Message on the topic of a special person Chernyshev crossword puzzle. “Special person” Rakhmetov

His novel “What to do?” The famous Russian writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky created it during the period when he was imprisoned in one of the cells of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The novel was written from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863, that is, the work, which became a masterpiece of Russian literature, was created in just three and a half months. Already starting in January 1863 and until the author’s final stay in custody, he transferred the manuscript in parts to the commission that dealt with the writer’s case. Here the work was censored, which was approved. Soon the novel was published in the 3rd, as well as 4th and 5th issues of the Sovremennik magazine for 1863. For such an oversight, censor Beketov lost his position. This was followed by bans on all three issues of the magazine. However, it was already too late. Chernyshevsky’s work was distributed throughout the country with the help of “samizdat”.

And only in 1905, during the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, the ban was lifted. Already in 1906, the book “What is to be done?” published in a separate edition.

Who are the new heroes?

The reaction to Chernyshevsky's work was ambiguous. Readers, based on their opinions, were divided into two opposing camps. Some of them believed that the novel lacked artistry. The latter fully supported the author.

However, it is worth remembering that before Chernyshevsky, writers created images of “ extra people" A striking example of such heroes are Pechorin, Oblomov and Onegin, who, despite their differences, are similar in their “smart uselessness”. These people, “pygmies of deeds and titans of words,” were divided natures, suffering from a constant discord between will and consciousness, deed and thought. Besides this, their characteristic feature served as moral exhaustion.

This is not how Chernyshevsky imagines his heroes. He created images of “new people” who know what they need to desire and are also capable of realizing their own plans. Their thoughts go hand in hand with their deeds. Their consciousness and will are not at odds with each other. The heroes of Chernyshevsky’s novel “What to do?” are presented as bearers of new morality and creators of new interpersonal relationships. They deserve the author's main attention. It’s not for nothing that even a summary of the chapters “What to do?” allows us to see that by the end of the second of them the author “releases from the stage” such representatives of the old world - Marya Alekseevna, Storeshnikov, Serge, Julie and some others.

The main issue of the essay

Even a very brief summary of “What to do?” gives an idea of ​​the issues that the author raises in his book. And they are as follows:

- The need for socio-political renewal of society, which is possible through a revolution. Due to censorship, Chernyshevsky did not expand on this topic in more detail. He gave it in the form of half-hints when describing the life of one of the main characters, Rakhmetov, as well as in the 6th chapter.

- Psychological and moral problems. Chernyshevsky claims that a person, using the power of his mind, is able to create in himself new moral qualities that he has set. At the same time, the author develops this process, describing it from the small, in the form of the fight against despotism in the family, to the most large-scale, which found expression in the revolution.

- Problems of family morality and women's emancipation. This topic the author reveals in Vera's first three dreams, in the history of her family, as well as in the relationships of young people and Lopukhov's imaginary suicide.

- Dreams of bright and have a wonderful life, which will occur with the creation of a socialist society in the future. Chernyshevsky illuminates this topic thanks to Vera Pavlovna’s fourth dream. The reader also sees here easier work, which became possible thanks to the development of technical means.

The main pathos of the novel is the propaganda of the idea of ​​​​transforming the world through revolution, as well as its anticipation and preparation of the best minds for this event. At the same time, the idea of ​​active participation in upcoming events is expressed.

What was the main goal that Chernyshevsky set for himself? He dreamed of developing and introducing the latest methods that would allow for the revolutionary education of the masses. His work was supposed to be a kind of textbook, with the help of which every thinking person would begin to form a new worldview.

The entire content of the novel “What to do?” Chernyshevsky is divided into six chapters. Moreover, each of them, except the last one, is further divided into small chapters. In order to emphasize the special importance of the final events, the author speaks about them separately. For this purpose, the content of the novel “What to do?” Chernyshevsky included a one-page chapter entitled “Change of scenery.”

The beginning of the story

Let's look at the summary of Chernyshevsky's novel “What is to be done?” Its plot begins with a note found, which was left in one of the hotel rooms in St. Petersburg by a strange guest. This happened in 1823, on July 11. The note reports that soon its author will be heard on one of the bridges in St. Petersburg - Liteiny. At the same time, the man asked not to look for the guilty. The incident happened that same night. A man shot himself on Liteiny Bridge. A holey cap that belonged to him was fished out of the water.

Below is a brief summary of the novel “What to do?” introduces us to a young lady. On the morning when the event described above happened, she was at the dacha located on Kamenny Island. The lady sews while humming a bold and lively French song, which talks about working people, whose liberation will require a change of consciousness. This woman's name is Vera Pavlovna. At this moment, the maid brings the lady a letter, after reading which she begins to sob, covering her face with her hands. A young man entering the room makes attempts to calm her down. However, the woman is inconsolable. She pushes away young man. At the same time, she says: “His blood is on you! You're covered in blood! I am the only one to blame...”

What did the letter that Vera Pavlovna received say? We can learn about this from the presented summary of “What to do?”. In his message, the writer indicated that he was leaving the stage.

Appearance of Lopukhov

What next do we learn from the summary of Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” After the events described, there follows a story telling about Vera Pavlovna, her life, as well as the reasons that led to such a sad outcome.

The author says that his heroine was born in St. Petersburg. This is where she grew up. The lady's father, Pavel Konstantinovich Vozalsky, was the manager of the house. The mother was busy giving money as collateral. The main goal of Marya Alekseevna (Vera Pavlovna’s mother) was to have a profitable marriage for her daughter. And she made every effort to resolve this issue. The evil and narrow-minded Marya Alekseevna invites a music teacher to her daughter. He buys Vera beautiful clothes and goes to the theater with her. Soon to dark skin beautiful girl the owner's son, officer Storeshnikov, draws attention. The young man decides to seduce Vera.

Marya Alekseevna hopes to force Storeshnikov to marry her daughter. To do this, she demands that Vera show favor to the young man. However, the girl understands perfectly well the true intentions of her boyfriend and refuses attention in every possible way. Somehow she even manages to mislead her mother. She pretends to be favorable to the ladies' man. But sooner or later the deception will be revealed. This makes Vera Pavlovna's position in the house simply unbearable. However, everything was suddenly resolved, and in the most unexpected way.

Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov appeared in the house. This medical student graduation year Verochka's parents invited her brother Fedya to work as a teacher. At first, the young people treated each other very warily. However, then their communication began to flow in conversations about music and books, as well as about the fair direction of thoughts.

Time has passed. Vera and Dmitry felt sympathy for each other. Lopukhov learns about the girl’s plight and makes attempts to help her. He is looking for a position as a governess for Verochka. Such work would allow the girl to live separately from her parents.

However, all Lopukhov's efforts were unsuccessful. He could not find owners who would agree to take in a girl who had run away from home. Then the young man in love takes another step. He leaves his studies and begins translating textbooks and giving private lessons. This allows him to start receiving sufficient funds. At the same time, Dmitry proposes to Vera.

First dream

Vera has her first dream. In it, she sees herself emerging from a dark and damp basement and meeting an amazing beauty who calls herself love for people. Verochka talks to her and promises to release girls from such basements who are locked in them, just as she was locked.

Family well-being

Young people live in a rented apartment, and everything is going well for them. However, the landlady notices oddities in their relationship. Verochka and Dmitry call each other only “darling” and “darling”, sleep in separate rooms, entering them only after knocking, etc. All this stranger is surprising. Verochka tries to explain to the woman that this is a completely normal relationship between spouses. After all, this is the only way to avoid getting bored of each other.

The young wife runs the household, gives private lessons, and reads books. Soon she opens her own sewing workshop, in which the girls are self-employed and receive part of the income as co-owners.

Second dream

What else will we learn from the summary of Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” As the plot progresses, the author introduces us to Vera Pavlovna’s second dream. In it she sees a field with ears of corn growing on it. There is also dirt here. Moreover, one of them is fantastic, and the second is real.

Real dirt means caring about what is most needed in life. This is exactly what Marya Alekseevna was constantly burdened with. This is how you can grow ears of corn. Fantastic dirt represents concern for the unnecessary and superfluous. Ears of corn will never grow on such soil.

The emergence of a new hero

The author shows Kirsanov as a strong-willed and courageous person, capable not only of decisive action, but also of subtle feelings. Alexander spends time with Vera when Dmitry is busy. He goes to the opera with his friend's wife. However, soon, without explaining any reasons, Kirsanov stops coming to the Lopukhovs, which greatly offends them. What appeared the real reason this? Kirsanov's falling in love with a friend's wife.

The young man reappeared in the house when Dmitry fell ill in order to cure him and help Vera with her care. And here the woman realizes that she is in love with Alexander, which is why she becomes completely confused.

Third dream

From the summary of the work “What to do?” we learn that Vera Pavlovna is having a third dream. In it, she reads the pages of her diary with the help of some unfamiliar woman. From it she learns that she feels only gratitude towards her husband. However, at the same time, Vera needs a tender and quiet feeling, which she does not have for Dmitry.

Solving the problem

The situation in which three decent and smart people, at first glance seems insoluble. But Lopukhov finds a way out. He shoots himself Liteiny Bridge. On the day that Vera Pavlovna received this news, Rakhmetov came to her. This is an old acquaintance of Lopukhov and Kirsanov, who is called a “special person.”

Meeting Rakhmetov

In the summary of the novel “What to Do”, the “special person” Rakhmetov is presented by the author as a “higher nature”, which Kirsanov helped to awaken in his time by introducing him to necessary books. The young man comes from a wealthy family. He sold his estate and distributed the proceeds to scholarship holders. Now Rakhmetov adheres to a harsh lifestyle. Part of what prompted him to do this was his reluctance to possess what he did not have. common man. In addition, Rakhmetov set as his goal the education of his own character. For example, to test his physical capabilities, he decides to sleep on nails. In addition, he does not drink wine and does not date women. In order to get closer to the people, Rakhmetov even walked with barge haulers along the Volga.

What else is said about this hero in Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” Summary makes it clear that Rakhmetov’s whole life consists of sacraments that have a clearly revolutionary meaning. The young man has many things to do, but none of them are personal. He travels around Europe, but in three years he is going to Russia, where he will definitely need to be.

It was Rakhmetov who came to Vera Pavlovna after receiving a note from Lopukhov. After his persuasion, she calmed down and even became cheerful. Rakhmetov explains that Vera Pavlovna and Lopukhov had very different characters. That is why the woman reached out to Kirsanov. Soon Vera Pavlovna left for Novgorod. There she married Kirsanov.

The dissimilarity between the characters of Verochka and Lopukhov was also mentioned in a letter that soon arrived from Berlin. In this message, some medical student, who supposedly knew Lopukhov well, conveyed Dmitry’s words that he began to feel much better after the separation of the spouses, since he had always strived for privacy. And this is precisely what the sociable Vera Pavlovna did not allow him to do.

Life of the Kirsanovs

What next does the novel “What to do?” tell its reader? Nikolai Chernyshevsky? The summary of the work allows us to understand that the love affairs of the young couple worked out well to everyone’s satisfaction. The Kirsanovs’ lifestyle is not much different from that of the Lopukhov family.

Alexander works a lot. As for Vera Pavlovna, she takes baths, eats cream and is already engaged in two sewing workshops. The house, as before, has neutral and common rooms. However, the woman notices that she new spouse not just allows her to lead the lifestyle she likes. He is interested in her affairs and is ready to help in difficult times. In addition, her husband perfectly understands her desire to master some urgent activity and begins to help her study medicine.

Fourth dream

Having briefly become acquainted with Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?”, we move on to the continuation of the plot. It tells us about Vera Pavlovna's fourth dream, in which she sees amazing nature and pictures from the lives of women from different millennia.

First, the image of a slave appears before her. This woman obeys her master. After this, Vera sees the Athenians in a dream. They begin to worship the woman, but at the same time they do not recognize her as their equal. Then the following image appears. This is a beautiful lady for whom the knight is ready to fight in the tournament. However, his love immediately passes after the lady becomes his wife. Then, instead of the goddess’s face, Vera Pavlovna sees her own. It is not distinguished by perfect features, but at the same time it is illuminated by the radiance of love. And here the woman who was in the first dream appears. She explains to Vera the meaning of equality and shows pictures of citizens future Russia. They all live in a house built of crystal, cast iron and aluminum. These people work in the morning and start having fun in the evening. The woman explains that this future must be loved and strived for.

Completion of the story

How does N. G. Chernyshevsky’s novel “What to do?” end? The author tells his reader that guests often come to the Kirsanovs’ house. The Beaumont family soon appears among them. When meeting Charles Beaumont, Kirsanov recognizes him as Lopukhov. The two families become so close to each other that they decide to continue living in the same house.

How character Rakhmetov appears in the chapter “ Special person" In other chapters his name is only mentioned. But one feels that this image is central, that Rakhmetov is main character novel "What to do?"

The chapter “A Special Person” forms, as it were, a small independent story in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it. When talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the time frame and does not give a consistent description and biography. He uses hints and innuendo, intertwining what was “known” about him with what was “found out” later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the commoner Chernyshevsky make the main character of a socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility are giving up their privileges, it means that a crisis is ripe.

Rakhmetov's rebirth began in his early youth. His family was obviously a serf family. This is indicated by the terse phrase: “Yes, and he saw that in the village.” Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice. “Thoughts began to wander through him, and Kirsanov was to him what Lopukhov was to Vera Pavlovna.” On the first evening, he “listened greedily” to Kirsanov, “interrupted his words with exclamations and curses on what should perish, blessings on what should live.” Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only in his aristocratic pedigree, but also in his exceptional strength of character, which is manifested in the constant hardening of body and spirit, but especially in his absorption in the matter of preparing for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word. The dream of revolution for Rakhmetov is a guide to

action, a guideline for your entire personal life.

Rakhmetov’s desire for rapprochement with ordinary people. This can be seen from his travels around Russia, his studies physical labor, severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who talked condescendingly to the “thick-bearded” men, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. He believes that the people are worthy of respect and is trying to experience at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasants' shoulders.

Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetov as a person of a “very rare”, “special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new social group, albeit a small one. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe demands on himself and others and even a gloomy appearance. Vera Pavlovna at first finds him “very boring.” “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt at times a certain cowardice in front of him... except for Masha and those who were equal to her or superior to her in the simplicity of their souls and dresses.” But Vera Pavlovna, having gotten to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: “...What a gentle and kind person he is!”

Rakhmetov is a rigorist, that is, a person who never deviates from the accepted rules of behavior in anything. He prepares himself for the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. Having slept the night on nails, he explains his action, smiling broadly and joyfully: “Test. Need to. It’s implausible, of course: but it’s necessary, just in case. I see I can." This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question “What should I do?” Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph.

The figure of this rigorist had a huge influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that “Rakhmetov in particular was their favorite.”

I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like this hero.

Here is a genuine person who is especially needed now in Russia, take his example and, whoever is able and able, follow his path, for this is the only path for you that can lead to the desired goal.

N.G. Chernyshevsky.

Rakhmetov appears as a character in the chapter “A Special Person.” In other chapters his name is only mentioned. But it is felt that the image is placed in the center of the reader’s attention, that Rakhmetov is the main character of the novel “What is to be done?” The chapter “A Special Person” forms, as it were, a small independent story in a novel, the idea of ​​which would not be complete and understandable without it.

When talking about Rakhmetov, Chernyshevsky deliberately shifts the temporal order of facts, and does not give a definitely consistent description and biography. He uses hints and innuendo, interweaving what was “known” about him with what was “found out” later. Therefore, every stroke of the biography is of fundamental importance. For example, origin. Indeed, why does the commoner Chernyshevsky make the main character of a socio-political novel a nobleman whose pedigree goes back centuries? Perhaps, according to the writer, the image of a revolutionary nobleman made the idea of ​​revolution more convincing and attractive. Since the best representatives of the nobility renounce their privileges to live at the expense of the people, it means that a crisis is ripe.

Rakhmetov's rebirth began in his early youth. His family was obviously a serf family. This is indicated by the terse phrase: “Yes, and he saw that it was in the village.” Observing the cruelty of serfdom, the young man began to think about justice.

“Thoughts began to wander in him, and Kirsanov was for him what Lopukhov was for Vera Pavlovna.” On the very first evening, he “listened greedily” to Kirsanov, “interrupted his words with exclamations and curses on what should perish, blessings on what should live.”

Rakhmetov differs from Lopukhov and Kirsanov not only in his aristocratic pedigree, but also in his exceptional strength of character, which is manifested in the constant hardening of body and spirit, but especially in his absorption in the matter of preparing for the revolutionary struggle. This is a man of ideas in the highest sense of the word.

For Rakhmetov, the dream of revolution is a guide to action, a guideline for his entire personal life.

The desire for rapprochement with ordinary people is clearly manifested in Rakhmetov. This is evident from his travels around Russia, physical labor, and severe self-restraint in his personal life. The people nicknamed Rakhmetov Nikitushka Lomov, thereby expressing their love for him. Unlike the commoner Bazarov, who spoke condescendingly to the “thick-bearded” men, the nobleman Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass to be studied. For him, people are worthy of respect. He is trying to experience at least part of the weight that hangs on the peasant’s shoulders.

Chernyshevsky shows Rakhmetov as a person of a “very rare”, “special breed”, but at the same time as a typical person, belonging to a new social group, albeit a small one. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe demands on himself and others and even a gloomy appearance.

Vera Pavlovna at first finds him “very boring.” “Lopukhov and Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt at times a certain cowardice in front of him... except for Masha and those who were equal to her or superior to her in the simplicity of their soul and dress.”

But Vera Pavlovna, having gotten to know Rakhmetov better, says about him: “...what a gentle and kind person he is.”

Rakhmetovrigorist, that is, a person who never deviates from the accepted rules of behavior in anything. He prepares himself for the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. Having slept the night on the nails, he explains his action, smiling broadly and joyfully: “A test. It’s necessary. Implausible, of course: however, it’s necessary just in case. I see, I can.” This is probably how Chernyshevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question: “What to do?” Nikolai Gavrilovich answers with the image of Rakhmetov and the words placed in the epigraph. The figure of this rigorist had a huge influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that “Rakhmetov, in particular, was their favorite.”

I like Rakhmetov. He has the qualities that Bazarov lacks. I admire his tenacity, will, endurance, ability to subordinate his life to his chosen ideal, courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like Rakhmetov.

Chernyshevsky created his novel “What is to be done?” in the era of rise revolutionary movement in Russia. The hero of the novel Rakhmetov, like no one else, was suitable for revolutionary activities. Rakhmetov is distinguished by toughness, asceticism, iron will, and hatred of the people's oppressors. No wonder the Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin directed this literary hero as an example to his comrades, saying that only with such people is it possible revolutionary coup in Russia.
Who is this special person who still attracts the attention of those who crave social upheaval for the common good today? Rakhmetov is a nobleman by origin. His father was a very rich man. But the free life did not keep Rakhmetov on his father’s estate. He left the province and entered the Faculty of Science in St. Petersburg.
Without difficulty, Rakhmetov became close to progressive-minded people in the capital. Chance brought him together with Kirsanov, from whom he learned a lot of new and politically advanced things. He began to read books voraciously. It seems that he measured out a time period for himself and stuck to it exactly. After just six months, Rakhmetov put the books aside and said: “Now reading has become a secondary matter for me; in this regard, I am ready for life.” In these words of the hero one can discern something beyond the scope of a normally developing person.
Rakhmetov began to accustom his physical essence to obey the spiritual, that is, he began to order himself and carry out these orders accurately and on time. Then he began to harden the body. He took on the hardest work. He was even a barge hauler.
He did all this in preparation for great revolutionary deeds. He brilliantly managed to create himself as a physically powerful and spiritually strong person. Rakhmetov fanatically followed the path he had chosen once and for all. He ate only what ordinary people ate, although he had the opportunity to eat better. He explained it simply: “It’s necessary - it gives respect and love from ordinary people. It’s useful, it can come in handy.” Apparently, in order to emphasize his extreme revolutionary spirit, Chernyshevsky forced his hero to abandon personal human happiness for the sake of the ideals of the revolutionary struggle. Rakhmetov refused to marry a rich young widow. He explained it this way: “I must suppress love in myself; love for you would tie my hands, they will not soon be untangled for me - they are already tied.”
A democratic writer, Chernyshevsky, in the image of Rakhmetov, portrayed a revolutionary leader, a special person. The author wrote about such people: “This is the color the best people, these are the engines of the engines, they are the salt of the earth.”
But time has shown the inconsistency of Bolshevik ideas. And now it’s clear to me why the leaders of the October Revolution chose Rakhmetov as their ideal. They developed those Rakhmetov-like qualities with which it was convenient for them to carry out cruel deeds: they did not spare themselves, much less others, they carried out orders with the chilling, thoughtless clarity of an iron engine, they treated dissenters as supermen treat subhumans. As a result, Russia was drenched in blood, and the world was shocked by the brutality of revolutionary actions.
Our society is again on the path to a civilized future. And personally, I dream that in this future of ours there will be fewer “special” people, and more ordinary people: kind, smiling, living their own lives. I want this future to become reality.

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    Chernyshevsky's novel "What to do?" and our modernity. Chernyshevsky was a real revolutionary, a fighter for the happiness of the people. He believed in a revolutionary coup, after which only, in his opinion, could life change...

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    Very important character novel, the chapter “A Special Person” is dedicated to him. He himself comes from a noble rich family, but leads ascetic image life. By the time of the action indicated in the novel, R. is 22 years old. He became a student at the age of 16, studied natural...


Here is a genuine person who is special
but now Russia needs it, take it from him
example and whoever is able and able, follow
along his path, for this is the only
path that is suitable for you, which can lead
towards the desired goal.

N.G. Chernyshevsky.

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great man." In other chapters his name is only mentioned. But
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The dream of revolution for Rakhmetov is a guide to action, ori-
entir of all personal life.
Rakhmetov’s desire for rapprochement with
ordinary people. This can be seen from his travels around Russia, busy
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The Russian citizen Rakhmetov does not look at the people as a mass subject to
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to steal at least part of the weight that hangs on peasant shoulders.
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belonging to a new social group, albeit slightly
numerical. The writer endowed the “special person” with severe
respect for oneself and others, and even a gloomy appearance.
Vera Pavlovna at first finds him “very boring.” "Lopukhov and
Kirsanov, and everyone who was not afraid of anyone or anything, felt...
at times there is also some cowardice... except for Masha and
equal or superior to her in simplicity of soul and dress."
But Vera Pavlovna, having gotten to know Rakhmetov better, says about him:
"...what a gentle and kind person he is."
Rakhmetov is a rigorist, that is, a person who never
in which it does not deviate from the accepted rules of conduct. He's cooking
themselves to the revolutionary struggle both morally and physically. Overslept
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smiling: “Test. Necessary. Implausible, of course: however
just in case you need it. I see, I can." So, probably, Cherny-
Shevsky saw the leader of the revolutionaries. To the question: “What should I do?”
Nikolai Gavrilovich responds with the image of Rakhmetov and words, placing
whelped in the epigraph. The figure of this rigorist had a huge impact
influence on subsequent generations of Russian and foreign revolutionaries
Zioners. This is evidenced by the confessions of these people that they are “loved-
This was especially true for Rakhmetov."
I like Rakhmetov. He has those qualities that
Bazarov lacks a lot. I admire his tenacity, will,
endurance, the ability to subordinate one’s life to the chosen ideal,
courage, strength. I want to be at least a little like