Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich biography. Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere. Biography. This is what Lansere called the tower of the Kazan station, in association with a medieval building in Kazan

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- I (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. Brother of Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (“Hadji Murat” by L. N. Tolstoy, 1912 41), historical compositions (series “Trophies of Russian Weapons” ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), sov. artist. In 1914 for the 4th volume of the Collection. op. L. ed. V. Kallash illustrated the fairy tale “Ashik Kerib” (gouache; Tretyakov Gallery): “Ashik Kerib and St. Georgy" and "Magul Megeri at the wedding". The illustrations are marked by rhythm and plasticity of gesture and... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- Lansere, Evgeny Evgenievich painter (born in 1875), son of the sculptor Evgeny Alexandrovich Lansere. He studied at the school of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, then in Paris at the private academies of Colarossi and Julian, where he worked under the guidance of Benjamin... Biographical Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), Soviet graphic artist and painter. People's Artist RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Arts (1892-95) and at private academies in Paris (1895-98). He taught (1922 38) at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, MARGI, Leningrad Academy of Arts... Art encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (18751946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. In 1892–1917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Artists (189295) and at private art schools in Paris (189598). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875, Pavlovsk 1946, Moscow), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Together with his sister Zinaida (married Serebryakova) he received primary art education in the house of the father sculptor E.A. Lansere.... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (August 23, 1875 September 13, 1946), Russian artist, academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). The nephew of the artist A. N. Benois, Eugene Lanceray in 1892-1896 studied at... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich-, Soviet graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. He studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg (1892≈95), in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1907 88) Russian painter and graphic artist. Son of E. E. Lanceray. Paintings of the Kazansky (together with his father) Yaroslavsky and Kursky railway stations in Moscow (1940-50s), book graphics (series of albums Monuments of Russian Architecture, etc.), portraits, landscapes... ...

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946) Russian graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of Russia (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. Brother of Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (Cossacks by L. N. Tolstoy, 1917 37), historical compositions (series Trophies of Russian weapons... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. From 1892 to 1917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Artists (1892-95) and at private art schools in Paris (1895-98). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there (1934 38) ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)


  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 1. Education of feelings, Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich. The publication represents the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lanceray. The publication is addressed to a wide circle readers interested... Buy for RUB 3,855
  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 2. Travels. Caucasus. Weekdays and holidays, Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich. The publication represents the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lanceray. The second book included vivid impressions about a trip to Angora...

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- I (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. Brother of Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (“Hadji Murat” by L. N. Tolstoy, 1912 41), historical compositions (series “Trophies of Russian Weapons” ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), sov. artist. In 1914 for the 4th volume of the Collection. op. L. ed. V. Kallash illustrated the fairy tale “Ashik Kerib” (gouache; Tretyakov Gallery): “Ashik Kerib and St. Georgy" and "Magul Megeri at the wedding". The illustrations are marked by rhythm and plasticity of gesture and... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- Lansere, Evgeny Evgenievich painter (born in 1875), son of the sculptor Evgeny Alexandrovich Lansere. He studied at the school of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, then in Paris at the private academies of Colarossi and Julian, where he worked under the guidance of Benjamin... Biographical Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), Soviet graphic artist and painter. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Arts (1892-95) and at private academies in Paris (1895-98). He taught (1922 38) at the Tbilisi Academy of Arts, MARGI, Leningrad Academy of Arts... Art encyclopedia

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (18751946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. In 1892–1917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Artists (189295) and at private art schools in Paris (189598). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875, Pavlovsk 1946, Moscow), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Together with his sister Zinaida (married Serebryakova), he received his initial art education in the house of his father, sculptor E.A. Lansere.... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (August 23, 1875 September 13, 1946), Russian artist, academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). The nephew of the artist A. N. Benois, Eugene Lanceray in 1892-1896 studied at... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich-, Soviet graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. He studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts in St. Petersburg (1892≈95), in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1907 88) Russian painter and graphic artist. Son of E. E. Lanceray. Paintings of the Kazansky (together with his father) Yaroslavsky and Kursky railway stations in Moscow (1940-50s), book graphics (series of albums Monuments of Russian Architecture, etc.), portraits, landscapes... ...

    LANCERE Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946) Russian graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of Russia (1945). Son of E. A. Lanceray. Brother of Z. E. Serebryakova. Member of the World of Art. Book graphics (Cossacks by L. N. Tolstoy, 1917 37), historical compositions (series Trophies of Russian weapons... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich- (1875 1946), graphic artist and painter, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Born in Pavlovsk. From 1892 to 1917 he lived in St. Petersburg. He studied at the Drawing School of the College of Artists (1892-95) and at private art schools in Paris (1895-98). Academician of the Academy of Arts (1912), taught there (1934 38) ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)


  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 1. Education of feelings, Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich. The publication represents the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lanceray. The publication is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in... Buy for 3855 RUR
  • Diaries. Set of 3 books. Book 2. Travels. Caucasus. Weekdays and holidays, Lansere Evgeniy Evgenievich. The publication represents the first publication of the diaries of the famous Russian and Soviet artist Evgeny Evgenievich Lanceray. The second book includes vivid impressions of the trip to Angora...

I was born on December 13, 1953 in Moscow, in the family of sculptor and artist Evgeniy Evgenievich Lansere and Svetlana Dmitrievna Yakunina-Lancere. In our family, there is a tradition of naming our son Evgeniy, so it can be a little difficult to figure out who we are talking about – the son or the father? Therefore, when talking about someone from Lansere, it is customary to indicate: Lansere I is Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Lansere, famous for his sculptural compositions with horses; Lansere II or Lansere-son - Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere, artist and architect. He is known for his illustrations to Tolstoy's story "Hadji Murad", monumental painting Kazansky railway station. His work was continued by my father, Lanceray III. On at the moment I, Lanceray IV, also inherited and support the creative path of our family.
My father did not force me to follow his profession or calling; he believed that I myself should choose which path to follow and develop. He took me with him to sketches, the creative workshop was right in our house, but he didn’t teach me anything specific. Therefore, I made the decision to take up painting on my own.
In 1966, I entered straight into second grade. art school No. 3, after completing 3 years of study, he continued to study at art studio Architects' houses. From 1972 to 1978 he was a student Pedagogical University named after Lenin at the Faculty of Art and Graphics. Among my teachers were Efanov and Stroganov. I started out as a painter, working at the painting factory of the Union of Artists, and for a long time I taught a private school. I started to earn decent money as an artist, but at one point everything changed...
In 1987, there was a flood in our house and hot water gushing from the ceiling flooded my works and many unique paintings that were stored on the walls of our “home museum.” The paintings that survived the revolution, family heirlooms, were restored, but all my works were lost. I was so shocked by this event that I stopped painting.
But still, I decided to try my hand at sculpture and design. In 1991, I had a very productive trip to the USA, where I made 20 sculptural portraits to order.
Afterwards, continuing to work with sculpture, he began to engage in design and decoration work - forging, stained glass, fireplaces, etc. I started working with Mark Fedorov. More and more private orders and private projects began to appear, and more and more opportunities for creativity appeared. At that time, the needs of customers were limited to the desire to make it brighter and larger than the neighbor’s. Today, original works are increasingly valued; what I also value is individuality and attention to detail.
I work with almost any material - metal, glass, ceramics; I do forging, casting, stained glass. Today I accept orders and carry them out with a team of artists.
Among the major works that I had the opportunity to do was the Benois Museum in Peterhof, the design of the Author's Television (ATV) building on Polyanka in Moscow (1995), the design of the buildings of AFK Sistema on Prechistenka and Spiridonovka, the reception house of AFK Sistema in Serebryany Bor.
One of my sculptures is displayed in the courtyard of the Luxembourg Embassy in Moscow.
I am also a member of the Moscow Union of Artists in the “sculpture” section and a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Evgeny Evgenievich Lansere (1875-1946) - Russian and Soviet artist. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1945). Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1933). Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1943).

The son of the famous sculptor E. A. Lanceray, brother of the artist Z. E. Serebryakova and architect N. E. Lanceray, nephew of A. N. Benois, who stood together with Sergeev Diaghilev and Dmitry Filosofov at the founding of the “World of Art”.

Graduate of the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium.
From 1892 he studied at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, St. Petersburg, where he attended the classes of Ya. F. Tsionglinsky, N. S. Samokish, E. K. Lipgart.
From 1895 to 1898, Lanceray traveled extensively throughout Europe and improved his skills at the French academies of F. Colarossi and R. Julian.

Since 1899 - member of the World of Art association. In 1905 he left for the Far East.

In 1906 he was the publisher of a weekly illustrated magazine political satire“Hell Mail” (3 issues published).

In 1907-1908 he became one of the creators of the “Ancient Theater” - a short-term, but interesting and noticeable phenomenon in cultural life Russia at the beginning of the century. Lanceray continued to work with the theater in 1913-1914.

1912-1915 - artistic director porcelain factory and glass engraving workshops in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

1914-1915 - war artist-correspondent on the Caucasian front during the First World War.
He spent 1917-1919 in Dagestan.
In 1919, he collaborated as an artist in the Information and Propaganda Bureau of the Volunteer Army of A. I. Denikin (OSVAG).
In 1920 he moved to Rostov-on-Don, then to Nakhichevan-on-Don and Tiflis.

Since 1920, he worked as a draftsman at the Museum of Ethnography and went on ethnographic expeditions with the Caucasian Archaeological Institute.
Since 1922 - professor at the Georgian Academy of Arts, Moscow Architectural Institute.
In 1927, he was sent to Paris for six months from the Georgian Academy of Arts.

In 1934 he moved permanently from Tiflis to Moscow. From 1934 to 1938 he taught at the All-Russian Academy of Arts in Leningrad.

E. E. Lanceray died on September 13, 1946. Buried in Moscow on Novodevichy Cemetery(site no. 4).

Since 1897 he worked in book graphics. He worked closely with the publishing house of the Community of St. Eugenia, in particular, in 1904 he designed the address part of the postcard, which lasted for ten years. He performed several works for the anniversary celebrations of St. Petersburg; in addition to decorative compositions, his military drawings from the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars were also published on postcards.

IN Soviet era The direction of the artist’s creativity was manifested with great completeness in monumental and decorative art. His works in this area are characterized by the dynamics of spatial construction, the splendor of the frame and general solemnity, reminiscent of the lampshades of the 17th-18th centuries:

Lanceray worked in the field of decoration theatrical productions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Odessa, Kutaisi:

At exhibitions since 1900: “World of Arts”, “36”, Union of Russian Artists, etc. Being one of the members of the Northern Circle of Amateurs fine arts in Vologda, took part in art exhibitions, organized by members of the circle.

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