A drawing that mom will like. Portrait of mom. Children draw their beloved mothers

March 8, International Women's Day, is approaching, and many people want to please their mother with a touching gift - a portrait. However, drawing a mother beautifully step by step with a pencil is not an easy task even for experienced artists, and for a child it can be quite difficult. I'll show you how to draw a mom easily and without extra effort - just repeat all the steps step by step lesson. You will need a pencil, an eraser and paper; we will color with any suitable material for this - paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and anything else at all.

Since we are drawing a portrait of a mother for March 8 or Mother's Day for children, we will need to draw the face and shoulders. People have an oval face shape, so let's start drawing by building a base like this. I leave the top open, that's where we'll draw the hairstyle. You may not succeed the first time, but it doesn’t matter - just use the eraser and correct mistakes as you go.

Now we need to draw mom’s neck. These will be two smooth lines, you should get something like this.

Now we need to beautifully draw mom’s face. I always start drawing faces from the eyes, and my mother’s portrait for March 8th will be no exception. We draw two almond-shaped shapes, and a little higher - the lines of the eyebrows. Here it is especially important to remember what kind of eyes your mother has and try to imitate their shape.

Just below I draw a neat nose in the form of just two lines. Look, this is very easy to draw, but at the same time such a nose looks natural. A little lower I draw the lips and a light line above the chin.

We correct the contours a little - do not be afraid to correct the portrait of your mother on March 8th with a pencil if you want it to turn out beautifully. Here I draw the folds above the eyes, the iris and pupils, as well as the eyelashes. If your mommy has moles, birthmarks or other features on her face, be sure to reflect them!

All that's left to do is draw mom's hair and ears. We draw the ears at approximately the same level as the eyes, and the hairstyle will be the same as your mother’s. At my mom's short hair with a small bang, that's why I draw it that way.

Next you need to draw the clothes. I draw a neat collar, you can draw your mother’s favorite sweater, top, top part dresses. You can add other details - for example, mother’s beautiful beads, earrings and other jewelry that she really likes.

If your mom has a different hairstyle - e.g. long hair, high ponytail, bob or anything else - draw with a pencil exactly how it looks. For example, you might end up with something like this.

And now our portrait of our mother needs to be colored step by step! I draw mommy's skin beige color, I add blush to my cheeks. Hair is a pleasant brown shade. My mother’s eyes are special - one is green, the other is green with a brown spot, I also reflect this in my drawing so that the portrait for March 8th is more recognizable. I don't forget to use an orange tone on the skin. I paint my clothes green to match my eyes.

So, I showed you how a child can draw his mother beautifully for March 8 or Mother’s Day. If you decide to draw a picture of your mother and you succeed, be sure to share the result in the comments, I’m very interested to see. If you have any problems, you can also ask for help in the comments.

Master class on drawing a full-face portrait using reference drawings in kindergarten.

Portrait "My Mother".

Safronova Tatyana Arkadyevna, GBOU School No. 1248, structural unit No. 6 (preschool department), teacher, Moscow.
Description: The master class is intended for educators preparatory group kindergarten. To draw a portrait in kindergarten, I recommend using reference drawings that show the sequence of doing the work step by step. I bring to your attention ten reference drawings, each of which involves a repetition of all previous and new stage. You can draw them yourself, following the recommendations of my master class, or print the ones I suggested. Portrait "My Mother" will be a good gift for mothers by March 8th.
Goals: Prepare supporting drawings for teaching children how to draw a full-face portrait; teach children to draw a full-face portrait, taking into account proportions, trying to convey features appearance.
Tasks: Practice drawing skills with a simple pencil by changing the pressure on the pencil when drawing auxiliary lines, learn to use an eraser; develop artistic creativity children, interest in independent creative activity.
To work we will need:

- landscape sheet (or 1/2 landscape sheet) – 10 pcs.
- a simple pencil
- eraser
Preliminary work:
Read an excerpt from a poem by Alexander Kushner to the children
If you see what's in the picture
Is one of us looking?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.
A portrait is a painting of a person. A portrait can be in profile - this is a side view or full face - an image of a person facing the beholder.
Look at reproductions of paintings with your children.

Bryullov A.P. Portrait of Natalia Goncharova

Makarov Ivan “Portrait of Countess M.S. Sheremeteva in childhood (married Gudovich)”

Rachkov N.E. "Girl with Berries"
In all these paintings we see a full-face portrait - the depicted faces are turned towards the viewer.
You and I will learn to draw a full-face portrait.
Draw a sample on the board, showing the corresponding reference drawing. Explain the sequence of work for each stage.
Step-by-step execution of work
Reference drawing No. 1
Draw the outline of the face in the form of an oval.

Reference drawing No. 2
Draw the hair (remember what kind of hairstyle your mom has, whether her hair is smooth or wavy or curly).

Reference drawing No. 3
Draw a line from top to bottom. The line divides the oval of the face in half vertically. This is an auxiliary line that will help symmetrically place the eyes and mouth on the face. Press the pencil lightly, then remove the line with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 4
Draw two lines horizontally to divide the oval into three equal parts. These are auxiliary lines showing the level of the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Reference drawing No. 5
On the top auxiliary line draw the eyes.

Reference drawing No. 6
In the middle part of the face, from the top to the bottom line, draw the nose.

Reference drawing No. 7
Draw a mouth in the middle of the lower part of the face.

Reference drawing No. 8
Carefully remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 9
Draw the neck and shoulders. Please note that the shoulders are wider than the head.

Reference drawing No. 10
Draw mom's dress.

The portrait is ready!
Read the poem by Boris Prakhov to the children:
I am drawing a portrait of my mother
Watercolor on sheet.
And, even if the portrait is without a frame,
And, albeit not on canvas.
Not everything in the portrait was successful,
But dear to mom
I tried. After all, in the world
There is no other better mother!
Guys, you will draw a portrait of your mother. This will be a gift for her on March 8th. Before you start drawing, imagine your mother, remember what her eyes, hair, hairstyle, smile are like.
Children draw a portrait on their own using reference drawings located on the board. Then the portrait is painted with paints. This is what the guys did - well done!

Congratulations to all mothers on International Women's Day on March 8!

How to draw a portrait of your mother? This question often arises for children who like to dedicate their drawings to their closest and beloved people. A step-by-step photo will help them master the simple technique of depicting faces.

Work begins with a pencil sketch.

Before you draw your mother with a pencil, you need to remember the color of her eyes, lips, eyebrows, and also determine for yourself the main features of her image - in particular, the length of her hair and the shape of her hairstyle. Properly displayed in the picture, they will make the portrait more recognizable. Having decided, we make a sketch. To make the portrait more interesting, in addition to the face, we draw a silhouette of the figure from the waist up. We place a bouquet of flowers in mother’s hands.

After the first, thin sketch is made, we outline the lines with a bold line. We only work on the face and hair, leaving the arms, shoulders and flowers pale.

We begin to fill the picture with color. This process itself is not complicated, but in order for the result to be realistic, you need to choose the right shade of your face. Mix different colors watercolors on the palette, saturate the brush well with water and only then take a small amount of paint to apply it to the portrait. We start painting from less noticeable areas, which can be corrected if necessary. Only then do we move to the center of the face. To make the head voluminous, apply a semicircle of a darker tone under the chin on the neck.

We highlight dark color eyebrow line. We are looking for a shade of color in the palette that is as close as possible to the color of my mother’s eyes. If necessary, mix together various shades, and only then paint the eyes. In the same way, we fill mom’s lips with color, reflecting the shade of any mom’s lipstick on them.

To make the lips look voluminous, leave the line along which the upper and lower lips touch unpainted. We highlight the eyes by filling the space between them with a darker shade of color. upper eyelid and eyebrow.

We emphasize the eyebrows. The drawing begins to resemble a portrait.

We select the shade that is most similar to the shade of my mother’s hair, and begin to apply this color to the hair, making some strands darker. Thanks to this, the hairstyle will turn out voluminous.

We increase the volume, making the contrast more noticeable.

We color the blouse. Flowers and hands remain untouched for now.

First we cover the leaves of the flowers with a pale green color.

And only then we paint their heads.

We add volume to the flowers by correctly distributing the shadows and drawing the petals on top. We paint our hands.

We emphasize the line of the arms with a dark stripe to show the completeness of the image.

We learned how to draw a mother beautifully and quite simply, and we also learned how to draw a mother so that the portrait turns out to be three-dimensional and interesting. If the portrait turns out well, you can give it to your mother on or.

Mom is the most precious person for all of us! It is important for a child to give the most valuable thing to his loved one and to a loved one. What can a three or five year old child do on his own without the help of an adult? Draw, sculpt, glue ready-made self-adhesive applications. Let's see, preschoolers.

How do they draw mothers in younger groups?

Younger preschoolers do not yet know how to use their hands and hold pencils incorrectly. That's why children prefer thick markers, holding them in their fists. Their drawings are schematic, with imaginary lines.

Children who hold a pencil well draw their mother schematically: a round head, a triangle expressing the dress and body, arms and legs in the form of “sticks”. Few children draw eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair.

During this period, it is important for educators to focus children’s attention on the fact that we are drawing mother in stages (head, neck, torso, limbs), and to pay attention to the details of clothing and body parts. It is easier for children to draw plot stories where they walk as a family, explaining their scribbles and color spots in words.

It is clear that the drawing will be very different from reality. Many mothers, when they are given drawings for March 8th, try to quickly fold them and put them in their bag, thereby giving the child the feeling that he has drawn worse than other children. Therefore, accept the drawing with love and gratitude, as the baby drew from the heart!

How to draw a mother in the middle group?

Five-year-old children learn to draw a person in accordance with proportions: a round or oval head, a small rectangular neck, clothes, hands with fingers and toes in shoes. Also, children do not forget about the face, ears, hair and accessories.

Here it is important for teachers to focus children’s attention on the individuality of each person. Otherwise, how will their mother recognize her portrait? That’s why the children tell us what their mother most often does, likes, and how she dresses. They draw mothers in their favorite clothes and with their favorite earrings, at work or in a hobby.

Preschoolers make “pencil outlines” and then paint with paints. Also at this age, children learn to draw portraits immediately with paints, understanding that the sheet should only show the face with all the details (eyes with eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, blush, ears), hairstyle, neck and part of the clothes.

mothers in senior and preparatory groups?

Children 6-7 years old have already created more than realistic drawings. They create portraits of mothers from memory and photographs, conveying the very essence of a person: sadness on the face, an open smile, eye color, squinting or wide-open gaze, the oval of the face.

Teachers devote two lessons to how to draw a mother. During the first lesson, children remember:

In the second lesson they finish drawing a portrait:

  • examine blank portraits, eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, mouth;
  • draw eyes, drawing the pupil, eyelashes on both eyelids;
  • draw eyebrows, mouth, hair;
  • add decorations and background.

Now you know how to draw a mother, and using this plan you can help your child draw all the family members. The main thing is that the child must say what details should be in the portrait and find the distinctive features of each family member, which will allow him to immediately recognize his image.

Mom means a lot to every person on Earth. Mom is our first word and the most important, most main man in our lives. Mom gives us life itself. Thanks to her, we come into this world. Every child loves and respects his mother. Mom can do a lot and always manages to do everything. How we sometimes want to express our love, our tenderness for our mothers. This can be done in different ways. You can simply tell your mom: “I love you very much!” You can sing a song to mom. You can make some kind of gift with your own hands: a postcard, a craft, etc. And we want to try to give you a lesson on how to draw a portrait of your beloved mother. Draw it following our tips and give it as a gift. We think she will be pleasantly surprised and touched. You can do this for any holiday, or you can do it for no reason - just like that. Let's draw a portrait of your mom with a pencil step by step.

Stage 1. To begin, use a ruler to draw a sheet of paper into four parts using two straight lines intersecting each other at right angles. To do this, mark the sheet so that the point of intersection of two straight lines is in the middle of the sheet of paper. The result is a sheet divided into four identical squares.

Stage 2. Using a ruler, divide the segment of the lower straight line to the intersection point (center) into four equal segments. Let's mark this with dots. Through the first point we draw a line parallel to the middle line. And then from the second and third points we draw segments parallel to the middle line to the end of the sheet of paper. Thus, the lower part turned out to be lined.

Stage 3. At the top of the sheet we will draw two segments in different squares at a short distance from each other. From the lower point of intersection of the vertical line with a sheet of paper, we begin to build the contours of the mother’s face. Smoothly draw the line of the face from this point through parallel segments to the first upper square. On the other side, we make the same line of the face contour, symmetrical to the first.

Stage 4. Draw mom’s hairstyle with smooth, gentle lines. Look carefully at the lines that we drew in the figure. It is more convenient to do this in squares. General outline hairstyles are detailed. We make bangs and soft strands on the sides of the head. Here we will also draw one additional segment (in blue). In the middle we make the features of the bridge of the nose.

Stage 5. Now we draw straight eyebrows. From the eyebrows down along the bridge of the nose we draw two equal lines. Without going beyond these features below, draw the tip of the nose and convex nostrils.

Stage 7. Between the upper and lower eyelids we draw eyeballs with pupils. We make eyelashes on the eyelids. Don't forget to show the highlights in your eyes. From the inner edge eyeball draw additional straight lines downwards without reaching the chin.

Stage 8. Without going beyond these additional straight lines at the bottom of the face, draw a beautiful, neat mouth. The upper and lower lips are quite plump. Make a dash at the bottom, like a small dimple.