M. Weller: Something monstrous. Elections like this have never happened in the history of the United States. Mikhail Weller: “The death of civilization is already happening before our eyes” Elections Weller

The famous writer and columnist for “KP” Galina Sapozhnikova spoke on radio “ Komsomolskaya Pravda"about the situation in the world, the country, and why the scandal happened in the program on Echo of Moscow

Photo: Victor GUSEINOV

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I’ll admit from the very first lines, so that there are no omissions: Mikhail Weller and I have known each other for about 25 years, since at one time we lived in the same small town– Tallinn – where it was simply impossible not to meet someone. This is the first thing. Secondly, on many political issues we hold opposing views, which, however, does not at all prevent us from being friends. And finally, thirdly: we will not pretend that this meeting of ours was accidental and that KP did not notice the recent scandal at the Ekho Moskvy radio station - when a respected guest, who was constantly interrupted by the presenter, threw a glass of water at the wall water and left the studio. Actually, that’s why we invited Mikhail Iosifovich - so that he could express everything that he was not allowed to say on Ekho.

When a man bites a dog

My attitude towards “Echo of Moscow”, in general, has not changed at all. I had a very high opinion of him and still do. As for various private skirmishes, incidents and misunderstandings, they do not fundamentally change anything. But here's what's interesting: you can make a discovery or accomplish a feat, but if you live radio or television, if you put a pot of soup on a policeman’s head, then you are guaranteed fame. This kind of scandalously boorish attitude towards fame began around the same time as the new era.

It's your lie. At the Faculty of Journalism, we were taught 30 years ago that news is not when a dog bites a person, but when a person bites a dog.

We are talking about the same thing: when English boxing became professional, the boxers, both before and after the match, were emphatically correct and polite with each other. And when Cassius Clay, known as Muhammad Ali, began to make faces, jump in the ring and shout “I am the most brilliant thing that the Universe has created, I am the most beautiful, I am the greatest!” - complete plebeianism began in the media. Then there was the great year of 1968, revolutions on American university campuses, the abolition of language censorship, swearing as the norm of conversation - and here we are, gentlemen... This is very sad. There are people who make all their fame from scandals. This is the first.

Second. Somewhere in the last quarter of the twentieth century, journalists realized that the main thing is not a person, but his media image. You can make a genius or a villain out of nothing, you can leave only the first and last name of a person, and distort everything else. And journalists began to take advantage of this. Thus, having reached the venerable age of 69 years old, a meek, gentle creature who never offended or touched anyone, I suddenly find myself a brawler...

- I forgot that it’s your birthday soon. Do you believe in astrology?

No, I don't believe it. But I know that we will never know everything that is in the world. The more we know, the greater the extent of the border between the known and the unknown. When genetics ceased to be a “bourgeois whore of imperialism”, a “venal pseudoscience” and so on, everyone knew that acquired characteristics are not inherited. And suddenly in recent years It turned out that they are being transmitted! Suddenly it turned out that if someone has a spaniel that has been lying on the couch all its life and has never hunted, the hunting club will not take it for breeding, because these puppies will not make hunters. From the point of view of traditional genetics, this is nonsense, because everything is based on instincts.

Swiss scientists have found that certain microRNAs arise that attach to individual chromosomes in a gene, and these qualities are passed on for 3-4 generations. If a mouse is placed in stressful conditions, then several generations of mice are born nervous. Knowing this, you begin to understand why Russia has never had three consecutive generations of free people.

Russian-French “fellow travel”

A very sad story about nervous little mice... But for some reason it seems to me that at Echo of Moscow they didn’t let you tell this story at all. You wanted to talk about France and Marine Le Pen, right?

Elections French President ended with the result that was predicted. But here’s what’s interesting: I clearly remember how, at the age of 7, I was walking along Lazoborzinskaya Street at the Borzya Zabaikalskaya station railway- there then stood the headquarters of the 6th Guards Tank Army, where my father served. And I see a banner across the street: “The Soviet electoral system is the most democratic in the world.” I don’t understand anything about elections, or democracy, or the system, I’m 7 years old, I’m a Soviet first-grader - but this is imprinted on me for the rest of my life. If a person repeats something 10 thousand times, it becomes his sincere belief. When people are told 10 thousand times that Marine Le Pen is a fascist, they will be convinced that this is so, without reading her program and without asking the question: what will France be like under Macron? The trick is that Macron is a media image. He has no political convictions, views, views or programs. This is a globalist, a man of the financial and economic elites, the Rothschild Bank, Jacques Attali, Hollande. He was once called the "Mozart" of financial mergers. And his task is to maintain the current trend.

In this situation, I cannot understand only one thing: Russia today has a bad reputation. And if before the elections a presidential candidate openly goes to Moscow and meets with the president, this, of course, works to the disadvantage of this candidate and reduces his chances in the elections. Why this was done, I cannot understand. I can only assume that there was an inconsistency between different heads, and some head needed to demonstrate to the main head that it was actively working and increasing the influence and authority of Russia in Europe.

At this stage, the interests of France and the French people and the interests of the Russian elite coincide. Namely: it is in the interests of the Kremlin to end anti-Russian sanctions, disunite the European Union and try to bring to power people who treat us tolerantly. And it is in the interests of the French to stop disappearing as a people, to preserve France, their language and culture. This is a very interesting “fellow traveler”, if such a word can be depicted.

In unison and in suit

- Well, what seditious did you say? Why couldn’t this be aired on Ekho Moskvy?

Here it is not a matter of content, but of form. As I understand it, the presenter and I had a psychological discrepancy, because she had somewhat delayed verbal reactions compared to me. Imagine simultaneous translation of a film into old Soviet times. The next scene is already underway, and the translator is translating the previous one. This is about the same thing. You are already starting the next phrase, and by the end of it you are overtaken by the leading replica of the previous one, from which you have already moved away. You must feel your interlocutor, be in unison and in tune with him. If you don’t have this feeling, then some professions (primarily an actor) are completely impossible for you. This is called the “feeling of a partner” and also applies to the profession of journalist.

I consider my highest achievements in journalism to be around 1977 or 1978, when my friend, editor of the historical and party editorial office of Lenizdat, introduced me to a fantastic man who was the commander of a long-range aviation regiment. He started the war on June 22, 1941 and ended on April 30, 1945 over Berlin, receiving the Order of Suvorov from Marshal Grechko on the radio: “Who’s in the air? – Regiment of Major Bogdanov. “Order of Suvorov, second degree, major.” That's about it. He wrote a book about his regiment without saying a single word about himself.

And so my dear, insidious friend instructed me to write a preface and find out what Nikolai Grigorievich thinks? And we went to the most modest room of the Oktyabrskaya Hotel, and he did not say anything. I ran for half a liter and we drank it in a friendly manner. And he didn't say anything. I took three from him and bought the next half liter. And again he said nothing. I insisted that we pay half for the third one and bring some food. And when after that I rammed four bottles of beer, only then did he float... I ask: “Nikolai Grigorievich, you have 156 sorties. According to the statute, 100 was considered a Hero. Why weren't you given a Hero? Soviet Union? Silent. I say: “Tell me, how many hours of flight time do you have? - 6 thousand. - Accidents? “Accident-free.” “For 3 thousand, an Honored Pilot of the USSR is awarded. Do you have this badge? - No. “Nikolai Grigorievich, what happened?” And then I finally squeezed the truth out of him. It turns out that he was shot down twice and once spent 28 days behind enemy lines. After that, until the middle of the night, he told me everything, he literally held my hand so that I would listen to him.

That is, the most important skill of a journalist is to “split” the interlocutor - you must stop a deaf-mute on the street and extract all the information from him. But now quite often a different point of view dominates. A journalist should indicate his position on air as actively as possible. If he is rude to the person he is trying to interview, if he misleads, if he asks extremely idiotic questions, such as (to the director of the Hermitage Piotrovsky): “Why are museums needed at all?”, then this attracts attention.

I don't understand this view of journalism. Because if in order to succeed good transfer, you need to say everything for the tongue-tied guest interlocutor, the journalist must say everything. If you need to crawl under the table to do this, he will crawl. If you spend your beggar's pennies on getting a guest drunk and split, then he will drink and split. This is journalistic professionalism. But there are other points of view. Thus, our points of view on journalism and the presenter of Ekho Moskvy did not coincide.

Conversation of films

Our profession is in crisis not only in Russia - fake, ignorant journalism is dragging the world to the bottom in absolutely all parts of the world. We are dealing not just with competition with the Internet and the level of intolerance of this or that journalist, but with something else.

There is one brilliant story by Ray Bradbury, how during a multi-year interstellar expedition (a giant spacecraft, a flying city, people live in different rooms, far from each other, talking via radio) one person communicates with another, but in fact it is not a person who is talking at all, but a film. A man died long ago from some epidemic during a flight and wrote down various phrases. But his interlocutor is also a film! There is not a single living person on the entire ship, and the conversation is conducted by tapes. Now, in parallel with reality, there is a virtual reality created by the media, and this virtual image of a person or event can decisively outweigh the real image in the brains of listeners and viewers. And journalists who are aware of this power of theirs begin to feel like they are the main ones in the world, believing that they are the ones who make presidents and elections, and they decide what course the state and country choose. Quite often a modern journalist allows himself everything, believing: whoever you are, I will organize such information about you that you will drown in shit. Now we are going through precisely this stage in the development of civilization.

About the smell

You, Mikhail Iosifovich, published a book last fall: “On the eve of who knows what.” Why didn’t they name things in plain text? Do you mean on the eve of the war?

No. If I wanted to write: on the eve of the war, or on the eve of the revolution, or on the eve of the collapse of the country, I would have written so. The day before, there really is no telling what happened. Social tension is rising. The confrontation between the elite and the people in Russian society continues to widen, the gap between rich and poor continues to grow. And how will it end - the appointment of a successor or palace coup, or Maidan, no one today can say with a 100 percent guarantee. But the smell is such that something will happen.

But it’s not only in Russia that this smell exists. The third world war is talked about in almost every European village.

I agree that today every civilized country has its own anxiety and discontent. The only difference is that the majority of our people live poorer lives and have fewer real rights. In addition, everyone remembers and cannot forget the words of our national genius Pushkin: “God forbid that we see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless”... I agree with these words 100 percent.

Popular writer Mikhail Weller, speaking on the “Minority Opinion” program of the Ekho Moskvy radio, said that he shares the call to vote for any party other than United Russia in the elections. “At the same time, I personally believe,” the writer added, that today, not because I so fiercely love the Communist Party or Zyuganov is my ideal person, but the Communist Party is the only real independent opposition. And of course, today it makes sense to vote primarily for the Communist Party. I’m not even close to being a member of it, I assure you.

N. ASADOVA: Look, as for Mikhail Prokhorov and the “Right Cause”, how do you feel about them, and these latest events, that Alla Pugacheva, for example, decided to join, announced that she was ready to join the “Right Cause” party , I don’t know if she has already finally joined them, but Mikhail Prokhorov invited her, and since she said before that she was ready to join, she probably will join, or has already joined.

M. WELLER: Alla Pugacheva has been a businessman for a long time. A businessman is a person who knows the price of everything and tries to give as little price as possible for as much goods as possible. Those. she does what benefits her. It goes something like this. If it is more profitable for her business, for her reputation, for her position, for her earnings, to join this party, she will join it. Nothing follows from this.

N. ASADOVA: Wait, but it’s more profitable to join United Russia- the party in power?

M. WELLER: Just a second, this game is completely clear. Created in the Kremlin, this party, i.e. not as it once arose, but in its current form with an offer to Prokhorov, which he could not or did not consider it necessary to refuse, to lead this party. Prokhorov will get into the Duma one hundred out of a hundred. Prokhorov will score, you'll see, somewhere around eight percent. And he will personify the opposition on the right. In such a liberal-capitalist one, you know, the damned moneybags will gather, remembering Khodorkovsky very well, and suddenly they will buy the Duma and establish a parliamentary republic. These super-capitalists must be legalized, tamed and controlled. And their presence in the Duma shows everyone: first, we have oligarchs in the Duma, so liberal, they say “There is one justice for all!”, second, you want to create your own party - here we have this party. We don't need other parties. There is no political program here. And as a matter of fact, except for the communists, in my opinion, today no one at all has any political program. We've been talking about this for at least 10 years. What do you even want, fellow politicians, citizens? And we want it to be good for us.

N. ASADOVA: Look, a fresh face in politics, Ivan Okhlobystin, director, actor, and priest.

M. WELLER: I think that, you know, this is such a small clone of Zhirinovsky. If we talk about the political aspect, when man walking into religion and says, I am a priest, several years pass - and I am disappointed in this, I am no longer a priest. No, I'm an actor, no, what is an actor - I'm a politician! Well, that's all bullshit. This is a cute, shocking figure, you can’t take it seriously.

N. ASADOVA: Look, he is nominated by national patriots, right?

M. WELLER: Yes, this is all nonsense! These are small noise grenades to distract attention. Don't pay any attention to it at all! Because his whole goal is this more people will gather at the stadium: Vanya Okhlobystin - for president! good man, God bless him, but again there is no subject for conversation.

N. ASADOVA: A subject for conversation, I’m afraid there is, because he is such a rather nationalist-minded person, and those people, i.e. the party, the movement from which he is nominated is also, in general, a fairly nationalist-minded party. And, for example, he says things like I don’t really believe in elections, I believe in a military coup, or he says things like we should be led by religious leaders, under the leadership of a dictator elected by the people, in principle...

M. WELLER: Let him go to Iran. They have already achieved great success along this path.

N. ASADOVA: Do you think that in Russia, in today’s Russia, these kinds of statements, these kinds of policy statements, can they meet with understanding and support? If so, why?

M. WELLER: I think that this is shocking, designed to create an impression, and besides, there are always several plans, aspects, goals for the fact that the votes of the extreme right, the most extreme nationalist elements would be cast for such a person. But a person can always be controlled. I think that under supervision it was better to deal with Azefom. We know who the militants and leaders are in the party, we give money, but everything is at hand. You can even allow the governor to be killed, but so that it is at hand. And here, too, everything is at hand, it’s all completely frivolous.

N. ASADOVA: And yet, don’t you think that today in Russia the popularity of nationalist sentiments is increasing? And in principle, can such statements find support?

M. WELLER: I think it is necessary to make a distinction here. Words are such a thing - people understand them differently, but in some ways they understand them the same way. nationalist sentiments from the mood national identity and national dignity, debates about this have been going on for many years. Since the national pride and national dignity of the Russian people are, of course, oppressed and humiliated, and anything can be declared extremism today, this is what I say, let it be better to be at hand and controlled. I think the danger today is not the nationalists, I think the danger today is that the current state of affairs is going to continue indefinitely until the country collapses simply because it is sucked dry. That's it - there will be no potential left. There will no longer be any faith, no goals, no national task, but only money for those who managed to earn it. Because when Minister of Education Fursenko says that before we raised a creative person, and now we must educate a qualified consumer, well, what are you talking about, what are you talking about! This is absolutely terrible, it is better to be a nationalist than to profess the philosophy of money.

T is closing the gap with X at a record pace. What's happened? Here's what:

In the Democratic Party, these documents, which became known through WikiLeaks, in this very democratic party, which strives for power by all means, are in fact a huge scandal.

Documents surfaced and, apparently, absolutely genuine medical documents: medical history, anamnesis, and so on. Photocopies, they are on the Internet, although they immediately persuaded the site, but they have already sold out, there is no escape. This is a clinic in Mount Kisco, 70 kilometers away - that's 45 miles - near New York, where one of Hillary Clinton's attending physicians, Lisa Bardack, who indicates her number, gives out everything on this sheet, writes: here is the medical history that in December 12, Hillary Clinton fell and hit her head; As a result of this, certain injuries, difficulties, brain contusion. Well, further, how can I say - I’m not a doctor - a stroke, not a stroke, a concussion, not a concussion, but in general the consequences are very serious, because the diagnosis says that there is a weakening of memory - all this was shown by MRI; there is Binswanger's disease - a few words about Binswanger's disease a little later - well, this is a thing with which presidents? What are you talking about!

That is, a person lives on anticoagulants, because blood clotting... a blood clot, you know, in the venous system of the meninges, between the brain and the skull. And all these symptoms, which are now collected in a heap on the Internet, are completely unexpected coughing attacks, which are not clear where they come from; it's something like a seizure where she starts shaking her head uncontrollably and can't stop - it stops being mixed; This is her pathological irritability, which is noted by people who communicate closely with her. That is, one of the president’s security guards when Hillary was first lady says that sometimes she simply had fits of rage. And one day she simply hit him on the back of the head with a hefty Bible, because she was irritated by something absolutely impossible.

Also, forgive these memory lapses, these certain imbalances. There was an absolutely terrible scene in Las Vegas, when at some point Hillary Clinton, suddenly staring somewhere to the side, turning her head slightly, completely froze for a second, a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth... Then a large, plump African-American man approached her, he put his arm around her shoulders, said something in her ear, didn’t even shake her a little, but kind of moved her - and she turned on, and she turned on in some kind of strange, very rude voice, much rougher than hers usually. And when they started watching the films, this man was constantly next to her, he always had a syringe in his hand, close up a syringe is an army disposable syringe tube, a means for relieving cramps and improving breathing, and the like.

Listen, in general, it turns out that this is not a very healthy person. I won’t tell you now everything that is written there on the Internet, but the result is absolutely monstrous. It just turns out that this is epilepsy, because these are seizures of the epileptic type. This is called thrombosis of the venous sinus, that is, the venous network through which blood drains from the brain - there is a huge blood clot - this is a blockage of blood vessels in the brain. This is an element of autism with a tendency towards psychopathy. This is a cognitive impairment and a personality disorder, that is, at certain moments she simply does not understand well where she is and what is happening. Well, goiter and allergies are all nonsense, for those who don’t have it.

But then there is that same subcortical encephalopathy, that is, this is a disease of the subcortex of the brain, this is a progressive lesion white matter brain against the background of arterial hypertension, that is, increased pressure in the arteries often leads to this. And this is dementia, that is, the destruction of personality. My dears, such a person belongs in the clinic. There is no place for such a person in the presidential chair. This person is essentially incompetent.

And they note that in mildly stressful situations, say, when three journalists suddenly interrupting each other ask a question at the same time, Hillary Clinton does not know who to answer first; She's having that same collision in her head. She freezes, and now she needs to be brought to her senses. Which president? That is, all this is an incredible scam, not a scam - a powerful operation of the Democratic Party, but in fact of the ruling elite, the political establishment of the United States in order to push their screen into the presidential chair. And then let the screen already lie in the chair, and we ourselves will steer. That is, this is not an election - this is something monstrous. Elections like this have never happened in the history of the United States.

And as a follow-up to all of this, last weekend a man named Vincent Fleck was found murdered, who is the father of Dr. Daniel Fleck, and Daniel Fleck is one of her treating doctors, Hillary Clinton. It seems that the leak occurred through him, through his computer with a note that “I hate doing such things, that is, violating ethics and whatever, but you should know how it all really happens.” And that same psychomotor epilepsy, that same subcortical vascular dementia is completely impossible. Why was he found dead?

This, let’s say, is not one hundred percent confirmed information, but the frantic steps taken to conceal it are completely indisputable. A group, either from the CIA, or from the special services, or from somewhere else, very quickly arrived at the scene of this murder, requested access to his computer at the clinic, after which this information began to be removed from somewhere, but it had already popped up.

And this one mysterious death only one out of about 50 deaths of people who were, in one way or another, connected with the Clintons, knew something about them, were partners or were security guards, or were simply carriers of information. But I will tell you about this in the next program, if the Lord wills. The most impatient and curious can surf the Internet now - there is a lot there.

But, in principle, one gets the impression that, in general, of course, this person belongs in a prison hospital bed, and not in the presidential race. Moreover, judging by how suddenly she suddenly goes to the toilet at various performances, and very often - it’s all there, it’s all leading to the same symptoms. This is all, you know, an absolutely unprecedented scam. Now the main question there should be whether she will endure these psychological stresses, this stressful state until Election Day. Because if she doesn’t pull it off, she will need to be replaced somehow by someone - it will be an absolutely terrible scandal. So, of course, there is panic. At first they didn’t expect Bernie Sanders to be so popular, then they didn’t expect Donald Trump to do this, then they didn’t expect all sorts of incriminating evidence to come out. The calculation was absolutely correct. Barack Obama, in general, is a front for that very group, because without massive support he, of course, would never have become president. The candidate was chosen absolutely correctly: he is quite young, energetic, he speaks well, he is very charming, he is charismatic, and he is finally African-American; It seems we have reached a time when this will be very beneficial.

Now, since there are so many dissatisfied with the Democratic Party, we need a candidate who will be different in some way, we need some kind of bauble. This bauble is a woman. Because there was an African American, and now there will be a woman. Here's the one for you suitable woman. That is, when they say: a liar, deceitful, crafty... This is a person without any principles at all. That's all she says - this is what she considers necessary to say now in order to make the impression that she wants to make. In general, of course, I was surprised when I dug into what kind of monster this is, you know.(