Casting bridge opening schedule. Where in the world are there drawbridges?

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Drop-down bridges

Such bridges are characterized by rotational movement of the span relative to the horizontal axis. A single-wing swing bridge is an asymmetrical system (Fig. 9.1). In the closed state, the span rests on the supporting parts (3) and (4); the axis of rotation (2) is unloaded using a special wedging device (6). When opening, the span structure rests on the axis of rotation, and to ensure a stable position of the span structure and reduce the required engine power, the span structure is balanced by a counterweight (5). The design span L is selected depending on the specified width of the under-bridge clearance, taking into account the distance from the centers of support to the edges of the supports, as well as taking into account the incomplete release of the under-bridge clearance when opening (5-10% more than the width of the under-bridge clearance). The location of the seam (1) of the roadway is possible behind the axis of rotation or in front of it. Latest solution has advantages: at any position of the temporary load, it does not cause a negative support reaction on the support on which the end of the wing is located; during opening, no gap is formed in the roadway through which dirt from the drawbridge falls into the support well, and an accidental fall of a person is not excluded. The seam of the roadway above the main beams and in this case must be arranged behind the axis of rotation so that when opening the main beams do not rest against the structure of the roadway.

Rice. 9.1 - Drop-down bridge: L - design span of the bridge

To ensure the balance of the span of a drop-down bridge at any moment of movement, it is necessary that the centers of gravity of the wing, counterweight and axis of rotation lie on the same straight line, and the moments of the weight of the counterweight Q and the weight of the wing G relative to the axis of rotation are equal. If the counterweight is placed in the support well (see Fig. 9.1), it will require a significant width. The width of the support can be reduced if the counterweight is placed between the beams or trusses of the adjacent span (Fig. 9.2, a) with a device in the support of open niches, and a sub-blade is placed at the end of the wing, pulling it down. The width of the support can be reduced by using a device for hinged attachment of the counterweight to the tail of the wing (Fig. 9.2, b). This will increase the depth of the well into which the counterweight is lowered. In addition, if it is possible for the water level to rise above the bottom of the well, it will need to be waterproofed. The counterweight is additionally connected to the support by rod AB to ensure forward motion and prevent it from swinging. To maintain the balance of such a system, it is necessary that the point Oʹ of the counterweight suspension, the axis O of rotation and the center of gravity of the span (together with the tail section) lie on the same straight line, and the figure OOʹBA is a parallelogram (see Fig. 9.2, b).

Rice. 9.2 - Location of the counterweight of the drop-down span

An important issue is the number and location of the main beams of the movable span, taking into account the clearance of the bridge. For a single-track railway bridge, as well as a road bridge with a small passage width, you need to install two beams. With a large passage width, the number of beams can be increased, but it is advisable to take it as even so that the beams can be connected in pairs with ties.

The drop-down system can also have two wings. It is sometimes used for architectural reasons, and it can be economically feasible if the draw span has a significant length (50-70 m). Here, as a rule, there is a saving in the power of propulsion mechanisms and engines, which must be designed for significantly lower loads (although supplied in duplicate). The width of the supports can also be reduced. Particular attention should be paid to the static diagram of the span in the closed state. There are two main options here: connecting the ends of the wings using a longitudinally movable hinge; closing the span into a three-hinged spacer system with the transmission of thrust through the middle hinge (Fig. 9.3). In the first case, the design of the connection is simple, but the rigidity of the span is relatively low; when a load passes, a fracture of the passage profile above the hinge occurs. Therefore, this solution is unacceptable for railway bridges. In the second case, the design becomes more complicated and a thrust is transferred to the supports, which can be significant, since the system turns out to be flat (f/L ≥ 1/15). However, the structure is more rigid. From the span (see Fig. 9.3), the thrust is transmitted to the support through the stop (1), which limits the rotation of the swinging post (2). The span is slightly unbalanced; when closing, the swinging stand, turning, lifts it and unloads the axis of rotation.

Rice. 9.3 - Spacer system

It is possible to connect the ends of the wings with a lock capable of operating at full bending moment. This solution has not been implemented due to the difficulty of providing a sufficiently rigid lock, designed to withstand significant forces, which, moreover, could be quickly closed and opened.

To bring drop-down drawbridges electromechanical or hydraulic drive. The electromechanical drive (Fig. 9.4, a) has a drive gear (1), which rotates from an electric motor with a gearbox and is engaged with a toothed arc (2), fixed to the span. A drive option with a gear on the span and a gear wheel on the support is possible. A drive with a crank mechanism has its advantages (Fig. 9.4, b). Here the drive gear (1) rotates the crank (3), the force is transmitted to the superstructure through the connecting rod (4). The advantage of this drive is the zero speed of rotation of the span at the beginning and end of movement. The hydraulic drive (Fig. 9.4 c) consists of hydraulic cylinders (5) and pumping units. The hydraulic cylinder has a piston (6), the rod of which is pivotally connected to the span (7). The hydraulic cylinder is also pivotally connected to the support. By supplying oil under pressure into the cavity above or below the piston, it is possible to create the force necessary to set the superstructure in motion. Hydraulic cylinders have a diameter of up to 500 mm, an oil pressure of up to 10 MPa and a force of up to 2000 kN.

Rice. 9.4 - Drop axle drive

Sliding-opening bridges

The span structure of such a bridge (Fig. 9 5), when raised, rolls back along a special rolling path (1), resting on it with a rolling circle (2) attached to the span structure, which makes a plane-parallel movement. By turning in a vertical plane and rolling back, it completely clears the opening of the drawbridge, which is an advantage of this system.

Rice. 9.5 - Sliding-dropping bridge

Vertical lift bridges

Superstructure vertical lift bridge(Fig. 9.6) when spread, it moves forward in a vertical plane. For this purpose, towers (4) are used, which are supported on special supports or on adjacent spans. The towers are equipped with pulleys (2) through which the cables (1) pass. Cables connect the lifting span with counterweights (3), which lower down when the bridge opens. The lifting height h p of the span structure is determined as the difference in the heights of the under-bridge clearance in the draw span in the closed h 3 and in the open h p states - and the height h 3 can be approximately taken equal to the height of the under-bridge clearance in fixed navigable spans. When pre-determining the height of the towers, a margin is left A, equal to 3-5 m.

Rice. 9.6 - Vertical lift bridge

When determining the dimensions of the tower, care is taken to ensure its stability against overturning both along and across the bridge. Significant tensile forces in the tower legs are undesirable. Therefore, the length of the base of the tower when located on an adjacent span is usually assigned to about 1/6 H, and when resting on supports - 1/4÷1/5 H; The width of the tower across the bridge is usually at least 1/6 H.

In addition to the main type of vertical lift bridges with the entire span being lifted on special towers, systems were used with a rising roadway structure at a low lift height h p, with a span descending under water, and in other rare cases.

The lifting span structure can have through or continuous main trusses. For railway bridges, as a rule, two main through trusses with a ride on the bottom are used, and for road bridges other types of structures are also used, for example, a span with a ride on top and with several main beams. In this case, powerful transverse beams will be required, at the ends of which the counterweight cables will be attached. A span with through main trusses can have the same design as a typical span of a conventional fixed bridge.

Additionally, only the elements of the support post and the upper chord in the first panel are required. A transverse lifting beam is attached to the upper node they form.

Towers in most cases consist of two longitudinal trusses, including front and rear posts and a lattice, and two bracing trusses located in transverse planes. The link trusses at the bottom are portals to provide passage. At the top, the heads are arranged in the form of a system of beams that absorb the load from the pulleys and transfer it to the towers. The front pillars of the towers are vertical, the rear ones are usually inclined or outlined in a broken line. The distance between the axes of the front pillars in the transverse direction is, as a rule, equal to the distance between the axes of the main trusses of the lifting span or the one adjacent to the lifting span (if the tower is located on an adjacent span). The width of the tower at the top in the longitudinal direction is taken to be minimal, insufficient for the free movement of the counterweight inside the tower. At the bottom, the tower must have a width sufficient to ensure its stability against tipping over. If small spans adjoin the draw span, then the towers are placed on closely spaced supports. If the spans in adjacent spans are long, then the towers are placed on them (see Fig. 9.6). Sometimes, with a small lifting height and a significant height of adjacent spans, it is possible to do without towers by placing the heads and pulleys on the upper chords of adjacent spans. Lifting cables, thrown over pulleys and connecting the lifting span to the counterweight, are attached to the span using transverse lifting beams.

The tower head (Fig. 9.7) is a beam cage that absorbs the load from the pulleys and transmits it to the tower nodes. The pulleys (1) rest with their axes through bearings (2) on the longitudinal beams (3). Each longitudinal beam is located at one end on the front transverse beam (4), attached to the front pillars (5) of the tower, and the other end is connected to the rear transverse beam (6). In places where concentrated forces are transferred to the beams, stiffeners are installed. In order for the longitudinal beams (3) to be stable and well withstand horizontal wind and random loads, their cross section can be made box-shaped or the points of support on the front transverse beam can be strengthened using brackets.

Rice. 9.7 - Tower head design

Vertical lift bridges have significant rigidity. Standard structures with minor modifications can be used as lifting spans. The system is quite economical if the lift height is not too high. Disadvantage - the presence of towers that worsen appearance bridge.

To set vertical lift bridges in motion, as a rule, an electromechanical drive is used. Electric winches set the superstructure in motion using a system of blocks and cables attached to the superstructure and towers. Winches can be placed on the span, then the synchronization of their operation can be easily ensured. A drive is used in which electric motors with gearboxes are placed on towers, and the force from the drive gear is transmitted directly to the ring gear of the pulley. This device is reliable in operation, but requires synchronization of the rotation of the pulleys on both towers, which can be achieved using a special electrical system connecting the drive motors (electric shaft).

Swing bridges

Such drawbridges have spans that rotate around a vertical axis. When opened, the span structure is located along the river, usually opening two identical spans for navigation. One of the varieties can be a swing bridge (Fig. 9.8) with the span resting on rollers (2) using a central drum (4) attached to the span. The rollers roll along a circular track (5) laid on a support (6). To center the span and rollers, a fixed axis (3) is used, which does not carry a vertical load. Wedging devices (1) are installed on the outer supports, taking on part of the constant load in the closed state.

Rice. 9.8 - Rotary span structure

Swing bridges They are relatively simple in design, have sufficient rigidity and, when deployed, do not restrict the height clearance for ships. Their disadvantages are the danger of ships collapsing on the span and, as a consequence, slowing down the passage of ships, as well as the significant width of the central support. When choosing a swing bridge system, you need to keep in mind that when the span is supported on rollers, they also work under operational loads. To prevent rapid wear of the rollers, it is necessary to install quite a lot of them; The diameter of the rolling circle is significant and the dimensions of the central support increase. Rollers are subject to uneven wear, and their replacement involves raising the span. Precise alignment of the circular path under the rollers is required, otherwise the movement resistance and wear of the rollers increases sharply.

The distance between the main trusses of the span when driving on top is taken to be 2.5-3.5 m, and the number of main trusses depends on the size of the passage on the bridge. In the case of cramped under-bridge clearance, a span with a ride below and two main trusses is used. Main trusses can be through or continuous; As a rule, for spans up to 50 m, solid main trusses have an advantage. The height of the main trusses usually increases towards the central support, where it reaches approximately 1/8-1/15 L; in the middle of the span the height of the main trusses is about 1/10-1/20 L.

To rotate the span, an electromechanical or hydraulic drive can be used, similar to those used for drop-down bridges with the difference that the rotation here occurs relative to the vertical axis.

The given examples do not exhaust the variety of systems and varieties of metal drawbridges. In suitable conditions, drop-down bridges with a counterweight positioned above the roadway (which reduces the size of the support), as well as rocker drop-down bridges, can be used. With a draw span length of more than 50 m, in many cases through trusses are appropriate. When the underbridge clearance is cramped in a closed state, a movable span with a ride below is appropriate.

An example of a drop-down drawbridge design

Design of a city drawbridge providing access sea ​​vessels with an under-bridge clearance of 55 m wide and 60 m high, developed by Lengiprotransmost. The drawable part is covered by a single-wing drop-down span, which in the closed state has a design span of 60.4 m. The opening angle of 77° provides the under-bridge clearance (Fig. 9.9). The tail sub-blade is not used. In the closed state, the span rests on a fixed supporting part with the end of the wing (1) on a hinged post located on the same vertical with the axis of rotation, and is a simple beam on two supports with a cantilever on which the counterweight is placed. The stable position of the wing in the closed state, as well as the unloading of the axis of rotation, is ensured due to the imbalance of the wing when opening (the moment from unbalanced forces is 6 MN∙m). This solution required an increase in drive power, but simplified the design due to the absence of sub-blade mechanisms.

Rice. 9.9 - Drop-down movable span structure: 1 - outline of the underbridge clearance; 2 - wing in open position; 3 - axis of rotation; 4 - counterweight; 5 - support stand; 6 - wing in closed position

The bridge with a carriageway width of 18.5 m is designed for four-lane traffic. In addition, two sidewalks of 2.25 m each are provided. 9.10). In cross section, the span has four main beams of solid section and an orthotropic slab of the roadway in the form of a horizontal sheet 12 mm thick, reinforced with longitudinal ribs 80x10 mm every 400 mm and transverse beams 500 mm high, placed every 2200 mm. The walls of the main beams have a thickness of 12 mm (in the tail part - 20 mm) and are reinforced with longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. The material of the span is steel classes C-35 and C-40. Two counterweights are located between the main beams. Drive hydraulic cylinders are located on both sides of the pairs of beams. When opened, the counterweights are lowered into the support well, the bottom of which is 3.5 m below the water level in the river. Therefore, special attention is paid to the waterproofing of the well: its lower part is protected from water penetration by a continuous casing made of steel 10 mm thick, reinforced with stiffeners. The casing is welded and tested for water resistance before concreting the support.

Rice. 9.10 - Cross section of the counterweights: 1 - main beams; 2 - counterweight; 3 - hydraulic cylinder axis

During deployment and in the expanded state, the wing rests on rotation axes, separate for each main beam (1); double-row self-aligning roller bearings (2) were used (8 pcs. in total), allowing a static load of up to 4.9 MN (Fig. 9.11). The weight of the wing with counterweight is approximately 24 MN.

Rice. 9.11 - Location of main mechanisms

The span structure is driven using a hydraulic drive. The hydraulic cylinders (3) are located vertically in cross section in four planes and create a pair of forces with a shoulder of 3.4 m, so during their operation there is no additional overload of the rotation axis. The hydraulic cylinder rods are hingedly attached to the span, which includes special transverse beams (7) with brackets (8). In the room, inside the support of the adjustable span, there are the main pump installations, which ensure opening in 4 minutes, as well as spare pumping installations operating from an autonomous power plant.

The support posts (9), on which the span rests when closed, simultaneously serve as a mechanism for unloading the wing rotation axes (Fig. 9.12). When the wing is open, the pillars are located obliquely, and the span rests on the axis of rotation. During closing, when the wing approaches a horizontal position, the strut is brought to the wing using a special rod and engages with the supporting part attached to the lower chord of the main beam. At this moment, the support strut has a slight inclination to the vertical, and the wing - to the horizontal. With further movement, which is facilitated by the imbalance of the wing, the stand stands in vertical position. In this case, the wing is raised by approximately 5 mm, the axis of rotation is unloaded, and a gap is formed in the bearing of the rotation axis.

Rice. 9.12 - Support stand: 1 - axis of rotation; 2 - clearance under the bearing; 3 - stand for the axis of rotation; 4 - support post after opening; 5 - thrust; 6 - support post in closed position; 7 - support

To soften the impact when the wing approaches the maximum opening position, buffer devices (6) made of rubber are provided, and to fix the wing in the open position, automatic hydraulic locks (5) are provided in the form of retractable bolts in the recesses at the ends of the main beams (see Fig. 9.11) .

An example of a vertical lift bridge design

The design of the railway bridge span was developed by Lengiprotransmost in 1978. According to navigation conditions, the passage of large ships requires a bridge opening of 40 m and a lifting height of 30 m (Fig. 9.13).

Rice. 9.13 - Vertically lifting movable span structure

A standard span structure (10) with a span of 44.8 m was used as a lifting structure with the addition of elements necessary to lift it to position (9). The lifting span towers are located on adjacent spans and have welded elements with mounting connections on friction bolts (steel 15HSND). The front racks of the towers (6) are vertical, box-shaped. Significant efforts are transferred to them. The inclined rear pillars (1), like the lattice elements of the longitudinal vertical trusses of the towers, have an H-shaped section.

In the transverse planes there are connections (11), and, in addition, in the horizontal planes in each node of the towers there are cross transverse connections. The top of the tower is a beam cage supported on the front (4) and rear (2) transverse beams. The bearings of pulleys (3) having a diameter of 2700 mm rest on the head. Each pulley has a toothed ring on one side, with which a drive gear is engaged, driven by an electric motor through a gearbox. The gears of two pulleys on one tower are located on one common shaft. To synchronize the lifting of both ends of the span, a device called an electric shaft is used, which requires laying cables connecting the drive motors on both towers. In order to avoid laying cables under water, a lightweight cable bridge (8) is used.

The span structure is balanced using counterweights (5), consisting of metal frames with monolithic concrete filling and removable reinforced concrete slabs for precise weight adjustment. Provision is made for hanging counterweights from the head beams using steel belts to unload the ropes during repairs. Suspension cables (7), 10 on each pulley, connect the span and counterweights (cable type 37-G-V-ZhS-O-N-140). The cables are attached to the lifting beam (12), located in node B1 of the span.

The span is equipped with additional devices (Fig. 9.14). Suspension cables are attached to the lifting beam (1) through threaded steel rods screwed into anchor cups (11) and having nuts (3) at the ends to adjust the length of each cable. It can be adjusted using adjustable hydraulic jacks (4) from a special bridge (5). When the cables approach the lifting beam, they are separated on both sides by steel deflection castings (2). To prevent the span from swinging on the cables during lifting, there are guide devices in the form of eight clips with rollers attached to the span. During lifting, the rollers roll along the guide plates of the towers. In the plane of the lower chord, in the support units of one end of the span, clips with three rollers (9) are installed, preventing the movement of the span in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. The remaining support units of the upper and lower chords are equipped with cages with one roller (10), which only prevent transverse movements. This ensures a stable position of the span during lifting and freedom of temperature movements of the support units. Pneumatic buffer devices (8) are attached to the supporting transverse beam of the lifting span to prevent impacts when lowering the span. To accurately fix the span in the transverse direction, a centering device (7) is used, attached to the support, which includes a protrusion with bevels attached to the supporting transverse beam.

Rice. 9.14 - Details of the movable span

The weight of the lifting span is 2.23 MN; it is not completely balanced by counterweights. The span is 40 kN heavier than the counterweights; in addition, the unbalanced part of the cables when the span is lowered is 66 kN, which creates a stable position of the span in the closed state. For additional guarantee against spontaneous lifting of the span, for example from the action of rising wind, span locks are provided. After lowering the span, the lock bolt (6) moves with the help of a mechanical drive (12) in the longitudinal direction and enters the cutouts of the centering device box,

The railway track on the span is built on metal crossbars. For precise alignment of the rail track on the movable and fixed spans, rail locks are provided.

The duration of lifting by the main drive is 2 minutes. In addition to the main one, there is a spare drive with an autonomous power plant (lifting time 17 minutes) and a manual emergency drive (lifting time 150 minutes). The power of the main and synchronizing drives is 45 - 22 = 67 kW.

St. Petersburg has received so many nicknames! The brainchild of Peter, Window to Europe, Northern Venice, Northern Palmyra, and simply - a city on the Neva... And it is also called “ Bridge Museum open air " Bridges, of course, are not the only, but very important attraction of the northern capital, or rather not just one, but hundreds, because each of its more than 800 bridges has its own history and is interesting in its own way.

But the real highlights of this bridge architectural delicacy are definitely drawbridges. Who among us has not dreamed of visiting St. Petersburg during the white nights and watching how they get married? Which of us, having once been shocked by this almost cosmic spectacle, did not remember it for the rest of our lives? Meanwhile, all the first bridges in the city of Petra were drawbridges. True, they were simple and made of wood, then many of them were placed on stone supports and acquired cast-iron arches and openwork grilles. And drawbridges remained only on the most important waterways of the city - 21 bridges in total. The most famous of them are Dvortsovy, Troitsky and

Looking at the beautifully drawn bridges in St. Petersburg is a ritual. There is no other way to explain why even many of the city’s indigenous residents come to the center at least once at night every season so that, sometimes shivering from the cool air and warming themselves with cognac, they can meditate for the hundredth time on the ten-minute spectacle. Apparently the ritual is worth it. More precisely: it’s really worth it.

Schedule for raising bridges in St. Petersburg in 2018

In our article we provide a schedule for the crossings of the Northern capital, but please keep in mind that it may change on a specific day.

There are many sites on the Internet where the time of divorce is published, but there is only one official source: the State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest, which is directly responsible, as its name implies, for these very bridges. His website: by the way, is very convenient and nice. When you go to a bridge show, be sure to check in and make sure nothing has changed in the schedule. The same rule works if you are going to spend part of the night on Vasilyevsky Island or Petrogradskaya Side, after which you need to go to the “mainland” or vice versa.

Note that since 2017, two bridges - Dvortsovy and Troitsky - are being opened 15 minutes earlier than in previous years. This was done at the request of companies that conduct excursions along the rivers and canals of the city. Tourists now have an extra 15 minutes to sail under the raised bridges and admire the famous postcard views of the Northern capital in the absence of large cargo ships, for which, in fact, these bridges are raised :)

Current schedule for 2018

Bridge name

Time when divorced




Alexander Nevsky



1:10 – 2:50
3:10 – 4:55

2:00 – 2:55
3:35 – 4:55


1:25 – 2:45
3:10 – 5:00


2:00 – 3:45
4:15 – 5:45

The opening of Sampsonievsky, Grenadersky, Kantemirovsky bridges is carried out from 1:30 to 4:30 upon prior request 2 days in advance.

When does the bridge construction end?
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg, bridges are raised:
— on the branches of the Neva from April 20 to November 15;
- on the Neva and Malaya Neva, that is, including in relation to the most popular bridges - Dvortsovoy, Troitsky and Blagoveshchensky - from April 10 to November 30.

But we must keep in mind that these are general parameters that are adjusted depending on the ice conditions and the presence of ships that need to pass along the Neva. In autumn, especially deep autumn, the flow of ships gradually decreases, and if on a specific date there are no applications for the passage of dry cargo ships and tankers, then the bridges remain in a closed position. The same thing happens if suddenly the Neva is covered with ice in November, as sometimes happened, and, accordingly, not a single ship can pass.

Where to watch the bridges being raised

In total, nine bridges in St. Petersburg “spread their wings” on a permanent basis, and three more - upon special request. Of these, three are located in the tourist center of the city - Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy and Troitsky, which are located next to each other.

There are several options for how to look at this whole show:

1) Stand next to the Palace Bridge (next to the Hermitage), see its opening close up and little or almost nothing from Trinity. This is the most common and, accordingly, the most crowded method.

2) Stand next to Troitsky, look first from kilometer distance to Dvortsovy, and then right next to Troitsky. Also, in general, so-so.

3) Ours: wisely choose a point between two bridges and see everything.

4) Without the fuss and crowd, look at the rising Palace Bridge from Vasilyevsky Island, from the Kunstkamera.

Now briefly about each.

Option 1 is a classic scheme for beginners

The Palace Bridge opened at 01.25 (since 2017 - at ten o'clock). Tourists and other inexperienced people cling to the embankments - Dvortsovaya and Admiralteyskaya - on both sides of the bridge (we mean the end of the bridge that is located on the “mainland”, near the Hermitage, and not on Vasilievsky Island) in order to be as close to the action as possible .

It looks like this:

Moreover, the crowd on warm days, including weekdays, gathers about forty minutes to an hour before the start, so it is very difficult to get into the first row of the “parterre”, you have to stand on tiptoe and jump out from behind. It’s good if you are 190+ centimeters, but if you are short, then there is nothing to catch.

There is also a “gallery” option: the Hermitage overlooks the Palace Embankment near the Palace Bridge, and it has a high porch on this side, look at the photos below.

But even there, however, there is not much space - there definitely won’t be enough for everyone when the house is full.

When the Palace is opened, everyone first admires and takes pictures, and then most of the crowd rushes to the Trinity Bridge. However, Troitsky is divorced only 10 minutes later than Dvortsovy, that is, right around the very moment when admiring Dvortsov ends.

And the distance between them is 1.24 kilometers. And running in two minutes, or even ten, from one bridge to another is quite difficult. As a result, you come to the Trinity Bridge when it is already all gone. There is an option to look at Troitsky from afar, but as practice shows, you can’t really see anything.

However, if one bridge, and the most picturesque one at that, is enough for you, and the day turns out to be cold, rainy and weekday, that is, there will not be a large crowd, then option 1 is your option.

Option 2 – watch only Trinity

This scheme has the advantage that the embankments in the area of ​​the Trinity Bridge are very small, so you will have almost no competitors. You will also see the Palace, but from a kilometer distance, that is, approximately general outline– which, of course, is a minus.

Well, Trinity is all yours. At the same time, only one flight of stairs rises from it, very large in size, so the sight, especially if you are standing next to it, is monumental.

Option 3 – the golden mean

We found a point between the two bridges, which, in our opinion, allows us to look at the separation of both from an acceptable distance. This place is on Palace Embankment opposite the building at number 26.

This is what the Palace Bridge looks like from this point:

And this is Troitsky (the photo was taken opposite the neighboring building, Dvortsovaya Embankment 18).

The downside is that you will be a rare spectator, that is, you will not feel the emotional tension of the crowd. But for photographs taken from a tripod with a decent camera with a good lens, it’s just the thing.

Option 4 – calm

We are watching the separation of the Palace Bridge from the University Embankment (next to the VO Strelka). We stand at the parapet of the Neva somewhere opposite the Kunstkamera. The view from there will be like in this photo.

On the opposite side of the Neva is the Admiralty, which is where you get the classic postcard views with Peter and Paul Fortress and the spread wings of the Palace Bridge. From our point of view, of course, there is no such view. But there are also obvious advantages.

Firstly, there are significantly fewer people here than on the other bank of the Neva. You can take a seat in the first row at the parapet 5 minutes before the bridge opens.

Secondly, from the nearby Spit of Vasilyevsky Island you can take excellent photographs of the same Peter and Paul Fortress, albeit without a bridge.

Thirdly, anyone who lives in the north or on Vaska will not be forced to hang out somewhere in the center after the bridge raising show. To get to the Petrogradskaya side you need to cross the Birzhevoy Bridge (or Tuchkov), and from Petrogradka at any time, for example, through the Kamennoostrovsky and Ushakovsky bridges to your place - to the northern districts of the city. Fortunately, these crossings are not separated. Or go along Kronverkskaya embankment to look at the divorced Trinity, enjoying the magnificent views along the way.

If you suddenly didn’t have time to cross the Birzhevoy Bridge before it opened, it doesn’t matter. You can now leave Vaska via the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter (WHSD), both to the north of the city and to the south.

Option 5 – looking from the water. Night boat ride under bridges

From the water, the impression is completely different, and this is not a rehash of water barkers, everything really is so.
Night boat excursions are organized almost the same as daytime ones, as you can read about - in the sense that the vessels are the same, from double-decker motor ships to small troughs with a motor; The night is a little longer and the cost is higher. For example: 1.5 hours for 800 - 1000 rubles depending on the type of vessel and duration instead of 1 hour and 700 rubles during the day.

You can book such an excursion by clicking on the banner below.

It’s important to warn you right away: if the excursion starts after 00.00, then when purchasing online you need to choose the very date that started after these 00.00. If the excursion is on the night of June 24-25, then you need to buy on June 25.

Option 6 – looking from the rooftops. The best viewpoints

Someone's hands and backs will not prevent you from seeing the magical action of the raising of St. Petersburg bridges. From the roof, the water area of ​​the Neva will be clearly visible. And not only Neva. This is also a unique chance to look at the city itself from above! Your photos will be the envy of everyone, including professional photographers :) You can choose one of three roofs on the side of the Neva convenient for you, where our guides will take you.
You can read about the excursion and order it.

2. Selfie sticks are very helpful when there is a large crowd. The sidewalk along the embankment, from which you will take photos with the bridge in the background, is narrow, and a lot of people walk along it.

3. If you need very, very good photographs or videos, then the most important tool of all photographic equipment is a tripod. It’s better to forget the camera, but you need to take a tripod, because you can still ask someone for a camera, but most likely you won’t have a tripod.

4. People drive along the embankment and next to it, ready to take you home. Firstly, the further you are from the bridges, the cheaper they are; secondly, official taxis are more reliable, safer, and if more expensive, then not by much.

5. For bicycle lovers, take a bike; if you don’t have your own, there is a bike rental. You'll have to swear while trying to squeeze through the crowd, but (due to the mobility of your two-wheeled friend) you can see the opening of three bridges at once: Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovoy and Troitsky.

6. For those who want such a classic photograph from St. Petersburg:

you need to take a place next to the Palace Bridge on the Promenade des Anglais, opposite the Admiralty.

Yes, but what about, you ask, the same bridge on which the art group “War” wrote a word in which the first letter is the second letter in the word “ear”, and the second letter is the first letter in the word “ear” , and so on? This is Liteyny Bridge, it is also located in the center - two kilometers from Nevsky Prospekt along Liteyny. True, it is not particularly popular among tourists. But if anything, he gets divorced at 01.40.

Ivan Semenov

Masha fotomanya , Sergey periskop and Ilya gold_lion . The whole team had already managed to make colorful and very informative posts, only I was left, who flew away, almost immediately after the shooting, on vacation to Europe.

Before I started writing something, I thought, in what key should I do it? Mass blog tours are, of course, good, on the one hand, but on the other hand, the posts of participants in such tours are often similar to each other, like Siamese twins. Once you read two, informatively similar, reports and read the rest on the same topic, it already discourages any desire. The other side of the issue is the technical component. It’s one thing to read about travel, it’s another thing to try to understand all sorts of complex technical features of the engineering object being described, etc.

Considering that my blog has its own topic and, accordingly, a special contingent of readers, I decided to write about the Trinity Bridge in the simplest and most understandable language, as I described, at one time, the features of the structure and operation of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant. If someone wants to see the maximum technical overview of the Trinity Bridge, as well as get acquainted with its rather complicated history, do not be lazy - go to the blogs of the other members of our team listed above, and Wikipedia and other information resources are always available to help you.

02. Trinity Bridge is the third oldest among the bridges of St. Petersburg.

I’ll slightly duplicate my paragraph from the event announcement. What is included in mandatory plans any person visiting St. Petersburg for the first time, other than walking through the streets and parks of the city, visiting museums and visiting various architectural sights? Of course, this is an acquaintance with the famous St. Petersburg bridges! In any season, in any weather, the raising of bridges attracts hundreds of people, fascinated by this impressive spectacle. Looking at how the multi-ton span of the bridge rises, few people think about how this is even possible? Frankly, I rarely thought about this myself, but it’s very, very interesting!

Once upon a time, many years ago, I first came to St. Petersburg and drew for myself on the map the first familiarization city route, which included the Trinity Bridge. The route started from the Gorkovskaya metro station, captured the Peter and Paul Fortress, Aurora, and went along the Trinity Bridge to the Palace Embankment towards the square of the same name...

I decided to continue my acquaintance with the bridge, as before, from the walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress, arriving at my favorite point at half past ten in the evening. Cloudy, rainy weather, which has firmly established itself in St. Petersburg these days, made the view of the bridge somewhat gray and not particularly expressive. I decided to wait for the city lights to turn on, which was only half an hour away.

04. View of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

With the inclusion of lanterns and illumination of building facades, the view of the bridge was transformed. It sparkled brightly with warm lights, cheerfully reflected on the restless surface of the Neva. And here I was incredibly lucky. While I was taking pictures of the views, additional white illumination flashed across the entire surface of the bridge, making the view of the bridge absolutely stunning! This light show, alas, did not last long, only 10 minutes, or even less, and was not repeated. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask the representatives about this beauty St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Mostotrest", why such illumination is turned on only at 23:00 and for such a short time.

05. Full illumination of the bridge.

Having photographed enough views, I went across the bridge to the opposite side of the Neva, where I was supposed to meet with the rest of the team members and representatives of Mostotrest. By the way, it is from the Trinity Bridge that one of the most beautiful views to the Peter and Paul Fortress, Neva, Winter Palace, Vasilievsky Island, as well as to neighboring bridges: Palace, Liteyny, Birzhevoy and others. Almost like in Amsterdam.

Let's go over the history of the Trinity Bridge a little. This is one of the oldest bridges in St. Petersburg and the first pontoon crossing on this site appeared back in 1803, the year in honor of the 100th anniversary of the city. The bridge was named Petersburg. This bridge served people well for 20 years, until, in 1824, they decided not to modernize it. The bridge received a name for the first time Trinity, along the nearby square of the same name. And now, after another 73 years, the bridge is being rebuilt for the third time. The laying of a permanent bridge, also a drawbridge, took place on August 12, 1897, with the participation of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the President of the French Republic Felix Faure. This event had a political overtones and was aimed at improving relations between the two countries. The bridge was inaugurated on the 200th anniversary of the city, on May 16, 1903, and Emperor Nicholas II became the first person to launch the electric motors that revived the bridge's unique draw mechanism.

By the way, during these years the bridge was drawn not vertically, but horizontally, turning around its axis and thus forming passages for ships. Here I would also like to add that the main railway bridge of our Kaliningrad, initially (back in German Koenigsberg), had the same turning system.

And fifteen years later, in 1918, the bridge was renamed again. First to the bridge Equalities, and after the death of the revolutionary S. M. Kirov, in 1934, in Kirovsky Bridge. And yet, the bridge became again Troitsky, but only in 1991. In subsequent years, the bridge was reconstructed several times: the entire draw system and road surface were updated, and the electrical networks were replaced. The last major reconstruction was completed on May 29, 2003, to celebrate the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.

Meanwhile, our blogger landing party was met by the project coordinator - Irina Strizhenaya and chief mechanical engineer of the Trinity Bridge - Shishov Evgeniy Gennadievich. We had to go down to the heart of the bridge, located in one of the abutments. This could only be done through a special hatch, which was under constant surveillance and seriously guarded. After all, the bridge is a strategic engineering facility.

08. Sergey periskop bravely descends into the depths of the Trinity Bridge.

Having gone down to the first level, we find ourselves in a narrow room - this is the so-called Operator Room, one might say - the brain of the Trinity Bridge. It is from here that the launch of the bridge's construction and installation, as well as all the lighting and signaling equipment, is controlled, dozens of smart sensors, security cameras are monitored, constant radio communication is maintained with ships passing along the Neva, etc.

The bridge is maintained by a team of eight people. At a certain time, a few minutes before the opening, the warning lights turn on, Evgeniy uses the radio to coordinate the work of the rest of the team, which quickly blocks the bridge on both sides with special barriers and makes sure that no one gets through them. According to Evgeniy, who has worked on the bridge for 20 years, the main troubles arise on the days of various city holidays, when tipsy young people try to climb over the fences.

And only after all team members report on the preparatory work completed, Evgeniy presses the treasured button, and the bridge wing rapidly begins to rise. Why so fast? And all because it takes only 6 (!) minutes to lift a structure weighing 750 tons into the air. During this time, the bridge wing rises to an angle of 70 degrees (the maximum permissible angle is 72 degrees).

14. Shishov Evgeniy Gennadievich.

This speed is ensured by powerful hydraulic systems that have replaced mechanical ones. To see them with our own eyes, we go down even deeper - to the second level of the room, where we can see the hydraulic drive cylinder. There are four of them in total.

16. Hydraulic drive cylinder.

17. From left to right: Evgeny, Irina, Ildar, Ilya, Masha, Alexey.

The heart of the bridge is in the engine room, where powerful compression electric motors and oil pumps are located, creating force for the hydraulic cylinders. When oil is supplied to the upper cavity of the cylinder, the necessary thrust is provided and the pistons lift the wing upward.

To ensure the operability of the bridge in any emergency situation, the systems are duplicated and only a pair of engines operate in normal mode, and the second pair is a backup. It happens that some minor damage occurs. In this case, there is a full-fledged workshop equipped with all the necessary tools.

23. Workshop.

While we are exploring the interior, Evgeniy continues to talk about the main technical specifications Trinity Bridge. Its length is 578 m, width 23.6 m, total weight – 11242 tons, and span length – 43 m.

25. Backup pump control panel.

But how does such a multi-ton colossus hold up? It turns out that under the bridge's adjustable wing there is a huge concrete counterweight, the mass of which is much greater than the wing itself and amounts to 1,450 tons.

28. Bridge wing counterweight.

When the bridge is raised, the counterweight is lowered into a special pit called the “counterweight well.” To prevent the raised wing from collapsing in the event of a system failure, it is additionally secured with huge special locking pins hidden in technological niches.

29. Counterweight well

30. He is from a different angle. The circle in the photo on the left is a locking pin in the niche.

By the way, one of the main reasons why it is strictly forbidden to approach the raised bridge is the gap at the junction of the spans. It is quite wide and leads straight into the counterweight well. Having fallen there, a person will simply be crushed by the counterweight of the bridge. These are the horror stories...

31. Ildar 2dar takes photographs of the Neva at night.

Meanwhile, we go out to the so-called gallery with inside bridge, from which it is convenient to observe the navigation of ships. On this day, 14 ships were registered, 7 in each direction. – " Previously there were up to 30 or more ships", Evgeniy shares his memories.

33. The bridge's light bulbs are clearly visible.

Answering a question about various incidents, Evgeniy said that in the history of the bridge there were also collisions between ships and supports. The bridge was not damaged, but the ships received serious damage. I also learned why bridges do not open in stormy weather. It turns out that despite all the reliability, strong winds can give a serious load that the wings simply cannot withstand.

And, of course, I express my deep gratitude to the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest company and the St. Petersburg Bloggers Community for the invitation, as well as the Taxovichkof taxi service for the fast and high-quality delivery of the tired blogger carcass to my home.

All the most latest news and publications can also be found on my pages in

The raising of bridges on white nights is one of the most interesting spectacles in St. Petersburg, which many tourists who come to our city strive to see. The bridge construction schedule, published in our guide to St. Petersburg, will help you properly plan your walk through the city at night and find yourself exactly on that bank of the Neva, from where, after a romantic walk, you can easily get to your hotel without waiting for the bridges to be built over the Neva.

Bridge construction schedule 2018

From the end of April, when the Neva is freed from its icy shackles, until the month of November, the navigation period begins and bridges are raised at night strictly according to schedule. This action is especially spectacular during the white nights, when the embankments of the Neva River are filled with many people, and large and small ships sail along the river under the open bridges - the city of Petra is filled with a special fantastic meaning.

There are more than 300 bridges in St. Petersburg, of which 13 are raised. Initially in new capital Under Peter I, there were no bridges; residents crossed the Neva River and canals on boats and ferries. The Emperor wanted to accustom the people to navigation and demanded that they overcome the water in boats. Although under Peter the first wooden bridge appeared (in 1703), connecting Hare Island, where the Peter and Paul Fortress was built, and Berezovy Island (Petrograd Side).

The first bridge across the Neva was a floating one, built in 1727, connecting Vasilyevsky Island and the Admiralteyskaya Embankment. The bridge was named St. Isaac's, based on its location opposite the Church of St. Isaac of Dalmatia ( Senate Square). The floating supports of the bridge were barges, over which wooden spans were thrown; The bridge was pulled apart to allow ships to pass along the river.

The first drawbridge across the Neva was built according to the design of railway engineer S.V. Kerbedz in 1843 - 1850, connecting Vasilyevsky Island and the English Embankment, it was given the name Blagoveshchensky. The magnificent cast-iron decoration of the bridge was designed by architect A.P. Bryullov. Nowadays, the Blagoveshchensky Bridge is considered one of the most beautiful bridges in St. Petersburg.

Particular delight is caused by the direct opening of the bridges on the Neva section of the historical center of St. Petersburg, which begins at approximately half past two in the morning, when the Blagoveshchensky and Palace Bridges open almost simultaneously, followed by the Troitsky Bridge, and the Liteiny Bridge is the last to raise its gigantic wing.

At the end of June, on the banks of the Neva, the world-famous alumni festival “Scarlet Sails” takes place, which brings together many graduates from all over Russia, as well as simply tourists and city residents, to the embankments and squares of St. Petersburg. Squares in the city center are turning into improvised concert venues, the main one being Palace Square, where a gala concert takes place. The culmination of the holiday is the opening of the bridges - when a ship under scarlet sails enters the Neva Delta under the dazzling flashes of fireworks and fireworks.

When going for a night walk along the embankments, don’t forget your tablet; by downloading our guide, you can easily navigate the city. The bridge construction schedule for 2018 will provide the necessary information about the time of one of the most interesting events White Nights - the opening of bridges over the Neva.

Blagoveshchensky Bridge (Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge)

Blagoveshchensky Bridge is the last drawbridge along the Neva to the Gulf of Finland.

In 1850, the Blagoveshchensky Bridge was erected in St. Petersburg - the first permanent drawbridge. The decorative decoration of the bridge amazed contemporaries with its high artistic design. The cast-iron openwork of the railings was decorated with a complex ornament with woven reliefs of decorative images of sea monsters. The decorative elements of the fence were cast according to the drawings of the outstanding artist A. Bryulov.
The artistic design of the bridge was completed by elegant gas lamps made according to the design of engineer D. Tsvetkov.

IN Soviet era was known as the Lieutenant Schmidt Bridge, but in 2007 after major reconstruction its historical name Blagoveshchensky was returned to it.

During the period of white nights in St. Petersburg, the embankments next to the Blagoveshchensky Bridge are filled with tourists, the crossings are opened simultaneously with the Palace Bridge - a fantastic picture of the Neva opens.


The bridge connects:

Labor Square ( Historical center city), Trezzini Square, University Embankment (Vasilievsky Island)

Author of the project:

engineer S.V. Kerbedz

Years of construction:

1843 – 1850


Length – 331 m Width – 37 m

How to get to the Blagoveshchensky Bridge.

From the Central part of the city: from the Admiralteyskaya or Sadovaya metro stations, take a ground bus public transport to Truda Square and from there on foot towards the Neva. From Vasilievsky Island: from the Vasileostrovskaya metro station on foot along lines 6-7 V.O. towards the Neva, the walk will take approximately 10 minutes.

Blagoveshchensky Bridge construction schedule in 2018:

1:25 – 2:45 and 3:10 – 5:00

Palace Bridge

One of the most advertising views of the city on the Neva, constantly replicated all over the world, is the raised Palace Bridge in the white nights with the Peter and Paul Fortress in the background. It is here that thousands of tourists flock during the white nights to admire the grandiose spectacle of the raising of bridges over the Neva.

The history of the construction of the Palace Bridge dates back to the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Initially, the bridge across the Neva was wooden (platform). In 1880, the question arose about replacing the outdated Palace Bridge - with such a proposal, representatives public organizations St. Petersburg turned to the city authorities. Competitions were announced for the design of the new Palace Bridge, but time passed and construction never began. As a result, the bridge was erected according to the design of engineer A.P. Pshenitsky only in 1916. It was put into operation unfinished, without design decorative finishing, with temporary wooden fences, which were replaced with permanent ones only by 1939. The Palace Bridge acquired a modern artistic design by 1970; cast iron fences with decorative elements and lanterns were installed.


The bridge connects:

Dvortsovy Proezd, Dvortsovaya Embankment (Historic City Center), Birzhevaya Square (Vasilievsky Island)

Author of the project:

engineer A. P. Pshenitsky

Years of construction:

1912 – 1916


Length – 260 m Width – 27.8 m

How to get to the Palace Bridge:

From the Admiralteyskaya metro station, exit, cross Nevsky Prospekt and through the Arch of the General Staff Head along Palace Square towards the Neva.
From the Nevsky Prospekt metro station by public transport towards the Neva.

Palace Bridge construction schedule in 2018:

1:10 – 2:50 and 3:10 – 4:55

Birzhevoy Bridge

On Vasilievsky Island, on the Malaya Neva side, a Trade Port and Customs House were located. Due to the heavy traffic of merchant ships along the river to the port near the Strelka of Vasilievsky Island, there was no permanent crossing until the end of the 19th century. Residents and goods were transported from one bank to the other on boats and barges.

After the port was moved, the City Duma decided to build a bridge that would connect the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and the Petrograd Side. In 1894, a wooden drawbridge was erected. At that time, the construction of wooden bridges was common, it was the cheapest and quick way. The Birzhevoy Bridge got its name from its location next to the famous Exchange building.

Subsequently, the wooden bridge was repaired several times. By the middle of the 20th century, its design capabilities could no longer withstand transport loads.

In 1960, a five-span, metal, arched drawbridge was built in place of the wooden one.

In terms of its architectural and stylistic design, the Birzhevoy Bridge is perfectly integrated into the grand panorama of St. Petersburg, flanking the Palace Bridge on the sides of Birzhevoy Square, harmoniously completing the architectural ensemble of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.


The bridge connects:

Exchange Square (Vasilievsky Island), Mytninskaya Embankment (Petrogradskaya Side)

Authors of the project:

Year of construction:



Length – 239 m Width – 27 m

How to get to Birzhevoy Bridge:

Get off at the Sportivnaya metro station, there either by transport or on foot to the Neva towards the Exchange.

Birzhevoy Bridge construction schedule in 2018:

2:00 – 4:55

Tuchkov Bridge

In the 18th century, pontoon crossings were established on the Neva. Barges were lined up across the river and a wooden deck was laid on top, along which loaded vehicles and pedestrians were transported. For the passage of ships along the river at certain times, the barges were separated and pulled apart. This is exactly what the crossing was like in the place where Tuchkov Bridge is now located.

Die-boat crossings were unreliable and short-lived, often breaking down during ice drifts and in bad weather, when strong winds caused a large wave on the river.

In 1835, a reliable permanent multi-span wooden bridge with an adjustable mechanism was erected.

In 1965, the Tuchkov Bridge was rebuilt into a three-span, drawbridge, with metal spans resting on granite bulls. Together with it, the Makarov embankment of Vasilyevsky Island was reconstructed.

The architecture of the bridge is harmoniously integrated into the panorama of the water landscape of the Malaya Neva and the embankments that frame it.


The bridge connects:

Kadetskaya Line (Vasilievsky Island), Bolshoi Prospekt (Petrogradskaya Side)

Authors of the project:

engineers V.V. Demchenko and B.B. Levina, architects L.A. Noskova and P.A. Aresheva

Years of construction:

1962 - 1965


Length – 226.2 m Width – 36 m

How to get to Tuchkov Bridge:

Coming out of the Sportivnaya metro station, you need to walk along Bolshoy Prospekt of the Petrogradskaya Side to the Malaya Neva and you will find yourself on the bridge.

Tuchkovo Bridge construction schedule in 2018:

2:00 – 2:55 and 3:35 – 4:55

Trinity Bridge

The exquisite decorative decoration and delicacy of the silhouette of the Trinity Bridge has long been an example to follow in the construction of river crossings.

The bridge runs a tourist walking route from the Field of Mars to the Peter and Paul Fortress, from where a magnificent ceremonial panorama opens up to the most famous sights of the city on the Neva.

The site of the construction of the Trinity Bridge has a special historical significance; it was from the Peter and Paul Fortress, Trinity Square and the nearby House of Peter I that St. Petersburg began to take shape and be built. It was here, just upstream of the Neva, opposite the House of Peter I and the Summer Garden, that a temporary crossing was built in 1703.

From 1824 to 1827, a new pontoon bridge was erected on the site where the Trinity Bridge is located.

During the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, in 1892, the construction of a permanent bridge was approved. IN political purposes, confirming friendly relations with France, the construction of the bridge is entrusted to the French construction company "Batignolles" and the leadership of the chief engineer Arthur Flachet.
During the construction of the bridge, the most advanced technologies of that time were used. The spans of the arches were made of metal structures using a cantilever-arch system, which significantly lightened the span trusses and gave the bridge a visual delicacy.

The decorative design of the fences and lanterns of the Trinity Bridge stands out with its sophistication of forms. On the side of Suvorov Square, obelisks decorated with cast rostras of ships were erected at the bridge alignment.

The ceremonial consecration and opening of the bridge took place during the celebration of the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg, May 16 (27), 1903, in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II, the August family, their retinue, the highest clergy, honored guests, with a large crowd of people. This event was widely covered in the chronicles of the time.

In Soviet times, the bridge was called Kirovsky. To the new historical period In Russia, in 1991, the historical name of St. Petersburg was returned to the city, many streets and squares regained their original names, the bridge again became Trinity.


The bridge connects:

Suvorovskaya Square (Historical city center), Troitskaya Square (Petrogradskaya side)

Authors of the project:

engineer A.Flache

Years of construction:

1896 - 1903


Length – 582 m Width – 23.43 m

How to get to Trinity Bridge:

From Nevsky Prospect along Sadovaya Street you can take ground public transport or, in good weather, take a walk past the Mikhailovsky Castle, across the Field of Mars to the Neva and continue across the Trinity Bridge to the Peter and Paul Fortress, admiring the Nevsky panorama that opens.
From the Petrogradskaya side from the Gorkovskaya metro station there is a lot of public transport along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt; you need to go exactly one stop towards the Neva or walk along the shady alleys of Alexander Park parallel to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt.

Schedule for the construction of the Trinity Bridge in 2018:

1:20 – 4:50

Liteyny Bridge

The Liteyny Bridge, connecting the Vyborg side and the left bank of the Neva, became the second permanent crossing. Construction of the bridge lasted from 1875 to 1879. During the construction of the crossing, advanced technologies of that time were used; the span trusses were made of steel rather than cast iron, which made it possible to increase the spans themselves. The bridge was raised not upward, but to the side using a rotating device, which was operated manually by eight workers. Later, the wing spread began to be carried out using a water turbine. The bridge was illuminated using electric lights, which was also an innovation for that time.

In the twentieth century, the Liteiny Bridge was rebuilt. After the reconstruction of the Volga-Baltic Canal, which ended in 1964, the flow of shipping on the Neva increased and a global reconstruction of the Liteyny Bridge was required.

From 1966 to 1967, the bridge was actually rebuilt - it became wider, its width was 34 meters. The drawbridge began to rise. The embankments were also rebuilt.


The bridge connects:

Liteiny Prospekt (Historic city center), Lebedeva Street (Vyborg side)

Authors of the project:

engineers A. E. Struve, A. A. Weiss

Years of construction:

1875 - 1879


Length – 396 m Width – 34 m

How to get to Liteiny Bridge.

From Nevsky Prospect along Liteyny Prospekt you can travel by public transport all the way to the Neva. From the Finlyandsky Station, from the Ploshchad Lenina metro station, along Lebedeva Street to the Liteiny Bridge.

Liteiny Bridge construction schedule in 2018:

1:40 – 4:45

Bridge of Emperor Peter the Great (Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge)

The silhouette of the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge is recognizable from afar; the openwork of giant trusses and lighthouse towers sets it apart from other crossings across the Neva. It extends from the left bank of the Neva, in the area of ​​the Smolny Monastery, to the right bank, where the oldest district of St. Petersburg, Okhta, is located. It is known that there were historical settlements on the lands of Okhta long before the construction of the Northern capital.

In the 19th century, Okhta was a working-class district; factory enterprises and settlements of various crafts and working people were located here. During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, in 1829, when developing a plan for the development of the city, it was indicated on the construction of a crossing across the Neva in the area of ​​Okhta and the Smolny Monastery. Due to a lack of funds, the construction of a crossing in this area was delayed and only in 1884 the City Council decided to build a bridge.

The bridge was laid in 1911, on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Poltava. The name of the bridge was given by Peter the Great. The ceremonial consecration and opening of the bridge took place in front of a large crowd of citizens on October 26, 1911.

The three-span bridge had a structural and architectural solution that was original for that time. The load-bearing arched side spans, each 136 meters long, were made of riveted metal, which gave the truss structures high strength. This engineering solution to the structures made it possible to create a special visual delicacy for the bridge. The central span was decorated with tall granite lighthouse towers. The central span opens by rotating two wings around horizontal axes and lifting them vertically upward.

The architectural and engineering solution of the Peter the Great Bridge was completely new for that time and therefore not everyone liked its appearance, and some even seemed ugly, but time has passed and now the crossing of the Neva is considered one of the masterpieces of bridge construction of the twentieth century.


The bridge connects:

Sinopskaya embankment (Historic city center), Sverdlovskaya embankment (Okhta historical district)

Authors of the project:

engineers G. G. Krivoshein, V. P. Apyshkov

Years of construction:

1909 - 1911


Length – 335 m Width – 24 m

How to get to Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge.

The easiest way to get to the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge is from Nevsky Prospekt by ground public transport going to
Sredneokhtinsky Prospekt, or from the Chernyshevskaya metro station in the same direction.

Schedule for the construction of the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge in 2018:

2:00 – 5:00

Alexander Nevsky Bridge

The Alexander Nevsky Bridge is a building Soviet era post-war period.

The construction of the bridge was completed in 1965. Its engineering, architectural and artistic-plastic solution was fully consistent with the popular style of minimalism of the 60s. The silhouette of the bridge fit harmoniously into the Neva panorama, combining the embankments with buildings into a single architectural ensemble. At night, the crossing is illuminated by spectacular illumination, emphasizing the dynamic rhythm of the bridge spans.


The bridge connects:

Alexander Nevsky Square (Historical city center), Zanevsky Avenue

Authors of the project:

engineer A. S. Evdonin, architects A. V. Zhuk, S. G. Mayofis, Yu. I. Sinitsa

Years of construction:

1959 - 1965


Length – 629 m Width – 35 m

How to get to the Alexander Nevsky Bridge:

Get to the Alexander Nevsky Square metro station; after leaving the metro you will find yourself on the square in front of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. You can visit the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the entrance to which is from the square.

Schedule for the construction of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge in 2018:

2:20 – 5:10

Volodarsky Bridge

Volodarsky Bridge was opened in 1936.

In the first decades of Soviet power, it was popular to name large projects under construction after revolutionary heroes and figures. The erected crossing over the Neva was dedicated to the revolutionary figure V. Volodarsky, and a monument to him was erected right there.
In its architectural appearance it resembled the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge. Three-span with wings in the central span and load-bearing arched structures along the side spans.

In 1990, the Volodarsky Bridge was reconstructed and its appearance was changed. New side spans were installed without arched structures. There is a lot of traffic on the bridge now.


The bridge connects:

Narodnaya street, Ivanovskaya street

Authors of the project:

engineers G.P. Perederiy, V.I. Kryzhanovsky, architects A.S. Nikolsky, K.M. Dmitriev

Years of construction:

1932 - 1936


Length – 325 m Width – 43.6 m

How to get to Volodarsky Bridge:

Having reached the Lomonosovskaya metro station, move along Babushkina Street to Ivanovskaya Street, then turn right towards the Neva.