Cherry jam - delicious recipes for sweet preparations for the winter. Cherry jam with gelatin

Cherry confiture is a wonderful preparation for the winter. It will appeal to all members of your family. To prepare this exquisite and at the same time simple dessert, you don’t need a lot of effort and time. Using the recipes published in this article, you can easily master the preparation of this dish.

Description of the dish

Confiture is a jelly-like dessert with pieces of fruit, fruits and berries evenly distributed in it. It is usually prepared with the addition of sugar and various thickening agents - pectin or agar-agar. The consistency of this delicacy is similar to jam, but has a slightly different structure.

Confiture has been known since ancient times. It is mentioned in Pliny's Natural History. Fruits steamed in grape juice or boiled in honey were used in Ancient Rome very popular. The use of gelling agents was an urgent necessity in those days. They preserved the freshness of fruits for a long time, and also made it possible to eat fruits with a strong taste (lemon) or a hard structure (quince).

For a long time, such delicacies were a great luxury. However, in the 19th century, with the advent of beet sugar, the situation changed. Nowadays, confiture is easy to prepare at home. It is usually made from everyone’s favorite berries and fruits - strawberries, raspberries, apples, apricots, lemons. Below we will talk about how to prepare cherry confiture.

Classic cherry jam. Ingredients

This dessert is easy to prepare. The main task of the cook is to make it thick and jelly-like. Usually, in order to prepare cherry confiture, natural thickeners are actively used. But in this recipe we suggest you do without them. So, to create a cherry delicacy we will have to stock up on the following products:

  • cherry (ripe) - two kilograms;
  • lemon - one piece;
  • sugar - two kilograms.

Classic cherry jam. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you need to sort out, remove leaves and stalks and wash the cherries.
  2. Next, you need to remove the seeds from the fruits and place them in a separate enamel pan.
  3. After this, the berry should be sprinkled with sugar and set aside for a couple of hours so that it gives juice.
  4. Then you need to add the juice of one lemon to the cherry mass and put it on the stove.
  5. Now the future dessert needs to be gradually heated over low heat and brought to a boil. The resulting foam should be carefully removed with a slotted spoon. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the berries do not burn, otherwise the taste and aroma of the dish will be spoiled.
  6. Cherries should be kept on fire for no more than four minutes. After this, it should be removed from the heat and immediately chopped using a blender or meat grinder.
  7. Next, you need to put the mixture on the stove again and bring to a boil. After this, the puree can be poured into sterilized jars and covered with boiled lids.

Pitted cherry confiture is ready! It should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place.

Cherry confiture with gelatin. Ingredients

The dessert we are describing has a tangible advantage over the usual jam - it cooks much faster. Especially if you use gelatin in its creation. Below we will tell you how to prepare cherry confiture with it. The recipe involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • pitted cherries - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • gelatin - three tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • water - 400 grams;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

Cherry confiture with gelatin. Cooking method

  1. First you need to pour the gelatin with half a glass of warm water and let the product brew thoroughly.
  2. Next, in a separate pan, you need to combine the cherries, water and sugar, bring the resulting mass to a boil and cook for three hours over low heat.
  3. After this, remove the puree from the heat and, while it is still hot, add citric acid and gelatin to it. Now all the ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed together.
  4. Then the future dessert must be put back on the stove and allowed to boil.
  5. After this, cherry confiture with gelatin can be preserved. It needs to be poured into sterilized jars while hot, rolled up with lids and stored in a secluded place.

Cherry confiture with coriander. Ingredients

To make your breakfast special, you can prepare this delicious dish. Gourmets combine it not only with buns and cheese, but also with game or poultry dishes. This cherry confiture (for the winter) is created from the following products:

  • ripe cherries (pitted) - 400 grams;
  • coriander seeds - 5 grams;
  • almond flakes - 20 grams;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • water - 400 milliliters.

Cherry confiture with coriander. Cooking method

  1. First you need to heat a dry frying pan and fry the almond flakes and coriander in it for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, you need to mix sugar and water in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on low heat and stir until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Now you should add pitted cherries to the syrup and let it simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Then you need to add fried coriander and almonds to it, mix everything and keep on low heat for ten to twelve minutes.
  5. After this, the pitted cherry confiture is finally prepared. It can be rolled into sterilized jars and stored all winter.

Cherry confiture with strawberries. Ingredients

This recipe is a compromise that allows you to combine products from different price categories in one dish. If strawberries are expensive and it takes a lot of time to grow them, then, as a rule, there are no problems with cherries. As a result, you can get an excellent delicacy that will delight your friends and family during the cold season. In order to prepare cherry confiture (it won’t be without seeds this time), you should buy the following products:

  • cherry - 1 kilogram;
  • strawberries - 300 grams;
  • cinnamon - 4 grams;
  • gelatin - 20 grams;
  • water - 70 milliliters;
  • sugar - 800 grams.

Cherry confiture with strawberries. Cooking method

  1. First of all, you need to sort out the cherries, clear them of twigs and rinse them well. The seeds should not be removed - they help create a jelly-like consistency.
  2. Next, the berries need to be boiled a little in water. The resulting liquid should be the color of cherry compote.
  3. After this, the resulting fruit drink must be rubbed through a sieve with a wooden spatula or plastic spoon, added sugar and cinnamon and put back on the fire. This time it needs to be cooked for forty minutes.
  4. Now it's the strawberries' turn. It must be cleared of leaves and placed whole in the future cherry confiture. The mixture should be kept on the fire for another fifteen minutes.
  5. Before removing from the burner, you need to heat the product over high heat and pour pre-prepared gelatin into it. The dessert should not be boiled after this. It must be removed from the stove and immediately poured into pre-sterilized jars.
  6. Cherry confiture with gelatin and strawberries is ready! Then you can do with it the same way as with ordinary jam: roll up the lids, turn the containers upside down, let them cool and store them in a dark and cool place.

The dessert prepared in this way becomes moderately sweet and very tender. Cherry confiture for the winter is a real storehouse of microelements and vitamins.

Cherry confiture with pectin. Ingredients

Another well-known substance that gives dishes a jelly-like consistency is pectin. Some housewives are afraid to use it, and completely in vain. It also makes wonderful cherry confiture. The dessert recipe involves using the following products:

  • cherries (pitted) - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • pectin - 10 grams.

Cherry confiture with pectin. Cooking method

  1. First you need to sort and wash the berries. After this, you need to mix it in a saucepan with sugar and let it brew for three to four hours.
  2. Next, the future dessert should be placed on the stove and cooked for about five minutes over low heat.
  3. After this, you need to combine pectin with four tablespoons of sugar and pour it into boiling cherry puree. Then the mass must be thoroughly mixed so that the substance is evenly distributed throughout it.
  4. After three minutes, the container with the dessert should be removed from the heat and quickly poured into pre-prepared jars.

It's so easy to make cherry confiture. The recipe for the winter involves long-term storage of the product in a cellar or any other dark and cool place. It will remain liquid at first, but will thicken over time. It is better to store a jar of already opened treats in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to make cherry confiture. To receive dietary product The amount of sugar in recipes can be reduced. Bon appetit!

Natural sweets made from berries will not only give you a real extravaganza of gastronomic taste, but will also recharge your body with vitamins. Cherry desserts such as jam, confiture and preserves are especially popular among housewives. Cooking them is very simple, but to do this you need to know little secrets.

How to make jam at home

The cooking process is not very different from cooking jam, but the end result is different. When hot, the jam easily flows down a spoon, but when frozen, it looks more like jelly, which falls in pieces. The dessert should have a consistency that does not allow the mass to spread, yet easily spreads on a cracker or cookie, like butter. By canning thick berry syrup, you can enjoy the wonderful taste of the dessert all winter. Cherry jam will become a favorite addition to breakfast.

Preparing jam jars

If you want cherry preparations to last for a long time for the winter, you need to take care of proper sterilization of the jars. Make sure that the container is completely intact: there are no chips or cracks. Wash dishes thoroughly before sterilizing them. To prepare the jars, take an enamel bowl or pan and line the bottom with a soft cloth. Place the containers and cover with lids. After this, add enough water so that it does not reach the neck of the jar by a couple of centimeters. Turn the heat to high and simmer for 10 minutes.

No less popular among housewives is this method of sterilization, such as steam. It won’t take much time, so it’s quite suitable for making large-scale cherry jam. You will need a saucepan and a large sieve. The first is filled with water, which is brought to a boil. The sieve is placed on top, and the jars are placed on it with the neck down. We wait until small drops of steam begin to flow down the walls of the container. Leave the containers for another 10 minutes, after which we begin rolling up the dessert.

How to cook cherry jam

The methods of preparing jam and confitures of our grandmothers are not at all different from modern methods. Everyone has metal containers at home. large volumes. They are great for jam. It is necessary to prepare the sweet dish in a container with a thick bottom, since the product will take a long time to cook. Pots, bowls made of copper or with an enamel coating are suitable for this.

How long to cook jam

After the berries are washed, de-boned, and ground through a meat grinder, they are placed in a container in which cherry jam will be prepared. The mixture must be cooked over high heat. When the contents of the pan boil, you can reduce the heat slightly and leave for 40 minutes. After this, you need to add soda to the cherry jam. Do not remove the foam resulting from cooking. Bring to the boil again until the jam returns to its red color, then lower the heat and leave on the stove for 40 minutes.

Cherry recipes for the winter

To make the jam tasty, you need to choose the right fruits for its preparation. The sticky consistency of the dessert is achieved thanks to great content pectin in fruits or berries. Cherries cannot be distinguished by such a composition, but the solution to the problem is simple: either cook the sweet mass longer and add gelatin, or put some apples, currants or quince in it. Also a good way to improve taste qualities and the consistency of the jam is the use of unripe, sour fruits.

Please note that to receive delicious dessert Only high-quality fruits and berries are suitable. Do not use overripe, bruised or fermented cherries. During heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances are destroyed. If you want a dessert that is not only tasty, but also beneficial to the body, give preference to dense and juicy cherries. They will become jam great addition for cookies or toast.

An important factor is the cooking time of the jam. If the product is overcooked, the taste of the dessert will be weak and the color will be dull. Proper jam should flow from a spoon while hot, and not fall in chunks. Another way to check for readiness is to rub the product with your fingers. If the mass does not stick, then you can remove the pan from the heat and start rolling. The most convenient way to check readiness is with a thermometer. It is believed that at a temperature of 106.5-107 degrees, the sweetness reaches the correct consistency.

Jam with pectin

Jams, preserves and confitures with pectin harden well and do not require much time to prepare. They contain less sugar, and the product turns out sweet and aromatic even without it. Pectin is produced from apple peels, so the component is considered completely natural and interacts well with fruits. To make this special jam you will need:

  • fresh cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • pectin – 13 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cherries, chop them using a meat grinder, pour into large saucepan.
  2. Add a kilogram of sugar and mix.
  3. Turn on the heat, stir until it boils, leave for 40 minutes.
  4. Add pectin, boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and pour into jars.
  6. Sterilize for 10 minutes in boiling water.
  7. After this, roll up or leave to cool, then eat.

Pitted cherry jam for the winter

If you still don’t know how to make cherry jam, then remember this simple and tasty recipe. This preparation for the winter will become a favorite delicacy during a family tea party or meeting with close friends at your home. Preparing jam does not take much time and effort, and the slight sourness of gooseberries will add piquancy to the dessert. For preservation you may need:

  • fresh cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • gooseberry juice – 150 g;
  • water – 100 g.

How to do:

  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds.
  2. Grind the cherries through a meat grinder or rub through a large sieve.
  3. Place the resulting mass in a bowl, add a glass of water, and cook for 30 minutes over high heat.
  4. Pour the gooseberry juice into a bowl, stir until it boils.
  5. Pour in sugar, stir and leave over low heat.
  6. Stir the future jam until it boils.
  7. When bubbles appear, leave on the stove for another 10 minutes.
  8. Pour the hot mixture into jars, seal with lids and leave to cool.

Sugar free jam

Fragrant, tasty and beautiful jam is perfect for baking or dry cookies. This sweetness reminds many of childhood and fun times at grandma’s house. To bring back nostalgic memories, you need to use a proven recipe. For preparation you will need:

  • fresh cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • soda – 1 tsp.

How to do:

  1. Be sure to wash the cherries, remove the stem and bones.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan or bowl and turn the heat on high.
  3. Bringing to a boil, stir the mixture.
  4. When bubbles start to appear, reduce heat and add baking soda. Leave the pan on low heat for 40 minutes.
  5. Stir the foam, pour in sugar, add lemon slices and add its juice.
  6. Cook the jam for another 40 minutes, stirring.
  7. Pour the hot sweetness into jars and close the lids.

Video: how to make cherry jam for the winter

Cherry confiture without pits will be a great addition to desserts, ice cream or pancakes. The confiture turns out very tasty, aromatic, quite thick, with pieces of berries. The taste of confiture can be varied by adding lemon juice, mint, cinnamon or other ingredients. I made it without any additives.


To prepare pitted cherry jam you will need:

1 kg cherries;

1 kg sugar.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 1300 ml of the finished product was obtained.

Cooking steps

Wash the berries and let the water drain.

Weigh 1 kg of pitted cherries, add sugar and leave for 1 hour until the berries release juice. Then, put on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Using a blender, puree the cherries directly in the pan. You don’t need to make a completely homogeneous puree; you should feel pieces of berries. Place the pan on low heat again and cook the confiture for another 40-45 minutes, remembering to stir. You don’t have to remove the foam; it will disappear on its own.

Pour the hot cherry confiture into sterilized jars, cover with boiled lids and put away for storage.

Cherry jam for the winter - recipes.

But, before you start preparing real, thick cherry jam for the winter, first I’ll give you a few tips on preparing the delicacy to get the most pleasure and benefit from it:

  • Use only enameled containers for making jam; cherries are a sour berry; they may oxidize in containers of a different quality.
  • Wash any containers for seaming (jars and lids) with soda and sterilize.
  • Make jam only from ripe berries. Cherries, just like sweet cherries, must ripen on the tree, only then will desserts have their incomparable taste.
  • It is advisable that the berries be picked with the stalks. They must be removed immediately before preparing jams.
Cherry jam is usually made by removing the pits from the berries. But you must admit that jam with seeds is always more aromatic and tastes better. Therefore, do not throw away the seeds, fill them with water, let them boil, and cook for a few minutes. Then drain the broth and use it instead of water in making cherry jam.

Cherry jam is a simple recipe without water.

This is the simplest and most familiar option for making jam, in cookbooks different years This is what is proposed. You can do it thick jam cherry, perfect for tea drinking, filling in baked goods. For example, you can make a cherry roll using this jam.

  • Cherry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
How to make cherry jam according to this recipe:
  1. First of all, prepare the berries for cooking: do the most monotonous and least favorite job - remove the seeds. It is clear that before this the cherries are sorted and all debris and stalks are removed.
  2. Place the berries in a bowl for cooking, bring to a boil, without adding sugar for the first time (however, you can add it, it doesn’t matter).
  3. Boil the berry for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Next, connect the blender to work and chop the cherries.
  4. Now proceed to the second cooking, but add sugar and let it dissolve thoroughly so that no grains remain. Stir, foam will appear - remove without sparing. Cook for another 20 minutes and set the bowl aside to cool.
  5. During the third approach, do not move away from the jam, it will already be quite thick and may burn. Boil to the desired consistency, remove and place in jars.
Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin.

The cherry berry does not thicken well when cooked; in order to achieve the desired consistency when cooking cherry jam at home, it always needs to be cooked for a very long time. But we don’t have time, and why waste time if there are excellent helpers - special thickeners. For example, gelatin.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Gelatin - 5 gr.
  • Water or seed decoction - 500 ml.
How to make cherry jam with gelatin:
  1. First of all, make a syrup - dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil.
  2. While you are preparing the syrup, add the gelatin to cold water, let it sit for a while to swell, and then add it to the hot syrup.
  3. Place the cherries there too. Cook over moderate heat so that the jam does not boil too much, remembering to remove the foam.
  4. How long does it take to cook jam? Here you can see for yourself. Once the jam has thickened to the desired consistency, remove. Let cool slightly and put into jars.

Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with strawberries.

As I already said, cherries have low gelling properties, and the berry is juicy, so making thick cherry jam at home is quite difficult. That's why you see other berries in many recipes - they will give a dense consistency to the delicacy. Many housewives use strawberries for this purpose; fortunately, these berries are found in season; the strawberries are not yet gone when the first cherry appears.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Strawberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Water - 0.3 - 0.5 liters. First, pour in a little and see, if it’s not enough, then add, but keep in mind (I remind you) that cherries are a juicy berry.
How to make thick cherry jam with strawberries:
  1. First, prepare the berries for working with it: remove the stalks and debris. Rinse the berries, and when the water has drained, remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Grind cherries and strawberries in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Place everything in a cooking bowl, add water and cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove the bowl and set aside until cool.
  4. Add sugar the next time you cook. Stir well and cook over moderate heat. Don’t forget to skim off the foam (children love it, so it won’t go to waste - it will be very tasty with a loaf of bread and tea).
  5. You will determine the cooking time yourself; you will understand that it is time to turn off the heat when the consistency of the jam becomes the required thickness.
  6. Let the jam cool a little, and in the meantime, prepare the jars for sealing - sterilize them. Spread out the treat and roll it up.

Cherry jam with chocolate.

Cherry jam prepared according to this recipe is similar to everyone’s favorite chocolate-covered cherries, only on the contrary - here the chocolate will be bathed in cherries. Intrigued? Then we move on to cooking. We will use zhelfix as a thickener, then the jam will be of the desired thickness.

To prepare this luxurious jam we will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800g.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelling sugar, gelfix - 1 package.
  • Coffee - prepare regular strong coffee in advance.
  • Chocolate - 40 gr.
  • Cinnamon - to taste (on the tip of a knife).
How to make cherry jam for the winter:
  1. Remove the pits from the cherries, squeeze the juice out of the orange, add sugar, vanillin, gelling sugar (what is this, if anyone doesn’t know, I wrote below) and mix everything well. Let it sit for two hours.
  2. Put it on the fire and when the sugar starts to dissolve, add 400 ml. brewed coffee. The type of coffee does not matter, but it must be strong.
  3. We break the chocolate into small pieces, and when our jam boils, we throw it in. And five minutes later, after the jam boils again, add cinnamon (on the tip of a knife). Cooking time is approximately 40 minutes.
Cherry jam with chocolate should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 months.

Among fruit and berry desserts prepared for the winter, jam occupies one of the places of honor. It has a delicate, homogeneous, but at the same time dense consistency. It's easy to spread on toast, buns, cake layers...

I suggest making thick cherry jam. Since cherries have low gelling properties, to make thick jam you need to add other berries, and if there are no berries, you can use gelatin, pectin or gelatin. I will make cherry jam with gelatin.

Let's prepare the products according to the list.

We sort the cherries, wash them and remove the pits. In the pan in which we will prepare the jam, add pitted cherries and grind them with a blender. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat.

Add sugar, stir, reduce heat and bring to a boil. Then cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, stirring, remembering to remove any foam that appears.

Pour water into the juice remaining after removing the pits from the cherries and bring to a volume of 100 ml. You can use water without adding juice. Pour in instant gelatin, heat (to a maximum of 60 degrees, do not boil) with constant stirring until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Remove the pan from the stove, pour in the dissolved gelatin and stir well.

Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and close with sterile lids. Turn the jam jars upside down for 10 minutes without covering them with anything, then return them to their original position. When the jam has cooled, put the jars in the refrigerator, basement or cellar. In a day or two the jam will thicken.

Fragrant and amazingly tasty thick cherry jam with gelatin is ready. Jam has rich color, pleasant sweet and sour taste. Cook with pleasure!