Famous people are Taurus according to their horoscope. Famous Taurus

“Calm, the main thing is calm!” These words of the unforgettable Carlson suggest that he was probably a Taurus. And what’s the rush, why fight, if the world is so wonderful? Taurus thinks. There are so many benefits in it, they can bring enormous benefits, you just need to collect them, work on them, put them in proper form, and then use and enjoy! But that was not the case, almost every Taurus falls into this trap of unbridled hoarding, it seems to him that the benefits he has accumulated are still not enough, and he does not allow himself to let loose and spend money on trifles. He is waiting for the moment when he will have everything that he now dreams of and most often he easily achieves material wealth. But his desires tend to double, triple, and so on, so it is practically impossible to fulfill all the desires of a Taurus man.

A Taurus man exudes some kind of invincible confidence; it’s quite easy to be around him, run a joint household, and communicate. He is very peaceful, cannot stand scandals and “showdowns,” and is ready to agree with his wife’s wrong opinion rather than conflict with her. With other positive indications, there is no end to his patience, he is calm in his relaxation, observing the situation, but if you anger him, he, like an angry bull, sweeps away everything in his path. It is difficult to make him angry, but to calm him down after that is even more difficult. His famous stubbornness sometimes harms himself; he does not easily recover from quarrels, and it is difficult to forget caustic words addressed to him.

An optimist who enjoys every moment of life, this earthly man does not miss the opportunity to be in a soulful company, where everyone communicates in a simple, relaxed way, certainly with good food and quality drinks. He is very responsive to his friends, has kind soul and a trouble-free character, he can take pleasure in caring for someone to the best of his ability, as long as it does not cost him a little more stress than he expected. His cordiality often makes him a good host, perfectly able to please his friends with a good dinner and a pleasant time spent in his house. True, such joys may seem too simple to some sophisticated individuals, but as soon as they cross the threshold of the Taurus house, the atmosphere of relaxation, peace and cheerfulness will capture them entirely.

The Taurus man has a sober mind, prudence, and a practical approach to life. It is difficult to confuse him, he is constant in his affections, sometimes too stubborn. It is extremely difficult to convince him of something; he rarely gives up his positions, although he prefers not to enter into conflicts. His point of view is often based on the philosophy “what is beneficial for me and my loved ones is right.” In addition, he does not even consider ideas that do not represent any practical meaning for him and do not yield concrete fruits. His mind is grounded on material, tangible, understandable objects. He knows how to work with them like no one else, his hard work deserves admiration, and the tenacity with which he plows the field of his prosperous life is worthy of respect. He is thrifty, hardy, thoughtful, remembers all his loved ones, tries to provide for his family, and does a lot for this. Actually, the family is the most important thing in life for him; through the family he receives the most important joys and through the family he has the main development.

IN professional activity The Taurus man shows extraordinary hard work and perseverance, he can take on work that no one wanted to take on before, and gradually, “slowly” achieves results. His ability to work, as a rule, is constant, but one should not expect any general decisions or energetic breakthroughs from him; he is a man of peaceful, quiet work, but not a war for spheres of influence. If you give him responsibility for managing the team, you can expect inappropriate actions on his part. The fact is that power and control are areas that, somewhere deep inside, really bother Taurus, do not allow them to exist in peace, he feels some kind of inferiority in this matter. It is not so easy for him to capture the attention of the masses, especially in some harmonious way. Therefore, two extremes often manifest themselves - either complete inertia, inability to take initiative, or the desire to establish themselves in the role of a leader at any cost. The will of Taurus is strong, but it is hidden quite deeply, and when it rolls out, it resembles a growing snowball, which the further it goes, the more difficult it is to stop; like a roller rink, it can crush the disobedient. Although outwardly many are deceived by his calm, relaxed appearance.

His area of ​​interest often includes activities related to financial flows, their accumulation and distribution, and work to create wealth. Having good taste and understanding of the nature of things around him, he may become interested in the world of art, fashion, design, jewelry, as well as everything related to creating comfort in Everyday life.

TO distinctive features His character also includes conservatism, practical ingenuity, which sometimes develops into the desire to benefit from everything, even from relationships with friends. Thriftiness and practicality tend to turn into ordinary greed and stinginess. He experiences changes in the usual course of things terribly hard; any changes, be it at work or in the family, literally break his psyche, so he tries with all his might to stay in familiar and customized conditions. He can treat with the same aversion to new ideas, original judgments, science fiction novels, people who are different from the rest. This does not mean that he will never accept their position, but the path he will take to this end will be very long. But if he gets up on new way, then it’s unlikely to turn around.

In any business, the Taurus man is in no hurry to immediately open positions and actively declare his decisions; he can wait patiently, assessing the situation, and will enter into active activity only when he is convinced that all the details of future actions are thought out and reliably provided with finances and support from society. A long build-up in this case can lead to the fact that he misses opportunities, and more cunning, energetic and adventurous individuals rush forward. He may need long years experience in order to adapt to act in accordance with one’s own character, but at the same time show determination and persistence.

The Taurus man often has a pleasant appearance, sometimes even somewhat feminine, and is cheerful and friendly. If there are no other negative indicators, he easily communicates with women, knows how to get along with both his wife and mother, and if there is a conflict between them, he will work as a buffer, and sooner or later he will achieve reconciliation of the parties, since peace in the family is the basis for him normal existence. Loves guests, company, home holidays. He can be very sensitive and even touchy. Reaches towards music artistic activities, dancing, among friends can participate with pleasure in any creative projects, but most of all he is attracted to life in the “lounge” style, relaxed, wealthy, measured, with visits and relaxation in country house. And for the sake of such a life, he is able to work long and hard.

In his relationship with a woman, he is very courteous, pleasant, maybe he is not as dexterous and inventive as other representatives of the Zodiac, but he is reliable and confident in his choice. With other confirming factors, the Taurus man is always faithful to his chosen one and is not inclined to look for entertainment on the side, even if the marriage is bursting at the seams and former love has not been reminiscent of itself for a long time. And although in everyday life he can show gentleness, in global issues relating to relationships, he stubbornly stands his ground - with all his might to preserve what has been achieved. He, like no one else, understands that it is easiest to destroy something good, but creating it anew takes more than one decade.

Famous Taurus men:

Writers, poets, playwrights: Boris Akunin, Victor Astafiev (“The Fish Tsar”), Honore de Balzac, Henri Barbusse, Friedrich Brockhaus (founder of the encyclopedic publishing house), Mikhail Bulgakov, Yaroslav Hasek (“The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik”), Dante Alighieri, Daniel Defoe (“Robinson Crusoe"), Nikolai Zabolotsky, Roger Zhelyazny, Arkady Inin, Lion Izmailov, Vladimir Nabokov ("Lolita"), Igor Severyanin, Sergei Solovyov ("History of Russia since Ancient Times"), Henryk Sienkiewicz, William Shakespeare.

Philosophy, sociology, psychology: Immanuel Kant, Sigmund Freud.

Singers, musicians, composers: P.I. Tchaikovsky, Al Bano, Johannes Brahms, Valery Gergiev ( chief conductor Mariinsky Theater), Andrey Gubin, Enrique Iglesias, Brian Eno, Vladimir Kachan, Chris Kelmi, Joe Cocker, Philip Kirkorov, Sergei Lemokh, Vladimir Matetsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Mike Oldfield, Sergei Prokofiev, Iggy Pop, Gennady Rozhdestvensky (conductor), V.P. . Soloviev-Sedoy, Robert Smith (“The Cure”), Steve Wonder, Yuri Shevchuk.

Artists: Alexander Benois, V. Vasnetsov, Thomas Gainsborough, Salvador Dali, Eugene Delacroix, Alexander Deineka, Albrecht Durer.

Politics, military: Heydar Aliyev, Vladislav Ardzinba, Tony Blair, Semyon Budyonny, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Oliver Cromwell, Alexander Kerensky, V.I. Lenin, Hitler, Karl Marx, Alexander Nevsky, Nicholas II Romanov, Eduard Totleben, Aman Tuleyev, Saddam Hussein, Harry Truman , Sergei Shoigu.

Business, law: Kakha Bendukidze (Uralmash), Arkady Volsky, Luigi Lavazza (founder of LAVAZZA), Henry Reznik (lawyer), Oleg Soskovets (Chairman of the Association of Financial and Industrial Groups), Mikhail Fridman (Head of the Alfa Group consortium).

Dance, ballet: Fred Astaire.

TV presenters, actors, directors: Al Pacino, Donatas Banionis, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Pierce Brosnan, Georgy Vitsin, Jean Gabin, Alexey Guskov (“Border. Taiga Romance”), Roy Dupuis (“Her Name was Nikita”), Mikhail Zadornov, Robert Zemeckis (“Forrest Gump”) , Roman Kartsev, Mikhail Kononov, George Clooney, George Lucas, Evgeny Morgunov, Jack Nicholson, Gleb Panfilov, Michele Placido, Lars von Trier (“Dancer in the Dark”), Valery Todorovsky (“Land of the Deaf”), Henry Fonda, Nikolai Fomenko , Fyodor Khitruk, Georgy Shengelia, Vladimir Etush, Yuri Yakovlev, Vladislav Listyev, Dmitry Kiselev.

Cosmonauts, pilots: Anatoly Levchenko, Alexey Maresyev.

Sport: Andre Agassi, David Beckham, Vladislav Tretyak.

Science, invention: Nikolai Bestuzhev (Decembrist, natural scientist), Karl Friedrich Gauss (mathematician), Huxley (Darwin's comrade-in-arms), Ivan Kulibin (self-taught mechanic), Pierre Curie (physicist), Max Planck (author of the quantum hypothesis), Bertrand Russell (philosopher, logician, mathematician), Andrei Sakharov,

Designers, fashion designers: Rudolph Valentino, Jean-Paul Gaultier

Medicine: Benjamin Spock (pediatrician)

Fred Astaire

Honore Balzac

Alexander Benois

Johann Brahms

Mikhail Glinka

Salvador Dali

Albrecht Durer

Elizabeth II

Catherine II

Margot Fonteyn

Sigmund Freud

Audrey Hepburn

Oliver Cromwell

Harry Cooper

Vladimir Nabokov


Barbra Streisand

Maria Taglioni

Ella Fitzgerald

Mikhail Fokin

Henry Fonda

Pyotr Tchaikovsky

William Shakespeare

Taurus man

Even if I had fallen off the roof, I wouldn’t have made a peep.

Just don't come too close!

When I disperse, I crush

whatever I can get my hands on.

I wonder what you imagine a Taurus man to be like? Well, firstly, slow, reasonable and cautious and also calm, reasonable, quite down-to-earth and practical to the core. All this is true. And yet, in Taurus there is one more quality that does not follow from all of the above and seems in no way connected with them, but is nevertheless present in him. This is romance.

Does this seem illogical to you? But who said that Taurus obeys only the laws of logic? After all, this strong, courageous sign is patronized by the planet of love and peace - Venus.

Taurus thinks for a long time before starting serious courtship. He will not rush headlong into the pool. But if he decides that you are his chosen one, he will give a hundred points ahead to all your other fans. Every morning a messenger will come to you with a bouquet of flowers until you agree to become the wife of Taurus. He can compose a poem in your honor and send it to you without a signature, of course, in the case when he is firmly confident that you will guess who the sender of the message is. Taurus is a gentle, attentive and caring lover. He will appreciate the aroma of your perfume, the smoothness of your skin and the beauty of your hair. He may not shower you with flowery compliments, but he will certainly find a way to show you how much he appreciates your charms.

Taurus does not like to throw money away, but he likes to see you beautiful, and he will be happy to give you exquisite outfits and expensive furs. The Taurus soul is characterized by sentimentality, and it doesn’t cost him anything to give the old flower girl from whom he buys flowers for your boutonniere an amount several times higher than the cost of the bouquet, just because she somehow reminds him of his mother.

Taurus is extremely sensitive to music, it excites him and puts him in a lyrical mood. He definitely has a favorite tune that reminds him of you.

If everything that has been said to you is still not enough to prove the romanticism of his nature, I will give a few more examples. For your birthday, Taurus will give you several beautiful and expensive porcelain and silver trinkets that you have long dreamed of; for Christmas, they will shower you with gifts no worse than Santa Claus himself. It will offer you moonlight swimming, walks and picnics in the most picturesque corners of the forest. February 14, Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), will inundate you with humorous poems and passionate messages. If Taurus is courting, then this is real courtship, maintained in the best traditions. He will invite you to lunch in a luxurious restaurant with dim lights and soft music. Taurus will remember for the rest of his life the day he first met you and many other small intimate dates that you yourself have long forgotten about. Well, now have I convinced you?

Taurus is not a groundless dreamer, like Aquarius, not a heartthrob, like Leo, and not a creator of castles in the air in pink clouds - Aries. Having chosen you as his wife, he will first present you with a plan of the house in which you will live for approval. This house will not look like an Aries castle, but it will be real, solid and reliably insured. With a Taurus husband, you won’t have to worry about anything, your future will be in good hands, and a few years later you yourself, laughing, will remember the pink castles in the air and passionate sighs under the moon of your former admirers. A Taurus husband is a reliable acquisition, and you will never regret it in your life.

Taurus builds his well-being with his own hands, gradually, without being distracted by trifles and without hoping for illusory luck. But real success comes to him, and the state of affairs is such that he can afford himself and his wife the luxury of a winter vacation somewhere in Florida or other exotic places.

But, of course, like all people, Taurus has shortcomings. Taurus will not tolerate a rude, assertive woman next to him. That is why you must develop gentleness and forbearance. Don’t even think about expressing your opinion in front of everyone, much less interfering in disputes when your Taurus husband is next to you. He prefers to play the first violin, while you are destined for the role of accompaniment. In private, he will be happy to listen to your opinion, but God forbid you speak publicly. This is fraught with serious consequences. If Taurus is a primitive type, he will simply cause a scandal for you. If he belongs to more refined natures, he will punish you with silence and sit like a stone statue all evening, causing surprised glances from those gathered. You will be ready to fall through the ground.

Of course, you will try your best to get him out of this state, but it will not be easy. An angry Taurus will not cool down immediately. And all because you interrupted his monologue with some stupid phrase. If your husband then decisively takes up his coat to go home, the best thing is to follow his example and try to beg his forgiveness on the way home. You should not involve your acquaintances, relatives or friends in a quarrel. Not only will this not help, but it will anger Taurus even more. It is better to resolve the conflict yourself and try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Taurus is patient, but he will not allow a ring to be inserted into his nose. The bull also does not like jealous women who cling to him like a drowning man clinging to a straw. He is attracted to graceful, feminine, playful women who will constantly keep him on his toes and intrigued. But at the same time, a woman should know when to stop and not overdo it. Taurus will watch with delight the impression his lady makes in society, but only as long as she is prudent enough and does not deal a blow to his male pride. There is nothing in the world that Taurus would not do for his beloved.

Taurus has an amazing feature. In love, he loses caution and prudence. No advice from friends and relatives can shake his decision, even if everyone unanimously assures him that the object of his passion is not a match for him.

Taurus, the owner of the Earth sign, is more suitable for wives with the signs of Earth and Water than of Fire and Air. But even in this case, there are happy unions - after all, as you know, opposites converge. Financial problems for Taurus are almost non-existent. Given his attitude towards money, even if he does not become a millionaire, he will at least have a stable and strong position.

Taurus loves country walks, sports, fishing and hiking, and enjoys growing flowers and gardening. Exquisite literary genres and he prefers books of an adventure nature and biographies of great conquerors to philosophical treatises.

Calf - a real man in everything. He loves well-prepared home-cooked food and does not tolerate any canned food or sandwiches. This is why you should get yourself a good cookbook. But don't think that he wants to turn you into a cook. He will be happy to take you to a good restaurant or on a visit (provided that the food there is good). He himself will never mess around in the kitchen, except for the sake of a joke.

Taurus is an attentive, loving, caring father. From childhood, he teaches the child to love and respect property. The Taurus father is very self-possessed. He never gets angry with a child if he shows insufficient progress in his studies, the main thing is that he follows the right path. It may seem to you that Taurus pays too much attention to the material aspect and lavishes his children with gifts. But he also spares neither time nor emotions for the children, and if necessary, he will show firmness. In general, the Taurus father is a gift of fate, except for those periods when he falls into a rage, which, however, is extremely rare.

Taurus pamper their wives, buying them clothes, perfumes and trinkets, while not forgetting about the decor and products. Taurus people love luxury and can afford it.

Taurus works a lot and therefore needs have a good rest. Make sure he gets enough rest, otherwise it will make him irritable. Never nag him for being slow. This is akin to waving a red rag in front of a bull. Taurus lives according to his own schedule and rushing him is not only useless, but also unsafe. Taurus loves to receive guests in his own home, but these should be people close to him in spirit. Taurus avoids large noisy companies.

He also cannot stand loud sounds (be it people's voices, radio or TV), disorder and chaos, scattered things. Let quiet music, beauty and comfort reign in your home. Try to be a real woman and you won't find best husband. No one can surround you with such affection, attention and love, and if you take into account the stability and strength of his financial position, then what else can a woman dream of?

The ruler of the zodiac sign Taurus is Venus. Venus is responsible for love, creativity and financial management. Taurus belongs to the signs of the earthly element and gravitates towards the material world. People born in this sign have a high ability to work, perseverance and perseverance. They are patient and enduring, but prefer calm and unhurried work. Typically, professions associated with this sign are related to financial activities and the material world, as well as to the world of art (but not the sublime, but the earthly). This could be a farmer, farmer, banker, artist, singer, actor, fashion designer, architect, landscape designer. Also professions related to trade.

Famous Taurus

Famous Taurus men

Alexander Nevskiy, born May 13, 1221 - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kiev, Grand Duke of Vladimir, Russian commander.

Honore de Balzac, born May 20, 1799 - French writer, classic of world literature.

Nicholas II Alexandrovich, born May 6 (18), 1868 - the last All-Russian Emperor, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke Finnish

Karl Marx, born May 5, 1818, is a famous German philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, and public figure.

Pyotr Tchaikovsky, born April 25 (May 7), 1840, is a famous Russian composer, conductor, and teacher.

Sigmund Freud, born May 6, 1856, is a famous Austrian psychologist, psychiatrist and neurologist.

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), born April 10 (22), 1870 - famous Russian and Soviet political and statesman.

Adolf Hitler, born under the zodiac sign of Taurus on April 20, 1889, is the founder and central figure of National Socialism, Reich Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, born April 25, 1946 - famous Russian political figure, founder of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR).

Mikhail Bulgakov, born May 3 (15), 1891 - famous Russian Soviet writer, playwright and theater director.

Andrey Voznesensky, born May 12, 1933 - Soviet and Russian poet, prose writer, artist, architect.

Al Pacino, born April 25, 1940, is a famous American film actor of Italian origin.

Robert Pattison, born May 13, 1986, is a popular British actor, producer, model and musician.

Alexander Rybak, born May 13, 1986 - Norwegian singer and musician, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009.

Mark Zuckerberg, born May 14, 1984 - founder and CEO social network Facebook.

Georgy Vitsin, born April 23, 1918 - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, National artist THE USSR.

Yuri Yakovlev, born April 25, 1928 - Soviet actor, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

Alexander Belyavsky, born May 6, 1932 - Soviet and Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia.

Fyodor Bondarchuk, born May 9, 1967 - Russian actor, director, screenwriter, TV presenter

Nikolai Fomenko, born April 30, 1962, is a musician, singer, composer, actor, radio and television presenter, Honored Artist of Russia.

Yuri Shevchuk, born May 16, 1957 - Russian singer, musician, poet, composer and producer, permanent leader of the group “DDT”.

Danila Kozlovsky, born May 3, 1985 - Russian theater and film actor, winner of the Golden Eagle and Nika awards.

Alexander Pushnoy, born May 16, 1975 - Russian musician and TV presenter.

Vladislav Listyev, born May 10 1956 - Russian journalist, TV presenter (programs “Vzglyad”, “Field of Miracles”, “Tema”), first general director of ORT.

Vladislav Tretiak, born April 25, 1952 - hockey goalkeeper, three-time Olympic champion, president of the Russian Hockey Federation.

Famous Taurus women

Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary of Windsor, born 21 April 1926 - Queen Reigning and Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Catherine II Alekseevna the Great ( nee Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst), born April 21 (May 2), 1729 - Empress of All Russia from 1762 to 1796.

Barbra Streisand, born April 24, 1942 - famous American singer and actress.

Adele, born May 5, 1988 - English singer and Grammy Award-winning songwriter.

Tatiana Samoilova, born May 4, 1934 - theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia.

Svetlana Svetlichnaya, born May 15, 1949 - Soviet actress (“The Diamond Arm”, “17 Moments of Spring”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”), Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Lyubov Polishchuk, born May 21, 1949 - famous Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Natalia Andreichenko, born May 3, 1956 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.

Larisa Udovichenko, born April 29, 1955, film actress, People's Artist of Russia.

Alina Kabaeva, born May 12, 1983 - Russian athlete, gymnast, Olympic champion, public figure.

Character, lifestyle, career, love of Taurus


Perhaps the Taurus man does not look like the ardent Romeo, but know: despite all his slowness and practicality, you have an extremely romantic nature! And this is not surprising, because Taurus are lovers of beauty, including beautiful people of the opposite sex. Usually, the innate love of beauty and harmony is manifested in a Taurus man in the fact that he first, with the leisurely gourmet, chooses an object of adoration for himself, and then takes care of it the object so devotedly and beautifully that it simply leaves him (that is, you) no other choice.


The Taurus woman is certainly a strong personality, but she is smart enough not to demonstrate this to a man. One can only envy the integrity of her amazing nature. In order to be out of competition, she does not need to rush forward or prove anything to anyone. Her poise, self-confidence, calmness and attentiveness speak for themselves. The world in the eyes of the Taurus woman is stable and harmonious, because it rests on true values. It is for others that the winds blow and the crisis rages, and those around them do not live up to the hopes placed on them. The Taurus woman knows how to accept both the situation and people as they are - with all their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the storms of fate are not afraid of her; therefore, friends and acquaintances are drawn to her like sunflowers to the sun.


Stubborn, persistent, independent Taurus child is the personification of thoroughness and thoughtfulness. He is not prone to impulsive actions: from childhood, he has enough patience to make informed decisions, which he will not back down from under any pressure! For children of this zodiac sign, understanding, trust and love of loved ones is very important. Raised without coercion or orders, a Taurus child grows up to be a hardworking owner, a gentle family man and a sympathetic friend. Taurus baby


Want to attract the affection of a thorough, thoughtful Taurus? It couldn’t be simpler: more specifics, less emotions, complete rejection of gossip and intrigue. Taurus is exactly the person you can approach directly, without beating around the bush and choosing an approach.


Taurus is a very money-oriented and purposeful sign. He knows what he wants to achieve and goes towards his goal without turning back, overcoming all obstacles on his way. His tenacity and ability to work hard make him an indispensable worker who is valued by management. Taurus's responsibility and ability to make decisions over time can help him make good career in business and production, as well as in the profession of livestock breeder, farmer, engineer, actor, musician, doctor. However, his career is not his main goal. Taurus needs a high position primarily in order to ensure stability and material wealth.


Cautious and attentive Taurus, having fallen in love, is not in too much of a hurry to reveal his feelings. Love at first sight rarely happens to him. Taurus is accustomed to a rational approach to choosing a partner, so first of all he listens to logic, and then to the call of his heart.


Taurus has a beautiful nervous system and excellent health. He gets sick extremely rarely, but if this happens, then his illnesses are as persistent as he himself - often they drag on seriously and for a long time. Even a common cold for Taurus is fraught with complications and can develop into a sore throat. Another “Achilles heel” of Taurus is associated with his love of tasty food. He may suffer from excess weight and related diseases - from high blood pressure to varicose veins. To avoid this, it is enough for Taurus to be in nature more often and generally lead a more sporty lifestyle.


The symbol of the constellation Taurus (Latin name Taurus) is, of course, a bull. According to legend, the main Olympian god of the ancient Greeks, Zeus, turned into white bull to kidnap the daughter of the Phoenician king Europa. In the constellation Taurus there are two open star clusters: the Hyades and the Pleiades. The Pleiades are often called the "Seven Sisters". This cluster consists of more than 500 stars, beautifully shrouded in a veil of nebula. With the naked eye from Earth you can see the seven stars of the Pleiades, which resemble the silhouette of a small bucket.


Taurus months: April, May Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac. The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 20 or 21 and leaves this Zodiac sector of the starry sky on May 20 or 21, depending on the year.


What is your zodiac sign? And according to Chinese horoscope? What about both horoscopes at once? Interestingly, the answer is precisely to last question can give the most accurate answer. The fact is that the Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiac (by month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.