and instead you'll have to enter your password every time. More about this later.

Is it possible to skip the setting right away?Face ID oniPhone X?

Yes. When setting up your device for the first time, you can skip the scanning process entirely Face ID. Instead, you will need to come up with a password.

How to unlockiPhone X withoutFace ID?

You can unlock your iPhone X with a password, just like any other iPhone model.

To unlock iPhone X without Face ID, simply pick it up, touch the screen, or press the side button. Then swipe up on the screen. A screen will appear asking you to enter your password.

This method should appeal to fans of the good old “swipe to unlock” that existed before. Only now you need to swipe up, not left, across the screen. Use the same gesture on iPhone X to return to the home screen.

If not usedFace ID, can you unlock your phone by swiping?

Yes. If you do not configure Face ID, then unlocking will be carried out by swiping up.

Is it possible to disableFace ID, if it is already configured?

Yes. Even if you've completed setting up Face ID, you can turn off the feature.

In Settings, this can be done completely or temporarily in several ways, which we described.

If I change my mind, can I turn it back on?Face ID?

Yes, Face ID can be turned on and set up at any time in Settings > Face ID & Password.

Is it possible to createAnimoji withoutFace ID?

Yes. You can create and send Animoji on iPhone X without Face ID.

In case you weren't aware, Animoji uses the front-facing camera to read your facial movements and recreate them with an animated character on the screen in Messages. The result is short videos with characters that mimic your movements and voice. Among them there is a unicorn, a bear, a dog, a cat, a turd, etc.

What will happen, do not useFace ID?

Apart from the lack of Face ID capabilities, nothing. You will simply lose access to the following features:

  • You won't be able to quickly unlock your iPhone X by scanning your face while swiping. Instead, you will need to swipe the screen and then enter your password.
  • You won't be able to verify Apple Pay purchases and payments with a face scan.
  • You won't be able to use Face ID at all unless you enable and set it up. It would seem obvious, but some people still ask this question.

Remember that the iPhone X does not have Touch ID, it has been completely replaced by Face ID. Basically, if you don't use Face ID, you'll have to enter a password to unlock your phone, confirm purchases, use Apple Pay, Apple Cash, iTunes, App Store and other services that require authentication.

Can someone else use mine?iPhone X, if my face is registered on it?

Yes, if they know your iPhone X password.

Or they can hold the iPhone X up to your face so you look at it. This will work too.

Face ID can be temporarily disabled. So, if you are concerned about your safety, then it is worth reading about.

Safe whetherFace ID?Protected whether my data?

Many people who don't like Face ID are concerned about their privacy and security. Who or what can access your data? How is your personal information protected?

Apple answered these questions:

Privacy is very important to Apple. Face ID data, including a mathematical model of your face, is encrypted and protected by Secure Enclave. These will change and update over time, after each successful authentication, to make Face ID work better. The data will be updated when the facial similarity is high, but a password is used to unlock. Face ID data never leaves your device or gets copied to iCloud or anywhere else.

All questions about Face ID are similar to questions about Touch ID that began to appear after the technology was released several years ago. Apple can say with confidence that all your personal data is protected. More about work Face technology You can find out the ID.

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- this is great. Yes, the technology is slower than Touch ID, but when it works properly, you don't even notice it. In a way, it's like magic. And this is still the first generation of the system. Remember how slow the first generation Touch ID was? So it has its own nuances and bugs, like any other new technology.

Face ID works great 90% of the time. If the remaining 10% really upsets you, try following the tips listed below. They may make Face ID work better for you.

1. Don't wait for the castle animation

If you just stare at the locked screen and wait for the lock animation to complete, the unlocking process will take a very long time.

Here's what to do instead: Immediately swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and by the time the home screen opens, your phone will be unlocked. Face ID is designed so that you don't notice it at all. And usually it is.

After a week of tests, we can say for sure that this unlocking method is the fastest.

Perhaps Apple is trying to save battery in this way, but if you just look at the screen and do nothing, the phone rarely unlocks itself.

2. Quick method: touch and swipe in one motion

Most quick method using Face ID - using tap-to-wake. You don't even have to reach for the side button to activate the screen.

If your phone is lying on the table, or the display doesn't turn on when you pick it up, simply tap the bottom of the screen and immediately swipe up. You will unlock your phone very quickly.

3. HoldiPhoneon distance 25-50 cm

Face ID works best if you hold the phone at a distance of 25-50cm from your face. If this is too far for you, move your phone closer or change the angle. When you're lying in bed and holding your smartphone too close to your face, the technology is unlikely to work.

The easiest thing to do if the authentication attempt fails is not to change the angle, but simply move the phone further away from your face or vice versa.

4. Keep your sensors cleanTrueDepth

Over time, the area of ​​the screen where the sensors are located (the notch) may become covered in dust. Especially if you carry your phone in a case. Wipe the display with a microfiber cloth from time to time.

5. Disable recognition attention

If you often have to unlock your phone without looking at it: in the car, when it's on the table, etc., turn off attention recognition.

Go to Settings -> Basic -> Universal Access -> Face ID and password code and disable the option Demand attention ForFace ID.

Now Face ID will work even when you are not looking at the display. However, this increases the risk that someone else can break into your phone while you're sleeping or not looking at it.

6. Avoid sun protection points

Some sunglasses do not transmit infrared light, which is used by Face ID to recognize attention. If you often wear such glasses due to work, then it is better to disable this function (discussed above).

7. Avoid sunny Sveta

Direct sunlight prevents Face ID from working properly, like any other camera. If you are trying to unlock your phone on the street, turn around so that sunlight did not get on camera or on your face.

8. After an unsuccessful attempt enter password

If Face ID authentication fails, do not try again, but instead enter your password. When you enter your password, Face ID learns and remembers your face.

9. Enable notification previews on your lock screen

For many people, Face ID doesn't work very well when the lock screen is open. If you immediately swipe the screen, everything works fine. In this regard, problems arise. For example, the inability to quickly see the content of your notifications on the lock screen.

To solve the problem, go to Settings -> Notifications -> Show thumbnails -> Always.

Now you don't need to use Face ID to view the contents of notifications.

10. Reset settingsFace ID

The last salvation is to reset everything Face settings ID. This will remove all data about your face.

When three devices come out at once, and these are the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, real confusion about features begins. Many users begin to get lost as to what and where.

There is a lot of information everywhere about the Face ID function. Is it available on the new iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus? large number they cannot understand people and so that there are no more incomprehensible situations, today we will clarify this point once and for all.

How to enable Face ID on iPhone 8?

To understand this issue, it is enough to understand what Face ID is. If anyone else doesn't know, this is a face scanner and it is used to unlock the phone, payment system Apple Pay and, in general, everything else that Touch ID was used for.

The device can only have one security system, either Face ID or Touch ID. As you know, the iPhone X does not have a Home button, because it is called frameless and the presence of any buttons on the front is simply unacceptable.

Therefore, to get out of this situation, a face scanner was invented so that the user did not have to use his fingerprints and there were no additional inserts on the back.

IPhone 8 and iPhone 7 are not too different from each other and in fact, all the differences can simply be counted on your fingers. And if we talk about the Touch ID fingerprint scanner, it is still present and functions well.

So, to answer your question, I can say that there is simply no Face ID on the iPhone 8. This means that Animoji is also missing, because it uses a face scanner.

There is no need to be upset about this, because both technologies are still quite raw and we will only be able to see their full potential next year, with the release of the next generation of iPhones.

Face did not receive higher education and has no plans yet. He is also categorical about work: “If you don’t do what you want and do what you don’t want, then you will be unhappy.” The rapper himself worked only once in order to earn at least some money for further development his musical activity. I got a job as an administrative assistant at a hotel, but the workday lasted only one day, and on the second day, our hero simply did not show up for workplace. He explained this by saying that he did not like the conditions of payment. And at these very moments he understands that his calling is not work, but entirely music.


Take off at creative activity Feysa begins with the track “ Gosha Rubchinsky”, which is based on a collection called “The Cursed Seal”. The video shot for this song with a budget of 200~ rubles is gaining huge amount views and goes viral.

The clip appears on YouTube on January 3, 2016. In two years it gets 7 million views.

The rapper himself says that he made this video on the wave of hype associated with Gosha Rubchinsky and it went in. However, Ivan regrets that he did not receive feedback from Gosha himself for the additional flow of hype on his part towards the brand.

Creative activity does not stop there and an EP album is released on March 7, 2016 (mini) - “VLONE”, and a few days later collaboration to the composition " Megan Fox"with rapper ENIQUE.

In the summer of the same year, the rapper delighted his fans with two mini-albums “MAYHEM” and “PLAYBOY”, and already in September another video that became popular was released - “FACE - Bl### Face Here You Are Flexing”.

2017 comes and right away (January 3rd) Face illuminates his fan base with a new creative video - “FACE - I Don’t Give a Fuck”, which, by the way, was filmed by a popular Western video clip - Cole Bennett. FACE contacted him through friends in a general conference where Western rappers with similar creativity communicate. Ivan did not pay any money for this clip, because... video director Cole Bennett said that “we are working on a common cause,” however, what is characteristic is that the video was released on the Cole Bennett channel. In the same month (January 14), a new solo album is released, which takes the name “REVENGE”.

The REVENGE album has many parallels to Asian culture.

April 9, 2017 - Face uploads an album called “HATELOVE” online, which plays a significant role in his work and also attracts new listeners.

August 6, 2017 - the video “FACE - BURGER” appears on the rapper’s YouTube channel, which has a huge number of views in just a couple of days.

The new video "Burger" was received ambiguously. In addition to satisfied fans, there were also those who began to hate the face.