Alexander fisherman personal. Norwegian singer Alexander Rybak: biography, family, career

Inna Fomina

The winner of Eurovision 2009, a native of Minsk and a resident of Norway, Alexander Rybak, ended up so far from his homeland thanks to his violinist dad. In 1990, at the age of 36, leaving his wife Natalya at home with little Sasha, his father unexpectedly decided not to return from tour to his native Belarus. With him there was only a violin and a suitcase with clothes...

Having gone on tour to Europe, Sasha’s father Igor was so fascinated by Norway that he decided to stay here almost immediately. But he didn’t tell his wife about this; he understood that she was unlikely to accept his spontaneous decision with joy. I thought I’d find a job and settle down... But when it was no longer possible to delay, I called.

“I only found out a few weeks later that my husband would not return to Minsk from the tour,” recalls Natalya. “Of course, I was terribly worried, waiting for news from him. And then, finally, I hear my husband’s voice on the phone. And suddenly Igor says that he decided to stay. At first I didn’t even understand what was happening... And he kept saying in such a casual tone that he was looking for housing, work, and as soon as he settled, he would call us to his place. The conversation was interrupted; he had no money at all. Having hung up the phone, I couldn’t find a place for myself - how was he there, without a home, without friends, without a language? Sometimes I even imagined in horror that my poor husband, hungry and cold, was spending the night somewhere under a bridge, like a homeless person. His mother cried and was sure that Norway would never give her son citizenship. But I understood how important it was for him to realize himself in another country, to achieve his goal.”

From the outside, Igor’s action might seem strange. By that time, Rybak Sr., a graduate of the Minsk Conservatory, served in the famous Minsk Chamber Orchestra, which performed with both Richter and Rostropovich. He had a beloved family, a favorite job, authority among his colleagues, a couple of rooms in a communal apartment. As they say, he lived no worse than others. But at that time, things were going badly at home; until recently, decent government salaries were eaten up by inflation. And the iron curtain that had just fallen openedunprecedented opportunities. Igor wanted freedom and a decent life. “I really liked the people here - reserved, patient, with a strong, Nordic character. I understood that it would be difficult for me to find a job in my specialty - there are not so many professional musical groups, as in Minsk. There are many small orchestras here, where people play for the love of art, without salary. I even decided that if I couldn’t make enough money with the violin, I would fish, pick mushrooms... We’ll feed ourselves,” Igor smiles.

But Rybak Sr. was lucky. “I almost immediately met a family in which a talented boy, David, the same age as my Sasha, grew up. They needed a teacher for daily violin lessons. They gave me a room in their beautiful home and then they helpedwith a residence permit. I had to work without weekends and holidays: I rehearsed with David every day.

But they treated me like family. They took them with us on vacation, we went together on their sailboat along the fjords.” And most importantly, Igor had a roof over his head and free time so that, surrounded by textbooks, you can spend hours learning the language. Soon he entered the competition into the orchestra of the Oslo Opera House. Some money appeared that Igor was able to save for the future. “I saved so much on everything that I lost 10 kilograms. Then, from overwork, I began to suffer from insomnia for many months - symphonic music sounded in my head and didn’t let me fall asleep.”

Finally, Igor was able to pay for housing and beat Ets for wife and little son, issued a six-month tourist visa for them. Natalia always She believed in her husband’s talent, but could not completely cast aside her doubts. “I couldn’t imagine leaving my favorite job (Natalia worked in the music editorial office of Minsk television), family, friends... I had never been abroad and had no idea what awaited me there. But when Sasha and I came to Igor and I saw the stunning nature (we immediately settled here on Nesodden, where we now live, only in a different area), I understood my husband. I remember the first impression - March, the cleanest air, the smell of melting snow, cleanliness. “It’s like Naroch here!” — I kept exclaiming, comparing Norway with the famous Belarusian resort. For the first two months I stayed at home with the child. Now I understand that if I had tuned myself to the usual emigrant wave - “everything is foreign here, we need to return urgently,” I would have fallen into depression.

But I arrived come here with an open heart and a desire to fit into local life.” Like Igor, Natasha immediately began to learn the language and establish contacts with people. Within a couple of months, she met a Norwegian singer who was looking for an accompanist (now this is her closest friend), then she got a job as a pianist at school, and on weekends she played the organ in church. At first it was very difficult; I had to grab any offers. But thanks to Igor’s determination and perseverance, the family quickly found its feet in a foreign country. Now Rybak Sr. has a lot of work: more than 30 students in a private school, leading two orchestras, he performs with various ensembles, writes and arranges music, in addition to the violin he plays keyboards, guitar, accordion...

Just 4 years after their arrival, Igor and Natalya were able to buy three-story house in a very prestigious area - the Oslo suburb of Nesodden. The musician couple always dreamed of having their own home, where they could rehearse without disturbing their neighbors. “People of art traditionally settle on our peninsula, although there are also several millionaires,” says Igor. “We would hardly be able to afford such a house now—prices here have risen four times.” But still, this is not your Rublyovka. You won’t see any palaces here, just as there are no fences. We, however, want to put up a low fence, but only because otherwise we can’t let our dog Sinti outside: according to Norwegian law, from April 1 of each year, dogs in the countryside must only be walked on a leash, so as not to disturb the peace of birds raising their chicks.

In Norway, it is not customary to display wealth publicly - in interiors, in clothing. A millionaire neighbor lives nearby. But our houses are practically indistinguishable.” On the first floor of the Rybakov family, the head of the family is in charge - here he has deposits of notes and a music center. On the second floor there is a living room with a piano (Natalia practices on it), Igor’s mother’s room (she often comes here to stay) and a kitchen. At the very top there are two bedrooms, parents and son. "My husband and I happy people, says Natalya. - To come to another country, get a job, find friends, have such a home - what could be better?! And Sasha’s career can simply be called fantastic.”

Rybak Jr. began studying music in Minsk, with his cousins, famous violinists. And when Sasha was brought to Oslo, he continued his studies with his father. “At first I was taught both violin and piano,” recalls Sasha. At the age of seven I even played a concert where I played the violin in the first part and the piano in the second. But, as it turned out, this was my first and last performance as a pianist. Dad decided that we needed to concentrate on one thing and chose the violin.” Sasha was a capable student. But, like any child, he didn’t want to spend hours playing the instrument while the guys he knew were playing football in the street. “When the bow accidentally broke, I rejoiced, although I didn’t show it. After all, while the bow was being repaired, I received three days of freedom! - Sasha smiles.

My parents, of course, understood where I was most drawn, but they always insisted that soon I would thank them for my “torment.” And now I really thank them for everything! And I dedicated my first album, which was released in May, to them, of course. I can imagine how difficult it was for mom and dad to start everything from scratch. At five years old, I perceived our move as an adventure. I remember how we traveled by train for almost two days (we didn’t have enough money for a plane), it was so interesting! What was it like for a mother alone with a small child and a lot of luggage to travel with several transfers through Poland, Germany and Denmark?!”

Sasha liked Norway right away. And, like all children, he learned the language very quickly. Because I didn’t want to be a stranger here. Sasha still remembers this episode. He didn't speak Norwegian yet, and his parents bought him a bicycle. The boy really wanted to show it to the local kids. He drove out into the street and was immediately surrounded by boys. They admired the “car”, and two minutes later they separated because Sasha could not communicate with them. “I was terribly upset then. He cried, ran home, told everything to his mother, she also burst into tears. And I realized: I need to learn Norwegian.” Soon Sasha went to a local school. And six months later, the teachers did not believe that he was not Norwegian (by the way, Sasha began to read Russian very early - already at the age of three).

And in the second grade, the boy received a book for home reading, designed for a year - a page a day. And I swallowed it in two days, it’s painful interesting stories were in it. “When I told the teacher about this, she didn’t believe me and even scolded me: “What kind of nonsense are you talking about?!” After all, even for local children this textbook was difficult. So Norwegian became my native language. As for Russian, which we speak at home... My parents showed me Soviet movies and I adore " Caucasian captive", "Carnival Night", "Happy New Year" - oh no, "Enjoy the Steam". I know a lot of Russian melodies: “Old Maple”, “From afar the Volga River flows for a long time”, songs by Nikitin, Vysotsky (although I don’t understand everything about them), and among the singers I love Pugacheva, especially her “Loving Do Not Renounce”. So I adore Russian culture. But my Russian is imperfect. I guess I sound like a 10-year-old boy."

Although the singer quickly mastered the language and studied well, he began to have problems at school. “I wasn’t a bad guy, I didn’t behave aggressively, on the contrary, I tried to be Norwegian and talked to everyone with a smile - I always had the biggest smile in school. But as a child, I was bullied because after school I ran not to play football with the guys, but to a violin lesson. But I did not tolerate insults. When I was little, I was really dangerous because I always wanted to win a fight. It didn’t matter to me how old my opponent was, or how much heavier he was than me. I never gave up. And at the age of 12 I calmed down. More precisely, he found a way to extinguish the conflict without getting involved in a fight. To express my emotions, but not to hit a person, I hit... the wall with my fist. And the anger passes.

In general, I have been “rowing against the tide” all my life, because no one except my parents believed in my ideas. For example, I always argued with violin teachers. They taught me: “No, this is not how it should be played, Beethoven is not played this way.” But I didn’t care, as is customary, I wanted it my way. Not out of stubbornness. I just didn’t understand why I had to repeat even the most beautiful version, and not look for something of my own. So I annoyed the teachers a lot, but they annoyed me even more. At the same time, I always had the best grades, and I won classical competitions. And when I started singing, no one supported me either. I don’t consider myself a singer myself: I’ve never taken vocal lessons, and you can hear for yourself that I’m not such a good singer.

And I wrote my song “Fairytale” based on the modest capabilities of my voice. But for me the main thing is not Perfect voice, but an opportunity to say something to people. I am a storyteller who tells people something using a violin, voice, piano. But not everyone understood this - they say, why does a student violinist also sing?! It’s not customary to mix genres like that.”

When Rybak was about to participate in the Norwegian equivalent of the “Star Factory,” he was immediately told: “Play the classics, you’re a pro at this.” And he said that he would play... jazz. They tried to dissuade him: “Don’t be a fool, you’ll lose!” And he stuck to his line and won. Then Sasha applied for the Eurovision qualifying round. And again he had to listen to endless objections: they say, this competition is nonsense, there is nothing for a conservatory student to do at it. They scolded his song - if he performs, then with a proven version, that is, with jazz. But he resisted: I don’t care, I don’t want jazz, I’ll sing my “Fairy Tale.” Then Sasha defended for a long time the need for dancers to participate in his act...

“I don’t argue because I enjoy doing it. I just intuitively feel where my path is. It would be much nicer if people supported my ideas, but what if they are not accepted? I really don’t like to swear, I want to be a gentle person. You see, I smile all the time. But I defend my opinion to the end. Now they offered me to play main role in a play about the most famous Norwegian violinist Ole Bull - next year the 200th anniversary of his birth will be widely celebrated. I have my own idea again: instead of theatrical production I propose to make a movie... I often go against the laws of show business. Because for me money has never been the most important thing in life. Even when I had them, I spent them stupidly.

With my first big fee of 40 thousand euros for winning a TV show, I bought a large TV that I don’t have time to watch, and shares that have now greatly depreciated in value. Just the other day, my managers, without my knowledge, canceled a concert in Sweden because Germany paid more for my performance. I found out about this from the newspaper and was furious - how can you deceive the public like that?! No matter what money is offered, this cannot be done. First of all, I hit the wall so hard that the doors shook. Then he contacted the newspaper and explained the situation. And then, having cooled down, he called the managers and explained that this could not be done. Now too many people in this world think only about business, about profit. And they advise me to be more prudent. But I'm not going to live just for money. I believe in something else - in selfless friendship and that music helps people live.”

Few people understood Sasha and when, in his last year, he abandoned classes at the conservatory because of his participation in Eurovision. The third generation musician remains without a diploma. “It’s important not to hang the piece of paper on the wall, but so that I don’t feel ashamed on stage,” says Rybak. “Now I’ve started an amazing touring life, and it’s stupid to give up concerts just to finish my conservatory history.” I will definitely receive my diploma on August 11th. opera house I’ll play my graduation concert, and then I’ll slowly give up my tails.”

Rybak’s immediate plans include concerts in his native Belarus. After winning Eurovision, Rybak was immediately invited to Minsk. There he sang “Kupalinka” in Belarusian, which his mother sang to him as a child. The crowd of thousands applauded so much that Sasha almost burst into tears... “I haven’t been to my homeland since I was seven, I couldn’t even come to my grandfather’s funeral. And when I returned, I remembered a lot of things: Gorky Park, the circus, how my dad took me on a boat. I remember especially well the dacha in the town of Leshni - how they baked potatoes, ate chebureks and sorcerers (pancakes with meat filling).

And the other day I’m going to Vitebsk to perform at the Slavic Bazaar, and at the same time I’ll see my grandmother Maria, who lives there. And of course, I really want to perform in Russia. Not only because I won Eurovision here, but also because there is a girl who lives in Moscow that I really like... I have never been successful with girls, and I still am not. Although I received thousands of text messages with declarations of love (Norwegian guys don’t like me for them, they say, some brat is taking our girls away from us). I'm not talking about the love of fans, but about real feelings. There were always boys who were much more successful than me. Probably because I was passionate about music and didn’t want to dress fashionably and have a haircut, piercings or tattoos. Even now I dress very simply. And I like girls who are modest and sweet.

By the way, a different style predominates in Moscow - girls wear a lot of makeup, dress brightly and even provocatively. And what? prettier girl, the less she smiles! So, Anya, whom I met in Moscow, is a sweet and intelligent girl. Throughout the competition I wanted to talk to her longer, but there was no time. And only when I won did I have the opportunity to communicate with Anya without television cameras. That night the whole delegation celebrated our victory, and I invited Anna to our room. I was so glad she came! Your newspapers are now writing about one “Anna Rybaka”, then about another. But among these girls there is no mine the real Anya. I can’t advertise her last name because our relationship is at the very beginning and I don’t know her parents. So for now we communicate with Anya only by phone. But I'm glad that love has appeared in my life again. After all, I had a very hard time breaking up with Ingrid, my first love...

She was a violinist. I loved her madly. And she left me and found another guy. When I found out about this, I was terribly worried. That day I was flying on tour to China, I got on the plane, locked myself in the toilet and burst into tears. I cried, and suddenly I felt better. I thought I had torn Ingrid from my heart forever. But when, a few months later, she broke up with my “rival,” I was glad: it means that she didn’t love him that much and she can be returned. But she returned not to me, but to a new boyfriend - she always has new boys... Ingrid congratulated me on my victory at Eurovision by text message, and now she offers to play a duet. But I don’t want to make PR out of personal relationships. I already made no secret of the fact that I wrote “Fairytale”, inspired by my feelings for her. But I didn’t tell any details. And after my victory at the Norwegian selection, she quickly sold all our photos together to journalists... I would like to date Ingrid. But not with the current one, but with the one with whom I fell in love five years ago. And since Ingrid is like this - main girl in my life - no more, I need to move on! And above all, develop your creativity..."

Alexander Igorevich Rybak is a musician, singer and composer, winner of the international Eurovision competition, he was born on May 13, 1986 in Minsk. Despite the fact that the young man was born in Belarus, he represented Norway at the song competition. During the entire period of Eurovision, there was not a single performer who won by such a margin, so the musician instantly became famous throughout the world. His undoubted talent, coupled with natural charm, helped win great amount fans.

Creative family

It seems that Sasha’s future was predetermined, because his parents were directly related to art. The singer's mother, Natalya Valentinovna, works as a music editor on television and plays the piano excellently. His father Igor Alexandrovich is a violinist musical ensemble, originally from Vitebsk. Even the violinist’s grandmother, Maria Borisovna Savitskaya, is interested in art; she works as a teacher in music school.

From childhood, Rybak’s relatives instilled in him a love of classical and ethnic compositions; already at the age of three, the boy began to sing his first songs. When he was five, his parents began teaching their son to play the violin and piano. He also sang and danced well.

In 1990, Igor received an offer to work in Norway. The family lived there for some time, then they returned to give their son a decent education. Sasha studied for several years at school at the Belarusian Academy of Music, then the Fishermen decided to return to Oslo. There the young man successfully graduated from the music school, after which he entered the conservatory. Alexander received his diploma in 2009, then he decided to study further at the music academy in violin class, where he graduated in 2012.

Music career

At a young age, Sasha already went on tour with his father. Together they played in the musical by M. Harket, the vocalist of the band A-Ha. The program was successful in Europe, America and China. During this period of time, Rybak was able to perform on the same stage with Arve Tellefsen, Hanne Krogh and Pihnas Zukerman.

In 2006, the young man performed at the young talent competition “Kjempesjansen”, where he performed an original song called “Foolin’”. Alexander receives first place, after which he is invited to work as an accompanist in the symphony youth orchestra “Ung Symfoni”.

On May 16, 2009, the grand final of the Eurovision competition took place, at which Rybak scored 387 points and became the winner. A few months later, the singer’s debut album was released, and a line of fans formed in every store. In 2010, Sasha released his second disc entitled “No Boundaries”.

Worldwide success

After winning the international competition Alexander began to receive offers from representatives of different countries. Director Timur Bekmambetov asked the composer to write the soundtrack for his film “Black Lightning.” In November 2009, Rybak performed at a concert dedicated to Police Day. There he performed a Russian-language version of the song “Fairytale” called “Fairy Tale”.

At the beginning of 2010, Sasha tried his hand at voice acting. spoke in his voice main character animated film"How to Train Your Dragon." On March 8th of the same year, the young man performed in Tallinn, attracting a full house. concert hall"Nokia". In October 2010, Rybak became a member music festival“Russian Romance”, held in Finland.

In 2011, the singer released another album and took part in a vocal project that took place in Kyiv. He also performed a dance program on a Stockholm television channel. Swedish composers helped the musician in the process of recording the album. On November 30, 2014, the musician participated in the presentation of symbols Olympic Games together with Alexey Yagudin. In December of the same year, he performed at the Nobel concert in Oslo. The singer was accompanied by Symphony Orchestra.

The young man also took part in several Russian and Ukrainian projects. He performed brilliantly in the “Minute of Fame” show, sang in a duet with participants of the Ukrainian “Star Factory” and coped with most of the tasks of the “One to One” program. Despite the fact that Sasha did not know many of the artists he was parodying, he managed to clearly capture their emotions and successfully embody each image. He can also be seen in the project “Fathers and Sons,” where the singer starred in June 2012. Igor Rybak, the musician’s father, also took part there.

Personal life of the artist

The song “Fairytale,” which became a victory for the singer, was dedicated to his girlfriend Ingrid Berg Mehus. At the time of the competition they were not together; almost five years had passed since the breakup. Nevertheless, Rybak could not forget his beloved. After the girl found out about the popularity ex-boyfriend, she tried to make money on his name. Sasha was incredibly upset, but chose not to interfere.

From time to time, rumors about the musician’s novels appear in the press, but he does not comment on this information. Alexander has repeatedly stated that personal relationships do not come first for him. He lives for music, popularity and meetings with fans; the singer has no plans to get married yet. He makes serious demands on girls: the composer dreams of a lady who combines beauty, kindness and remarkable mental capacity.

The Fisherman's talisman is shirt cufflinks with a violin on them. Since childhood, he had several favorite performers and role models - Mozart, Sting and the The group Beatles. Over the entire period of his career, 11 videos were shot.

To date, Alexander has recorded five albums. He prefers not to limit himself to one language or genre. The singer's repertoire includes Belarusian, English, Norwegian, Russian and even instrumental compositions. Most of them can be called simple and banal in musically, however, the performer does not strive for complexity; it is more important for him to write “hits”.

Because of this simplicity, the musician was repeatedly accused of plagiarism and was even awarded a “Silver Galosh” for copying Aerosmith. According to statements music experts, the composition “Fairytale” is very similar to the song of the Turk Hussein Yalin called “Bit Pazari”. Critics also had complaints about the song “Abandoned”, allegedly, it resembles “Crane Song” by Kirill Molchanov.

Alexander Rybak became known to Russian audiences in 2009 after his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in the Russian capital, Moscow. It was a huge spectacle, the likes of which have never been seen in the entire history of Eurovision. It was all the more pleasant that the victory, and not just a victory, but a victory with a record number of votes was won by a guy who came from the USSR, from Belarus, that is, in fact, our fellow countryman, although he represented Norway at this competition. There has never been such a huge gap in points from other participants in all the years of this competition. This is how it lit up the Russian show business horizon bright Star musician named Alexander Rybak.

Sasha was born in the Belarusian SSR, in its capital - the city of Minsk on May 13, 1986. His parents and grandmother had a direct connection to music. My mother played the piano beautifully, and my father played the violin. His father was a musician in a Vitebsk ensemble, and his mother worked in television in the editorial office music programs.

WITH early childhood Sasha was instilled with a love of classical and folk music. His musical education was carried out by his grandmother, who taught at a music school. At the age of three, little Sasha began to compose his first compositions, and two years later he began to learn to play the piano and violin, as well as sing and dance.

The family moved to Norway in 1990, and my father was invited to work there. When it was time for Sasha to go to school, his parents returned to Belarus for a while. Sasha went to school at the Academy of Music. But soon the parents and the boy returned to Norway to settle for a long time in the suburbs of Oslo. IN northern country Sasha studied at the same time high school and studied music. After school, he continued his education at a music school, and then at the conservatory, from which he graduated in 2009. Afterwards, he studied violin at the Oslo Music Academy, graduating in 2012.

Career of Alexander Rybak

WITH youth Sasha began performing with his father, worked in a musical, and toured a lot. In 2006, he performed at a young talent competition in Norway and won.

Later, Sasha worked as an accompanist in a symphony youth orchestra.
When the young musician performed at the qualifying round “ Eurovision" in Norway, he had already received many votes for his performance, but he simply blew up the stage in Moscow. Almost no one has such success for a young man famous performer It hasn't happened yet. Let's add to this that his performance was not accompanied by special effects, disguises, show ballet and other attributes characteristic of many numbers of this competition. He just came out with his violin and sang. Needless to say, after the competition he gained a multi-million army of fans. After the competition, he gave many concerts in major cities Russia and Europe.

That same year he took part in the " Minute of glory"on Channel One. He was also invited to other programs - “Star Factory” on the Ukrainian channel, “Two Stars” on Channel One. He also performed excellently in the third season of the show “One to One” on the Russia 1 channel. And although he did not know many of the artists he parodied, many of his performances were brilliant successes.

To date, Alexander has released five albums. They included songs in Russian, Belarusian, English and Norwegian. In addition to songs, the albums included instrumental works own composition Alexandra. Eleven videos have been shot for his songs.

Alexander was accused of plagiarism more than once; in 2010 he even received the Silver Galosh award.

Sasha treats his historical homeland - Belarus with great warmth, sometimes goes there for concerts or by invitation, for example, to participate in " Slavic Bazaar».

Personal life of Alexander Rybak

As for his personal life, of course, Sasha has a girlfriend, but the singer is in no hurry to tie the knot. He believes that he needs to tour a lot and communicate with fans. According to him, this gives inspiration to create new songs. Unfortunately for him, songs of rather banal content, simple in text and music, turn out to be more in demand among the public. After winning Eurovision, he expressed sincere surprise that such a simple composition won the competition.

Many more interesting photos and facts of life about vocal performers from all over the world, read.

In 2009, the whole world learned about who Alexander Rybak was. The biography of the singer who won Eurovision immediately attracted the interest of thousands of young girls. Do you want to know where Sasha Rybak was born and trained? You will find all the necessary information about it in the article.

Alexander Rybak: biography

The future musician and singer was born on May 13, 1986. His hometown- Minsk (Belarus). What kind of family did Alexander Rybak grow up in? Music is the main calling of his parents. Later the boy decides to follow in their footsteps.

Sasha’s mother, Natalya Valentinovna, plays the piano professionally. At one time she worked as an editor of music programs on one of the Belarusian channels. Father, Igor Alexandrovich, is a violinist. Before moving with his family to Norway, he performed as part of an ensemble.


Our hero began to show a penchant for art from an early age. At the age of three, Sasha performed a song of his own composition for his parents. Father considered it good sign. Since then, he regularly studied music with his son. The grandmother also made a lot of efforts to ensure that her grandson became a singer. It was with her that the boy learned his first melodies.


The biography of whom many are interested in today, already at the age of 5 he visited music school, where he studied piano and violin. The boy also danced.

When Sasha was 4 years old, his father was invited to work in Norway. The man agreed. For several years he lived in Oslo, and his family was in Minsk. Father returned to Belarus when Alexander entered first grade. But our hero did not study for long at the Minsk school. The family moved to the Norwegian town of Nesodden. There Rybak Jr. graduated from a music school and conservatory.

First steps to success

The young singer and musician toured around the world from an early age. European countries. He visited concerts in China and America. Together with his father, Sasha collaborated with the vocalist of the group “A-Ha” M. Harket.

In 2006, Rybak Jr. went to the popular Kjempesjansen competition in Norway. His own song “Foolin” helped him become the best among dozens of performers.


Until recently, none of us knew who Rybak Alexander was. Eurovision, which he won in 2009, brought him worldwide fame. Girls living in different countries, dreamed of meeting him.

Alexander Rybak’s song “Fairytale” instantly spread across the best radio stations in Europe. It is known that the author of this composition is the singer. Her name is Ingrid Berg Mehus. Rybak Alexander met with her for several years. He went to conquer Eurovision after breaking up with Ingrid. The girl was worried about her ex-boyfriend and believed in his victory.

Participation in popular music competition became the starting point in building a career. Our hero traveled all over Europe with concerts. He visited Russia several times, where the public received him with a bang. And the director invited the Eurovision winner to participate in the recording of the soundtrack to the film Black Lightning.

Career development

In 2010, Sasha Rybak's second album was released. It was called "No Boundaries". Fans immediately swept the discs off the shelves. Videos were shot for some songs from the album.

Alexander Rybak is engaged not only solo career. For several years now, the talented guy has been working as an accompanist in the Ung Symphony orchestra, known throughout Norway. Rybak’s idols have always been the composer Mozart, the singer Sting and the Beatles.

Almost 6 years have passed since our hero took part in Eurovision. During this time, he managed to star in several films created by Scandinavian directors. One of these paintings is “Juhan the Wanderer.” The film was released in 30 countries.

Sasha Rybak tried himself in a new field. He voiced the character in the cartoon How to Train Your Dragon. Both the sound engineers and Alexander himself liked the result of the work.

"One to One"

The management of the Russia-1 channel made a wonderful gift to its viewers. It invited Alexander Rybak to participate in the One to One parody show. The singer agreed. After all, since childhood, Sasha loved to portray pop stars and sing in different voices.

The most difficult task- transform into a woman. But Rybak coped well with this too. Both Lyudmila Ryumina and his performance turned out to be believable. But portraying Dima Bilan was not easy. This is not about, but about the movements of the main “bully” Russian stage and about his manner of communication with the audience.

From issue to issue star jury highly appreciates the efforts of Alexander Rybak. And his parodies of famous performers have been repeatedly recognized as the best.

Alexander Rybak: personal life

The hero of our article is an attractive and charismatic guy with an amazing voice. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has thousands of fans living in different countries. Who is Alexander Rybak dating? Personal life young singer interests many.

His life was a beautiful, but at the same time sad love story. He dated a girl named Ingrid for a long time. Their relationship had everything: passion, mutual love, quarrels and misunderstandings. At some point they decided to break up. Alexander was very worried about this.

Now Rybak carefully hides his personal life from the press and ill-wishers. He has a girlfriend, but the couple is not thinking about marriage yet.


Now you know where Alexander Rybak was born, studied, and what he is doing now. The singer's biography was discussed in detail in the article. All that remains is to wish to a young musician and creative success to the singer!