Painting “Young Painter” by I. I. Firsov. Essay based on the painting by Ivan Firsov “Young painter Young painter Firsov description of the painting main idea

The Young Painter is the first Russian painting about the life of ordinary people. The picture has an interesting story. In front of us on canvas is the artist’s workshop. Soft light pours through the window. There are paintings on the wall, one is a portrait, the other depicts a corner of the forest. On the table is a white plaster sculpture-bust and a doll with movable arms and legs - a mannequin. Such a doll helps the artist to correctly convey different positions human body. A canvas stretched on a stretcher is mounted on a wooden tripod stand - an easel.

And here is the artist himself. He's still just a boy. He is fourteen years old. Or even less. How passionate he is about his work! And how confidently and boldly he works! In his hands he has brushes and a palette - a board for mixing paints. In front of him is a restless girl. He paints her portrait on canvas. The mother persuades the girl to sit quietly.

The artist grabs the necessary paint on the brush and decisively and accurately places a stroke on the canvas. It feels like this boy is a skilled craftsman. The painting is called "Young Painter".

The paintings of I. Firsov depict heroes of the distant past. The artist learned about their exploits from ancient books and legends. The painting “Young Painter” presents people who lived at the same time as the artist and were probably well known to him. And they are busy with the most ordinary things. Although no important incidents occur on the canvas, it is very attractive to the viewers. The picture was painted with great feeling. It doesn't make you think about serious things, but the audience is conveyed the warmth with which it is written. The artist loves the people he painted, their unremarkable lives. This boy painter is dear to him, his cozy, modest studio is pleasant, his occupation is close to him.

When one art connoisseur saw the “Young Painter” next to the solemn canvases about the wonderful deeds of the gods and ancient heroes, he well said that this picture was like a small neglected lawn, overgrown with chamomile and dandelions, in a ceremonial, festively well-groomed park.

The name of the author of "The Young Painter" remained a mystery for a long time. True, at the bottom of the picture, on the lid of the box with paints, there was a signature - “Losenko”, but scientists doubted that the signature was correct. Some dates didn't add up. The author of "The Young Painter" differed from Losenko in some ways of working. And, of course, it was difficult to imagine that the solemn, slightly theatrical historical paintings and this simple scene is the creation of one master.

Already in this century, scientists decided to wash off the “Losenko” signature. And here's the joy! Under it was another, in Latin letters: “I. Firsove” - “I. Firsov”. Probably one of the first owners of the painting wanted to increase its price:

Scientists managed to find out something about the life of Ivan Firsov. He served in St. Petersburg, at court. Then he was sent to Paris “for better training in painting and theater science.” He returned to his homeland and became an apprentice decorator in the imperial theaters.

Ivan Firsov’s painting “Young Painter” is one of the first works of Russian genre painting.
Archival documents show that the Russian artist Ivan Firsov, decorator of the imperial theaters, lived and worked in Paris in the mid-1760s, where he improved his skills at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture.

There, the painting “Young Painter” was believed to have been painted by Firsov. This is indicated, in particular, by the non-Russian appearance of the characters in the painting.

Upon his return to Russia in 1768, he worked as a decorator for opera performances. Information about this time is extremely scarce; about the last years of I.I.’s life. Firsov are completely absent. But his picture is wonderful.

The plot of this picture is simple. In a spacious studio, flooded with even light, a boy artist sits in front of an easel and enthusiastically paints a portrait of a girl. Adult woman, mother or older sister, persuades the little model to sit quietly and maintain her pose. At the artist’s feet stands an open box of paints, on the table are the usual props of a painting workshop: a marble bust, several books, a papier-mâché mannequin depicting a human figure.

The scene written by Firsov seems snatched from life. The artist skillfully conveys the relaxed naturalness of poses and movements. With the keen observation characteristic of a true realist, the calm and affectionate severity of the mother, the slyness and impatience of the little model, and the selfless passion of the young painter are depicted.
The truthful fidelity of the characters creates that feeling of poetic charm that permeates the whole picture.

In “The Young Painter” everything is festive, artistic, unusual; And bright colors clothes, and a wonderful green curtain, and paintings on the walls, and art attributes on the table. The overall color harmony is unusual and beautiful.

The clutter of the stage with objects and figures is also noteworthy: paintings and sculptures are crowded to the left to leave room for the girl and her mother, the easel obscures his model from the artist. Free space, an interior in which the soul lies everyday genre, there is almost nothing left here...
And yet, private life at home appears for the first time in Russian painting in this picture.
The painting by I. Firsov, executed in the Chardin style, like the only swallow that does not make spring, did not mark the beginning household painting in Russia - the time has not yet come..

In terms of the level of artistic skill, Firsov’s painting is one of the most perfect works of Russian art. painting XVIII century. It is quite obvious that Firsov is a first-class artist with an impeccable command of the means of pictorial expression. His drawing is free and precise; the space in which the scene unfolds is constructed with impeccable skill; no deliberate scheme is felt in the composition, it is natural and at the same time rhythmic.

The coloring of the picture is endowed with special poetic expressiveness, with its pink-gray, silver tones, which so well conveys the spiritual atmosphere of Firsov’s characters.
In its content, design and visual form, “Young Painter” has no analogies in Russian art XVIII century. The short list of Russian artists of the 18th century who worked in the field of the everyday genre includes, in addition to Firsov, the portraitist M. Shibanov with his paintings “Peasant Lunch” and “Celebration of the Wedding Contract” and historical painter I. Ermenev, author of an amazingly powerful watercolor series dedicated to the depiction of Russian peasants.

The development of genre painting in the 18th century proceeded at a slow pace. She had almost no demand among customers and did not enjoy the patronage of the Academy of Arts. Among the Russian artists there were specialists in portraiture, historical painting, there were decorators, and by the end of the century landscape painters appeared, but there was not a single master who would devote himself entirely to the everyday genre.
Firsov with his “Young Painter” occupies chronologically first place in this list. About fate and further creativity Almost no information has reached us about the artist. The name of this master appeared in the history of Russian art and took an honorable place in it, in fact, quite recently.

In the 19th century, “Young Painter” was listed as the work of A. Losenko and even had his fake signature “A. Losenko 1756". True, already at the beginning of the 20th century it was quite clear to art experts that the painting had nothing in common with Losenko’s work. But its authorship remained guesswork. Various assumptions have been made, tending to suggest that the author of this painting should be sought among Western European masters. The name of the famous German engraver and painter D. Khodovetsky was even named. Not all the names of Russian painters have survived to our time. Ivan Ivanovich Firsov was lucky to some extent. His authorship of the only painting that has reached us was finally confirmed only at the beginning of the twentieth century.<
In 1913, on the initiative of I. Grabar, Losenko’s signature was removed and underneath it was discovered the original, written in French, “I. Firsove."

It is also known that in 1771 Firsov executed a number of icons and decorative paintings that have not reached us. The “young painter” remains alone in the work of the remarkable Russian master. Apparently, Firsov was most gifted precisely in that area of ​​art, which could find so little application in Russian reality in the second half of the 18th century.

The interesting work of I. Firsov “Young Painter” did not immediately receive recognition from the audience, because it was presented to the audience only two centuries after it was written. And all because the artist created his creative work at a time when painting was not yet known or popular.

Only the modern generation of art lovers paid close attention to Firsov’s painting. Due to its low popularity, the canvas turned out to be practically untouched and perfectly preserved.

When I first look at the painting, it seems simple and naive to me. But, this is only the first impression. Then, when I peer into the details of the canvas, I see in front of me not an ordinary artist, but a very young guy who is so diligently trying to bring out every stroke of the brush, every feature on his canvas.

Next, my attention is drawn to the model, who simply cannot sit still. She is so interested in what is happening, she is ready to jump out of her chair right now and run up to the artist. But her energy and cheerfulness are kept in check by her mother standing nearby, who shakes her finger and asks the girl to calm down a little.

On the floor, next to the young artist, there is his palette of paints. In the background of I. Firsov’s canvas “Young Painter” there is a plaster sculpture and a bust, and on the wall there is a painting depicting a noble lady. At first glance, it seems that all these items are completely incompatible with each other. But, thanks to the artist’s skill, they are skillfully combined using correctly selected colors and well-arranged composition.

The room in which the painting takes place is quite cozy and warm, conducive to true creativity. It is in such a room that “ordinary people” live full and happy lives.

The painter's contemporaries claim that most of the works done by the hand of Ivan Ivanovich Firsov came to the disposal of churches, cathedrals and theaters. Often, panels by this artist could be found in the interiors of houses of wealthy families. However, literally only a few of his works have survived to this day, one of which is the painting “Young Painter”. Moreover, several interesting and mysterious events are connected with its history, as well as with the life of the creator himself.

I. I. Firsov: biography

The exact date of Firsov’s birth is not known, but he was born around 1733 in Moscow, into a merchant family. Both Ivan Ivanovich’s father and grandfather were directly related to art - they were engaged in artistic wood carving and jewelry making. It was from them that the talent in the field of painting passed on to the heir.

As soon as it became clear that young Firsov had a very clear predisposition to this type of activity, the family council decided to send him to work in St. Petersburg. Upon arrival, the future artist was assigned to finishing work, where he was engaged in decorating buildings and palaces.

At the age of 14 (exactly at this age), Firsov entered the service in the Office of Buildings, while simultaneously studying and developing his talent as a painter. Ivan Ivanovich’s talent could not go unnoticed - his creativity delighted Catherine II herself, and she insisted on his further education, and not just anywhere, but abroad, in France.

In 1756, Firsov entered the Parisian University and there he was largely inspired by the works of French painters. The greatest influence on him was Chardin, who painted canvases depicting genre subjects: Ivan Firsov’s painting “Young Painter” is most in tune with the work of this Parisian realist.

Upon returning from France (period 1758-1760), I. I. Firsov became a court artist. He gained fame mainly as a result of the decorative design of panels painted with his own hand for various performances and productions. A little later, Ivan Ivanovich becomes one of the main employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters.

Unfortunately, very little is known about the last years of the painter’s life. In this regard, having compared some historical data and dates of mention of Firsov, experts claim that he died after 1785. According to some facts, the artist could well have ended his days in a mental hospital, since at the end of his life he suffered from some mental disorders.

Ivan Ivanovich completed a sufficient amount of work both by order of the leadership and for the nobles. However, little has survived to this day. The painting “Young Painter” simultaneously tells about the talent Firsov had, and in the same way does not allow you to deeply feel everything that was imbued with his creations. The only thing is indisputable: this is a real masterpiece in the field of genre painting.

Description of the painting “Young painter”

The composition on the canvas is simple and at the same time interesting due to its everyday life. The focus is on three figures: the youngest painter, a little girl and her mother. A boy in a blue uniform sits on a chair with one leg on an easel and paints a portrait of a little girl opposite him. Despite the apparent relaxation of his posture, he is focused and passionate about what he is doing.

As for the youngest model, dressed in a light cap, she is ready to run away at any moment to do more interesting things. Such a trait as embarrassment is also evident in her pose - she pressed herself close to her mother, who affectionately hugged her daughter’s head. The woman herself simultaneously holds and calms the little fidget with one hand, and with the other she instructively shakes her finger at her. However, there is not even a shadow of tension here - the apparent severity of the mother is not at all serious.

In addition to the people themselves, in the room, flooded with soft light, there are also some objects inherent in the workshop of each artist: a bust, a mannequin, a box with brushes and paints, a couple of paintings on the wall.

Pastel tones that have not lost their freshness over time, an atmosphere of cozy and calm everyday life - this is how we can complete the description of the painting “Young Painter”. Its plot is conveyed with incredible cordiality, as evidenced by the fact that the canvas was written not to order, but “for the soul,” under the influence of certain feelings.

History of the painting

The painting "Young Painter" was completed around 1768 in Paris. This painting opens a subsequent series of works in a similar genre. At the time of writing “The Young Painter,” in addition to Firsov, some paintings by Shibanov and Eremenev, telling about the life of peasants, can be considered similar works.

By the way, until the beginning of the 20th century it was believed that this painting was not created by Firsov at all. “Young Painter” is a painting by the artist A. Losenko, as the signature of the same name on the front side tried to indicate. However, art historians did not calm down until in 1913, during the examination, a decision was made to eliminate the above-mentioned surname, under which the name I. I. Firsov was discovered.

At the moment, the painting “Young Painter” is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, where it came thanks to the founder of the museum, a merchant who bought the painting from a certain collector named Bykov in 1883.

Household painting as a genre and attitude towards it

The Russian Academy of Arts at the time Firsov wrote his famous work, one might say, did not fully recognize the everyday genre as a type of painting, considering it low-grade. Perhaps this fact is also the reason that the work spent a long time in the workshop in which Ivan Firsov worked.

The painting “Young Painter,” despite this, still saw the light of day and is now considered the most striking example of the everyday genre of the 18th century, and its value only increases from this.

Painting in Russian painting

The main difference between the canvas is its somewhat absent-mindedness. It was written with love, without obeying any generally accepted classical laws. The depiction of a scene from ordinary life, without embellishment, excessive rigor and adherence to canons - this is how art critics characterize the painting “Young Painter”. People do not pose, they are charming in their simplicity, which was completely uncharacteristic of Russian fine art of that time.

That is why for a long time no one had any associations with the fact that this work could have been made by the hand of our compatriot. Experts in the field of painting confirm that the painted picture is so unrelated to the events in Russia in the 18th century. in spirit, which creates a strong impression of atypicality and spontaneity.

Other paintings by I. I. Firsov

However, the work in question is not all that Firsov left us as a legacy. “Young Painter” is a painting by this master in its genre, one might say, alone, but there is one more surviving painting. It is called “Flowers and Fruits” and is a version of what was previously posted in. Both works are written in completely different styles, but nevertheless they belong to the brush of Ivan Ivanovich, testifying to the versatility and originality of his talent.