What to eat after morning cardio. What to eat before cardio training for weight loss

Many people choose cardio exercise to lose weight and improve their health. But this is not always enough to achieve results. In order for cardio training to bring desired results, you need to know what and when to eat before and after classes, and also maintain the amount of calories throughout the day. If you don’t do this, the weight will come off very slowly or even stand still.

Why and for whom are cardio exercises useful?

Cardio is a set of various exercises performed without stopping for a long time, this includes:

  • – running;
  • – aerobics;
  • – race walking;
  • – swimming;
  • – jumping rope, etc.

Cardio training is recommended for people who want to improve their health, maintain their shape, and also those who want to lose weight. It is recommended to exercise 2 to 5 times a week; training time can take from 10 minutes to an hour. The duration and number of workouts depends on what goal you are pursuing when doing cardio (losing weight, improving your health) and also on your level of physical fitness.

It is better to start exercising with a minimum amount of time, gradually increasing the duration and pace of the workout. The fact is that the body quickly gets used to aerobic exercise and if you don’t change anything, then after a certain time the training will stop bringing results. If you are working out, long time and for some reason you decide to give up cardio, then you need to stop training not immediately, but gradually.

What time and what should you eat before cardio?

If you have set yourself a goal to burn as much fat as possible with cardio, best time for training it’s morning. When you haven't had breakfast yet, your blood glucose level is very low, therefore, the body will take energy from fat reserves.

Many experts recommend consuming amino acids before training. They can be in the form of tablets or quickly digestible protein products (egg whites or isolate). According to scientists, 10-20 grams of whey protein or a couple of egg whites is what you need for effective fat burning. But such a program is suitable only for long-time athletes and those with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

If you do cardio training lasting 30 minutes during the day or evening, then the interval between meals and exercise should be at least 2 hours. It is best if it is proteins (lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs) and slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (porridge (except semolina), bread and pasta made from whole grain flour, brown rice, vegetables, etc.).

Many people train immediately after the end of the working day - this is very good option, since a sufficient amount of time has passed since you ate lunch, but try to have another snack two to three hours before training, so you will have enough energy to carry out the training with full dedication.

To drink or not to drink during training?

Drink! Still clean water. And drink as much as you need!

Some sites write that you should not drink water during training, as it will bloat your muscles and you will soon look like a jock. I want to say that this is complete nonsense. During exercise, we sweat and lose a lot of fluid, so we need to replenish it. Sometimes they even write that you need to wrap yourself in film or insulate yourself in order to burn fat - such self-manipulation can lead to heart problems. Yes, of course, you will sweat more, but sweat is not fat, but the body’s reaction to an increase in temperature, so you will not get any increased fat burning.

Nutrition after cardio workout

Our body actively loses calories, not only when we do cardio, but also for some time after it. At this time, it is better to hold off on eating so as not to waste all your efforts. Many people advise eating no earlier than 2 hours after training. This option is also not entirely correct, since cardio plus long-term abstinence from food can threaten muscle destruction and a decrease in metabolism. Which is clearly not suitable for weight loss.

It is most advisable, 30 minutes after training, to take protein foods (cottage cheese, egg whites, yogurt), and an hour and a half later, have a full lunch, preferably slow carbohydrates. If the training took place in the evening, then it should be a light dinner.

Let's summarize:

  • – in order to lose weight, do not have breakfast before morning cardio;
  • – to maintain and improve your shape, take amino acids or protein in the morning before aerobics;
  • – at other times of the day, start training 2-3 hours after eating (slow carbohydrates and protein);
  • – during training, drink water as much as needed;
  • – after cardio training, drink protein or protein food 30 minutes later, and after 1.5 hours protein + slow carbohydrates.

Work out and always be in good shape!

Cardio includes: cycling, race walking, running, swimming, i.e. any activity where you move and the heart muscle starts working and your heart rate increases. And if you know how to eat before and after cardio, you will greatly improve its results.
One of the most important elements of any building, such as: shopping mall, residential building or office, is the best elevators, we recommend that you go up on foot. Aerobics is needed not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for a healthy cardiovascular system. The number of cardio workouts can be from one to five per week and last from 10 minutes to one hour. It all depends on your goals, your sports data and level. You need to start with a minimum and gradually increase the load.

Nutrition before cardio

Previously, it was believed that cardio was best done in the morning on an empty stomach, since at this time the body uses fats better. But modern research shows that fat is better “burned” if you take amino acids before training. These can be tablets or egg whites, whey protein. But this option is suitable for those who have a low percentage of subcutaneous fat. If you have a high or average fat percentage, then training time does not matter at all. The main thing is that they exist.
The best option is to eat two or three hours before training. Provided that the training lasts more than half an hour. It is better to choose slow carbohydrates or proteins.

During training

It is necessary to drink water, otherwise the water-salt balance may be disrupted. Many people believe that sweat is fat, so many people do not drink during training, but wrap themselves in plastic bags to sweat more. But fat and sweat are different substances. It’s just that during training, your body reacts to an increase in temperature and produces sweat to reduce it, but this is not fat burning. And using film can lead to heart problems.

Nutrition after cardio

During cardio, calories are burned intensely. And this process continues after training, so it is advisable not to eat after training. Some write that you need to wait two hours, some about 45 minutes. We advise you to wait about 30-45 minutes after cardio and eat protein foods, and about an hour later, slow carbohydrates. As an option, after training, eat a few proteins, and an hour and a half later, carbohydrates.


If you do cardio in the morning, then you don’t have to eat, but take about 10-20 g of whey protein or 3-6 g of amino acids, 2-3 egg whites. If you have a workout in the afternoon or evening, then you need to eat 2 hours before your workout.
Drink during training.
After training (30-45 minutes), eat egg whites or drink whey protein. And about 1.5 hours after training, eat slow carbohydrates.

Nutritional recommendations before and after cardio training differ from pre- and post-workout. strength training. Cardio is running, walking, cycling, swimming and other activities that require prolonged continuous movement and engage the heart muscle, increasing the heart rate. Thus, knowing what to eat before and after cardio training you can significantly improve its performance.

Cardio - why and for what?
Aerobics is recommended not only for people who want to lose weight, but also for cardiovascular health. The number of cardio workouts can be from one session to five per week, and the duration is from 10 to 60 minutes. However, this depends on the goal, initial data and level of training.

It is always recommended to start with a minimum, gradually increasing the duration of the load. This is due to rapid adaptation to aerobic exercise, so if your goal is to improve health and lose weight, then the load should gradually increase. In the same way, you should also stop cardio training gradually, just as you should increase calories after a diet.

Nutrition before cardio training
Previously, the ideal option was to do cardio in the morning before breakfast, since after an overnight fast the body begins to use fat more actively. Modern research show that fat burning will increase if you take amino acids before training. author Ekaterina Golovina These can be tablets amino acids or fast-digesting protein products with high nutritional value, such as whey protein or egg whites. 10-20g of isolate or a couple of egg whites before morning cardio will be enough.

However, this option is suitable for people who have a relatively low percentage of subcutaneous fat. For those who have an average or higher fat percentage, the time of training does not matter, the main thing is that they occur at all.

It would be optimal to eat 2 or 3 hours before aerobics if its duration is 30-45 minutes. It is better to choose protein and slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index as food, which will curb insulin levels, provide sufficient energy before training and allow you to burn more calories from fat. In fact, you can safely do aerobics 2-3 hours after your standard lunch.

During training
You can and should drink water during aerobics. Otherwise, the water-salt balance will be disrupted, which will not lead to anything good. On forums, I often see messages that sweat is fat, which forces people not to drink and wrap themselves from head to toe in a plastic bag. Sweat and fat are completely different substances. The body reacts to an increase in temperature and releases water to reduce it, which has nothing to do with fat burning. In addition, the use cling film in order to lose weight, it risks serious heart problems.

Nutrition after cardio training
During aerobics, the body burns calories intensely. This process does not last long after training, so nutritionists do not recommend eating immediately after cardio. Some sources recommend waiting as long as two hours, others – 45 minutes. I don't think it's advisable to fast for two hours, since cardio is a recipe for muscle catabolism, as is fasting afterwards. Destruction of muscles will not be beneficial at all for weight loss, since they are the main factor in metabolism.

In my opinion, the best option would be to consume fast protein 30-45 minutes after cardio (whey protein or egg whites), and another 45 minutes later - slow carbohydrates. Or, as international nutritionist, author and bodybuilder Chris Aceto recommends, take protein immediately after cardio and carbohydrates an hour and a half later.

Let's summarize:
Before your morning cardio workout do not eat or take amino acids 3-6 g, drink whey protein 10-20 g or eat 2-3 egg whites.

Before afternoon or evening aerobics eat 2-3 hours before (last meal: slow carbohydrates + protein).

During training drink water.

After cardio training (immediately or after 30-45 minutes) drink whey protein or eat a few egg whites.

An hour and a half after aerobics eat slow carbohydrates.

Based on materials from international nutritionist Chris Aceto.

Cardio training is essential for losing weight. But in addition to intensive training, it is important proper nutrition, which needs to be built taking into account what type of training a person has chosen.

Meals include strict approach to product selection And building a diet taking into account the class schedule. Before and after cardio training, you need to eat different foods. It’s better to focus on some things, but it’s better to exclude others.

Diet and training intensity

There are cardio exercises two types: high-intensity and low-intensity. Each of them is aimed at burning fat, but there are also differences. This determines how it is recommended to eat.

At high intensity during cardio exercises, the pulse is more than 150 beats per minute. In the process of such exercises, many calories are burned as the intensity of the exercise is high. The duration of the training is 15-30 minutes. The body uses glycogen as an energy source for this type of activity.

At the end of the workout, the reserves of this substance are exhausted, and the body begins to restore them. This occurs either from food or during the breakdown of fat reserves.

Low intensity cardio involves pulse up to 150 beats per minute, more often - 120—130 . Less calories are expended during such training, but it is the fat layer that is used as fuel. Initially the body spends muscle fat, and then, during the process of rest and recovery, subcutaneous fat will renew lost reserves of muscle mass. This promotes weight loss. These workouts last 45-60 minutes.

  1. In case with high intensity It's better to eat your last meal when exercising 1.5-2 hours before class and build it on the basis of proteins and carbohydrates. After exercise, carbohydrates are not needed. It is better to eat protein foods and add vegetables to them.
  2. Classes low intensity cardio depends on the time of exercise. In the morning better exercise on an empty stomach- this way the body will more actively use up fat reserves. It is recommended to consume carbohydrates during the day 1.5-2 hours before classes, but after them it is better to focus on proteins. If an athlete trains late in the evening, it is optimal to eat protein foods before the start of exercise, but do not eat food after it.

Diet for low-intensity cardio training

With this type of training, carbohydrates are not required, since in this case they will only worsen the performance.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the lesson need to create a carbohydrate deficit- together with low blood sugar, this will contribute to more intense fat burning.

Low-intensity cardio can be performed at any time: during the day, in the morning on an empty stomach, at night. Nutrition will also depend on this:

  1. It is better not to eat before your morning workout. This time of day is considered optimal for losing weight, since in the morning the level of carbohydrates in the body and blood sugar are minimal. After class, it is recommended to focus on proteins and vegetables.
  2. When training during the day, you should focus on your usual diet. In 1.5-2 hours It is recommended to eat carbohydrates before class and consume proteins and vegetables after class.
  3. Low-intensity cardio before bed is also considered effective., because after it, during sleep, there is an active release of growth hormone, which promotes fat burning. In 1.5-2 hours It is recommended to consume protein foods and vegetables before training. After a late class, you should not eat anything.

Important! You can drink the liquid whenever you want - before and after training, during it. This will help prevent a sharp change in the water-salt balance in the body. It is advisable to choose clean water or still table water.

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When to eat before training

To morning workout It's not worth eating. For day and evening classes you need to have a snack 1.5-2 hours before it. Choose protein foods supplemented with vegetables.

Snack options:

  • chicken meat and vegetables;
  • eggs with vegetables;
  • fish with vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables.

Photo 1. Example of a dish with chicken and vegetables. When doing cardio, it is better to eat low-calorie foods. chicken breast.

How soon can you eat after exercise?

After class (except for evening classes) eat after 30-60 minutes. The products chosen are still the same: proteins and vegetables. High carbohydrate foods are best avoided. This can be lean meat, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, eggs and vegetables in addition to them. You can also have a drink protein shake.

Attention! There is an opinion that you should not eat after training for two hours. However, most instructors do not share this, since in this case, in addition to burning fat, it may also lose muscle mass. That is why it is recommended to consume proteins that will not be stored in fat, but will support muscles.

Nutrition for high-intensity cardio: what not to eat?

High-intensity cardio exercise requires a lot of energy, and you need to give it to the body using complex carbohydrates before class. But after that you should focus on proteins.

During cardio training, regardless of its type It is important to limit harmful foods: sweets, flour, fast food, as they contain a lot of empty calories, interfere with the process of losing weight and worsen the quality of the body.

Example of a pre-cardio snack

This type of cardio uses a lot of energy, so it is important to give the body strength. 1.5-2 hours before training It is recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins. The former will provide energy for a full workout, the latter will become a source of valuable amino acids.

The following combinations can be used:

  • beef, durum wheat pasta, vegetables;
  • buckwheat porridge, chicken, vegetables;
  • rice, fish, vegetables;
  • oatmeal, protein shake, banana.

How long after training is it allowed to eat?

No carbohydrates are required after exercise. You can have a snack no earlier than after 30-60 minutes. The best option is protein foods and vegetables.

Many people choose cardio exercise to lose weight and improve their health. But this is not always enough to achieve results. In order for cardio training to bring the desired results, you need to know what and when to eat before and after exercise, as well as maintain the amount of calories throughout the day. If you don’t do this, the weight will come off very slowly or even stay still.

Cardio is a set of various exercises performed without stopping for a long time, this includes:

- Aerobics;.
- Race walking;
- Swimming;
- Jumping rope, etc.

Cardio training is recommended for people who want to improve their health, maintain their shape, and also those who want to lose weight. It is recommended to exercise 2 to 5 times a week; training time can take from 10 minutes to an hour. The duration and number of workouts depends on what goal you are pursuing when doing cardio (losing weight, improving your health) and also on your level of physical fitness.

It is better to start exercising with a minimum amount of time, gradually increasing the duration and pace of the workout. The fact is that the body quickly gets used to aerobic exercise and if you don’t change anything, then after a certain time the training will stop bringing results. Attention! Only if you have been exercising for a long time and for some reason decided to give up cardio, then you should not quit training immediately, but gradually.

At what time and what should you eat before cardio?

Only if you have set yourself a goal to burn as much fat as possible with cardio, the best time to train is in the morning. When you haven't had breakfast yet, your blood glucose level is very low, therefore, the body will take energy from fat reserves.

Many experts recommend consuming amino acids before training. They can be in the form of tablets or quickly digestible protein products (egg whites or isolate. According to scientists, 10-20 grams of whey protein or a couple of egg whites is what you need for effective fat burning. But such a program is suitable only for long-time athletes and those with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

If you do cardio training lasting 30 minutes during the day or evening, then the interval between meals and exercise should be at least 2 hours. It is best if it is proteins (lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs) and slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (porridge (except semolina), bread and pasta made from whole grain flour, brown rice, vegetables, etc..

Many people train immediately after the end of the working day - this is a very good option, since a sufficient amount of time has passed after eating lunch, but try to have another snack two to three hours before training, so you will have enough energy to carry out the training with full dedication.

To drink or not to drink during training?

Drink! Still clean water. And drink as much as you need!

Some sites write that you should not drink water during training, as it will bloat your muscles and you will soon look like a jock. I want to say that this is complete nonsense. During exercise, we sweat and lose a lot of fluid, so we need to replenish it. Sometimes they even write that you need to wrap yourself in film or insulate yourself in order to burn fat - such self-manipulation can lead to heart problems. Yes, of course, you will sweat more, but sweat is not fat, but the body’s reaction to an increase in temperature, so you will not get any increased fat burning.

Nutrition after cardio workout.

Our body actively loses calories, not only when we do cardio, but also for some time after it. At this time, it is better to hold off on eating so as not to waste all your efforts on “Smarka”. Many people advise eating no earlier than 2 hours after training. This option is also not entirely correct, since cardio plus long-term abstinence from food can threaten muscle destruction and a decrease in metabolism. Which is clearly not suitable for weight loss.

It is most advisable, 30 minutes after training, to take protein foods (cottage cheese, egg whites, yogurt), and an hour and a half later, have a full lunch, preferably slow carbohydrates. Thus, if the training took place in the evening, then it should be a light dinner.