D granin bison summary. Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin is my lieutenant bison. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

The main character of the novel is the prototype of the scientist Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky.

Nicholas was a descendant of the famous noble family, a talented and educated young man was interested in poetry, music, and art. But while studying at the university, he became interested in biology and chose this science as his life calling.

During the revolution, Nicholas did not support any of the warring parties and continued to selflessly gnaw on the stone of science. After graduating from university, the young scientist was sent to Germany to create a biological laboratory and further work in the field of genetics.

Nikolai on for many years throws himself headlong into what he loves, but at the same time misses his homeland terribly.

In Germany, he was fortunate to collaborate with world-famous scientists, he takes part in conferences and seminars, and participates in the latest developments in the field of molecular genetics. Before the outbreak of World War II, the researcher worked on German soil.

During the war, Nikolai manages to preserve the laboratory he created, he continues to conduct scientific activity. Being a deeply decent person who does not accept fascism and violence, he manages to save the lives of scientists from other countries by hiding them in the Bay shelter. But unfortunately own son Nikolai Vladimirovich could not save Foma; he dies in the Mauthausen concentration camp.

After the victory over Nazi Germany, the laboratory, preserved by the forces of the great researcher, is transferred to the disposal of developers from the USSR. Timofeev-Resovsky returns to his homeland with enthusiasm and is ready to realize his scientific research in the field of genetics. But life presents Nikolai with a new test. Based on a false denunciation, he is convicted of treason and sent to a camp. While in captivity, the scientist thinks a lot and sometimes thinks about death. But willpower and a thirst for scientific research help Nikolai to withstand all the hardships of the colony.

Upon release from the camp, the scientist is sent to the only Ural laboratory in the country dealing with genetics. Here Nikolai continues his favorite work, which he began in his early youth.

The writer in the work compares the hero with a bison - a powerful freedom-loving animal, almost exterminated by man, who does not tolerate captivity.

Picture or drawing Bison

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Daniil Granin wrote a documentary book about a man of great talent and unique destiny. The author knew his hero personally and communicated with him. We are talking about the Soviet geneticist Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky, whom his colleagues nicknamed Bison. A student of the outstanding zoologist and biologist Nikolai Koltsov, Bison left not only a bright mark on science: a special moral glow emanated from his personality. And this interests the author above all.

“In collecting material for this story,” writes the author, “people from different countries, everyone felt obligated to help me. People put aside their affairs, looked for witnesses, acquaintances of the Bison, and wrote down their memories. Some wanted to restore justice, others considered themselves obliged to the Bison, others understood that this was History. For most, the meeting with the Bison turned out to be the highlight of their lives.”

Timofeev-Resovsky is a scion of an ancient noble family. He was born into a family of hereditary Russian nobles. Among the ancestors are admirals Senyavin and Nakhimov. My father, a travel engineer, built the Great Siberian Route. Nikolai Vladimirovich himself in the years civil war served in the Red Army. A student at Moscow University who did not complete the full course, he was recommended by I. Koltsov and sent to Germany in 1925 to create a Soviet-German genetic laboratory. Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky was twenty-six years old at that time.

Quite a long time will pass before his name will become widely known in world science.

The trip to Berlin at first seemed, albeit long, but a business trip. However, fate decreed otherwise. Zubr lived abroad for twenty years. He created a most authoritative scientific team; scientists from many countries came to his laboratory to gain experience.

Vernadsky, Einstein, Bohr, Wiener - this is the circle of his colleagues where he was accepted as equals. " Wonderful people there was a lot of him around. Wonderful biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians. He had a weakness for talent. To talents and beauty. Both of these qualities always amazed him; they were a triumph of nature. Something divine, inexplicable."

A weakness for talent is a characteristic of a truly talented person. The bison himself evoked a feeling of admiration for his unostentatious democracy, mocking powerful intellect, insisted on spiritual aristocracy, valuing freedom of thought and conscience above all else. He himself had a divine spark, and Granin was well able to convey the charm of this unpremeditated nature with explosions of anger and sarcasm, cheerful laughter and artistic prowess, with endless disputes, stories and sermons in which brilliant ideas suddenly flared up or the secret sadness that always lives in deep, extraordinary souls came over.

The bison was homesick for his homeland, but he was fascinated by the established work, and N. Koltsov and N. Vavilov persuaded him to wait. As long as there were free contacts with Soviet scientists coming to Berlin, Zubr felt fine. But with the Nazis coming to power, the situation began to change. In addition, news began to come from Russia about the persecution of geneticists. In 1937, Vavilov was arrested. In 1940, Koltsov died, dismissed from all his posts. Bison, summoned to the Soviet embassy, ​​where he was rudely ordered to leave Germany immediately, realized that nothing good awaited him in his homeland, and refused to return. Just as decisively, he rejected German citizenship repeatedly offered to him.

Upon his return, the scientist would most likely be arrested. But the arrest did not frighten him in itself, but as the prospect of interrupting the established genetic developments. He had just begun to break through to the “secrets of nature’s mastery”: how she launched living things, how they then developed independently. In Germany, fascism, at least in its early years, did not in any way interfere with the work of the Bison. He most likely did not see it, that fascism that has already horrified the world. In the quiet Berlin suburb of Buch, Timofeev's world is a laboratory, employees, breathtaking experiments. At home there is the prospect of remaining outside of science, here - to continue working.

The uniqueness of the fate of the protagonist lies in the fact that the dizzying turns of history seem to doom him, without fully involving him in their rapid flow. Such inner freedom and such a victorious opposition to circumstances, such loyalty to oneself without a shadow of tactical compromises and calculations, even in the middle of a world war in the very center of Nazi Germany.

There were legends about the Bison, one more incredible than the other. They were passed on by ear. They didn't believe it. Ahali. Sayings and actions were attributed to him that seemed completely incredible. He was characterized by complete uninhibitedness and recklessness. He always remained himself. Some considered him far-sighted, others - naive, others - secretive. Some are believers, others are atheists

There is no doubt about the patriotism of the remarkable Russian scientist. Timofeev-Resovsky's patriotism was international. It doesn’t matter who you are: Tatar, Estonian, Chinese. Therefore, without hesitation, he told Armenian and Jewish jokes with an inept accent and was the first to laugh, ridiculing the Americans, Italians, and Armenians. And most of all, the Russians got the worst of it, and no one could suspect him of anything. When the Nazis got around to searching the scientists for Jewish grandparents and great-grandfathers, the scientist and his wife without hesitation organized the production of fictitious documents on racial fullness. What difference does it make how much blood flows in whom? What matters is talent, conscientiousness, the ability to solve a problem, to find the truth.

When his homeland was waging a mortal struggle against fascism, and he was “hunkering down” here, in Buch, near Berlin, continuing to run the laboratory, waiting for something, hoping for something, rejecting for himself the path of emigration to the West, Timofeev-Resovsky saved from death of many people different nationalities, scientists who were captured by Germans, they found refuge in Bukha. But he was unable to save his own son, a participant in the anti-fascist resistance, brought up in his own rules of decency and human dignity. His son, who died in Mauthausen, was the last straw that allowed the Bison to finally understand himself. He will never be able to be a man of pure science anywhere. He cannot be a scientist other than Russian, except in Russia.

But now this choice came at a cost. To pay with condemnation, camp. When he found himself in a camp in 1945, it was not deprivation that broke his powerful body - he suffered both typhus and hunger during the civil war. But he was torn away from science, and he had nothing left to hold on to. He fell ill and was on the verge of death. After the camp, he could drink, become embittered, turn to religion, or become a cynic. But the opportunity to return to experiments predetermined everything. He did not get angry, did not lose heart, did not lose faith, and began to work at full strength.

In addition to dedication to science, Timofeev-Resovsky firmly followed the second principle - decency. An intellectual, a true scientist, cannot be a dishonest person. A dishonest person will be jealous, begin to fight with his colleague who is ahead of him, defame him and slander him, and may slide into plagiarism, data manipulation, and tailoring conclusions to suit someone else’s decisions.

Timofeev said that one must always be prepared for death, always have a clear conscience. Death is terrible when you die with shame for the years lived in vanity, in pursuit of fame and wealth. Therefore, one must always check one’s conscience with the thought of the hour of death.

Granin testifies: Bison more than once returned to one conversation that took place in the prison cell where he sat after returning to his homeland - a conversation about shameless death. “We fear death, we despise it, we think about it, we don’t think about it - we will still enter into it. You must always be prepared for this, which means you must try to keep your conscience clean. Death is terrible when you die with shame for the years you lived in vanity, in pursuit of fame, wealth. There is no satisfaction, at the moment of death there is nothing left, there is nothing to grab onto, everything crumbles like dust, there was no goodness, there was no self-sacrifice.”

Peering at Timofeev-Resovsky, Granin asks: “What kind of force holds a person, does not allow him to surrender to evil, fall into insignificance, lose self-respect, forbids him to go to great lengths, grovel, be mean?”

Daniil Granin wrote about Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky, but he spoke about an entire era. Such scientists, such natures as Bison, remind perfect humanity of its enormous creative potential, which can be realized even in circumstances that are not at all favorable for this. To be, to remain oneself, is the most difficult science in the world, but this is the only way for a thinking person to realize himself in real world, to give to people and society what he could, what he was called to.

In his story “Bison,” Daniil Granin talks about the famous scientist N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, whom the author knew personally and admired for his intelligence, talent, erudition, memory and outlook on life. So Granin realized that he had to write about such a person. In the story, the author compares the scientist with a rare animal - the bison, emphasizing its exclusivity and superiority over the others.

The reader learns about the roots of Timofeev, who was the scion of a noble family. He was a Red Army soldier and a student at Moscow University.

The bison had no political opinion and believed that only communists and “whites” should have them. He was also a patriot. The bison loves poetry, painting and art, and is also a good singer. But the hero became a biologist. This job did not bring in much income. From that moment the scientist’s feat and his life drama began.

In 1925, Nikolai Timofeev-Resovsky was sent to Germany, where he was to create a laboratory. Granin perfectly conveys the feelings of the hero, who has seen many famous scientists. Readers are also presented with: special terminology, new branches of science, participation of the scientist and his group in “Borov’s

Colloquiums” and “international bio-chatter”, as well as the opening of the century. But the hero was very homesick for his homeland, but a certain Koltsov persuaded him every time to work in Germany. This is how he worked until the outbreak of World War II. The author will also tell how, during hostilities, Nikolai saves a group of scientists of different nationalities from the Germans. He sheltered them in the Bay shelter, but the hero did not save his son Thomas. He died in the Nazi camp Mauthausen.

After the war, the biologist managed to save his laboratory, which became the property of Soviet scientists. The bison was full of ideas on how to revive the country's genetics, but that was not the case. He was disgraced by the famous physicist Artsimovich, who did not shake his hand at their meeting. And from that moment he was accused of treason. Nikolai was sent to a camp where he often thought about death, but he was not shot. After the cell, Zubr begins to manage the Ural laboratory, which will be the only stronghold of genetics during the period of Lysenko’s “scientific” terror.

The great Timofeev-Resovsky dies, and his beloved science is reborn again. Granin wrote about the Bison, but spoke about an entire era. People like our hero remind everyone that much can be done and discovered under any circumstances.

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Brief summary of Bison Granin

The peculiarity of his talent was that he knew how to find the main thing and deal with it.

D. Granin.

Daniil Granin dedicated his story “Bison” to the famous scientist N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. He was a historical personality, bright and gifted. I would immediately like to say words of gratitude to the writer who persistently sought restoration good name scientist.

Granin knew his hero personally, communicated with him, admired his powerful intellect, “talent,” enormous erudition, amazing memory, and unusual view of what was happening. At some point, he realized that a book needed to be written about this man, so he “decided to record his stories, save them, hide them in cassette tapes, in manuscripts” as invaluable historical material and proof of the scientist’s innocence.

The writer compares Timofeev-Resovsky with a bison, a rare ancient animal, emphasizing this similarity with an expressive description of the hero’s appearance: “His powerful head was extraordinary, his small eyes sparkled from under his brows, prickly and vigilantly”; “his thick gray mane was shaggy”; “he was heavy and hard, like bog oak.” Granin recalls visiting the reserve, where he saw a real bison emerge from the thicket. It was “too big next to the roe deer” and other wildlife of the reserve.

We learn about the genealogical roots of Timofeev. It turns out that he is the scion of an ancient noble family, whose “action was filled with the ancestors of not only the nineteenth, but also early centuries” right up to Ivan the Terrible; The scientist knew his ancestors well, which speaks of the hero’s high culture and spiritual wealth.

A Red Army soldier during the Civil War and at the same time a student at Moscow University, Zubr, however, does not have definite political convictions. He believes that only communists and “whites” can have them. His beliefs were simply patriotic: “... it’s a shame - everyone is fighting, but I kind of sit out. We must fight!”

The writer observes with great attention the development of the future geneticist, how “... from a philosophizing youth, Kolyusha turned into a conscientious zoologist, ready to tinker with all sorts of aquatic evil spirits day and night.”

Granin notes the breadth and diversity of the scientist’s interests: the poetry of Valery Bryusov and Andrei Bely, lectures by Grabar on the history of painting and Trenev on ancient Russian art. The writer notes that Timofeev could make a career out of singing - “his voice was rare in beauty.”

But the Hero of the story became a biologist, although “scientific work did not provide any rations, money, or fame.” This is how the great feat of the scientist began, this is how his life drama began.

In 1925, Nikolai Timofeev-Resovsky was sent to Germany to create a laboratory. The writer convincingly and accurately conveys the unique spirit of history associated with the rapid development of natural scientific thought. Before us are outstanding world-famous scientists who have created brilliant theoretical works. On the pages of the story we encounter special terminology, learn about new branches of science, participate in “Borov’s colloquiums”, “international bio-talk”, and follow the discoveries of the century. This includes the most authoritative scientific team created in Germany by Zubr. In Europe in the 30s and 40s there was no other geneticist with such fame, with such a name. “Largely thanks to him, the contribution of Russian scientists to biology began to emerge before world science. This contribution turned out to be - unexpectedly for the West - great, and most importantly, fruitful: it gave many new ideas.”

The writer speaks with friendly warmth and cordiality about the everyday side of his hero’s life: unpretentiousness, modesty, unpretentiousness distinguished him and his family in everyday life. “There was no wealth, no chic, no artistic taste- nothing that would distract” from the work that the scientist selflessly and devotedly served. Granin notes that this has always been the case with the Bison. “In essence, he did not change and called himself a man without evolution.”

The author managed to convey to the reader the charm of the great scientist. He was characterized by outbursts of anger and sarcasm, but also by cheerful laughter. We vividly imagine a man with a rumbling bass voice and hear his endless arguments with his opponents. It was as if a divine light was burning in him, emitting some kind of special moral radiance. But fate was merciless to this man: she forever connected the scientist with science, which was destined to die on

in his eyes.

Dramatic events associated with the history of biological science in home country, brought closer the drama of Timofeev-Resovsky himself. He missed his homeland and was ready to return, but he listened to the voice of N.K. Koltsov: “...with your character, you will probably get into some scandalous story and end up in the North.” And he continued to work in Germany. “They seemed to have forgotten about Bison, they didn’t call him to the embassy, ​​they didn’t anathematize him. In Europe, he remained for everyone a major figure in Soviet science...”

Reading the book, you ask yourself: “Is this really possible?!” Such internal freedom and such victorious confrontation with circumstances, such loyalty to oneself and one’s cause, decisive detachment from politics even during the war in the very center of the Third Reich.

Many people will tell the writer about the unprecedented feat of Timofeev-Resovsky, who saved scientists of different nationalities from German captivity and sheltered them in Bukh’s shelter. But his own son, his Thomas, a participant in the anti-fascist Resistance, raised by father in the rules of decency and human dignity, he could not save. The son died in the Nazi camp Mauthausen. The price of the hero's inner freedom turned out to be too great.

The scientist managed to keep his creation safe and sound - the laboratory, which, with the victory of the Soviet troops, came into the possession of our country together with an international team researchers. Bison was full of ideas for restoring Soviet genetics, but that was not the case. At the meeting, the famous physicist L.A. Artsimovich did not shake his hand. “It was one of the most shameful moments of his life. He was publicly insulted and could not defend himself with anything.” Daniil Granin, a former front-line soldier, does not condemn Artsimovich, convincing himself and the reader that in that year “not shaking hands was normal”...

A dark period began in the life of the Bison. A wave of evil slander and monstrous accusations of collaborating with the fascists hit him. And as retribution - the horrors of Stalinist torture. Lubyanka, Butyrki, Karlag, “where they exiled both the pure and the unclean - former policemen, deserters, bandits, Vlasovites, Benderaites, you never know how many of them there were then,” absorbed the Zubr. In the prison cell where he was sitting, Timofeev more than once returned to the thought of a shameless death: “You must always be prepared for this, which means you must try to keep your conscience clean.” These were painful thoughts about the meaning of human existence.

And there was a feat of a scientist whose ideas formed the foundation of the biological protection of living things from the consequences of nuclear decay. The Ural laboratory of N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, which he would lead after the camp, would turn out to be almost the only stronghold of genetics in the country during the period of Lysenko’s “scientific” terror.

Daniil Granin wrote about N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, but spoke about an entire era. Such scientists, such individuals as Zubr, remind humanity of its enormous potential, which can be realized under any circumstances.

The great Timofeev-Resovsky died, but his beloved science was reborn from the ashes. What awaits biology and genetics tomorrow? Humanity places its deepest hopes in it. The Americans have already discovered the “death gene” in humans - it can be cauterized with a laser beam or slowed down. In the 21st century, cancer and AIDS must be defeated, deciphered parallel worlds, communication with other civilizations can be established. Enough work for a genius! This is confirmed by the story of Daniil Granin and the fate of the Bison, before whose memory we bow our heads.

One of the most popular works Daniil Granin - "Bison". The summary of this novel tells real story geneticist Granin was personally acquainted with him and described his life and work in detail.

Novel "Bison"

In 1987, Daniil Granin wrote "Bison". The summary given in this article will allow you not only to get an idea of ​​this work, but also to trace the stages of creative development of the famous Soviet and Russian writer.

The central character of the novel is the geneticist Timofeev-Resovsky, who worked on genetics and problems of microevolution.

The author had close contact with the scientist and admired his work. At some point, Granin realized that he could not help but write about this man. The main symbol of the story is the comparison of a scientist with a rare animal. This is a bison, its superiority and exclusivity are repeatedly emphasized on the pages of the novel.

Scientist's story

In Granin's work "Bison", summary which is given in this article, the reader is told about the scientist’s pedigree. This is essentially where the novel begins. It turns out that Timofeev-Resovsky came from a noble family. He served in the Red Army and studied at Moscow University.

In "Zubr", a summary of which is available in this article, notes that the scientist was out of politics. But at the same time he remained a true patriot. Was creative person, loved painting, was fond of poetry, and sang well. As a result, he became a professional biologist. Scientific work brought him moral satisfaction, but could not provide a decent income. This is the main tragedy of his life.

Trip to Germany

“Bison” is a book by Granin (a brief summary is given in this article), in which he meticulously describes the feelings and experiences of the main character when he goes to Germany in 1925. There his goal is to create a laboratory.

During the years of his foreign internship, Granin met with a large number of famous scientists, from whom he gained a lot of knowledge and experience.

At the same time, the writer does not shy away special terms. He is not afraid that they may scare off the reader or remain misunderstood. With enthusiasm, Granin in “Zubr” - a brief summary gives an idea of ​​this - describes new directions in science, the participation of the protagonist in scientific disputes and debates.

At the same time, the scientist himself greatly yearns for his homeland, for the atmosphere that surrounded him among his family. However, in the story “Bison” by Granin - the summary confirms this - a certain Koltsov acts. Throughout the entire story, he persuades Timofeev to stay and work abroad.

The Second Begins World War. Only then does Timofeev decide to leave Germany. During the fighting, he manages to save a group of scientists of different nationalities from Nazi atrocities.

At the same time, Timofeev fails to save his son, who dies in a concentration camp.

After the war

The famous Soviet physicist Artsimovich discredits him by not shaking his hand at the meeting. Soon after this, he is accused of the fact that he worked on enemy territory for a long time before the war.

The scientist, completely unexpectedly for himself, finds himself in a camp. There he begins to often think about death, but he still manages to survive.

Many people feel sympathy for the hero of Daniil Granin’s novel “Bison”. The summary tells how a scientist, after imprisonment, heads the Ural laboratory. It becomes the only stronghold of genetics during the years of the famous Soviet Lysenko “scientific” terror.

In the end, Timofeev-Resovsky dies alone. His favorite science is still being revived. The book "Bison" by Daniil Granin briefly describes not only the fate of one specific person, but an entire era. It teaches that people like Timofeev-Resovsky are capable of achieving a lot in any circumstances, under any authorities.

Features of Granin's novel

An important point in D. Granin’s novel “Bison” (this can be seen in the summary) was that the writer is very attentive to the development of the future famous geneticist. He closely monitors how he turns into a first-class biologist, ready to work day and night.

Thanks to this, he managed to go on a business trip to Germany, which before the war was one of the allies of the USSR. Timofeev begins to work fruitfully and soon becomes one of the most influential geneticists in Europe. His name ranks with the outstanding scientists of that era.

Granin's novel "Bison" (on "Brifley" you can get acquainted with its contents in detail) is distinguished by its documentary nature, scrupulous study of facts and details. This contribution was significant not only for Soviet, but also for European science.

Life of a scientist

It is noteworthy that the novel describes in detail household side life of the main character. It turns out that he is modest, unpretentious in food and habits. His family behaves just as unpretentiously in everyday life.

Granin notes that in the life of his hero there was no chic, no wealth, or any special artistic taste. Nothing that would distract him from the main thing in life - work.

The author clearly portrays to the reader a great scientist who, like many other people, is characterized by outbursts of anger and a sarcastic attitude towards life around him. The only sad thing is that fate itself turned out to be merciless towards this man. But she firmly connected his life with science.

The tragedy of Timofeev-Resovsky

The tragedy of the scientist Timofeev-Resovsky was directly related to the dramatic events in his country and in the world as a whole. He was very homesick, but those around him dissuaded him from returning. Each time they reminded him that with his explosive character he would definitely get into trouble and end up in a camp in the North.

Therefore Timofeev remains in Germany.

Inner freedom

Throughout reading the entire novel, the reader is constantly faced with the question of whether it is possible to have such internal freedom in a totalitarian and closed society. Resist the circumstances around you, stick to your line, no matter how terrible life around you may be. Is it possible in the atmosphere of that time, when the fascists come to power in Germany, and the whole of Europe lives in anticipation of a new world war, to remain as neutral as possible to what is happening around, to be outside of politics, remaining in the very center of the Third Reich.

The writer is well aware of the feat of Timofeev-Resovsky, who saved scientists of different nationalities from the cruel Gestapo machine. But, as we have already told, his own son died in a German camp. The price of internal freedom turned out to be so high.

Scandal with Artsimovich

Analyzing the novel “Bison” in detail, we can come to the conclusion that one of its key episodes was the scandal with the physicist Artsimovich, when he did not shake hands with him.

In Granin's novel, Timofeev-Resovsky admits that this was one of his most shameful moments of life. He felt publicly insulted. He was especially depressed that he could not defend himself in any way.

Daniil Granin, himself a former front-line soldier, unexpectedly for many in his novel understands and justifies Artsimovich’s action. The writer claims that at that time not shaking hands was absolutely normal.

However, in the life of the Bison after this, one of the darkest and most difficult periods of his life begins. They are trying to accuse him of collaborating with the fascists; he becomes a target for numerous slander and denunciations. The cruel machine of Stalinist repression becomes the retribution, which does not bypass the main character of this work.

Timofeev-Resovsky finds himself among deserters, former criminals and bandits, Soviet soldiers who during the war went over to the German side and became policemen. In his prison cell, he is increasingly overcome by thoughts of his impending death. The main thing is that he makes sure that she is not shameful, which his family and friends would not want to remember later. But contrary to Timofeev-Resovsky’s expectations, he emerges from the camp safe and sound. At least physically.

Summing up the analysis of this novel, we can confidently say that Granin, in the person of this scientist nicknamed Bison, tried to remind all of humanity of its limitless potential. The main thing is to know that it can be implemented in absolutely any circumstances.

Despite the death of the scientist, his life's work - genetics - was eventually revived. Interest in this science is growing every year. This is a considerable merit of the main character of the novel, Granin. He demonstrated the main qualities that every person should have. This is inner freedom and confidence that life goal will be achieved.

Granin's novel "Bison" is miraculous monument, thanks to which genetics today helps solve many key problems in medicine and related fields.