Gopnik catchphrases. Gopnik phrases. How to understand them

IN modern society every person is a member different groups. It can be at the same time labor collective, a knitting group, a group of friends and a gathering of neighbors. Joining such groups implies acquiring social status, and at the same time social role. But there are representatives of society whose position is not always pleasant and understandable to people. For example, gopniks. Their behavior makes you wonder if they are even ready to be part of society? They are often rude, ill-mannered and do not evoke the slightest approval or sympathy. The phrases of gopniks are confusing, because their meaning is not always clear to everyone. To find out what they are talking about, you need to understand their slang.

Who are the gopniks?

Gopniks are a certain group of people who do not always cause positive emotions. They are poorly educated people, devoid of cultural understanding (usually teenagers), who behave rudely, respect their “laws” and are engaged in “running into” others. Gopnik and criminal are not identical concepts, although the first is close to the criminal world.

Their absence cash combined with origin from low-income families, they become the reason why the purpose of “attacks” on passers-by is to “confiscate” small money, watches, and phones. At the same time, they put their victim into a kind of trance; under pressure, she seems to give him the valuables herself. Special role Gopnik phrases also play here.

What are the gopniks talking about?

There is no point in guessing what they are talking about among themselves, since all attention should be focused on what the phrases of the gopniks are, whose “attacks” frighten and put people into a stupor. Their main goal is to “let in” the victim, to show that they are the ones who “decide everything” and are “responsible for their market” and, if possible, take away material values. Gopniks use different reasons to appeal to people. The slang of gopniks, the phrases they use to engage the victim in a dialogue, can boil down to: “Hey, guy, is there a gig? Psst, where are you going? Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?” etc.

What do Gopniks say?

By the way a person speaks, one can draw a conclusion about how he was raised, what his level of intelligence is and how he can behave in society. This can also be determined by the speech of uneducated and rude groups of people, because the way gopniks speak, phrases and slang words immediately demonstrate their level of development. For the purpose of “attacking” everything they say will be in a harsh, brutal form, because they must show themselves as real men.

“A boy said - a boy did”, “Brother for brother is taken as a basis”, “A clear boy in life in the subject” - these are the peculiar mottos of gopotas, which they often use to show that they have their own principles that should command respect from other people. But in practice this does not happen.

Gopnik phrases

Gopniks are different, each such “gang” may have its own catchphrases, but we can also identify those that each of this class resorts to. They often call their buddies “Vasya”, which in their slang equates, to put it mildly, with a fool; they ask each other deep philosophical questions like “Who are you in life?”; they care about the health of passers-by and test their hearing with the phrase “Hear, you.” No joke, the phrases of Gopniks are a phenomenon that is both funny and terrible. Their most popular sayings:

  1. “Are you confused? / What are you doing, fraer? - indignation.
  2. “Why are you so impudent?” - reaction to an attempt to argue with Gopnik.
  3. “Come here, boy! Listen, don’t you understand? Come here, he said!” - engaging in conversation.
  4. “Do you have 50 kopecks (kopecks)? There’s not enough for travel,” a request for help.
  5. “An arrow at five? I’ll come anyway,” a promise to be at the meeting, which is scheduled for five o’clock.
  6. “Why are you chasing a demon?” - the interlocutor says obvious stupidity.
  7. “Well, I’m a deer, I forgot my lave at home.” - “I’m a fool because I forgot my cash at home.”
  8. “Bro, what color are you?” - "Tell about yourself".
  9. “Chicken the hell out of me.” - “Look at the Adidas sneakers/sneakers I bought.”
  10. “As far as whitefish is concerned, I’m completely clueless. Stuck in hard” - a strong effect of tobacco products.
  11. “Maybe we can talk on the courts?” - “Maybe we should sit down?”

All this is accompanied by obscene language, which is used, as they say, “to connect words.” This, first of all, makes people experience sharp negative feelings at the sight of such citizens. The phrases of gopniks are a separate language that can only be understood by those who “squeeze the cache” and for whom “everything is fine.”

How to deal with gopniks?

When such a group of people is put into a disadvantageous position by their “assault”, it is not worth using their own weapons, namely the phrases of gopniks, against them. Any dispute can be resolved diplomatically, even if in this case it will be difficult. When they say to you: “What, is there anything?” - it’s hard to understand what we’re talking about. It is no less difficult to behave with restraint when people are shouting behind your back: “Why the hell are you so hairy?”

But even in such situations, it is worth choosing those words that will give a chance to avoid such contact, but will not offend the main opponent, which can lead to dire consequences.

In modern society, each person is a member of different groups. This could be a work collective, a knitting group, a group of friends, and a meeting of neighbors at the same time. Joining such groups implies the acquisition of social status, and with it a social role. But there are representatives of society whose position is not always pleasant and understandable to people. For example, gopniks. Their behavior makes you wonder if they are even ready to be part of society? They are often rude, ill-mannered and do not evoke the slightest approval or sympathy. The phrases of gopniks are confusing, because their meaning is not always clear to everyone. To find out what they are talking about, you need to understand their slang.

Who are the gopniks?

Gopniks are a certain group of people who do not always evoke positive emotions. They are poorly educated people, devoid of cultural understanding (usually teenagers), who behave rudely, respect their “laws” and are engaged in “running into” others. Gopnik and criminal are not identical concepts, although the first is close to the criminal world.

Their lack of funds, combined with their origins from low-income families, becomes the reason why the purpose of “attacks” on passers-by is to “confiscate” small money, watches, and phones. At the same time, they put their victim into a kind of trance; under pressure, she seems to give him the valuables herself. The phrases of Gopniks also play a special role here.

What are the gopniks talking about?

There is no point in guessing what they are talking about among themselves, since all attention should be focused on what the phrases of the gopniks are, whose “attacks” frighten and put people into a stupor. Their main goal is to “let in” the victim, to show that they are the ones who “decide everything” and are “responsible for their market” and, if possible, take away material values. Gopniks use different reasons to appeal to people. The slang of gopniks, the phrases they use to engage the victim in a dialogue, can boil down to: “Hey, guy, is there a gig? Psst, where are you going? Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?” etc.

What do Gopniks say?

By the way a person speaks, one can draw a conclusion about how he was raised, what his level of intelligence is and how he can behave in society. This can also be determined by the speech of uneducated and rude groups of people, because the way gopniks speak, phrases, immediately demonstrate their level of development. For the purpose of “attacking” everything they say will be in a harsh, brutal form, because they must show themselves as real men.

“A boy said - a boy did”, “Brother for brother is taken as a basis”, “A clear boy in life in the subject” - these are the peculiar mottos of gopotas, which they often use to show that they have their own principles that should command respect from other people. But in practice this does not happen.

Gopnik phrases

Gopniks are different, each such “gang” may have its own catchphrases, but we can also identify those that each of this class resorts to. They often call their buddies “Vasya”, which in their slang equates, to put it mildly, with a fool; they ask deep philosophical questions like “Who are you in life?”; they care about the health of passers-by and test their hearing with the phrase “Hear, you.” No joke, the phrases of Gopniks are a phenomenon that is both funny and terrible. Their most popular sayings:

  1. “Are you confused? / What are you doing, fraer? - indignation.
  2. “Why are you so impudent?” - reaction to an attempt to argue with Gopnik.
  3. “Come here, boy! Listen, don’t you understand? Come here, he said!” - engaging in conversation.
  4. “Do you have 50 kopecks (kopecks)? There’s not enough for travel,” a request for help.
  5. “An arrow at five? I’ll come anyway,” a promise to be at the meeting, which is scheduled for five o’clock.
  6. “Why are you chasing a demon?” - the interlocutor says obvious stupidity.
  7. “Well, I’m a deer, I forgot my lave at home.” - “I’m a fool because I forgot my cash at home.”
  8. “Bro, what color are you?” - "Tell about yourself".
  9. “Chicken the hell out of me.” - “Look at the Adidas sneakers/sneakers I bought.”
  10. “As far as whitefish is concerned, I’m completely clueless. Stuck in hard” - a strong effect of tobacco products.
  11. “Maybe we can talk on the courts?” - “Maybe we should sit down?”

All this is accompanied by obscene language, which is used, as they say, “to connect words.” This, first of all, makes people experience sharply negative feelings when they see such citizens. The phrases of gopniks are a separate language that can only be understood by those who “squeeze the cache” and for whom “everything is fine.”

How to deal with gopniks?

When such a group of people is put into a disadvantageous position by their “assault”, it is not worth using their own weapons, namely the phrases of gopniks, against them. Any dispute can be resolved diplomatically, even if in this case it will be difficult. When they say to you: “What, is there anything?” - it’s hard to understand what we’re talking about. It is no less difficult to behave with restraint when people are shouting behind your back: “Why the hell are you so hairy?”

But even in such situations, it is worth choosing those words that will give a chance to avoid such contact, but will not offend the main opponent, which can lead to dire consequences.

The term “jargon” in linguistics denotes a separate layer of vocabulary characteristic of a separate social group, profession or community, which is different from literary language specific phrases and words, as well as expressiveness of turns. The vocabulary of jargon, as a rule, is formed on the basis of the literary language. Words borrowed from it are rethought, redesigned and acquire new content (for example, “jerk” - “go”, “wheelbarrow” - “car”, etc.).

IN modern language jargon has become widespread among young people. However, even in this environment, it is possible to identify layers of slang that are characteristic of representatives of certain subcultures. Thus, in particular, we can talk about the jargon of hipsters, the jargon of goths, the jargon of emo or the jargon of gopniks. Each of the listed subcultures uses a special vocabulary.

Next, let's take a closer look at the gopnik jargon. Gopniks are representatives of aggressively minded youth, close to the criminal world or with criminal behavioral traits. Teenagers from dysfunctional families often become gopniks, although they do not call themselves gopniks and consider this term offensive when applied to them. Gopniks refer to themselves as “boys” or “real (clear) boys.”

In communication between gopniks and opponents, the so-called “loading” is often used, when the speaker tries to convince listeners that he is right in an aggressive manner, making him appear guilty. Gopniks under no circumstances admit that they are wrong, even in the most illogical situations.

Some expressions that gopniks use:

Babos, loot, lave - money.
A sucker is a stupid person whose money can be taken away.
Vasya is a stupid person or an appeal to an interlocutor whom they want to belittle.
Sunflower seeds - sunflower seeds.

Sysh what - an appeal to any person.
In reality, I really fucking will - an attempt to convince the interlocutor that he is right.
Decl - not enough.
Asshole, asshole - highest degree satisfaction.
Hanging - relaxing, having fun.
To persecute is to deceive, to tell a lie.
The rat is a greedy person, a thief.
Stick around, smoke, do nothing.
A shovel is a wallet.
Answer, babble - give the floor.
To soar is to deceive.
Popadalovo, popandos is a problem.
Let go - calm down.
To smoke is to smoke drugs.
Bruise - drink alcoholic beverages.
Khata is a vacant apartment.
Shnyaga is any object, problem.

The basic life principles of Gopniks can be defined as follows:

- Whoever is stronger is right.
— The main thing in life is money.
- Money is not earned, but taken from suckers.
— The most “correct” people are thieves in law and prisoners.
— The zone, the yard and the street are a school of life.
- Anyone who does not live according to concepts is not a person and is not worthy of life.

Gopniks contrast themselves with the so-called informals: rockers, punks, hippies, metalheads. In general, those who go with long hair, are unworthy of respect according to their standards. Musical preferences Gopnikov is chanson and rap, including American. It is curious that almost all representatives of Russian rap support gop culture.

The selection includes famous quotes and phrases of gopniks:

  • Do I look like a fraer?
  • Why, do you have a couple of rubles for the boys to get started? will you be on business? why are you silent?
  • The fewer teeth a person has, the better he filters the market.
  • Hey kid, do you have any ideas? A? Will I find it?
  • I'm a clear guy, I'm in the know in life!!! Understood!
  • What's the problem? No? There will be...
  • The boy said! - The boy forgot!
  • So you took it and made a theme, but you rustle and nothing happens!
  • Oops, what do you want to show me? Well, call me first.
  • Why is your hair so long? Aren't you a boy!?
  • Let's get out of here, boys. No more here.
  • Have you confused the Rams? (Everyone knows the phrases of Gopnik, but this one is the most popular!)
  • Give me your jacket, the boy is cold.
  • Do you hear?! why are you so smart? Have you finished school?
  • Hey you devil! Why are you so hairy like a girl?
  • What are you treating me for? Why are you chasing the devil?
  • Brother, wait a minute. Where are you coming from so handsome?
  • Are you from Prodizhi? I thought you broke up!
  • Things are not going well. All in a bunch.

  • Do you have a phone number? What if I find it?
  • Can't find Zhiga?
  • Arrow at eight? I'll come anyway.
  • Listen, well, you really have to decide: are you a kid or not a kid?
  • Boy, check out what crazy shit I did!
  • Listen, brother. Brake, there is a market. What are you doing? Why are you so naked?
  • An impudent quote from the Gopniks - Patsik, let me wear my ankle boots!
  • Listen, you are finally wrong, you realize this.
  • Listen, brother, what color are you?
  • Listen, justify your words so that you don’t regret your health later.
  • Boy, you really are confused, why are you treating me here? Are you changing your shoes?
  • Hey, do you have a cigarette?
  • Oops. Yes, you got it wrong...
  • Are you going to run into chaos?
  • Nuka quickly drew a horse!
  • Sigh, thank you, well, I sucked it.
  • Any little things?
  • Who are you in life anyway?
  • Let me read your travel card.
  • Gopnik's interrogative quote - What, aren't you a kid?
  • Vasa, what are you whispering about?!
  • Don't you hear? (frostbitten, swollen...)
  • Be a kid, take him out to the market!
  • Aren't you tripping?
  • What are you firing? Hide the picket fence. Popadalovo.
  • What are you performing for me?!
  • Why are your pants so tight, did you take them from your sister?
  • I answer them. To anyone.
  • Maybe we can talk on the courts?
  • Brother, are there any little things? Find something, jump there...
  • Why are you smearing yourself, you’re not a kid...

The article contains statements, quotes and phrases from Gopniks. Gopniks (gopari, gopy, gopota, gopna, gopoten, gopyo) - this slang word in Russian refers to representatives of urban aggressive youth.

Who are the gopniks?

Gopniks are a certain group of people who do not always evoke positive emotions. They are poorly educated people, devoid of cultural understanding (usually teenagers), who behave rudely, respect their “laws” and are engaged in “running into” others. Gopnik and criminal are not identical concepts, although the first is close to the criminal world.

Their lack of funds, combined with their origins from low-income families, becomes the reason why the purpose of “attacks” on passers-by is to “confiscate” small money, watches, and phones. At the same time, they put their victim into a kind of trance; under pressure, she seems to give him the valuables herself. The phrases of Gopniks also play a special role here.

What are the gopniks talking about?

There is no point in guessing what they are talking about among themselves, since all attention should be focused on what the phrases of the gopniks are, whose “attacks” frighten and put people into a stupor. Their main goal is to “let in” the victim, to show that they are the ones who “decide everything” and are “responsible for their market” and, if possible, take away material values. Gopniks use different reasons to appeal to people. The slang of gopniks, the phrases they use to engage the victim in a dialogue, can boil down to: “Hey, guy, is there a gig? Psst, where are you going? Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?” etc.

What do Gopniks say?

By the way a person speaks, one can draw a conclusion about how he was raised, what his level of intelligence is and how he can behave in society. This can also be determined by the speech of uneducated and rude groups of people, because the way gopniks speak, phrases and slang words immediately demonstrate their level of development. For the purpose of “attacking” everything they say will be in a harsh, brutal form, because they must show themselves as real men.

“A boy said - a boy did”, “Brother for brother is taken as a basis”, “A clear boy in life in the subject” - these are the peculiar mottos of the gopots, which they often use to show that they have their own principles that should command respect from other people. But in practice this does not happen.

Gopniks are different, each such “gang” may have its own catchphrases, but we can also identify those that each of this class resorts to. They often call their buddies “Vasya”, which in their slang equates, to put it mildly, with a fool; they ask each other deep philosophical questions like “Who are you in life?”; they care about the health of passers-by and test their hearing with the phrase “Hear, you.” No joke, the phrases of Gopniks are a phenomenon that is both funny and terrible. Their most popular sayings:

  1. “Are you confused? / What are you, fraer? — indignation.
  2. “Why are you so impudent?” - reaction to an attempt to argue with Gopnik.
  3. “Come here, boy! Listen, don’t you understand? Come here, he said!” - engaging in conversation.
  4. “Do you have 50 kopecks (kopecks)? There’s not enough for travel,” a request for help.
  5. “An arrow at five? I’ll come anyway,” a promise to be at the meeting, which is scheduled for five o’clock.
  6. “Why are you chasing a demon?” - the interlocutor says obvious stupidity.
  7. “Well, I’m a deer, I forgot my lave at home.” - “I’m a fool because I forgot my cash at home.”
  8. “Bro, what color are you?” - "Tell about yourself".
  9. “Chicken the hell out of me.” - “Look at the Adidas sneakers/sneakers I bought.”
  10. “As far as whitefish is concerned, I’m completely clueless. Stuck in hard,” the strong effect of tobacco products.
  11. “Maybe we can talk on the courts?” - “Can we sit down?”

All this is accompanied by obscene language, which is used, as they say, “to connect words.” This, first of all, makes people experience sharply negative feelings when they see such citizens. The phrases of gopniks are a separate language that can only be understood by those who “squeeze the cache” and for whom “everything is fine.”

How to deal with gopniks?

When such a group of people is put into a disadvantageous position by their “assault”, it is not worth using their own weapons, namely the phrases of gopniks, against them. Any dispute can be resolved diplomatically, even if in this case it will be difficult. When they say to you: “What, is there anything?” - it’s hard to understand what we’re talking about. It is no less difficult to behave with restraint when people are shouting behind your back: “Why the hell are you so hairy?”

But even in such situations, it is worth choosing those words that will give a chance to avoid such contact, but will not offend the main opponent, which can lead to dire consequences.