A battle without rules: “Man of the Year” goes over the heads. A battle without rules: “Man of the Year” goes over the heads of House 2 who became a man

This article will tell you who won the apartment in the "Houses 2" competition. Moreover, we will talk about the competition itself, as well as the rules and the winners of previous years.

About the competition

For many years now, the television project “House 2” has been hosting the “Person of the Year” competition, where the main prize is an apartment. It starts in the summer, and throughout the summer season the participants of the television project undergo tests. The winners of the competition are announced at the beginning of September. Since 2017, it was renamed “Love of the Year”, and only those couples who were in the Seychelles participated in it. And every year, TV viewers are concerned with the question of who will win an apartment in “House 2”.

Competition rules

The competition itself consists of several stages where participants show their acting, musical and other abilities. Viewers choose who will win an apartment in “House 2” by voting for participants after each stage through the TNT club application.

Winners 2017

Three couples make it to the finals, and they can already deservedly be considered winners. In September 2017, there was a final vote, where Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markova came out ahead by a large margin, with more than 54% of TV viewers voting for them.

Now you know who won the apartment in “House 2”, but we must not forget about the other participants. The winners competed with Yulia Efremenko and Sergei Kucherov, as well as Valeria Frost and Zakhar Salenko. After the competition ended, the couple had a big fight over a renovation they were planning to start doing, but they soon found a compromise by deciding to use the services of a designer.

They plan to turn the won square meters into a studio. The area of ​​the apartment is 40 sq. m. m. The couple's fans were very happy for them and wrote a lot of congratulations. But many TV viewers were dissatisfied with the result of the voting, believing that Nikita and Darina won unfairly, and that there were other couples worthy of victory.

As usual, a serious war broke out over square meters. The tests this year were not easy; often the participants in the television project had to step over themselves. Looking at these trials, it’s hard to envy them.

Winners of previous years

The keys to the winnings went into the hands of this year's winners. After it became clear who won the apartment in “House 2,” many television viewers were dissatisfied with the results of the competition. Many are convinced that he is a fake, and only “old men” can win the test. Such scandals happen every year; in 2014, Alexey Sichkar was in the lead, but he was ahead of

32 people competed for the right to bear the proud title of “Person of the Year” on the Dom-2 project. However, only four managed to reach the finals - Olga Zhemchugova, Marina Afrikantova, Andrey Cherkasov and Fedor Strelkov. Each of the participants underwent various tests during five qualifying rounds, which lasted for seven weeks. However, television viewers had the final say on who would receive the honorary title. It was their voices that determined who deserved to become the “Person of the Year” of the “Dom-2” project and would receive an apartment in Moscow, and also begin a career in show business.

All the spectators watched the finale with bated breath. When the results of the competition were announced, everyone immediately began to congratulate Olga Veter, the wife of Gleb Klubnichka. She received 29.63% of the audience votes. Fedor Strelkov came second with 27.25%. Marina Afrikantova took third place, receiving 21.88%. Andrey Cherkasov was in fourth place. The reality show participants thank fans for voting.

For seven months, each of the participants tried in every possible way to prove why numerous fans of the television project should vote for him. The producers of the project came up with creative tasks for the finalists. The participants performed songs of different genres to show off their talents.

“My princess, Olya Veter, congratulations to you! You are "Person of the Year" 2016! My son is sleeping contentedly and told me to tell you “thank you”! You are the champion of my world,” he wrote touching congratulations for Olya her husband Gleb.

“My congratulations to you, I kept my fingers crossed for you, you are a winner, you are very smart, I am very happy for you, I love your family,” another participant in the project, Olga Rapunzel, congratulated the “Person of the Year.” The girl believes that Gleb Klubnichka’s wife really deserves first place and the main prize. The winner herself did not believe that fate would smile so much on their family.

“I wasn’t sure of my victory until the very end. I saw Fedor Strelkov as my main competitor. It was clear how much the country supported him, we followed the vote, and we had some kind of slight lead. And 20 minutes before it ended they took it away from us Cell phones. We sat in the dark until the results were announced. When they were announced, I burst into tears of happiness. It was difficult competition. I still can’t forget the stage where we were smeared with bloodworms. They didn’t wash my hands for several more days!” Olga admitted.

Let us recall that Olga Zhemchugova appeared on the project, being the legal wife of Gleb Klubnichka. They brought up little son Misha. During their lives under the gaze of numerous cameras, the couple proved that their relationship can be considered almost ideal. Quarrels in the family arise, according to Olga, because of Gleb’s flirting with other participants in the reality show. In order to become even more attractive in the eyes of her beloved man, Olga decided to do plastic surgery for breast enlargement. Now she is happy with the result and is proud of her appearance.

“I saw her in a bandage, she was swollen, swollen, but “standing”, so beautiful. At least now “they” have appeared for me and are not hanging around. Now I can't lift weights, sunbathe, physical exercise, baths and saunas are prohibited. And then it will be possible to remove the bandage and walk around in light T-shirts, since it is not recommended to wear underwear after the first month, because the breasts are still taking the desired shape. In two or three months I’ll be buying beautiful new sets of underwear!” - said a participant in a popular reality show immediately after surgery.

Fans admire the family of Gleb and Olga and congratulate the woman on her victory.

On the reality show before the start of the “Person of the Year” competition, something indescribable happens. You've probably already read in the shloka what the Blumenkranz family is doing, having returned as if for reconciliation, but in reality to compete for housing in the capital.

Ilya Yabbarov, according to rumors, has been dreaming of getting an apartment since winter, having agreed with his future relatives - the Dmitrenko family. And only in one couple does the idyll reign. Who always has cloudless skies and rainbow ponies running around on purple grass? Afrikantova admits to her fans how good she feels. The girl writes that the race is for square meters has already started and will end in December. In the meantime, she shared her assumptions with the audience at home 2.

Marina Afrikantova predicted the winner of the “Person of the Year” competition? She invites fans of the TV show to choose three finalists, and then it’s easy to guess who will win.
Afrikantova’s top included:

  1. Marina and Roman Kapakly
  2. Maya Dontsova and Alexey Kupin
  3. Tatiana and Viktor Litvinov
  4. Alena Savkina
  5. Olga and Dmitry Dmitrenko
  6. Aliana Gobozova
  7. Valera and Tata Blumenkranz
  8. Irina Pinchuk
  9. Zakhar Salenko

Do you think Marina put herself first on the list out of convenience? And the most interesting thing is, why didn’t she include Alexandra Cherno and Joseph Oganesyan among the contenders? This couple probably expects to win an apartment next fall and not spend much time on the project. less than a year. Well, Zakhar Salenko, in general, I didn’t even know that he was also going to participate in the competition.

Will a couple win, not a single person?

Marina has been on the TV project for so long that she has become an integral part of it, and, of course, she knows much more than other “hamsters”.

The girl let it slip when she asked her subscribers: “Who will be the lucky ones?” It turns out that she thinks it will be a couple, not a single participant. Which couple is the most stable, who do TV viewers love? I think that the apartment will be given to Afrikantova.
What about your option?

Fans and anti-fans of the project are closely following the development of events, because when a competition starts on the show, promising a rich prize, a wide variety of situations arise. To attract attention, the participants simply go crazy - they fight, intrigue, spread gossip, show their and each other’s naked bodies, and the list goes on.

On September 16, the annual competition “Person of the Year” 2018 started on the popular project “Dom-2”. Direct participants of the project can become participants, and the winners are promised a simply luxurious gift - an apartment in the capital. Since 2017, innovations have been introduced into the competition - now couples can participate in it, because the competition is now secretly called “Love of the Year”.

Dom-2 Person of the Year 2018: where and what time

You can watch the “Person of the Year” competition in “Dom-2” on the TNT channel in any of the episodes of “Dom-2” itself and related projects, such as “Borodina vs. Buzova” and the like. All competitions for participants are broadcast during the reality show, because they take place in parallel with the everyday life of the participants within the perimeter and in the Seychelles.

This year’s competitions and tests promise to be especially tough, because among the contenders for the high title there are participants who have been so seasoned over the years that they are no longer afraid of anything and “nothing bothers them.”

Let us remind you that “Dom-2” airs on the TNT channel. More than one hour a day is devoted to the project’s broadcasts. So, you can watch the show and related programs from 09.00 in the morning to 12.30 in the afternoon, as well as at night, when scenes and conversations become more than frank - from 23.00 to 01.00 at night.

The qualifying stages for the competition have already passed - now the audience can only watch how the participants are exhausted for the sake of victory, and vote for their favorites.

Dom-2 Person of the Year 2018: contenders, who will win, photo

As mentioned above, both individual characters and entire families can participate in the competition. This year, the strongest contenders for victory are the Dmitrenko family - Dima and Olya have been together for a long time, got married on the show, left, and then returned almost on the verge of divorce. Rapunzel was eventually able to overcome all her ambitions in order to save her family for the sake of her little daughter.

Also among the “oldies” in the competition you can meet Marina Afrikantova, who is not the first time trying to win at least something during her many years of staying on the perimeter, but so far it has not worked out. Only once did her “couple,” Andrei Chuev, win “Person of the Year,” but what did Marina get from this? Now the girl is participating in the competition with Roman Kapkala, a new contender for the title of “ideal man.”

Sasha Cherno and Joseph Oganesyan also participated - the couple is now trying to restore their relationship with the help of the project, but the lovers take part in the competition separately, and not as a couple.

Another participants are Tata and Valery Blumenkranz, who returned to the show to escape divorce.

Ilya Yabbarov also wants to receive a prize - it seems that he is simply an eternal participant in the show, regularly finding his “only” love within the perimeter. Ilya now has a pregnant girlfriend on the show, but he is not yet building a relationship with her, staring at the charms of other beauties.

The full list of competition participants can be seen on the project website - viewers actively support their favorites so that they become owners of living space in Moscow.

Dom-2 Person of the Year 2018: the public demands the project be closed

The start of the competition on the show “Dom-2” gave spiteful critics a reason to shout again that the project is high time to close, because it is simply a breeding ground for depravity and immorality. Now all the organizers, presenters and participants are accused of greed.

Users on the Internet write that normally the “Person of the Year” award is awarded to a person for any services to society - charity, philanthropy, helping loved ones, saving “drowning” and the like. The winners in the project are those who, on the contrary, showed themselves at their worst and, as a result, attracted the attention of the viewer.

As you can see, the principle works. For example, the Blumenkrants who returned to the show decided to “take over” the audience family quarrels- Valera even raises her hand against the mother of her child. Rapunzel and Dmitrenko, as always, are in their repertoire - they pretend that they are enjoying happiness and do not want money at all, and therefore went on vacation.

Exposed myself to not the best side and Afrikantova, who before the start of the competition literally threw mud at her friend, Maya Dontsova, who is also considered a strong participant in the competition.

Yabbarov even comes to the show just before any draw, probably in the hope of at least taking something useful from the show, since love does not happen.

Netizens write with confidence that the propaganda of greed and commercialism, deceit and all sorts of other “nasties” of human nature is completely useless on domestic TV, as well as the “Dom-2” project as a whole.

source http://www.piterburger.ru

Who made it to the next stage of the Person of the Year competition?

In the city competition "Person of the Year"!
The first couple is Cherno and Yabbarov!
2 sisters came to support Yabbarov, no one came to support Cherno...
The charge against Yabbarov is a traitor! The charge against Cherno is that she is incapable of respecting anyone!
The second argument against Yabbarov is that he abandoned pregnant Alena...
The second argument against Cherno is that he beats Joseph.
The third argument against Yabbarov is boor!
The third argument against Cherno is that she is paranoid; because of her jealousy, Joseph stopped being creative and became unsure of himself...
Both nominees jumped out of their seats and started yelling...
Voting - Sasha Cherno advances to the next stage, Ilya Yabbarov drops out of the competition!

The next couple in the studio is Kupin and Zakhar!
The argument against Kupin is narcissistic. Kupin - no ideal people- I'm ideal!
The argument against Zakhar is that he hides behind women's skirts. He didn’t call his defenders because he was used to being responsible for his actions!
The argument against Kupin is that he constantly runs away to his mother to escape problems.
Argument against Zakhar - he beat all the girls..
The argument against Kupin is weak, I could not refuse Aliana.
Voting - Kupin passes to the next stage, Zakhar leaves the competition forever!

The next couple is Kapakly and Oganesyan!
The argument against Kapakla is that he will never marry. Defenders - Gritsenko and Skutte.
The argument against Joseph is that he never makes a decision.
The argument against Kapakly is that he abandoned his woman (Egypt) and deceived him. Marina said that she herself was to blame for this case
The argument against Joseph is that he beats and cheats on his woman...Joseph denies cheating.

Dropped out of the Person of the Year 2018 competition: Joseph Oganesyan, Zakhar Salenko, Ilya Yabbarov.

Let us remember that there was the first stage annual competition“Person of the Year 2018” on the television project “House 2”.

At the first stage of the competition, the hosts of the show nominate two participants for discussion and at the end, by voting, they identify who will not participate in the competition.

The first couple was Marina Afrikantova and Maya Dontsova. After discussion, the first person to drop out of the competition was identified by voting in the studio, and it was Maya Dontsova. 72% voted for Marina Afrikantova and she advances to the main stage.

The second pair of nominees are Roman Gritsenko and Irina Pinchuk. In the voting, 56% voted for Irina, and Roman Gritsenko left the project with tears in his eyes, saying that he did not want to take someone else’s place.

The third pair of nominees are Simon Mardashen and Nikita Shalyukov. Nikita Shalyukov won the vote with 53% of the votes. Simon Mardashen is eliminated from the competition.

Maya Dontsova, Roman Gritsenko and Simon Mardashen dropped out of the competition.

Let's sum it up
Thus, the contestants who will participate in “Person of the Year 2018” have now become known.

Irina Pinchuk, Marina Afrikantova, Nikita Shalyukov and
Alexey Kupin, Sasha Cherno, Roman Kapakly.

Eliminated from the “Person of the Year 2018” competition:
Maya Dontsova, Roman Gritsenko, Simon Mardashen and
Joseph Oganesyan, Zakhar Salenko, Ilya Yabbarov