I hate the Russian Federation. "I hate this country!" (dystopia). My beloved Russia

09/02/08, Avdotya
Grayness, you say? And look at other nations. It is impossible to classify Russians; they are diverse and therefore interesting. Look at the Krauts - they are all pedants, at the Jews - they are all rednecks, at the pasta people - talkers and preoccupied, at the Pindos - stupid as traffic jams. And every day of communication with Russians leads to the discovery of new psychotypes; they cannot be lumped into any single image. This is so interesting!

09/02/08, Warm Snow
Continuation of the topic about Russian people: I don’t want to encourage anyone to love Russian people, but I want them to be treated as mere mortal people, just like the French, Albanians, Americans, Georgians and millions of other nations on our planet, people who have great advantages and great disadvantages at the same time. Let's love each other and this mutual love, no matter where we live or what language we speak, we will gradually get rid of our human vices and shortcomings. P.S. I apologize for the large volume, but I couldn’t help but say less, it worries me too much.

09/02/08, Ingusik
I love Russian people, I love my fellow countrymen. How is it possible to love or not love an entire nation... I love because I live among them and don’t complain. I will continue to live!

01/11/08, Johnson
I know that as long as I write in the green column of this topic, being a Russian, I will be much better than any representative of the territorial-national formation from the adjacent column.

14/02/09, Pimpson
So a man read some right-wing works, raised his head proudly and said: I am Russian, and you are all Russians. funny. I am against the division into indigenous and limited, into Russians and Russians, into participants in the movement and vegetables. There is only one objective criterion: race. and everything else is a reason to proudly shake your balls without proper reason.

28/09/09, Kelso
Of course I do. Where else but in Russia can you meet so many homeless people, rednecks, trash and other skanks. Where else are there so many beer bottles lying on the asphalt? In what country in the world is the population declining so quickly. That’s why I love Russia and Russians

26/10/09, Mark Ratboy
I love you and everything. It’s difficult to explain to me, as a person who has never thought about this before. That's why I'm writing impromptu. Yes, I love Russians for their honesty, sincerity and kindness. They are also characterized by directness of expression. No stone in your bosom. This especially applies to natives living 101 kilometers from Moscow, and even more especially beyond the Urals, in Siberia and in far east. It so happened historically, probably, that the main population of these regions are the descendants of the “exiled” kings who displeased them. I have friends who come from the Chita region. Real example intelligence, tact and excellent upbringing.

15/06/11, Heavenly Knight
Martin, have you been to the USA and know how the niggas there behave in order to compare Russians with them? By the way, there is no such nation - the Russians (just like the Americans) are crap called out by the Medvedevs for generalizing the people - do not confuse the Russians with the Russians, where the last one can be any Chuchmek who bought a Russian passport. And then, what kind of envy is there - they travel abroad in gold - I personally don’t give a fuck who goes there and what they wear (by the way, I myself was in Turkey and never noticed anything like this with ours - the indigenous people behave much more impudently and stupidly), to speak badly about Conscience does not allow this people - yes, there are cattle (although where are they not?), but there are also plenty of worthy people. If, on the basis of one redneck, one judges the entire people only on the basis of the Russian column, then this is not reasonable.

15/06/11, Orthodox
Martin, you are continuing the work of TRB, I see)) Do you, my dear, know how the British behave on vacation?)) Such snobbery, conceit and arrogance towards people, even towards residents of continental Europe, is still to be found. And they drink like horses, and then behave so disgustingly that Russian men in comparison look like graduates of page corps))

15/06/11, Heavenly Knight
Well, this is not the answer - you can catch a lot of such records on the Internet, and there will always be idiots for any nation. The same can be said about black immigrants (Azeris, etc.), only in their case this is not the exception, but the norm. Personally, in my city there live a bunch of Negroids who can’t talk normally, they yell, they’re always babbling something all over the street and getting into Russian women This is in the order of things (as long as you don’t bother to figure it out).

15/06/11, Doctor Aibolit
Among the intellectuals, they also released now from Russia and then under the USSR, garbage businessmen, whom the OBHS was hunting. Having arrived in America, they do business and, sitting on alms from the state, buy yachts and open jewelry businesses. Such rudeness came from former USSR that they must pay America for the fact that the USSR got rid of them.

29/05/12, Bath attendant
I love...maybe unfortunately. But I love it because I myself have a connection with the Russian people and don’t know anyone else!

29/05/12, Bath attendant
And I also love because Russians have two opposite, but complementary properties of the Russian soul: a tendency towards anarchy and a habit of submission... And in the end, how can you not love yourself.

27/08/12, judas777
Because they are stupid and defenseless inhabitants of the planet, and this can be seen from their folk tales about “Dodik Emelya”, “down Ivan” and so on. Due to the fact that I love cats, dogs, parrots and other smaller brothers, not excluding Russians.

23/10/12, AmorePerro
sonney, we are not like that - this is the policy. I agree, most Russians do not behave in the best possible way, but this is not a reason to promote nationalism. We are very good people, at least we will never snitch on each other

01/11/12, gentle beast
Well, you can’t ask the question point blank. I won’t have feelings for people just because of their nationality. It’s stupid to put stamps on people based on their nationality; a person should be valued as an individual. There is another reason for the dislike that I noticed here, this is the government. What does it have to do with it ordinary people? If you look closely, you can see with the naked eye that among Russians there are a lot of good and good people, by the way, there are much more of them than drunkards, boors and lazy people.

01/11/12, gentle beast
Our people have something to be proud of. Victory in the Second World War was only because Russia defeated Nazism, the greatest merit in the victory over the Nazis is ours! Our grandfathers (great-grandfathers) first of all! Alas, Russia is not in the best condition now, but years will pass 10-15 and I’m sure everyone will take her into account in the world again. Such enormous natural wealth and resources, such territories and such people will not be lost. Human capital ours was not always good, but it can be changed in better side with skillful leadership, and we have always had, have and will have skilled and experienced managers!

01/11/12, gentle beast
I loved, love and will love Russian People, which includes many nationalities. Glory to Russia! Glory to Our People!

28/06/14, Life is beautiful
Russians are very friendly, kind people. But ONLY RUSSIANS. Notice there are only Jews on stage. Americans don’t like Russians, the whole of Europe doesn’t like them, but oh well, about abroad, here the Tatars and Bashkirs don’t allow us to live in peace in their own republics. There are very few Russians in Russia, and those who are Russian are very kind and sincere. People who are fat people in hats on the beach are just showing off, but officials... you shouldn’t hate the poor Russian people. People too, must live too

26/03/16, Mark Ratboy
So, Russians, I have never spoken badly about you. Normal, smart people. But you have a cancerous tumor in the brain in the form of a Kremlin. The faster you get rid of it, the easier life will become not only for you, but also for your neighbors. Of course, it can be left as an architectural monument. But nothing more.

20/10/17, Black tiger
I love them. For their sincerity, straightforwardness. For the fact that they smile only for a reason. For the love of freebies, teasing each other and alcohol. For the Russian spirit and strength. Only in the green column. It’s hard not to love you

18/07/19, Barin1974
Legendary Unperturbable, you are from the Moscow region, but you don’t love your country or your people. So what have you lost here then?? Go to a gay Europe you are proud of! Give a blow job to all the gay Europeans there! There is no place for people like you in Russia! I won’t be surprised if I find out that you have been spanked or are being spanked by some Negro, Mongoloid, Jew or Caucasian. Lowered. And there is only love for the subject, how can you not love your country and your people??

Recently I was reproached for often writing negatively about the West, while not paying attention to Russian realities and sent a text in which they outlined, point by point, all the negativity that the author had accumulated over his entire life in Russia.

Why not, that’s why I actually created an author’s section in my magazine, so that everyone who has a desire to do so, regardless of their views or preferences, can speak out.

By the way, we noticed that when you write well about Russia, you are immediately an agent of the Kremlin and a propagandist working for Putin’s handouts. If you write something bad, then you are an agent of the State Department, working off rations from Uncle Sam.

But the truth is somewhere nearby

I live in Siberia, you understand, not the best place to live. But I'm not going anywhere. Although I graduated from the faculty foreign languages and there would be fewer problems with adaptation to another country. Plus a bunch useful knowledge. I love my country and at the same time I hate it very often.

I have something to hate Russia for and I don’t need it here right away, and let’s get out of here, rotten intelligentsia and so on.

Yes, space. Nature, beauty. Russian language. Like-minded people. Friends. Lots of advantages.

Why do I hate her?

1. For a huge percentage of cattle. Yes, stupid, uneducated and at the same time very aggressive people. There are many of these in Europe. But they are not visible there, because they are not given the opportunity to stick out. They are law-abiding citizens.

2. I hate Russia. For ignorance of languages. Why teach? Let them speak Russian. I have seen this picture many times at the reception desk abroad, when the Russian was shaking his license: “Why aren’t you answering me in Russian?”

3. I hate it. For dirt and rudeness. Come visit us in Karakansky Bor in the Ordynsky district. Look how much trash Russian tourists leave behind! Try to make a comment - do you understand what you get?

4. I hate it. For drinking on weekends and on vacation. To the fullest, to the point of loss of memory and human appearance. We walk in such a way that we disturb everyone around us. That’s why they are so afraid of drunk Russians in Turkey, Greece, and so on.

5. I hate crazy Russian mothers who make freaks out of their children. On the one hand, dressing only in the brand, on the other, replacing communication with a computer and expensive gadgets. And rushing into the embrasure if someone dared to make a remark to the child.

6. I hate politics, which divided people into two camps. Which destroyed the past, and therefore the life of my front-line father.

7. I hate Russia for the miserable existence of pensioners, for the supposedly free education, for the fact that a teacher, journalist, lawyer, doctor, you can add a hundred professions, have turned not into propagandists of knowledge, not into a beacon of science, but into slaves serving the interests of the rich , those who pay.

8. I hate Russia because literary magazines are dying, libraries are closing, municipal clubs, studios, and theaters are being destroyed. Those who really love their work and who serve their cause are fired.

9. I hate Russia because I am often ashamed to say abroad that I am Russian. Because there are so many negative labels and cliches that it’s easier to lie than to prove that I’m not like that. It’s easier to say that I’m not Russian.

10. I hate Russia because prices here are constantly rising, taxes are rising, and it’s unpredictable. I stood in lines so much: for bread, sausage, sugar, salt, cereals that I was already completely fed up. I'm tired of crises.

First childhood impression. Two older brothers and I are standing for bread. This is the year 60.

80s. My children are already in line. These are their impressions. Frozen buses. Lack of clothes. And much more.

2014 Sanctions again.

Again political games and enmity of peoples. Already in families there was a line of hatred. This is why I hate Russia.

This list I can go on and on. And at the same time, Russia is my country, from which I will not leave. Because there are a lot of things that keep me here.

We have huge house where I live.

Very good housewife. The head of our housing and communal services. A real Soviet teacher who works not for money, but with integrity. He can't do it any other way. In the morning, she and I carry carts (next to the Lenta store), which for some reason the residents did not roll back. We collect abandoned packages at the entrances; for some reason they were not taken to the trash bin. IN summer days We walk around with black bags and collect garbage. Papers, candy wrappers, plastic bottles.

We want it to be clean. In the morning everything starts all over again. Because from the upper floors someone threw diapers onto the lawn, piles of shit (sorry) from dogs, empty beer bottles, and so on.

Is it possible to love us like this? Just assholes?

We tourists are so indignant that it is dirty in India and Egypt. Are we clean? Personally, is your entrance clean? In your entrance, elevator, courtyard? After all, only a few clean and put things in order (by the way, I’m not on staff), others just look at it and continue to crap, be rude, spoil, destroy, litter, swear, drink vodka on the playground, make noise at night, just behave inappropriately. -humanly.

I have a friend who was left without teeth. Only through the court did I receive compensation. Do you think the driver came to apologize? Nothing of the kind! Therefore, there is no need to shift our problems, our disrespect for people, our boorish behavior and the lack of any moral and moral standards onto foreign tourists, like, not knowing our specifics. I know, but it doesn't make it any easier for me.

Our Russia is different.

“The Mystery of the Soul”, about us. But this is Dostoevsky and what we are proud of.

Drunk, redneck, bastard - this is also about us.

Great literature and the poor teachers who teach it.

Beautiful nature and littered provincial towns, mired in drunkenness and permissiveness. I hate this kind of Russia too...

That's all I wanted to say.

But, thank God, I have another Russia. Which I love...

Damn country. God-forsaken 1/6 of the land. How did I manage to be born in this totalitarian state? — showing my pass, I pass through the factory turntable, and my gaze, once again, rests on the tired words “Putin is alive, Putin will live” and “Glory to the National Social Front.”
Holy shit... I'm so tired of all this. I've been tired of it for a long time. Back in school, when we were all bullied by the subject “History” that no one understood. United Russia" Only Democracy knows how much I hated the brochure “Quotes from V.V. Putin” and the multi-volume volume “Telephone Conversations of V.V. Putin with A.G. Lukashenko and N. Nazarbayev.”
Then there was the army. Even the daily political information that the special officer read to us did not inspire such disgust as our drill song:

“...And a song about him, raised like a banner
The united front marches in ranks;
It burns, a terrible flame flares up,
The peoples rise for the final struggle.
And we sing this song proudly
And we praise the greatness of Putin’s years,
We sing about life, beautiful, happy,
About the joy of our great victories!..."

After the army, I thought for a long time about how to live further. Admission to college, even without competition, because he served in the army, was no longer an option. I really didn’t like the prospect of participating in the annual youth forums on Seliger, working on days summer holidays to a vegetable storehouse with Belarusian potatoes and distribution, after graduation, to some shabby town of the Customs Union. And I don’t care about a solid salary. I am not a silent redneck who can be used as a potato packer and kicked into a Kazakh “caravanserai”.

That's why I chose a plant in my hometown which, frankly speaking, makes me nauseous.

I’m sick of the portraits of the Leader and banners with his quotes hanging on every corner, I’m disgusted by the monthly cleanup days, when I, like many, am forced to go out into the street with a broom and do the work for which I’m not paid, and bookstores are incredibly infuriating , where there is an abundance of ideologically consistent books for adults and children (such as “Putin and the Stove Man”, “How Volodya Passed the Exams” and Complete collection works by V.V. Putin in 55 volumes) drives you crazy. I hate this city, as well as everyone else.
I enter the workshop where there is a huge banner with the inscription “Work without defects - work like Putin,” and immediately run into our mechanic.
This scoundrel tells me in a whisper that there is contraband parmesan, dor blue and jamon. I say with ostentatious indignation that a true Putinist is disgusted by all these European delicacies, while I swallow my hungry saliva with cutlets, chops and homemade borscht, but I am restrained by the fact that, according to rumors, the mechanic is “knockin’” at the trade union, which is located under the hood of the FSB. I don't want to take risks. Better in the evening I’ll go to an underground McDonald’s and eat a couple of hamburgers and fries. A little expensive, of course. But this is better than getting a “tag” for storing and consuming foreign products.
Totalitarianism, no freedom.

At night, tightly closing the windows with curtains, I listen to the Voice of America on the radio, while I shy away from every extraneous sound and am always afraid that I will be detected by the direction finder, which travels through the city streets night and day.
I don't communicate with my neighbors. I know that some of them write to the “office” for the slightest reason. That is why I erased the “Salamander” label on the insoles of the boots I bought from the black marketeers and drew out the Belarusian brand “Svoboda” with a felt-tip pen. Complete hopelessness.

Just now, the trade union gave me a free ticket, as a shock worker of the Kremlin labor, to one of the sanatoriums in Crimea with four meals a day, health treatments and bus excursions.
This pathetic handout completely crushed me. I remembered the footage I had recently seen in an illegal video store of Montmartre, the Cote d'Azur, and Antalya and almost cried - I will never see these foreign beauties any more than I will know the taste of real whiskey and lobster meat. Go beyond this totalitarian state, it's like flying into space. Available only to selected people.
Strange thing, almost every day from two Russian cosmodromes"Plesetsk" and "Vostochny" manned and cargo ships are launched, the newest one is being built military equipment, science and technology are developing by leaps and bounds, and the enslaved people do not have the right to go on vacation to Turkey or Egypt. I'm not even talking about the ability to register on social networks under a fictitious name.

I hate this country. There is no freedom of speech. Any criticism of the government is equated to anti-Kremlin propaganda and is punishable by the “fourth” camp. We are forced to secretly gather in the kitchen of one or another like-minded person, where we read the samizdat Kommersant in a low voice and listen to Makarevich’s forbidden songs. In the dead of night we disperse one by one, fearing night police patrols, but it’s worth it. After such illegal gatherings I feel free. And it doesn’t matter that in the morning at the checkpoint I will again feel like a slave when I see the inscription “Putin is more alive than all the living”, because I know that everything comes to an end someday.