Poster of the Perm theater ballet by Evgeniy Panfilov. Theater "Ballet of Evgeniy Panfilov". "Parrot cage" Performances of the "Fat Ballet"

Ballet art arose during the Renaissance in princely palaces Italy has repeatedly experienced crises throughout its existence. However, they were able to survive thanks to the emergence of talented choreographers who created new trends and performances that helped attract audiences. One of these devotees of Russian ballet was Evgeny Panfilov. He became a promoter of free dance in our country back in the late 70s of the last century and left behind a rich creative heritage.

Today, the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet theater operates in Perm, where you can see most of the master’s performances, many of which are considered classics of modern dance. This group also often goes on tour to the capital, Russian regions and abroad, so not only Perm residents could appreciate it.

Biography of the choreographer

Back in 1979, Panfilov created his first amateur dance group, which quickly gained popularity among young residents of Perm. Later, in 1987, the choreographer presented to the public a new professional dance theater, the Experiment. The performances staged by the choreographer during this period brought him fame far beyond the borders of Perm, as they were distinguished by their novelty, which the audience had long been waiting for, tired of endless variations on the theme of the classics. In 1991, Evgeniy Panfilov’s ballet was created, which 9 years later received state status. In subsequent years, the group became winners of the most prestigious theater awards more than 10 times, which is very rare when it comes to provincial groups.

Panfilov's life was tragically interrupted at the age of 46, when he was killed in his apartment by a casual acquaintance. A month before this, the choreographer managed to present his version of the ballet “The Nutcracker”, which critics called tragic, as it shows a world devoid of illusions and inhabited by gray evil mice.

"Ballet by Evgeny Panfilov"

This dance group is today considered one of the most famous of the provincial ballet troupes our country. And this is not surprising, since he repeatedly and with great success represented Perm at many national theater competitions. Thus, in 2006, Panfilov’s ballet won the Golden Mask award for one act ballet"The Parrot Cage", created by the founder of the troupe.

Shortly before his death, the choreographer staged the ballet “Life is Beautiful!” on the stage of the Berlin Tempodrom Theater. It is based on the music of Dmitry Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony and the works of Soviet songwriters of the 30s-50s. This performance was then reworked for Perm troupe and received the name “BlokAda”.

In 1993, a unique choreographic troupe was created in Perm. Its members can be women whose bodily fullness is combined with mobility and inner fire. As Evgeny Panfilov himself admitted, “The Fat Ballet” was not created at all in order to shock the audience. By choosing ladies of Rubensian physique as actresses, the choreographer simply wanted to show that plump ballerinas can have no less beautiful plasticity than thin ones.

Today, this female troupe is creating grotesque shows with the participation of curvy girls on the stage of the Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet Theater. The idea of ​​​​creating performances where the main roles involved dancers with unusual builds seemed strange at first. Many decided that this troupe would only stage comedy shows, but the team broke all stereotypes. What is the play “Women. The year is 1945,” for which the troupe received the “Golden Mask”!

“The Fat Ballet” by Evgeny Panfilov is popular far beyond the borders of our country. In particular, he has already visited 25 cities in Germany and 40 where his performances caused a real sensation.

"Fight club"

Being an indefatigable experimenter, Evgeny Panfilov always strived to create something new. So, in May 2001, the choreographer founded the “Evgeny Panfilov Fight Club,” which included only dancers. At the same time, the premiere of the “Male Rhapsody” program took place. Next meaningful work Panfilov’s team became the show “Take Me Like This...”, and then the audience was presented with the one-act ballet “Surrender”, in which, through the means of modern dance, they show a world mired in vice, sliding into the abyss and not even realizing how close it is to its death.


All three groups that perform on the stage of the Panfilov Theater have an extensive and most interesting repertoire. In particular, the performances “8 Russian Songs”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “BlokAda” have been drawing full houses for many years. Despite the fact that the founder of the theater has long been dead, the traditions he laid down are carefully preserved. Those who visited the theater when Panfilov was alive note that the performances he staged still look fresh, but there is a touch of nostalgia in them. We can especially recommend watching a performance consisting of the best miniatures of the meter, dedicated to his memory. It is the winner of the Golden Mask in two categories and is always sold out.

Where is

“Ballet of Evgeniy Panfilov” (Perm) can be visited by going to the address: Petropavlovskaya street, 185. To get there, you need to get either to the Lokomotivnaya Street stop by buses No. 9, 14, 10, 15, or to the Dzerzhinsky Square stop by tram No. 3.

Now you know what the ballet created by Evgeny Panfilov is and why it is famous. We hope you will attend one of the performances at least once and get real pleasure!

Created in 1979 by Evgeny Panfilov as the plastic dance theater "Impulse". In 1987 it was renamed the modern dance theater "Experiment", in 1992 it was reorganized into private theater"Ballet of Evgeny Panfilov". Laureate of international and Russian festivals and competitions modern ballet. In 1994, Panfilov organized the Tolstoy Ballet troupe, whose artists take part in joint projects with the Evgeny Panfilov Ballet. In 2000 it received the status of a state cultural institution; the name of the choreographer was retained in its name. Awarded the Grand Prix at the "Magic Backstage" festival (2001), the " Golden Mask"("Women. Year 1945", nomination "Innovation", 2001). In 2001, theater artist S. Raynik was awarded a diploma and the S.P. Diaghilev Prize. In July 2001, E. Panfilov was awarded the Russian Government Prize named after. Fedora Volkova ("For outstanding contribution to the development theatrical arts Russia"), in 2002 - received the main prize for best number modern choreography competition of ballet dancers "Arabesque" in Perm. On July 13, 2002, Evgeniy Alekseevich Panfilov died tragically. Winner of the "Golden Mask" award ("The Parrot Cage", choreographer E. Panfilov, nomination " Best performance in modern dance", 2006).

Laureate of the National Theater Prize"Golden Mask"
A living legend of Perm art – paradoxical and unique
"Ballet of Evgeny Panfilov."

Carmen Suite by J.Bizet-R.Shchedrin Torero

Yesterday I watched a performance at the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet Theater:
"Parrot cage"
for all the years of its existence was awarded the honor of representing the city of Perm at the National theater festival and the Golden Mask Award 9 times. The first time the “Golden Mask” was received by our already famous, unprofessional in terms of choreographic training, “Tolstoy’s Ballet” for the performance “Women. The Year 1945.”

In 2006, the Golden Mask Prize was awarded to the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet Theater for the one-act choreographic fantasy “The Parrot Cage” to the music of J. Bizet - R. Shchedrin “Carmen - Suite”. The author of the libretto, choreographer, director, set designer, and fashion designer of the ballet was, of course, Evgeny Panfilov himself. He was also the first performer of the role of one of the parrots.

“The Golden Mask Festival is the annual peak of the theater season and, apparently, the only place where provincial theaters fully feel like an unconditional component of the Russian theater community. The Golden Mask has become a kind of measure of the highest theatrical values.

Four magnificent “Golden Masks” adorn the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet theater.

Performance - "The Parrot Cage" Winner of the National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the category "Best performance in modern dance".

Choreographic fantasy to the music of J. Bizet - R. Shchedrin “Carmen Suite”.
Idea, choreography, staging, costumes, set design of the All-Union and international competitions choreographers, laureate of the National Theater Award "Golden Mask", laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize named after Fyodor Volkov, choreographer Evgeny Panfilov. The premiere took place in 1992. The performance was restored in 2005.

Oh, the brilliant perfection of the cell - a temptation that eternally captivates a person. How good it is to be in natural captivity. The secrets, sorrows, doubts, and tears of the world are unknown to parrots. How is it with people? In general, this is life on both sides of the bars. Irony and sadness, beauty and ugliness, constraint and freedom? Is it needed at all?

“Let my free handling of music cause bewilderment, delight or protest. But the idea that unexpectedly arose in me simply cried and asked to be included in this music. And life, in which I no longer understand anything, also asked for this scene and this music And freedom, which I value very much, also asked to go into the cage, and then back, and then back into the cage... And again I don’t understand anything.
Maybe you, my dear viewers, will understand this."

With love and respect,
Evgeny Panfilov.

Soloists: Parrots - Alexey Rastorguev, Alexey Kolbin.
Rastorguev Alexey Yurievich. Theater soloist
Alexey Rastorguev graduated from the Perm State Order of the Badge of Honor choreographic school in 1996.

In the one-act choreographic fantasy “The Parrot Cage” - Winner of the National Theater Award “Golden Mask” 2005/2006 (choreography by Evgeny Panfilov) performed one of the two main roles.

Achieved a high artistic effect, demonstrating adequate stage embodiment dramaturgical and choreographic intent of the director.

Kolbin Alexey Gennadievich. Theater soloist
Alexey Kolbin graduated from the Perm State Order of the Badge of Honor choreographic school in 1994.
In the same year he was accepted into the theater troupe.
Graduate of a renowned school classical dance immediately showed himself as a purposeful ballet dancer, ready to work with complete dedication to master the specifics of the paradoxical avant-garde dance plasticity offered by artistic director theater by choreographer Evgeny Panfilov (1955-2002).
She has excellent natural abilities, the ability to quickly master any dance vocabulary offered by the choreographer, virtuoso performance, and the ability to create unforgettable stage images.

Currently, a talented dancer with a pronounced natural and stage personality - Alexey Kolbin is the leading soloist of the theater, participates in all new productions of the theater, carried out by Russian and foreign choreographers, a permanent participant in Russian and international festivals modern choreography.

Program "Unknown Perm":
He came to ballet too late at the age of 24, and left it incredibly early. Evgeny Panfilov is a genius of modern dance and the creator of the first private dance in Russia ballet theater. The story of how an ordinary guy from the Arkhangelsk outback won the Golden Mask and the World Stage.

Theater "Ballet of Evgeniy Panfilov" was created as a unique theatrical association consisting of three choreographic troupes “Evgeniy Panfilov’s Ballet”, “Evgeniy Panfilov’s Tolstoy Ballet”, “Evgeniy Panfilov’s Fight Club” with different dance aesthetics, united by a single author’s style of the choreographer-Laureate of the All-Union and international competitions, Prize Winner Government of the Russian Federation named after. Fyodor Volkov, Laureate of the National Theater Awards "Golden Mask" Evgeny Panfilov (1955-2002)

The theater "Evgeniy Panfilov's Ballet" was created as a unique theatrical association, consisting of three choreographic troupes: "Evgeniy Panfilov's Ballet", "Evgeniy Panfilov's Tolstoy Ballet" (created in 1994) and "Evgeniy Panfilov's Fight Club" (2001) with various dance aesthetics, united by a single author's style of the choreographer-winner of the All-Union and international competitions, the Russian Government Prize named after. Fyodor Volkov, laureate of the national theater awards “Golden Mask” Evgeny Panfilov (1955-2002).

Evgeny Panfilov was born on August 10, 1955 in the village of Kopachevo, Kholmogorsky district, Arkhangelsk region, in the family of a rural teacher. As a student at the Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture, in 1979 Evgeny Panfilov created the Impulse plastic dance theater in Perm. Many years later, having seen Panfilov's performance in Moscow, a prominent musical critic Alexey Parin called him " a genius nugget from Perm."

Panfilov tirelessly moved forward along the path of complicating his choreographic skills, but since there were no schools of modern choreography in Russia, he relied on dancers who had gone through a good choreographic school classical ballet. In 1987, the theater was reorganized into the first private ballet in Russia, the Evgeni Panfilov Ballet.

In 2000, the private theater was awarded a new status: State regional cultural institution “Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet Theatre”. The choreographer's name is included in the title state theater as a sign of exceptional merits and achievements in the development of modern choreography in Russia. Panfilov was not only a choreographer, but also a director of all his performances, created sketches of costumes, and invariably stunned the audience with eccentric scenographic inventions.

The Evgeniy Panfilov Ballet Theater was honored to represent Perm at the National Theater Festival and the Golden Mask Award 9 times. These are ballets: “8 Russian Songs”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “BlokAda” and many others. The first time the “Golden Mask” was received by our already famous, unprofessional in terms of choreographic preparation, “Tolstoy’s Ballet” for the performance “Women. Year 1945" April 17, 2006 at the XII ceremony of presenting the National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the category " Modern dance» The prize was awarded to the theater’s play “The Parrot Cage”. The one-act choreographic fantasy “The Parrot Cage” to the music of J. Bizet and R. Shchedrin “Carmen Suite” was first presented to the public in 1992. The remake premiered on May 18, 2005 at the Diaghilev Seasons. The author of the libretto, choreographer, director, and set designer of the ballet was Evgeny Panfilov. He was also the first performer of the role of one of the parrots.

The Great Master created in Perm and left for Russia not only his unique theater, but also a school of truly modern choreography. Now the theater is headed by Natalya Khristoforovna Lenskikh, who was invited to this position by Evgeny Panfilov himself.

The theater has long outgrown the confines of a provincial landmark; many times it has defended the glory of Perm as the cultural capital of the Urals both in Russia and abroad. Unique artistic heritage Evgenia Panfilova was and remains the main criterion creative activity theater The performances of Evgeny Panfilov continue to arouse the constant interest of the public far beyond the borders of the Perm region and Russia, which is confirmed by annual invitations to prestigious all-Russian and international festivals and worthy awards.

Ballet by Evgeniy Panfilov

Tolstoy's ballet